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DETAILSATTENDING THE SHOWWe want you to enjoy your time with UMS!PLEASE review the important information below about attending the Youth Performance:TICKETSTICKETS We do not use paper tickets forYouth Performances. We hold school reservationsat the door and seat groups upon arrival.ARRIVAL TIME Please arrive at the PowerCenter between 10:30-10:50 AM to allow youtime to get seated and comfortable before theshow starts.DROP OFF Have buses, vans, or cars dropoff students on Fletcher Street in front of thePower Center. If there is no space in the dropoff zone, circle the block until space becomesavailable. Cars may park at curbside meteredspots or in the visitor parking lot behind thepower Center. Buses should wait/park atBriarwood Mall.DOOR ENTRY A UMS Youth Performancestaff person will greet your group at your busas you unload. You will enter through thefront doors of the Power Center, which facesFletcher Street.USHERSEATING & USHERS When you arrive atthe front doors, tell the Head Usher at thedoor the name of your school group and he/she will have ushers escort you to your blockof seats. All UMS Youth Performance usherswear large, black laminated badges with theirnames in white letters.BEFORE THE START Please allow the usherto seat individuals in your group in the orderthat they arrive in the theater. Once everyoneis seated you may then rearrange yourselvesand escort students to the bathrooms beforethe performance starts. PLEASE spread theadults throughout the group of students.DURING THE PERFORMANCE At thestart of the performance, the lights welldim and an onstage UMS staff member willwelcome you to the performance and provideimportant logistical information. If you haveany questions, concerns, or complaints (forinstance, about your comfort or the behaviorof surrounding groups) please IMMEDIATELYreport the situation to an usher or staff memberin the lobby.PERFORMANCE LENGTH 60 minutes withno intermissionAFTER THE PERFORMANCE When theperformance ends, remain seated. A UMSstaff member will come to the stage andrelease each group individually based on thelocation of your seats.6 UMS 09-10

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