BEATTIE BIGHORN NEWS - PSD - Poudre School District

BEATTIE BIGHORN NEWS - PSD - Poudre School District

BEATTIE BIGHORN NEWS - PSD - Poudre School District


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Bear Lake (K)Ms. Marge Ballard<strong>BEATTIE</strong> STAFF FOR 2013-14*Unit Leader/<strong>School</strong> Improvement Team representative; names in bold are new to Beattie.Evergreen(1st)*Mrs. PattiLarkinCastle Rock (2nd) Silverton (3rd) Mesa Verde (4th) Longs Peak(5th)*Mrs. Jill CripeMrs. WendeBrook*Mrs. VanessaLucero*Mrs. NanceeCoddTiny Town(EarlyChildhood)Mrs. JoanneO’Leary*Mrs. Sue WagnerMrs. HeatherEasterling (half-day)ENCOREMrs. TriciaLatudaMrs. JessicaWolfe<strong>BIGHORN</strong>MOUNTAINMrs. Dana HilligPARA-PROFESSIONALS*Mrs. KimWilcoxMr. Charles PrattMr. TomHealyTBDOFFICE CUSTODIAL KITCHEN ITINERANT*Mrs. SusieMcCollum, Music(M, W, F)Miss BethShefcyk,CounselorMrs. CindyKaufman, BearLake*Mr. SamAldern, PrincipalMs. Mariah Bouck,Head CustodianMrs. DebStover,ManagerMrs. LynnetteCorbyn,Speech/lang.Ms. MichelleMueller, PE(T,W, Th)Mrs. Kimberly Noel,Art(M,T, Th, F)Mrs. Gayle Stringer,Beacon Program(G/T)Mrs. LauraSpotz,IntegratedServices*Mrs. KathyWagner,LiteracyMrs. JulieWoolner,LiteracyCoachMrs. MarileeMorley, IntegratedServices, LearningTogether*Mrs. DianaWeatherred,Instructional andnon-instructionalMrs. Sue Wisbon,MediaMrs. SabineDeVoe (OfficeManager)Miss DuffyFreeman(Secretary/Health Tech)Mr. Sam DiazNight CustodianCROSSINGGUARDMr. Frank VeroMrs. TheresaBruntz,Cook/CashierMr. KarlTrujillo,Cook/ServerMs. XaliSommers,PsychologistMrs. DonnaDetmar-Hanna, O/TMs. LaurieWertzbaugher- NurseMrs. Tricia Latuda – Evergreen TeacherI began my career in education as a kindergarten teacher nine years ago in Harrison <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Two inColorado Springs. I had just graduated with a BA in sociology and a minor in education from ColoradoCollege. I taught for three years at Wildflower Elementary before my husband and I moved to Ft. Collins. Forthe past six years, I have been at Rice Elementary in Wellington. I was fortunate to help open the school itsvery first year. While at Rice, I taught both kindergarten (one year) and second grade (five years). In August2010, I obtained my MAT in elementary education from Colorado College. Although my time at Rice wastruly wonderful, I am absolutely thrilled to begin my next teaching adventure at Beattie!My husband and I both grew up in Trinidad, Co. We were high school sweethearts who are now happilymarried with two of our own little darlings. Our beautiful daughter Reagan turned one in July. Our “big boy”Cole will be four in September. We are very family oriented and spend most of our free time doing thingswith our kids. My children both love to read, to go on walks, and of course, to PLAY! I enjoycooking/baking, reading, and taking naps whenever possible. I am so excited to be a Beattie Bighorn. I can’t wait to get to know your children! I am looking forward tohelping them become happy, healthy, successful learners.

Mr. Charles Pratt IV, Mesa Verde teacherI'm very excited to be a part of the Beattie community as I begin my journey as an educator!Originally from Arizona, I come to Ft. Collins after graduating with a B.A. in both Liberal Studies and Spanishfrom the University of Redlands in 2012. In addition, my educational background includes a Multiple SubjectsTeaching Credential acquired after completing the Credential Program at the University of Redlands <strong>School</strong> ofEducation, which included a very exciting semester student teaching in Moreno Valley, California.Throughout my life, I've been all about working with kids. This has come in many forms, from classroomvolunteering to youth sports coaching, and even as a kids' party entertainer! I come from a long line of teachersin my family, and am ecstatic to continue the legacy here at Beattie.My fiancée Samantha, a soon-to-be veterinary student, and I arrive from the Arizona desert very thrilled toexperience Ft. Collins. In addition to my educational background, I have an extensive background in the sportof soccer. I played at the collegiate and semi-professional levels, and was a part of SoccerShots andSoccerPlus, two of the country's premier soccer education programs for kids. I also enjoy racquetball, reading,creative writing, and spending time with our lazy cat, Cloudy. I can't wait to get to know you and your child,and help create a fun, collaborative environment. Mrs. Laura Spotz – Integrated Services teacherMy name is Laura Spotz and I am extremely excited to be the new Integrated Service teacher at BeattieElementary! I grew up the third of four children to two amazing Irish born Americans. My maiden name isMcGillicuddy and there are times I miss being called Ms. McGillicuddy by my students! My father served inthe US Air Force for 30 years and we moved a lot. We spent most of our time in England and North Dakotaand I graduated from the University of North Dakota with a BS in Elementary Education. I moved toColorado in 2002 to complete my student teaching and I fell in love with this beautiful state and have beenhere ever since. After teaching 3 rd grade in Englewood I met my husband and we moved to Fort Collins forhis job at the Harmony Golf Course in Timnath. In 2006 I decided it was time for me to pursue my passionand I went back to school to get my MA in Special Education. I worked in <strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> for 4 yearsand took the last two years off to be with my son. I am excited to be getting back into teaching! I have alwaysloved working with children and I am fascinated by how each individual child learns.My husband and I have our hands full with a spunky two-year old named Devin. He keeps us laughing and Ilove how having a toddler has shown me a new world. In my spare time I enjoy running and ran my first halfmarathon last September. I also love golfing with my husband and traveling as a family. I am excited to get toknow all of the students and families here at Beattie and I am looking forward to an amazing school year!Mrs. Jessica Wolfe- Evergreen TeacherI am thrilled to be joining the Beattie staff and community for the 2013-2014 school year!I was born and raised right here in Fort Collins and my family and I are so excited to have had the opportunityto move back home! I have been teaching for Aurora Public <strong>School</strong>s for the past six years- two years in fourthgrade and the past four years in Kindergarten. I am passionate about using whole brain teaching, music andmovement to help my students become engaged in what they are learning!My husband Martin and I have a one year old daughter named Everdeen who keeps us laughing and constantlyon our toes! In my spare time, you will find me enjoying my other passion of photography, where I love tocapture unique and special moments!

Mrs. Julie Woolner, Integrated Services Literacy CoachMy name is Julie Woolner and I have been a special educator in <strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> for the past 16 years. Iearned my Bachelor of Arts in English with a secondary endorsement in Language Arts from Colorado StateUniversity in 1988 and my Master’s Degree in Special Education from the University of Northern Colorado in1996. I taught in the Moderate Cognitive Needs program at Putnam Elementary for five years and after amaternity leave, I taught in the Multi-Categorical Program at Laurel Elementary for 10 years. Reading hasalways been a special passion for me so I have searched out many opportunities to improve my readinginstruction for children with and without disabilities. I am trained in a variety of programs and have beeninvolved in several literacy cohorts including one where I received one-on-one coaching the instructor.Personally, I am married with two children. My husband, Kurt, is currently the Media Specialist at BennettElementary. My daughter, Elizabeth, will be attending Fossil Ridge High school this year as a ninth graderand my son, Thomas, will be attending Preston Middle <strong>School</strong> as a sixth grader. In my free time I enjoyreading, playing tennis, hiking, and spending time with my family.I am excited to be joining your staff as an Integrated Services Literacy Coach!

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