Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 86 -This shows that if a building is well designed and constructed, even if embodied energy isrelatively high, maintenance impacts will be much lower over time which decreases theoverall life cycle impact.6.5.4 Comparison Between Landfilling and MaterialReutilisationThe results show a variation in end-of-life impact between landfilling (creating carbonstorage) and material reutilisation (combusting wood for energy recovery, and recyclingstructural concrete and steel). These results showed that the reutilisation scenario resulted in areduction in total energy consumption in all buildings of 0.5% (Concrete) to 4% (TimberPlus)when compared with the landfill scenario. The reutilisation scenario also showed similarbenefits for GWP for the concrete and steel buildings, with 0.2% (Concrete) and 5% (Steel)reductions respectively. Conversely, in this scenario, the Timber and TimberPlus buildingsshowed an increase in total GWP of 0.5 and 1% respectively, when compared with the landfillscenario.The GWP of the Steel and Concrete buildings decreased in the reutilisation scenario due toavoidance of production of primary materials (aggregate and primary steel). In the Timberand TimberPlus buildings, landfilling showed a carbon storage benefit, while combusting thewood for energy displaced the use of fossil fuels. Overall the GWP results for Timber andTimberPlus buildings in the two scenarios showed a slight favour to landfilling, though theresults are so similar that no real conclusion can be made other than that both options result ina negative end of life GWP figure, which reduces the total life cycle GWP.Material reutilisation enabled a recovery of energy for all building types. Reutilisationrecovered a proportion of the embodied energy of the wood that would otherwise be wasted ifthe wood was landfilled. Therefore the buildings with the largest energy recoveries were theTimberPlus and Timber buildings, as these buildings were composed largely from renewablewooden materials that could be combusted for energy recovery. The Steel building also had areduction in energy use when the structural steel was recycled, as production of primary steelis avoided.Recycling the steel and concrete in the reutilisation scenario would be more beneficial thansimply landfilling these materials because this displaces the need to use new primarymaterials – in the case of steel these materials have a high initial embodied energy and GWP.For the Concrete building the differences are not as pronounced, however there are still slightGWP and energy reductions as a result of material reutilisation.In summary, reutilisation shows clear benefits for the Steel building. The Concrete buildinghas energy and GWP benefits from reutilisation, though they are small enough to be affectedby changes in transport distances. Both scenarios result in end of life GWP reductions for theTimber and TimberPlus buildings. However, the reutilisation scenario shows the additionalbenefit of energy recovery and displacement of fossil fuels.The comparison between the two end-of-life scenarios shows that conclusions based on asingle indicator could lead to unintended outcomes. Using the TimberPlus building as anexample, the results of the landfilling scenario would be slightly better in terms of climatechange. However, looking at the energy results alongside the global warming potential

- 87 -results, the reutilisation scenario shows an energy reutilisation benefit, as well as still beingbeneficial to climate change. Therefore, the use of multiple indicators is necessary to informenvironmental decision-making processes.6.5.5 Transport Distances Sensitivity TestThe analysis of different transport distances has shown that the contribution of transport to thetotal life cycle is not significant. Differences between the short and long distance scenarioswere minimal.6.5.6 Green Star assessmentThere are clear differences in the results based on the Green Star assessment and the LCA.The results of both tools were not consistent and it became obvious that the recycling contentof steel and concrete drive the material related results. The reutilisation scenario in the LCAstudy has shown that there are environmental benefits related to the energy use of postconsumertimber. These environmental benefits can not be recognised in the Green Starassessment tool. The LCA reutilisation scenario has also shown that the recycling benefits forsteel are more significant than the benefits for recycling concrete, whereas Green Star offers amaximum of 3 points for recycled concrete and only 2 points for recycled steel and the use ofsustainable timber respectively.The different cut off rules for steel and concrete (i.e. 1 %) and timber (0.1 %) also distort theresults. The amount of steel for example is less than 1 % in the Concrete, Timber andTimberPlus buildings. The questions relating to steel are therefore not applicable in thosebuilding types.However, concrete and timber have to be accounted for in every building type respectively.The credits for recycled concrete and FSC certified timber lead then to the result that the Steelbuilding comes out best in the recycling scenario, which awards points for recycled concreteand sustainable timber in addition to the points for recycled steel.On the other hand, the proportion of steel is less than 1 % in the Concrete and Timberbuildings, and consequently no credits are awarded for steel because the “Not applicable”option applies. Therefore, those buildings gain less points in total.It was also not possible to take the total amount of timber into account. Whereas the LCA hasshown clear differences between the Timber and the TimberPlus building, both have the sameresults in the Green Star assessment.The higher weighting of energy (25 %) than materials (10 %) for the single score of the GreenStar rating can be described as being consistent with the LCA study which has shown that theoperational energy consumption (as compared to the embodied energy of materials)dominates the results over the whole life cycle.

- 86 -This shows that if a building is well designed and constructed, even if embodied energy isrelatively high, maintenance impacts will be much lower over time which decreases theoverall life cycle impact.6.5.4 Comparison Between Landfilling and MaterialReutilisationThe results show a variation in end-<strong>of</strong>-life impact between landfilling (creating carbonstorage) and material reutilisation (combusting wood for energy recovery, and recyclingstructural concrete and steel). These results showed that the reutilisation scenario resulted in areduction in total energy consumption in all buildings <strong>of</strong> 0.5% (Concrete) to 4% (TimberPlus)when compared with the landfill scenario. The reutilisation scenario also showed similarbenefits for GWP for the concrete and steel buildings, with 0.2% (Concrete) and 5% (Steel)reductions respectively. Conversely, in this scenario, the Timber and TimberPlus buildingsshowed an increase in total GWP <strong>of</strong> 0.5 and 1% respectively, when compared with the landfillscenario.The GWP <strong>of</strong> the Steel and Concrete buildings decreased in the reutilisation scenario due toavoidance <strong>of</strong> production <strong>of</strong> primary materials (aggregate and primary steel). In the Timberand TimberPlus buildings, landfilling showed a carbon storage benefit, while combusting thewood for energy displaced the use <strong>of</strong> fossil fuels. Overall the GWP results for Timber andTimberPlus buildings in the two scenarios showed a slight favour to landfilling, though theresults are so similar that no real conclusion can be made other than that both options result ina negative end <strong>of</strong> life GWP figure, which reduces the total life cycle GWP.Material reutilisation enabled a recovery <strong>of</strong> energy for all building types. Reutilisationrecovered a proportion <strong>of</strong> the embodied energy <strong>of</strong> the wood that would otherwise be wasted ifthe wood was landfilled. Therefore the buildings with the largest energy recoveries were theTimberPlus and Timber buildings, as these buildings were composed largely from renewablewooden materials that could be combusted for energy recovery. The Steel building also had areduction in energy use when the structural steel was recycled, as production <strong>of</strong> primary steelis avoided.Recycling the steel and concrete in the reutilisation scenario would be more beneficial thansimply landfilling these materials because this displaces the need to use new primarymaterials – in the case <strong>of</strong> steel these materials have a high initial embodied energy and GWP.For the Concrete building the differences are not as pronounced, however there are still slightGWP and energy reductions as a result <strong>of</strong> material reutilisation.In summary, reutilisation shows clear benefits for the Steel building. The Concrete buildinghas energy and GWP benefits from reutilisation, though they are small enough to be affectedby changes in transport distances. Both scenarios result in end <strong>of</strong> life GWP reductions for theTimber and TimberPlus buildings. However, the reutilisation scenario shows the additionalbenefit <strong>of</strong> energy recovery and displacement <strong>of</strong> fossil fuels.The comparison between the two end-<strong>of</strong>-life scenarios shows that conclusions based on asingle indicator could lead to unintended outcomes. <strong>Using</strong> the TimberPlus building as anexample, the results <strong>of</strong> the landfilling scenario would be slightly better in terms <strong>of</strong> climatechange. However, looking at the energy results alongside the global warming potential

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