Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 56 -The life cycle inventory data used in this study is from two key sources:The data for most building materials is based on a new dataset that has been developed as partof the project “Life Cycle Assessment: Adopting and adapting overseas LCA data andmethodologies for building materials in New Zealand” by Nebel et al. (2009). In this projectEuropean-based industry data was combined with New Zealand specific data, compiled andcalculated by Alcorn (1995, 1998, 2003) at the Centre for Building Performance Research atVictoria University.Data for materials that are not included in this dataset are based on data that is part of a LCAsoftware package (GaBi 4.3) and is based on European industry data. The data has beenamended and checked for consistency with literature data (GaBi 2006) and is compliant withthe ISO Standards 14040 and 14044. The documentation of the data describes the productionprocess, applied boundary conditions, allocation rules etc. for each product. The data coversresource extraction, transport, and processing, i.e., “cradle to gate”. Included are materialinputs, energy inputs, transport, outputs and as well as the emissions related to energy use andproduction. Capital equipment is excluded 3 .A New Zealand specific dataset for the provision of electricity is provided in the GaBidatabase, based on the average GridMix of 2004. Intended Audience and Application of the ResultsThe study was undertaken for the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry. It is anticipated thatthe results will be used to inform policy making. The results can also be used to demonstratethe benefits of a life cycle approach when comparing different building designs. Impact Assessment MethodologiesPrimary energy, as an indicator for resource consumption, and Greenhouse gas emissions(global warming potential), as one of the most important environmental impacts, have beenconsidered. Primary EnergyPrimary energy is energy contained in raw fuels and any other forms of energy that has notbeen subjected to any conversion or transformation process. Primary energies are transformedin energy conversion processes to more convenient forms of energy, such as electrical energyand cleaner fuels. The transformation includes losses that occur in the generation,transmission, and distribution of energy. For example, the provision of 1 MJ of electricityfrom natural gas requires 2.6 MJ of primary energy (GaBi 4.3). Primary energy consumptionfor “cradle to gate” or “cradle to site” is often referred to as “embodied energy”.Embodied energy is the energy consumed by all processes from extraction of raw materialsthrough to the production of a product. The definition of the system boundaries vary fordifferent assessments and sometimes include the delivery to the building site, energyrequirements for installation, and transport of workers to the site (“cradle to site”). However,data for these processes is often hard to quantify. Published figures for embodied energy aretherefore often based on a “cradle to gate” concept.3 Capital equipment does not need to be included in LCA studies of construction materials (Frischknecht et al.2007).

- 57 -For more information see:http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/yourhome/technical/fs52.htmEmbodied energy usually includes energy from fossil fuels as well as energy from renewablefuels, based on the assumption that there is a limit on how much renewable energy can beharnessed. The supply of electricity from hydro or wind is for example restricted and shouldtherefore also be used efficiently in order to replace as much fossil fuels as possible. In orderto address this issue only harnessed renewable energy should be considered, e.g. electricitygenerated from hydro energy, or thermal energy from combustion of biomass. In this case, forexample, the calorific value of biomass is included. Harnessed renewable energy is differentfrom energy that is captured within a product, but not used for energy production, for examplethe solar energy required for the photosynthesis to grow timber.In currently available commercial databases, including the widely used Ecoinvent database aswell as the GaBi database non-harnessed solar energy for photosynthesis is also included.This is done to keep the energy balance intact because a calorific value is assigned to alltimber products. This means there is an output of energy (calorific value of timber) andtherefore an equivalent input of energy, i.e. solar, is required. However, this can be seen asdistorting the overall use of renewable energy, because the solar energy for timber productioncan not be utilised in any other way. In the LCA data for building materials in New Zealand(Nebel et al. 2009) non-harnessed energy has therefore been excluded. However, as the NZdata does not cover all materials, it needs also to be consistent with available databases inorder to be able to mix NZ with data from those to provide a full range of materials and thisoption has therefore been provided too. Not all materials used in the four buildings analysedin this report are available in the new New Zealand dataset, e.g. NZ specific LVL andWestern Red Cedar data are not available and the data had therefore to be sourced from theGaBi database.For the purpose of this project a sensitivity analysis has been done that compares the analysisof renewable plus non-renewable as well as only non-renewable embodied energy. For thetimber products used from the GaBi database the solar contribution has been subtractedmanually for the key timber products for this comparison, using the calorific value of theproducts. The results are indicative – because wood fibres are for example used in fibrecement and it was not possible to determine the accurate amount of all timber used in allprocesses. The results are shown in Figure 6.2 and indicate that the conclusions drawn fromjust the non-renewable proportion of the embodied energy are valid for the total embodiedenergy use (the results for the non-renewable energy follow an almost identical trend to thenon-renewable & renewable energy combined). Therefore, the primary energy figures in thisreport will refer to the non-renewable proportion of primary energy only.

- 56 -The life cycle inventory data used in this study is from two key sources:The data for most building materials is based on a new dataset that has been developed as part<strong>of</strong> the project “Life Cycle Assessment: Adopting and adapting overseas LCA data andmethodologies for building materials in New Zealand” by Nebel et al. (2009). In this projectEuropean-based industry data was combined with New Zealand specific data, compiled andcalculated by Alcorn (1995, 1998, 2003) at the Centre for Building Performance Research atVictoria University.Data for materials that are not included in this dataset are based on data that is part <strong>of</strong> a LCAs<strong>of</strong>tware package (GaBi 4.3) and is based on European industry data. The data has beenamended and checked for consistency with literature data (GaBi 2006) and is compliant withthe ISO Standards 14040 and 14044. The documentation <strong>of</strong> the data describes the productionprocess, applied boundary conditions, allocation rules etc. for each product. The data coversresource extraction, transport, and processing, i.e., “cradle to gate”. Included are materialinputs, energy inputs, transport, outputs and as well as the emissions related to energy use andproduction. Capital equipment is excluded 3 .A New Zealand specific dataset for the provision <strong>of</strong> electricity is provided in the GaBidatabase, based on the average GridMix <strong>of</strong> 2004. Intended Audience and Application <strong>of</strong> the ResultsThe study was undertaken for the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry. It is anticipated thatthe results will be used to inform policy making. The results can also be used to demonstratethe benefits <strong>of</strong> a life cycle approach when comparing different building designs. Impact Assessment MethodologiesPrimary energy, as an indicator for resource consumption, and Greenhouse gas emissions(global warming potential), as one <strong>of</strong> the most important environmental impacts, have beenconsidered. Primary EnergyPrimary energy is energy contained in raw fuels and any other forms <strong>of</strong> energy that has notbeen subjected to any conversion or transformation process. Primary energies are transformedin energy conversion processes to more convenient forms <strong>of</strong> energy, such as electrical energyand cleaner fuels. The transformation includes losses that occur in the generation,transmission, and distribution <strong>of</strong> energy. For example, the provision <strong>of</strong> 1 MJ <strong>of</strong> electricityfrom natural gas requires 2.6 MJ <strong>of</strong> primary energy (GaBi 4.3). Primary energy consumptionfor “cradle to gate” or “cradle to site” is <strong>of</strong>ten referred to as “embodied energy”.Embodied energy is the energy consumed by all processes from extraction <strong>of</strong> raw materialsthrough to the production <strong>of</strong> a product. The definition <strong>of</strong> the system boundaries vary fordifferent assessments and sometimes include the delivery to the building site, energyrequirements for installation, and transport <strong>of</strong> workers to the site (“cradle to site”). However,data for these processes is <strong>of</strong>ten hard to quantify. Published figures for embodied energy aretherefore <strong>of</strong>ten based on a “cradle to gate” concept.3 Capital equipment does not need to be included in LCA studies <strong>of</strong> construction materials (Frischknecht et al.2007).

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