Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 54 -6.3 Life Cycle Assessment of the Four Building Designs6.3.1 GoalThe goal of this study is to calculate the environmental impacts (energy consumption andGlobal Warming Potential) of four alternative designs of a theoretical office building locatedon the University of Canterbury campus.The four designs are composed of three different structural materials; Concrete, Steel andTimber. In addition a variant called TimberPlus has been examined, in which the use of woodhas been maximised to the highest practical level.The study includes the initial production of the required materials to construct the building, amaintenance schedule where some building materials are replaced over the lifetime of thebuilding, impacts related to the operational energy, and the end-of-life of the four buildings.In addition to the overall goal, scenario analysis and sensitivity tests were carried out. Thescenario analysis examined different end-of-life scenarios, as well as the impact of differentlocations of the buildings with regard to changes in transport distances.The end-of-life scenarios include a base scenario where all waste is landfilled compared witha scenario in which the building materials are reused. This includes combustion of all woodmaterials and recycling of structural concrete and steel. Scenarios for transport distances lookat the location of the building in Christchurch (base scenario), Wellington, and Auckland.The end-of-life and transport scenarios are described in more detail in sections and6.3.3.4.Finally, the results of the study are analysed and compared with an assessment of thebuildings using the current Green Star NZ assessment tool introduced by the New ZealandGreen Building Council (NZGBC). Green Star NZ is an environmental rating system forbuildings. Green Star for office buildings was released in April 2007 and evaluates buildingprojects against eight environmental impact categories, plus innovation. The goal of thisanalysis is to show how the same commercial building would rate using Green Star comparedto a life cycle based approach, as it is applied in Life Cycle Assessment.6.3.2 ScopeThe scope of the study includes a clear description of the system under analysis, thefunctional unit, system boundaries and data quality as well as the intended audience andapplication of the results. Functional UnitThe results of the study are related to an office building with gross area 4,247 m 2 on sixfloors, located in Christchurch and used over a period of 60 years. Four designs of thebuilding have been considered.

- 55 - System BoundariesThe system boundaries applied in this study were “cradle to grave”, which means that allimpacts of manufacturing the building products, their transport, the use phase of the building,and the disposal of the product after its useful life were considered. Upstream processes suchas the production of diesel used in transport as well as the emissions of the truck have beentaken into account, including all related environmental impacts. This also applies to theprovision of natural gas for heating and electricity.The actual construction and demolition of the building are not taken into account because theyare considered to be negligible (Kellenberger and Althaus, 2008).The results of the study are shown for the following stages of the life cycle:• production of building materials• transport to building siteo base scenario: building located in Christchurcho alternative scenarios: Wellington and Auckland• use of building over 60 yearso maintenanceo electricity for lighting, heating, appliances and coolingo natural gas for heating and hot water• transport of demolition materials to landfill or recycling• end-of-lifeo base scenario: landfill• including operation of landfill, e.g. bulldozers to shift material onlandfill.• carbon storage (sequestration) of timber, taking into account somedecay and release of carbon in form of carbon dioxide or methane.o reutilisation scenario – combustion of all timber in cogeneration to produceheat and electricity which displace electricity from the NZ grid and heat fromnatural gas as well as recycling of all structural concrete and steel.All stages of the life cycle as well as the scenarios are described in detail in the inventoryanalysis. Data QualityTwo aspects with regard to data quality need to be considered:• input – output data, i.e. quantities of materials used and transport distances• life cycle inventory data, i.e. emissions and energy required for the production of thematerials or generation of electricityThe data quality for both aspects of this research report can be described as high quality data.The input-output data is based on calculations - because the study has been undertaken forfour theoretical buildings, the material consumption could not be measured on site.

- 55 - System BoundariesThe system boundaries applied in this study were “cradle to grave”, which means that allimpacts <strong>of</strong> manufacturing the building products, their transport, the use phase <strong>of</strong> the building,and the disposal <strong>of</strong> the product after its useful life were considered. Upstream processes suchas the production <strong>of</strong> diesel used in transport as well as the emissions <strong>of</strong> the truck have beentaken into account, including all related environmental impacts. This also applies to theprovision <strong>of</strong> natural gas for heating and electricity.The actual construction and demolition <strong>of</strong> the building are not taken into account because theyare considered to be negligible (Kellenberger and Althaus, 2008).The results <strong>of</strong> the study are shown for the following stages <strong>of</strong> the life cycle:• production <strong>of</strong> building materials• transport to building siteo base scenario: building located in Christchurcho alternative scenarios: Wellington and Auckland• use <strong>of</strong> building over 60 yearso maintenanceo electricity for lighting, heating, appliances and coolingo natural gas for heating and hot water• transport <strong>of</strong> demolition materials to landfill or recycling• end-<strong>of</strong>-lifeo base scenario: landfill• including operation <strong>of</strong> landfill, e.g. bulldozers to shift material onlandfill.• carbon storage (sequestration) <strong>of</strong> timber, taking into account somedecay and release <strong>of</strong> carbon in form <strong>of</strong> carbon dioxide or methane.o reutilisation scenario – combustion <strong>of</strong> all timber in cogeneration to produceheat and electricity which displace electricity from the NZ grid and heat fromnatural gas as well as recycling <strong>of</strong> all structural concrete and steel.All stages <strong>of</strong> the life cycle as well as the scenarios are described in detail in the inventoryanalysis. Data QualityTwo aspects with regard to data quality need to be considered:• input – output data, i.e. quantities <strong>of</strong> materials used and transport distances• life cycle inventory data, i.e. emissions and energy required for the production <strong>of</strong> thematerials or generation <strong>of</strong> electricityThe data quality for both aspects <strong>of</strong> this research report can be described as high quality data.The input-output data is based on calculations - because the study has been undertaken forfour theoretical buildings, the material consumption could not be measured on site.

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