Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 22 -University of Sassari and the Technical University of Milan, in Italy, and other overseasuniversities and research establishments as appropriate.3.5.2 VisionThe central focussing question which has driven the formation of STIC is;How can New Zealand create new markets both nationally and internationally forinnovative timber building systems, which will allow cost-effective construction ofattractive, flexible and durable buildings, with reduced construction time and much lowerenvironmental impacts than traditional construction ?STIC is driving the development of innovative large-span timber buildings for a wide range ofuses in New Zealand, Australia and other export markets. Primary applications includecommercial, educational, industrial, recreational and residential buildings.These buildings will have their main structural members manufactured from high qualityengineered timber components including Glulam and LVL (laminated veneer lumber). Thebuildings will be from single storey to six storeys or more.Compared with buildings from traditional materials, these new buildings will be:• More attractive and more desirable places to live and work.• Lower in weight, with easier transportation of components and less expensivefoundations.• Less expensive to construct through good design and extensive prefabrication.• Easier to heat and cool with better acoustic performance.• More resistant to major earthquakes and extreme weather events.• Safer in fire and other emergencies.• Less energy-intensive in the manufacture of materials and life-time use, resulting in lowerCO 2 emissions, helping to meet government’s objectives of carbon neutrality.• Less wasteful of materials, with lower environmental emissions during construction andre-use. STIC ObjectivesThe Structural Timber Innovation Company (STIC) has created a step change in NewZealand’s wood manufacturing and construction industries. It is enhancing the internationalcompetitiveness of the wood manufacturing sector and developing innovative solutions forconstruction of timber buildings world-wide.STIC targets sustainable construction, developing new building solutions which greatlyreduce environmental impacts. It is developing a wide range of new, high-value structuralproducts, and is adding value to lower grade wood products that are part of the totalconstruction package.STIC is developing, commercialising and facilitating new structural timber solutions for NewZealand and Australia followed by the United States and other export markets. Developmenthas started with large-span, single-storey buildings, moving on to two to six storey open plan

- 23 -buildings for low seismic areas, then similar or taller buildings for high seismic or high windareas.STIC is producing comprehensive design guides for designers, regulators, manufacturers andbuilders. Delivery of the new building systems is supported by strong relationships withfabricators and construction companies in local and international markets. Buildings areconstructed from prefabricated components, including beams, columns, frames, floors, walls,partitions and cladding panels, manufactured from sawn timber, glue laminated timber(Glulam), laminated veneer lumber (LVL), and wood-based panel products.3.5.5 Scope of Research and DevelopmentThe scope of the STIC project is very large. Some of the major points are:• The new form of building construction uses large prefabricated timber building elements inarrangements only previously built with concrete or steel.• This is leading to an innovative change in the New Zealand construction industry, which istraditionally a cautious and conservative industry.• Large scale prefabricated and post-tensioned timber construction mirror recentdevelopments in reinforced concrete construction.• The new construction is possible because Glulam (glued laminated timber) and LVL(laminated veneer lumber) have changed radiata pine from a commodity to an engineeringmaterial.• Design guides, software and other support tools are an essential part of the programme.• A provisional patent has been sought for several aspects of this new construction system.• Overseas help will be needed to develop export markets.• This new form of construction provides a sustainable building option which will make amajor contribution to meeting the New Zealand government’s objective of carbonneutrality.• A wide range of topics is being addressed, including structural engineering, architecture,sustainability, construction and cost, fire safety, acoustic performance, and durability.• The modular system concept for large prefabricated timber buildings will result in a newtimber fabrication industry, manufacturing new building products for domestic and exportmarkets.Medium term goal - multi-storey commercial and residential buildings

- 23 -buildings for low seismic areas, then similar or taller buildings for high seismic or high windareas.STIC is producing comprehensive design guides for designers, regulators, manufacturers andbuilders. Delivery <strong>of</strong> the new building systems is supported by strong relationships withfabricators and construction companies in local and international markets. <strong>Buildings</strong> areconstructed from prefabricated components, including beams, columns, frames, floors, walls,partitions and cladding panels, manufactured from sawn timber, glue laminated timber(Glulam), laminated veneer lumber (LVL), and wood-based panel products.3.5.5 Scope <strong>of</strong> Research and DevelopmentThe scope <strong>of</strong> the STIC project is very large. Some <strong>of</strong> the major points are:• The new form <strong>of</strong> building construction uses large prefabricated timber building elements inarrangements only previously built with concrete or steel.• This is leading to an innovative change in the New Zealand construction industry, which istraditionally a cautious and conservative industry.• Large scale prefabricated and post-tensioned timber construction mirror recentdevelopments in reinforced concrete construction.• The new construction is possible because Glulam (glued laminated timber) and LVL(laminated veneer lumber) have changed radiata pine from a commodity to an engineeringmaterial.• Design guides, s<strong>of</strong>tware and other support tools are an essential part <strong>of</strong> the programme.• A provisional patent has been sought for several aspects <strong>of</strong> this new construction system.• Overseas help will be needed to develop export markets.• This new form <strong>of</strong> construction provides a sustainable building option which will make amajor contribution to meeting the New Zealand government’s objective <strong>of</strong> carbonneutrality.• A wide range <strong>of</strong> topics is being addressed, including structural engineering, architecture,sustainability, construction and cost, fire safety, acoustic performance, and durability.• The modular system concept for large prefabricated timber buildings will result in a newtimber fabrication industry, manufacturing new building products for domestic and exportmarkets.Medium term goal - multi-storey commercial and residential buildings

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