Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


Timber Plus ProjectGreen Star Rating Scheme.The New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) have recently implemented a rating scheme for officebuildings based largely on an existing Green Star rating scheme already successful in Australia. This schemeassesses new office buildings on areas which impact the natural environment and awards stars for areas ofachievement.The areas assessed by the NZGBC Greenstar Office Rating scheme are many and diverse, from the locationof the building in relation to public transport facilities to the energy use of the building. The areas that relate totimber use within the building are more limited however and are as follows¹:-Ref. Title Aim of Credit Credit Criteria Summary PointsAvailableIEQ-13 VolatileOrganicCompoundsIEQ-14MAT-8FormaldehydeMinimisationSustainableTimberTo encourage andrecognise projectsthat reduce thedetrimentalimpact onoccupant healthfrom finishesemitting internalair pollutantsTo encourage andrecognise projectsthat reduce theuse offormaldehydecomposite woodproducts in orderto promote ahealthy indoorenvironment.To encourage andrecognise thespecification of reusedtimberproducts or timberthat has beensourced fromcertifiedenvironmentallyresponsible forestmanagementschemes.Up to three points are awarded where it isdemonstrated that various finishes meet thebenchmarks for low Volatile Organic Compound(VOC) content. One point is achieved for eachcriterion below that is achieved:95% of all painted surfaces are low-VOC paintsOR no paint is used;All carpets are low-VOC OR no carpet is installed;and/orAll adhesives and sealants are low VOC OR noadhesives/sealants are used.One point is awarded where it is demonstratedthat:All composite wood product is low emissionformaldehyde; ORNo composite wood product used.Two points are awarded where it is demonstratedthat all timber and composite timber productsused in the building and construction works arerequired to be sourced from either a combinationof the following:Post-consumer recycled timber; orForest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber.Locally sourced timber should be used unlessthere are demonstrable benefits from importing. Ifthe material cost of timber represents less than0.1% of the project’s total contract value then thiscredit is “Not Applicable”.312Page 4 of 21 May 2008

Timber Plus ProjectRef. Title Aim of Credit Credit Criteria Summary PointsAvailableMat-12 Non-carpetfloorcoveringsTo encourage andrecognise theselection of floorcoverings that areindependentlyverified to beenvironmentallypreferable.One point is awarded where it can bedemonstrated that 90% or more of the non-carpetfloor coverings (i.e. parquet, wooden planks,laminate and linoleum) used are independentlycertified as having lower environmental impactthan non-carpet floor coverings, as verifiedthrough a materials certification body recognisedby the NZGBC (e.g. NZ Environmental Choice).1Inn-1InnovativeStrategiesandTechnologiesTo recognise thespread ofinnovativeinitiatives forcommercialbuildingapplications thatimprove adevelopment’senvironmentalimpact.If carpets are not part of the project’scontract/lease then this credit is “Not Applicable”.Up to 5 innovation points are awarded at thediscretion of the NZGBC Technical Review Group,where it is demonstrated that an innovativestrategy or technology has a significantenvironmental benefit. The application will beassessed by the NZGBC against the followingcriteria:Does the application have systematic,investigative and experimental activities as part ofthe innovation? ORHigh levels of technical risk associated with it, forthe purposes of acquiring new knowledge(whether or not for a specific technical purpose) orcreating a new or improved material, products,devices, processes or services? ANDWhat is the environmental benefit of theinnovation?More than one innovation can be submitted,however the maximum points available for anyone building assessment under the Innovationcategory is five in total.5Total points achievable through wise use of timber 12It can be seen from the above table that the Timber Plus building has the opportunity to earn 7 points as adirect result of the correct use of timber. A further award of a maximum of 5 points is potentially available dueto the innovative and experimental nature of the timber structure. A 5 star NZ excellence rating requires aminimum of 60 points and a 6 star world excellence rating 75 points.It is possible to gain one additional point through the sensitive selection of the surface finishing treatments(paints or stains). Mat-10 requires a minimum of 95% of these coatings to be low VOC ratings throughout thewhole project – not just timber finishes. It is important that this potential is not compromised by therecommendations of this report, therefore we have recommended low VOC coatings wherever it is practicable,not only in the interior.Note 1:Note 2:Intumescent coatings may be required as instructed by a Fire Engineer. These coatings arenot yet available in low VOC formulae and this may render the achievement of the MAT-10credit impossible.There is currently no allowance made in the Greenstar rating scheme for stains or clearfinishes. It is our understanding that the imminent update to the rating tool will approvestains and clear finishes that meet the requirements of the Enironmental Choice labellingscheme. Wherever we have specified clear finishes and stains these have met theserequirements as far as possible.Page 5 of 21 May 2008

Timber Plus ProjectRef. Title Aim <strong>of</strong> Credit Credit Criteria Summary PointsAvailableMat-12 Non-carpetfloorcoveringsTo encourage andrecognise theselection <strong>of</strong> floorcoverings that areindependentlyverified to beenvironmentallypreferable.One point is awarded where it can bedemonstrated that 90% or more <strong>of</strong> the non-carpetfloor coverings (i.e. parquet, wooden planks,laminate and linoleum) used are independentlycertified as having lower environmental impactthan non-carpet floor coverings, as verifiedthrough a materials certification body recognisedby the NZGBC (e.g. NZ <strong>Environmental</strong> Choice).1Inn-1InnovativeStrategiesandTechnologiesTo recognise thespread <strong>of</strong>innovativeinitiatives forcommercialbuildingapplications thatimprove adevelopment’senvironmentalimpact.If carpets are not part <strong>of</strong> the project’scontract/lease then this credit is “Not Applicable”.Up to 5 innovation points are awarded at thediscretion <strong>of</strong> the NZGBC Technical Review Group,where it is demonstrated that an innovativestrategy or technology has a significantenvironmental benefit. The application will beassessed by the NZGBC against the followingcriteria:Does the application have systematic,investigative and experimental activities as part <strong>of</strong>the innovation? ORHigh levels <strong>of</strong> technical risk associated with it, forthe purposes <strong>of</strong> acquiring new knowledge(whether or not for a specific technical purpose) orcreating a new or improved material, products,devices, processes or services? ANDWhat is the environmental benefit <strong>of</strong> theinnovation?More than one innovation can be submitted,however the maximum points available for anyone building assessment under the Innovationcategory is five in total.5Total points achievable through wise use <strong>of</strong> timber 12It can be seen from the above table that the Timber Plus building has the opportunity to earn 7 points as adirect result <strong>of</strong> the correct use <strong>of</strong> timber. A further award <strong>of</strong> a maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 points is potentially available dueto the innovative and experimental nature <strong>of</strong> the timber structure. A 5 star NZ excellence rating requires aminimum <strong>of</strong> 60 points and a 6 star world excellence rating 75 points.It is possible to gain one additional point through the sensitive selection <strong>of</strong> the surface finishing treatments(paints or stains). Mat-10 requires a minimum <strong>of</strong> 95% <strong>of</strong> these coatings to be low VOC ratings throughout thewhole project – not just timber finishes. It is important that this potential is not compromised by therecommendations <strong>of</strong> this report, therefore we have recommended low VOC coatings wherever it is practicable,not only in the interior.Note 1:Note 2:Intumescent coatings may be required as instructed by a Fire Engineer. These coatings arenot yet available in low VOC formulae and this may render the achievement <strong>of</strong> the MAT-10credit impossible.There is currently no allowance made in the Greenstar rating scheme for stains or clearfinishes. It is our understanding that the imminent update to the rating tool will approvestains and clear finishes that meet the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Enironmental Choice labellingscheme. Wherever we have specified clear finishes and stains these have met theserequirements as far as possible.Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 21 May 2008

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