Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 144 -T I M B E R P L U S B U I L D I N Gm m2 workings m3 density tonnesFoundationsC Beam Foundations 69 1.2 x 0.6 49.6837 1.5 x 1.4 77.70 127.38 2.31 294.25R/S Beam Foundations 6937 106 0.046 4.88C Raft Foundations 58 0.3 17.4017 0.3 5.10 22.50 2.31 51.98R/S Raft Foundations 5817 75 0.04 3.00C Foundation Pads 6 0.3 x 0.2 0.11 2.31 0.25R/S Foundation Pads 6 0.3 x 0.2 0.11 0.05 0.01Ground Floor SlabsC Ground Floor Slabs 72 0.25 18.00725 0.2 145.00 163.00 2.31 376.53R/S Ground Floor Slabs 72725 797 0.00227 1.81Suspended floorsC Suspended Floor Slabs 4304 0.065 279.76 2.31 646.25R/S Suspended Floor Slabs 4304 0.00227 9.78T Plywood Floors 4304 0.0117 50.36StairsT Stairs 27 0.40 10.92 0.506 5.53T Balustrading 27 21 50 x 25 0.71 0.506 0.36Structure:S/S Posts Lift shaft 2.18S/S Joist hangers 900 0.00034 0.31S/S Beam tendons 30 0.11S/S Column base shoe 18 0.01014 0.18S/S Column base dissipater 144 0.00074 0.11S/S Wall base dissipater 72 0.00302 0.22S/S Wall base MacAlloy 12 0.05223 0.63LVL Columns 430 600 x 378 97.5298 500 x 378 18.52 116.05 0.506 58.72LVL Posts 140 200 x 189 5.2998 160 x 126 1.98123 200 x 189 4.65 11.92 0.506 6.03LVL Beams 425 600 x 378 72.29442 550 x 378 91.8957 450 x 252 6.4680 240 x 126 2.4289 200 x 126 2.2452 220 x 189 2.16 177.47 0.506 89.80LVL Portals 161 360 x 189 10.95 0.506 5.54LVL Joists 1 4304 400 x 126 216.92 0.506 109.76LVL Shear Walls 581 252 146.41 0.506 74.08RoofS Roof Cladding 445 0.00751 3.34S/G Spouting 36 0.25 x 0.3 0.0280 0.15 x 0.175 0.03 0.05 7.85 0.39S/G Downpipes 158 150 dia 0.04 7.85 0.31T Roof Framing 2.6 445409 2220.4 150 x 50 16.65 0.506 8.43T Plywood Roofs 409 0.01 4.09S Wall Cladding Plant Room 241 0.00751 1.81Exterior walls (Envelope)T Exterior Wall Framing 3.5 124632730241 100 x 50 32.27276 300 x 50 14.49182 150 x 50 4.78 51.54 0.506 26.08T Exterior Cavity Battens 1.8 58112463276518230 4375.8 50 x 25 5.47 0.506 2.77T Interior Wall lining 581 10 5.8112461685 12 35.17 40.98 0.506 20.74

- 145 -T Exterior Wall Cladding 5811246327276 19 46.17 0.506 23.36T Exterior Wall Cladding 182 12 2.18 0.506 1.11T Exterior Wall Cladding 30 10 0.30 0.506 0.15P Exterior Walls 58112463276527618230 2707.00 0.29In Walls - R2.6 12463272761821685 3716.00 6.19T Soffit Framing 3.8 87 330.6 75 x 50 1.24 0.506 0.63T Soffit Lining 87 10 0.87 0.506 0.44P Exterior Soffits 87 0.01T Parapet Framing 3.5 65 227.5 100 x 50 1.14 0.506 0.58T Parapet Cladding 65 19 1.24 0.506 0.62Interior wallT Interior Wall Framing 3.5 2381685 100 x 50 33.65300 x 50 0.00 33.65 0.506 17.03T Interior Wall Cladding 1685 20.22 0.506 10.23T Walls 377 0.056 21.11P Interior Walls 12463272761827544763370548 7179.00 0.78MDF 15 MDF 32727618247682 1343.00 0.0111 14.91In Walls - acoustic 615 0.86WindowsG Windows 94972 1021.00 0.03095 31.60T Window reveals 496 400 x 25 4.96 0.506 2.51Al Windows 2418 0.08 193.44 0.00537 1.04T Window frames 2418 40 x 25 0.506 1.22DoorsG Doors 6 11 0.03095 0.34T Doors 69 0.029 2.00P Doors 69 216 0.02T Door frames 51 40 x 25 0.506 0.03Ceiling officesP Ceilings 82 0.01MDF 17 MDF ceiling tiles 4263 0.0126 53.71In Ceilings Exposed to outside - 445L6 and L7 plantroom 40960 914.00 1.37LouversT Louvres 2903 300 x 50 43.55 0.506 22.03P Louvres 2903 0.7 2032.10 0.22

- 144 -T I M B E R P L U S B U I L D I N Gm m2 workings m3 density tonnesFoundationsC Beam Foundations 69 1.2 x 0.6 49.6837 1.5 x 1.4 77.70 127.38 2.31 294.25R/S Beam Foundations 6937 106 0.046 4.88C Raft Foundations 58 0.3 17.4017 0.3 5.10 22.50 2.31 51.98R/S Raft Foundations 5817 75 0.04 3.00C Foundation Pads 6 0.3 x 0.2 0.11 2.31 0.25R/S Foundation Pads 6 0.3 x 0.2 0.11 0.05 0.01Ground Floor SlabsC Ground Floor Slabs 72 0.25 18.00725 0.2 145.00 163.00 2.31 376.53R/S Ground Floor Slabs 72725 797 0.00227 1.81Suspended floorsC Suspended Floor Slabs 4304 0.065 279.76 2.31 646.25R/S Suspended Floor Slabs 4304 0.00227 9.78T Plywood Floors 4304 0.0117 50.36StairsT Stairs 27 0.40 10.92 0.506 5.53T Balustrading 27 21 50 x 25 0.71 0.506 0.36Structure:S/S Posts Lift shaft 2.18S/S Joist hangers 900 0.00034 0.31S/S Beam tendons 30 0.11S/S Column base shoe 18 0.01014 0.18S/S Column base dissipater 144 0.00074 0.11S/S Wall base dissipater 72 0.00302 0.22S/S Wall base MacAlloy 12 0.05223 0.63LVL Columns 430 600 x 378 97.5298 500 x 378 18.52 116.05 0.506 58.72LVL Posts 140 200 x 189 5.2998 160 x 126 1.98123 200 x 189 4.65 11.92 0.506 6.03LVL Beams 425 600 x 378 72.29442 550 x 378 91.8957 450 x 252 6.4680 240 x 126 2.4289 200 x 126 2.2452 220 x 189 2.16 177.47 0.506 89.80LVL Portals 161 360 x 189 10.95 0.506 5.54LVL Joists 1 4304 400 x 126 216.92 0.506 109.76LVL Shear Walls 581 252 146.41 0.506 74.08Ro<strong>of</strong>S Ro<strong>of</strong> Cladding 445 0.00751 3.34S/G Spouting 36 0.25 x 0.3 0.0280 0.15 x 0.175 0.03 0.05 7.85 0.39S/G Downpipes 158 150 dia 0.04 7.85 0.31T Ro<strong>of</strong> Framing 2.6 445409 2220.4 150 x 50 16.65 0.506 8.43T Plywood Ro<strong>of</strong>s 409 0.01 4.09S Wall Cladding Plant Room 241 0.00751 1.81Exterior walls (Envelope)T Exterior Wall Framing 3.5 124632730241 100 x 50 32.27276 300 x 50 14.49182 150 x 50 4.78 51.54 0.506 26.08T Exterior Cavity Battens 1.8 58112463276518230 4375.8 50 x 25 5.47 0.506 2.77T Interior Wall lining 581 10 5.8112461685 12 35.17 40.98 0.506 20.74

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