Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


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- 133 -Connell Wagner (2007): Combustion <strong>of</strong> Biomass. CRL Energy. Report No. 29919-001/R1.Cooper, P.A. and Kazi, F.K.M. (2006). Method to recover and reuse chromated copperarsenate wood preservative from spent treated wood. Waste Management 26, 182-188.DesignBuilder S<strong>of</strong>tware. "Designbuilder User Interface for Energyplus,". 2008.http://www.designbuilder.co.uk/. Ed. http://www.designbuilder.co.uk/.Einola, J.; Sormunen, K.; Lensu, A.; Leiskallio, A.; Ettala, M.; Rintala, J.; (2009) Methaneoxidation at a surface-sealed Boreal landfill. Waste Management 29, 2105–2120Frischknecht, R.; Althaus, H.J.; Bauer, C.; Doka, G.; Heck, T.; Jungbluth, N.; Kellenberger,D.; Nemecek, 2007. The <strong>Environmental</strong> Relevance <strong>of</strong> Capital Goods in Life CycleAssessments <strong>of</strong> Products and Services. International Journal for LCA (Online First):11.GaBi 2006: LBP, PE: GaBi 4.2. S<strong>of</strong>tware-System and Databases for Life Cycle Engineering.Copyright, TM. Stuttgart, EchterdingenHelson, L., Van den Bulck, E. (2005). Review <strong>of</strong> disposal technologies for chromated copperarsenate (CCA) treated wood waste, with detailed analyses <strong>of</strong> thermochemicalconversion processes. <strong>Environmental</strong> Pollution 134, 301-314.IPCC (2006). NGGIP Publication '2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse GasInventories'IPCC (2007): Climate Change: The physical science basis. Chapter 2: Changes inatmospheric constituents and in radiative forcing. Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange.Kellenberger, D.; Althaus, H.J. (2008): Relevance <strong>of</strong> simplifications in LCA <strong>of</strong> buildingcomponents. Accepted for publication in “Building and Environment”.Kirk, SJ; Dell'Isola, A. (1995): Life Cycle Costing for Design Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. 2 nd edition.McGraw-Hill, New York.Love, S. (2007). Extended Producer Responsibility <strong>of</strong> Treated Timber Waste. Scion. SB07Sustainable Building Conference, New Zealand (Building Research).MED (2005). New Zealand Energy Data File, June 2005. Ministry for EconomicDevelopment. New Zealand.MfE (2007): The 2006/07 National Landfill Census. October 2007, Ref. ME842. Ministry forthe Environment. New Zealand.MfE (2009): New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2007. Ref ME928. Ministry forthe Environment, New Zealand.

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