Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 110 -This figure (0.377 Kg CO 2 eq./Kg) is significantly different to the figure which would havebeen used in earlier studies.However, as noted above, this new LVL coefficient is still a ‘best-estimate’ and has not beendeveloped by a thorough investigation, analysis and understanding of LVL production in NewZealand.There are a limited number of LVL producers in NZ, at least two of which have undertakenrecent work to determine a NZ-specific coefficient for LVL. Nelson Pine Industries Limitedhas undertaken a detailed assessment through analysis of the production and extraction of themain raw material in the production process (logs) from Nelson Forests’ domestic log supplychain and considering major inputs in processing operations within their own factoryincluding assessment of the electrical energy, boiler fuel, mobile plant fuel and PF resin (notethat for the wood residues used for heat generation the assessment has included the fuel andother CO 2 emissions associated with collection, processing and transport).Nelson Pine uses a significant amount of biomass energy. When this biomass is recognised asa renewable energy source (excluded), the emissions profile of Nelson Pine LVL is 118 kgCO 2 eq./m 3 . This is finished LVL product out-the-gate. (Note that stored carbon is notincluded in the assessment).The density of Nelson Pine LVL at 12% moisture content is 574 kg/m3 and this gives acoefficient for Nelson Pine LVL of 0.206 kg CO 2 eq./kg.Nelson Pine believe that planned improvements in the production process could drop thisfigure to under 100 kg CO 2 eq./m 3 . Using the same density conversion after plannedimprovements could reduce the coefficient to 0.174 Kg CO 2 eq./kg.If a coefficient of 0.206 kg CO 2 eq./kg or less was used for LVL in the LCA study inChapter 6, there would be a reduction in embodied GWP emissions associated with theTimber and TimberPlus building, both of which use a significant amount of LVL in theirstructure.The work undertaken by Nelson Pine has not been independently reviewed at this stage andcompatibility with other datasets used in this study, with regard to system boundaries andother methodological issues, could not be established. Therefore, the dataset was not appliedin this study9.5 Permanent Carbon Storage in Wood Products; anAlternative End-of-Life Scenario.The LCA conducted by Scion and detailed in Chapter 6 covers the full life cycle of thebuildings – often referred to as a ‘cradle to grave’ assessment. All life cycle assessmentsrequire assumptions about the end-of-life of the building. Chapter 6 has used two end-of-lifescenarios, one being landfilling with emissions of some of the decomposition gases and thesecond being “reutilisation” with the wood products being burned for energy recovery. Thesescenarios are difficult to predict because many things may be different in 60 years time (orlonger) when the buildings reach the end of their useful lives.

- 111 -The following assessment will present the full lifetime GWP for the four buildings using analternative end-of-life scenario where the there is no net increase in greenhouse gas emissionsafter the building is demolished. Assumptions and reasons are given below to show why thisis a valid alternative way to present the results of this study.The permanent storage scenario is consistent with the carbon sequestered in the woodproducts being retained permanently, that is, in perpetuity, in one of the following ways:• Landfill of all wood products with no subsequent release of greenhouse gas emissions.• Landfill, with any decomposition to methane being collected for energy production.• Re-use of all wood products in other new buildings.• Replacement of all buildings with new buildings containing at least the same amountof wood.An excellent example of this ‘permanent storage scenario’ is occurring right now inChristchurch. The old Burwood Landfill is generating methane gas which is being efficientlycollected and used to displace the use of other carbon-based fossil fuels in the heating of theQEII pool complex. By 2010, the Christchurch City Council will extend the usage ofmethane from Burwood by building additional piping to take the gas to the new City Officesin Central Christchurch.The underlying consideration is that as long as the timber products ‘exist’, they are storingcarbon (or displace other fossil fuel usage, as long as any ‘bad’ products of decomposition(eg. methane) are used and not released back to the atmosphere). This approach does notassume any particular end-of-life scenario; it doesn’t have to because it simply says thattimber products, that are real and being utilised, store carbon, and there are mechanisms forretaining this ‘beneficial’ storage over the very long term.The Kyoto Protocol does not recognise this approach. It considers all the carbon in wood is100% volatilised at the time of harvesting – which it clearly is not – and has led to muchdebate about how to account for carbon storage in timber products.This assessment only uses data already given in Chapter 6 of this report, presented in aslightly different way. The discussion will be in three parts; firstly, considering the materialsonly using those GWP coefficients adopted by Scion in the LCA in Chapter 6, thenconsidering the materials only but calculated using figures directly from the LCA inChapter 6, and, lastly, materials combined with all other emissions for the full life cycle over60 years.9.5.1 Materials Only – With Data From GWP Coefficients usedby Scion.The following data is for materials only, not including emissions from operating ormaintaining the building over its life. A simplified assessment, which only considersemissions from the building materials, is essentially the same as a partial life cycle assessmentwhich considers the building until the end of the construction phase (sometime referred to as‘cradle-to-gate’). This scenario more clearly shows the potential benefits of retaining thecarbon sequestered in the wood products.

- 110 -This figure (0.377 Kg CO 2 eq./Kg) is significantly different to the figure which would havebeen used in earlier studies.However, as noted above, this new LVL coefficient is still a ‘best-estimate’ and has not beendeveloped by a thorough investigation, analysis and understanding <strong>of</strong> LVL production in NewZealand.There are a limited number <strong>of</strong> LVL producers in NZ, at least two <strong>of</strong> which have undertakenrecent work to determine a NZ-specific coefficient for LVL. Nelson Pine Industries Limitedhas undertaken a detailed assessment through analysis <strong>of</strong> the production and extraction <strong>of</strong> themain raw material in the production process (logs) from Nelson Forests’ domestic log supplychain and considering major inputs in processing operations within their own factoryincluding assessment <strong>of</strong> the electrical energy, boiler fuel, mobile plant fuel and PF resin (notethat for the wood residues used for heat generation the assessment has included the fuel andother CO 2 emissions associated with collection, processing and transport).Nelson Pine uses a significant amount <strong>of</strong> biomass energy. When this biomass is recognised asa renewable energy source (excluded), the emissions pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Nelson Pine LVL is 118 kgCO 2 eq./m 3 . This is finished LVL product out-the-gate. (Note that stored carbon is notincluded in the assessment).The density <strong>of</strong> Nelson Pine LVL at 12% moisture content is 574 kg/m3 and this gives acoefficient for Nelson Pine LVL <strong>of</strong> 0.206 kg CO 2 eq./kg.Nelson Pine believe that planned improvements in the production process could drop thisfigure to under 100 kg CO 2 eq./m 3 . <strong>Using</strong> the same density conversion after plannedimprovements could reduce the coefficient to 0.174 Kg CO 2 eq./kg.If a coefficient <strong>of</strong> 0.206 kg CO 2 eq./kg or less was used for LVL in the LCA study inChapter 6, there would be a reduction in embodied GWP emissions associated with theTimber and TimberPlus building, both <strong>of</strong> which use a significant amount <strong>of</strong> LVL in theirstructure.The work undertaken by Nelson Pine has not been independently reviewed at this stage andcompatibility with other datasets used in this study, with regard to system boundaries andother methodological issues, could not be established. Therefore, the dataset was not appliedin this study9.5 Permanent Carbon Storage in Wood Products; anAlternative End-<strong>of</strong>-Life Scenario.The LCA conducted by Scion and detailed in Chapter 6 covers the full life cycle <strong>of</strong> thebuildings – <strong>of</strong>ten referred to as a ‘cradle to grave’ assessment. All life cycle assessmentsrequire assumptions about the end-<strong>of</strong>-life <strong>of</strong> the building. Chapter 6 has used two end-<strong>of</strong>-lifescenarios, one being landfilling with emissions <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the decomposition gases and thesecond being “reutilisation” with the wood products being burned for energy recovery. Thesescenarios are difficult to predict because many things may be different in 60 years time (orlonger) when the buildings reach the end <strong>of</strong> their useful lives.

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