Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...

Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ... Environmental Impacts of Multi-Storey Buildings Using Different ...


- 108 -Workshop Limited provided expert energy modelling consultancy advice to this part of theproject.The simulation schedules for the buildings (occupancy, plug and lighting, and HVAC) areconsidered realistic and typical for a Christchurch office building.As described in Chapter 6, a life cycle inventory dataset for New Zealand was used tocalculate the primary energy content and the GWP for electricity. This dataset takes the NewZealand electricity mix as well as New Zealand specific emissions into account. Importantly,there is a high proportion of renewable energy in the electricity mix to clearly reflect theunique NZ situation (where up to 70% of electricity is generated by renewables, largelyhydro-power).As noted in the thesis, there is a tendency in simulations that the outcomes produced are lowerthan the audited energy consumption during occupancy. However, the average energyconsumption of 86 kWh/m 2 /yr for the buildings is well below benchmarks (for low energybuildings) and, thus, is considered appropriate as input data for the LCA.9.4.2 Material QuantitiesBoth the initial and maintenance embodied energy and GWP components of the LCA of thebuildings utilises the quantities of materials used in the initial construction and the ensuingmaintenance of the buildings over the 60-year life cycle.This research employed Davis Langdon Shipston Davies (Christchurch), a well-establishedand experienced, local quantity surveying company, to calculate and provide the quantities ofconstruction materials for each building design.The Quantity Surveyor produced material listings, from the structural and architecturaldrawings, as shown for all buildings in Appendix A. Any building of this magnitude isconstructed of many components and a very diverse range of materials. At the start of thisphase of the research, a decision was taken to itemise only those materials shown – whilst thismay be deemed an arbitrary listing, this was very much a considered decision taken inconsultation with all parties including the quantity surveyor. What was most critical was to‘capture’ and record all those quantities of materials which could have a significantcontribution to either the energy or GWP impacts. Thus, a material was considered forinclusion if it was either present in large quantities or it was a material or building componentwhich was very energy intensive (or emitted large quantities of GWP gases) in its production.The material listing could be further refined and many more categories included. However,the additional effort would involve a much greater level of detail than was available from thestructural and architectural drawings – and at much greater cost.The material quantities are also used to determine the environmental impacts of transport andend-of-life scenarios.The detail and accuracy of the material listings used in this research are considered to beaccurate, presented at an appropriate level of detail and exceed the original projectspecifications.

- 109 -9.4.3 Data Sets9.4.3.1 GeneralThe embodied energy and GWP of the various building materials is calculated by multiplyingthe quantities of materials in each building by an appropriate embodied energy or GWPcoefficient. Thus, the coefficient data set used in these calculations quite obviously makes asignificant difference to the results.LCA is a fairly recent research technique and much of its ‘evolution’ has been based inEurope, where a number of important data sets have been developed. Due to the lack oflocally produced and specific data for building materials, a number of studies in New Zealandhave been based on European industry and energy data sets. Until recently, the best ‘local’data set was produced by Alcorn (see Alcorn, A. (1995), (1998) and (2003)) but this workacknowledges that the data set is now out-of-date and has some significant deficiencies.A recent study undertaken by Scion in collaboration with Alcorn for the NZ Ministry ofAgriculture and Forestry (Nebel et al., 2009) presents a dataset for key NZ building materials;the dataset was developed using LCA studies of timber and other building materials bycombining, updating and extending overseas data and NZ information. This project identifieda problem in the significant variation between NZ and European manufacturing and theresulting data differences. Whilst this latest dataset is recommended for use with NZbuildings, greater accuracy will only be achieved by the rigorous collection and analysis ofNZ specific data and the development of a comprehensive NZ Life Cycle Inventory database(which would include data from other sectors such as transport and energy). The importance of a NZ-specific GWP coefficient for LaminatedVeneer LumberThe recent study “Life Cycle Assessment: Adopting and adapting overseas LCA data andmethodologies for building materials in New Zealand” (Nebel et al., 2009) has addressedsome of the issues and produced a limited data set for the major building materials in NZ (seealso Section However, a notable omission from this new data set is a globalwarming potential (GWP) coefficient for laminated veneer lumber (LVL). This product isproposed to be used extensively in new pre-fabricated, multi-storey timber building, such asthe Timber and TimberPlus buildings in this report.For the LCA presented in Chapter 6, Scion have used a GWP coefficient of 0.377 (Kg CO 2equivalent per Kg of material) for LVL based on Glulam (a somewhat similar laminatedtimber product) derived from European industry, with some significant adaptions made torecognise;(i) that NZ LVL is produced using a significant component of renewable energy and(ii) that the bioenergy (solar energy) captured by timber products during the growing ofthe wood should not be included in the coefficient (Scion have made similarallowances for all other timber products in the new data set, as well, which is asignificant departure from some of the European data sets which incorporate thisbioenergy to complete an energy balance).

- 108 -Workshop Limited provided expert energy modelling consultancy advice to this part <strong>of</strong> theproject.The simulation schedules for the buildings (occupancy, plug and lighting, and HVAC) areconsidered realistic and typical for a Christchurch <strong>of</strong>fice building.As described in Chapter 6, a life cycle inventory dataset for New Zealand was used tocalculate the primary energy content and the GWP for electricity. This dataset takes the NewZealand electricity mix as well as New Zealand specific emissions into account. Importantly,there is a high proportion <strong>of</strong> renewable energy in the electricity mix to clearly reflect theunique NZ situation (where up to 70% <strong>of</strong> electricity is generated by renewables, largelyhydro-power).As noted in the thesis, there is a tendency in simulations that the outcomes produced are lowerthan the audited energy consumption during occupancy. However, the average energyconsumption <strong>of</strong> 86 kWh/m 2 /yr for the buildings is well below benchmarks (for low energybuildings) and, thus, is considered appropriate as input data for the LCA.9.4.2 Material QuantitiesBoth the initial and maintenance embodied energy and GWP components <strong>of</strong> the LCA <strong>of</strong> thebuildings utilises the quantities <strong>of</strong> materials used in the initial construction and the ensuingmaintenance <strong>of</strong> the buildings over the 60-year life cycle.This research employed Davis Langdon Shipston Davies (Christchurch), a well-establishedand experienced, local quantity surveying company, to calculate and provide the quantities <strong>of</strong>construction materials for each building design.The Quantity Surveyor produced material listings, from the structural and architecturaldrawings, as shown for all buildings in Appendix A. Any building <strong>of</strong> this magnitude isconstructed <strong>of</strong> many components and a very diverse range <strong>of</strong> materials. At the start <strong>of</strong> thisphase <strong>of</strong> the research, a decision was taken to itemise only those materials shown – whilst thismay be deemed an arbitrary listing, this was very much a considered decision taken inconsultation with all parties including the quantity surveyor. What was most critical was to‘capture’ and record all those quantities <strong>of</strong> materials which could have a significantcontribution to either the energy or GWP impacts. Thus, a material was considered forinclusion if it was either present in large quantities or it was a material or building componentwhich was very energy intensive (or emitted large quantities <strong>of</strong> GWP gases) in its production.The material listing could be further refined and many more categories included. However,the additional effort would involve a much greater level <strong>of</strong> detail than was available from thestructural and architectural drawings – and at much greater cost.The material quantities are also used to determine the environmental impacts <strong>of</strong> transport andend-<strong>of</strong>-life scenarios.The detail and accuracy <strong>of</strong> the material listings used in this research are considered to beaccurate, presented at an appropriate level <strong>of</strong> detail and exceed the original projectspecifications.

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