Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR


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RGF Inducted into GreenBuilding CouncilGold’s Gym InstallsGuardian Air and REMEGold’s Gym in Orlando, FL has recently began a rollout ofGuardian Air and REME units to all 8 locations around thecity. The first building with 12 units was installed and resultshave been excellent. The management staff at Gold’s currentlyworking with RGF to feature the Guardian Air in advertisementsand posters all over every location as therollout is progressing.RGF Environmental was green before green was“in”. We have been green since 1985.RGF / CNN PollWho is the sexier Marsden?Dr. JimActor JimDr. James Marsden,Distinguished RegentsProfessor at Kansas State University,who has conducted researchon RGF’s PHI and REME technologyfor the past 10 years, has afamous son!James Marsden Jr., who is arapidly up and coming famousactor best known for:“Enchanted”“Hairspray”“Superman Returns”“X-Men: The Last Stand”“The Notebook” Big Star“27 Dresses”“The Box”99.99% voted for Actor James Marsden over Dr. Jim margin oferror .0001%RGF 3D PrinterRGF can now PRINT plastic parts in 3-D!RGF recently expanded its Research and Development capabilitywith the installation of a three dimensional plasticextrusion printing machine. This three axis printer allowsparts created in our 3-D modeling software to be printed thesame day from plastic. The machine can produce parts utilizinga variety of plastics including HDPE, LDP, PLA, PP,uPVC, and ABS. The plastic is heated then extrudedthrough an extremely fine orifice, slowly building layer uponlayer until the part is complete. Themachine is already in use makingprototype parts for our next generationair system.It’s now possibleto take a 3D drawing of yourselfand make a plastic bust.Did you know?About 5% of the world's population resides in the USA. About20% of the world's economy is in the USA. Yet, 70% of theworld's lawyers reside in the USA, and a staggering 94% ofthe world's lawsuits are made in the USA!

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