Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR


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ScentTechnologyBy Ronald G. FinkWhen you’re showing a hometo prospective buyers, real estateagents often suggest thatyou have something baking inthe kitchen. This, though, is a difficulttask to carry out with vacantapartments. But is the concept of setting anatmosphere by the use of a pleasing scent always desirable?Or is it safer to banish all odors, which might serve asdistractions?“Scent engineers” believe you will buy if the smell is right.Do scents really sell? Scent or odor technology is nothingnew. Many marketing plans have included aroma as a sellingaid, usually in relation to food businesses. Mall cookieshops are set up with baking ovens in direct access topassersby; the smell of fresh-baked cookies lures shoppersin. Theaters have blown the smell of fresh popcorn throughtheir air vents with reasonably good results. Of course, wehave also had the perfume industry, in its never-endingsearch for the perfect aphrodisiac, offering scratch-and-sniffpullouts.Recently, the field of scent technology has taken off in anew direction, teaming up with Madison Avenue marketersto develop “selling scents.” That’s right – odors that promoteus to buy, lease, use, or feel good about certain services orproducts. An “honesty” scent has been created by a Chicagoconsultant for car salespeople. Wear this scent and you’resupposed to smell honest! There is a new-car scent that simulatesthe odors of vinyl, plastic and glues. Even a gamblingscent exists that pumps up the urge to throw the dice.A number of problems with scent engineering could givethis latest marketing ploy a short life. The first is liability, lawsuitsfrom people allergic to the scents used. Also, manypeople react differently to the same odors. For example,what may smell like “springtime roses” to one person mightsmell like a funeral home to the next, which could provoke anegative response. Another problem is byproduct odors.Various scents will react with naturally occurring, pre-existingstronger odors that you are in essence trying to mask, andcreate unknown offensive odors!The breakthrough in Advanced Oxidation technologies is agroup of oxidants known as Hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxideshave been a common part of our environment for over3.5 billion years. Hydroperoxides are created in our atmospherewhenever three components are present: oxygen molecules,water vapor and energy (electro magnetic).REME+ also has the ability to supercharge these hydroperoxidesor ionize them into Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides.Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides are very effective at destroyingharmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants,they do this by either destroying the microbe through aprocess known as cell lysing or by changing its molecularstructure and rendering it harmless (which is the case inVOC’s and odors). The amount of hydroperoxides requiredto accomplish this task in a conditioned space is below thelevel that is constantly in our outside air. The Advanced Oxidationtechnology has brought the oxidants found in the outsideair into the indoor conditioned air. One of the bestfeatures of ionized Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides is as theysettle out of the air they disinfect surfaces. This was validatedin a Kansas State University Bio Chamber on stainlesssteel surfaces, resulting in a 99+% kill on numerousviruses and bacteria.There is no known case of hydroperoxides ever creating ahealth risk. Considering we have been exposed to hydroperoxidesin nature since the day man stepped on the planet, itis a reasonable assumption that hydroperoxides do not constitutea health risk. Over the past 25 years, RGF has morethan one million Advanced Oxidation products successfullyused worldwide without a safety problem.Small generators, costing anywhere from $500 to $3,500can clear a room of existing odors in a matter of hours.Apartment leasing agents have no doubt experienced theloss of potential tenants due to the presenceof offensive odors resultingfrom a past tenant’slifestyle or pets. When youconsider that all apartmentrental agents deal in the samecommodity, perhaps an odor-freeunit could give one unit an edgeRapid Recovery Unitover another.Advanced Oxidation could change the field of scent engineeringto that of non-scent engineering.The point is, scents can work both ways, and humans arevery sensitive to odors. Olfactory persuasion is a crapshootat best.Perhaps a better strategy would involve a lack of odor, orproducing the fresh, clean smell. No lawsuits, and no onecould have an aversion to a scent reminiscent of freshlylaundered bed sheets. Will it sell? It can’t hurt. How can wesafely eliminate odors from areas without adding a cover-upor new odor?Ron Fink President, CEO, Founder of RGF Environmental Group, Inc.Mr. Fink holds a BSME and has been active in Nuclear Weapon detectionfor the DIA and the Nuclear Power Industry. He holds numerous patentsand authored over 70 articles.RGF Environmental Group, Inc. founded in 1985 manufactures over 500products involving Advanced Oxidation Technology.

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