Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR


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steps. It takes two and a half minutes in the morning, morein the afternoon. Sometimes I wonder if there is a hiddenmessage in this.Chris: Unlimited! If you objectively look at each product, ithas the competition beat, where there is competition. It isnow up to us sales professionals to make it happen.RGF: Chris, whom do you envy the most at RGF?RGF:Who are RGF's competitors?Chris: That's easy also! Walt Ellis, our VP/GM. These RGFproprietary Advanced Oxidation Systems have passed withflying colors the most rigid independent testing from the mostprestigious US Fortune 500 food companies, plus the USDA,FDA, UL and ETL! Walt has tons of independent documentationproving 99%+ bacteria and virus reduction on food, airand water. Think about it - Walt could be credited with savingthe world! He could be on "Larry King Live"!! Without RGFand Walt, the show might be called "Larry King Dead"!Wouldn't that be dull! Walt is a nice guy, but let's face it, anymoron could sell this stuff. Hey, I got a little carried awaythere. How about leaving out the moron bit? I eat lunch withWalt, you understand.Chris: That's the best part! We don't have any as EPRI(Electric Power Research Institute) wrote in their report: "RGF is the only environmental company with credible, fullturnkey service from technology applications to design, toengineering, to manufacturing, to construction, installationand ongoing monitoring," and we cover water, food and air.RGF:How does RGF stay ahead of the competition?Chris: R&D. More money is spent on engineering and R&Dthan sales, which makes my job all the more fun!RGF:Speaking of fun, is it fun to work at RGF?Chris: Yes, kind of like working at Southwest Airlines. It'snot only fun, it's downright weird! For example, when I cameon board, we had a "CCC" party on the company megayacht,which was fun but also weird. You see "CCC" standsfor chocolate and cheap champagne. Did you ever try towash chocolate down with cheap champagne? Hey, let'sleave out the "cheap champagne." Sharon picked the champagne.I don't want to get sued! You know how lawyers canbe!Walter EllisRGF: Sure, Chris, No problem. I understand. How aboutjealousy? Are you jealous of anyone at RGF?Chris: I'm glad you asked that question! It's Sharon Rinehimer,our staff attorney and VP of International BusinessDevelopment. Since I've been around, she has been toJapan four times, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Peru,Mexico and Europe! I've been to Newark, Detroit, Peoria andDes Moines-period! Plus, she eats more than me and she isbone-thin! It's just not fair!RGF:Chris: No!Chris, should I leave anything out?RGF: I'm surprised she didn't get any attorney slams! So,what do you see for the future of RGF?RGF: Sure, Chris. It's your article. Anything you'd like toclose with?Chris: Yeah. If you're a potential superstar distributor andyou have the right stuff to be a member of the elite RGFCommercial Distributor Group, we're looking for a few goodDistributors, please give me a call!

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