Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR


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An Interview with Chris Vosburgh,Sales & Marketing GroupChris Vosburgh joined RGFin February 2006. His backgroundincludes a BS Degree,25 years experience inindustrial selling plus 15years experience in air purification,amazing record for32 year old guy! Chris hasachieved unbelievable salesresults and has exceededevery sales record evergiven him! For the secret ofChris's success, "RGFNews" asked him for an exclusive interview.RGF: Chris, time is money, so let's get to the point. What'sthe secret?Chris: Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told Time,Newsweek, Business Week and Playboy: "There is no secret!The products sell themselves. You simply have to findthe people who need them and tell them about the RGFproducts they need and, Shazam! A sale is made. I call it my'find a need and fill it' concept."RGF: "Find a need and fill it." That's brilliant, Chris! Hey,this is off the record, but do you know how I can make a milliondollars?Chris: It's easy! Find a way to make something for $1.00and sell it for $2.00. Then do it a million times!RGF: Unbelievable! Brilliant! Awesome! Why didn't I thinkof that? Ok, back to business. How do RGF products sellthemselves?Chris: Well, that's simple! Let's take one product at a time.Guardian Air. This is a real no brainer.You simply find HVAC distributors whowant to get into the lucrative indoor airbusiness, like who doesn't! Then youshow them the results on mold, bacteria,odors, virus and VOC's. Then whenthey see the high-tech look, its just so easy, well Bozo theClown could sell it!Hey, let's scratch the Bozo line. I got a little carried away!RGF: Sure Chris, no problem! What else does RGF have?Chris: The Commercial AdvancedOxidation AirPurificationproducts areunreal! They areprice competitive,lightweight,require no maintenance,and come with a three or five-year warranty. It's toogood to be true! You simply can't lose a sale! The competitionon air systems is still using old PCO technology, Also,our Marine line, with the air purification product line. Boatsdo not have to run the air conditioning system 24 hours aday to prevent mold and mildew. Do you know how muchmoney that can save?! It's like a candy store! RGF has somany great, innovative industrial products, and now they'rebringing them to commercial market, restaurants,resorts, hotels, nail salons, medical officesand veterinarians. I could goon, but I'm getting a littleemotional. Could we moveon?RGF: Sure Chris. I would hate to see a grown man cry.That's Barbara Walter's thing, not mine. Let's move on. Howdid you end up at RGF?Chris: Well, it's kind of a natural transition. You see I've beenin sales for over 40 years. IAQ sales and Distribution is thenext step, and RGF is the perfect match! When I first visitedRGF four years ago, I started hyperventilating. It was quiteembarrassing at the time! Hey, how about cutting the hyperventilatingpart!RGF: So, when you say, "the next step," does that mean?Chris: We are seeking a few good dedicated distributors,who want to take cutting edge environmental commercialtechnology like RGF has supplement their current sales.So, you know what they say about opportunity: when itknocks, you better take advantage of it, as it doesn't knocktwice.RGF: I like that "opportunity knocks" quote. I'm going to writethat one down. So, how do you like RGF so far?Chris: Well, it's great! First, I love the weather and PalmBeach, not to mention my office. It's great - as nice as Ron'sonly it's 200 feet down the hall from Ron's office. That's 84

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