Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR

Recap 2009 - PURE AIR


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Environmental NewsA Newsletter For Our Wholesalers, Dealers and RepresentativesCelebrating Our 25th AnniversaryYear End <strong>Recap</strong> of <strong>2009</strong> Top Stories Plus New StoriesThe New RGF Photon Medical Devicetesting, testing and more testing !!!We have been putting this IAQ medical device FDA Approval pending through the mill and the gauntletTMTrial by Judy!Trial by gravity(Honest!)Trial by fire(Really!)Trial by gorilla(It’s True!)Trial byDr. PhilSea trial(For Real!)OK. We’re just kidding but there is a voluminous amount of testing hours on the Photon. PMD TMTo be launched in early 2010.IRS in Austin installs 80 Units,Plans to Study EmployeeSick TimeThe IRS Center in downtownAustin, TX installed 80 unitsin their entire facility. Theywere concerned about improvingemployee moraleand reducing sick time andinstalling Guardian Air unitsin their facility to drasticallyimprove IAQ seemed like theperfect solution. They plan on examiningemployee sick time in the year before installation andthe year after to determine how much the improvement in indoorair quality helped. Before those results are completed,we can already say the employees really appreciate the freshfeeling to the air.St. Helena HospitalSt. Helena Hospital of St. Helena California is another onthe list of happy & safe hospitals using Guardian Air PHIto reduce infectious disease spread.

Ice Machine Testing by AC SupplyAC Supply has a Trust Only Yourself philosophy so they did their own testing.SCOPE:To determine the amount of reduction in total microbials and mold/fungus spores when exposedunder normal conditions to the Guardian Air Ice System.PROCEDURE:Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital installed Guardian Air Ice on four of their ice machines. Wetook a sample of the ice from one of the four ice machines, and ice from a machine without theGuardian Air Ice was used as a control. After letting the ice melt, we put the water into test ampules.The test ampules were then put into an incubator. The incubator warms the samples to95 degrees Fahrenheit to allow the microbials to grow and form CFU’s (colony-forming units).The incubator runs for a determined amount of time to count how many CFU’s per milliliter arein the water. The longer the incubator takes to detect CFU’s, the cleaner the water is.CONCLUSION:Based on our tests, the Guardian Air Ice definitely reduced the number of CFU’s per milliliter andmold/fungus spores. The control had a count of between 5 and 10 CFU’s per milliliter, while theice machine with the Guardian Air Ice had a count of less than 1 CFU per milliliter. As seen inthe reference chart below, if the incubator runs for more than 24 hours, the CFU per millilitercount is almost undetectable. In water drawn for the ice machine with Guardian Air Ice, the incubatorrequired 36 hours to detect less than 1 CFU per milliliter. Also at the time that we pulledthe samples out of the incubator, the control had far more floating red particles than the samplewith the Guardian Air Ice, which showed there was also a reduction in mold/fungus spores.SAMPLE HOURS CFU/MILLILITER MOLD SPORESControl w/o PHI 18.9 Between 5 and 10 Particles PresentGuardian Air Ice 35.6 Less than 1 No Particles PresentRGF Two Year Hospital StudyTest results from a two year study of RGF’s PHI at ColletonMedical Centers of Walterboro SC showed significant improvementwith their IAQ problems. Most important was a reductionof MRSA infections of 33%.A Few Good People!Envision Summer Crew• Hot Tub LifeguardMust be able to swim entire lengthof Envision’s hot tub.(8 feet)• Jet Ski InstructorMust look good in Speedo.• Wine Tasting CoordinatorMust be able to tell red from white.• Bartenders (12)Must look good in bikini

New Web Site with Lead ForwardingSales Rep ContestRGF is pleased to announce the return of the annualsales representative contest. The RGF <strong>2009</strong> ManufacturersRepresentative of the Year will be basedoff of a combination of account management, activityin the field and sales by territory. The winner willreceive 3 luxurious nights on the Envision which includesGolf, Fishing, Food, Beverages and Entertainment.Past winners include Bill O’Brien fromThomas J Finnegan & Co and Joe Perhosky fromThe Kivlan Group. Further details to follow.We just finished a total redesign of the web site with allthe latest goodies! All inquiries will be forwarded to ourappropriate distributors for follow-up. HVAC wholesalerswill distribute leads to contractors on a rotation system.Check us out at www.rgf.comSUPERSTARNew Jersey School BoardGoes With RGF’s PHIThe Egg Harbor project has been awarded and Peirce Phelps, RGF and the winning contractorare in the process of planning the install sometime in June. For those who do not know aboutthis project, Egg Harbor Township has decided to install hundreds of units into their school systemsto help combat Indoor Air Pollution. There are eight districts in the school district locatedin South Jersey. They have followed the same pattern that our friends up in Chicago had successwith. We would recommend getting this information out to all of your current dealers andschool systems across the country.RGF Wins Another Safety AwardJoe PerhoskyTurbozone Whole House or OfficeSanitizer Service Sales ChartRGF has received a second award for Zero Claims and ZeroLost Time Accidents in as many years. The award was presentedto Scott Frum Production Manager for RGF by BruceLogan of ICW Insurance Group.2008 <strong>2009</strong>A great way to increase sales is to offer whole house andduct sanitation. Semi-annually whole house sanitation programsare an easy sale for those concerned about allergies,mold, bacteria and virus. An RGF commercial Turbozone isthe perfect tool for whole house sanitation. The high intensityPHI plasma is pumped into the ducts and throughoutthe empty house. Reduction levels are amazing.BeforeAfter

MRSA INFECTIONS ANDNOROVIRUS VALIDATIONWe have always been very careful to back up all claims withsolid verification. In the past, we have private labeled productsfor companies that have been in the sights of the FTC, and wehave learned how to be careful of this quagmire by workingwith the FTC in many cases and received their okay on validationbefore claims are made! The following is a summary ofour latest findings on our PHI/REME Advanced OxidationCells.Lab and University Testing and StudyNorovirusThird party cruise line test of our cell by a certifiedindependent testing lab study.99+% deactivation.MRSAKansas State University study on MRSA.99+% deactivation.H1N1Kansas State University study on H1N1. 99+%deactivation.Disclaimer: RGF’s PHI ® products have not yet beenapproved, cleared or otherwise authorized by FDA and arenot intended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure theH1N1 Flu Virus.Field Testing – Schools, Cruise Lines, HospitalsChicago Schools installed RGF’s Advanced Oxidation Cellsand realized a 15% to 20% improvement in attendance. Thisis not a scientific study. It is an observation by the ChicagoSchool District. Any number of factors may have caused thereduction.The Guardian Air REME+TURBO by RGF ®RGF Environmental Group, Inc. announced their new REME+Turbo at the ASHRAE Show . This addition to their GuardianAir product line fulfills a need to complete the perfect IAQproduct.The REME line, a step up from RGF’s PHI line, not onlyprovides solid coverage of all IAQ problems: microbial,gases/odors and particulates, it now also has its own propulsionmethod. The REME+ Turbo provides ion-charged advancedoxidation gases (plasma) and has its own minihigh-efficiency turbo fan unit. The Turbo propels the plasmathrough the ducts and throughout the residence without runningthe HVAC fan, thereby saving electricity and reducingnoise.The REME+ Turbo is a non-ozone, non-ultraviolet light advancedoxidation technology developed by RGF known asReflective Electro Magnetic Energy. The REME cell runs on13 watts, and the turbo fan module adds another 3 watts fora total energy burn rate of 16 watts. At 1.3 amps, the Turbofans deliver 114 cfm at two feet and 85.15 cfm at 20 feet downthe duct, more than enough energy to deliver the purifyingREME plasma throughout the home. The Turbo module isavailable separately so it can be easily added to an existingREME cell.In summary, a HIGHLY ENERGY EFFICIENT REME+ Turbocan purify the air, removing dust, bacteria, viruses, VOC’s,mold, odors, yeast pollen, dust mite dander and smoke,throughout a whole house in total silence for the cost of burninga 16 watt light bulb. Pennies a day, or 3.7 cents per day(based on US average 9.8 cents per KW hour) a little morethan a dollar a month!Cruise Lines – According to a USA Today report in 2008, 13of 15 virus outbreaks were due to Norovirus. Of the 15 outbreaks,6 were on the Holland America Line. Note: None (0)were on the Royal Caribbean and Disney cruise lines. Bothlines installed RGF Advanced Oxidation Cells. This is not a scientificstudy. It is an observation. Any number of factors mayhave contributed to this notable record.Hospital Study – RGF participated in a two-year hospitalstudy evaluating RGF’s PHI air purification technology’s effectivenesson airborne and surface transmitted diseases suchas MRSA. PHI Cells were installed in the hospital’s HVACsystem and helped in reducing the overall health care infectionsby 33.4% over the previous two-year period. This is nota scientific study. It is an observation. Any number of factorsmay have contributed to this notable record.Did You Know?50% of all major office buildings have contaminatedheating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.If not properly maintained, they are a hotbed forgrowth of molds and bacteria.Turbo Module slides on REME to make “REME Turbo”Turbo Modules install in less than a minute.

HARDAGE & POLLEXSUPERSTARTexas Mutual Insurance is a three billion dollar national company with locations in multiple statesthroughout the country. They are a very progressive company and had heard about the PHI Technologyfrom one of their technicians, who had attended a PHI Technology Training hosted by Insco Distributingand taught by Todd Montgomery from Hardage & Pollex. Texas Mutual Insurance extended an invitationto Todd Montgomery to meet with some of their upper management to explain the benefits of PHITechnology and possible application for their Austin facility. After a very productive two hour meetingwith the Operations Manager, Facilities Manager and Regional VP, Texas Mutual Insurance decidedto have four independent labs test the results of the product at four separate practical applications. Theresults were so positive, within one month they installed 30+ units in their Austin facility.The Austin facilitycontains two 400 ton air handlers and one 12 ton system. The units performed so well, with theTodd Montgomerycompany recording a significant drop in absenteeism, Texas Mutual had 30+ units installed in an affiliated building in Austin. Theyare working on installing the product in all their locations nationwide.No Ozone - Facts and FictionMany UV light manufacturers (stick lights) are claiming “noozone” in their literature, which is technically not true. All UVlights, including our UV line, give off some ozone; usually inthe.003 -.08 ppm range (this can vary due to test point andmethods). This is not a problem as many electrical productsgive off ozone! The California “no ozone” initiative is illfounded. We agree with the California position on ozone airpurifiers as high levels of ozone are harmful, but to say productsmust be “ozone-free” is over the top. Products that emitsome ozone include electric motors, refrigerators, televisions,copy machines, UV lights, dishwashers, projectors, hair dryers,industrial and commercial lighting and transformers, toname a few, and Mother Nature makes ozone with lightningand sunlight. Most scientists believe ozone is nature’s way ofcleaning the air. This is why the outdoor air after a thunderstormsmells so clean.Just what is ozone? Ozone is a pale blue gas that is actuallyan oxygen molecule with a third atom. Oxygen is O2 andozone is O3. Ozone is a strong oxidizer that is widely used inwater and food purification and commercial and industrial airpurification. First, we need to understand that ozone is allaround us in nature. Listed are some typical ozone levels.Typical Ozone Levels in PPM.003 - .015 Ozone Odor Detecting Range.005 - .01 Heavy Forest Country Air.02 - .05 Outdoor Air after Lightning.003 - .08 UV Light bulb (stick lights)

RGF’s PHI and REME Swine Flu Test Results InSwine Flu Alert -Should you wake up looking like thisdo not go to work - You may haveSwine Flu!Of course if you have a PHI or REME system youprobably will never wake up looking like this.<strong>2009</strong> H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causingillness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the UnitedStates in April <strong>2009</strong>. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide.On June 11, <strong>2009</strong>, the World Health Organization (WHO) signaledthat a pandemic of <strong>2009</strong> H1N1 flu was underway. Spread of <strong>2009</strong> H1N1virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Fluviruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing orsneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infectedby touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on itand then touching their mouth or nose.Disclaimer: RGF’s PHI products have not yet been approved, cleared or otherwise authorized byFDA and are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure the H1N1 Flu Virus.RGF products are not medical devices and no medical claims are made.Preliminary TestingShows 99+% H1N1Kill Rate On SurfacesInitial Test Results Show 99+% Inactivation ofH1N1 Flu Virus as Kansas State Universitycompletes preliminary testing on RGF’s Photohydroionization(PHI-Cell ® ) and ReflectiveElectromagnetic Energy (REME ® Cell) technologieswith 99+% inactivation of H1N1 FluVirus as tested on stainless steel surfaces.Further testing is scheduled.Rene Luna, Manufacturers Repfor Louisiana, was approached by theArmy Corps of Engineers. They were lookingto improve Air Quality in their facilities,and Rene helped design an application solutionof 75 REME units installed in theHVAC system around the facility.Orland Park, ChicagoWe had a chance to check back inwith Orland Park schools in Chicagothis week. Three years later they’restill using Guardian Air products andwere very excited to hear that theywere already doing everything toprotect their district from the H1N1Flu.

CAUTIONDr. Marsden with Kansas State University has advised us thatthis is the first in a battery of tests being conducted by his laboratoryat KSU. The initial tests were performed on inoculatedstainless steel surfaces and showed an inactivation rate of99+% for the H1N1 virus. This is the first step in a larger researchproject being conducted by Kansas State University,whereby upon completion, we anticipate submitting the final reportto the FDA for product claim authorization and clearance.New Test ResultsBrochureMeanwhile, RGF would like to clarify a few points to help all ofus in presenting truthful marketing and advertising claims onthis issue. RGF has always been adamant about not makingany sort of medical claims or misleading statements in our marketingor advertising.More recently, with the development of H1N1 Virus, the FDAhas issued a warning against companies marketing H1N1 FluVirus claims, which recently came to our attention. The FDA prohibitscompanies who have not obtained prior authorization,from promoting or marketing products that claim to diagnose,mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure the H1N1 virus. They have goneso far as checking company websites for language eluding tothis or similar language in conjunction with destroying the H1N1,and has sent 50 warning letters to date. They also have thepower to refer violations to the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations.The following companies are currently listed on the FDAwebsite for illegally marketing products with objectionableclaims regarding H1N1 Virus: AUV Eliminator, AirFree, AllerAir,American Ultraviolet, Breathe More Easy, Cleanaer, Eliminator,FlexAir PAPR, Sanuvox, UV Aire, Verilux.In order to be proactive, (as we do not want to hear from theFDA or be added to their list,) we are requesting that should youdevelop any ads on your own that refer to H1N1, please run itby Sharon Rinehimer our in-house corporate attorney.srinehimer@rgf.comTypical disclaimerDisclaimer: RGF’s PHI products have not yet beenapproved, cleared or otherwise authorized by FDA and are notintended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure the H1N1Flu Virus.A new updated (with H1N1 test data) testbrochure is available. The new design condensesit to 4 pages! We ordered 200,000!!Ad ContestComing SoonSend us your adsPrint, Radio or TelevisionFirst Place $3,000Second Place $2,000Third Place $1,000

Lima Memorial HospitalThe Lima Memorial Hospital located in Lima, Ohio has installed Guardian Air units throughouttheir entire facility which covered the ICU, operating rooms, waiting rooms, and separatewings of the hospital. This is a three phase project, which is currently on itssecond stage. In the first phase they installed over 40 units to help combatsome odor problems, help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, and improvethe Indoor Air Quality as a whole in their main facility. The secondphase will cover some of the doctors’ offices and private sectors of thefacility. Just recently the facility manager from Lima had called to discussfuture possibilities in their sister hospital third phase. He expressedhow happy he and the Lima staff were at the results theGuardian Air and the PHI technology had provided them with their IAQissues. There are over 200 units being installed in all three phases,which should be completed sometime next year.Test Results:Disclaimer: RGF’s PHI products have not yet beenapproved, cleared or otherwise authorized by FDA and are not intendedto diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure the H1N1 FluVirus.MRSA 99% Staph 99% Listeria 99% E Coli 99% H1N1 99%The RGF Dream TeamChris and Mike have driven our Air units sales through theroof again bringing in another banner year!We’re Still Looking ForA Few Good PeopleChrisMikeWhat Recession?!• Regional HVAC PHI Managers• Commercial HVAC PHI/REMESystem Integrators• Web Site MarketingSend resumes to Louise MelilloGuardian Air Sales2006 2007 2008 <strong>2009</strong> 2010lmelillo@rgf.comRGF Products are Made In America

Fraudulent ClaimsA few unprofessional IAQ companies have found it necessary to makefraudulent claims about their products. In addition, they have taken aim atRGF’s PHI product line. We have come across four companies that havequickly put together a PCO (Photo Catalytic Oxidation) device that looks remarkablylike a RGF PHI Cell!!!! Surprise, surprise!! Of Course, they claimit is the same as a PHI Cell. Not true, not even close. Of course, they haveno validation; just the word of their salesmen! We have examined thesecheap fake knock-offs, and they are frauds. A PCO device has a titaniumdioxide catalyst activated by a standard UV light. The kill or effective areaon any PCO device is the catalyst surface only. In general, the rule is themore titanium dioxide surface area, the more effective the PCO. There areno friendly oxidizers released into the air.HACCP Food Plant ProgramAirPurifiersAccordingly, most well-designed PCO devices use a honeycomb to maximize surfacearea of the titanium. Should you run across one of these ridiculous PCO’s, you will seevery little titanium surface area. Two are using a Chinese titanium dioxide, copper-coloredmetal product (Note: Generally, titanium dioxide is white). When we sent it to aLab, the analysis came back as a “trace of titanium dioxide.” A trace is so small it is notmeasurable. Another uses aluminum. The problem is that aluminum is not a catalyst. Another used a standard ozone lamp!PCO’s do not send aggressive friendly oxidizers into the room as PHI does. PCO’s will have no effect on a sneeze. With aRGF PHI system, all surfaces and all the air in the room is an effective kill zone, not just the catalytic surface. This makes PHItechnology millions of times more effective. If you want a PCO, buy our “A-UV Stick Light”. It provides a standard UV light plusa reflective PCO at a very low cost! We have our attorneys reviewing our options concerning trade dress law, tortious interferencewith our business, false advertising and slander. We will keep you informed.Please note that none of the knock-offs produced any hydro peroxides, which is the safe, friendly oxidizer PHI and REMEuse. The PCO has little to no effect on odors!Please let our Legal Department know if you are exposed to any of these slanderous remarks or false advertising.PHI-Eco AirREMEPHI-HoodDr. James MarsdenWith HACCP kicking in for <strong>2009</strong>, food processors must comply by law. HACCP requires significantmicrobial reductions be made at each food plant. RGF’s Eco Air and REME can reduce airborne microbialsby 99% and our PHI Hood can reduce surface microbials by 99.99%. See our food consultantDr. James Marsden or Walter Ellis Vice president for more information. The advantage to RGF’sHACCP Program is its simplicity. These units have a great track record and are very easy to install.Walter Ellis

REME and Guardian Air Making Progress South ofthe BorderRGF distributors in Mexico have been busy conducting tests over the pastfew months at area hospitals and universities in an effort to demonstratethe effectiveness of the REME and Guardian Air technologies.Hospital tests were performed using the REME unit and conducted byindependent testing companies and certified by a certified Mexican governmentagency. The first test was conducted at a private hospital “HospitalChristus Mugerza del Parque” in the city of Chihuahua. This hospital isone of many that are operated by a professional hospital managementgroup. Test results showed cfu reductions of 95% and 100%. The secondtest was at one of the national hospitals “Area Hospital #21, Mexican SocialSecurity Institute”, in the city of Monterrey. Test results showed cfu reductionsof 96% and 98%. In both hospitals we wanted to present a “worst case scenario” therefore, each of these tests was conductedin rooms where biological waste is stored prior to disposal. Needless to say, all involved parties were sufficientlyimpressed with the results.Test Results at Hospital Christus Mugerza del ParqueWe have also installed Guardian Air test units at two universities in the city of Monterrey. The first installation is at the Universityof Monterrey (UDEM), which is a private school with several campuses. The second test is being done at Technologicode Monterrey, one of Mexico’s premier universities with 33 campuses in the country and others throughout the world. Both ofthese tests are in progress and we will keep you informed of the results.The recent H1N1 test report from Kansas State University is being sent to all of these organizations which will be useful inour attempts to place units at facilities throughout Mexico.Ten Things You Should Know About Mold1. Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions,asthma, and other respiratory complaints.2. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment;the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture and airborne mold spores withGuardian Air.3. If mold is a problem in your home or school, you must clean up the mold and eliminatesources of moisture and control future problems with Guardian Air.4. Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth and control airbornespores from spreading with Guardian Air.5. Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60%) to decrease mold growth by: venting bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generatingsources to the outside; using air conditioners, Guardian Air and de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fanswhenever cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning.6. Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth.7. Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles, that aremoldy, may need to be replaced.8. Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i.e., windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, orfloors) by adding insulation.9. In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i.e., by drinking fountains, by classroom sinks,or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent condensation).10. Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, providing moisture is present. There aremolds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.Your best defense is a strong offense. Run your Guardian Air 24 hours/7 days per week.

What is REME?Let's start with what it is not!• It is not an ozone device.• It is not an ozone generator.• It is not an ultraviolet (UV)device.• It is not a UV light purifier.• It is not an ionizing air purifier.• It is not an electro static aircleaner.• It is not an air filter.Air Intervention TechnologyRGF’s REME Air Treatment TechnologyParticulateDust93% of.3 micronBacteriaVirusMolds99+%Full spectrum of Air PurificationREME is a reflective electro magnetic energy that creates ionized advanced oxidation plasma.This plasma is the same as and even more powerful than the PHI plasma in destroying bacteria,gases, odors, molds, viruses, yeasts, VOCs and other microbials. The main advantage REMEhas is the plasma is charged with positive and negative charges. These charged advanced oxidationhydro peroxides seek out particulate and reverse the natural charge of the particulate, which causes it todrop out of the air to a grounded central collector. RGF's PHI is very effective on gases, odors, viruses, bacteria, moldsand other microbials, but has little effect on particulate or airborne solids such as dust and smoke particles. REME hasproven to be more effective then PHI, in addition to providing excellent particulate removal. Particulate removal can be achievedthrough an optional active grounded collector for high efficiency (HE) permanent removal. The HE collector attaches to a standardHVAC return filter assembly and provides very low airflow resistance and provides efficacy just 7% below HEPA particulateremoval efficacy. REME particulate reductions of .3 microns is 92.7% at 8 hours (HEPA is 99.97%). REME without a collectorand using a standard filter is 73.1% effectiveness at reducing particles. One advantage is the very low air flow resistance.As compared to other products, the REME collector is less than 1" thick and you can see through it! It produces very lowfan back pressure or resistance. The main advantage for REME is that it is a full spectrum air purifier. REME is highly effectiveon bacteria, virus, molds, particulate, dust, gases, odors, smoke, etc.How does REME work?RGF has developed a method of reflecting electro magnetic energy through a highly conductive field of gold and silver nanoparticles, which create positive and negative charged advanced oxidation plasma; more powerful and effective than RGF's previousadvanced oxidation system or PHI.Money Laundering $$ $$GasesOdorsSmoke85%Now What It Is• A total full spectrum air purifier• Self contained Ionized blowerfor 24/7 operation• More Advanced OxidationPlasma• Near HEPA efficiency withno pressure drop• Easy install - Cut holeplug and go no blower wiringFor clean sanitized money, banks have finally seen the light! The RGF PHI Light.Banks from China to Sri Lanka to Orlando are jumping on the PHI. Let’s face it,money smells and is full of germs. PHI can clean cash or “launder money”.The legal tender in your pocket or purse definitely carries some germs and mostlikely also has some cocaine. Researchers at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Basein Ohio collected 68 dollar bills from people at a grocery store and a high-schoolsporting event. According to Dr. Peter Ender, lead researcher, sixty-four (94%) of thebills were contaminated with bacteria known to cause either serious or mild illness.The bills were tested and found to be contaminated with germs of fecal, respiratory,and skin origin. Although the risk of contracting a serious infection from dirty moneyis low, the germ count is high enough to make it easy to contract a cold, a bout of diarrhea, and similar ailments.” Dependingon where you are in the world you might get a different reaction to this issue. Disease experts in northeastern India issued arecent report that said ‘overused and soiled’ currency can transmit tuberculosis, pneumonia and other lung infections. “The probabilitythat every single person in the United States is carrying drug-tainted money is almost certain,” says Dr. James Woodford,forensic chemist from Atlanta. Woodford cites a 1989 experiment by Miami toxicologist Dr. William Hearn, who gathered 136dollar bills from banks in twelve cities. Of these 131 had traces of cocaine. How could this be?!!!

New Online Tour of RGF. Check it out Photo gallery at RGF.comThermo OxAwardsShowroomPaint boothLuisLobbyR&DEnvision hot tub barEnvision upper barR&D

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An Interview with Chris Vosburgh,Sales & Marketing GroupChris Vosburgh joined RGFin February 2006. His backgroundincludes a BS Degree,25 years experience inindustrial selling plus 15years experience in air purification,amazing record for32 year old guy! Chris hasachieved unbelievable salesresults and has exceededevery sales record evergiven him! For the secret ofChris's success, "RGFNews" asked him for an exclusive interview.RGF: Chris, time is money, so let's get to the point. What'sthe secret?Chris: Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told Time,Newsweek, Business Week and Playboy: "There is no secret!The products sell themselves. You simply have to findthe people who need them and tell them about the RGFproducts they need and, Shazam! A sale is made. I call it my'find a need and fill it' concept."RGF: "Find a need and fill it." That's brilliant, Chris! Hey,this is off the record, but do you know how I can make a milliondollars?Chris: It's easy! Find a way to make something for $1.00and sell it for $2.00. Then do it a million times!RGF: Unbelievable! Brilliant! Awesome! Why didn't I thinkof that? Ok, back to business. How do RGF products sellthemselves?Chris: Well, that's simple! Let's take one product at a time.Guardian Air. This is a real no brainer.You simply find HVAC distributors whowant to get into the lucrative indoor airbusiness, like who doesn't! Then youshow them the results on mold, bacteria,odors, virus and VOC's. Then whenthey see the high-tech look, its just so easy, well Bozo theClown could sell it!Hey, let's scratch the Bozo line. I got a little carried away!RGF: Sure Chris, no problem! What else does RGF have?Chris: The Commercial AdvancedOxidation AirPurificationproducts areunreal! They areprice competitive,lightweight,require no maintenance,and come with a three or five-year warranty. It's toogood to be true! You simply can't lose a sale! The competitionon air systems is still using old PCO technology, Also,our Marine line, with the air purification product line. Boatsdo not have to run the air conditioning system 24 hours aday to prevent mold and mildew. Do you know how muchmoney that can save?! It's like a candy store! RGF has somany great, innovative industrial products, and now they'rebringing them to commercial market, restaurants,resorts, hotels, nail salons, medical officesand veterinarians. I could goon, but I'm getting a littleemotional. Could we moveon?RGF: Sure Chris. I would hate to see a grown man cry.That's Barbara Walter's thing, not mine. Let's move on. Howdid you end up at RGF?Chris: Well, it's kind of a natural transition. You see I've beenin sales for over 40 years. IAQ sales and Distribution is thenext step, and RGF is the perfect match! When I first visitedRGF four years ago, I started hyperventilating. It was quiteembarrassing at the time! Hey, how about cutting the hyperventilatingpart!RGF: So, when you say, "the next step," does that mean?Chris: We are seeking a few good dedicated distributors,who want to take cutting edge environmental commercialtechnology like RGF has supplement their current sales.So, you know what they say about opportunity: when itknocks, you better take advantage of it, as it doesn't knocktwice.RGF: I like that "opportunity knocks" quote. I'm going to writethat one down. So, how do you like RGF so far?Chris: Well, it's great! First, I love the weather and PalmBeach, not to mention my office. It's great - as nice as Ron'sonly it's 200 feet down the hall from Ron's office. That's 84

steps. It takes two and a half minutes in the morning, morein the afternoon. Sometimes I wonder if there is a hiddenmessage in this.Chris: Unlimited! If you objectively look at each product, ithas the competition beat, where there is competition. It isnow up to us sales professionals to make it happen.RGF: Chris, whom do you envy the most at RGF?RGF:Who are RGF's competitors?Chris: That's easy also! Walt Ellis, our VP/GM. These RGFproprietary Advanced Oxidation Systems have passed withflying colors the most rigid independent testing from the mostprestigious US Fortune 500 food companies, plus the USDA,FDA, UL and ETL! Walt has tons of independent documentationproving 99%+ bacteria and virus reduction on food, airand water. Think about it - Walt could be credited with savingthe world! He could be on "Larry King Live"!! Without RGFand Walt, the show might be called "Larry King Dead"!Wouldn't that be dull! Walt is a nice guy, but let's face it, anymoron could sell this stuff. Hey, I got a little carried awaythere. How about leaving out the moron bit? I eat lunch withWalt, you understand.Chris: That's the best part! We don't have any as EPRI(Electric Power Research Institute) wrote in their report: "RGF is the only environmental company with credible, fullturnkey service from technology applications to design, toengineering, to manufacturing, to construction, installationand ongoing monitoring," and we cover water, food and air.RGF:How does RGF stay ahead of the competition?Chris: R&D. More money is spent on engineering and R&Dthan sales, which makes my job all the more fun!RGF:Speaking of fun, is it fun to work at RGF?Chris: Yes, kind of like working at Southwest Airlines. It'snot only fun, it's downright weird! For example, when I cameon board, we had a "CCC" party on the company megayacht,which was fun but also weird. You see "CCC" standsfor chocolate and cheap champagne. Did you ever try towash chocolate down with cheap champagne? Hey, let'sleave out the "cheap champagne." Sharon picked the champagne.I don't want to get sued! You know how lawyers canbe!Walter EllisRGF: Sure, Chris, No problem. I understand. How aboutjealousy? Are you jealous of anyone at RGF?Chris: I'm glad you asked that question! It's Sharon Rinehimer,our staff attorney and VP of International BusinessDevelopment. Since I've been around, she has been toJapan four times, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Peru,Mexico and Europe! I've been to Newark, Detroit, Peoria andDes Moines-period! Plus, she eats more than me and she isbone-thin! It's just not fair!RGF:Chris: No!Chris, should I leave anything out?RGF: I'm surprised she didn't get any attorney slams! So,what do you see for the future of RGF?RGF: Sure, Chris. It's your article. Anything you'd like toclose with?Chris: Yeah. If you're a potential superstar distributor andyou have the right stuff to be a member of the elite RGFCommercial Distributor Group, we're looking for a few goodDistributors, please give me a call!

RGF’s AUV Stick Lite+Mounting PlatePower SupplyExclusive Center Coil TMAdjustment SystemQuad Metallic OxideCatalytic Reflector (PCO)Protective Poly CoatingHigh Quality LongLife Quartz BulbHow does Ultraviolet (UV) Work?UV treatment systems installed in an air conditionercoil utilize a standard UV-c 254 nm wavelength bulb.UV-c has been used as a disinfectant since the 1930sand is still used in medical, pharmaceutical and industrialapplications. RGF has been a leader in the use ofUV in the medical, food and industrial applications forover 25 years with senior staff experience dating backto the 1960s.UV-c functions by breaking up the DNA of microorganismsthereby rendering them harmless. UV-c or“stick lights”, as they are known in the AC business,have been popular for the past 10 years. At this time inthe product cycle, they are known as a “mature product”or “commodity” considering there are dozens of companiesmaking UV-c stick lights, all using the same basictechnology, a UV-c 254 nm bulb! Many, for competitivereasons, have resorted to exaggerated claims, such asairborne virus and bacteria kills, also medical and allergyclaims. In addition, many have bypassed safetyissues for cost cutting. These have been overwhelminglycondemned by professional IAQ engineers and allHVAC professional publications.UV-c can kill airborne microbials, but it takes manybulbs in engineered systems. We do this engineeringfor industrial applications. Often we have to double theAC system to overcome the heat from all the UV bulbsneeded to make a noticeable airborne kill rate. This isjust not practical in a residential system. Responsibleprofessionals all agree UV stick lights work on AC coilsurfaces and can prevent microbial growth on the coil.This is RGF UV-c‘s only claim.Now UV-c light enhanced with a reflective Quad Metallicoxide catalyst or advanced UV can also reduceVOC’s and odors. This is the ultimate UV stick light, increasingUV energy due to the high-intensity reflectivemetal oxides while also providing catalytic oxidation ofodors and VOC’s. This is the RGF AUV Advantage.The Top 10 Reasons for Choosingthe RGF AUV1. AUV comes with a protectivesealed poly cover to preventMercury contamination if a bulbshould accidentally break. Mercuryis in all UV bulbs, and a spillin a home could result in a veryexpensive enviro clean-up.2. The bulb and electrical connection are sealed to Marinestandards, 100% waterproof.3.The removable Quad Metallic oxide catalytic reflectorenhances the UV intensity, plus it adds PCO photocatalyticoxidation capabilities for VOC and odor controls.The removable option feature makes it suitablefor a multitude of applications.4. Non-polarized bulb coating to repel dirt and greatly reducebulb cleaning.5. High-efficiency stabilized 24-volt ballast. (18-32 VAC)6. Integrated bulb status indicator.7.SPECIFICATIONS24 VAC Ballast (18-32 volt input range)Current .7 amps @ 24 VAC (16.8 VA)Operates on just 4.4 cents per day(based on 11 cents per kWh)UV Output: 100% Germicidal UV-C Light(254nm wavelength)Warranty: 2 year Lamp and 5 Year Power SupplyMounting Depth:Center Coil TM 14.5” to 17” range (no reflector)With reflector: min. depth 16”Mounting Plate: 3” diameterMounting Hole: 1-3/8” diameterMax. overall length: with mount 18”Min. overall length: 16”25,000-hour theoretical bulb life, 10,000 hour minimumlife so we feel comfortable offering a two-yearbulb and five-year ballast warranty.8. Remote ballast mounting for tight installs.9. Multi-position bulb mounting for versatile installation.10. This is an RGF product, made in the USA by RGF,who is the recognized worldwide leader in UV and AdvancedOxidation products with over twenty five yearsin business and over one million in operation worldwide.

New Ice Machine SanitizerBrochureRGF ICE MACHINESANITATION UNITRGF Environmental Group announced the latest RGF improvementto their ice machine sanitation line. The compact,free-standing unit easily mounts to the wall next to an ice machine.RGF’s proprietary Advanced Oxidation TechnologyREME ® or Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy drastically reducesmaintenance and provides safer, cleaner ice. The unitsimply pumps Advanced Oxidation Plasma into the ice machinewhere it reduces microbial growth such as mold, bacteriaand viruses.According to Dr. James Marsden, Regent's Distinguished Professorat Kansas State University in the area of food safety andsecurity who has conducted research on RGF’s technologiesfor the past 10 years: “One potential problem with ice is contaminationwith harmful bacteria, such as Listeria Monocytogeneswhich causes food poisoning. Traditional ice machineshave no disinfecting devices. The ice gets handled many timesand has been made days or even weeks before it is used. Ageand handling increase the possibility of contamination. RGFtechnology reduced the microbials in ice by 99.99% accordingto testing by Kansas State University. I believe the RGF enhancedice/water system will reduce maintenance, provide asafer, healthier product and be the future standard for the icebusiness.” A major theme park reports maintenance hasbeen reduced frommonthly to 8 month periods.That is a reductionfactor of “8” thanks to RGFIce Machine SanitationUnit.PHI Case StudyNursing Home/ Assisted Living FacilityPROBLEM: Odors, infections, illnesses, (pneumonia) –100% turnover rate in 24 room Alzheimers unit – costlyreplacements mattresses,carpeting, dosing withchemical mistsSOLUTION: Guardian Airunits installed in ductsthroughout facility and PIPin each room. Annualrevenue up $97,200Listeria Test99.9% reductionCall Chris or Mike for spec sheet

RGF-REME ® ValidationKansas State UniversityVALIDATIONH1N1 99%+ Reduction on stainless steelsurface▲MRSA 99%+ Reduction tested in a bio-chamberon surfaces.Staphlecocus 99%+ Reductiontested in a bio-chamber on surfaces.Sreptlococus 99%+ Reductiontested in a bio-chamber on surfaces.Listeria 99%+ Reduction tested in a bio-chamberon surfaces.E-coli 99%+ Reduction tested in abio-chamber on surfaces.Salmonella 99%+ Reduction testedin a bio-chamber on surfaces.Particulate ISO-Level 3 particulate reduction ina bio-chamber (better than HEPA Filtration)▲Disclaimer: RGF’s PHI products have not yet beenapproved, cleared or otherwise authorized by FDA and are notintended to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure theH1N1 Flu Virus.We recently had a request from a Fortune 500 major corporationfor us to prove our Guardian Air performance. We putSharon, our inhouse attorney to the task.The problem is obvious. Too many studies to send out plusmany were done by clients and 3rd party labs with confidentialityclauses. The following is a summary of the major categoriesof tests that have been performed.• Mold• Bacteria• Virus• Gases• Ozone• Sneeze• Particulate• Electrical & Safety• Food• Odors & Smoke• VOCs• Area CoverageOver 50 government agencies, labs, universities or majorcorporations conducted testing or studies. Sharon sortedand matrixed a majority of the tests. You or your clients arewelcome to review them in our Florida office. Note: Planahead, it’s holiday time and we are inundated with visitors.We often wonder WHY!!! It’s 82 O and sunny again today.RGF’s Positive Press = Increased SalesRGF as Seen On...Fox NewsABC NewsCBS News

UV, COP, PCO, ESP, AOP/PHI and REMEThe following is a brief discussion of today’s HVAC indoor air quality technologies:UV Stick Light - UV has been used as a surface sanitizer since the 1950s. Withenough intensity and dwell time it can kill airborne microbials. This is usually notpractical in a residential HVAC system as the amount of UV energy needed for ameaningful airborne kill rate would require an increase in cooling to overcome theheat load. They are useful in keeping the coil free of mold for the areas of the coil thatare directly exposed to the light.Unlike RGF’s REME or PHI, this technology does not send friendly oxidizersinto the room to aggressively kill germs at the source.COP/PCO – Catalytic or Photo Catalytic Oxidation Process. COPand PCO are used interchangeably. This system uses a matrix of catalysts, usuallyTitanium Dioxode. The Titanium Dioxode is excited by the UV for PCO and heat forCOP and creates a killing field on its matrix surfaces. Note: Only the air that passesthrough the matrix is treated. This technology differs from HEPA in that it does not createa pressure drop.Unlike RGF’s REME or PHI, this technology does not send friendly oxidizersinto the room to aggressively kill germs at the source.ESP- Electro Static Precipitator or Ionizers. These have been around forover 50 years and are the basis of the now infamous Sharper Image “Mystery” ionizer.These create ozone. If engineered well, the ozone levels will be low and within Federalsafety limits. They are not as effective as COP, PCO, HEPA or an AOP device.Unlike RGF’s REME or PHI, this technology does not send friendly oxidizersinto the room to aggressively kill germs at the source.AOP - PHI - Advanced Oxidation Process – Photohydroionization.A proprietary RGF technology. This technology is totally unique in that it kills microbialsat the source in the room. If you sneeze, 77% is killed before it travels threefeet. PHI sends airborne hydro peroxides throughout the home that kill airborne andsurface borne viruses, bacteria, mold, odors and VOCs. However, it has little effect onparticulates (dust).Education CornerREME – Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy. A proprietary RGF AdvancedOxidation technology. This process also creates hydro peroxides. However, it does itfaster than PHI, plus it ionizes them, giving it the ability to do everything that PHI cando, plus particulates such as dander, dust, pollen and smoke. REME can kill 99% ofmicrobes in a sneeze at three feet. Provides Hydro-peroxides throughout the roommaking the entire area a kill zone.Our Indoor Air Quality Program is now NATE RecognizedRGF Environmental Group is now offering a free NATE Recognized Indoor Air Quality Coursefor the HVAC Contractor. This one-hour course provides attendees credits for any specialty

ScentTechnologyBy Ronald G. FinkWhen you’re showing a hometo prospective buyers, real estateagents often suggest thatyou have something baking inthe kitchen. This, though, is a difficulttask to carry out with vacantapartments. But is the concept of setting anatmosphere by the use of a pleasing scent always desirable?Or is it safer to banish all odors, which might serve asdistractions?“Scent engineers” believe you will buy if the smell is right.Do scents really sell? Scent or odor technology is nothingnew. Many marketing plans have included aroma as a sellingaid, usually in relation to food businesses. Mall cookieshops are set up with baking ovens in direct access topassersby; the smell of fresh-baked cookies lures shoppersin. Theaters have blown the smell of fresh popcorn throughtheir air vents with reasonably good results. Of course, wehave also had the perfume industry, in its never-endingsearch for the perfect aphrodisiac, offering scratch-and-sniffpullouts.Recently, the field of scent technology has taken off in anew direction, teaming up with Madison Avenue marketersto develop “selling scents.” That’s right – odors that promoteus to buy, lease, use, or feel good about certain services orproducts. An “honesty” scent has been created by a Chicagoconsultant for car salespeople. Wear this scent and you’resupposed to smell honest! There is a new-car scent that simulatesthe odors of vinyl, plastic and glues. Even a gamblingscent exists that pumps up the urge to throw the dice.A number of problems with scent engineering could givethis latest marketing ploy a short life. The first is liability, lawsuitsfrom people allergic to the scents used. Also, manypeople react differently to the same odors. For example,what may smell like “springtime roses” to one person mightsmell like a funeral home to the next, which could provoke anegative response. Another problem is byproduct odors.Various scents will react with naturally occurring, pre-existingstronger odors that you are in essence trying to mask, andcreate unknown offensive odors!The breakthrough in Advanced Oxidation technologies is agroup of oxidants known as Hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxideshave been a common part of our environment for over3.5 billion years. Hydroperoxides are created in our atmospherewhenever three components are present: oxygen molecules,water vapor and energy (electro magnetic).REME+ also has the ability to supercharge these hydroperoxidesor ionize them into Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides.Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides are very effective at destroyingharmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants,they do this by either destroying the microbe through aprocess known as cell lysing or by changing its molecularstructure and rendering it harmless (which is the case inVOC’s and odors). The amount of hydroperoxides requiredto accomplish this task in a conditioned space is below thelevel that is constantly in our outside air. The Advanced Oxidationtechnology has brought the oxidants found in the outsideair into the indoor conditioned air. One of the bestfeatures of ionized Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides is as theysettle out of the air they disinfect surfaces. This was validatedin a Kansas State University Bio Chamber on stainlesssteel surfaces, resulting in a 99+% kill on numerousviruses and bacteria.There is no known case of hydroperoxides ever creating ahealth risk. Considering we have been exposed to hydroperoxidesin nature since the day man stepped on the planet, itis a reasonable assumption that hydroperoxides do not constitutea health risk. Over the past 25 years, RGF has morethan one million Advanced Oxidation products successfullyused worldwide without a safety problem.Small generators, costing anywhere from $500 to $3,500can clear a room of existing odors in a matter of hours.Apartment leasing agents have no doubt experienced theloss of potential tenants due to the presenceof offensive odors resultingfrom a past tenant’slifestyle or pets. When youconsider that all apartmentrental agents deal in the samecommodity, perhaps an odor-freeunit could give one unit an edgeRapid Recovery Unitover another.Advanced Oxidation could change the field of scent engineeringto that of non-scent engineering.The point is, scents can work both ways, and humans arevery sensitive to odors. Olfactory persuasion is a crapshootat best.Perhaps a better strategy would involve a lack of odor, orproducing the fresh, clean smell. No lawsuits, and no onecould have an aversion to a scent reminiscent of freshlylaundered bed sheets. Will it sell? It can’t hurt. How can wesafely eliminate odors from areas without adding a cover-upor new odor?Ron Fink President, CEO, Founder of RGF Environmental Group, Inc.Mr. Fink holds a BSME and has been active in Nuclear Weapon detectionfor the DIA and the Nuclear Power Industry. He holds numerous patentsand authored over 70 articles.RGF Environmental Group, Inc. founded in 1985 manufactures over 500products involving Advanced Oxidation Technology.

RGF Inducted into GreenBuilding CouncilGold’s Gym InstallsGuardian Air and REMEGold’s Gym in Orlando, FL has recently began a rollout ofGuardian Air and REME units to all 8 locations around thecity. The first building with 12 units was installed and resultshave been excellent. The management staff at Gold’s currentlyworking with RGF to feature the Guardian Air in advertisementsand posters all over every location as therollout is progressing.RGF Environmental was green before green was“in”. We have been green since 1985.RGF / CNN PollWho is the sexier Marsden?Dr. JimActor JimDr. James Marsden,Distinguished RegentsProfessor at Kansas State University,who has conducted researchon RGF’s PHI and REME technologyfor the past 10 years, has afamous son!James Marsden Jr., who is arapidly up and coming famousactor best known for:“Enchanted”“Hairspray”“Superman Returns”“X-Men: The Last Stand”“The Notebook” Big Star“27 Dresses”“The Box”99.99% voted for Actor James Marsden over Dr. Jim margin oferror .0001%RGF 3D PrinterRGF can now PRINT plastic parts in 3-D!RGF recently expanded its Research and Development capabilitywith the installation of a three dimensional plasticextrusion printing machine. This three axis printer allowsparts created in our 3-D modeling software to be printed thesame day from plastic. The machine can produce parts utilizinga variety of plastics including HDPE, LDP, PLA, PP,uPVC, and ABS. The plastic is heated then extrudedthrough an extremely fine orifice, slowly building layer uponlayer until the part is complete. Themachine is already in use makingprototype parts for our next generationair system.It’s now possibleto take a 3D drawing of yourselfand make a plastic bust.Did you know?About 5% of the world's population resides in the USA. About20% of the world's economy is in the USA. Yet, 70% of theworld's lawyers reside in the USA, and a staggering 94% ofthe world's lawsuits are made in the USA!

RGF versus...Legal Eagle SectionCBS Back in December 2007, a CBS affiliate in Spokane, WA, KREM, decided to do ahatchet job on Cougar Mechanical, a Spokane, WA mechanical contractor. Cougar, aclient of Airefco, our distributor in Spokane, heard about RGF’s Guardian Air, Cougarjumped on board purchasing units through Airefco.They had excellent results so they put up a billboard on a major highway stating that Guardian Air PHI can kill MRSA and otherbacteria and viruses. Of course, MRSA is big news all over the country as some reports have more people dying in hospitalsof MRSA infections than anything else! So a not too bright reporter from KREM in Spokane decided there couldn’t be a mechanicalcontractor that had a solution to the MRSA!Accordingly, this reporter contacted Katie Yockey, President of Cougar Mechanical, and she agreed to an interview. Katie providedthe PHI Guardian Air product brochure and she explained the technology, uses, independent lab tests, etc. Thereporter kept referring to PHI as a “filter”. He also never bothered to check with us or verifyresults with Dr. Marsden or anyone else. So they went off with a bogus negative story (badnews sells) on Cougar and RGF. Needless to say, we do not stand for cheap shots, lies andtrashy journalism that unfortunately has become the norm in the mainstream media! Theyshould listen to one time CBS News star Bernie Goldberg turned author and “just reportthe news not create it!” As soon as we received a copy of the newscast, we turned itover to our in-house “legal eagle”, Sharon Rinehimer, who went after KREM/CBS.Sharon promptly provided them with overwhelming proof of our claims. They admittedthat this wasn’t the best journalism and broadcast a retraction. This was notenough for us. We then went after damages for Cougar and RGF. As always,Sharon prevailed (She has been with RGF for over 18 years and never losta case!). Cougar and RGF received a nice check in early February.BOC RGF’s President/CEO Ron Fink announced today that RGF isback in the food processing business. In 1998 RGF was instrumental in obtainingUSDA approval for the use of ozone and UV technologies in food processingplants. In 2003 RGF sold seven of its proprietary Ozone/UV technology products to BOC(NYSE).The contract also included a non-compete in certain food processing industries. In 2005BOC decided to shut down all of its food ventures, including the contract with RGF. A lawsuit was filedby RGF and after more than two years in Federal Court, RGF has received its food products businessback. This is a win win for RGF.EcoQuest / Activtek RGF filed a Federal lawsuit against both companies andwas awarded a summary judgement by a federal judge. Future litigation is in process and we willkeep you informed.THEYTHINK I’M ALIGHT WEIGHT BUT IREALLY CARRY ALOTOF WEIGHTAROUND HERE!Sharon Rinehimer, VP, Corporate CounselRGF Accomplishments:•During her 18 years with RGF, she has visited 41 countries!•She developed over 30 International Distributor Agreements.•Never lost an RGF lawsuit.•Scores of Fortune 500 and international strategicalliances, OEM and JV contracts.Favorite True Story: Shortly after evacuating her waterfront home forHurricane Floyd, she left for Japan, which was promptly hit by a tsunamithe day she arrived, resulting from a Taiwan earthquake, and then a typhoonhit. On her last day in Japan, a major nuclear accident occurredon the island. When questioned about the events upon her return to theoffice, she stated: "My career at RGF has never been dull. Why shoulda hurricane, tsunami, typhoon and nuclear accident in a three-weekperiod be unusual!"

RGF PHI Inside NorwalkA New Distributor StoryTo Sales Guys,Wanted to let everyone know thatGuardian Air has by far been oneof the best performing productswe have introduced and has hadan incredibly rapid acceptancewith our customer base. Thankyou for each of your efforts withthis particular product, we have only scratched the surface ofits potential. Please keep promoting the benefits of having theGuardian Air in our customer’s product selection. Keep up thegreat work…Kev- VP Victor Distributing Co.Cruise LinesInstalling RGFPHI Air UnitsCruise lines concerned with mold,odors, MRSA and Norwalk virusare installing RGF/PHI throughout.A major line just removed allin duct UV air purification unitsand replaced them with RGF/PHI.RGF AOP Vapor Treatment SystemBioMedical Treatment Systems, Inc. (BMTS) manufacturesand markets a unique device to treat on-site medical “RedBag” and “Sharps” waste streams. Their device can acceptand sterilize items such as used syringes, wound dressings,and laboratory cultures from both medical offices and medicallab environments. Their proprietary device is part of a completeprogram that provides a controlled waste receptor, asterilization process, and a final packaging system, all accompaniedby an approved disposal program (including automatedlabels for chain of custody and waste trackingrequirements). For certain types of organic wastes that weretreated, very strong VOC’s (odors) could overpower the existingodor control system, and create an unpleasant work environmentfor the nurses or lab personnel. To overcome issueswith even the worst waste streams, BMTS contracted withRGF to have us design and develop an entirely new vaportreatment system based on our proven advanced oxidationtechnologies. After the initial design phase (which includedfull 3-D drawings of the proposed system with its integrationinto their device), prototypes were constructed and tested atRGF on the worst imaginable samples (think…following a dogearly in the morning with a plastic bag, and waiting forits….ummm...deposit). The finished systems worked flawlesslyand resulted in an immediate production order for thecustom advanced oxidation vapor treatment cell. Designchanges to the unit included modification to the existing vaporrecovery system, further design recommendations for improvedcondenser efficiency, and the installation of the entirelynew PHI-REME hybrid cell, which utilized a sealed treatmentchamber containing the waste vapor and the catalyzing bed,isolated by pure quartz chamber encasing the multi-wavelengthcell.RGF’s PHI / REME Hybrid CellDid You Know?A survey by Appliance Manufacturers Magazine shows66% of homeowners are very concerned about indoorair quality and 24% plan to purchase an air purifier.

Lucaya, BahamasWin A Trip!Call Chris or MikeEnvisionGolfBarCircusBarBarBarDolphinsCasino BarJet skiingWater skiingBarFishingReefSnorkelingEnvision is RGF’s 110’ floating Research & Development Lab and Showroom.Over 50 RGF products are on board and working hard everyday.The Envision FleetThe Envision 110’Envision Summers in the Bahamasand Winters in PalmBeach. She provides a productproving ground, showroom andTeenie Weenie Vision single 10 hp 10’MiniVision Twin 200 hp 30’a first class entertainment vessel.Sales contest winners andEnvision Toy Jet SkiIslandancer Single 150 hp 20’key clients enjoy not only Envision,but a wide variety of pleasurecraft from sport fishing to jetskiing to a high speed tender tokayaks. Envision is available formeetings and parties with yourkey clients.Clear kayak 9’ 2 personEnvision tender Single 140 hp 17’2 Single person kayaks 7’

NorwalkH1N1Infectious DiseasesEffect on Indoor AirQualityBy Dr. James Marsden, Ronald G. Finkand Walter EllisStrep MRSAIndoor air quality (IAQ) is rapidly becoming a buzz word forthe HVAC contractor. Most people associate indoor air qualitywith air filtration, which is designed to remove airborneparticles. The problem is that standard air filters have little orno effect on microbials such as viruses and bacterial, ormolds, VOC, odors and other health-related air contaminants.IAQ got its start with the media rash of mold stories of the1980s. Odor control was the buzz word of the 1990s, andwith the fears of SARS, Bird Flu, Norwalk, MRSA and H1N1(Swine Flu), the 2000s will be the decades of infectious diseasesand control of bacteria and viruses.Major hotel chains, hospitals, cruise lines, schools/colleges,restaurant chains, property managers and major corporationsare developing infectious diseases contingency plans.It began with the Norwalk Virus on cruise ships and MRSAin hospitals. The SARS Virus in China, and now the widelyfeared H1N1 (Swine Flu). The concern is employee safety,negative publicity, and of course, legal liability.Most infectious disease contingency plans consist of themultiple interventions concept, which consists of the utilizationof multiple disinfection technologies and procedures.The cruise line industry had a serious problem with the NorwalkVirus a few years ago. Thousands of people were gettinginfected. Their plan included:• Rapid identification and isolation of the sick.• Continuous disinfecting of handrails, door knobs andbanisters.• Continuous UV disinfection of indoor air via the HVACducts.It was later discovered that standard HVAC UV systemswere not working as the dwell or contact time was not nearlylong enough. These were replaced with an Advanced Oxidationtechnology. The problem with any HVAC UV air disinfectionsystem is that the contaminated air has to travel along distance before the bacteria or viruses may or may notbe killed in the UV kill zone of the HVAC unit. Let’s say youhave a virus and you sneeze, anyone within six feet of youwill have been potentially exposed. The fact that the airbornevirus might or might not be killed in the UV air disinfectionsystem later is of no consequence. You have already beenexposed. This concept was discovered by Sandia NationalLabs while working with RGF Environmental Group on ahomeland security project for a potential terrorist bio attackon an airliner. In theory, a terrorist could aspirate a virus easily.No one would know until the next day after they havetraveled and spread the virus. This is how worldwide pandemicscan get started.The solution was to kill the virus at the source before itreaches another person. The problem was how do you dothat? RGF Environmental Group has been working with AdvancedOxidation technology since the mid-1980s. RGF’sPhotohydroionization or PHI technology looked promising ashaving the ability to kill an airborne virus within three feet.The next problem was how do you validate the results? Thevalidation had to be a double-blind in a bio test chamber andhad to be repeatable. Now, how do you duplicate a sneeze?No two people sneeze alike or not even the same personcould duplicate his or her own sneeze. A high-tech sneezemachine was needed. Of course, there was no such thing,so RGF developed one. When you sneeze, you evacuateone lung of air volume. You expel about one gram of fluid atabout 100 miles per hour. RGF invented and built the world’sfirst sneeze machine with controls for volume, fluid andspeed. Now it was possible to duplicate a sneeze allowing arepeatable method of testing the effectiveness of RGF’sAdvanced Oxidation technologies.3’88% ReductionKill rate of virus and bacteriaA PHI Cell creates an airborne plasma basically consisting offriendly oxidizers. Friendly being those found in nature thatreturn to oxygen and water after they oxidize, such as hydroperoxides.The process is like misting the air with an atomizedor very fine mist of hydrogen peroxide. A series oftests were conducted by Kansas State University, who alsoworks closely with Sandia National Labs. The first resultswere outstanding with a kill rate of 78% of a sneeze at threefeet. A more advanced cell was later developed by RGF,REME or Reflective Electro-Magnetic Energy, thationized the Advanced Oxidation plasmamaking it far more effective ona broader scope of contaminates.REME sneeze resultsshowed 88%RGF’s REME ® Cellreductions.During the SARS scare a fewyears ago, the Chinese Governmentinstalled PHI AdvancedOxidation Cells in city buses andsubways after determining it killedthe deadly SARS virus. A Chinesemanufacturer licensed PHITechnology for use on China’s buses and subways.It is a normal reaction to question the long-term safety of anyproduct that is effective and uses new or “breakthrough”

Partial List of University Test Results• Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)*• Norwalk Virus*• Pseudomonas Sp.*• MRSA Bacteria*• Listeria*The World’s first Sneeze Machinetechnology. This type of question has become common asour litigious society has taught us to question things that significantlyoutperform existing methods or products.The breakthrough in the RGF Advanced Oxidation technologiesis a group of oxidants known as Hydroperoxides. Hydroperoxideshave been a common part of our environmentfor over 3.5 billion years. Hydroperoxides are created in ouratmosphere whenever three components are present: oxygenmolecules, water vapor and energy (electro magnetic).REME+ also has the ability to super charge these hydroperoxidesor ionize them into Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides.Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides are very effective at destroyingharmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants,they do this by either destroying the microbe through aprocess known as cell lysing or by changing its molecularstructure and rendering it harmless (which is typically thecase in VOC’s and odors). The amount of hydroperoxidesrequired to accomplish this task in a conditioned space isbelow the level that is constantly in our outside air. The AdvancedOxidation technology has brought the oxidants foundin the outside air into the indoor conditioned air. One of thebest features of Ionized-Hydro-Peroxides is that as theysettle out of the air, they disinfect surfaces. This was validatedin a Kansas State University Bio Chamber on stainlesssteel surfaces, resulting in a 99+% kill on numerous virusesand bacteria.There is no known case of hydroperoxides ever creating ahealth risk. Considering we have been exposed to hydroperoxidesin nature since the day man stepped on the planet, itis a reasonable assumption that hydroperoxides do not constitutea health risk. Over the past 25 years, RGF has morethan one million Advanced Oxidation products have beensuccessfully used worldwide without a safety problem.Authors:Dr. James Marsden Regents Professor at Kansas State University,who has conducted research on Advanced Oxidation Technology for thepast 15 years. He has authored numerous articles and holds manypatentsRon Fink President, CEO, Founder of RGF Environmental Group, Inc.Mr. Fink holds a BSME and has been active in Nuclear Weapon detectionfor the DIA and the Nuclear Power Industry. He holds numerous patentsand authored over 70 articles.Walter Ellis Vice President Research & Development, RGF EnvironmentalGroup. BS Degree in Biology & Marine Biology. Mr. Ellis is a specialistin Advanced Oxidation. He has authored several publishedtechnical papers and has numerous patents.RGF Environmental Group, Inc. founded in 1985 manufactures over 500products involving Advanced Oxidation Technology.• E.coli*• Staph*• Strep*• Stachybotrys chartarum*• Candida*• H1N1 Swine Flu*▲▲Disclaimer: RGF’s PHI products have not yet beenapproved, cleared or otherwise authorized by FDA and are not intended todiagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure theH1N1 Flu Virus.* 99+% reduction on stainless steel surface in a KansasState University Class II Bio ChamberIn addition:• Formaldehyde 99+%• Mold 97% to 98%• Hydrogen Sulfide 80%• Odors - pet, chemicals and human biological odors 55% to 98%• Smoke 70%• Particulate – ISO-Class 3Advanced Oxidation PlasmaREME CellAC CoilFilterBlowerTypical Installation in HVAC systemVent

Commercial Grade Residential Indoor Air QualityMold, Bacteria, Viruses, Odor, Dust, Pollen Problems and SolutionsABProblemIndoor Air Quality – Sick HouseSyndrome – mold, bacteria,viruses, odors, dust, pollen anddust mite danderFood spoilage, bacteria andodorsSolutionGuardian Air REME or PHI Cellin the HVAC system eliminatesSick House SyndromeGuardian Air Refrigerator Unit increasesfood shelf life up to 40%and eliminates odorsCBathroom odors, toilet bowlbacteria sanitationGuardian Air Bathroom Unitreduces odors and bowl bacteriaDBasement, crawl space orgarage stale air mold and odorsGuardian Air BOS III or a PIPETrash compactor bacteria andodorsGuardian Air Trash CompactorUnitFGCooking grease odorsLitter box bacteria and odorsGuardian Air Exhaust HoodGrease Digester and OdorControlGuardian Air Litter Box UnitHChlorine aspirated into the airby a showerheadGuardian Air Showerhead UnitIJKFood safety and food shelf lifebacteria, viruses and odorsSick home or building mold,chemicals, VOCs, bacteria,virusWindow unit or small HVACbacteria and moldPHI Food Pure increases foodshelf life and reduces odorsAn hourly disinfection restorationservice. Units rent for $25-$50 perhour good duct cleaning methodMini HVAC Unit compact for tightinstallationsLUninformed customers, servicetechs and sales peopleA self study course that teaches allaspects of Advanced OxidationSpec sheets for each product available. Call MikeNext month we will introduce our Commercial Industrial Program

DIVERSIFYRecession Got YourSales Down?Maybe it’s time to diversify.By increasing your scope of products, you can increaseyour sales.Every sales call has a cost. If you can sell aGuardian Air HVAC Cellyou can probably sell other Guardian Air productsas well!Sales Chart2007 2008 <strong>2009</strong> 2010RGF Guardian Air Residential Diversification Program

RGF’s “Lamborgreenie”The RGF “Lamborgreenie” is the latest pet project of the“crack RGF R&D team”.The concept is to develop a high-performance, electric greencar that will do 0 to 60 mph in less than four seconds andtravel up to 200 miles between major charging. An onboardgas generator will aid in charging and extend charging cycles.It is not our idea to go into the car business. We justwant to prove that (A) it can be done relatively easyily, andwe will prove it to the dinosaurs in Detroit. (B) We will useI don’t seea girlWhat girlThe RGF R&D Team still contemplating.The engineers at RGF contemplate modifications for the“Lamborgreenie”.the vehicle at various tradeshows as an attraction and attentionmagnet. One concept is to have the car with 20hand-rubbed coats of clear coat, giving it a candy applelook. A tall, thin blonde model would pose with the car andany tradeshow visitors that would like a photo taken with ahot model and a hot “Lamborgreenie”! Of course, we willget them to sign a “Divorce Release Form”, which wouldhold us harmless from any resulting divorces!(See George for priceless outtakes of the photo shoot!!!)New Formaldehyde Testing for RGF Guardian AirThe ProblemFormaldehyde originating from building materialsTwo sets of tests were performed to validate PHI’s effectiveness on reducingformaldehyde levels in trailers. Most of us have seen the lines of trailers suppliedby FEMA for the Gulf Coast victims of the hurricanes in the last couple of years.The problem with the majority of those trailers is they were off gassing high levelsof formaldehyde which is a carcinogen, a cancer causing agent. Bill O’Brien,from Thomas J. Finnegan & Co. jumped into his superman outfit and worked directlywith the housing manufacturer’s third party testing laboratory to try and salvagethe trailers. After extensive testing, the results from both Kansas StateUniversity and FEMA’s third party engineering firm were almost exact in the significantreduction of the formaldehyde levels.SUPERSTARBill O’Brien of Thomas J. Finnegan & Co.Test results from Kansas State and from independent FEMA engineering firmRejected trailers due to high levels of Formaldehyde

RGF Environmental Group, Inc. Teams WithHomeland Security & Center for Disease ControlRGF Environmental Group’s key personnel have a long history of U.S. Government Service.Over RGF’s 25-year history, the company has equipment in every branch of the military andevery national test facility and lab. More recently, RGF has been involved with Homeland Security.The following is a brief summary of RGF’s, Homeland Security and the Center for DiseaseControl’s roles:2001 – Just weeks after 9/11, RGF was invited to a SecurityIntelligence briefing in Washington by the Association forIntelligence Officers on “What we know and what we don’t know.”2001 – Anthrax Scare – RGF is on the evening news with itsPHI Food Sanitation Hood’s ability to kill Anthraxon mail for the U.S. Postal Service.2002 – RGF successfully demonstrated its Advanced Oxidation Technology to SandiaNational Labs, Kansas State University and Homeland Security to protect against aBio-Terrorism attack on aircraft.2002 – RGF developed the world’s first Sneeze Machine to validateRGF’s PHI ability to kill airborne bacteria and virus validation byKansas State University proved 88% kill at three feet.2003 – SARS Scare – RGF is on the evening news and in the presswith the ability of PHI to kill the deadly SARS Virus. The ChineseGovernment tests PHI and ordered thousands of units for subwaysand buses.2003 – RGF developed a Nuclear / Chemical Air Filter for WallStreet firms that were concerned about a dirty nuclear or chemicalbomb terrorist attack contaminating the air withairborne radiation or chemicals.2005 – RGF works with the cruise industry to help stop the Norwalk Virus problem on cruiseships. After a year of successful independent testing, the cruise industry accepted PHItechnology. Numerous ships have been outfitted with RGF’s PHI technology, and no shipthat has PHI installed has had a Norwalk Virus outbreak!2008 – Kansas State University tests REME, RGF’s most advanced technology,on the deadly MRSA bacteria with 99% kill rates. Regional Hospital completesa two-year on site test of REME concludes a 33.4% reduction of MRSA.<strong>2009</strong> – RGF is working with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on the use of REMEon Norwalk Virus outbreaks based on our Midwest Research Institute testing and ourflawless cruise ship record!<strong>2009</strong> – RGF is appointed to Homeland Security Nuclear, Biological and ChemicalTerrorism Task Force. RGF’s role is to develop terrorism scenarios and developpractical technology and devices to counter nuclear, biological or chemical terrorism.Our role will also encompass educating first responders nationwide.RGF’s REME Technology is being field tested at this time.

The DeslimerHVAC Drain Service Tool eliminates risks and reduces costs associated with blocked condensate drains.RGF Environmental Group. Inc. has introduced another first-of-its-kind product for the HVAC industry. Inconsultation with a local HVAC contractor, RGF has developed the DeslimerHVAC Drain Service Tool. TheDeslimer, a dual action condensate drain pump, eliminates endlessly sucking on blocked drains with shopvacuums and the cost associated with motor burn outs, nitrogen bottles and refills. Designed to break thebond of the microbial build-up, the Deslimer quickly and easily clears blocked condensate drains in minutes.Each year blocked condensate drains are responsible for thousands of dollars in damage due to overflowof condensate water onto surrounding dry wall, fittings and fixtures. The options until now have been usinga commercial shop vac to suck microbial build up from the drain line or blast the line with nitrogen. Bothmethods take up to 20 minutes to remove a blockage and require expensive tools along with consumablesreplacement. The Deslimer is small enough to carry in a tool kit, breaks microbial blockage with dualaction ‘push and pull’ motion, requires no electrical connection or gas replacement, and reduces ablocked drain repair from 20 minutes to 5 minutes.The Deslimer is constructed of durable aluminum with minimal moving parts. Limited lifetime warrantyoffered along with 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Available through HVAC wholesale outlets stockingRGF products, the Deslimer is an essential tool for all serious HVAC service technicians.Reduce liability, time and money with one simple inexpensive tool – See the Deslimer in action athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJqL5i0BB_43875 Fiscal Court, West Palm BeachFlorida 33404ENVIRONMENTALManufacturer of over 500 environmental productsThe Envision Is available for contractor /wholesaler / representative meetings.Providing The World with Pure Air, Water and FoodEnvision - RGF’s Showroom

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