„Ultimul” hotel din Albena - info albena

„Ultimul” hotel din Albena - info albena

„Ultimul” hotel din Albena - info albena


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- Deja a]i tras principalele concluzii<br />

privind sezonul care tocmai se<br />

încheie. Care vor fi principalele pie]e<br />

c`rora <strong>Albena</strong> li se va adresa anul<br />

viitor?<br />

- Bineîn]eles, pia]a român` va fi în<br />

continuare în aten]ia noastr`, fiind una <strong>din</strong><br />

principalele pie]e, al`turi de cea german`<br />

[i cea ruseasc`. {i 2010 va fi un an dificil [i<br />

ne gândim de pe acum cum s` ne<br />

provom`m avantajele pe diverse pie]e. În<br />

februarie - martie vom organiza un roadshow<br />

în România, care va trece prin ora[e<br />

importante precum Bucure[ti, Pite[ti,<br />

Târgovi[te, Ploie[ti, Constan]a, Br`ila, Ia[i,<br />

Suceava, Bac`u, Bra[ov, Cluj, Târgu<br />

Mure[, Sibiu... Vom prezenta avantajele<br />

Albenei în fa]a jurnali[tilor [i a agen]ilor de<br />

turism. Discut`m despre cum s` îmbun`]im<br />

rela]ia cu touroperatorii, c`rora le oferim<br />

acces automat pe site [i despre cum s` le<br />

oferim acces de la sistemul propriu de<br />

rezerv`ri la cel al Albenei, care pot fi<br />

conectate. Acestea vor determina, cu<br />

siguran]`, cre[terea volumului [i a<br />

vânz`rilor. De asemenea, ne gândim cum<br />

s` atragem mai mul]i turi[ti, [i de aceea am<br />

sc`zut pre]urile pentru anul viitor. Am<br />

introdus [i alte avantaje pentru early<br />

booking, oferind un discount de 20%<br />

pentru cei care fac rezerv`ri pân` la<br />

sfâr[itul lunii aprilie. Credem c` toate aceste<br />

m`suri vor determina cre[terea num`rului<br />

de turi[ti. Deocamdat` a[tept`m s` tragem<br />

concluziile acestui an, sezonul încheinduse<br />

la mijlocul lunii octombrie. Din p`cate,<br />

pentru români [i bulgari sezonul se încheie<br />

pe 20 septembrie, ace[tia preferând<br />

perioadele mai calde, fa]` de turi[tii nordici<br />

sau germani.<br />

- Inten]iona]i ca anul viitor s`<br />

lansa]i un nou mesaj, o alt`<br />

campanie de promovare?<br />

- Înc` ne gândim la un nou slogan. În acest<br />

an, am avut “Ultra Summer”, prin care am<br />

sugerat c` oferim mai multe <strong>hotel</strong>uri în<br />

regim ultra all inclusive, o premier` pe<br />

litoralul M`rii Negre, la pre]uri foarte bune<br />

[i servicii de calitate.<br />

A consemnat Traian BåDULESCU<br />

At this moment, the Romanian tourists represent 25%<br />


Margita Todorova has a career that is<br />

strongly linked to tourism and <strong>Albena</strong>. She<br />

graduated the Tourism Colledge from the<br />

Varna University, which at the time was<br />

called ’touristic economy’. Just after<br />

graduating she started to work for the<br />

<strong>Albena</strong> Resort, as a restauration specialist.<br />

Then she was promoted to Sales and<br />

Advertising Manager for the spa. From<br />

1990 she works at the marketing and sales<br />

departaments, being named director in<br />

1996. She is a member of the <strong>Albena</strong><br />

hol<strong>din</strong>g board and of the directing council<br />

of the resort.<br />

-You are the Sales and Marketing<br />

Director of <strong>Albena</strong> and you have<br />

been working for the resort for<br />

almost 30 years. In your opinion,<br />

what are the main reasons that<br />

attract tourists from all around the<br />

world and specially from Romania<br />

to <strong>Albena</strong>?<br />

-On the 24th of August, <strong>Albena</strong> has just<br />

become 40 years old, both as a resort and<br />

as a company. So you can say that we<br />

have a vast experience when it comes to<br />

serving and satisfying our customers. In<br />

order to have succes in this field you must be<br />

open to the tourists and to be albe to meet<br />

their expectations. Our high standards and<br />

the great quality-price ratio are proven by<br />

the fact that most of our clients come back<br />

many more times. To be more precise, 35<br />

to 40% come return.<br />

-<strong>Albena</strong> is 40 years old, thus having<br />

a rich past. What can you tell us<br />

about the evolution of this resort?<br />

Was it created for Bulgarian or<br />

foreign tourists?<br />

-It was built for foreign toursts. At the time it<br />

was oriented for the soviet Russian market.<br />

The architecture has managed to make a<br />

very good product and in 1970 the resort<br />

received the ’Dimitrov Award’, the highest<br />

reward in Bulgarian tourism. The second<br />

stage of <strong>Albena</strong>’s evolution was in 1973.<br />

In 4 years a number of 43 <strong>hotel</strong>s have been<br />

built. A construction company was created<br />

in the city of Dobrich in order to provide the<br />

materials. The <strong>hotel</strong>s were built in a piramid<br />

style. Afterwards, accor<strong>din</strong>g to the newer<br />

projects, the <strong>hotel</strong>s were built in a classical<br />

style. A nother particularity of <strong>Albena</strong> is that<br />


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