
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


Strange EventsThe Ghost ShipA young man from Fogo Island was working 'across the bay' when he sawsomething very strange. He was walking home one chilly evening when hestopped at the local store to 'get a warm'. Before entering the store, he noticeda large schooner passing just outside the harbour.Once inside, he joined a group of men who were enjoying a great yarn. He satwith them and mentioned the schooner he had seen minutes before. As theylistened, the older men nodded their heads and began to smile.The young fellow could not understand why the other men were amused.Then, one man spoke up and said, "Sonny, that schooner goes up the bayevery time a storm comes. We never found out if there was a schooner lost orwhat, but that's the way it happens every time."At first, the young man did not believe the story. However, when a stormstruck later that night, he had to think twice.The Fright of His LifeSome people are not easily frightened. Mr. Lynch of Island Harbour is one ofthese people. He has seen many things in his life, but none of them scaredhim as much as the thing he saw one night while walking home.He was on his way from Payne's Harbour to Butt's Point when he met a manon the road. This man was dressed in a black suit of clothes. Mr. Lynch spoketo the man, but did not get a reply. This made him curious, so he tried to get abetter look. Mr. Lynch almost jumped out of his skin when he realized that thefigure in front of him did not have hands and did not have a head. Mr. Lynchwas about to shout for help when the man in black vanished.

Mr. Lynch ran to his house and told his family what he had seen. At first, noone believed him. However, when they saw that he was shaking with fear,they knew that he was telling the truth. They were all frightened and wanted tospeak to the priest. As it happened, the priest was in Island Harbour thatevening and arrived at the Lynch home in minutes.He asked Mr. Lynch to tell his story and describe where it had happened.Then, the priest convinced a few people to go with him to the place where Mr.Lynch had seen the figure. When they reached the spot, the priest said a fewprayers and then returned to Mr. Lynch's house.Years later, someone questioned the priest about the events of that night.However, the priest would not talk about it. In fact, after he returned to theLynch home, he never spoke of it again.Mr. Lynch still believes he saw a ghost. Whatever he saw that night, it is safeto say that it gave him the fright of his life!The Headless SoldierOne night a lady from Fogo was returning from a friend's house when shenoticed a man walking in front of her. She thought it was her older brother Val,so she called out to him.The man stopped for a moment, but then began to walk faster. The ladypicked up her pace to catch him, but the man also sped up. She soon becameannoyed and shouted, "Don't run away from me Val, I knows who you is! Stopright now and wait fer me!"She said this several times as she hurried along, but did not succeed inmaking the man wait for her. At one point, she noticed she could not see hishead. At first, she thought his coat collar was pulled up high, but this was notso. Just as she reached out for him, he vanished. The lady was frightened andran the rest of the way to her house.The following day, the family received the sad news that a close relative hadbeen killed at war. From that day onward, the lady was certain she had seenthe spirit of the dead soldier. She believed the spirit was trying to tell her thatsomething terrible had happened to him.

Mr. Lynch ran to his house and told his family what he had seen. At first, noone believed him. However, when they saw that he was shaking with fear,they knew that he was telling the truth. They were all frightened and wanted tospeak to the priest. As it happened, the priest was in <strong>Island</strong> Harbour thatevening and arrived at the Lynch home in minutes.He asked Mr. Lynch to tell his story and describe where it had happened.Then, the priest convinced a few people to go with him to the place where Mr.Lynch had seen the figure. When they reached the spot, the priest said a fewprayers and then returned to Mr. Lynch's house.Years later, someone questioned the priest about the events <strong>of</strong> that night.However, the priest would not talk about it. In fact, after he returned to theLynch home, he never spoke <strong>of</strong> it again.Mr. Lynch still believes he saw a ghost. Whatever he saw that night, it is safeto say that it gave him the fright <strong>of</strong> his life!The Headless SoldierOne night a lady from <strong>Fogo</strong> was returning from a friend's house when shenoticed a man walking in front <strong>of</strong> her. She thought it was her older brother Val,so she called out to him.The man stopped for a moment, but then began to walk faster. The ladypicked up her pace to catch him, but the man also sped up. She soon becameannoyed and shouted, "Don't run away from me Val, I knows who you is! Stopright now and wait fer me!"She said this several times as she hurried along, but did not succeed inmaking the man wait for her. At one point, she noticed she could not see hishead. At first, she thought his coat collar was pulled up high, but this was notso. Just as she reached out for him, he vanished. The lady was frightened andran the rest <strong>of</strong> the way to her house.The following day, the family received the sad news that a close relative hadbeen killed at war. From that day onward, the lady was certain she had seenthe spirit <strong>of</strong> the dead soldier. She believed the spirit was trying to tell her thatsomething terrible had happened to him.

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