
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


Jumping Ship on Fogo IslandOn October 29, 1916, the Danish schooner, Katrina was loaded with dry codat the premises of Earle and Sons Company Limited, Fogo. The ship wasscheduled to leave port the next day.Schooners at Earle and Sons Company Limited, FogoHowever, one crew member on the Katrina prepared to do something else. Aseventeen-year-old Danish boy, Aksel Neilson, was getting ready to jumpship. On the voyage to Fogo, Aksel had been suffering from a very sore eye.However, the First Mate had insisted that he spend time on watch. Theargument continued until the Captain became involved. The Captain sidedwith Aksel and gave him some boric acid powder for his eye. However, thiscreated another problem for the young man. Now, the First Mate had evenmore reason to dislike him, for Aksel had made him look bad in front of theCaptain.Aksel decided that he could not stay on the ship for the return voyage. Latethat night, he fled the Katrina with just a small bag of clothes and some breadand water. He crept onto the wharf and slowly made his way to a hiding spotunder a nearby store. When he got there, he realized that he had left his bagbehind. He was now in a strange land with no food and only the clothes on hisback.When daylight broke, Aksel reached the western side of Brimestone Head. Bythis time he was very cold, wet, and scared. By chance, Mr. Walter WilliamLudlow was on Brimestone Head with his spy glass. He was watching themen fishing nearby. Mr. Ludlow was surprised to find the young man huddledamong the bushes. Aksel could not speak any English, but the two men wereable to use simple signs to communicate. Mr. Ludlow assured the young man

that he would not return him to the ship. He also tried to tell him that he wouldreturn under the cover of darkness with help. Later that night, Mr. Ludlow andhis friend Charlie Chaffey, returned and found the frightened young man. Theytook him to Mr. Ludlow's home and gave him dry clothes and a hot meal.Aksel was exhausted and quickly fell asleep. In the days that followed, theyoung hideaway hid in Charlie Chaffey's unfinished house during the day andreturned to Mr. Ludlow's house during the night for food and to sleep.As if the young man did not have enough to worry him, a storm delayed thedeparture of the Katrina for nine days. During this time, the ship's Captainoffered a twenty-dollar reward for the return of the missing crew member. Thiswas a large sum of money in 1916. However, Mr. Ludlow and Mr. Chaffeynever considered turning the young man over. In fact, they did everything theycould to protect him. After a long wait, the Katrina finally left Fogo - withoutAksel Neilson.The Ludlow family continued to help Aksel after the Katrina left port. Afterthree or four weeks, they found work for Aksel at Campbell's lumber campnear Millertown. Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Chaffey and some of their friends gave theyoung man some clothes and supplies and found passage for him on theClyde.Photograph of Aksel NeilsonAksel made it to the lumber camp safely, but did not stay there for long. Hecould not speak English and the other men began to think he was a Germanspy. They often saw him writing notes and drawing simple maps. On New

Jumping Ship on <strong>Fogo</strong> <strong>Island</strong>On October 29, 1916, the Danish schooner, Katrina was loaded with dry codat the premises <strong>of</strong> Earle and Sons Company Limited, <strong>Fogo</strong>. The ship wasscheduled to leave port the next day.Schooners at Earle and Sons Company Limited, <strong>Fogo</strong>However, one crew member on the Katrina prepared to do something else. Aseventeen-year-old Danish boy, Aksel Neilson, was getting ready to jumpship. On the voyage to <strong>Fogo</strong>, Aksel had been suffering from a very sore eye.However, the First Mate had insisted that he spend time on watch. Theargument continued until the Captain became involved. The Captain sidedwith Aksel and gave him some boric acid powder for his eye. However, thiscreated another problem for the young man. Now, the First Mate had evenmore reason to dislike him, for Aksel had made him look bad in front <strong>of</strong> theCaptain.Aksel decided that he could not stay on the ship for the return voyage. Latethat night, he fled the Katrina with just a small bag <strong>of</strong> clothes and some breadand water. He crept onto the wharf and slowly made his way to a hiding spotunder a nearby store. When he got there, he realized that he had left his bagbehind. He was now in a strange land with no food and only the clothes on hisback.When daylight broke, Aksel reached the western side <strong>of</strong> Brimestone Head. Bythis time he was very cold, wet, and scared. By chance, Mr. Walter WilliamLudlow was on Brimestone Head with his spy glass. He was watching themen fishing nearby. Mr. Ludlow was surprised to find the young man huddledamong the bushes. Aksel could not speak any English, but the two men wereable to use simple signs to communicate. Mr. Ludlow assured the young man

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