
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


time they made it, they found nothing only clear water. The ice was all goneabroad.I don't know if there was four or six, but there was no time to count. I wouldsay there was four. We had no gun to fire and we couldn't get no further. Wehad a job to get anywhere. We had to look for a black vein of ice to getthrough.After a spell, Steve said, "We got to turn this punt around. We are going up onthe Long Rocks and we'll be jammed! Get the punt around now!" There wasno more sound, no more sign of them. The fog set in thick again. We turnedthe punt around, but we had a hard enough job trying to do it. Then we cometo some thin ice and we made it to clear water. We rowed down be the edgeand landed at Brooks' Point. I come home and that was the way it ended. Justlike that.Now, there was also a crowd out from Tilting that day, but they had a betterchance to get in to shore. Two fellers, Tom and Harry Dwyer was stuck out ona pan. Harry was older than Tom and he 'gave out'. He couldn't go no further.Tom had a chance to get ashore without him, but he would not leave himbehind, no sir. He stayed on the pan with him and they were lucky enough toget picked up. I believe they was picked up by a boat that was looking for theJacobs brothers and Pomeroy.

The Loss of the ScammelsYears ago, many people would go to Little Fogo Islands to take part in thespring seal hunt. One Sunday afternoon, the Donahue men were sitting downto eat when a knock came on the door of their house. Two young men fromChange Islands stepped inside and said, "This is where the sealers are to!"The home of Mr. William Donahue, Little Fogo Islands,as it was when the Scammels were lost.They explained that they planned to go sealing the following morning in a rowboat rigged with a sail. Mr. William Donahue said, "Now, boys, when you gooff the northeast of Little Fogo Islands you are out on the ocean. It's not thesame as the north end of Change Islands, so watch yourselves."The next day, Mr. Donahue went up on Dean's Harbour Head for a lookaround. This was the highest point of land on the island. He spied the youngmen's row boat to the north-east, but they were very far away. In fact, theywere so far away that the sail on the boat looked no bigger than a ladieshandkerchief.That evening the wind chopped round and the men were lost at the ice. Theirboat was found sometime later off of Tilting. Their bodies were never found.Questions to think and write about:1. How is the modem seal hunt different than the hunt in those days?

time they made it, they found nothing only clear water. The ice was all goneabroad.I don't know if there was four or six, but there was no time to count. I wouldsay there was four. We had no gun to fire and we couldn't get no further. Wehad a job to get anywhere. We had to look for a black vein <strong>of</strong> ice to getthrough.After a spell, Steve said, "We got to turn this punt around. We are going up onthe Long Rocks and we'll be jammed! Get the punt around now!" There wasno more sound, no more sign <strong>of</strong> them. The fog set in thick again. We turnedthe punt around, but we had a hard enough job trying to do it. Then we cometo some thin ice and we made it to clear water. We rowed down be the edgeand landed at Brooks' Point. I come home and that was the way it ended. Justlike that.Now, there was also a crowd out from Tilting that day, but they had a betterchance to get in to shore. Two fellers, Tom and Harry Dwyer was stuck out ona pan. Harry was older than Tom and he 'gave out'. He couldn't go no further.Tom had a chance to get ashore without him, but he would not leave himbehind, no sir. He stayed on the pan with him and they were lucky enough toget picked up. I believe they was picked up by a boat that was looking for theJacobs brothers and Pomeroy.

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