
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


These are just a few of the many stories that can be told of the brave peoplewho went to war. May we always remember and respect their dedication inserving their country and saving our freedom.Questions to think and write about:1. How old was Christopher Cobb when he went to war?2. What made the splashing sound that Mr. Cobb heard?3. What were the names of the men who went overseas on the Duchess ofRichmond? What year did they leave home?4. What made the loud whistling sound that Mr. George Decker and hisfriends heard?5. What did one man eat for his first meal on the base in England?6. In what war did Richard Hynes die? What was the name of the battle?

The Souvenir Turtle ShellSometimes, ships sailing across the Atlantic Ocean were caught in gale forcewinds. On other crossings, they moved very slowly because the winds weretoo light.In the fall of 1926, a three-masted Danish schooner under the command ofCaptain Dam was on its way to Joe Batt's Arm. The vessel, Astra, wasscheduled to pick up a load of dry cod at the premises of Mr. Levi Perry. Thetrip took longer than usual because there was almost no wind.One day while the Astra drifted along, the crew discovered a large sea turtlesleeping on top of the water. They captured the turtle, killed it and ate themeat. Soon, all that remained was the shell. The wind was still light and thecrew became bored. To pass the time, a sailor named William Yaksomandecided to turn the shell into a wall-hanging. He carefully cleaned the breastportion of the shell and made letters out of 'tea lead'. Tea lead is similar toaluminum foil. In those days it was used to line tea chests.When the Astra finally arrived in Joe Batt's Arm, Mr. Walter Ludlow helpedload her for the return trip. Before setting sail again, Yaksoman gave the turtleshell to Mr. Ludlow as a keepsake.The turtle shell. Notice the date (1926), name of the ship (Astra),and the word "Velkommen", which means welcome.

These are just a few <strong>of</strong> the many stories that can be told <strong>of</strong> the brave peoplewho went to war. May we always remember and respect their dedication inserving their country and saving our freedom.Questions to think and write about:1. How old was Christopher Cobb when he went to war?2. What made the splashing sound that Mr. Cobb heard?3. What were the names <strong>of</strong> the men who went overseas on the Duchess <strong>of</strong>Richmond? What year did they leave home?4. What made the loud whistling sound that Mr. George Decker and hisfriends heard?5. What did one man eat for his first meal on the base in England?6. In what war did Richard Hynes die? What was the name <strong>of</strong> the battle?

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