
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


TravelThis photo was taken in 1956 or 1957.Before the Trans Canada Highway was completed, a ferry carried trafficacross the Exploits River. Later, the Sir Robert Bond Bridge was built andmade travel much easier. Imagine taking a ferry when traveling betweenGander and Grand Falls-Windsor!

Someone Had a Little Lamb!The young lady in this picture raisedthis orphaned lamb. It followed hereverywhere and was more of a pet thana farm animal. The lamb could neverunderstand why it was not allowed inthe house with everyone else! On morethan one occasion it sneaked into theporch, hoping to stay inside with thefamily.Also notice the method of drying socks(vamps) on the fence. There were veryfew clothes pins in those days and thiswas the easiest way to get the jobdone!

Someone Had a Little Lamb!The young lady in this picture raisedthis orphaned lamb. It followed hereverywhere and was more <strong>of</strong> a pet thana farm animal. The lamb could neverunderstand why it was not allowed inthe house with everyone else! On morethan one occasion it sneaked into theporch, hoping to stay inside with thefamily.Also notice the method <strong>of</strong> drying socks(vamps) on the fence. There were veryfew clothes pins in those days and thiswas the easiest way to get the jobdone!

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