
tales-of-Fogo-Island tales-of-Fogo-Island


This is a copy of Nathaniel Sheppard's Case Record. It shows how Mr. Sheppard spent the fundshe received. Notice that he purchased new fishing gear and applied the balance toward aschooner. Mark Sheppard's Case Record is similiar, except he used his money to help cover thecost of an engine and materials for the boat.These items are courtesy of the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

The Good Sheppards, Part Two!It has been said that history repeats itself. This is the case for the Keefes andthe Sheppards. A number of years later, some relatives of Thomas andNicholas Keefe were making their way into Tilting with a boat load of fish.They were just a few miles from Tilting when their boat tipped over. The twomen were thrown overboard. Soon after, a boat arrived on the scene and aman pulled the men from the water. Believe it or not, the man in this rescuewas 'young' Henry Sheppard. Those Sheppards must have been the Keefe'sguardian angels!Questions to think and write about:1. How do you think the men felt about their award?2. What did the Sheppards do with the money they received? Were yousurprised that they spent the money in this way?3. Some people think that Henry Sheppard should have been given morepraise than he received. What do you think?

The Good Sheppards, Part Two!It has been said that history repeats itself. This is the case for the Keefes andthe Sheppards. A number <strong>of</strong> years later, some relatives <strong>of</strong> Thomas andNicholas Keefe were making their way into Tilting with a boat load <strong>of</strong> fish.They were just a few miles from Tilting when their boat tipped over. The twomen were thrown overboard. Soon after, a boat arrived on the scene and aman pulled the men from the water. Believe it or not, the man in this rescuewas 'young' Henry Sheppard. Those Sheppards must have been the Keefe'sguardian angels!Questions to think and write about:1. How do you think the men felt about their award?2. What did the Sheppards do with the money they received? Were yousurprised that they spent the money in this way?3. Some people think that Henry Sheppard should have been given morepraise than he received. What do you think?

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