Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Phoenix Sky Harbor ...

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Phoenix Sky Harbor ... Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Phoenix Sky Harbor ...
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Table of ContentsAcronyms ....................................................................................................................................... 1Section 1 - Introduction ................................................................................................................ 31.1 Contents of the SWPPP .................................................................................................. 31.2 Regulatory History of COPAD’s <strong>Stormwater</strong> Compliance Program ................................ 41.3 Site Background .............................................................................................................. 5Section 2 - <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> Team ........................................................................................ 7Section 3 - Site Description .......................................................................................................... 93.1 Facility Activities .............................................................................................................. 93.2 General Location ............................................................................................................. 93.3 Site Map ......................................................................................................................... 11Section 4 - Summary of Potential Pollutant Sources ............................................................... 134.1 Activities in the Area ...................................................................................................... 134.1.1 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance ............................................. 134.1.2 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment Cleaning ................................................... 144.1.3 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment Storage ..................................................... 154.1.4 Material Storage Areas .......................................................................................... 154.1.5 Airport Fuel Systems and Fueling Areas ............................................................... 154.1.6 Building and Grounds Maintenance ...................................................................... 164.2 Pollutants ....................................................................................................................... 164.3 Spills and Leaks ............................................................................................................. 174.4 Unauthorized Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges ................................................................... 18Section 5 - Description of Control Measures ............................................................................ 215.1 Selection of Control Measures ...................................................................................... 215.2 Control Measures .......................................................................................................... 21Section 6 - Schedules and Procedures ..................................................................................... 236.1 Control Measures Maintenance ..................................................................................... 236.1.1 Co-permittee-Owned Control Measures ................................................................ 236.1.2 City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>-Owned Control Measures ............................................................ 246.1.3 Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures .......................................................... 246.1.4 Training .................................................................................................................. 246.2 Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 256.3 Inspections ..................................................................................................................... 256.3.1 Routine Quarterly Facility Inspections ....................................................................... 266.3.2 Visual Assessment of <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges .......................................................... 276.3.3 Comprehensive Facility Inspections .......................................................................... 286.4 Substantially Identical Outfalls ....................................................................................... 296.5 Corrective Actions .......................................................................................................... 29Section 7 - Reporting and Recordkeeping ................................................................................ 317.1 Annual Report ................................................................................................................ 317.2 Other Reporting ............................................................................................................. 317.2.1 24-Hour Reporting ..................................................................................................... 317.2.2 Five-Day Follow-Up Reporting to the 24-Hour Reporting .......................................... 317.2.3 Reportable Quantity Spills ......................................................................................... 327.2.4 <strong>Plan</strong>ned Changes ...................................................................................................... 327.2.5 Anticipated Noncompliance ....................................................................................... 327.2.6 Other Information ....................................................................................................... 327.3 Recordkeeping ............................................................................................................... 33Section 8 – Signature Requirements ......................................................................................... 35Section 9 - SWPPP Modifications .............................................................................................. 37Section 10 – SWPPP Availability ................................................................................................ 39i

TablesFigures<strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> Team Members ..................................................................... 2.1Co-permittees’ Industrial Activities ........................................................................ 4.1Activity and Potential Pollutants ................................................................................ 1Surface Drainage and Outfalls .................................................................................... 2Spill Locations ............................................................................................................... 3Significant Impervious Surfaces ................................................................................. 4Attachments1.0 ................................................................................................ AZPDES MSGP-20102.0 ......................................................................................................... Notices of Intent3.0 ...................................................................................................... Control Measures4.0 ................................. Fuel Release and Releases of Other Regulated Substances5.0 ............................................................................ List of Spills, Leaks and Releases6.0 .................................................................................................... Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong>7.0 ........................................................................ Annual Training Attendance Form8.0 ........................................................................ Quarterly Inspection Form (Blank)9.0 .......................................................................................... Visual Assessment Form10.0 .............................................. Comprehensive Facility Inspection Form (Blank)11.0 ....................... <strong>Stormwater</strong> Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalty Policy12.0 ...................................................................................... Corrective Action Reports13.0 ........................................................................................................ Annual Reports14.0 ............................................................................ Signatory Authorization Forms15.0 ....................................................................................... SWPPP Modification Logii

AcronymsADEQ - Arizona Department of Environmental QualityAST - Aboveground Storage TanksAVE - Aircraft Vehicle and EquipmentAZPDES - Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination SystemAZPDES CGP - AZPDES Construction General PermitCERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability ActCFI - Comprehensive Facility InspectionsCM - Control MeasureCOP - City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>CODAD - City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentCWA - Clean Water ActFBO - Fixed-Base OperatorFOD - Foreign Object DebrisGA - General AviationGSE - Ground Support EquipmentGYR - <strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear AirportMS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer SystemMSGP-2010 - <strong>Stormwater</strong> Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial ActivitiesNEC - No Exposure CertificateNOI - Notice of IntentNOT - Notice of TerminationOAW - outstanding Arizona waterOPM Arizona Office of Pest ManagementOWS - Oil Water SeparatorPECM - <strong>Plan</strong>ning Environmental and Capital Management SectionPHX - <strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International AirportPPT - <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> TeamSPCC - Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> Control and CountermeasuresSWPPP - <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>UST - Underground Storage TankWSP - Wash Service Providers1


Section 1 - IntroductionThis <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (SWPPP) covers activities at the <strong>Phoenix</strong>-Goodyear Airport (GYR). This document addresses the pollution preventionrequirements of the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES)<strong>Stormwater</strong> Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities AZMSGP2010-002(MSGP-2010) released by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).The MSGP-2010 is included in this SWPPP as Attachment 1, as required by MSGP-2010Part 5.4. This plan has been prepared in accordance with good engineering practicesand the MSGP-2010 SWPPP requirements. This SWPPP replaces previous SWPPPs andhas been updated to address current operations at GYR.The SWPPP is designed to:• Identify sources of pollution potentially affecting the quality of stormwater dischargesassociated with industrial activities that are covered under the MSGP-2010;• Describe and ensure implementation of practices to minimize and control pollutantsin stormwater discharges from these industrial activities; and• Ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the MSGP-2010.1.1 Contents of the SWPPPThe SWPPP organization generally follows the sequence of SWPPP requirements in theMSGP-2010, as follows:1. Introduction. Presents the regulatory history of the federal stormwater program,the history of COPAD’s stormwater compliance program and the certificationsrequired by MSGP-2010. Presents the information required by MSGP-2010 Parts5.1 and 8.S.5.2. <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> Team (PPT). Identifies the members of the PPT anddescribes COPAD’s expectations of PPT members as required by MSGP-2010Part Site Description. Presents the information required by MSGP-2010 Parts 5.1.2 and8.S.5.1 describing general airport activities and providing general and sitespecific maps.4. Potential Pollutant Sources. Summarizes the industrial activities conducted atGYR with exposure to stormwater (MSGP-2010 Part, lists the activitiesrelatedpollutants (MSGP-2010 Parts and 8.S.5.2), includes COPADprocedures following spills and leaks (MSGP-2010 Part, and describesnon-stormwater discharges (MSGP-2010 Part

5. Description of Control Measures (CMs). Provides a description of existing andplanned control measures installed and implemented at GYR (MSGP-2010 Parts2.0, 8.S.3 and 8.S.5.4).6. Schedules and Procedures. Includes a description of good housekeeping,maintenance procedures and schedules, spill prevention and responseprocedures, and employee training (MSGP-2010 Part Also summarizesinspection procedures and corrective actions procedures (MSGP-2010 Part 3.0).7. Reporting and Recordkeeping. Describes the requirements for reporting andpermit record keeping (MSGP-2010 Part 7 and Appendix B Part 12).8. Signature Requirements. Describes the requirements for signature andcertification of permit-related documents and reports (MSGP-2010 Part 5.1.6).9. SWPPP Modifications. Provides a record of revision for updates to the SWPPPand documents the criteria for maintaining the SWPPP in effective operatingcondition (MSGP-2010 Part 5.2).10. SWPPP Availability. Identifies the requirements for maintaining the plan suchthat it is available to facility personnel, inspectors, agency personnel and thepublic (MSGP-2010 Part 5.3).11. Tables. Contains data tables numbered by SWPPP section in the order presentedin the text.12. Figures. Contains figures required by MSGP-2010 Part Attachments. Contains forms and other MSGP-required material.1.2 Regulatory History of COPAD’s <strong>Stormwater</strong>Compliance ProgramCOPAD originally obtained permit coverage for stormwater discharges from <strong>Phoenix</strong>Airports was originally obtained under the United States Environmental ProtectionAgency’s MSGP-2000, effective October 30, 2000. This original permit covered COPADand tenant operations at GYR. The MSGP-2000 expired in 2005 and wasadministratively continued in Arizona until February 1, 2011 when the AZPDES MSGP-2010 became effective.<strong>Stormwater</strong> discharges at <strong>Phoenix</strong> Airports are currently covered under the MSGP-2010.GYR is covered under the MSGP-2010 Sector S. The stormwater pollution preventionprogram at GYR includes airport tenants covered by MSGP-2010 Sector S that conductindustrial activities at the airport as co-permittees. In addition to co-permittees, COPADrequires tenants and operators at the airport not covered under the MSGP-2010, butconducting activities with the potential to cause stormwater pollution to comply withthe SWPPP. For the purposes of compliance with this SWPPP, “co-permittee” refers to4

all tenants, COPAD divisions and operators who conduct activities that may influencestormwater quality. COPAD submitted Notices of Intent (NOIs) to seek coverage underMSGP-2010 (for COPAD facilities and the co-permittees) by the permit deadline of May31, 2011. Copies of these NOIs are on the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database and a blank NOI isincluded as Attachment 2, as required by MSGP-2010 Part Site BackgroundCo-permittees perform a variety of industrial activities covered under the MSGP-2010Sector S that have the potential to discharge pollutants to the stormwater drainagesystem. PECM manages the MSGP stormwater pollution prevention program,assuming the roles of both program administrator and co-permittee with participatingairport tenants and service providers.As a condition of tenant lease agreements and obtaining access to do business, tenantsand other service providers at GYR are required to comply with applicableenvironmental rules and regulations, including securing coverage under the MSGP-2010, if applicable. Entities potentially subject to the MSGP-2010 at GYR include tenants,such as air passenger, fixed-based operators (FBOs), and other entities providing on-siteservices at GYR, such as aircraft, vehicle and equipment wash companies, and aircraft,vehicle and equipment maintenance providers. These tenants and other serviceproviders may choose to pursue coverage as co-permittees with COPAD. Companiesrequiring MSGP-2010 coverage for industrial activities that choose not to participate asco-permittees must obtain their own MSGP-2010 coverage and develop and implementtheir own SWPPPs. These individual SWPPPs must be at least as stringent as thisSWPPP.There are also entities operating at GYR whose activities may impact stormwater qualitybut that are not covered by the MSGP-2010, such as private general aviation (GA)tenants. These entities are not co-permittees but must comply with the requirements ofthis SWPPP and the MSGP-2010 in order to operate at GYR.Sector-Specific RequirementsIn addition to the general requirements contained with MSGP-2010, co-permitteesconducting industrial activities at GYR are subject to the requirements of Sector S (AirTransportation). Sector-specific requirements include:• additional control measures for good housekeeping and deicing (Section 5.2 andAttachment 3.0)• additional corrective action deadline requirements (Section 6.5)• additional SWPPP requirements (various sections)Sector S also requires benchmark stormwater monitoring for airports using more than100,000 gallons per year of glycol-based fluids (MSGP-2010, Part 8.S.7, Table 8.S-1). GYRis not subject to this requirement as no deicing activities occur at this airport.5

COPAD ServicesCOPAD provides services or facilities to co-permittees specifically to minimize nonstormwaterpollution discharges as described below.Wash racks installed by COPAD for cleaning small aircraft, vehicles and equipment areprovided to minimize the impact of cleaning activities to stormwater by diverting thesenon-stormwater pollution discharges to the sanitary sewer system. Permission toconduct aircraft washing at an alternate location on the airport property is granted onlyafter an approved wash plan is on file with PECM.COPAD provides waste accumulation areas at GYR for private GA tenants to ensureproper disposal or recycling of used oil and spent solvent. COPAD provides clearlymarked containers that private GA tenants may use.Co-permittees are required to address small accidental spills. After each spilloccurrence, the responsible party is identified and, if necessary, disciplined after areview of the available facts. In addition, COPAD provides spill kits at accumulationareas and certain storage locations for general use. These spill kits are stocked with thenecessary spill response materials, such as booms and granular absorbents, and arerestocked by COPAD Operations as needed.COPAD Maintenance provides assistance to co-permittees in cleaning up fuel spills at anominal fee. More than 90% of spill cleanup operations are overseen by COPADOperations.6

Section 2 - <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> TeamMSGP-2010, Part 5.1.1 requires COPAD to establish a PPT. The PPT is responsible forassisting the Aviation Director in developing, implementing, maintaining and revisingthe SWPPP for GYR. Co-permittees must each identify at least one employee to serve asa PPT member. The PPT member should:• Have the knowledge and experience of co-permittee operations necessary to ensurethat all aspects of facility operations are considered for the SWPPP.• Possess the local knowledge and skills to assess conditions and activities that couldimpact stormwater quality at the leasehold, to evaluate the effectiveness ofstormwater pollution CMs and to participate in routine and annual inspections.• Implement and maintain stormwater pollution CMs to prevent stormwater pollutionand take corrective actions as necessary.Primary responsibility for administering COPAD’s <strong>Stormwater</strong> Compliance Programand for maintaining and updating the SWPPP rests with PECM. Co-permittee PPTmembers are expected to:• Assist the facility manager in applying for the NOI.• Maintain and operate co-permittee-owned stormwater pollution CMs and performrepairs and maintenance as required.• Have access to an electronic or paper copy of the SWPPP, including the MSGP-2010.• Participate in the quarterly routine and annual Comprehensive Facility Inspections.• Maintain facility-specific documentation (inspection reports, maintenance records,training records, etc.) at their leasehold.Current PPT members are identified in Table 2.1.7


Section 3 - Site DescriptionThis section describes facility activities and the airport setting. The MSGP-2010 (Part5.1.2.3) also requires the SWPPP to identify the nearest receiving water(s) that mayreceive discharges from the facility.3.1 Facility ActivitiesThis section describes industrial activities conducted at GYR as required by MSGP-2010Part 5.1.2.GYR is a GA airport with private tenants. The airport is classified as a reliever airport to<strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International Airport (PHX). The airport was built in 1943 and wasoriginally operated by the United States Navy. The airport, originally known asLitchfield Airport, was acquired by COP in 1968 and has since undergone numerousimprovements. GYR averages approximately 144,000 flight operations annually on oneexisting runway.Approximately 35 percent of the GYR facility is covered by pervious surfaces (runways,taxiways, and parking lots) and buildings. The pervious surfaces comprising theremainder of the GYR facility are concentrated in the western portion of the airport andnorthwest and southeast of the runway. Land use in the surrounding area consists ofpredominantly agricultural property. Industrial, commercial, and residentialdevelopments are located east of GYR.Industrial activities at this facility include:• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance (AVE)• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Storage• Material Storage Areas• Airport Fuel System and Fueling Areas• Building and Grounds Maintenance3.2 General LocationGYR is located in south central Arizona, approximately two miles south of Interstate 10and Litchfield Road. The airport is situated less than a mile north of the Gila River andencompasses approximately 780 acres. Figure 1 includes the General Location Map forGYR. The map shows the location of the facility and the receiving waters within 2.5miles of the facility (MSGP-2010 Part has approximately 40 feet of relief between the northern and southern boundariesof the airport, with a gradient of 18 feet per mile sloping to the southwest. Drainagebasins connected to an underground drainage system primarily collect surface runoff.9

The receiving water for storm water discharges from GYR is Bullard Washapproximately 1,400 meters upstream of its confluence with the Gila River. Thissegment of the Gila River, from the Agua Fria to Waterman Wash, is an impaired waterlisted on the 2006/2008 303(d) Impaired Waters List. The listed parameters of concernare dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Metabolites, toxaphene, and chlordane.Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) have not been completed for this impaired reachof the Gila River. GYR was built before the production and/or wide spread agriculturalapplication of these chemicals. There is no record of the use, storage or discharge ofthese contaminants from GYR. DDT, toxaphene, and chlordane have been banned fromall use in the United States since 1972, 1986, and 1988, respectively.Neither Bullard Wash nor the Gila River is an outstanding Arizona water (OAW) underA.A.C. R18-11-112.The SWPPP 2011 SWPPP identified two monitoring locations (Outfalls 1 and 2) locatedat the southwest corner of the airport near Bullard Wash.Outfall 1 drains a small undeveloped portion in the southwest corner (approx. 3 acres)with no industrial activities, material storage or potential sources of pollution other thansediment. Discharge from this area drains south via sheet flow across the perimeter roadand through the property fence to the open channel to Bullard Wash, downstream ofOutfall 2. Rip-rap has been placed along the slope between the perimeter road and thefence line to minimize erosion.Outfall 2 drains the majority of the airport (approx. 782 acres) and includes the areaswhere the industrial activities are conducted. It consists of two sub-basins with separatedischarges under low flow conditions. At high flow conditions, the two flows at Outfall2 merge at the facility and flow through four underground pipes under the propertyfence to an open, concrete-lined channel that discharges to Bullard Wash.Under the 2011 SWPPP, samples for visual assessment were collected from outside theproperty fence because most samples are collected outside of normal business hours andafter-hours access to the facility was limited. Outfall 1 was collected at the point wherethe open channel discharged to Bullard Wash and Outfall 2 from the four pipes exitingthe facility. Due to the configuration, the sample collected for Outfall 1 has beenprimarily made up of flow from Outfall 2.Arrangements have been made to allow after-hours access to the facility. The currentOutfall 1 sampling point will be eliminated. There is no location to collect a sample fromthis area since the discharge is primarily sheet flow. Furthermore, there are no industrialactivities conducted in this small drainage area and the rip-rap lined slope effectivelyreduces discharge of any sediment from the area.Two samples will be collected from Outfall 2 prior to the point where the flows merge.The sampling locations will be referred to as Outfalls 2A and 2B. The drainage basin forOutfall 2A is approximately 467 acres and includes the aircraft storage/parking areas,runway and taxiways. The drainage basin for Outfall 2B is approximately 315 acres and10

includes the hangars, buildings, vehicle parking lots, and landscaped areas. Outfall 2Balso receives overflow water from the Roosevelt Irrigation District and occasionaldischarges from decorative lakes east of the airport managed by Lockheed Martin. Thelake discharge is separately permitted.3.3 Site MapFigure 2 depicts the drainage patterns, drainage basins, and outfalls and receivingwaters. Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 present the data required in MSGP-2010 Parts and6.S.5.2, which are:• Size of the property in acres• Location and extent of significant structures and impervious surface• Directions of stormwater flow• Locations of stormwater conveyances (e.g., ditches, pipes and swales)• Locations of the existing structural control measures• Locations of surface water receiving the facility’s discharges or impaired waters orOAWs within 2.5 miles downstream of the facility• Locations of discharges to a regulated MS4• Locations of potential pollutant sources identified under MSGP-2010 Part• Locations where significant spills have been identified or leaks have occurred underMSGP-2010 Part• Locations of stormwater monitoring points• Locations of stormwater outfalls, each with unique identification codes, indicating theoutfalls authorized as “substantially identical” under MSGP-2010 Parts 4.2.3. and5.1.5.2 and an approximate outline of the area draining each outfall• Locations of activities that are exposed to stormwater with potential discharge fromthe facilityThere are co-permittees at GYR subject to MSGP-2010 requirements that are notincluded in Figure 1. These entities provide on-site services without having a leaseholdlocation at the airport and include wash service providers and aircraft maintenanceproviders. While they conduct Sector S specific industrial activities at GYR, the place ofbusiness is located off site.Figure 2 depicts the storm drain system and two outfall locations (discharge points) forGYR. These outfalls are located at the southwestern corner of the airport at the BullardWash.11


Section 4 - Summary of Potential PollutantSources4.1 Activities in the AreaMSGP-2010 Part requires the SWPPP to identify each area where industrialmaterials or activities are exposed to stormwater with the potential to discharge andareas from which allowable non-stormwater discharges are released. MSGP-2010 Part8.S.5.2 requires consideration of pollutant sources in areas of airports where specificactivities take place. The following activities performed at GYR have the potential toimpact stormwater quality:• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning• Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Storage• Material Storage Areas• Airport Fuel Systems and Fueling Areas• Building and Grounds MaintenanceFigure 1 identifies the specific areas where industrial materials or activities may beexposed to stormwater. In some instances, the chemicals are stored indoors, but may betransferred or activities may be conducted outdoors utilizing the chemicals. The CMsfor each activity are provided in Attachment 3.MSGP-2010, Part 8.S.5.2 specifically requires that the potential pollutant sources fromthe following activities be identified: aircraft, runway, ground vehicle, and equipmentmaintenance and cleaning. Table 4.1 identifies the industrial activities conducted byeach co-permittee. The activities with the potential to discharge pollutants tostormwater are described below.No deicing activities occur at GYR.4.1.1 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment MaintenanceThe majority of co-permittees maintain aircraft, equipment, and/or vehicles.Maintenance activities are performed both indoors and outdoors. At GYR, AeroTurbineperforms major overhauls, remodels interiors of large aircraft, and disassembles andsalvages aircraft for metal. Airline Training Center Arizona (ATCA) conductsmaintenance of aircraft, vehicles, and equipment. COPAD Maintenance and LuxAirconduct maintenance of vehicles and equipment.Airport maintenance activities commonly involve the use of lubricating oils, hydraulicoils, solvents, lavatory waste, used batteries, paint, and other cleaning products. Smallleaks or spills of these materials are common during maintenance activities. Copermitteesare required to report any spills and respond to these leaks and spills by13

eporting the spill and using appropriate spill response materials. All co-permitteesexcept private GA tenants (i.e., private aircraft owners) collect and dispose of their ownwaste materials. COPAD provides accumulation points for the private GA tenants useonly. The accumulation points are for the collection and recycling of used oils,transmission fluids, and disposal of waste solvents. Maintenance activities represent alow potential for significant pollutant discharge at GYR.Some co-permittees have floor drains located in maintenance areas and have certifiedthat there were no illicit connections from these drains to the storm drain system at theirleasehold. All runoff that enters floor drains is discharged to the sanitary sewer. Inaddition, some of those floor drains are routed to oil/water separators beforedischarging to the City of Goodyear sanitary sewer. There is a low potential forpollutant discharge to the storm drain system from the floor drains at these facilities.4.1.2 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment CleaningMany co-permittees at GYR conduct aircraft washing. Wash service providers arerequired to submit a written wash plan to PECM Division identifying the washing areas,location of nearby storm drains, water retrieval/reclamation process, waterdisposal/elimination method, and wash products. Private GA tenants as well as copermitteesconduct this activity at designated wash racks. Washing at designatedoutside areas equipped with oil/water separators is only allowed with the approval ofCOPAD. The oil/water separators located at the wash area discharge to the City ofGoodyear sanitary sewer system. The Airline Training Center Arizona has a dischargepermit that allows them to discharge to a collection tank, which is then hauled off-sitefor treatment. There are two mobile WSPs with operations at GYR: AeroPanache andWest Coast Wash Station.To minimize potential for pollutant discharges from washing activities, many copermitteesuse dry-washing methods. Companies using dry wash methods are stillrequired to submit a wash plan and to protect storm drain inlets during washingactivities. Wet washing is not allowed at any other location at GYR except at thedesignated wash racks.In addition to aircraft washing, many co-permittees at GYR also conduct vehicle andequipment washing. Co-permittees conducting these activities must request and receivepermission from COPAD to conduct this activity at wash racks. Parts cleaners forequipment degreasing are located inside various hangars throughout the airport wherethey are not exposed to stormwater.In addition, parts cleaners for equipment degreasing are located inside various hangarsthroughout the airport where they are not exposed to stormwater.Washing activities represent a minimal source of non-stormwater discharges to thestorm drain system at GYR.14

4.1.3 Aircraft, Ground Vehicle & Equipment StorageTemporary storage of aircraft, vehicles, and equipment occurs at the airport. For longtermstorage of aircraft, vehicles, and equipment, co-permittees are required to drainfluids to minimize the possibility of leaking fluids. Long-term storage is consideredstorage for more than 30 days. There are designated areas for maintenance of GSEwhere equipment awaiting repair, salvage, or demolition are stored short term. Mostco-permittees also have designated areas where vehicles and equipment (i.e., tugs,lavatory carts, etc.) are stored short-term when they are not being used. In addition,some co-permittees are required to store damaged aircraft or damaged vehicles on theirproperties. These aircraft and vehicles cannot be moved due to insurance requirements.However, co-permittees are required to employ and maintain, as appropriate, controlmeasures such as drip pans for these aircraft and vehicles. At these short- and long-termstorage locations, aircraft, vehicles and equipment are stored away from storm drains orfacility drainage basins. If this is not possible, booms are placed around the aircraft,vehicles, and/or hydrocarbon-filter fabric inserts protect storm drain inlets.During rain events, residues (e.g. fuel, oil, grease) on the equipment under repair orresiduals from spills or leaks from the stored aircraft, vehicles or equipment could be asource of potential pollutants in stormwater discharges. Storage activities represent amoderate potential source of stormwater pollution for GYR.4.1.4 Material Storage AreasMany GYR co-permittees store chemicals, such as cleaning products, petroleumproducts, and paints. These co-permittees have indoor and outdoor storage areas tohouse such items. Chemicals, cleaning products, oil, and used oil are typically stored in55-gallon or smaller containers. Fuel is typically stored in above ground storage tanks(ASTs). Other materials such as cleaners, paints, and paint-related products aregenerally stored in smaller containers. Co-permittees are responsible for usingsecondary containment in material storage areas with potential exposure to stormwaterduring the course of normal operations. Since outdoor storage areas have the greatestpotential to impact stormwater, COPAD encourages cover for outside storage areas. Copermitteeswith no leasehold on airport property (such as wash service providers, orthose who maintain aircraft and equipment at satellite locations) transport chemicals,cleaning products, oil, and used oil in less than 55-gallon capacity. These smallquantities of oil and chemicals are stored inside of co-permittee vehicles and insidesecondary containment totes.Outdoor material storage areas or chemical storage areas located near doorwaysrepresent a moderate potential source of stormwater pollution for GYR.4.1.5 Airport Fuel Systems and Fueling AreasMost co-permittees conduct aircraft and/or vehicle fueling activities. Aircraft fuelingactivities are conducted only on paved surfaces such as concrete ramps or asphalt. Mostvehicle and GSE fueling is conducted on the ramp by FBO refueler.15

Fuel spills are contained promptly through use of absorbent materials or other controlmeasures. Co-permittees are required to provide spill kits and spill response plans inco-permittee-owned or leased fueling areas and COPAD Operations maintains spill kitsand spill response plans at accumulation points and certain storage locations at GYR foremergency use in containing spills. COPAD enforces Rule and Regulation 01-01, “FuelRelease and Releases of Other Regulated Substances” which was developed to complywith City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code Chapter IV, Article IV, Section 4-114 “Fueling anddefueling aircraft; fueling ground service vehicles; flowage fee.”Fuel storage at GYR occurs in ASTs. Fueling is performed from transfer trucks. Fuelingservice providers are required to equip delivery trucks with spill kits and spill responseplans. Leaks from fuel transfers that are not immediately cleaned have the greatestpotential to impact stormwater. There is a significant potential impact to stormwaterduring aircraft and vehicle fueling activities and a moderate potential source ofstormwater pollution for the storage and transport of aircraft and vehicle fuel.4.1.6 Building and Grounds MaintenanceCOPAD performs apron cleaning with a mechanical street sweeper in most areas ofGYR. Outdoor apron wet washing is not allowed. Many co-permittees conduct floorwashing at their facilities and report that wash water is discharged to oil/waterseparators or directly to the City of Goodyear sanitary sewer system. Floor washingactivities do not represent a significant source of non-stormwater discharges at the stormdrain system.COPAD GYR Maintenance personnel, licensed by the Arizona Office of PestManagement (OPM), perform herbicide application at COPAD facilities. Theirchemicals are stored at the facility in a designated storage area. A small number of copermitteescontract to a service provider for application of pesticides (service providersmust be approved by the OPM). These products are generally used in small quantitiesand are not stored at the facility.The use of pesticides and herbicides at the airport does not result in significantdischarges to the land surface. During rainfall events, pesticide and herbicide residualsat application sites may be washed into the storm drain system. However, based on thesmall quantities used at the airport and the short half-life of most herbicides andpesticides, this activity represents a low potential to impact stormwater discharges.4.2 PollutantsAs required by Part, this section identifies potential stormwater pollutants. Themost common potential pollutant is fuel, followed closely by oil and grease. Theremaining potential pollutants, from most prevalent to least prevalent, are solvents,soaps/detergents, anti-freeze, lavatory waste, paint, used batteries, pesticides,herbicides, sediment, and landscape waste. These pollutants can be transported to thestormwater system as direct spills or indirectly from rainfall runoff that may mobilizeresidual contaminants.16

ActivitiesPollutantsAVE MaintenanceAVE CleaningAVE StorageMaterial Storage AreasAirport Fuel System and FuelingAreasBuilding and GroundMaintenanceWaste Handling and DisposalOil Water Separators andLavatory and Potable WaterServiceOil and Grease X X X X X XFacility StructuralImprovementsFuel X X X X X XSolvents X X X X XAnti-freeze X X XPaint X X X XUsed Batteries X XSoaps/ Detergents X X X X X X XLavatory Waste X XHerbicides X XPesticides X XSediment X X X XLandscape Waste X X XPercentage of CopermitteesConductingActivity71% 86% 71% 86% 57% 57% 100% 43% 43%4.3 Spills and LeaksThere is a potential for spills and leaks to occur in the areas of pollutant contactidentified in Figure 1. The discharge points associated with these areas are shown inFigure 2. Locations of past spills are shown on Figure 3.The MSGP-2010 (Part requires the SWPPP to include a list of significant spillsand leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that occurred in the three years prior to thedate this SWPPP was revised. Significant spills and leaks include, but are not limited to,release of oil or hazardous substances in excess of quantities that are reportable underSection 311 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) or Section 102 of the Comprehensive17

Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). For the purposesof this SWPPP, the definition of significant spills has been broadened to include spills orleaks that entered the storm drain system.COPAD has an effective spill response program that includes the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>Aviation Department Rules and Regulation for Fuel Release and Releases of OtherRegulated Substances (R&R 01-01). This Rule establishes the procedures for internalreporting, response, clean up, documentation, and subsequent notifications associatedwith fuel releases and releases of other regulated substances occurring at GYR. The fulldocument may be found at the following link: or in Attachment 4.There have been no spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in excess of reportablequantities under Section 311 of CWA or Section 102 of the CERCLA in the last three (3)years. Should a reportable spill occur, spill records, including descriptions of incidentsinvolving of significant spills, leaks, or other releases that resulted in discharges ofpollutants in stormwater to Waters of the United States (i.e., Gila River), thecircumstances leading up to the release and the measures taken to prevent therecurrence of such releases will be documented and maintained on COPAD’s<strong>Stormwater</strong> Database and with the SWPPP in Attachment 5, as required by MSGP-2010Part Unauthorized Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> DischargesMSGP-2010 Part 1.1.3 lists the following allowable non-stormwater dischargesapplicable to GYR:1. Fire fighting system testing and maintenance, including hydrant flushing;2. Discharges related to installation and maintenance of potable water supplysystems, including disinfection and flushing activities, discharges resulting frompressure releases or overflows, and discharges from wells approved by ADEQfor drinking water use;3. Uncontaminated condensate from air conditioners, evaporative coolers, andother compressors and from the outside storage of refrigerated gases or liquids;4. Irrigation drainage and irrigation line flushing;5. Landscape watering provided all pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer have beenapplied in accordance with the approved labeling; and6. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents.All other non-stormwater discharges are considered unauthorized.18

Parts of the storm drain system at GYR are a continuation of Goodyear MunicipalSeparate Storm Sewer System (MS4) components originating from industrial facilitieslocated east of the airport through headwalls and catch basins. There is a potential forunauthorized non-stormwater discharges to enter the GYR storm drain system throughthese drainage ways.If an unauthorized non-stormwater discharge is identified, COPAD will followreporting requirements in Section 6.5 for Corrective Action.19


Section 5 - Description of Control Measures<strong>Stormwater</strong> pollution prevention CMs include processes, procedures, schedules ofactivities, prohibitions on practices, and other management practices that prevent orreduce the discharge of pollutants to Waters of the United States (MSGP-2010).5.1 Selection of Control MeasuresMSGP-2010 Part 2.1.1 requires that COPAD and co-permittees assess the type andquantity of pollutants likely to be discharged in stormwater or allowable nonstormwaterfrom the facility when designing and implementing CMs. The CMs arerequired to incorporate one or more of the following principles:• Preventing stormwater from coming into contact with polluting materials is generallymore effective, and less costly, than trying to remove pollutants from stormwater.• Using CMs in combination is more effective than using CMs in isolation forminimizing pollutants in the facility’s stormwater discharge.• Minimizing impervious areas at the facility and infiltrating stormwater at the facilitycan reduce runoff and improve groundwater recharge and stream base flows in localstreams, although care must be taken to avoid groundwater contamination.• Attenuating flow using open vegetated swales and natural depressions can reduce instreamimpacts of erosive flows.• Conserving and/or restoring of riparian buffers help protect streams fromstormwater runoff and improve water quality.• Using treatment interceptors may be appropriate in some instances to minimize thedischarge of pollutants.COPAD has developed CMs based on the requirements and guidelines of the MSGP-2010 (Part 2.1) and specific operational requirements that address pollutants originatingfrom regulated activities. COPAD has taken into consideration the quantity and natureof the pollutants and their potential to impact the water quality of the receiving watersin selection of CMs.5.2 Control MeasuresMSGP-2010 lists specific structural and non-structural types of CMs that must beconsidered for implementation. This section describes how each is or will beimplemented. The specific CMs identified in the MSGP-2010 were determined to beappropriate for COPAD facilities. This section of the SWPPP includes a description ofthe CMs listed in MSGP-2010, Part 2.1. COPAD has further identified some of theseCMs with the specific activities that have potential to degrade stormwater, as describedin Section 4 above. The MSGP-2010 requires that COPAD consider and implement CMsin the following general categories:21

• Minimize Exposure• Good Housekeeping• Maintenance• Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response• Erosion and Sediment Control• Management of Runoff• Salt Storage• Sector Specific Control Measures• Employee Training• Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges• Litter, Garbage, and Floatable Debris• Dust Generation and Vehicle Tracking ofIndustrial MaterialsBecause not all co-permittees conduct all of the industrial activities described in Section 4,COPAD has organized CMs by industrial activity. Co-permittees can use the CMs thatapply to their activities. Attachment 3 contains CMs for each of the nine industrialactivities listed in Section 4, and a general CM that applies facility-wide. Each activityspecificCM lists the targeted sub-activities, target pollutants, specific proceduresaddressing the CM categories listed above, record keeping/reporting requirements, andstormwater pollution prevention considerations for the design of new facilities or upgradesto existing facilities. These CMs are in general used by COPAD and co-permittees and arebased on the requirements of the MSGP-2010 and COPAD-specific operationalrequirements.Some CM categories do not apply to GYR or are covered under good housekeepingrequirements. These are described below:Salt Storage: Salt storage is not conducted at GYR so no specific CMs have been developedfor this category.Sediment and Erosion Control / Dust Generation and Vehicle Tracking: MSGP-2010requires that the SWPPP identify areas with a potential for significant soil erosion due totopography, land disturbance (e.g., construction) or other factors and the structural,vegetative, and/or stabilization CMs that will be implemented to limit erosion. These arethe same areas likely subject to dust generation and vehicle tracking.Litter, Garbage, and Floatable Debris: Litter, garbage, and floatable debris are managedunder Good Housekeeping requirements at GYR, which are designed to prevent oreliminate any sources of Foreign Object Debris (FOD).22

Section 6 - Schedules and Procedures6.1 Control Measures MaintenanceMSGP-2010 Part requires that CMs identified in the SWPPP must be maintainedin effective operating condition. When COPAD or a co-permittee discovers a CM that isnot operating effectively, maintenance must be performed within 14 days or prior to thenext measureable storm event, whichever is sooner.6.1.1 Co-permittee-Owned Control MeasuresRegular inspection and maintenance of co-permittee-owned CMs, such as spill kits,structural covers, and oil/water separators, are the responsibility of the co-permittee.Oil/water separators must be visually inspected on a regular basis and pumped outwhen necessary. Oil/water separator owners are required to maintain maintenance andinspection records for these structures. If necessary based on the types of discharge tothe separator, co-permittees are required to sample the material to be pumped for wasteprofiling to ensure it is properly manifested, transported, and disposed.Where treatment devices, facilities or interceptors are used in direct connection to thepublic storm drain system, those devices, facilities or interceptors shall be maintainedcontinuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at their expense.The following Control Measure shall be implemented at all oil water separators (OWS)that discharge to the storm drain system:(1) monthly inspection of inlet area and OWS chambers for releases, oil, trash, debris,and oil accumulation,(2) monthly inspection of the OWS discharge point for releases or staining,(3) minimize stains, trash, debris, and non-stormwater to OWS inlet area, and(4) remove the OWS contents (and re-filling with clean water) in the event that oil isobserved in the OWS single and/or final chamber.Written records and documentation of all inspection, cleaning, repair, and maintenanceshall be provided at each annual stormwater inspection and maintained by the OWSoperator for a minimum of five years and made available to the City upon request.Failure to prevent releases from the OWS to the storm drain will subject a co-permitteeto a Notice of Violation and may result in conversion of the OWS to a sump or requireadditional engineering controls.COPAD conducts quarterly routine and annual comprehensive facility inspections(CFIs) of co-permittees’ facilities (see Section 6.3) to meet the inspection requirements inthe MSGP-2010 and to verify maintenance of co-permittee owned CMs. CMmaintenance identified during those inspections are discussed with the co-permittees at23

the time of the inspection, documented in writing to the affected co-permittees andtracked with other non-compliances as discussed in Section City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>-Owned Control MeasuresCOPAD Operations Division is responsible for infrastructure (such as culverts, stormdrains, and outfalls) and City-owned structural CMs (such as OWS and spill kits) atGYR. They perform maintenance on CMs, as such needs are identified, includingrestocking spill kits as necessary.COPAD staff use sweepers to clean the airfield and parking lots on an as needed basis toprevent FOD and trash accumulation.The COP recycling contractor collects and recycles the used oil at the wasteaccumulation areas as well as at the Maintenance Building and the COP hazardouswaste transporter contractor disposes of the waste solvent. A contractor also conductsmaintenance of City-owned oil/water separators. COPAD inspects waste accumulationareas weekly. PECM inspects the OWSs annually. Waste from OWSs is profiledannually and pumped for disposal annually or when necessary.6.1.3 Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response ProceduresMSGP-2010 Part requires procedures for preventing and responding to spills andleaks. Spill response procedures are provided to co-permittees and others conductingindustrial activities at GYR. Spill response procedures are included in Attachment 6.Co-permittees subject to Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)requirements develop and maintain SPCC <strong>Plan</strong>s for their facilities. These plans must beprovided to PECM for upload to COPAD’s <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database.Spill records including descriptions of incidents of significant spills, leaks, or otherreleases that resulted in discharges of pollutants in stormwater to Waters of the UnitedStates (i.e., Gila River), the circumstances leading up to the release and the measurestaken to prevent the recurrence of such releases must be documented and maintainedwith the SWPPP in Attachment 5, as required by MSGP-2010 Part 5.4 and in the<strong>Stormwater</strong> Database.6.1.4 TrainingEmployee training on the SWPPP provisions and MSGP-2010 requirements is requiredby MSGP-2010 Part for PPT Members and anyone who works in areas whereindustrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater or who is responsible forimplementing activities identified in the SWPPP. At GYR, PECM or its stormwaterconsultant conducts annual training for the PPT members (see Section 2.1) and includingCOPAD. This training is designed as a train-the-trainer presentation and co-permitteesare expected to pass the training on to their employees that have responsibility forSWPPP compliance.24

The annual training consists of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. PECM and theirstormwater consultants developed a web-accessible stormwater training program toincrease the dissemination of stormwater compliance information directly to tenantemployees. Co-permittee employees are able to access the training program through thestormwater website ( and print individualCertificates of Completion when they complete the training to document training wascompleted. PECM encourages co-permittees to use the online training to train theiremployees. If the online training is not used co-permittees’ employee training mustcover the same material covered in the online training and co-permittees must providePECM with a copy of the training used. Co-permittee employee training attendance isverified during annual Comprehensive Facility Inspections (CFIs) (see Section 6.3).Annual training covers the components and goals of the SWPPP (including the CMs inAttachment 3), new SWPPP requirements, visual monitoring, preparation for the annualCFIs, and a summary of the most prevalent issues of concern during the previous year’sinspections. In addition, PECM selects a special topic to be covered each year such asoil/water separator maintenance or SPCC plans. The 2013 training included aninteractive visual monitoring exercise, examining samples and filling in a visualmonitoring form, and a scavenger hunt to locate information in the SWPPP.Training sessions are generally conducted prior to annual CFIs to refresh co-permitteeson the SWPPP requirements. The training sessions last approximately two hours andtypically, a training session is offered at GYR, alternatively, if tenants cannot attend theGYR training, multiple training sessions are offered at <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International (PHX)at different times over the course of several days to accommodate shift workers.PPT Members/COPAD department representatives are notified by phone or e-mail ofthe training dates and location. The Annual Training Attendance Form provided inAttachment 7 is used to document attendance. COPAD’s training attendance sheets areuploaded to the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database.6.2 MonitoringAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 8.S.7, sector-specific benchmark analytical monitoring isnot required because GYR and co-permittees do not conduct deicing or store any deicingchemicals (see Section 1.3). As required by MSGP-2010 Part 6.2.3, discharges directly toimpaired streams must conduct analytical monitoring; however, since GYR dischargesto Bullard Wash, not an impaired stream, monitoring is not required. A Sampling andAnalysis <strong>Plan</strong> is not applicable to GYR because analytical monitoring is not required.6.3 InspectionsAs required by MSGP-2010, PECM or its stormwater consultants conduct routine facilityinspections, visual assessments, and annual CFIs for all co-permittees accompanied byeach co-permittee PPT member. As required by MSGP-2010 Part 4.3, the CFIs are to beconducted in the winter, which is the period when deicing is most likely to occur;however, because no deicing activities occur at GYR, PECM conducts the CFIsconcurrently with the other <strong>Phoenix</strong> airports. The MSGP-2010 Part 8.S.6.1 requirement25

to conduct monthly inspections during the deicing season (generally November –February) does not apply to GYR.PECM maintains all inspection data in the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database. The database includescontact information for each co-permittee in addition to a list of the activities conductedat each facility subject to SWPPP compliance. The database also tracks the inspectionresults and documents actions taken to address non-compliances identified duringinspections. The information in the database is updated during the annual CFIs and asneeded during the year to address changes in co-permittees operations.6.3.1 Routine Quarterly Facility InspectionsPECM or its stormwater consultant conducts the routine quarterly facility inspections ofco-permittees facilities. These inspections are unscheduled unless co-permitteeparticipation is needed for access. As required by MSGP-2010 Part 4.1.1, at least one ofthe routine inspections each year is conducted during or within 24 hours of ameasurable storm event.During the routine inspections, inspectors look for:• Evidence demonstrating that previously unidentified discharges of pollutants haveoccurred from the site;• CMs needing maintenance or repair;• Failed CMs needing replacement;• Evidence of other deviations from the SWPPP or MSGP-2010; and• Additional CMs needed to comply with MSGP-2010 requirements.Inspection results are recorded on the Routine Inspection Form presented in Attachment8. This form includes the following information:• Inspection date and time;• Name(s) and signature(s) of inspector(s);• Weather information and description of discharges occurring at the time of theinspection;• Evidence demonstrating that previously unidentified discharges of pollutants haveoccurred from the site;• Control measures needing maintenance repairs;• Failed control measures that need replacement;• Other evidence of deviations from the permit or SWPPP observed; and• Additional control measures needed to comply with the permit requirements.At the conclusion of each inspection, the inspection findings will be discussed with theco-permittee. An email identifying major and minor SWPPP non-compliances will besent to the co-permittee within 72 hours of the inspection.26

Identified non-compliances must be addressed within 14 days of receiving the emailidentifying non-compliances or prior to the next measureable storm event, whichever issooner. The co-permittees are required to provide PECM written notificationdocumenting how and when each stormwater management concern was addressed. Ifmore than 14 days is required to address any non-compliance concerns, the co-permitteemust provide PECM written notification of the rationale for the extended schedule andthe projected completion date.Completed Routine Inspection Forms and all co-permittee responses are uploaded to the<strong>Stormwater</strong> Database and are available with the SWPPP, as required by MSGP-2010 Part5. Visual Assessment of <strong>Stormwater</strong> DischargesUnder MSGP-2010 Part 4.2, GYR is required to conduct four visual assessments ofstormwater from the airport outfalls annually: two during the summer wet season (June1 – October 31) and two during the winter wet season (November 1 – May 31). Asdiscussed in Section 6.2, analytical stormwater monitoring is not required at GYR.Visual assessments will be performed at outfalls (see Figure 2) on stormwater dischargesthat occur at least 72 hours (three (3) calendar days) following the conclusion of aprevious discharge.As required by MSGP-2010, a stormwater sample from each outfall for visualassessments must be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge or as soonthereafter as practicable. If the sample cannot be collected within the first 30 minutes offlow, it will be noted on the on the visual assessment form along with the reason for thedeviation. In accordance with MSGP-2010 Part 4.2.1, the visual assessment shall beconducted using a sample in a clean, clear glass or plastic container in a well-lit area.The samples shall be visually inspected for the following water quality characteristics:• Color• Odor• Clarity• Floating solids• Settled solids• Suspended solids• Foam• Oil sheen• Other obvious indicators of pollutionVisual assessment results are recorded on the Visual Assessment Form and stored onCOPAD’s <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database, a blank form is provided in Attachment 9. If there areno qualifying rain events or if a sample could not be collected due to adverse conditionsfor a given quarter, the Visual Assessment Form shall be marked indicating the reasonwhy a sample was not assessed. Adverse conditions are those that are dangerous orcreate inaccessibility for personnel, such as local flooding, high winds, or electricalstorms, or situations that otherwise make sampling unsafe.Completed Visual Assessment Forms are uploaded to the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database and areavailable with the SWPPP, as required by MSGP-2010 Part 5.4.27

6.3.3 Comprehensive Facility InspectionsCFIs are generally conducted in January to avoid interfering with the holiday flightoperations in November and December. The <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database is used to generateCFI notification letters for co-permittees and COPAD. Inspectors contact each copermitteeto confirm the inspection date, time, and meeting location. If a schedulingconflict arises, co-permittees contact the inspector to reschedule.As the first step at each inspection, the inspector confirms contact information and listedactivities potentially impacting stormwater quality. Then the inspector surveys areaswhere industrial materials or activities may be exposed to stormwater for compliancewith SWPPP provisions. The inspector looks for and collects records of:• Industrial materials, residue, or trash that may have or could come in contact withstormwater;• Leaks or spills from industrial equipment, drums, tanks, or other containers;• Offsite tracking of industrial or waste materials or sediment where vehicles enter orexit the site;• Tracking or blowing of raw, final, or waste materials from areas of no exposure toexposed areas;• CMs needing replacement, maintenance, or repair; and• Copies of personnel stormwater training records.Inspectors may question co-permittee personnel for basic knowledge of CMrequirements. Additionally, inspectors may request to review inspection and/ormaintenance records. The annual CFIs are also an opportunity for co-permitteespersonnel to provide input on the SWPPP and the efficacy of CMs in the SWPPP.During the inspection, the inspector records observations and information gathered onthe Comprehensive Facility Inspection Form provided in Attachment 10. Instances ofSWPPP compliance and non-compliance are documented with photographs, providingthere are no company policies restricting or preventing photographic documentation.The co-permittee representative(s) reviews inspection results before leaving the site.Inspection results and photographs are entered into the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database. Thedatabase generates letters that are emailed/mailed to the co-permittee/. The letterscontain a brief explanation of SWPPP requirements, instances of SWPPP major andminor non-compliances, recommendations for resolution of the non-compliances, orrecognition of especially effective SWPPP compliance (if applicable) and PECM contactinformation. Major non-compliances, including missing or non-functioning structuralCMs, must be addressed within 14 days or prior to the next measureable storm event,whichever is sooner. Minor concerns, including problems with documentation,reporting, and non-structural CMs, must be addressed within 90 days.The inspected co-permittee is required to provide PECM written notificationdocumenting how and when each stormwater management concern was addressed. If28

more than 14 days is required to address any major non-compliance, the co-permitteemust provide PECM written notification of the rationale for the extended schedule andthe projected completion date.In some instances, follow up inspections are conducted to confirm compliance. Lack ofaction to address non-compliance concerns can subject a co-permittee to a Notice ofViolation or other penalty under <strong>Stormwater</strong> Enforcement Procedures and Civil PenaltyPolicy at GYR, included as Attachment 11.Inspection results (with photographs) and co-permittee responses are uploaded to the<strong>Stormwater</strong> Database and are available with the SWPPP as required by MSGP-2010 Part5.4. Because GYR discharges within 2.5 miles of an impaired stream the results of theCFIs are submitted with the Annual Report as required by MSGP-2010 Part 4.3.2. TheAnnual Report summarizes the inspection results as well as other findings of the CFIsand may be used to revise the SWPPP.6.4 Substantially Identical OutfallsPECM has not designated any substantially identical outfalls as allowed in MSGP Part5.1.5.2 at this time. PECM may conduct an assessment for such outfalls during futurerevisions of this SWPPP.6.5 Corrective ActionsAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 3.1, PECM has established procedures to address thefollowing procedures resulting in or from the failure of a CM:• An unauthorized discharge to a Water of the United States (i.e., Bullard Wash);• The permittee becomes aware or ADEQ determines that the facility’s dischargecauses or contributes to an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard; and• ADEQ determines that modifications to the control measures are necessary to meetthe requirements of the MSGP-2010 Part 2.2.Within 72 hours of identifying one of these corrective action triggers, PECM willdocument the discovery with the following information on the Corrective Action Form:• Identification of the triggering condition• Description of the problem identified• Date the problem was identifiedWithin 14 calendar days, PECM will document the following information in a CorrectiveAction Report:• Summary of corrective action(s) taken or to be taken• Whether SWPPP modifications are required as a result of the discovery or correctiveaction29

• Date corrective action was or will be initiated• Date the corrective action was completed or is expected to be completeCorrective Action Forms and Corrective Action Reports (Attachment 12) will beuploaded to the stormwater database and are aviable with the SWPPP as required byMSGP-2010 Part 3.3.30

Section 7 - Reporting and Recordkeeping7.1 Annual ReportAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 7.2, PECM or its stormwater consultant prepares anAnnual Report for the annual reporting period from June 1 to May 31. The reportincludes:• Findings from the CFIs;• Corrective Action Forms and Reports;• Visual assessment results; and• The results of monitoring required by ADEQ.Copies of the Annual Reports are uploaded to the stormwater database and are availablewith the SWPPP as Attachment 13, as required by MSGP-2010 Part 7.2. Because theairport discharges within 2.5 miles of an impaired stream (i.e., Gila River) GYR isrequired to submit the Annual Report to ADEQ, according to MSGP-2010 Part 7.2. TheAnnual Report is completed by July 15 each year for the prior reporting period andsubmitted to:Arizona Department of Environmental QualitySurface Water Section, <strong>Stormwater</strong> Permits Unit—MSGP Monitoring1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5415 A-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Fax: 602-771-45287.2 Other Reporting7.2.1 24-Hour ReportingThe MSGP-2010 Appendix B part 12(d) requires GYR to report permit noncomplianceissues that may endanger human health or the environment. Within 24-hours followingsuch a noncompliance event, PECM verbally notifies ADEQ at:Arizona Department of Environmental Quality – Water Quality Compliance1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5515 B-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Office: 602-771-2330; Fax 602-711-45057.2.2 Five-Day Follow-Up Reporting to the 24-Hour ReportingWithin five days of an event triggering a 24-hour reporting, PECM will provide ADEQwith a written submission. A five-day follow-up report will be submitted if thedischarge exceeds effluent limitation in the permit or if the maximum daily discharge31

limitation is violated for a pollutant listed in the permit. Written submissions willinclude:• Exact date and time of the incident and its duration;• A description of the noncompliance issue and its cause;• If the noncompliance issue has not been corrected, then the anticipated timeframe forwhen the noncompliance issue will be resolved; and• Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent recurrence.Five-day follow-up reports are submitted to ADEQ at:Arizona Department of Environmental Quality – Water Quality Compliance1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5515 B-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Office: 602-771-2330; Fax 602-771-45057.2.3 Reportable Quantity SpillsAll GYR co-permittees including contractors operating at the facility must follow thespill response plan, which includes a provision to notify COPAD of a spill. As requiredby MSGP-2010 Part, if a leak, spill, or other release occurs that contains ahazardous substance, oil, or any pollutant that reaches a storm drain, dry well, or comesin contact with soil , COPAD notifies ADEQ Emergency Response Duty Office at (602)771-2330 and National Response Center (NRC).7.2.4 <strong>Plan</strong>ned ChangesAs required by MSGP-2010 Appendix B Part 12(a), PECM will notify ADEQ of physicalalterations or additions to the facility if the alteration or addition:• Causes a reclassification of GYR as a “new source” as defined in 40 CFR 122.29(b);and• Significantly changes the nature or increases the quantities of pollutants dischargedfrom GYR.7.2.5 Anticipated NoncomplianceAs required by MSGP-2010 Appendix B Part 12(c), the COPAD gives advance notice ofplanned changes at GYR that would result in a permit noncompliance.7.2.6 Other InformationAs required by MSGP-2010 Appendix B Part 12(f), if COPAD determines that the NOI orother information reported to ADEQ was incorrect or incomplete, PECM willimmediately submit the revised information to ADEQ.32

7.3 RecordkeepingAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 7.5, PECM will retain a copy of the SWPPP and SWPPPattachments for a period of at least three (3) years from the date that coverage under theMSGP-2010 expires or is otherwise terminated.33


Section 8 – Signature RequirementsAs described in MSGP-2010 Appendix B Part 9, documentation required by the MSGP-2010 must comply with signatory requirements. As a public agency, a chief executiveofficer or director or a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overalloperations of a principal geographic unit of the agency must sign the GYR NOI.The person described above or a duly authorized representative must sign reports,including this SWPPP, inspections reports, annual reports, visual assessment reports,training reports, and other information required by the MSGP-2010 only if:1. The person described above makes the authorization in writing.2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position havingresponsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such asthe position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent,position of equivalent responsibility or an individual or position having overallresponsibility for environmental matters for the company.3. The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP. A copymust be submitted to ADEQ, if requested.Signed authorization forms are included in Attachment 14. Authorizations for copermitteesare maintained on the <strong>Stormwater</strong> Database.All documents under the terms of the MSGP-2010 must also include the followingcertification:I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments wereprepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designedto assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the informationsubmitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the systemor those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, theinformation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurateand complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting falseinformation, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowingviolations.35


Section 9 - SWPPP ModificationsAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 5.2, the SWPPP will be modified whenever necessary toaddress any of the triggering conditions for corrective action identified in Section 6.5.Modifications will also be considered after the annual CFIs based on the results of theinspections and input from co-permittees. Changes to the SWPPP to reflect correctiveactions will be made in accordance with the corrective action deadlines also identified inSection 6.5. The SWPPP will also be amended whenever there is a change in design,construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge orpotential for discharge of pollutants from the facility. SWPPP modifications aredocumented, signed and dated on the SWPPP Modification Log contained inAttachment 15.37


Section 10 – SWPPP AvailabilityAs required by MSGP-2010 Part 55.3, the SWPPP is kept at the facility and is madeimmediately available to ADEQ, EPA, or another Federal, State or local agency havingstormwater program authority or the operator of a regulated MS4 receiving dischargefrom GYR at the time of an on-site inspection or upon request. PECM also makesSWPPP documents available to ADEQ upon request and provides copies of documentswithin 14 calendar days of request. In addition, the SWPPP document will be availableon the COPAD website.To review the SWPPP, please contact:Lisa FarinasEnvironmental Quality Specialist<strong>Plan</strong>ning, Environmental, and Capital Management SectionCity of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department3400 East <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Blvd., Ste. 3300<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85034-4420(602) 722-6173 Cell Phone39



Table 2.1<strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> Team Members for 2014<strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear Airport (GYR)Affiliation Name Mailing Address PhoneAeroPanache LLC GYR Todd Puckett 2710 East Old Tower Road 602-531-5505AeroTurbine Richard Wegener 1658 South Litchfield Road 623-262-0559Airline Training Center Arizona Mike Mitcham 1658 South Litchfield Road 623-932-1700 x4819Galaxy International Inc. A Mike Woodard 1658 S. Litchfield Rd. Hangar 18 602-626-9518Lux Air Ryan Reeves 1658 South Litchfield Road 623-932-1200<strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility Joel Quinn 1658 South Litchfield Road 602-821-4672West Coast Wash Station GYR Mike Adams 15115 North Airport Drive 602-390-1115A New tenant - NEC filedApril 2014 Page 1 of 1

Table 4.1Tenant's Industrial Activities for 2014<strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear Airport (GYR)Each of the tenants listed below resides within airport property. The table below presents a list of the activities performed by each of the tenants. For morespecific information on each tenant, refer to their Notice of Intent.TenantAVEMaintenanceAVECleaningAVEStorageMaterial StorageAreaAirport FuelSystem andFueling AreaBuilding &GroundsMaintenanceOWS, Lavatory &Potable WaterServiceAeroPanache LLC GYR AeroTurbine Airline Training Center Arizona Galaxy International Inc. A Lux Air <strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility West Coast Wash Station GYRA New tenant - NEC filedApril 2014 Page 1 of 1



PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN - FIGURE 1 - ACTIVITY AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS#* #* #*#*W Yuma Rd#*E Western AveW Western AvePotential Pollutants1FUEL / OILLEGEND2SOLVENTSS Litchfield RdBULLARD WASH1"V341 5"V5 1 2 4!(41 5!(!("V!(!(!("V!(!(!( !("V"V!(!(!( !(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!("V#*21 311 2 3 4 63456Map Layers"V#*#0Other Sources!(!(SOAPS / DETERGENTPAINTHERBICIDES / PESTICIDESOTHEROil-Water_SeperatorsStorm Water SystemStorm Water System InletStorm Water System Outfall (MSGP Outfalls)Airport Property BoundaryRetention BasinCar Wash/WashrackChemical Storage#*2!(!(W Mc85!(!(!(Fuel StationHazardous WasteHazardous Waste/Used Oil5W Lower Buckeye Rd!(!(Liquid StorageOil Storage!(Transfer Station!(Used Oil!(Vehicle MaintenanceAREA OF DETAILReceiving Waters within 2.5 Miles of Facility Depicted§¨¦ 10 vw 101S Estrella Pkwy1#0Union Pacific Rr#0 #02A2B!(0 9501,900 3,800FeetGYRBULLARD WASHAGUA FRIAMap NumberTenant1 AeroTurbine2 Airline Training Center Arizona3 Galaxy International4 <strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility5 Lux AirNOTES:1. Wash Service Providers are not shown on theseFigures including: AeroPanache and West CoastWash StationLast updated:4/7/14 JDavies ext.4300 /P&E/AVNG:\PLN\GIS\ESRI-CAD\Environmental\Exhibits\SWPPP\2013 update\current pdfs

PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN - FIGURE 2 - SURFACE DRAINAGE AND OUTFALLS#* #* #*#*W Yuma Rd#*E Western AveW Western AveStorm Water SystemLEGENDS Litchfield Rd#*#0#0#0Airport Property Boundary (780 Acres)Storm Water System InletOutfall 1 (MSGP Outfall)Outfall 2A (MSGP Outfall)Outfall 2B (MSGP Outfall)BULLARD WASH1#*Direction of Storm Water Flow#*W Mc85W Lower Buckeye RdAREA OF DETAILReceiving Waters within 2.5 Miles of Facility DepictedUnion Pacific Rr§¨¦ 10 vw 101S Estrella Pkwy1#0#0 #02A2B0 9501,900 3,800FeetGYRBULLARD WASHAGUA FRIAMap NumberTenant1 AeroTurbine2 Airline Training Center Arizona3 Galaxy International4 <strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility5 Lux AirNOTES:Receiving Water: Bullard Wash Visual Assessments areconducted at Outfalls No. 2A and 2B, as these outfallsreceive drainage from the portions of the airport whereindustrial activities are conducted. Outfall No.1 receivesflow from a small portion of the airport property where thereare no industrial activities.Last updated: 3/25/14 JDavies ext.4300 /P&E/AVNG:\PLN\GIS\ESRI-CAD\Environmental\Exhibits\SWPPP\2013 update\current pdfs

PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN - FIGURE 3 - SPILL LOCATIONS#* #* #*#*W Yuma Rd#*2/9/201212/23/2013E Western AveW Western AvePotential Pollutants1FUEL / OILLEGENDBULLARD WASH#*1"V2/15/2011341 5"V4/16/20121/30/201311/3/20135 1 2 441 52VU"VVUVU"V"VVU"V"V#*21 311 2 3 4 6W Mc852/10/20124/4/20125/15/2013S Litchfield Rd23456Map Layers"V#*#0VUSOLVENTSSOAPS / DETERGENTPAINTHERBICIDES / PESTICIDESOTHEROil-Water_SeperatorsStorm Water SystemStorm Water System InletStorm Water System Outfall (MSGP Outfalls)Airport Property BoundaryStorm Water Retention BasinSpill Locations5W Lower Buckeye RdAREA OF DETAILReceiving Waters within 2.5 Miles of Facility Depicted§¨¦ 10 vw 101S Estrella Pkwy1#0Union Pacific Rr#0 #02A2B0 9501,900 3,800FeetGYRBULLARD WASHAGUA FRIAMap NumberTenant1 AeroTurbine2 Airline Training Center Arizona3 Galaxy International4 <strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility5 Lux AirLast updated:4/7/14 JDavies ext.4300 /P&E/AVNG:\PLN\GIS\ESRI-CAD\Environmental\Exhibits\SWPPP\2013 update\current pdfs

PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT - STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN - FIGURE 4 - SIGNIFICANT IMPERVIOUS SURFACESW Yuma Rd#*E Western AveW Western AveLEGENDAirport Property Boundary#* #* #*#*BULLARD WASH[_[_[_[_ [_[_[_#*S Litchfield RdStorm Water SystemStorm Water System Outfall (MSGP Outfalls)#0Storm Water Retention BasinRunwayTaxiwayOn Property BuildingOil-Water Seperator[_!(Transfer Points#*!( !(W Mc85W Lower Buckeye RdAREA OF DETAILReceiving Waters within 2.5 Miles of Facility DepictedUnion Pacific Rr§¨¦ 10 vw 101S Estrella Pkwy1#0#0 #02A2B0 9501,900 3,800FeetGYRBULLARD WASHAGUA FRIAMap NumberTenant1 AeroTurbine2 Airline Training Center Arizona3 Galaxy International4 <strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility5 Lux AirLast updated: 4/7/14 JDavies ext.4300 /P&E/AVNG:\PLN\GIS\ESRI-CAD\Environmental\Exhibits\SWPPP\2013 update\current pdfs

Attachment 1.0 – AZPDES MSGP-2010

AZPDES MULTI-SECTOR GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGESASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY FROM NON-MINING FACILITIESTABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 Coverage under this Permit ............................................................................................................. 11.1 Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................... 11.2 Permit Compliance........................................................................................................................... 41.3 Authorization under this Permit. ....................................................................................................... 41.4 Terminating Coverage...................................................................................................................... 71.5 No Exposure Exclusion.................................................................................................................... 71.6 Alternative Permits........................................................................................................................... 72.0 Control Measures, Numeric Effluent Limitations and Water Quality Standards. ............................. 82.1 Control Measures............................................................................................................................. 82.2 Numeric Effluent Limitations and Water Quality Standards........................................................... 113.0 Corrective Actions .......................................................................................................................... 123.1 Corrective Action Triggers.............................................................................................................. 123.2 Corrective Action Deadlines........................................................................................................... 133.3 Corrective Action Report................................................................................................................ 134.0 Inspections .................................................................................................................................... 144.1 Routine Facility Inspections ........................................................................................................... 144.2 Visual Assessment of <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges .............................................................................. 154.3 Comprehensive Facility Inspections .............................................................................................. 175.0 <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (SWPPP)........................................................................... 185.1 Contents of the Facility’s SWPPP.................................................................................................. 185.2 Required SWPPP Modifications .................................................................................................... 225.3 SWPPP Availability ........................................................................................................................ 225.4 Documentation Requirements ....................................................................................................... 236.0 Analytical Monitoring Program. ...................................................................................................... 236.1 Analytical Monitoring Procedures .................................................................................................. 246.2 Required Monitoring. ...................................................................................................................... 266.3 Follow-up Actions if Discharge Exceeds Numeric Effluent Limit or a Water Quality Standard ..... 317.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping ....................................................................................................... 317.1 Reporting Monitoring Data to ADEQ.............................................................................................. 317.2 Annual Report ................................................................................................................................317.3 Exceedance Report for Numeric Effluent Limitations or Water Quality Standards ....................... 317.4 Other Reporting.............................................................................................................................. 327.5 Recordkeeping ............................................................................................................................... 327.6 Addresses for Reports ................................................................................................................... 32Part 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial Activity ..................................................................... 34Subpart A – Sector A – Timber Products.................................................................................................... 34Subpart B – Sector B – Paper and Allied Products .................................................................................... 37Subpart C – Sector C – Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing, and Refining ................................ 38Subpart D – Sector D – Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing................... 41Subpart E – Sector E – Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products....................................... 43Subpart F – Sector F – Primary Metals....................................................................................................... 46Subpart K – Sector K – Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities .............................. 49Subpart L – Sector L – Landfills, Land Application Sites, and Open Dumps.............................................. 53Subpart M – Sector M – Automobile Salvage Yards .................................................................................. 57Subpart N – Sector N – Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities.................................................. 59Subpart O – Sector O – Steam Electric Generating Facilities .................................................................... 64Subpart P – Sector P – Land Transportation and Warehousing................................................................. 67Subpart R – Sector R – Ship and Boat Building and Repair Yards ............................................................ 72Subpart S – Sector S – Air Transportation.................................................................................................. 74Subpart T – Sector T – Treatment Works ................................................................................................... 78Subpart U – Sector U – Food and Kindred Products.................................................................................. 80<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activityii

Subpart V – Sector V – Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Products ................................................ 82Subpart W – Sector W – Furniture and Fixtures......................................................................................... 84Subpart X – Sector X – Printing and Publishing ......................................................................................... 85Subpart Y – Sector Y – Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous ManufacturingIndustries .................................................................................................................................... 86Subpart Z – Sector Z – Leather Tanning and Finishing.............................................................................. 88Subpart AA – Sector AA – Fabricated Metal Products ............................................................................... 90Subpart AB – Sector AB – Transportation Equipment, Industrial or Commercial Machinery Facilities...... 93Subpart AC– Sector AC –Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, Photographic andOptical Goods ................................................................................................................................94Subpart AD – Sector AD – <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Designated by the Director as Requiring Permits..... 95Appendix A.Appendix B.Appendix C.Appendix D.AppendicesDefinitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms (for the purposes of this permitStandard Permit ConditionsFacilities and Activities CoveredCalculating Hardness in Surface Waters Receiving <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges for HardnessDependent Metals<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activityiii

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit1.0 Coverage under this Permit1.1 Eligibility1.1.1 Facilities CoveredThis general permit authorizes stormwater discharges associated with “industrial activities” asdefined in Appendix A from facilities having primary industrial activities included in Appendix C. Thispermit also authorizes discharges from facilities that are notified by ADEQ that they are regulated underSector AD and eligible for coverage under this permit. This permit is not authorized for use by facilitieswith stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities on any Indian Country lands in Arizona.USEPA Region 9 is the permitting authority for Indian lands in Arizona.1.1.2 Allowable <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.permit:Unless otherwise ineligible under Part 1.1.4, the following are eligible for discharge under this1. <strong>Stormwater</strong> discharges associated with industrial activity for any primary industrial activitiesand co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A;2. Discharges designated by ADEQ as needing a stormwater permit as provided in Sector AD;3. Discharges that are not otherwise required to obtain AZPDES permit authorization but arecommingled with discharges that are authorized under this permit; and4. Discharges subject to any of the effluent limitations guidelines listed in Table 1-1.Table 1-1. <strong>Stormwater</strong> Specific Effluent Limitations GuidelinesRegulated DischargeDischarges resulting from spray down orintentional wetting of logs at wet deck storageareas40 CFRSectionPart 429,Subpart IMSGPSectorARunoff from phosphate fertilizer manufacturingfacilities that comes into contact with any rawmaterials, finished product, by-products or wasteproducts (SIC 2874)Runoff from asphalt emulsion facilitiesRunoff from material storage piles at cementmanufacturing facilitiesRunoff from hazardous waste and non-hazardouswaste landfillsRunoff from coal storage piles at steam electricgenerating facilitiesPart 418,Subpart APart 443,Subpart APart 411,Subpart CPart 445,Subparts Aand BPart 423CDEK, LO1.1.3 Allowable Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.Discharges from emergency fire-fighting activities are an allowable non-stormwater dischargeactivity without regard to the receiving water. The following non-stormwater discharges are allowed underthis permit provided they are ancillary to the permitted use:<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 1

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit1. Fire fighting system testing and maintenance, including hydrant flushings;2. Discharges related to installation and maintenance of potable water supply systems,including disinfection and flushing activities, discharges resulting from pressure releases oroverflows, and discharges from wells approved by ADEQ for drinking water use;3. Uncontaminated condensate from air conditioners, evaporative coolers, and othercompressors and from the outside storage of refrigerated gases or liquids;4. Irrigation drainage and irrigation line flushing;5. Landscape watering provided all pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer have been applied inaccordance with the approved labeling;6. Pavement wash waters where no detergents are used and no spills or leaks of toxic orhazardous materials have occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed);7. Routine external building washdown that does not use detergents;8. Water used to control dust, provided effluent or other wastewaters are not used;9. Uncontaminated groundwater or spring water;10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials suchas solvents;11. Incidental windblown mist from cooling towers that collects on rooftops or adjacent portions ofthe facility, but not intentional discharges from the cooling tower (e.g., “piped” cooling towerblowdown or drains);12. Hydrostatic testing of new pipes, tanks or vessels using potable water, surface water, oruncontaminated groundwater;13. Discharges of water associated with drilling, rehabilitation and maintenance of potable ornon-potable water wells and peizometers, or water supply or water quality evaluationsincluding:a. Discharges from any borehole not fully developed;b. Well purging;c. Well/aquifer pump tests not associated with groundwater remediation activities;d. Backflushing of injection wells provided the discharge meets applicable water qualitystandards; and14. Non-stormwater discharges subject to an effluent limitation guideline listed in Table 1- Limitations on Coverage1.1.4.1 Discharges Mixed with Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong>. <strong>Stormwater</strong> discharges that are mixed withnon-stormwater, other than allowable non-stormwater discharges listed in Part 1.1.3 are noteligible for coverage under this permit. <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Construction Activity. <strong>Stormwater</strong>discharges associated with construction activity are not eligible for coverage under this permit. Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by another Permit. Unless the permitteereceives written notification from ADEQ specifically allowing these discharges to be coveredunder this permit, the following are not eligible for coverage under this general permit:<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 2

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit1. <strong>Stormwater</strong> or non-stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity that is currentlycovered under an individual AZPDES permit or an alternative AZPDES general permit andhas established numeric water quality-based limitations developed for the stormwatercomponent of the discharge; or2. Discharges for which any AZPDES permit has been or is in the process of being denied,terminated, or revoked by ADEQ (this does not apply to the routine reissuance of permitsevery five years). <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Subject to Effluent Limitations Guidelines. For stormwaterdischarges subject to effluent limitation guidelines under 40 CFR, Subchapter N, only thosedischarges identified in Table 1-1 are eligible for coverage under this permit. New Dischargers to Water Quality Impaired Waters. A new discharger to an impairedwater, as defined in Appendix A, is not automatically eligible for coverage under this permit.1. To receive authorization under this permit, the applicant shall make one of the followingdemonstrations and retain such data and other technical information onsite with thestormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP):a. That the facility will employ measures to prevent all exposure to stormwater of thepollutant(s) for which the waterbody is impaired; orb. That the discharge from the facility has no potential to contain the pollutants causingimpairment; orc. That the discharge is not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of anapplicable water quality standard. The applicant shall demonstrate either:i. The discharges are subject to stormwater control measures such that thedischarges meet the applicable water quality standard, for the parameter causingthe impairment, at the point of discharge into the waterbody; orii. The discharges are consistent with the provisions of the TMDL, includingestablished TMDL allocations and implementation plans.Note: Pursuant to A.A.C. R18-11-109(D)(2), if a receiving water is impaired forsuspended solids, turbidity or sediment/ sedimentation, a operator seekingauthorization to discharge under this permit may satisfy the requirement of Part1.1.4.5(1)(c)(i) either by discharging only within the first 48 hours after a local stormevent, or by demonstrating that any discharge after that time satisfies therequirements of Part The applicant shall submit:a. The NOI in accordance with Part 1.3.1;b. A copy of the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall describe how the permittee will monitor forpollutants of concern in the discharge in accordance with Part 6.2.3; andc. The necessary information or documentation related to the demonstration selectedabove.3. If the proposed discharge is to an upstream tributary within 2.5 miles of a water or portionthereof classified as impaired, the applicant shall submit a copy of the SWPPP.4. Within 32 business days of receipt of information required in Part (2) or (3), ADEQwill notify the applicant in writing that:a. It is acceptable to proceed under the general permit;b. The SWPPP is incomplete or otherwise deficient and must be revised. The applicantshall submit to ADEQ for review the revised SWPPP that addresses the deficiencies asidentified in the notification; orc. It is not eligible for coverage under this permit and must apply for an individual permitunder Part 1.6.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 3

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit5. A new discharger to an upstream tributary within 2.5 miles of an impaired water is notrequired to meet the eligibility requirements set forth above, unless notified by ADEQ, butmust submit a copy of the SWPPP with the NOI and is subject to the additional evaluationrequirements set forth in Part 1.3.1(2)(c). Discharges to Outstanding Arizona Waters.1. No new or expanded discharges directly to a water or portion thereof classified as anoutstanding Arizona water (OAW) (see A.A.C. R18-11-112) are authorized under thispermit.2. New or expanded discharges to tributaries upstream of a water or portion thereof classifiedas an OAW are not automatically eligible for coverage under this permit. To receiveauthorization for a new or expanded discharge to a tributary upstream of a water or portionthereof classified as an OAW, the applicant shall:a. Submit the NOI in accordance with Part 1.3.1;b. Prepare a SWPPP that demonstrates the discharge will not degrade existing waterquality in the downstream OAW and retain documentation supporting thisdemonstration onsite with the SWPPP. Information relevant to this demonstration mayinclude, but is not limited to, some or all of the following: (1) the distance between thedischarge and the water or portion thereof that is OAW; (2) the estimated size (volume)and duration of the discharge; (3) the expected frequency of the discharge; (4) theexpected characteristics of the discharge; and (5) the known or expected water qualityof the water or portion thereof that is the OAW during storm events; andc. If the proposed discharge is to an upstream tributary within 2.5 miles of a water orportion thereof classified as an OAW, submit a copy of the SWPPP that includes asampling and analysis plan to collect data appropriate to verify the demonstration insubsection b, above.3. Within 32 business days of receipt of information required in Part (2), ADEQ willnotify the applicant in writing that:a. It is acceptable to proceed under the general permit;b. The SWPPP is incomplete or otherwise deficient and must be revised. The applicantshall submit to ADEQ for review the revised SWPPP, including any additionalparameter identified in accordance with Part 6.2.4, that addresses the deficiencies asidentified in the notification; orc. It is not eligible for coverage under this permit and must apply for an individual permitunder Part Permit ComplianceAny noncompliance with any of the requirements of this permit constitutes a violation of the CleanWater Act and A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article Authorization under this Permit.1.3.1 Obtaining Authorization to Discharge.1. Before obtaining authorization under this permit, the applicant shall:a. Ensure the facility is located in Arizona on land that is outside of Indian Country;b. Ensure that the facility meets the Part 1.1 eligibility requirements;c. Select, design, install, and implement control measures in accordance with Part 2.1;d. Develop a SWPPP according to the requirements in Part 5 of this permit. An applicantseeking authorization for a new discharge to or within 2.5 miles of an impaired water (seePart or for a new or expanded discharge within 2.5 miles of an Outstanding<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 4

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitArizona Water (see Part is required to submit a copy of the SWPPP, to theDepartment for review, along with the NOI in subsection (e);e. Submit to the Department a complete and accurate Notice of Intent (NOI) Form (either anoriginal, or a photocopy/reproduction) in accordance with A.A.C. R18-9-C901(D) to theaddress listed in Part 7.6. Other NOI options (i.e., electronic submission) may also beused if ADEQ makes the information available on the Internet or by public notice.If the facility has the potential to discharge to a regulated municipal separate storm sewersystem (MS4), the applicant must provide:o The name of the MS4 operator in Section E of the NOI; ando Name of closest surface water receiving the discharge.The NOI form is available at Authorization to Dischargea. Routine AuthorizationsUnless otherwise notified, the applicant is authorized to discharge stormwater from aneligible facility upon either: receipt of the Authorization to Discharge; or 7 calendar daysafter a complete and accurate NOI is received by the Department, whichever is earlier.However, in order to rely on this 7 calendar day provision, the operator must submit theNOI in a manner that documents the date of ADEQ’s receipt (i.e., certified mail, handdelivery, fax, etc.).b. Authorizations to Discharge for New Dischargers to Impaired Waters and New orExpanded Discharges to Tributaries of OAWsUnless otherwise notified, an applicant subject to Part or is authorized todischarge stormwater from an eligible facility upon receipt of the Authorization toDischarge or 32 business days after a complete and accurate NOI is received by theDepartment, whichever is earlier.c. NOIs Requiring Additional Evaluation.ADEQ may inform an applicant that authorization to discharge will not occur for up to 32business days in the event that screening of the NOI provides information requiringfurther evaluation. ADEQ’s notification may be made either in writing, electronically, byfax or phone. The notification typically will be made within 7 calendar days after receipt ofthe NOI. Applicants who receive notice of a delay in coverage may discharge 32business days after the date the NOI is received unless further notice is received fromADEQ during this timeframe. Such notice may confirm authorization to discharge, orrequest additional information to comply with the requirements of this permit.d. Requirement to Obtain Alternate Coverage.ADEQ may require the operator to submit an application for an individual AZPDESpermit, as detailed in Part 1.6.1. In these instances, ADEQ will notify the operator inwriting of: 1) the delay; or 2) the request for submission of an individual AZPDES permitapplication.e. Discharges to a regulated MS4.Permittees with discharges to a regulated MS4 shall submit to the MS4 operator a copyof the Department’s Authorization to Discharge.3. Incomplete NOI Submitted. If ADEQ notifies the applicant that an NOI is incomplete orincorrect, the applicant must resubmit an amended NOI if the applicant still intends to obtain(or retain) coverage under this permit.4. The time frames for discharge authorization are presented in Table 1-2, below.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 5

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable 1-2. NOI Submittal DeadlinesCategory NOI Submission Deadline Discharge Authorization StatusExisting Dischargers –authorized for coverage underMSGP 2000.Other Eligible Dischargers –in operation prior to the effectivedate of this permit, but did notobtain coverage under theMSGP 2000 or anotherAZPDES permit.New Dischargers – willcommence discharging after theeffective date of this permitChange of ownership and/ oroperation to a newowner/operator of an existingfacility (discharger) whosedischarge is authorized underthis permit.The operator shall reviseSWPPP documents toconform with this permit andapply for coverage no laterthan May 31, 2011.The operator shall developSWPPP documents toconform with this permit andapply for coverage no laterthan May 31, 2011.As soon as possible, and atleast 32 business days beforedischarge is anticipated.Permitted owner/operatorshall submit a NOT to ADEQwithin 30 calendar days afterthe new owner/operatorassumes responsibility for thefacility.New owner/ operator shallsubmit a NOI to ADEQ 7calendar days before takingover operational control orinitiating activities at thefacility.Coverage under the MSGP 2000 isadministratively continued untilADEQ: Grants the applicant coverageunder this permit (in accordancewith Part 1.3.1(2)); or Issues or denies an alternativepermit in accordance with Part1.6.1.Coverage will begin upon ADEQissuance of an Authorization toDischarge (in accordance with Part1.3.1(2)).Coverage begins upon ADEQ’sissuance of an Authorization toDischarge (in accordance with Part1.3.1(2)).New owner/ operator obtainscoverage.1.3.2 Continuation of this PermitIf this permit is not reissued or replaced prior to the expiration date, it will be administrativelycontinued in accordance with A.A.C. R18-9-C903(A) and remain in force and effect. If the operator isauthorized to discharge under this permit prior to the expiration date, any discharges authorized underthis permit will automatically remain covered by this permit until the earliest of:1. The operator submits a timely, complete, and accurate NOI requesting authorization todischarge under a renewal or revision of this permit and ADEQ issues an Authorization toDischarge; or2. The operator submits a Notice of Termination; or3. ADEQ denies coverage under this general permit or denies or issues coverage under anindividual permit or other alternative permit for the facility’s discharges; or4. A formal permit decision is made by ADEQ not to reissue this general permit, at which timeADEQ will identify a reasonable time period for covered dischargers to seek coverage under<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 6

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitan alternative general permit or an individual permit. Coverage under this permit will cease atthe end of this time period.1.4 Terminating CoverageTo terminate permit coverage, the permittee shall submit a complete and accurate Notice ofTermination (NOT) form to the address listed in Part 7.6. Other NOT options (i.e., electronic submission)may also be used if ADEQ makes the information available on the Internet of by public notice. Thefacility’s authorization to discharge under this permit terminates at midnight of the day that a completeNOT form is received by the department. The permittee shall submit an NOT within 30 calendar daysafter a new owner or operator assumes ownership of or has taken over responsibility for the facility.The permittee shall also submit an NOT when there are not or no longer will be discharges ofstormwater associated with industrial activity from the facility, and the permittee has alreadyimplemented necessary sediment and erosion controls as required by Part permittee is responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of this permit until the facility’sauthorization is terminated.1.5 No Exposure ExclusionOperators may claim relief from the requirement to obtain a permit under the ‘‘no exposure’’provision by submitting a No Exposure Certification to ADEQ at the address listed in Part 7.6. The NoExposure Certification incorporates the conditions of 40 CFR 122.26(g)(4)(iii) and must be submittedonce every five years.[Note: See A.A.C. R18-9-A902(H) and the Guidance Manual for Conditional Exclusion from<strong>Stormwater</strong> Permitting Based on “No Exposure” of Industrial Activities to <strong>Stormwater</strong> found .]In addition to submitting a No Exposure Certification, the operator shall allow ADEQ and/or therepresentatives of a regulated MS4 (where there is a stormwater discharge to the MS4) to inspect thefacility and to make such inspection reports publicly available upon request. The facility must also submita copy of the No Exposure Certification to the operator the regulated MS4 into which the facilitydischarges (if applicable). All No Exposure Certifications must be signed in accordance with the signatoryrequirements of Appendix B, Subsection 9. The No Exposure Certification is nontransferable.Permittees operating under a ‘no exposure exclusion’ that has been accepted by ADEQ are notrequired to submit an NOT. However, if at any time the facility can no longer satisfy the conditions of noexposure, renewed permit coverage is required and the owner / operator must submit an NOI requestingcoverage and comply with the permit. ADEQ retains the authority to deny this exclusion (and requireauthorization under an individual permit) if it determines that the discharge causes, has a reasonablepotential to cause, or contributes to an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, includingdesignated uses.1.6 Alternative Permits1.6.1 ADEQ Requiring Coverage under an Alternative AZPDES PermitADEQ may require an operator to obtain authorization to discharge under either an individualAZPDES permit or an alternative AZPDES general permit in accordance with A.A.C. R18-9-C902(A). IfADEQ requires an operator to apply for an individual permit, any applications shall be submitted within120 calendar days, unless ADEQ provides an extended deadline. In addition, a discharger alreadyauthorized under this permit, will be notified of a deadline to file a permit application. Coverage under thispermit will terminate immediately if the facility fails to submit an individual AZPDES permit application bythe specified deadline. ADEQ may take appropriate enforcement action for any unpermitted discharge.1.6.2 Permittee Requesting Coverage under an Alternative PermitAn applicant may elect to forego coverage under this general permit by applying for an individual<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 7

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitpermit. In such a case, the applicant must submit an individual permit application in accordance with therequirements of A.A.C. R18-9-B901(B)(2) to the Department at the address listed in Part 7.6 and includereasons supporting the request. The request may be granted by issuance of an individual permit orauthorization of coverage under an alternative general permit if the Department finds that the reasons areadequate to support the request.When an individual AZPDES permit is issued to the applicant or the applicant is authorized todischarge under an alternative AZPDES general permit, the authorization to discharge under this permitis terminated on the effective date of the individual permit or the date of authorization of coverage underthe alternative general permit.2.0 Control Measures, Numeric Effluent Limitations and Water Quality Standards.In Part 2.1 (Control Measures) and in Part 8 (Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial Activity),the term “minimize” means reduce and/or eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures thatare technologically available, economically practicable and achievable in consideration of best industrypractice to meet any applicable numeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and the water-quality basedrequirements in Parts 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.The requirement to implement control measures in accordance with Part 2.1 applies to allfacilities. Part 8 contains additional control measures imposed on a sector-specific basis. In some cases,sector-specific provisions in Part 8 modify the terms of the general control measures set forth in Part Control MeasuresThe permittee shall select, design, install, and implement control measures (including bestmanagement practices), as appropriate, to ensure the discharge meets the requirements of Part 2.2. Theselection, design, installation, and implementation of these control measures must be in accordance withgood engineering practices and manufacturer’s specifications. If construction or a change in design,operation, or maintenance at the facility significantly changes the nature of pollutants discharged instormwater, or significantly increases the quantity of pollutants discharged, the permittee shall review theselection, design, installation, and implementation of the facility’s control measures to determine ifmodifications are necessary to meet the requirements of this permit. If the facility’s control measures arenot achieving their intended effect of minimizing pollutant discharges, the permittee shall modify theseand/or add additional control measures to meet requirements of this permit. Regulated stormwaterdischarges from the facility include stormwater run-on that commingles with stormwater dischargesassociated with industrial activity at the facility.The permittee shall consider all of the control measures listed below for implementation at thefacility and select those that the permittee determines are appropriate, given the nature of the site, tomeet the requirements set forth in Parts 2.1.1 and 2.2. The control measures listed below are notintended to be an exclusive list of acceptable control measures. In preparing the SWPPP in accordancewith the requirements in Part 5 of this permit, the permittee shall explain the basis for the selection of thecontrol measures to be utilized at the facility.2.1.1 Control Measure Selection and Design ConsiderationsThe permittee shall assess the type and quantity of pollutants likely to discharge in stormwater orallowable non-stormwater from the facility when designing and implementing control measures. Thepermittee shall select and design control measures incorporating one or more of the following principles:Preventing stormwater from coming into contact with polluting materials is generally moreeffective, and less costly, than trying to remove pollutants from stormwater;Using control measures in combination is more effective than using control measures inisolation for minimizing pollutants in the facility’s stormwater discharge;Minimizing impervious areas at the facility and infiltrating runoff onsite (including bioretentioncells, green roofs, and pervious pavement, among other approaches) can reduce runoff andimprove groundwater recharge and stream base flows in local streams, although care mustbe taken to avoid ground water contamination;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 8

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAttenuating flow using open vegetated swales and natural depressions can reduce in-streamimpacts of erosive flows;Conserving and/or restoring of riparian buffers help protect streams from stormwater runoffand improve water quality; andUsing treatment interceptors (e.g., swirl separators and sand filters) may be appropriate insome instances to minimize the discharge of pollutants. Minimize Exposure. The permittee shall minimize the exposure of manufacturing,processing, and material storage areas (including loading and unloading, storage, disposal,cleaning, maintenance, and fueling operations) to rain, snow, snowmelt, and runoff byimplementing measures such as the following: Locating industrial materials and activities inside or protect them with storm resistantcoverings (although significant enlargement of impervious surface area is notrecommended) Covering fueling area(s) or minimize stormwater run-on/runoff to fueling area(s); Use grading, berming, or curbing to prevent runoff of contaminated flows and divert runonaway from these areas; Locating materials, equipment, and activities so that leaks are contained in existingcontainment and diversion systems (confine the storage of leaky or leak-prone vehiclesand equipment awaiting maintenance to protected areas); Using spill/overflow protection and cleanup equipment; Draining fluids from equipment and vehicles prior to on-site storage or disposal; Performing all cleaning operations indoors, under cover, or in bermed areas that preventrunoff and run-on and also that capture any overspray; and Ensuring that all washwater drains to a proper collection system (i.e., not the stormwaterdrainage system).The discharge of vehicle and equipment washwater, including tank cleaning operations, is notauthorized by this permit. These wastewaters must be covered under a separate AZPDES permit,discharged to a sanitary sewer in accordance with applicable industrial pretreatmentrequirements, or disposed of otherwise in accordance with applicable law. Good Housekeeping. The permittee shall implement good housekeeping measures for allexposed areas that are potential sources of pollutants. Such measures may include: Sweeping at regular intervals; Keeping materials orderly and labeled; Storing materials in appropriate containers; Cleaning up spills and leaks promptly using dry methods (e.g., absorbents) to prevent thedischarge of pollutants; Using drip pans and absorbents under or around leaky vehicles and equipment or storeindoors where feasible. Maintenance. The permittee shall regularly inspect, test, maintain, and repair all industrialequipment and systems that have the potential for exposure to stormwater to avoid situations thatmay result in leaks, spills, and other releases of pollutants to stormwater discharged from the site.The permittee shall maintain all control measures and equipment in effective operating condition.Nonstructural control measures must also be diligently maintained (e.g., spill response suppliesavailable, personnel appropriately trained). If the permittee discovers control measures are notachieving the intended effect of minimizing pollutant discharges (i.e., control measures needrepair or replacement), the permittee shall make any necessary changes within 14 calendar daysfollowing discovery, or before the next measurable storm event (see Part, whichever issooner, to ensure compliance with the applicable numeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 9

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitwater quality-based limitations in Parts 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of this permit. If necessary changescannot be implemented within the specified timeframe(s), the permittee shall document with theSWPPP the reasons for the delay, a schedule for completing the necessary changes, datecompleted and any back-up control measures in place to ensure compliance with the applicablenumeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and water quality-based limitations in Parts 2.2.2 and2.2.3 of this permit should a runoff event occur while a control measure is off-line (either in part orin whole). Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures. The permittee shall minimize the potentialfor leaks, spills and other releases that may be exposed to stormwater and develop plans fortimely and effective clean-up of spills if or when they occur by implementing measures such as:Procedures for plainly labeling containers (e.g., “Used Oil,” “Spent Solvents,” “Fertilizersand Pesticides,” etc.) that could be susceptible to spillage or leakage to encourageproper handling and facilitate rapid response if spills or leaks occur;Preventative measures such as barriers between material storage and traffic areas,secondary containment provisions, and procedures for material storage and handling;Procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up leaks, spills, and otherreleases. Employees who may cause or detect a spill or leak should be knowledgeable inthe proper reporting procedures established by their facility. Employees who areresponsible for spill response and/or cleanup, must be properly trained and havenecessary spill response equipment available; andProcedures for notification of appropriate facility personnel and emergency response.Where a leak, spill, or other release occurs that contains a hazardous substance or oil inan amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFRPart 110, 40 CFR Part 117, or 40 CFR Part 302, the permittee shall notify ADEQEmergency Response Duty Office at (602) 771-2330 or, toll free, at (800) 234-5677.Contact information must be in locations that are readily accessible and available. Erosion and Sediment Controls. The permittee shall minimize on-site erosion andsedimentation, and the resulting discharge of pollutants by using methods such as:Stabilizing exposed areas;Containing runoff using structural and/or non-structural control measures;Placing flow velocity dissipation devices at discharge locations and within outfall channelswhere necessary to reduce erosion and/or settle out pollutants.[Note: In selecting, designing, installing, and implementing appropriate control measures,permittees are encouraged to consult EPA’s internet-based resources relating to BMPs forerosion and sedimentation, including the sector-specific Industrial <strong>Stormwater</strong> Fact Sheet Series,(, National Menu of <strong>Stormwater</strong> BMPs(, and National Management Measures to ControlNonpoint Source <strong>Pollution</strong> from Urban Areas (] Management of Runoff. The permittee shall reduce stormwater runoff to minimize thedischarge of pollutants from the facility by implementing control measures such as:Diverting, infiltrating, reusing, containing runoff, orTreating and/or recycling stormwater runoff collected.[Note: In selecting, designing, installing, and implementing appropriate control measures,permittees are encouraged to consult EPA’s internet-based resources relating to runoffmanagement, including the sector-specific Industrial <strong>Stormwater</strong> Fact Sheet Series,(, National Menu of <strong>Stormwater</strong> BMPs(, and National Management Measures to Control<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 10

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitNonpoint Source <strong>Pollution</strong> from Urban Areas (] Salt Storage Piles or Piles Containing Salt. The permittee shall enclose or coverstorage piles of salt, or piles containing salt, used for deicing or other commercial or industrialpurposes, including maintenance of paved surfaces. The permittee shall implement appropriatemeasures (e.g., good housekeeping, diversions, containment) to minimize exposure resultingfrom adding to or removing materials from the pile. Piles do not need to be enclosed or covered ifstormwater runoff from the piles is not discharged or if discharges from the piles are authorizedunder another AZPDES permit. Sector Specific Control Measures. The permittee shall implement any additional controlmeasures in the relevant sector-specific section(s) of Part 8, as appropriate. Employee Training. The permittee shall train all employees who work in areas whereindustrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater, or who are responsible forimplementing activities necessary to meet the conditions of this permit (e.g., inspectors,maintenance personnel), including all members of the facility’s stormwater pollution preventionteam (see Part 5.1.1). Training must cover both the specific control measures used to achieve therequirements in Part 2.2 and (for those who will be involved in these activities) the monitoring,inspection, planning, reporting, and documentation requirements in other parts of this permit.Training shall be conducted at least annually (or more often if circumstances warrant, such ashigh employee turnover). Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. The permittee shall not allow any non-stormwaterdischarges from the facility unless they are specifically authorized in Part Litter, Garbage and Floatable Debris. The permittee shall ensure that litter, garbage, andfloatable debris are not discharged to surface waters by keeping exposed areas free of suchmaterials or by intercepting them before they leave the site. Dust Generation and Vehicle Tracking of Industrial Materials. The permittee shallminimize generation of dust and off-site tracking of raw, final, or waste materials.2.2 Numeric Effluent Limitations and Water Quality Standards2.2.1 Numeric Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations GuidelinesTable 2-1 below identifies specific regulated activities with effluent limitations guidelines and thelocations of effluent limitations guidelines in this permit. Discharges from such activities must meet thespecified effluent limitations guidelines. Compliance with these effluent limits is to be determined basedon discharges from these regulated activities independent of commingling with any other dischargesallowed under this permit.Table 2-1. Applicable Effluent Limitations GuidelinesRegulated Activity 40 CFR Part/Subpart Effluent LimitDischarges resulting from spray down orintentional wetting of logs at wet deck storage Part 429, Subpart ISee Part 8.A.7areasRunoff from phosphate fertilizer manufacturingfacilities that comes into contact with any rawmaterials, finished product, by-products orPart 418, Subpart ASee Part 8.C.4waste products (SIC 2874)Runoff from asphalt emulsion facilities Part 443, Subpart A See Part 8.D.4Runoff from material storage piles at cementmanufacturing facilitiesPart 411, Subpart CSee Part 8.E.5<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 11

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable 2-1. Applicable Effluent Limitations GuidelinesRegulated Activity 40 CFR Part/Subpart Effluent LimitRunoff from hazardous waste landfills Part 445, Subpart A See Part 8.K.6Runoff from non-hazardous waste landfills Part 445, Subpart B See Part 8.L.10Runoff from coal storage piles at steam electricgenerating facilities2.2.2 Water Quality StandardsPart 423See Part 8.O.8The permittee shall control discharge from the facility as necessary to not cause or contribute toan exceedance of an applicable water quality standard. ADEQ expects that compliance with otherconditions in this permit will control discharges as necessary to not cause or contribute to an exceedanceof an applicable water quality standard (A.A.C.R18-11, Article 1). However, if at any time the permitteebecomes aware, or ADEQ determines, that the facility’s discharge causes or contributes to anexceedance of an applicable water quality standard, the permittee shall take corrective action as requiredin Part 3.1, document the corrective actions as required in Parts 3.3 and 5.4, and report the correctiveactions to ADEQ as required in Part 7.2.Additionally, ADEQ may impose additional water quality-based requirements on a site-specificbasis, or require the operator to obtain coverage under an individual permit in accordance with Part 1.6.1,if information in the Notice of Intent (NOI), required reports, or from other sources indicates thedischarges are not controlled as necessary to not cause or contribute to an exceedance of an applicablewater quality standard.2.2.3 Discharges to Water Quality Impaired Waters2.2.3.1 Existing Discharges to an Impaired Water with an Approved TMDL. If the discharge isto an impaired water with, or is otherwise referenced in an approved TMDL, the Department mayrequire, as a condition of authorization, additional limits, controls, or monitoring necessary to beconsistent with the assumptions of any available wasteload allocation in the TMDL. Alternatively,ADEQ will advise the permittee if coverage under an individual permit is necessary in accordancewith Part Existing Discharges to an Impaired Water without an Approved TMDL. If the dischargeis to an impaired water without an approved TMDL, the permittee shall comply with Part 2.2.2 andthe monitoring requirements of Part 6.2.3. This subsection applies to discharges directly toimpaired waters as well as to situations where ADEQ determines that the facility’s discharge isnot controlled as necessary to meet water quality standards in a downstream water segment,even if the discharge is to a receiving water that is not specifically identified on a Section 303(d)list. New Discharges to an Impaired Water. If the permittee’s authorization to discharge underthis permit relied on Part for a discharge to an impaired water, the permittee shallimplement and maintain any control measures or conditions on the facility that enabled it tobecome eligible under Part The permittee shall modify such measures or conditions asnecessary in accordance with any Part 3 corrective actions. In addition, the permittee shallcomply with Part 2.2.2 and the monitoring requirements of Part Corrective Actions3.1 Corrective Action Triggers3.1.1 Conditions Requiring Review and Revision of Control Measures to Eliminate a ProblemIf any of the following conditions occur resulting in or from a failure of a control measure, thepermittee shall review the selection, design, installation, and implementation of the facility’s controlmeasures and revise as necessary to ensure that the condition is eliminated:<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 12

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit An unauthorized discharge (e.g., discharge of non-stormwater not authorized by this oranother AZPDES permit) to a water of the U.S. or to a regulated MS4 occurs at the facility(Part 2.1); A discharge violates a numeric effluent limitation guideline (Table 1-1); The permittee becomes aware, or ADEQ determines, that the facility’s discharge causes orcontributes to an exceedance of applicable water quality standard(s) (Part 2.2.2) or anadopted waste load allocation (WLA) (Part 2.2.3); or ADEQ, or an operator of a regulated MS4, determines that modifications to the controlmeasures are necessary to meet the requirements of Part Substantially Identical OutfallsIf the event triggering corrective action is linked to an outfall that represents other substantiallyidentical outfalls, the facility’s review must assess the need for corrective action for each outfallrepresented by the outfall that triggered the review.3.2 Corrective Action DeadlinesThe permittee shall document the discovery of any of the conditions listed in Part 3.1 within 72hours of making such discovery. Within 14 calendar days of such discovery, the permittee shall documentany corrective action(s) taken or to be taken to eliminate or further investigate the condition, or if nocorrective action is needed, the basis for that determination. The specific documentation required within72 hours and 14 calendar days is detailed in Part 3.3. When actions are determined necessary, thepermittee shall make any necessary changes within 14 calendar days following discovery, or before thenext measurable storm event (see Part, whichever is sooner, to ensure compliance with theapplicable numeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and water quality-based requirements in Parts 2.2.2and 2.2.3 of this permit. If necessary changes cannot be implemented within the specified timeframe(s),the permittee shall document with the SWPPP the reasons for the delay, a schedule for completing thenecessary changes, date completed and any back-up practices in place to ensure compliance with theapplicable numeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and water quality-based requirements in Parts 2.2.2and 2.2.3 of this permit should a runoff event occur while a control measure is off-line.3.3 Corrective Action Report1. Within 72 hours of discovery of any condition listed in Part 3.1, the permittee shall documentthe following information, which shall be maintained with the SWPPP:a. Identification of the condition triggering the need for corrective action review;b. Description of the problem identified; andc. Date the problem was identified.2. Within 14 calendar days of discovery of any condition listed in Part 3.1, the permittee shalldocument and maintain with the SWPPP the following information:a. Summary of corrective action taken or to be taken;b. Whether SWPPP modifications are required as a result of this discovery or correctiveaction;c. Date corrective action initiated or will be initiated; andd. Date corrective action completed or expected to be completed.3. When any condition listed in Part 3.1 occurs, a permittee that operates a facility thatdischarges to an impaired water or OAW shall submit this documentation in an annual reportas required in Part 7.2 and retain a copy of the corrective action report onsite with theSWPPP as required in Part 5.4.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 13

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit4.0 InspectionsThe permittee shall conduct inspections in accordance with Parts 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 of this permitat the facility. If, during any quarterly routine facility inspection, visual assessment, or comprehensivefacility inspection, or any other time, the facility’s control measures are found to be inadequate orotherwise not be properly operated and / or maintained, the permittee shall review the selection, design,installation, and implementation of the control measures to determine if maintenance and/or modificationsare necessary to meet the applicable numeric effluent limitations in Part 2.2.1 and water quality-basedrequirements in Parts 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of this permit, in accordance with the requirements of Part modifications shall be documented in the SWPPP and implemented as expeditiously as practicable.Additional sector-specific inspection requirements may be described in Part 8 of this permit. If aconflict exists between the two, the requirements of Part 8 shall prevail.4.1 Routine Facility Inspections4.1.1 Routine Facility Inspection ProceduresThe permittee shall conduct routine inspections of all areas of the facility where industrialmaterials or activities are exposed to stormwater with the potential to discharge from the facility, and of allstormwater control measures used to comply with this permit. Such routine inspections shall beconducted at least once each calendar quarter beginning with the first full calendar quarter after thefacility becomes covered under this permit (see Part 1.3.1(2) and Table1-2). More frequent inspections(e.g., monthly) may be appropriate for some types of equipment, processes, and control measures orareas of the facility with significant activities and materials exposed to stormwater. The permittee shallspecify the relevant inspection schedules in the SWPPP document as required in Part 5.1.5.A qualified person or persons (see definition in Appendix A) shall conduct routine facilityinspections. A member of the stormwater pollution prevention team (see Part 5.1.1) shall conduct orparticipate in the inspections. Inspections shall be performed during periods when the facility is inoperation (i.e., is not inactive and unstaffed in accordance with the requirements of Part 4.1.3). Thepermittee shall initiate at least one of the routine facility inspections each calendar year while astormwater discharge is occurring at one or more outfalls, but in no case later than 24 hours or the firstbusiness day (whichever comes later) following the end of the measurable storm event.If there is no measurable storm event(s) during a calendar year, the permittee shall document theinability to perform an inspection during a measurable storm event as described in Part 5.4. In any case,the permittee must still complete routine quarterly inspections.4.1.2 Routine Facility Inspection Documentation.The permittee shall document the findings of each routine facility inspection performed andmaintain this documentation with the SWPPP as required in Part 5.4. Inspection findings do not need tobe submitted to ADEQ, unless specifically requested. At a minimum, the documentation for each routinefacility inspection must include:The inspection date and time;The name(s) and signature(s) of the inspector(s);Weather information and a description of any discharges occurring at the time of theinspection;Evidence demonstrating that previously unidentified discharges of pollutants have occurredfrom the site;Any control measures needing maintenance or repairs;Any failed control measures that need replacement;Any other evidence of deviations from the permit or SWPPP observed; andAny additional control measures needed to comply with the permit requirements.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 14

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit4.1.3 Exceptions to Routine Facility InspectionsInactive and Unstaffed Sites: The requirement to conduct routine facility inspections on aquarterly basis does not apply to a facility that is inactive and unstaffed, provided that noindustrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater. Such a facility is only required toconduct an annual comprehensive facility inspection in accordance with the requirements of Part4.3. To invoke this exception, the permittee shall do the following:Maintain a statement in the SWPPP pursuant to Part indicating that the facility isinactive and unstaffed, and that there are no industrial materials or activities exposed toprecipitation, in accordance with the substantive requirements in 40 CFR 122.26(g)(4)(iii).The statement must be signed and certified in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection9.If circumstances change and industrial materials or activities become exposed tostormwater or the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exception no longer appliesand the permittee shall immediately resume quarterly inspections.If, during the period of coverage under this permit, the facility becomes qualified for theinactive and unstaffed exception, and there are no industrial materials or activitiesexposed to stormwater, then the permittee shall include the same signed and certifiedstatement as above and retain it pursuant to Part 5.4.For permittees with inactive and unstaffed facilities that are unable to meet the “no industrialmaterials or activities exposed to stormwater” standard, the frequency of inspections is reducedto one routine inspection and one CFI each calendar year. These two inspections shall beconducted in the opposing wet seasons and at least three months apart. The SWPPP shallinclude documentation that the facility is unable to meet this standard and the results of theinspections. Compliance with any additional sector-specific conditions in Part 8 is still required.4.2 Visual Assessment of <strong>Stormwater</strong> DischargesThe permittee shall perform two visual assessments during the summer wet season and twovisual assessments during the winter wet season when the facility is discharging.Wet seasons, for the purposes of visual assessments, are defined as follows: Summer wet season: June 1 – October 31 Winter wet season: November 1 – May 31The term ‘wet season’ applies statewide and includes areas of the state where freezingconditions exist that prevent runoff from occurring for extended periods. In areas where freezingconditions exist, the four visual assessments may be distributed during seasons whenprecipitation runoff occurs.Visual assessment monitoring requirements in this permit begin immediately after authorization todischarge is received by the permittee unless authorization is received 90 calendar days or moreafter a wet season has begun, in which case visual assessment monitoring shall commence withthe start of the next wet season.4.2.1 Visual Assessment ProceduresVisual assessment samples are not required to be collected consistent with 40 CFR Part 136procedures.The visual assessment shall be made:Of a sample in a clean, clear glass, or plastic container, and examined in a well-lit area;On samples collected within the first 30 minutes of an actual discharge from a storm event. Ifit is not possible to collect the sample within the first 30 minutes of discharge, the samplemust be collected as soon as practicable after the first 30 minutes and the permittee shalldocument why it was not possible to take samples within the first 30 minutes. In the case of<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 15

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitsnowmelt, samples shall be taken during a period with a measurable discharge from thefacility (see also Part; andOn discharges that occur at least 72 hours (3 calendar days) from a previous discharge (seealso Part permittee shall visually inspect the sample for the following water quality characteristics:Color;Odor;Clarity;Floating solids;Settled solids;Suspended solids;Foam;Oil sheen; andOther obvious indicators of stormwater pollution.4.2.2 Visual Assessment DocumentationThe permittee shall document the results of the visual assessments and maintain thisdocumentation with the SWPPP as required in Part 5.4. The visual assessment findings need not besubmitted to ADEQ, unless specifically requested by the Department. At a minimum, the documentationof the visual assessment shall include:Sample location(s);Sample collection date and time, and visual assessment date and time for each sample;Personnel collecting the sample and performing visual assessment, and their signatures;Nature of the discharge (i.e., runoff or snowmelt);Results of observations of the stormwater discharge;Probable sources of any observed stormwater contamination; andIf applicable, why it was not possible to take samples within the first 30 minutes.4.2.3 Exceptions to Visual AssessmentsAbsence of Discharge: If no storm event results in a discharge from the facility or outfall(s) duringa wet season, the permittee is excused from visual assessment for the facility or outfall(s) for thatseason provided the permittee documents in the monitoring records and retains with the SWPPPwhy a sample could not be collected.Adverse Conditions: Adverse conditions are those that are dangerous or create inaccessibility forpersonnel, such as local flooding, high winds, or electrical storms, or situations that otherwisemake sampling unsafe.When adverse conditions prevent the collection of either visual assessment sample in a given wetseason, the permittee shall document those conditions with the SWPPP and resume visualassessment monitoring in the subsequent wet season.Inactive and unstaffed sites: The requirement for a routine visual assessment does not apply at afacility that is inactive and unstaffed, provided that no industrial materials or activities are exposedto stormwater. To invoke this exception, the permittee shall do the following:Maintain a statement in the SWPPP as required in Part indicating that the facilityis inactive and unstaffed, and that there are no industrial materials or activities exposedto precipitation, in accordance with the substantive requirements in 40 CFR122.26(g)(4)(iii). The statement must be signed and certified in accordance withAppendix B, Subsection 9.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 16

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitIf circumstances change and industrial materials or activities become exposed tostormwater or the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exception no longer appliesand the permittee shall immediately resume visual assessments.If, during the period of coverage under this permit, the facility becomes qualified for theinactive and unstaffed exception, and there are no industrial materials or activitiesexposed to stormwater, then the permittee shall include the same signed and certifiedstatement as above and retain it with the facility’s records pursuant to Part 5.4.Except as provided by Part 8, permittees with inactive and unstaffed facilities that includedocumentation with the SWPPP that they are unable to meet the “no industrial materials oractivities exposed to stormwater” standard shall conduct at least one visual assessment eachcalendar year.Substantially identical outfalls: If the facility has two or more outfalls that discharge substantiallyidentical pollutants, as documented in Part, the permittee may conduct visualassessments of the discharge at just one of the outfalls and report that the results also apply tothe substantially identical outfall(s). If possible, visual assessments of each substantially identicaloutfall shall be performed on a rotating basis throughout the period of coverage under this permit.If a visual assessment performed on a sample collected at a substantially identical outfalldemonstrates that control measures are not functioning as intended, the permittee shall assessand modify the control measures as appropriate for that outfall and, if necessary, other outfallsrepresented by the monitored outfall.4.3 Comprehensive Facility Inspections4.3.1 Comprehensive Facility Inspection ProceduresThe permittee shall conduct annual comprehensive facility inspections while covered under thispermit. Annual, as defined in this Part, means once per calendar year, but not within 6 months of theprevious inspection for the facility throughout the duration of permit coverage.If the facility’s coverage is administratively continued after the expiration date of this permit, thepermittee shall continue to perform inspections annually until no longer covered by this permit.A qualified person or persons shall conduct comprehensive facility inspections (CFI). A memberof the facility’s stormwater pollution prevention team shall conduct or participate in the inspection. CFIsmust cover all areas of the facility affected by the requirements in this permit, including areas identified inthe SWPPP as potential pollutant sources (see Part 5.1.3) where industrial materials or activities areexposed to stormwater with the potential to discharge from the facility, any areas where control measuresare used to comply with the permit, and areas where significant spills (or spills that would contribute to thedischarge of pollutants in stormwater) and leaks have occurred in the past 3 years. CFIs must alsoinclude a review of monitoring data collected in accordance with Part 6.2.Inspectors must evaluate the results of the past year’s visual assessments and analyticalmonitoring when planning and conducting inspections to determine potential areas of concern forstormwater pollution. Inspectors shall look for the following: Industrial materials, residue, or trash that may have or could come into contact withstormwater; Leaks or spills from industrial equipment, drums, tanks, and other containers; Offsite tracking of industrial or waste materials, or sediment where vehicles enter or exit thesite; Tracking or blowing of raw, final, or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposedareas; and Control measures needing replacement, maintenance, or repair.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 17

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitInspectors shall examine all stormwater control measures required by this permit to ensure thatthey are functioning correctly. If discharge locations are inaccessible, nearby downstream locations shallbe inspected.The facility’s annual CFI may also be used as one of the routine inspections required by Part 4.1,provided that all components of both types of inspections are included.4.3.2 Comprehensive Facility Inspection Documentation.All permittees shall document the findings of each CFI and maintain this documentation with theSWPPP. At a minimum, the following information shall be included: The date of the inspection; The name(s) and title(s) of the personnel making the inspection; Findings from the examination of areas of the facility identified in Part 4.3.1; All observations relating to the implementation of the control measures including:o Previously unidentified discharges from the site,o Previously unidentified pollutants in existing discharges,o Evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system that are notcontemplated in the SWPPP;o Evidence of pollutants discharging to surface waters from any facility outfall(s) in amanner inconsistent with the SWPPP, and the condition of and around the outfall,including the condition of flow dissipation measures (if present) designed to preventscouring, ando Additional control measures needed to address any conditions requiring corrective actionidentified during the inspection. Any required revisions to the SWPPP resulting from the inspection; Any incidents of noncompliance observed or a certification stating the facility is in compliancewith this permit (if there is no noncompliance); and A statement signed and certified in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9 of this permit.In addition, permittees that operate facilities that discharge directly to an impaired water or OAWor to an upstream tributary within 2.5 miles of an impaired water or OAW shall submit the CFI findingswith the annual report as required in Part <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (SWPPP)The permittee shall prepare a SWPPP for the facility, or review and update an existing one, asappropriate, before submitting the Notice of Intent (NOI) for permit coverage. The SWPPP shall documentthe basis for selection, design, and installation of control measures utilized at the facility. The additionaldocumentation requirements (see Part 5.4) are intended to document the implementation (includinginspection, maintenance, monitoring, and corrective action) of the permit requirements. Additional sectorspecificSWPPP requirements may be described in Part 8 of this permit. If a conflict exists between thetwo, the requirements of Part 8 shall prevail.5.1 Contents of the Facility’s SWPPPThe SWPPP shall contain all of the following elements:• Identification of the stormwater pollution prevention team (see Part 5.1.1);• Site description (see Part 5.1.2);• Summary of potential pollutant sources (see Part 5.1.3);• Description of control measures (see Part 5.1.4);• Schedules and procedures (see Part 5.1.5);• Signature requirements (see Part 5.1.6);• Identify each outfall authorized by this permit and describe the rationale for any substantiallyidentical outfall determinations; and<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 18

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit• Sampling and analysis plan (SAP) (see Part 6.1.3).Where the SWPPP refers to procedures in other facility documents, such as other environmentalpermits, a Spill <strong>Prevention</strong>, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) <strong>Plan</strong> or an Environmental ManagementSystem (EMS) developed for an Environmental Performance Track facility, copies of the relevant portionsof those documents must be kept with the SWPPP.5.1.1 <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> TeamThe permittee shall identify the members (by name or title) that comprise the facility’s stormwaterpollution prevention team as well as their individual responsibilities. The team may include members whoare not employed by the facility (such as third party consultants). The stormwater pollution preventionteam is responsible for assisting the facility manager in developing and revising the SWPPP as well asmaintaining control measures and taking corrective actions where required. Each member of thestormwater pollution prevention team must have access to either an electronic or paper copy ofapplicable portions of this permit and the SWPPP.5.1.2 Site Description.The SWPPP shall include all of the following:1. Activities at the Facility. Provide a description of the nature of the industrial activities at thefacility.2. General location map. Provide a general location map (e.g., U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)quadrangle map) with enough detail to identify the location of the facility and surface watersreceiving stormwater discharges from the facility.3. Site map. Provide a legible site map (or maps) completed to scale, that identifies at aminimum the:• Size of the property in acres;• Location and extent of significant structures and impervious surfaces;• Directions of stormwater flow (e.g., use arrows);• Locations of stormwater conveyances (e.g., ditches, pipes, and swales);• Locations of all existing structural control measures;• Locations of surface waters receiving the facility’s discharges and any impaired waters orOAWs within 2.5 miles downstream of the facility;• Locations where the facility’s stormwater discharges to a regulated MS4 (whereapplicable);• Locations of potential pollutant sources identified under Part;• Locations where significant spills or leaks identified under Part have occurred;• Locations of all stormwater monitoring points;• Locations of stormwater inlets and outfalls, with a unique identification code for eachoutfall (e.g., Outfall No. 1, No. 2, etc), indicating whether one or more outfalls are beingtreated as “substantially identical” under Parts 4.2.3,, and, and anapproximate outline of the areas draining to each outfall;• Identification of all outfalls having the potential to contain allowable non-stormwaterdischarges under Part 1.1.3 and the corresponding type(s) of discharges;• Location of on-site drywell(s); include a list of the on-site drywells and their registrationnumber(s);• Locations of the following activities where such activities are exposed to stormwater withpotential to discharge from the facility:o fueling stations;o vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning areas;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 19

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permito loading/unloading areas;o locations used for the treatment, storage, or disposal of wastes;o liquid storage tanks;o processing and storage areas;o immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials,manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility;o transfer areas for substances in bulk; ando machinery; and• Locations and sources of run-on to the facility from adjacent property that containssignificant quantities of pollutants.5.1.3 Summary of Potential Pollutant SourcesThe permittee shall describe in the SWPPP areas at the facility where industrial materials oractivities are exposed to stormwater with the potential to discharge and from which allowable nonstormwaterdischarges are released. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to:material handling equipment or activities; industrial machinery; raw materials; industrial production andprocesses; and intermediate products, by-products, final products, and waste products. Material handlingactivities include, but are not limited to: the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, disposal, orconveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product or waste product. For each areaidentified, the description must include: Activities in the area A list of the industrial activities exposed to stormwater (e.g., materialstorage; equipment fueling, maintenance, and cleaning; cutting steel beams). Pollutants A list of the pollutant(s) or pollutant constituents (e.g., crankcase oil, zinc,sulfuric acid, and cleaning solvents) associated with each identified activity. The pollutant listmust include all significant materials that are handled, treated, stored, or disposed, and that havebeen exposed to stormwater including any past activities or incidents that may impact presentstormwater discharges (see Note in Part Spills and Leaks The permittee shall document where significant spills and leaks couldoccur that could contribute pollutants to stormwater discharges, and the corresponding outfall(s)that would be impacted by stormwater in contact with such spills and leaks. The permittee shallalso document all significant spills and leaks of oil or toxic or hazardous pollutants that actuallyoccurred at exposed areas, or that drained to a stormwater conveyance, in the 3 years prior tothe date that the SWPPP was prepared or amended.Note: Significant spills and leaks include, but are not limited to, releases of oil or hazardoussubstances in excess of quantities that are reportable under CWA Section 311 (see 40 CFR110.6 and 40 CFR 117.21) or Section 102 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 USC §9602. This permit does not relieve thepermittee of the reporting requirements of 40 CFR 110, 40 CFR 117, and 40 CFR 302 relating tospills or other releases of oils or hazardous substances. Unauthorized Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Unauthorized non-stormwater discharges arethose not specifically allowed under Part 1.1.3. The permittee shall identify and evaluate allunauthorized non-stormwater discharges. Documentation of this evaluation shall include:The date of the evaluation;A description of the evaluation criteria used;A list of the outfalls and/ or upgradient drainage locations that were directly observedduring the evaluation;The different types of unauthorized non-stormwater discharge(s) and source locations;and<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 20

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitThe action(s) taken, such as a list of control measures used to eliminate unauthorizednon-stormwater discharge(s), if any were identified or obtaining an AZPDES permit forthe discharge. For example, a floor drain was sealed, a sink drain was re-routed to thesanitary sewer, or an AZPDES permit application was submitted for an unauthorizedcooling water discharge. Salt Storage The permittee shall document the location of any storage piles containing saltused for deicing or other commercial or industrial purposes. Sampling Data The permittee shall summarize all stormwater discharge sampling datacollected at the facility during the previous permit term.5.1.4 Description of Control MeasuresThe permittee shall describe in the SWPPP the location and type of control measures installedand implemented at the facility to comply with Parts 2 and 8 of this permit. This documentation mustdescribe how the control measures at the facility address both the pollutant sources identified in Part5.1.3 and any stormwater run-on that commingles with any discharges covered under this permit.5.1.5 Schedules and Procedures5.1.5.1 Control Measures.The following must be described in the SWPPP: Good Housekeeping measures, procedures and related schedules (See Part; Maintenance measures, procedures and related schedules (See Part – Preventativemaintenance procedures, including regular inspections, testing, maintenance, and repair ofall industrial equipment and systems exposed to stormwater with the potential to discharge,and associated control measures, to avoid situations that may result in leaks, spills, and otherreleases that affect the quality of stormwater discharges; and Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures (See Part – Procedures for preventingand responding to spills and leaks. The permittee may reference the existence of other plans,such as the Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan developed for thefacility under Section 311 of the CWA or BMP programs otherwise required by an AZPDESpermit or an aquifer protection permit for the facility, provided that a copy of that other plan iskept with the SWPPP consistent with Part 5.3; and Employee Training (Part – A schedule for all types of necessary training inaccordance with the sector-specific requirements described in Part Monitoring and InspectionMonitoring: The permittee shall describe in the SWPPP the procedures for conducting the fourtypes of analytical monitoring specified by this permit, when and where applicable. The four typesof analytical monitoring are: Benchmark monitoring (see Part 6.2.1); Effluent limitations guidelines monitoring (see Part 6.2.2); Impaired waters monitoring (see Part 6.2.3); and Additional monitoring as required by ADEQ (see Part 6.2.4).For the required monitoring, the SWPPP shall contain a SAP either as a separate section or asan appendix to the SWPPP. The contents of the SAP are outlined in Part 6.1.3.Inspection: The permittee shall describe in the SWPPP the procedures for performing, asappropriate, the three types of inspections specified by this permit, including: Routine facility inspections (see Part 4.1);<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 21

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitVisual assessment of stormwater discharges (see Part 4.2); and Comprehensive facility inspections (see Part 4.3).For each type of inspection performed, the SWPPP shall identify:Person(s) or positions of person(s) responsible for inspection;Schedules for conducting inspections; andSpecific items to be covered by the inspection.Substantially Identical Outfalls: The permittee shall describe the following in the SWPPP whenusing the substantially identical outfall exception for the visual assessment requirements in Part4.2 or the facility’s benchmark monitoring requirements in Part 6.2.1:Location of each of the substantially identical outfalls;Description of the general industrial activities conducted in the drainage area of each outfall;Description of the control measures implemented in the drainage area of each outfall;Description of the exposed materials located in the drainage area of each outfall that arelikely to be significant contributors of pollutants to stormwater discharges;An estimate of the runoff coefficient of the drainage areas (low = under 40%; medium = 40 to65%; high = above 65%); andWhy the outfalls are expected to discharge substantially identical effluents. Inactive and Unstaffed Sites. When the permittee invokes either of the following exceptionsfor inactive and unstaffed sites the SWPPP shall include the information that supports this claimas required by Parts 4.1.3, 4.2.3 and monitoring; andRoutine facility inspections and visual assessments.5.1.6 Signature RequirementsThe permittee shall sign the SWPPP in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9, including thedate of signature.5.2 Required SWPPP ModificationsThe permittee shall modify the SWPPP whenever necessary to address any of the triggeringconditions for corrective action in Part 3.1. Changes to the SWPPP to reflect corrective actions shall bemade in accordance with the corrective action deadlines in Parts 3.2 and 3.3, and signed and dated inaccordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9.5.3 SWPPP AvailabilityThe permittee shall retain a copy of the current SWPPP at the facility, and it shall be madeimmediately available to ADEQ, EPA, or another Federal, State or local agency having stormwaterprogram authority, or the operator of a regulated MS4 receiving discharges from the facility (whereapplicable) at the time of an onsite inspection or upon request. If otherwise requested by ADEQ, thepermittee shall submit copies of the SWPPP documents within 14 calendar days of request.Inactive and Unstaffed Sites: Permittees with facilities that meet the requirements for inactiveand unstaffed are not required to maintain the SWPPP on-site. However, the SWPPP must be locallyavailable (i.e., in Arizona) and must be on-site when conducting the inspections required by Part 4. Forthe purpose of a regulatory inspection, the SWPPP shall be made available to ADEQ, EPA, or otherFederal, State or local authority having stormwater program authority, within 48 hours of request. Ifotherwise requested by ADEQ, the permittee shall submit copies of these documents within 14 calendardays of request.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 22

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit5.4 Documentation RequirementsThe permittee shall keep the following inspection, monitoring, and certification records completeand up-to-date. Retaining these records with the SWPPP (unless otherwise specified below) is necessaryto demonstrate compliance with the conditions of this permit.A copy of the NOI submitted to ADEQ, including: any correspondence exchanged betweenthe operator and ADEQ specific to coverage under this permit and the permit authorizationnumber assigned by ADEQ;A copy of this permit (an electronic copy easily available to SWPPP personnel is alsoacceptable);Descriptions and dates of any incidences of significant spills, leaks, or other releases thatresulted in discharges of pollutants in stormwater to a regulated MS4 or to waters of the U.S.,the circumstances leading to the release and actions taken in response to the release andmeasures taken to prevent the recurrence of such releases (see Part and;Records of employee training, including date training received. Training records need not bemaintained with the SWPPP but shall be made available to ADEQ, EPA, or another Federal,State or local agency upon request (see Part;Documentation of repairs of structural control measures, including the date(s) of discovery ofareas in need of repair/replacement, date(s) that the structural control measure(s) returned tofull function, and the justification for any extended repair schedules (see Part of maintenance of industrial equipment and systems in accordance with part2.1.1.3 need not be maintained with the SWPPP but shall be made available to ADEQ, EPA,or another Federal, State or local agency upon request. The maintenance records shallinclude the date(s) of regular maintenance. However, the justification for any extendedmaintenance schedules shall be maintained with the SWPPP (see Part;All inspection reports, including the Routine Facility Inspection Reports (see Part 4.1), theVisual Assessment Reports (see Part 4.2), and the Comprehensive Facility InspectionReports (see Part 4.3);Description of and rationale for any deviations from the schedule for visual assessmentsand/or monitoring, and the reason for the deviations (e.g., adverse weather or it wasimpracticable to collect samples within the first 30 minutes of a measurable storm event) (seeParts 4.1.1, 4.2.1,, and 6.2.1);Description of any corrective action taken at the site, including triggering event and dateswhen problems were discovered and modifications occurred;Documentation of any benchmark exceedances and how they were responded to, includingeither (1) modifications to control measures, (2) a finding that the exceedance was due tonatural background pollutant levels, or (3) a finding that no further pollutant reductions weretechnologically available and economically practicable and achievable in light of best industrypractice consistent with Part;Documentation to support any determination that pollutants of concern are not expected to bepresent above natural background levels if the discharge is directly to impaired waters, andthat such pollutants are not detectable in the facility’s discharge or were solely attributable tonatural background sources (see Part; andDocumentation to support the permittee’s claim that the facility has changed its status fromactive to inactive and unstaffed with respect to the requirements to conduct routine facilityinspections (see Part 4.1.3), visual assessments (see Part 4.2.3), and/or benchmarkmonitoring (see Part Analytical Monitoring Program.In addition to visual assessment required in Part 4 of this permit, the permittee shall collect andanalyze stormwater samples and document monitoring activities consistent with the procedures describedin Part 6 and Appendix B, Subsections 9, 11 and 12 and any sector-specific requirements in Part 8. Refer<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 23

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitto Part 7 for additional reporting and recordkeeping requirements.6.1 Analytical Monitoring Procedures6.1.1 Analytical Monitoring Locations6.1.1.1 Monitored OutfallsApplicable monitoring requirements apply to each outfall authorized by this permit. If the facilityhas two or more outfalls believed to discharge substantially identical stormwater and/or allowable nonstormwater,based on the similarities of the general industrial activities and control measures, exposedmaterials that may significantly contribute pollutants to stormwater, and runoff coefficients of theirdrainage areas, the permittee may monitor the discharge at just one of the outfalls and report that theresults also apply to the substantially identical outfall(s). The allowance for monitoring only one of thesubstantially identical outfalls is not applicable to any outfalls with numeric effluent limitations set forth inPart 2.2.1. The permittee is required to monitor each outfall covered by a numeric effluent limitation asidentified in Part Commingled Discharges.If discharges authorized by this permit commingle with discharges not authorized under thispermit, any required sampling of the authorized discharges must be performed at a point before they mixwith other unauthorized discharges to the extent practicable. Monitoring for Allowable Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> DischargesUnless otherwise specified by ADEQ, permittees are required to monitor allowable nonstormwaterdischarges (as delineated in Part 1.1.3) only when they are commingled with stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity.6.1.2 Monitoring Events6.1.2.1 Monitoring Periods.Monitoring requirements in this permit begin within 90 calendar days of receiving theDepartment’s authorization to discharge. The required monitoring events may be distributed duringseasons when precipitation occurs, or when snowmelt results in a measurable discharge from the site.Wet seasons, for the purposes of analytical monitoring, apply statewide and are defined asfollows:Summer wet season: June 1 – October 31Winter wet season: November 1 – May 31The term ‘wet season’ includes areas of the state where freezing conditions exist that preventrunoff from occurring for extended periods. In areas where freezing conditions exist, the requiredmonitoring and sample collection may be distributed during seasons when precipitation runoff, either asmelting snow or rain mixed with melting snow, occurs. Measurable Storm Events.All required monitoring must be performed on a storm event that results in a discharge from thefacility (“measurable storm event”) that follows the preceding measurable storm event by at least 72 hours(3 calendar days). The 72 hour (3 day) storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to documentthat less than a 72 hour interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period. In thecase of snowmelt, the monitoring must be performed at a time when a measurable discharge occurs atthe site.For each monitoring event, except snowmelt monitoring, the permittee shall identify the personperforming the monitoring, the date and estimated duration (in hours) of the rainfall event, estimatedrainfall total (in inches) for that rainfall event, and time (in days) since the previous measurable storm<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 24

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitevent. For snowmelt monitoring, the permittee shall identify the sample as ‘snowmelt’ and the date of thesampling event. Sample Type.The permittee shall take a minimum of one grab sample from a discharge resulting from ameasurable storm event that produces a sufficient volume to allow collection of a sample. With theexception of samples to be analyzed for Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC), samples must becollected within the first 30 minutes of a measurable storm event. If it is not possible to collect the samplewithin the first 30 minutes of a measurable storm event, the sample must be collected as soon aspracticable after the first 30 minutes and documentation must be kept with the SWPPP explaining why itwas not possible to take samples within the first 30 minutes. Samples for SSC shall be collected 48 hoursafter the storm event that resulted in a measureable discharge. In the case of snowmelt, samples must betaken during a period with a measurable discharge. Adverse Conditions.When adverse conditions as described in Part 4.2.3 prevent the collection of either analyticalsample in a given wet season, the permittee shall document those conditions with the SWPPP andresume analytical monitoring in the subsequent wet season. Adverse conditions do not exempt thepermittee from the requirement to file a discharge monitoring report (DMR) in accordance with thefacility’s sampling schedule. The permittee shall report any failure to monitor as specified in Part 7.1indicating the basis for not sampling during the usual reporting period.6.1.3 Sampling and Analysis <strong>Plan</strong>.The permittee shall develop a written SAP covering all analytical monitoring required by thispermit. The SAP shall be a part of the SWPPP as either an appendix or a separate SWPPP section. TheSAP shall include the following: Sample Collection, Preservation, Tracking, and Handling Information Designate and train personnel to collect, maintain, and handle samples in accordancewith the appropriate sample protocols. Identify water quality parameters/pollutants to be sampled including any pollutant(s) ofconcern in accordance with Parts 6.2.3 and 6.2.4; Identify the required sample analyses and associated analytical methods (analyticallaboratory and field analyses). Written procedures for:o Sample collection (equipment and containers, calibration procedures, document siteconditions during sampling, field notes and conditions under which the sample wastaken),oooPreservation (sample preparation to meet holding times),Tracking (including chain-of-custody procedures), andHandling (packing, transporting and shipping procedures to maximize sampleintegrity). Calibration and Maintenance of Monitoring Equipment.All monitoring instruments and equipment (including permittee’s field instruments for measuringpH and turbidity) shall be calibrated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Analytical Methods and Laboratories.Other than parameters required to be sampled at the time of sample collection (e.g., fieldparameters), all samples shall be analyzed by a laboratory that is licensed by the Arizona Department ofHealth Service (ADHS) Office of Laboratory Licensure and Certification. Identification of the analytical<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 25

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitmethods and related limits of detection (if applicable) for each parameter is required. The samples shallbe analyzed using analytical methods with a limit of quantitation (LOQ) that is at or below the benchmarkconcentrations, ELGs or other criteria specified in this permit. If all methods have LOQs higher than thespecific criteria, the samples shall be analyzed using the analytical method with the lowest LOQ.All laboratory analyses shall be conducted according to test procedures specified in 40 CFR 136,unless other test procedures have been specified in this general permit. This requirement does not applyto parameters that require analysis at the time of sample collection as long as the testing methods usedare approved by ADHS. The permittee may conduct field analysis of turbidity if the permittee hassufficient capability (qualified and trained employees, properly calibrated and maintained fieldinstruments, etc.) to properly perform the field analysis. Records.The permittee shall retain records of all stormwater monitoring information and reports as part ofthe SWPPP in accordance with Part 7.5 and any additional requirements in Appendix B, Subsection 11 ofthis permit.6.2 Required Monitoring.This permit includes four types of required analytical monitoring, one or more of which may applyto the facility’s discharge: Benchmark monitoring (see Part 6.2.1) Effluent limitations monitoring (see Part 6.2.2); Impaired waters monitoring (see Part 6.2.3); and Additional monitoring as required by ADEQ (see Part 6.2.4).When more than one type of monitoring for the same parameter at the same outfall applies (e.g.,total suspended solids once per year for an effluent limitation and twice per wet season for benchmarkmonitoring at a given outfall), a single sample may be used to satisfy both monitoring requirements.All required monitoring shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures described inAppendix B, Subsection 11.D.6.2.1 Benchmark Monitoring.This permit stipulates pollutant benchmark concentrations for certain industry sectors. Thebenchmark concentrations are not effluent limitations; a benchmark exceedance, therefore, is not apermit violation. Benchmark monitoring data are primarily to determine the overall effectiveness of thecontrol measures and assist the permittee in knowing when to apply additional corrective action(s) tocomply with the effluent limitations in Part 2.permit.Additional sector-specific benchmark monitoring requirements may be described in Part 8 of this6.2.1.1 Applicability of Benchmark Monitoring.The permittee shall monitor stormwater discharges for all benchmark parameters specifiedfor the primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, applicable to thefacility’s discharge. The industry-specific benchmark concentrations are listed in the sectorspecificsections of Part 8. If the facility is in one of the industrial sectors subject tobenchmark concentrations that are hardness-dependent, the permittee must characterize forhardness established per Appendix D procedures and submit results to ADEQ with thebenchmark report. For discharges to:Perennial or intermittent waters, the hardness shall be of the surface water receiving thedischarge;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 26

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitEphemeral waters, the hardness shall be of the discharge leaving the facility.Samples must be analyzed consistent with 40 CFR Part 136 analytical methods and usingtest procedures with quantitation limits at or below benchmark values for all benchmarkparameters for which sampling is required (see Part Benchmark Monitoring Schedule.Benchmark monitoring must be conducted four times annually, two times each wet season,as identified in Part, for the facility’s first full year of permit coverage. If four samplesare not collected during this period, the permittee must continue collecting samples until 4samples are obtained from all outfalls subject to benchmark monitoring. For facilities thatdischarge to ephemeral waters, see Part Data EvaluationData not exceeding benchmarks: After collection of 4 samples (or in the case of dischargeto ephemeral waters, two samples, in accordance with Part, if the average of themonitoring values for any parameter does not exceed the benchmark, the permittee’smonitoring requirements are fulfilled for that parameter for the permit term. For averagingpurposes, a value of zero shall be used for any individual sample parameter, analyzed usingprocedures consistent with Part, which is determined to be less than the methoddetection limit. For sample values that fall between the method detection limit and thequantitation limit (i.e., a confirmed detection but below the level that can be reliablyquantified), use a value halfway between zero and the quantitation limit.Data exceeding benchmarks: After collection of 4 samples (or in the case of discharge toephemeral waters, two samples, in accordance with Part, if the average of themonitoring values for any parameter exceeds the benchmark (see Part 8), the permittee shallreview the selection, design, installation, and implementation of the control measures todetermine if modifications are necessary to meet the effluent limitations in this permit, andeither: Make the necessary modifications and continue monitoring four times annually, until 4additional samples (or in the case of discharge to ephemeral waters, two samples) arecollected that show the average does not exceed the benchmark; or Make a determination that no further pollutant reductions are technologically availableand economically practicable and achievable in light of best industry practice to meet thetechnology-based effluent limitations or are necessary to meet the water-quality-basedrequirements in Part 2 of this permit. In this case the permittee shall continue monitoringonce per wet season. The permittee shall also document the rationale for concludingthat no further pollutant reductions are achievable, and retain all records related to thisdocumentation with the SWPPP. The permittee shall also notify ADEQ of thisdetermination in the next benchmark monitoring report, which is recorded on thedischarge monitoring report (DMR) sent to the Department. See Part 7.1.3.If less than 4 benchmark samples have been taken, but the results are such that anexceedance of the 4 sample average is mathematically certain (i.e., if the sum of sampleresults to date is more than 4 times the benchmark level), this is considered a benchmarkexceedance. In such cases, the permittee shall review the selection, design, installation, andimplementation of the control measures to determine if modifications are necessary to meetthe water quality based requirements in this permit. The permittee shall document thesechanges in the SWPPP. If the permittee determines no changes to existing control measuresis required, the permittee shall document in the SWPPP. If after modifying the controlmeasures and conducting the required additional rounds of monitoring, the average stillexceeds the benchmark (or if an exceedance of the benchmark is mathematically certainprior to conducting the required additional rounds of monitoring), the permittee shall againreview the control measures and take one of the two actions above.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 27

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitNatural background pollutant levels: Following the first 4 rounds of benchmark monitoring(or sooner if the exceedance is triggered by less than 4 samples, see above), if the averageconcentration of a pollutant exceeds a benchmark value, and the exceedance of thebenchmark is attributable solely to the presence of that pollutant in the natural background,corrective actions and additional benchmark monitoring are not required, provided that: The average concentration of the benchmark monitoring results is less than or equal tothe concentration of that pollutant in the natural background; Documentation of the permittee’s supporting rationale for concluding that benchmarkexceedances are in fact attributable solely to natural background pollutant levels. Thisdocumentation must be maintained with the SWPPP, as required in Part 5.4. Thepermittee’s supporting rationale shall include any data previously collected by anyone(including data reported in the literature) that describe the levels of natural backgroundpollutants in the facility’s stormwater discharge; and Notify ADEQ on the final benchmark monitoring report that the benchmark exceedancesare attributable solely to natural background pollutant levels.Natural background pollutants include those substances that are naturally occurring in soilsor groundwater. Natural background pollutants do not include legacy pollutants from earlieractivity on the site, or pollutants in run-on from neighboring sources that are not naturallyoccurring. Exception for Inactive and Unstaffed Sites.The requirement for benchmark monitoring does not apply at a facility that is inactive andunstaffed, provided that no industrial materials or activities are exposed to stormwater. Toinvoke this exception, the permittee shall do the following:Maintain a statement onsite with the SWPPP stating that the facility is inactive andunstaffed, and that there are no industrial materials or activities exposed to stormwater inaccordance with the substantive requirements in 40 CFR 122.26(g) and sign and certifythe statement in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9; andIf circumstances change and industrial materials or activities become exposed tostormwater or the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exception no longer appliesand the permittee shall immediately begin complying with the applicable benchmarkmonitoring requirements under Part 6.2.1 as if it were the permittee’s first year of permitcoverage. The permittee shall indicate in the first benchmark monitoring report that thefacility has materials or activities exposed to stormwater or has become active and/orstaffed.If, during the period of coverage under this permit, the facility becomes qualified for theinactive and unstaffed exception and there are no industrial materials or activitiesexposed to stormwater, the permittee shall notify ADEQ of this change in the facility’snext benchmark monitoring report. Benchmark monitoring may be discontinued onceADEQ is notified, and the permittee signs the certification statement in Appendix B,Subsection 9 concerning the facility’s qualification for this special exception is preparedand signed. Exception to Monitoring Requirements for Ephemeral Waters.Facilities authorized for coverage under this permit that discharge to ephemeral waters arenot required to monitor for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and turbidity as part of thebenchmark monitoring requirements when the parameters specify TSS and turbidity in thesector-specific section of Part 8. Monitoring for any remaining parameters in Part 8 may beperformed once each wet season, for a total of twice per year. The permittee is required tocollect at least two samples in a permit term, even if it extends beyond this one year period.Once the two samples have been collected, the permittee shall evaluate the data inaccordance with Part<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 28

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit6.2.2 Effluent Limitations Monitoring. Monitoring Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines.Table 6-1 identifies the stormwater discharges subject to effluent limitation guidelines that areauthorized for coverage under this permit. Commencing with the first wet season of permitcoverage (in accordance with Section, the permittee shall monitor once per year ateach outfall containing the discharges identified in Table 6-1 for the parameters specified inthe sector-specific section of Part 8.Table 6-1. Required Monitoring for Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations GuidelinesRegulated ActivityEffluent LimitMonitoringFrequencySampleTypeDischarges resulting from spray down orintentional wetting of logs at wet deck storage See Part 8.A.7 1/year GrabareasRunoff from phosphate fertilizer manufacturingfacilities that comes into contact with any rawmaterials, finished product, by-products orSee Part 8.C.4 1/year Grabwaste products (SIC 2874)Runoff from asphalt emulsion facilities See Part 8.D.4 1/year GrabRunoff from material storage piles at cementmanufacturing facilitiesSee Part 8.E.5 1/year GrabRunoff from hazardous waste landfills See Part 8.K.6 1/year GrabRunoff from non-hazardous waste landfills See Part 8.L.10 1/year GrabRunoff from coal storage piles at steam electricgenerating facilitiesSee Part 8.O.8 1/year Grab6.2.2.2 Substantially Identical Outfalls.The permittee shall monitor each outfall discharging runoff from any regulated activityidentified in Table 6-1. The substantially identical outfall monitoring provisions are notavailable for numeric effluent limitations monitoring.6.2.3 Impaired Waters Monitoring. Permittees Required to Monitor Discharges to Impaired Waters.If a facility discharges to an impaired water, the permittee shall develop a monitoring programin accordance with Part 6.1.3 and monitor for all pollutants for which the waterbody isimpaired (except as provided in Part and for which a standard analytical methodexists (see 40 CFR Part 136).If the waterbody is impaired for suspended solids, turbidity or sediment/ sedimentation andthe discharge occurs for more than 48 hours after the storm event, the permittee shallmonitor for SSC. If the pollutant for which the waterbody is impaired is expressed in the formof an indicator or surrogate pollutant, the permittee shall monitor for that indicator orsurrogate pollutant. No monitoring is required when a waterbody’s biological communities areimpaired but no pollutant, including indicator or surrogate pollutants, is specified as causingthe impairment, or when a waterbody’s impairment is related to hydrologic modifications,impaired hydrology, or temperature.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 29

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit6.2.3.2 Impaired Waters Monitoring Schedule.Discharges to impaired waters without an approved TMDL.Beginning in the first wet season following the permittee’s discharge authorization, thepermittee shall monitor twice per wet season at each outfall discharging stormwater to animpaired water without an approved TMDL. Once the four (4) samples have been collected, ifthe pollutant for which the water is impaired is not detected above applicable water qualitystandards, the permittee may discontinue further monitoring for that pollutant, under thissection. The permittee shall keep records of this finding with the SWPPP. If the pollutant forwhich the water is impaired is found in the discharge above applicable water qualitystandards for any of the samples collected in the first year of sampling, the permittee shallcontinue monitoring twice during each wet season.Further, this monitoring requirement does not apply after one year if the pollutant for whichthe waterbody is impaired is not detected above natural background levels in the discharge,and the permittee documents, as required in Part 5.4, that this pollutant is not expected to bepresent above natural background levels in the discharge.If the pollutant for which the water is impaired is not present and not expected to be presentin the facility’s discharge, or it is present but it has been determined that the presence iscaused solely by natural background sources, the permittee shall include a notification to thiseffect in the first monitoring report, after which annual monitoring may be discontinued. Tosupport this determination, the following documentation must be submitted with the firstmonitoring report and kept with the SWPPP records: An explanation of why the presence of the pollutant causing the impairment in yourdischarge is not related to the activities at the facility; and Data and/or studies that tie the presence of the pollutant causing the impairment in thedischarge to natural background sources in the watershed.Discharges to impaired waters with an ADEQ approved TMDL.For stormwater discharges assigned a WLA in an approved TMDL, the facility shall monitorfor the pollutant for which the TMDL was written. Beginning in the first wet season followingthe facility’s date of discharge authorization, the permittee shall monitor twice per wet seasonat each outfall discharging stormwater to the impaired water with an approved TMDL.ADEQ’s authorization to discharge will include specifications on any additional pollutant(s) tomonitor.If the pollutant for which the water is impaired is not detected above the applicable WLA inthe TMDL after the four samples have been collected, the permittee may discontinue furthermonitoring, under this section. The permittee shall keep records of this finding onsite with theSWPPP.If the pollutant for which the water is impaired is found above the applicable WLA in theTMDL in the discharge for any of the samples collected in the first year of sampling, thepermittee shall continue monitoring twice during each wet season. Attainment of the WLA forSSC will be based on the median of four samples collected from four different measureablestorm events.6.2.4 Additional Monitoring Required by ADEQ.ADEQ may notify the permittee, in writing, of additional discharge monitoring required to ensureprotection of receiving water quality in cases where there is evidence that a pollutant is being dischargedthat is not being monitored for by the permittee and that the pollutant may be causing or contributing toexceedances of a water quality standard. Any such notice will provide an explanation of the reasons forthe monitoring, locations, and parameters to be monitored, frequency and period of monitoring, sampletypes, and reporting requirements.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 30

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit6.3 Follow-up Actions if Discharge Exceeds Numeric Effluent Limit or a Water Quality Standard.The permittee shall conduct follow-up monitoring within 30 calendar days (or during the nextqualifying runoff event, should none occur within the 30 days) of implementing corrective action(s) takenin accordance with Part 3 in response to an exceedance of a numeric effluent limit or water qualitystandard contained in this permit as described in Parts 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. Monitoring must be performed forany pollutant(s) that exceeds the effluent limit or water quality standard. If this follow-up monitoringexceeds the applicable effluent limit or water quality standard, the permittee shall comply with both Parts6.3.1 and Submit an Exceedance Report.The permittee shall submit an Exceedance Report consistent with Part Continue to Monitor.The permittee shall continue to monitor, at least twice per wet season, until the discharge is incompliance with the effluent limit or water quality standard or until ADEQ waives the requirement foradditional monitoring.7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping7.1 Reporting Monitoring Data to ADEQ7.1.1 The permittee shall submit monitoring data collected in accordance with Parts 4.2, 6.2, 6.3, and6.4 to ADEQ at the address in Part Permittees shall use the MSGP discharge monitoring report (DMR) form available at The permittee shall compile all sampling results for the previous two wet seasons onto DMRform(s). Except as provided in Part 7.2 below, the permittee shall submit the DMRs to ADEQ notlater than July 15 of each year of permit coverage.7.2 Annual ReportAll facilities shall prepare an Annual Report on a form provided by the Department and retain acopy of the report with the SWPPP. The Annual Report for the reporting period June 1 to May 31 shall becompleted by July 15 and include, at a minimum: The findings from the facility’s Part 4.3 comprehensive facility inspection; Any corrective action documentation as required in Part 3.3; The DMR form(s) as required in Part 7.1 for the preceding two wet seasons; and The results of any monitoring required in Part 6.2 for those facilities that discharge to awater (or within 2.5 miles of a water if required by ADEQ) or portion thereof, classified asan OAW or an impaired water, or The results of any monitoring required in Part 6.2 if notified by the Department inaccordance with Part 1.3.1(2)(c).Permittees with facilities that discharge to a water (or within 2.5 miles of a water if required byADEQ, or is otherwise referenced in an approved TMDL) or portion thereof, classified as an OAW or animpaired water shall submit the annual report to ADEQ on or before July 15 (postmark date).7.3 Exceedance Report for Numeric Effluent Limitations or Water Quality StandardsIf follow-up monitoring pursuant to Part 6.3 exceeds a numeric effluent limit or water qualitystandard, the permittee shall submit an Exceedance Report to ADEQ no later than 30 calendar days afterreceiving the facility’s lab results. The facility’s Exceedance Report shall include the following:Facility name, physical address and location;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 31

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAZPDES permit tracking number;Name of receiving water;Monitoring data from this and the preceding monitoring event(s);An explanation of the situation; including what actions the permittee has completed orintends to complete (if corrective actions are not yet complete) to correct the violation;andContact person name, title, and phone number.7.4 Other ReportingThe permittee is subject to the reporting requirements stipulated in Part 7, in addition to thestandard permit reporting provisions of Appendix B, Subsection 12.24-hour reporting (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.d);5-day follow-up reporting to the 24 hour reporting (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.d.(ii)); Reportable quantity spills (verbal report only; see Part<strong>Plan</strong>ned changes (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.a);Anticipated noncompliance (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.c); Transfer of ownership and/or operation – (see Table 1-2);Other noncompliance (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.e); andOther information (see Appendix B, Subsection 12.f).Where a written report is required, the permittee shall submit these reports to the Department’saddress listed in Part 7.6. If the facility discharges to a regulated MS4, the permittee shall also submitthese reports to the MS4 operator (in accordance with Part 5.1.2).7.5 RecordkeepingThe permittee shall retain copies of the SWPPP (including any modifications made during theterm of this permit), additional documentation requirements pursuant to Part 5.4 (including documentationrelated to corrective actions taken pursuant to Part 3), all reports and certifications required by this permit,monitoring data, and records of all data used to complete the NOI to be covered by this permit, for aperiod of at least 3 years from the date that the facility’s coverage under this permit expires or isterminated.7.6 Addresses for ReportsSigned copies of monitoring data and any other reports required, shall be submitted to theaddress below. Other options (i.e., electronic submission) may also be used if ADEQ makes theinformation available on the Internet or by public notice. Notices of Intent and Notices of Termination (or aphotocopy/reproduction) shall be signed and dated in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9 of thispermit and submitted to ADEQ at the address below. DMR forms and paper copies of any reportsrequired in Parts 6 and 7 shall be sent to the address below. All other written correspondence concerningdischarges covered under this permit shall likewise be sent to the address listed below:Arizona Department of Environmental QualitySurface Water Section, <strong>Stormwater</strong> Permits Unit—MSGP Monitoring1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5415 A-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Fax: 602/ 771 – 4528<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 32

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitReports of non-compliance shall be reported to:Arizona Department of Environmental QualityWater Quality Compliance Section1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5515 B-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Office: 602-771 – 2330; Fax 602/ 771 – 4505<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity 33

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart A – Sector A – Timber Products.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.A.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart A apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromTimber Products facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector A in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of the permit.8.A.28.A.2.18.A.2.28.A.38.A.3.18.A.48.A.4.18.A.4.28.A.4.3Limitation on CoverageProhibition of Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) Not covered by this permit: stormwaterdischarges from areas where there may be contact with the chemical formulations sprayed toprovide surface protection. These discharges must be covered by a separate AZPDES permit.Allowable Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.3) The following non-stormwaterdischarges are allowed by this permit provided the non-stormwater component of the dischargeis in compliance with the requirements in Part 2.1.1 (Control Measure Selection): dischargesfrom the spray down of lumber and wood product storage yards where no chemical additivesare used in the spray-down waters and no chemicals are applied to the wood during storage.Additional Control Measures.Good Housekeeping. (See also Part In areas where storage, loading and unloading,and material handling occur, perform good housekeeping to limit the discharge of wood debris,minimize the leachate generated from decaying wood materials, and minimize the generation ofdust.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any ofthe following may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: processing areas, treatmentchemical storage areas, treated wood and residue storage areas, wet decking areas, drydecking areas, untreated wood and residue storage areas, and treatment equipment storageareas.Inventory of Exposed Materials. (See also Part Where such information exists, if thefacility has used chlorophenolic, creosote, or chromium-copper-arsenic formulations for woodsurface protection or preserving, document in the facility’s SWPPP the following: areas wherecontaminated soils, treatment equipment, and stored materials still remain and themanagement practices employed to minimize the contact of these materials with stormwaterrunoff.Description of <strong>Stormwater</strong> Management Controls. (See also Part 5.1.4) Document measuresimplemented to address the following activities and sources: log, lumber and wood productstorage areas; residue storage areas; loading and unloading areas; material handling areas;chemical storage areas; and equipment and vehicle maintenance, storage, and repair areas. Ifthe facility performs wood surface protection and preservation activities, address the specificcontrol measures, including any BMPs, for these activities.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector A 34

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.A.5 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4.1)If the facility performs wood surface protection and preservation activities, inspect processing areas,transport areas, and treated wood storage areas monthly to assess the usefulness of practices tominimize the deposit of treatment chemicals on unprotected soils and in areas that will come in contactwith stormwater discharges.8.A.6Sector-Specific BenchmarksTable 8.A-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector A. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, which describethe site’s activities.Table 8.A-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than one sector/subsector)Subsector A1. General Sawmills and <strong>Plan</strong>ing Mills(SIC 2421)Subsector A2. Wood Preserving (SIC 2491)Subsector A3. Log Storage and Handling(SIC 2411)Subsector A4. Hardwood Dimension and FlooringMills; Special Products Sawmills, not elsewhereclassified; Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, and StructuralWood; Wood Pallets and Skids; Wood Containers, notelsewhere classified; Wood Buildings and MobileHomes; Reconstituted Wood Products; and WoodProducts Facilities not elsewhere classified (SIC 2426,2429, 2431-2439 (except 2434), 2441, 2448, 2449,2451, 2452, 2493, and 2499)ParameterChemical OxygenDemand (COD)Total SuspendedSolids (TSS)Total Zinc 1Total ArsenicTotal Copper 1Total SuspendedSolids (TSS)Chemical OxygenDemand (COD)Total SuspendedSolids (TSS)BenchmarkMonitoringConcentration120 mg/L100 mg/LHardness Dependent0.15 mg/LHardness Dependent100 mg/L120 mg/L100 mg/L1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector A 35

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitBenchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater HardnessRange(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesCopper Zinc(mg/L) (mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodiesCopper Zinc(mg/L) (mg/L)0-25 0.0036 0.0362 0.0063 0.34425-50 0.0070 0.0651 0.0121 0.61850-75 0.0102 0.0918 0.0177 0.87175-100 0.0134 0.1170 0.0233 1.112100-125 0.0170 0.1417 0.0283 1.343125-150 0.0197 0.1652 0.0341 1.568150-175 0.0221 0.1883 0.0394 1.787175-200 0.0228 0.2108 0.0447 2.001200-225 0.0289 0.2329 0.0500 2.211225-250 0.0316 0.2547 0.0552 2.417250-275 0.0349 0.2761 0.0601 2.620275-300 0.0378 0.2972 0.0655 2.821300-325 0.0408 0.3181 0.0706 3.019325-350 0.0438 0.3387 0.0757 3.214350-375 0.0467 0.3591 0.0800 3.408375-400 0.0496 0.3793 0.0859 3.5998.A.7 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.A-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliancewith these effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activitiesindependent of commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.A-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationpH6.0 – 9.0 s.u.Discharges resulting from spray down orintentional wetting of logs at wet deckstorage areas1Monitor annually.Debris (woody materialsuch as bark, twigs,branches, heartwood, orsapwood)No discharge of debris thatwill not pass through a2.54-cm (1-in.) diameterround opening<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector A 36

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart B – Sector B – Paper and Allied Products.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.B.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart B apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromPaper and Allied Products Manufacturing facilities, as identified by the SIC Codes specified under SectorB in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.B.2 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Table 8.B-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than one sector/subsector)Subsector B1. Paperboard Mills(SIC Code 2631)ParameterChemical OxygenDemand (COD)BenchmarkMonitoringConcentration120 mg/L<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector B 37

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart C – Sector C – Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing, and Refining.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.C.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart C apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromChemical and Allied Products Manufacturing, and Refining facilities, as identified by the SIC Codesspecified under Sector C in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.C.2 Limitations on Coverage.8.C.2.1 Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: non-stormwater discharges containing inks, paints, or substances(hazardous, nonhazardous, etc.) resulting from an onsite spill, including materials collected indrip pans; washwater from material handling and processing areas; and washwater from drum,tank, or container rinsing and cleaning.8.C.3Sector-Specific BenchmarksTable 8.C-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector C. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector C 38

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitSubsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector C1. Agricultural Chemicals(SIC 2873-2879)Subsector C2. Industrial Inorganic Chemicals(SIC 2812-2819)Table 8.C-1ParameterNitrate plus Nitrite NitrogenTotal Lead 1Total IronTotal Zinc 1PhosphorusTotal AluminumTotal IronNitrate plus Nitrite NitrogenBenchmark MonitoringConcentrationReservedHardness Dependent1.0 mg/LHardness Dependent2.0 mg/L0.75 mg/ L1.0 mg/LReservedSubsector C3. Soaps, Detergents, Cosmetics, Nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrogen Reservedand Perfumes (SIC 2841-2844) Total Zinc 1 Hardness DependentSubsector C4. Plastics, Synthetics, and Resins(SIC 2821-2824)Total Zinc 1Hardness Dependent1The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness RangeFor discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesLead Zinc(mg/L) (mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodies(mg/L)Lead Zinc(mg/L) (mg/L)0-25 0.014 0.0362 0.0293 0.34425-50 0.030 0.0651 0.0636 0.61850-75 0.047 0.0918 0.0995 0.87175-100 0.065 0.1170 0.1363 1.112100-125 0.082 0.1417 0.1736 1.343125-150 0.100 0.1652 0.2113 1.568150-175 0.118 0.1883 0.2492 1.787175-200 0.136 0.2108 0.2873 2.001200-225 0.154 0.2329 0.3255 2.211225-250 0.172 0.2547 0.3637 2.417250-275 0.190 0.2761 0.4020 2.620275-300 0.209 0.2972 0.4402 2.821<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector C 39

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitBenchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness Range(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)300-325 0.227 0.3181 0.4784 3.019325-350 0.245 0.3387 0.5166 3.214350-375 0.263 0.3591 0.5547 3.408375-400 0.281 0.3793 0.5927 3.5998.C.4 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.C-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliancewith these effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activitiesindependent of commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.C-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationRunoff from phosphate fertilizermanufacturing facilities that comes intocontact with any raw materials, finishedproduct, by-products or waste products(SIC 2874)1Monitor annually.Total Phosphorus (as P)Fluoride105 mg/L, daily maximum35 mg/L,30-day avg.75.0 mg/L,daily maximum25.0 mg/L,30-day avg.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector C 40

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart D – Sector D – Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.D.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart D apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromAsphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing facilities, as identified by the SICCodes specified under Sector D in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.D.2Limitations on Coverage.The following stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity are not authorized by this permit(See also Part 1.1.4)8.D.2.1 Discharges from petroleum refining facilities, including those that manufacture asphalt orasphalt products, that are subject to nationally established effluent limitation guidelines found in40 CFR Part 419 (Petroleum Refining); or8.D.2.28.D.2.38.D.3Discharges from oil recycling facilities; orDischarges associated with fats and oils rendering.Inactive and Unstaffed Sites – Conditional Exemption from No Exposure Requirements.Permit holders of inactive and unstaffed asphalt batch / bituminous concrete plants (SIC 2951)may qualify for reduced inspections and monitoring provisions of the no exposure provisions ofParts 4.1.3, 4.2.3 and, without certifying “there are no industrial materials or activitiesexposed to stormwater”. This exemption is conditioned on the following:At a minimum, the permittee shall implement the following control measures to meet the noexposure requirements:o Materials used in the production of asphalt (i.e., asphaltic concrete oil, diesel fuel,burner fuel, etc.) will be kept in appropriate containers and within containment ifapplicable;o Ensure valves are closed and secured;o Good housekeeping measures as outlined in the facility’s SWPPP, and inaccordance with Part, such as: ensure materials are properly labeled, cleanup trash, debris and other materials;o Ensure the site is secured, such as locking entrance gates;o Material stockpiles shall be protected from erosion.If circumstances change and the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exemption nolonger applies and the permittee shall immediately begin complying with the applicablebenchmark monitoring requirements as if the facility were in the first year of permitcoverage, including the wet season visual assessment requirements; andADEQ retains the authority to revoke this exemption and/or the monitoring waiver where itis determined that the discharge causes, has a reasonable potential to cause, or contributeto an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, including designated uses.Subject to the two conditions above, if the facility is inactive and unstaffed, the permittee iswaived from the requirement to conduct wet season visual assessments and benchmark<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector D 41

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitmonitoring. The quarterly routine facility inspections are reduced to one routine facilityinspection and one CFI each calendar year. These inspections shall be conducted in theopposing wet seasons and at least three months apart. The permittee shall also inspect the sitewhenever there is a reasonable expectation that severe weather or natural disasters may havedamaged control measures or increased discharges.8.D.4 Sector-Specific Benchmarks.Table 8.D-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector D. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, which describethe site’s activities.Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector D1. Asphalt Paving and RoofingMaterials (SIC 2951, 2952)Table 8.D-1ParameterTotal Suspended Solids(TSS)Benchmark MonitoringConcentrationReserved8.D.5 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.D-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliance withthese effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activities independentof commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.D-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationDischarges from asphalt emulsion facilities.Total Suspended Solids23.0 mg/L,daily maximum(TSS)15.0 mg/L,30-day avg.pHOil and Grease6.0 – 9.0 s.u.15 mg/L,daily maximum10 mg/L,30-day avg.1 Monitor annually.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector D 42

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart E – Sector E – Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.E.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart E apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromGlass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products facilities, as identified by the SIC Codes specifiedunder Sector E in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.E.28.E.2.18.E.38.E.3.1Additional Control Measures.Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part With good housekeeping, prevent orminimize the discharge of spilled cement, aggregate (including sand or gravel), kiln dust, flyash, settled dust, or other significant material in stormwater from paved portions of the site thatare exposed to stormwater. Where applicable, the permittee shall minimize the presence ofthese materials, by using measures such as sweeping regularly or other equivalent measures.Indicate in the facility’s SWPPP the frequency of sweeping or equivalent measures. Determinethe frequency based on the amount of industrial activity occurring in the area and the frequencyof precipitation, but it must be performed at least once a week if cement, aggregate, kiln dust,fly ash, or settled dust are being handled or processed. The permittee shall also prevent theexposure of fine granular material (cement, fly ash, kiln dust, etc.) to stormwater by storingthese materials in an appropriate manner, such as in enclosed silos, hoppers, or buildings, orunder other covering.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the SWPPP the locations of thefollowing, as applicable: bag house or other dust control device; recycle/sedimentation pond,clarifier, or other device used for the treatment of process wastewater; and the areas that drainto the treatment device.8.E.3.2 Certification. (See also Part For facilities producing ready-mix concrete, concrete block,brick, or similar products, include in the non-stormwater discharge certification a description ofmeasures that ensure that process waste waters resulting from washing trucks, mixers,transport buckets, forms, or other equipment are discharged in accordance with AZPDESrequirements or are recycled.8.E.4Inactive and Unstaffed Sites – Conditional Exemption from No Exposure Requirements.Permit holders of inactive and unstaffed ready-mixed concrete plants (SIC 3273) may qualifyfor reduced inspections and monitoring provisions of the no exposure provisions of Parts 4.1.3,4.2.3 and, without certifying “there are no industrial materials or activities exposed tostormwater”. This exemption is conditioned on the following:At a minimum, the permittee shall implement the following control measures to meet the noexposure requirements:ooMaterials used in the production of concrete (i.e., admixtures, cement and fly ash,diesel fuel, etc.) shall be kept in appropriate containers and within containment ifapplicable;Ensure valves are closed and secured;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector E 43

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitoooGood housekeeping measures as outlined in the facility’s SWPPP, and inaccordance with Part, such as: ensure materials are properly labeled, cleanup trash, debris and other materials;Ensure the site is secured, such as locking entrance gates; andMaterial stockpiles shall be protected from erosion.If circumstances change and the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exemption nolonger applies and the permittee shall immediately begin complying with the applicablebenchmark monitoring requirements as if the facility were in the first year of permitcoverage, including the wet season visual assessment requirements; andADEQ retains the authority to revoke this exemption and/or the monitoring waiver where itis determined that the discharge causes, has a reasonable potential to cause, or contributeto an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, including designated uses.Subject to the two conditions above, if the facility is inactive and unstaffed, the permittee iswaived from the requirement to conduct wet season visual assessments and benchmarkmonitoring. The quarterly routine facility inspections are reduced to one routine facilityinspection and one CFI each calendar year. These inspections shall be conducted in theopposing wet seasons and at least three months apart. The permittee shall also inspect the sitewhenever there is a reasonable expectation that severe weather or natural disasters may havedamaged control measures or increased discharges.8.E.5Sector-Specific Benchmarks.Table 8.E-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector E. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, which describethe site’s activities.Table 8.E-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector E1. Clay Product Manufacturers(SIC 3251-3259, 3261-3269)Subsector E2. Concrete and Gypsum ProductManufacturers (SIC 3271-3275)ParameterTotal AluminumTotal Suspended Solids(TSS)Total IronBenchmark MonitoringConcentration0.75 mg/LReserved1.0 mg/L<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector E 44

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.E.6 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.E-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliance withthese limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activities independent ofcommingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.E-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationDischarges from material storage piles atcement manufacturing facilities: any dischargecomposed of runoff that derives from thestorage of materials including raw materials,intermediate products, finished products, andwaste materials that are used in or derivedfrom the manufacture of cement.1 Monitor annually.Total Suspended Solids(TSS)pH50 mg/L, daily maximum6.0 – 9.0 s.u.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector E 45

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart F – Sector F – Primary Metals.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.F.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart F apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromPrimary Metals facilities, as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector F in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of the permit.8.F.28.F.2.18.F.38.F.3.18.F.3.2Additional Control MeasuresGood Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part As part of the facility’s goodhousekeeping program, include a cleaning and maintenance program for all impervious areasof the facility where particulate matter, dust, or debris may accumulate, especially areas wherematerial loading and unloading, storage, handling, and processing occur; and, wherepracticable, the paving of areas where vehicle traffic or material storage occur but wherevegetative or other stabilization methods are not practicable (institute a cleaning andmaintenance program in these areas, too). For unstabilized areas where cleaning andmaintenance measures such as sweeping are not practicable, use alternative stormwatermanagement devices such as sediment traps, vegetative buffer strips, filter fabric fence,sediment filtering boom, gravel outlet protection, or other equivalent measures that effectivelytrap or remove sediment.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Identify in the SWPPP where any of the followingactivities may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: storage or disposal of wastes suchas spent solvents and baths, sand, slag and dross; liquid storage tanks and drums; processingareas including pollution control equipment (e.g., baghouses); and storage areas of rawmaterial such as coal, coke, scrap, sand, fluxes, refractories, or metal in any form. In addition,indicate where an accumulation of significant amounts of particulate matter could occur fromsuch sources as furnace or oven emissions, losses from coal and coke handling operations,etc., and could result in a discharge of pollutants in stormwater.Inventory of Exposed Material. (See also Part Include in the inventory of materialshandled at the site that potentially may be exposed to precipitation or runoff, areas wheredeposition of particulate matter from process air emissions or losses during material-handlingactivities are possible.8.F.4 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4.1)As part of conducting the facility’s quarterly routine facility inspections (Part 4.1), address all potentialsources of pollutants, including (if applicable) air pollution control equipment (e.g., baghouses,electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and cyclones), for any signs of degradation (e.g., leaks, corrosion,or improper operation) that could limit their efficiency and lead to excessive emissions. Monitor air flow atinlets and outlets (or use equivalent measures) to check for leaks (e.g., particulate deposition) orblockage in ducts. Also inspect all process and material handling equipment (e.g., conveyors, cranes, andvehicles) for leaks, drips, or the potential loss of material; and material storage areas (e.g., piles, bins, orhoppers for storing coke, coal, scrap, or slag, as well as chemicals stored in tanks and drums) for signs ofmaterial losses due to wind or stormwater runoff.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector F 46

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.F.5Inactive and Unstaffed Sites – Conditional Exemption from No Exposure Requirements.Permit holders of inactive and unstaffed Sector F facilities (SIC 3312 – 3399) may qualify forreduced inspections and monitoring provisions of the no exposure provisions of Parts 4.1.3,4.2.3 and, without certifying “there are no industrial materials or activities exposed tostormwater”. This exemption is conditioned on the following:At a minimum, the permittee shall implement the following control measures to meet the noexposure requirements:o Ensure that all process and material handling equipment (e.g., conveyors, cranes,and vehicles) are safeguarded against leaks, drips, or the potential loss of material;and that material storage areas (e.g., piles, bins, or hoppers for storing coke, coal,scrap, or slag, as well as chemicals stored in tanks and drums) are kept inappropriate containers and within containment if applicable to ensure againstmaterial losses due to wind or stormwater runoff;o Ensure valves are closed and secured;o Good housekeeping measures as outlined in the facility’s SWPPP, and inaccordance with Part, such as: ensure materials are properly labeled, cleanup trash, debris and other materials;o Ensure the site is secured, such as locking entrance gates;o Material stockpiles shall be protected from erosion and/ or downstream catchmentsare installed and maintained.If circumstances change and the facility becomes active and/or staffed, this exemption nolonger applies and the permittee shall immediately begin complying with the applicablebenchmark monitoring requirements as if the facility were in the first year of permitcoverage, including the wet season visual assessment requirements; andADEQ retains the authority to revoke this exemption and/or the monitoring waiver where itis determined that the discharge causes, has a reasonable potential to cause, or contributeto an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, including designated uses.Subject to the two conditions above, if the facility is inactive and unstaffed, the permittee iswaived from the requirement to conduct wet season visual assessments and benchmarkmonitoring. The quarterly routine facility inspections are reduced to one routine facilityinspection and one CFI each calendar year. These inspections shall be conducted in theopposing wet seasons and at least three months apart. The permittee shall also inspect the sitewhenever there is a reasonable expectation that severe weather or natural disasters may havedamaged control measures or increased discharges.8.F.6 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector F1. Steel Works, Blast Furnaces,and Rolling and Finishing Mills(SIC 3312-3317)Subsector F2. Iron and Steel Foundries(SIC 3321-3325)Table 8.F-1ParameterTotal AluminumTotal Zinc 1Total AluminumTotal Suspended Solids (TSS)Total Copper 1Total IronTotal Zinc 1Benchmark MonitoringConcentration0.75 mg/LHardness Dependent0.75 mg/L100 mg/LHardness Dependent1.0 mg/LHardness Dependent<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector F 47

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitSubsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Table 8.F-1ParameterBenchmark MonitoringConcentrationSubsector F3. Rolling, Drawing, andTotal Copper 1Hardness DependentExtruding of Nonferrous Metals(SIC 3351-3357)Total Zinc 1Hardness DependentSubsector F4. Nonferrous FoundriesTotal Copper 1Hardness Dependent(SIC 3363-3369) Total Zinc 1 Hardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters, permitteesmust determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardness in ReceivingWaters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part, to identify theapplicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to their facility. The ranges occurin 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the table below:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater HardnessRange(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesCopper(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)For dischargesto ephemeralwaterbodiesCopper(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)0-25 0.0036 0.0362 0.0063 0.34425-50 0.0070 0.0651 0.0121 0.61850-75 0.0102 0.0918 0.0177 0.87175-100 0.0134 0.1170 0.0233 1.112100-125 0.0170 0.1417 0.0283 1.343125-150 0.0197 0.1652 0.0341 1.568150-175 0.0221 0.1883 0.0394 1.787175-200 0.0228 0.2108 0.0447 2.001200-225 0.0289 0.2329 0.0500 2.211225-250 0.0316 0.2547 0.0552 2.417250-275 0.0349 0.2761 0.0601 2.620275-300 0.0378 0.2972 0.0655 2.821300-325 0.0408 0.3181 0.0706 3.019325-350 0.0438 0.3387 0.0757 3.214350-375 0.0467 0.3591 0.0800 3.408375-400 0.0496 0.3793 0.0859 3.599<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector F 48

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart K – Sector K – Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.K.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart K apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromHazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal facilities (TSDFs) as identified by the Activity Codespecified under Sector K in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.K.2 Industrial Activities Covered by Sector K.This permit authorizes stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity from facilities that treat,store, or dispose of hazardous wastes, including those that are operating under interim status or a permitunder subtitle C of RCRA.Disposal facilities that have been properly closed and capped, and have no significant materials exposedto stormwater, are considered inactive and do not require coverage under this general permit.8.K.38.K.3.18.K.48.K.4.18.K.4.28.K.4.38.K.4.4Limitations on Coverage.Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: leachate, gas collection condensate, drained free liquids,contaminated ground water, laboratory-derived wastewater, and contact washwater fromwashing truck and railcar exteriors and surface areas that have come in direct contact with solidwaste at the landfill facility.Definitions.Contaminated stormwater - stormwater that comes into direct contact with landfill wastes, thewaste handling and treatment areas, or landfill wastewater as defined in Part 8.K.4.5. Somespecific areas of a landfill that may produce contaminated stormwater include (but are notlimited to): the open face of an active landfill with exposed waste (no cover added); the areasaround wastewater treatment operations; trucks, equipment, or machinery that has been indirect contact with the waste; and waste dumping areas.Drained free liquids - aqueous wastes drained from waste containers (e.g., drums) prior tolandfilling.Landfill - an area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for permanent disposal,but that is not a land application or land treatment unit, surface impoundment, undergroundinjection well, waste pile, salt dome formation, salt bed formation, underground mine, or cave asthese terms are defined in 40 CFR 257.2, 258.2, and 260.10.Landfill wastewater - as defined in 40 CFR Part 445 (Landfills Point Source Category), allwastewater associated with, or produced by, landfilling activities except for sanitary wastewater,non-contaminated stormwater, contaminated groundwater, and wastewater from recoverypumping wells. Landfill wastewater includes, but is not limited to, leachate, gas collectioncondensate, drained free liquids, laboratory derived wastewater, contaminated stormwater, andcontact washwater from washing truck, equipment, and railcar exteriors and surface areas thathave come in direct contact with solid waste at the landfill facility.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector K 49

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.K.4.58.K.4.68.K.5Leachate - liquid that has passed through or emerged from solid waste and contains soluble,suspended, or miscible materials removed from such waste.Non-contaminated stormwater - stormwater that does not come into direct contact with landfillwastes, the waste handling and treatment areas, or landfill wastewater as defined in Part8.K.4.4. Non-contaminated stormwater includes stormwater that flows off the cap, cover,intermediate cover, daily cover, and/or final cover of the landfill.Sector-Specific BenchmarksTable 8.K-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector K. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, which describethe site’s activities.Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector K1. ALL - Industrial ActivityCode “HZ” (Note: permit coverage limitedin some States). Benchmarks onlyapplicable to discharges not subject toeffluent limitations in 40 CFR Part 445Subpart A (see below).Table 8.K-1ParameterAmmoniaTotal MagnesiumChemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Total ArsenicTotal Cadmium 1Total CyanideTotal Lead 1Total MercuryTotal SeleniumTotal Silver 1BenchmarkMonitoringConcentration2.14 mg/L0.064 mg/L120 mg/L0.15 mg/LHardness Dependent0.022 mg/ LHardness Dependent0.0014 mg/ L0.005 mg/LHardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater HardnessRange(mg/L)For discharges to perennialand intermittentwaterbodiesFor discharges to ephemeralwaterbodiesCadmium Lead Silver Cadmium Lead Silver(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)0-25 0.0020 0.014 0.0003 0.0059 0.0293 0.000325-50 0.0040 0.030 0.0010 0.0116 0.0636 0.001050-75 0.0060 0.047 0.0020 0.0172 0.0995 0.002075-100 0.0079 0.065 0.0032 0.0228 0.1363 0.0032100-125 0.0096 0.082 0.0047 0.0286 0.1736 0.0047<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector K 50

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitBenchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater HardnessRange(mg/L)For discharges to perennialand intermittentwaterbodiesCadmium(mg/L)Lead(mg/L)Silver(mg/L)For discharges to ephemeralwaterbodiesCadmium(mg/L)Lead(mg/L)Silver(mg/L)125-150 0.0117 0.100 0.0065 0.0338 0.2113 0.0065150-175 0.0136 0.118 0.0084 0.0393 0.2492 0.0084175-200 0.0154 0.136 0.0106 0.0447 0.2873 0.0106200-225 0.0173 0.154 0.0130 0.0501 0.3255 0.0130225-250 0.0192 0.172 0.0156 0.0555 0.3637 0.0156250-275 0.0173 0.190 0.0183 0.0609 0.4020 0.0183275-300 0.0210 0.209 0.0213 0.0663 0.4402 0.0213300-325 0.0246 0.227 0.0244 0.0714 0.4784 0.0244325-350 0.0266 0.245 0.0278 0.0770 0.5166 0.0278350-375 0.0284 0.263 0.0312 0.0823 0.5547 0.0312375-400 0.0302 0.281 0.0349 0.0876 0.5927 0.03498.K.6 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.K-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliancewith these effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activitiesindependent of commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.K-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationBiochemical OxygenDemand (BOD 5 )220 mg/L, daily maximumDischarges from hazardouswaste landfills subject toeffluent limitations in 40 CFRPart 445 Subpart A (seefootnote).Total SuspendedSolids (TSS)AmmoniaAlpha TerpineolAnilineBenzoic AcidNaphthalenep-CresolPhenol56 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum88 mg/L, daily maximum27 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum10 mg/L, daily maximum4.9 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.042 mg/L, daily maximum0.019 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.024 mg/L, daily maximum0.015 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.119 mg/L, daily maximum0.073 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.059 mg/L, daily maximum0.022 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.024 mg/L, daily maximum0.015 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.048 mg/L, daily maximum0.029 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector K 51

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable 8.K-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationPyridineTotal ArsenicTotal ChromiumTotal ZincpH0.072 mg/L, daily maximum0.025 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum1.1 mg/L, daily maximum0.54 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum1.1 mg/L, daily maximum0.46 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.535 mg/L, daily maximum0.296 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum6.0 – 9.0 s.u.1 Monitor annually. As set forth at 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart A, these numeric limitations apply to contaminatedstormwater discharges from hazardous waste landfills subject to the provisions of RCRA Subtitle C at 40 CFR Parts264 (Subpart N) and 265 (Subpart N) except for any of the following facilities:(a) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations when the landfill receives onlywastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation directly associated with the landfill;(b) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations when the landfill receiveswastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation directly associated with the landfill and alsoreceives other wastes, provided that the other wastes received for disposal are generated by a facility that issubject to the same provisions in 40 CFR Subchapter N as the industrial or commercial operation or that theother wastes received are of similar nature to the wastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation;(c) Landfills operated in conjunction with Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) facilities subject to 40 CFR Part437, so long as the CWT facility commingles the landfill wastewater with other non-landfill wastewater fordischarge. A landfill directly associated with a CWT facility is subject to this part if the CWT facility dischargeslandfill wastewater separately from other CWT wastewater or commingles the wastewater from its landfill onlywith wastewater from other landfills; or(d) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations when the landfill receiveswastes from public service activities, so long as the company owning the landfill does not receive a fee orother remuneration for the disposal service.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector K 52

Part 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart L – Sector L – Landfills, Land Application Sites, and Open Dumps.Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitThe permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.L.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart L apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromLandfills and Land Application Sites and Open Dumps as identified by the Activity Code specified underSector L in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.L.2 Industrial Activities Covered by Sector L.This permit authorizes stormwater discharges for Sector L facilities associated with waste disposal atlandfills, land application sites, and open dumps that receive or have received industrial waste, includingsites subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA. This permit does not cover discharges from landfillsthat receive only municipal wastes.8.L.38.L.3.18.L.48.L.4.18.L.4.28.L.4.38.L.4.48.L.4.5Limitations on Coverage.Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: leachate, gas collection condensate, drained free liquids,contaminated ground water, laboratory wastewater, and contact washwater from washing truckand railcar exteriors and surface areas that have come in direct contact with solid waste at thelandfill facility.Definitions.Contaminated stormwater - stormwater that comes into direct contact with landfill wastes, thewaste handling and treatment areas, or landfill wastewater. Some areas of a landfill that mayproduce contaminated stormwater include (but are not limited to) the open face of an activelandfill with exposed waste (no cover added); the areas around wastewater treatmentoperations; trucks, equipment, or machinery that has been in direct contact with the waste; andwaste dumping areas.Drained free liquids - aqueous wastes drained from waste containers (e.g., drums) prior tolandfilling.Landfill wastewater - as defined in 40 CFR Part 445 (Landfills Point Source Category) allwastewater associated with, or produced by, landfilling activities except for sanitary wastewater,non-contaminated stormwater, contaminated groundwater, and wastewater from recoverypumping wells. Landfill process wastewater includes, but is not limited to, leachate; gascollection condensate; drained free liquids; laboratory-derived wastewater; contaminatedstormwater; and contact washwater from washing truck, equipment, and railcar exteriors andsurface areas that have come in direct contact with solid waste at the landfill facility.Leachate - liquid that has passed through or emerged from solid waste and contains soluble,suspended, or miscible materials removed from such waste.Non-contaminated stormwater - stormwater that does not come into direct contact with landfillwastes, the waste handling and treatment areas, or landfill wastewater. Non-contaminatedstormwater includes stormwater that flows off the cap, cover, intermediate cover, daily cover,and/or final cover of the landfill.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector L 53

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.L.58.L.5.18.L.5.28.L.5.38.L.68.L.6.18.L.6.2Additional Control Measures.Preventive Maintenance Program. (See also Part As part of the facility’s preventivemaintenance program, maintain the following: all elements of leachate collection and treatmentsystems, to prevent commingling of leachate with stormwater; the integrity and effectiveness ofany intermediate or final cover (including repairing the cover as necessary), to minimize theeffects of settlement, sinking, and erosion.Erosion and Sedimentation Control. (See also Part Provide temporary stabilization(e.g., temporary seeding, mulching, and placing geotextiles on the inactive portions ofstockpiles) for the following: materials stockpiled for daily, intermediate, and final cover; inactiveareas of the landfill or open dump; landfills or open dump areas that have gotten final coversbut where vegetation has yet to establish itself; and land application sites where wasteapplication has been completed but final vegetation has not yet been established.Unauthorized Discharge Test Certification. (See also Part The discharge test andcertification must also be conducted for the presence of leachate and vehicle washwater.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the SWPPP where any of thefollowing may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: active and closed landfill cells ortrenches, active and closed land application areas, locations where open dumping is occurringor has occurred, locations of any known leachate springs or other areas where uncontrolledleachate may commingle with runoff, and leachate collection and handling systems.Summary of Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP thefollowing sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them: fertilizer,herbicide, and pesticide application; earth and soil moving; waste hauling and loading orunloading; outdoor storage of significant materials, including daily, interim, and final covermaterial stockpiles as well as temporary waste storage areas; exposure of active and inactivelandfill and land application areas; uncontrolled leachate flows; and failure or leaks fromleachate collection and treatment systems.8.L.7 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4)8.L.7.1 Inspections of Active Sites. Inspect operating landfills, open dumps, and land application sitesat least once every month. At a minimum, the inspection shall include the following: (a) areasof landfills that have not yet been finally stabilized; (b) active land application areas; (c) areasused for storage of material and wastes that are exposed to precipitation; (d) landfill (or opendump) stabilization and structural control measures; (e) leachate collection and treatmentsystems; and (f) locations where equipment and waste trucks enter and exit the site.Ensure that sediment and erosion control measures are operating properly.8.L.7.28.L.7.3Inspection Schedule for Sites within 1/4 mile of Impaired or Outstanding Arizona Waters. If anydischarge point from the facility is within 1/4 mile of an impaired or outstanding Arizona water,the permittee shall inspect the discharge point at least twice per month with at least 7 calendardays between inspections. In addition, the permittee shall visually observe stormwaterdischarges at all discharge locations within one business day of the end of each measurablestorm event.Inspections of Inactive Sites. Inspect inactive landfills, open dumps, and land application sitesat least quarterly. Qualified personnel must inspect landfill (or open dump) stabilization andstructural erosion control measures, leachate collection and treatment systems, and all closedland application areas.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector L 54

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.L.88.L.8.1Additional Post-Authorization Documentation Requirements.Recordkeeping and Internal Reporting. Keep records with the SWPPP of the types of wastesdisposed of in each cell or trench of a landfill or open dump. For land application sites, track thetypes and quantities of wastes applied in specific areas.8.L.9 Sector-Specific BenchmarksTable 8.L-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector L. These benchmarksapply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, which describethe site’s activities.Table 8.L-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject to requirements formore than one sector/subsector)Subsector L1. All Landfill, Land Application Sites and OpenDumps (Industrial Activity Code “LF”)Subsector L2. All Landfill, Land Application Sites and OpenDumps, except Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF)Areas Closed in Accordance with 40 CFR 258.60 (IndustrialActivity Code “LF”)ParameterTotal SuspendedSolids (TSS)Total IronBenchmarkMonitoringConcentration 1Reserved1.0 mg/L1 Benchmark monitoring required only for discharges not subject to effluent limitations in 40 CFR Part 445Subpart B (see Table L-2 below).8.L.10. Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.L-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliancewith these effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activitiesindependent of commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.L-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationDischarges from nonhazardouswaste landfillssubject to effluent limitationsin 40 CFR Part 445 SubpartB.Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD 5 )Total Suspended Solids (TSS)AmmoniaAlpha TerpineolBenzoic Acidp-CresolPhenol140 mg/L, daily maximum37 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum88 mg/L, daily maximum27 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum10 mg/L, daily maximum4.9 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.033 mg/L, daily maximum0.016 mg/L monthly avg. maximum0.12 mg/L, daily maximum0.071 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.025 mg/L, daily maximum0.014 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum0.026 mg/L, daily maximum0.015 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector L 55

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable 8.L-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationTotal ZincpH0.20 mg/L, daily maximum0.11 mg/L, monthly avg. maximum6.0 – 9.0 s.u.1 Monitor annually. As set forth at 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart B, these numeric limitations apply tocontaminated stormwater discharges from MSWLFs that have not been closed in accordance with 40CFR 258.60, and to contaminated stormwater discharges from those landfills that are subject to theprovisions of 40 CFR Part 257 except for discharges from any of the following facilities:(a) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations, when the landfillreceives only wastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation directly associated withthe landfill;(b) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations, when the landfillreceives wastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation directly associated with thelandfill and also receives other wastes, provided that the other wastes received for disposal aregenerated by a facility that is subject to the same provisions in 40 CFR Subchapter N as theindustrial or commercial operation, or that the other wastes received are of similar nature to thewastes generated by the industrial or commercial operation;(c) Landfills operated in conjunction with CWT facilities subject to 40 CFR Part 437, so long as theCWT facility commingles the landfill wastewater with other non-landfill wastewater for discharge. Alandfill directly associated with a CWT facility is subject to this part if the CWT facility dischargeslandfill wastewater separately from other CWT wastewater or commingles the wastewater from itslandfill only with wastewater from other landfills; or(d) Landfills operated in conjunction with other industrial or commercial operations when the landfillreceives wastes from public service activities, so long as the company owning the landfill does notreceive a fee or other remuneration for the disposal service.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector L 56

Part 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart M – Sector M – Automobile Salvage Yards.Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitThe permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.M.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart M apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromAutomobile Salvage Yards as identified by the SIC Code specified under Sector M in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of this permit.8.M.2 Additional Control Measures.8.M.2.1 Spill and Leak <strong>Prevention</strong> Procedures. (See also Part Drain vehicles intended to bedismantled of all fluids upon arrival at the site (or as soon thereafter as feasible), or employsome other equivalent means (such as storage indoors until drained) to prevent spills andleaks.8.M.2.2 Employee Training. (See also Part If the facility handles these materials, the employeetraining program shall address the proper handling (collection, storage, and disposal) of oil,used mineral spirits, antifreeze, mercury switches, and solvents.8.M.2.3 Management of Runoff. (See also Part The permittee shall implement effectivecontrols to manage run-off. Consider the following or other equivalent practices: installation ofberms or drainage ditches on the property line (to help prevent run-on from neighboringproperties); berms for uncovered outdoor storage of oily parts, engine blocks, and abovegroundliquid storage; installation of detention ponds; and installation of filtering devices and oiland water separators.8.M.3 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.M.3.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Identify locations used for dismantling, storage,and maintenance of used motor vehicle parts. Also identify where any of the following may beexposed to precipitation or surface runoff: dismantling areas, parts (e.g., engine blocks, tires,hub caps, batteries, hoods, mufflers) storage areas, and liquid storage tanks and drums for fueland other fluids.8.M.3.2 Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Assess the potential for the following tocontribute pollutants to stormwater discharges: vehicle storage areas, dismantling areas, partsstorage areas (e.g., engine blocks, tires, hub caps, batteries, hoods, mufflers), and fuelingstations.8.M.4 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4.1)Immediately (or as soon thereafter as feasible) inspect vehicles arriving at the site for leaks.Inspect quarterly for signs of leakage all equipment containing oily parts, hydraulic fluids, any other typesof fluids, or mercury switches. Also, inspect quarterly for signs of leakage all vessels and areas wherehazardous materials and general automotive fluids are stored, including, but not limited to, mercuryswitches, brake fluid, transmission fluid, radiator water, and antifreeze.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector M 57

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.M.5Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6 of the permit.)Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector M1. Automobile Salvage Yards(SIC 5015)Table 8.M-1ParameterTotal Suspended Solids (TSS)Total AluminumTotal IronTotal Lead 1BenchmarkMonitoringConcentration100 mg/L0.75 mg/L1.0 mg/LHardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness Range(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)0-25 0.014 0.029325-50 0.030 0.063650-75 0.047 0.099575-100 0.065 0.1363100-125 0.082 0.1736125-150 0.100 0.2113150-175 0.118 0.2492175-200 0.136 0.2873200-225 0.154 0.3255225-250 0.172 0.3637250-275 0.190 0.4020275-300 0.209 0.4402300-325 0.227 0.4784325-350 0.245 0.5166350-375 0.263 0.5547375-400 0.281 0.5927<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector M 58

Part 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart N – Sector N – Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities.Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitThe permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.N.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart N apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromScrap Recycling and Waste Recycling facilities as identified by the SIC Code specified under Sector N inTable C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.N.2Limitation on Coverage.Separate permit requirements have been established for recycling facilities that only receive sourceseparatedrecyclable materials primarily from non-industrial and residential sources (i.e., commonconsumer products including paper, newspaper, glass, cardboard, plastic containers, and aluminum andtin cans). This includes recycling facilities commonly referred to as material recovery facilities (MRF).8.N.2.1Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) Non-stormwater dischargesfrom turnings containment areas are not authorized by this permit (see also Part 8.N.3.2.3).Discharges from containment areas in the absence of a storm event are prohibited unlesscovered by a separate AZPDES permit.8.N.3 Additional Control Measures.8.N.3.1 Scrap and Waste Recycling Facilities (Non-Source Separated, Non-liquid RecyclableMaterials). The requirements in this section pertain to facilities that receive, process, andconduct wholesale distribution of non-liquid recyclable wastes (e.g., ferrous and nonferrousmetals, plastics, glass, cardboard, and paper). These facilities may receive both non-recyclableand recyclable materials. This section does not apply to facilities that accept recyclables onlyfrom primarily non-industrial and residential sources.8.N.3.1.18.N.3.1.2Inbound Recyclable and Waste Material Control Program. Minimize the chance ofaccepting materials that could be significant sources of pollutants by conductinginspections of inbound recyclables and waste materials. Following are some controlmeasure options: (a) provide information and education to suppliers of scrap andrecyclable waste materials on draining and properly disposing of residual fluids (e.g.,from vehicles and equipment engines, radiators and transmissions, oil filledtransformers, and individual containers or drums) and removal of mercury switchesfrom vehicles before delivery to the facility; (b) establish procedures to minimize thepotential of any residual fluids from coming into contact with precipitation or runoff; (c)establish procedures for accepting scrap lead-acid batteries (additional requirementsfor the handling, storage, and disposal or recycling of batteries are contained in thescrap lead-acid battery program provisions in Part 8.N.3.2.6); (d) provide trainingtargeted for those personnel engaged in the inspection and acceptance of inboundrecyclable materials; and (e) establish procedures to ensure that liquid wastes,including used oil, are stored in materially compatible and non-leaking containers andare disposed of or recycled in accordance with the Resource Conservation andRecovery Act (RCRA).Scrap and Waste Material Stockpiles and Storage (Outdoor). Minimize contact ofstormwater runoff with stockpiled materials, processed materials, and non-recyclablewastes. Following are some control measure options: (a) permanent or semipermanentcovers; (b) sediment traps, vegetated swales and strips, catch basinfilters, and sand filters to facilitate settling or filtering of pollutants; (c) dikes, berms,<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector N 59

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitcontainment trenches, culverts, and surface grading to divert runoff from storageareas; (d) silt fencing; and (e) oil and water separators, sumps, and dry absorbentsfor areas where potential sources of residual fluids are stockpiled (e.g., automobileengine storage areas).8.N.3.1.38.N.3.1.48.N.3.1.5Stockpiling of Turnings Exposed to Cutting Fluids (Outdoor Storage). Minimizecontact of surface runoff with residual cutting fluids by: (a) storing all turningsexposed to cutting fluids under some form of permanent or semi-permanent cover, or(b) establishing dedicated containment areas for all turnings that have been exposedto cutting fluids. Any containment areas must be constructed of concrete, asphalt, orother equivalent types of impermeable material and include a barrier (e.g., berms,curbing, elevated pads) to prevent contact with stormwater run-on. <strong>Stormwater</strong> runofffrom these areas can be discharged, provided that any runoff is first collected andtreated by an oil and water separator or its equivalent. The permittee shall regularlymaintain the oil and water separator (or its equivalent) and properly dispose of orrecycle collected residual fluids.Scrap and Waste Material Stockpiles and Storage (Covered or Indoor Storage).Minimize contact of residual liquids and particulate matter from materials storedindoors or under cover with surface runoff. Following are some control measureoptions: (a) good housekeeping measures, including the use of dry absorbents or wetvacuuming to contain, dispose of, or recycle residual liquids originating fromrecyclable containers, or mercury spill kits for spills from storage of mercury switches;(b) not allowing washwater from tipping floors or other processing areas to dischargeto the storm sewer system; and (c) disconnecting or sealing off all floor drainsconnected to the storm sewer system.Scrap and Recyclable Waste Processing Areas. Minimize surface runoff from comingin contact with scrap processing equipment. The permittee shall determine whetheroperations that generate visible amounts of particulate residue (e.g., shredding) andresidual fluids come in contact with runoff. Such contact shall be minimized orprevented through good housekeeping, preventive maintenance, etc. The permitteeshall: (a) regularly inspect equipment for spills or leaks and malfunctioning, worn, orcorroded parts or equipment; (b) establish a preventive maintenance program forprocessing equipment; and (c) use dry-absorbents or other cleanup practices tocollect and dispose of or recycle spilled or leaking fluids or use mercury spill kits forspills from storage of mercury switches.The permittee shall also implement one or more of the following (or other equivalentmeasures): (a) on unattended hydraulic reservoirs over 150 gallons in capacity,install protection devices such as low-level alarms or equivalent devices, orsecondary containment that can hold the entire volume of the reservoir, (b) installcontainment or diversion structures such as dikes, berms, culverts, trenches,elevated concrete pads, and grading to minimize contact of stormwater runoff withoutdoor processing equipment or stored materials; (c) oil and water separators orsumps; (d) permanent or semi-permanent covers in processing areas where thereare residual fluids and grease; (e) retention or detention ponds or basins; sedimenttraps, and vegetated swales or strips (for pollutant settling and filtration); and (f) catchbasin filters or sand filters.8.N.3.1.6Scrap Lead-Acid Battery Program. Properly handle, store, and dispose of scrap leadacidbatteries. The permittee shall implement one or more of the following controlmeasure options (or other equivalent measures): (a) segregate scrap lead-acidbatteries from other scrap materials; (b) properly handle, store, and dispose ofcracked or broken batteries; (c) collect and dispose of leaking lead-acid battery fluid;(d) minimize or eliminate exposure of scrap lead-acid batteries to precipitation orrunoff. Also, employee training for the management of scrap batteries shall beprovided.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector N 60

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.N.3.1.78.N.3.1.8Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures. (See also Part Install alarmsand/or pump shutoff systems on outdoor equipment with hydraulic reservoirsexceeding 150 gallons in the event of a line break. Alternatively, a secondarycontainment system capable of holding the entire contents of the reservoir plus roomfor precipitation can be used. Use a mercury spill kit for any release of mercury fromswitches, anti-lock brake systems, and switch storage areas.Supplier Notification Program. As appropriate, notify major suppliers which scrapmaterials will not be accepted at the facility or will be accepted only under certainconditions.8.N.3.2Waste Recycling Facilities (Liquid Recyclable Materials).8.N.3.2.1Waste Material Storage (Indoor). Minimize or eliminate contact between residualliquids from waste materials stored indoors and from surface runoff. The facilitySWPPP may refer to applicable portions of other existing plans, such as Spill<strong>Prevention</strong>, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans required under 40 CFR Part112. The permittee shall implement: (a) procedures for safe material handling(including labeling and marking); and (b) clean up of spills and leaks with dryabsorbent materials, or a wet vacuum system.The permittee shall implement one or both of the following control measure options(or other equivalent measures): (a) appropriate containment structures (trenching,curbing, gutters, etc.); and (b) a drainage system, including appurtenances (e.g.,pumps or ejectors, manually operated valves), to handle discharges from diked orbermed areas. Drainage shall be discharged to an appropriate treatment facility orsanitary sewer system, or otherwise disposed of properly. These discharges mayrequire coverage under a separate AZPDES wastewater permit or industrial userpermit under the pretreatment program.8.N.3.2.28.N.3.2.38.N.3.38.N.3.3.1Waste Material Storage (Outdoor). Minimize contact between stored residual liquidsand precipitation or runoff. The SWPPP may refer to applicable portions of otherexisting plans, such as SPCC plans required under 40 CFR Part 112. Discharges ofprecipitation from containment areas containing used oil shall be in accordance withapplicable sections of 40 CFR Part 112. The permittee shall implement one or moreof the following control measure options (or other equivalent measures) to minimizecontaminants in stormwater: (a) appropriate containment structures (e.g., dikes,berms, curbing, pits) to store the volume of the largest tank, with sufficient extracapacity for precipitation; (b) drainage control and other diversionary structures; (c)corrosion protection and/or leak detection systems for storage tanks; and (d) dryabsorbentmaterials or a wet vacuum system to collect spills.Trucks and Rail Car Waste Transfer Areas. Implement effective measures tominimize pollutants in discharges from truck and rail car loading and unloading areas.Such measures may include: (a) clean up of minor spills and leaks resulting from thetransfer of liquid wastes; (b) containment and diversionary structures to minimizecontact with precipitation or runoff, and (c) dry clean-up methods, wet vacuuming,roof coverings, or runoff controls.Recycling Facilities (Source-Separated Materials). The following identifiesconsiderations for facilities that receive only source-separated recyclables, primarilyfrom non-industrial and residential sources.Inbound Recyclable Material Control. Minimize the chance of accepting nonrecyclables(e.g., hazardous materials) that could be a significant source of pollutantsby conducting inspections of inbound materials. Implement one or more of thefollowing control measures (or other equivalent measures): (a) provide informationand education measures to inform suppliers of recyclables about acceptable andnon-acceptable materials; (b) train drivers responsible for pickup of recycled material;<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector N 61

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit(c) clearly mark public drop-off containers regarding which materials can beaccepted; and (d) reject non-recyclable wastes or household hazardous wastes at thesource. The permittee shall also establish procedures for handling and disposal ofnon-recyclable material.8.N.3.3.28.N.3.3.38.N.3.3.4Outdoor Storage. Implement effective control measures to minimize exposure ofrecyclables to precipitation and runoff. Use good housekeeping measures to preventaccumulation of particulate matter and fluids, particularly in high traffic areas.Implement one or more of the following control measures (or other equivalentmeasures): (a) provide totally enclosed drop-off containers for the public; (b) install asump and pump with each container pit and treat or discharge collected fluids to asanitary sewer system; (c) provide dikes and curbs for secondary containment (e.g.,around bales of recyclable waste paper); (d) divert surface water runoff away fromoutside material storage areas; and (e) provide covers over containment bins,dumpsters, and roll-off boxes.Indoor Storage and Material Processing. Implement effective control measures tominimize the release of pollutants from indoor storage and processing areas. Thepermittee shall: (a) schedule routine good housekeeping measures for all storageand processing areas, (b) prohibit tipping floor washwater from draining to the surfacesoils or to the storm sewer system, and (c) provide employee training on pollutionprevention practices.Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance. Implement effective control measures for areaswhere vehicle and equipment maintenance occur outdoors. The permittee shallimplement one or more of the following control measure options (or other equivalentmeasures): (a) prohibit vehicle and equipment washwater from discharging to surfacesoils or the storm sewer system, (b) minimize or eliminate outdoor maintenanceareas whenever possible, (c) avoid topping off fuel tanks, (d) divert runoff from fuelingareas, and (e) store lubricants and hydraulic fluids indoors. The permittee shall alsoestablish spill prevention and clean-up procedures for fueling areas, and provideemployee training on proper handling and storage of hydraulic fluids and lubricants.8.N.4 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.N.4.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP the locationsof any of the following activities or sources that may be exposed to precipitation or surfacerunoff: scrap and waste material storage, outdoor scrap and waste processing equipment; andcontainment areas for turnings exposed to cutting fluids.8.N.4.2Maintenance Schedules/Procedures for Collection, Handling, and Disposal or Recycling ofResidual Fluids at Scrap and Waste Recycling Facilities. For any facility subject to Part8.N.3.1.3, the SWPPP must identify any applicable maintenance schedule and the proceduresto collect, handle, and dispose of or recycle residual fluids.8.N.5 Additional Inspection Requirements.8.N.5.1 Inspections for Waste Recycling Facilities. The inspections must be performed quarterly,pursuant to Part 4.1, and include, at a minimum, all areas where waste is generated, received,stored, treated, or disposed of and that are exposed to either precipitation or stormwater runoff.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector N 62

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.N.6 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector N1. Scrap Recycling and WasteRecycling Facilities except Source-SeparatedRecycling (SIC 5093)Table 8.N-1ParameterChemical Oxygen Demand(COD)Total Suspended Solids(TSS)Total Recoverable AluminumTotal Recoverable Copper 1Total Recoverable IronTotal Recoverable Lead 1Total Recoverable Zinc 1Benchmark MonitoringConcentration120 mg/L100 mg/L0.75 mg/LHardness Dependent1.0 mg/LHardness DependentHardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters, permittees mustdetermine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardness in Receiving Waters forHardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part, to identify the applicable‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to their facility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/Lincrements. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the table below:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness RangeFor discharges to perennialand intermittent waterbodiesFor discharges toephemeral waterbodies(mg/L)Copper(mg/L)Lead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)Copper(mg/L)Lead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)0-25 0.0036 0.014 0.0362 0.0063 0.0293 0.34425-50 0.0070 0.030 0.0651 0.0121 0.0636 0.61850-75 0.0102 0.047 0.0918 0.0177 0.0995 0.87175-100 0.0134 0.065 0.1170 0.0233 0.1363 1.112100-125 0.0170 0.082 0.1417 0.0283 0.1736 1.343125-150 0.0197 0.100 0.1652 0.0341 0.2113 1.568150-175 0.0221 0.118 0.1883 0.0394 0.2492 1.787175-200 0.0228 0.136 0.2108 0.0447 0.2873 2.001200-225 0.0289 0.154 0.2329 0.0500 0.3255 2.211225-250 0.0316 0.172 0.2547 0.0552 0.3637 2.417250-275 0.0349 0.190 0.2761 0.0601 0.4020 2.620275-300 0.0378 0.209 0.2972 0.0655 0.4402 2.821300-325 0.0408 0.227 0.3181 0.0706 0.4784 3.019325-350 0.0438 0.245 0.3387 0.0757 0.5166 3.214350-375 0.0467 0.263 0.3591 0.0800 0.5547 3.408375-400 0.0496 0.281 0.3793 0.0859 0.5927 3.599<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector N 63

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart O – Sector O – Steam Electric Generating Facilities.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.O.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart O apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromSteam Electric Power Generating Facilities as identified by the Activity Code specified under Sector O inTable C-1 of Appendix C.8.O.2 Industrial Activities Covered by Sector O.This permit authorizes stormwater discharges from the following industrial activities at Sector O facilities:8.O.2.18.O.2.28.O.2.3steam electric power generation using coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear energy, etc., to produce asteam source, including coal handling areas;coal pile runoff, including effluent limitations established by 40 CFR Part 423; anddual fuel facilities that could employ a steam boiler.8.O.3 Limitations on Coverage.8.O.3.1 Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. Non-stormwater discharges subject to effluentlimitations guidelines are not authorized by this permit.8.O.3.2Prohibition of <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. <strong>Stormwater</strong> discharges from the following are notcovered by this permit:8.O.3.2.18.O.3.2.28.O.3.2.3Ancillary facilities (e.g., fleet centers and substations) that are not contiguous to astream electric power generating facility;Gas turbine facilities (providing the facility is not a dual-fuel facility that includes asteam boiler), and combined-cycle facilities where no supplemental fuel oil is burned(and the facility is not a dual-fuel facility that includes a steam boiler); andCogeneration (combined heat and power) facilities utilizing a gas turbine.8.O.4 Additional Control Measures. (See also Part following good housekeeping measures are required in addition to Part Dust Emissions. Minimize fugitive dust emissions from coal handling areas. Thepermittee shall implement effective controls to minimize the tracking of coal dust offsite, such asinstalling specially designed tires or washing vehicles in a designated area before they leavethe site and controlling the wash water.Delivery Vehicles. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimize contamination ofstormwater runoff from delivery vehicles arriving at the plant site such as procedures to inspectdelivery vehicles arriving at the plant site and ensure overall integrity of the body or containerand procedures to deal with leakage or spillage from vehicles or containers.Fuel Oil Unloading Areas. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimizecontamination of precipitation or surface runoff from fuel oil unloading areas, such as usingcontainment curbs in unloading areas, having personnel familiar with spill prevention and<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector O 64

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitresponse procedures present during deliveries to ensure that any leaks or spills areimmediately contained and cleaned up, and using spill and overflow protection devices (e.g.,drip pans, drip diapers, or other containment devices placed beneath fuel oil connectors tocontain potential spillage during deliveries or from leaks at the connectors).8.O.4.48.O.4.58.O.4.68.O.4.78.O.4.88.O.4.9Chemical Loading and Unloading. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimizecontamination of precipitation or surface runoff from chemical loading and unloading areas,such as: using containment curbs at chemical loading and unloading areas to contain spills,having personnel familiar with spill prevention and response procedures present duringdeliveries to ensure that any leaks or spills are immediately contained and cleaned up, loadingand unloading in covered areas and storing chemicals indoors.Miscellaneous Loading and Unloading Areas. The permittee shall implement effective controlsto minimize contamination of precipitation or surface runoff from loading and unloading areas,such as: covering the loading area; grading, berming, or curbing around the loading area todivert run-on; locating the loading and unloading equipment and vehicles so that leaks arecontained in existing containment and flow diversion systems; or equivalent procedures.Liquid Storage Tanks. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimizecontamination of surface runoff from above-ground liquid storage tanks, such as usingprotective guards around tanks, containment curbs, spill and overflow protection, dry cleanupmethods, or equivalent measures.Large Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimizecontamination of surface runoff from large bulk fuel storage tanks including the use ofcontainment berms or other equivalent measures. The permittee shall also comply withapplicable State and Federal laws, including SPCC <strong>Plan</strong> requirements.Spill Reduction Measures. The permittee shall implement effective controls to minimize thepotential for an oil or chemical spill. These shall be detailed in the SWPPP or the permittee mayreference the appropriate part of the facility’s SPCC plan if applicable. As part of the routinefacility inspection the permittee shall inspect the structural integrity of all above-ground tanks,pipelines, pumps, and related equipment that may be exposed to stormwater, and make anynecessary repairs immediately.Oil-Bearing Equipment in Switchyards. The permittee shall implement effective controls tominimize contamination of surface runoff from oil-bearing equipment in switchyard areas, such asthe use of level grades and gravel surfaces to retard flows and limit the spread of spills, orcollecting runoff in perimeter ditches.8.O.4.10 Residue-Hauling Vehicles. The permittee shall inspect all residue-hauling vehicles for properload covering, adequate gate sealing, and overall integrity of the container body. Repairvehicles without load covering or adequate gate sealing, or with leaking containers or beds.8.O.4.11 Ash Loading Areas. The permittee shall implement effective controls to reduce or control thetracking of ash and residue from ash loading areas. Clear the ash building floor andimmediately adjacent roadways of spillage, debris, and excess water before departure of eachloaded vehicle.8.O.4.12 Areas Adjacent to Disposal Ponds or Landfills. The permittee shall implement effective controlsto minimize contamination of surface runoff from areas adjacent to disposal ponds or landfills,reduce ash residue that may be tracked on to access roads traveled by residue handlingvehicles, and reduce ash residue on exit roads leading into and out of residue handling areas.8.O.4.13 Landfills, Scrap yards, Surface Impoundments, Open Dumps, General Refuse Sites. Thepermittee shall implement effective controls to minimize the potential for contamination of runofffrom these areas.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector O 65

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.O.5 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.O.5.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP the locationsof any of the following activities or sources that may be exposed to precipitation or surfacerunoff: storage tanks, scrap yards, and general refuse areas; short- and long-term storage ofgeneral materials (including but not limited to supplies, construction materials, paint equipment,oils, fuels, used and unused solvents, cleaning materials, paint, water treatment chemicals,fertilizer, and pesticides); landfills and construction sites; and stock pile areas (e.g., coal orlimestone piles).8.O.5.2Documentation of Good Housekeeping Measures. The permittee shall document in the facility’sSWPPP the good housekeeping measures implemented to meet the effluent limits in Part8.O.4.8.O.6 Additional Inspection Requirements.8.O.6.1 Comprehensive Site Compliance Inspection. (See also Part 4.3) As part of the facility’sinspection, inspect the following areas monthly: coal handling areas, loading or unloadingareas, switchyards, fueling areas, bulk storage areas, ash handling areas, areas adjacent todisposal ponds and landfills, maintenance areas, liquid storage tanks, and long term and shortterm material storage areas.8.O.7 Sector-Specific BenchmarksTable 8.O-1 identifies benchmarks that apply to the specific subsectors of Sector O. Thesebenchmarks apply to both the facility’s primary industrial activity and any co-located industrial activities,which describe the site’s activities.Table 8.O-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject to requirements for morethan one sector/subsector)Subsector O1. Steam Electric Generating Facilities (IndustrialActivity Code “SE”)ParameterTotal IronBenchmarkMonitoringConcentration1.0 mg/L8.O.8 Effluent Limitations Based on Effluent Limitations Guidelines (See also Part 8.O-2 identifies effluent limits that apply to the industrial activities described below. Compliancewith these effluent limits is to be determined based on discharges from these industrial activitiesindependent of commingling with any other wastestreams that may be covered under this permit.Table 8.O-2 1Industrial Activity Parameter Effluent LimitationDischarges from coal storage piles at SteamTSS 50 mg/L 2Electric Generating Facilities pH 6.0 – 9.0 s.u.1Monitor annually.2 If the facility is designed, constructed, and operated to treat the volume of coal pile runoff that isassociated with a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event, any untreated overflow of coal pile runoff from thetreatment unit is not subject to the 50 mg/L limitation for total suspended solids.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector O 66

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart P – Sector P – Land Transportation and Warehousing.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.P.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart P apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromLand Transportation and Warehousing facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector Pin Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.P.28.P.2.1Limitation on CoverageProhibited Discharges (see also Parts 1.1.4 and 8.P.4.4) This permit does not authorize thedischarge of vehicle/equipment/surface washwater, including tank cleaning operations. Suchdischarges must be legally disposed in a permitted facility, discharged to a sanitary sewer inaccordance with applicable industrial pretreatment requirements, or recycled on-site.8.P.3 Additional Control Measures.8.P.3.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part In addition to the Good Housekeepingrequirements in Part, the permittee shall perform the following:8.P.3.1.18.P.3.1.28.P.3.1.38.P.3.1.48.P.3.1.5Vehicle and Equipment Storage Areas. Minimize the potential for stormwaterexposure to leaky or leak-prone vehicles/equipment awaiting maintenance.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): use of drippans under vehicles/equipment; indoor storage of vehicles and equipment; installberms or dikes; use of absorbents; install roofs or cover storage areas; and cleanpavement surfaces to remove oil and grease.Fueling Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from fueling areas.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): Covering thefueling area; using spill/overflow protection and cleanup equipment; minimizingstormwater run-on/runoff to the fueling area; using dry cleanup methods; and treatingand/or recycling collected stormwater runoff.Material Storage Areas. Maintain all material storage vessels (e.g., for used oil/oilfilters, spent solvents, paint wastes, hydraulic fluids) to prevent contamination ofstormwater and plainly label them (e.g., “Used Oil,” “Spent Solvents,” etc.).Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): storing thematerials indoors; installing berms/dikes around the areas; minimizing runoff ofstormwater to the areas; using dry cleanup methods; and treating and/or recyclingcollected stormwater runoff.Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runofffrom all areas used for vehicle/equipment cleaning. Implement one or more of thefollowing (or other equivalent measures): performing all cleaning operations indoors;covering the cleaning operation, ensuring that all washwater drains to a propercollection system (i.e., not the stormwater drainage system); treating and/or recyclingcollected washwater, or other equivalent measures.Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwaterrunoff from all areas used for vehicle/equipment maintenance. Implement one ormore of the following (or other equivalent measures): performing maintenance<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector P 67

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitactivities indoors; using drip pans; keeping an organized inventory of materials usedin the shop; draining all parts of fluid prior to disposal; prohibiting wet clean uppractices if these practices would result in the discharge of pollutants to stormwaterdrainage systems; using dry cleanup methods; treating and/or recycling collectedstormwater runoff, minimizing run on/runoff of stormwater to maintenance areas.8.P.3.1.6Locomotive Sanding (Loading Sand for Traction) Areas. Implement one or more ofthe following (or other equivalent measures): covering sanding areas; minimizingstormwater run on/runoff; or appropriate sediment removal practices to minimize theoffsite transport of sanding material by stormwater.8.P.3.28.P.48.P.4.18.P.4.28.P.4.38.P.4.4Employee Training. (See also Part Train personnel at least once a year and addressthe following activities, as applicable: used oil and spent solvent management; fuelingprocedures; general good housekeeping practices; proper painting procedures; and usedbattery management.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Identify in the SWPPP the following areas of thefacility and indicate whether activities occurring there may be exposed to precipitation/surfacerunoff: Fueling stations; vehicle/equipment maintenance or cleaning areas; storage areas forvehicle/equipment with actual or potential fluid leaks; loading/unloading areas; areas wheretreatment, storage or disposal of wastes occur; liquid storage tanks; processing areas; andstorage areas.Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Assess the potential for the following activitiesand facility areas to contribute pollutants to stormwater discharges: Onsite waste storage ordisposal; dirt/gravel parking areas for vehicles awaiting maintenance; illicit plumbingconnections between shop floor drains and the stormwater conveyance system(s); and fuelingareas. Describe these activities in the SWPPP.Description of Good Housekeeping Measures. The permittee shall document in the facility’sSWPPP the good housekeeping measures implemented, consistent with Part 8.P.3.Vehicle and Equipment Washwater Requirements. In accordance with Part 8.P.2.1, thepermittee shall document in the SWPPP the methods of disposal of vehicle and equipmentwashwater generated at the facility and the name of any permits required by that method.8.P.5 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4.1) Inspect all the followingareas/activities: Storage areas for vehicles/equipment awaiting maintenance; Fueling areas; Indoor and outdoor vehicle/equipment maintenance areas Material storage areas Vehicle/equipment cleaning areas; and Loading/unloading areas.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector P 68

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart Q – Sector Q – Water Transportation.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.Q.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart Q apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromWater Transportation facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector Q in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of the permit.8.Q.2 Limitations on Coverage.8.Q.2.1 Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: bilge and ballast water, sanitary wastes, pressure wash water,and cooling water originating from vessels.8.Q.3 Additional Control Measures.8.Q.3.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. The permittee shall implement the following goodhousekeeping measures in addition to the requirements of Part Washing Area. If pressure washing is used to remove marine growth fromvessels, the discharge water must be permitted by a separate AZPDES permit.Collect or contain the discharges from the pressure washing area so that they are notco-mingled with stormwater discharges authorized by this permit.Blasting and Painting Area. Minimize the potential for spent abrasives, paint chips,and overspray to discharge into receiving waters or the storm sewer systems.Consider containing all blasting and painting activities or use other measures tominimize the discharge of contaminants (e.g., hanging plastic barriers or tarpaulinsduring blasting or painting operations to contain debris). When necessary, regularlyclean stormwater conveyances of deposits of abrasive blasting debris and paintchips.Material Storage Areas. Store and plainly label all containerized materials (e.g., fuels,paints, solvents, waste oil, antifreeze, batteries) in a protected, secure location awayfrom drains. Minimize the contamination of precipitation or surface runoff from thestorage areas. Specify which materials are stored indoors, and install containment orenclosure for those stored outdoors when feasible. If abrasive blasting is performed,implement control measures for the storage and disposal of spent abrasive materialsgenerated at the facility. Consider implementing an inventory control plan to limit thepresence of potentially hazardous materials onsite.Engine Maintenance and Repair Areas. Minimize the contamination of precipitation orsurface runoff from all areas used for engine maintenance and repair. Implement oneor more of the following control measure options (or other equivalent measures):perform all maintenance activities indoors, maintain an organized inventory ofmaterials used in the shop, drain all parts of fluid prior to disposal, prohibit thepractice of hosing down the shop floor, use dry cleanup methods, and properlydispose or treat and/or recycle stormwater runoff collected from the maintenancearea.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Q 69

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.Q.3.1.58.Q.3.1.6Material Handling Area. Minimize the contamination of precipitation or surface runofffrom material handling operations and areas (e.g., fueling, paint and solvent mixing,disposal of process wastewater streams from vessels). Implement one or more of thefollowing control measure options (or other equivalent measures): cover fuelingareas, use spill and overflow protection, mix paints and solvents in a designated area(preferably indoors or under a shed), and minimize runoff of stormwater to materialhandling areas.Drydock Activities. Routinely maintain and clean the drydock to minimize pollutants instormwater runoff. Clean accessible areas of the drydock prior to flooding, andperform final cleanup following removal of the vessel and raising the dock. Implementeffective procedures for cleaning up oil, grease, and fuel spills occurring on thedrydock, such as: sweeping rather than hosing off debris and spent blasting materialfrom accessible areas of the drydock prior to flooding and making absorbentmaterials and oil containment booms readily available to clean up or contain anyspills.8.Q.3.2 Employee Training. (See also Part Include the following (as applicable) in an employeetraining program: used oil management, spent solvent management, disposal of spentabrasives, disposal of vessel wastewaters, spill prevention and control, fueling procedures,general good housekeeping practices, painting and blasting procedures, and used batterymanagement.8.Q.3.3Preventive Maintenance. (See also Part As part of the facility’s preventive maintenanceprogram, perform timely inspection and maintenance of stormwater management devices (e.g.,cleaning oil and water separators and sediment traps to ensure that spent abrasives, paintchips, and solids will be intercepted and retained prior to entering the storm drainage system).The permittee shall also routinely inspect and test facility equipment and systems to uncoverconditions that could cause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants tosurface waters.8.Q.4 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.Q.4.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any ofthe following may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: fueling; engine maintenanceand repair; vessel maintenance and repair; pressure washing; painting; sanding; blasting;welding; metal fabrication; loading and unloading areas; locations used for the treatment,storage, or disposal of wastes; liquid storage tanks; liquid storage areas (e.g., paint, solvents,resins); and material storage areas (e.g., blasting media, aluminum, steel, scrap iron).8.Q.4.2Summary of Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP thefollowing additional sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them:outdoor manufacturing or processing activities (e.g., welding, metal fabricating) and significantdust or particulate generating processes (e.g., abrasive blasting, sanding, and painting.)8.Q.5 Additional Inspection Requirements. (See also Part 4.1)Include the following in all quarterly routine facility inspections: pressure washing area; blasting, sanding,and painting areas; material storage areas; engine maintenance and repair areas; material handlingareas; drydock area; and general yard area.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Q 70

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.Q.6 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Table 8.Q-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject toParameterrequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector Q1. Water Transportation Facilities Total Aluminum(SIC 4412-4499)Total IronTotal Lead 1Total Zinc 1Benchmark MonitoringConcentration0.75 mg/L1.0 mg/LHardness DependentHardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness Range(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodiesLead(mg/L)Zinc(mg/L)0-25 0.014 0.0362 0.0293 0.34425-50 0.030 0.0651 0.0636 0.61850-75 0.047 0.0918 0.0995 0.87175-100 0.065 0.1170 0.1363 1.112100-125 0.082 0.1417 0.1736 1.343125-150 0.100 0.1652 0.2113 1.568150-175 0.118 0.1883 0.2492 1.787175-200 0.136 0.2108 0.2873 2.001200-225 0.154 0.2329 0.3255 2.211225-250 0.172 0.2547 0.3637 2.417250-275 0.190 0.2761 0.4020 2.620275-300 0.209 0.2972 0.4402 2.821300-325 0.227 0.3181 0.4784 3.019325-350 0.245 0.3387 0.5166 3.214350-375 0.263 0.3591 0.5547 3.408375-400 0.281 0.3793 0.5927 3.599<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Q 71

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart R – Sector R – Ship and Boat Building and Repair Yards.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.R.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart R apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromShip and Boat Building and Repair Yards as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector R inTable C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.R.2 Limitations on Coverage.8.R.2.1 Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: discharges containing bilge and ballast water, sanitary wastes,pressure wash water, and cooling water originating from vessels.8.R.3 Additional Control Measures.8.R.3.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part Pressure Washing Area. If pressure washing is used to remove marine growth fromvessels, the discharged water must be permitted as a process wastewater by aseparate AZPDES permit.8.R.3.1.28.R.3.1.38.R.3.1.4Blasting and Painting Area. Minimize the potential for spent abrasives, paint chips,and overspray to discharging into the receiving water or the storm sewer systems.The permittee shall contain all blasting and painting activities, or use other measuresto prevent the discharge of the contaminants (e.g., hanging plastic barriers ortarpaulins during blasting or painting operations to contain debris). If deposits ofabrasive blasting debris and paint chips reach stormwater conveyances, thepermittee shall remove and properly dispose of all visible contaminants.Material Storage Areas. Store and plainly label all containerized materials (e.g., fuels,paints, solvents, waste oil, antifreeze, batteries) in a protected, secure location awayfrom drains. Minimize the contamination of precipitation or surface runoff from thestorage areas. If abrasive blasting is performed, properly store and dispose of spentabrasive materials generated at the facility. Implement an inventory control plan tolimit the presence of potentially hazardous materials onsite.Engine Maintenance and Repair Areas. Minimize the contamination of precipitation orsurface runoff from all areas used for engine maintenance and repair. Implement oneor more of the following control measure options (or other equivalent measures):perform all maintenance activities indoors, maintain an organized inventory ofmaterials used in the shop, drain all parts of fluid prior to disposal, prohibit thepractice of hosing down the shop floor, use dry cleanup methods, and properlydispose, or treat and/or recycle stormwater runoff collected from the maintenancearea.8.R.3.1.5 Material Handling Area. Minimize the contamination of precipitation or surface runofffrom material handling operations and areas (e.g., fueling, paint and solvent mixing,disposal of process wastewater streams from vessels). Implement one or more of thefollowing control measure options (or other equivalent measures): cover fuelingareas, use spill and overflow protection, mix paints and solvents in a designated area<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector R 72

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit(preferably indoors or under a shed), and minimize stormwater run-on to materialhandling areas.8.R.3.1.6 Drydock Activities. Routinely maintain and clean the drydock to minimize pollutants instormwater runoff. Clean accessible areas of the drydock prior to flooding andperform final cleanup following removal of the vessel and raising the dock. Includeprocedures for cleaning up oil, grease, or fuel spills occurring on the drydock, such asthe following (or other equivalent measures): sweep rather than hose off debris andspent blasting material from accessible areas of the drydock prior to flooding; andmake absorbent materials and oil containment booms readily available to clean upand contain any spills.8.R.3.2 Employee Training. (See also Part Include the following (as applicable) in anemployee training program: used oil management, spent solvent management, disposal ofspent abrasives, disposal of vessel wastewaters, spill prevention and control, fuelingprocedures, general good housekeeping practices, painting and blasting procedures, and usedbattery management.8.R.3.4Preventive Maintenance. (See also Part As part of the facility’s preventive maintenanceprogram, perform timely inspection and maintenance of stormwater management devices (e.g.,cleaning oil and water separators and sediment traps to ensure that spent abrasives, paintchips, and solids will be intercepted and retained prior to entering the storm drainage system),as well as inspect and test facility equipment and systems to uncover conditions that couldcause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants to surface waters.8.R.4 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.R.4.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any ofthe following may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: fueling; engine maintenance orrepair; vessel maintenance or repair; pressure washing; painting; sanding; blasting; welding;metal fabrication; loading and unloading areas; treatment, storage, and waste disposal areas;liquid storage tanks; liquid storage areas (e.g., paint, solvents, resins); and material storageareas (e.g., blasting media, aluminum, steel, scrap iron).8.R.4.28.R.4.3Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP the followingadditional sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them (ifapplicable): outdoor manufacturing or processing activities (e.g., welding, metal fabricating) andsignificant dust or particulate generating processes (e.g., abrasive blasting, sanding, andpainting).Documentation of Good Housekeeping Measures. Document in the SWPPP any goodhousekeeping measures implemented to meet the effluent limits in Part 8.R.3.8.R.4.3.18.R.4.3.2Blasting and Painting Areas. Document in the SWPPP any standard operatingpractices relating to blasting and painting (e.g., prohibit uncontained blasting andpainting over open water and prohibit blasting and painting during windy conditions,which can render containment ineffective).Storage Areas. Specify in the SWPPP which materials are stored indoors, andimplement containment or enclosure for those stored outdoors when feasible.8.R.5Additional Inspection Requirements.(See also Part 4.1) Include the following in all quarterly routine facility inspections: pressure washingarea; blasting, sanding, and painting areas; material storage areas; engine maintenance and repair areas;material handling areas; drydock area; and general yard area.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector R 73

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart S – Sector S – Air Transportation.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.S.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart S apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity from AirTransportation facilities identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector S in Table C-1 of Appendix Cof the permit.8.S.28.S.2.1Limitation on CoverageLimitations on Coverage. This permit authorizes stormwater discharges from only thoseportions of the air transportation facility that are involved in vehicle maintenance (includingvehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling and lubrication), equipment cleaningoperations or deicing operations.Note: “deicing” will generally be used to imply both deicing (removing frost, snow or ice) andanti-icing (preventing accumulation of frost, snow or ice) activities, unless specific mention ismade regarding anti-icing and/or deicing activities.8.S.2.2Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4 and Part 8.S.5.3) This permitdoes not authorize the discharge of aircraft, ground vehicle, runway and equipmentwashwaters; or the dry weather discharge of deicing chemicals. Such discharges must becovered by separate AZPDES permit(s). Note that a discharge resulting from snowmelt is not adry weather discharge.8.S.3 Additional Control Measures.8.S.3.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Areas. Minimize thecontamination of stormwater runoff from all areas used for aircraft, ground vehicleand equipment maintenance (including the maintenance conducted on the terminalapron and in dedicated hangers). Implement one or more of the following controlmeasure options (or other equivalent measures): perform maintenance activitiesindoors; maintain an organized inventory of material used in the maintenance areas;drain all parts of fluids prior to disposal; prohibit the practice of hosing down the apronor hanger floor; use dry cleanup methods; and collect the stormwater runoff from themaintenance area and properly dispose or treat and recycling.Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Areas. (See also Part 8.S.3.6)Clearly demarcate these areas on the ground using signage or other appropriatemeans. Minimize the contamination of stormwater runoff from cleaning areas.Aircraft, Ground Vehicle and Equipment Storage Areas. Store all aircraft, groundvehicles and equipment awaiting maintenance in designated areas only and minimizethe contamination of stormwater runoff from these storage areas. Implement one ormore of the following control measure options, including any BMPs (or otherequivalent measures): store aircraft and ground vehicles indoors when feasible; usedrip pans for the collection of fluid leaks; and install perimeter drains, dikes or bermsaround storage areas.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector S 74

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.S.3.1.48.S.3.1.58.S.3.1.6Material Storage Areas. Maintain the vessels of stored materials (e.g., used oils,hydraulic fluids, spent solvents, and waste aircraft fuel) in good condition, to preventor minimize contamination of stormwater. Also plainly label the vessels (e.g., “usedoil,” “Contaminated Jet A,” etc.). Minimize contamination of precipitation/runoff fromthese areas. Implement one or more of the following control measure options (orother equivalent measures): store materials indoors when feasible; store wastematerials in a centralized location; and install berms/dikes around storage areas.Airport Fuel System and Fueling Areas. Minimize the discharge of fuel to the stormsewer/surface waters resulting from fuel servicing activities or other operationsconducted in support of the airport fuel system. Implement one or more of thefollowing control measure options (or other equivalent measures): spill and overflowpractices (e.g., placing absorptive materials beneath aircraft during fuelingoperations); use only dry cleanup methods; and collect stormwater runoff for disposalor on-site retention.Source Reduction. Minimize, and where feasible eliminate, the use of urea andglycol-based deicing chemicals, in order to reduce the aggregate amount of deicingchemicals used and/or lessen the environmental impact. Chemical options to replaceethylene glycol, propylene glycol and urea include: potassium acetate; magnesiumacetate; calcium acetate; and anhydrous sodium acetate.8.S. Deicing Operation: Minimize contamination of stormwater runofffrom runways as a result of deicing operations. Evaluate whether overapplicationof deicing chemicals occurs by analyzing application rates,and adjust as necessary, consistent with considerations of flight safety.The permittee shall also evaluate whether the following control measures(or other equivalent measures) are feasible:: metered application ofchemicals; pre-wetting dry chemical constituents prior to application;install a runway ice detection system; implement anti-icing operations asa preventive measure against ice buildup.Aircraft Deicing Operations. Minimize contamination of stormwater runofffrom aircraft deicing operations. Determine whether excessiveapplication of deicing chemicals occurs and adjust as necessary,consistent with considerations of flight safety. This evaluation should becarried out by the personnel most familiar with the particular aircraft andflight operations in question (versus an outside entity such as the airportauthority).Consider using alternative deicing/anti-icing agents as well ascontainment measures for all applied chemicals. Also consider thesecontrol measure options (or their equivalents) for reducing deicing fluiduse: forced-air deicing systems, computer-controlled fixed-gantrysystems, infrared technology, hot water, varying glycol content to airtemperature, enclosed-basket deicing trucks, mechanical methods, solarradiation, hangar storage, aircraft covers, and thermal blankets for MD-80s and DC-9s. Also consider using ice-detection systems and airporttraffic flow strategies and departure slot allocation systems.8.S.3.1.7Management of Runoff. (See also Part Where deicing operations occur,implement a program to control or manage contaminated runoff to minimize theamount of pollutants being discharged from the site. Implement one or more of thefollowing control measure options (or other equivalent measures): use a dedicateddeicing facility with a runoff collection/ recovery system; use vacuum/collection trucks;store contaminated stormwater/deicing fluids in tanks and release controlled amountsto a publicly owned treatment works; or direct contaminated runoff into lined<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector S 75

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitimpoundments for evaporation (be aware of attracting wildlife that may provehazardous to flight operations). Recover deicing materials when they are appliedduring non-precipitation events (e.g., cover storm sewer inlets, use booms, installabsorptive interceptors in the drains, etc.) to prevent these from later becoming asource of stormwater contamination. Recycle used deicing fluid whenever possible.8.S.3.2Deicing Season. The permittee shall determine the seasonal timeframe (e.g., December-February, October - March, etc.) during which deicing activities typically occur at the facility. Thepermittee shall implement control measures, including any BMPs, facility inspections andmonitoring with particular emphasis throughout the defined deicing season. When the deicingchemical usage thresholds of 100,000 gallons glycol and/or 100 tons of urea are met, thepermittee shall obtain the four required benchmark monitoring event results for deicing-relatedparameters, i.e., BOD, COD, ammonia and pH. This sampling timeframe shall occur during thedeicing season identified above. See also Part 8.S.7.8.S.4 Additional Corrective Action Deadline Requirements. (See also Parts 3.2 and 3.3)An airport authority that has jointly prepared a SWPPP with its tenants (see Part 8.S.5) shall documentthe discovery of any of the conditions listed in Part 3.1 within 72 hours of making such discovery. Within30 days of such discovery, the permittee (airport authority) shall notify affected tenants and document anycorrective action(s) taken or to be taken (either by the tenant or the airport authority) to eliminate orfurther investigate the condition, or if no corrective action is needed, the basis for that determination. Thistimeline applies only to airports with co-permittees that jointly prepare SWPPPs and file separate NOIs.Individual airport tenants that both separately prepare a SWPPP and file an NOI shall comply with thetimelines required in Part 3.2.8.S.5Additional SWPPP Requirements.An airport authority and tenants of the airport are encouraged to work in partnership in the developmentof a SWPPP. If an airport tenant obtains authorization under this permit and develops a SWPPP fordischarges from its own areas of the airport, prior to authorization, that SWPPP must be coordinated andintegrated with the SWPPP for the entire airport. Tenants of the airport facility include air passenger orcargo companies, fixed based operators and other parties who have contracts with the airport authority toconduct business operations on airport property and whose operations result in stormwater dischargesassociated with industrial activity.8.S.5.18.S.5.2Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the SWPPP the following areas ofthe facility and indicate whether activities occurring there may be exposed toprecipitation/surface runoff: aircraft and runway deicing operations; fueling stations; aircraft,ground vehicle and equipment maintenance/cleaning areas; storage areas for aircraft, groundvehicles and equipment awaiting maintenance.Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) In the facility’s inventory of exposed materials,the SWPPP shall describe the potential for the following activities and facility areas to contributepollutants to stormwater discharges: Aircraft, runway, ground vehicle and equipment maintenance and cleaning; and Aircraft and runway deicing operations (including apron and centralized aircraft deicingstations, runways, taxiways and ramps).When deicing chemicals are used, the permittee shall maintain a record of the types (includingthe Material Safety Data Sheets [MSDS]) used and the monthly quantities, either as measuredor, in the absence of metering, as estimated to the best of the permittee’s knowledge. Thisincludes all deicing chemicals, not just glycols and urea (e.g., potassium acetate), becauselarge quantities of these other chemicals can still have an adverse impact on receiving waters.Tenants or other fixed-based operations that conduct deicing operations must provide the<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector S 76

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitabove information to the airport authority for inclusion with any comprehensive airportSWPPPs.8.S.5.38.S.5.48.S.68.S.6.18.S.6.2Vehicle and Equipment Washwater Requirements. In accordance with Part 8.S.2.2, thepermittee shall document in the SWPPP the methods of disposal of vehicle and equipmentwashwater generated at the facility and the name of any permits required by that method.Documentation of Control Measures Used for Management of Runoff: Document in theSWPPP the control measures used for collecting or containing contaminated melt water fromcollection areas used for disposal of contaminated snow.Additional Inspection Requirements.Inspections. (See also Part 4.1) At a minimum conduct routine facility inspections at leastmonthly during the deicing season. If the facility needs to deice before or after this period,expand the monthly inspections to include all months during which deicing chemicals may beused. The Director may specifically require an increase in inspection frequencies.Comprehensive Site Inspections. (See also Part 4.3) Using only qualified personnel, conductthe annual site inspection during periods of actual deicing operations, if possible. If notpracticable during active deicing because of weather, conduct the inspection during the seasonwhen deicing operations occur and the materials and equipment for deicing are in place.8.S.7 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Monitor per the requirements in Table 8.S-1.Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Table 8.S-1ParameterBenchmarkMonitoringConcentrationFor airports where a single permittee, or aBiochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD 5 ) 130 mg/Lcombination of permitted facilities use more than100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicingChemical Oxygen Demand(COD) 1120 mg/Lchemicals and/or 100 tons or more of urea on anaverage annual basis, monitor the first fourparameters in those outfalls that collect runoffAmmonia 12.14 mg/Lfrom areas where deicing activities occur (SIC4512-4581). pH 1 6.0 – 9.0 s.u.1 These are deicing-related parameters. Collect the four benchmark samples, and any required follow-upbenchmark samples, during the timeframe defined in Part 8.S.3.2 when deicing activities are occurring.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector S 77

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart T – Sector T – Treatment Works.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.T.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart T apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromTreatment Works as identified by the Activity Code specified under Sector T in Table C-1 of Appendix Cof the permit.8.T.2 Industrial Activities Covered by Sector T.The requirements listed under this part apply to all existing point source stormwater dischargesassociated with the following activities:8.T.2.1 Treatment works treating domestic sewage, or any other sewage sludge or wastewatertreatment device or system used in the storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation ofmunicipal or domestic sewage, including land dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge; thatare located within the confines of a facility with a design flow of 1.0 million gallons per day(MGD) or more; or are required to have an approved pretreatment program under 40 CFR Part403.8.T.2.28.T.38.T.3.18.T.48.T.4.18.T.4.2The following are not required to have permit coverage: farm lands, domestic gardens or landsused for sludge management where sludge is beneficially reused and which are not physicallylocated within the facility, or areas that are in compliance with Section 405 of the CWA.Limitations on Coverage.Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4 and Part 8.T.5.3) Sanitary andindustrial wastewater and equipment and vehicle washwater are not authorized by this permit.Additional Control Measures.Control Measures. (See also the non-numeric effluent limits in Part 2.1.1) In addition to theother control measures, implement the following, or other equivalent measures when feasible:routing stormwater to the treatment works; or covering exposed materials (i.e., from thefollowing areas: grit, screenings, and other solids handling, storage, or disposal areas; sludgedrying beds; dried sludge piles; compost piles; and septage or hauled waste receiving station).Employee Training. (See also Part Include the following (as applicable) in an employeetraining program: petroleum product management; process chemical management; spillprevention and controls; fueling procedures; general good housekeeping practices; and properprocedures for using fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides.8.T.5 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.T.5.1 Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any of the followingmay be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: grit, screenings, and other solids handling,storage, or disposal areas; sludge drying beds; dried sludge piles; compost piles; septage orhauled waste receiving station; and storage areas for process chemicals, petroleum products,solvents, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.8.T.5.2Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP the followingadditional sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them, as<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector T 78

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitapplicable: grit, screenings, and other solids handling, storage, or disposal areas; sludge dryingbeds; dried sludge piles; compost piles; septage or hauled waste receiving station; and accessroads and rail lines.8.T.5.3Wastewater and Washwater Requirements. In accordance with Part 8.T.3.1, the permittee shalldocument in the SWPPP the methods of disposal of vehicle and equipment washwatergenerated at the facility and the name of any permits required by that method.8.T.6 Additional Inspection Requirements.(See also Part 4.1) Include the following areas in all inspections: access roads and rail lines; grit,screenings, and other solids handling, storage, or disposal areas; sludge drying beds; dried sludge piles;compost piles; and septage or hauled waste receiving station.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector T 79

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart U – Sector U – Food and Kindred Products.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.U.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart U apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromFood and Kindred Products facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified in Table C-1 of Appendix Cof the permit.8.U.2 Limitations on Coverage.8.U.2.1 Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: discharges containing boiler blowdown, cooling tower overflowand blowdown, ammonia refrigeration purging, and vehicle washing and clean-out operations.8.U.3 Additional Control Measures.8.U.3.1 Employee Training. (See also Part Include pest control in the facility’s employeetraining program.8.U.4 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.U.4.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP the locationsof the following activities if they are exposed to precipitation or runoff: vents and stacks fromcooking, drying, and similar operations; dry product vacuum transfer lines; animal holding pens;spoiled product; and broken product container storage areas.8.U.4.28.U.5Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP, in addition to foodand kindred products processing-related industrial activities, application and storage of pestcontrol chemicals (e.g., rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides) used on plant grounds.Additional Inspection Requirements.(See also Part 4.1) Inspect on a quarterly basis, at a minimum, the following areas where the potential forexposure to stormwater exists: loading and unloading areas for all significant materials; storage areas,including associated containment areas; waste management units; vents and stacks emanating fromindustrial activities; spoiled product and broken product container holding areas; animal holding pens;staging areas; and air pollution control equipment.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector U 80

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.U.6 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Table 8.U-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subjectto requirements for more than oneSector / Subsector)Subsector U1. Grain Mill Products(SIC 2041-2048)Subsector U2. Fats and Oils Products(SIC 2074-2079)ParameterTotal Suspended Solids (TSS)Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD 5 )Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Nitrate plus Nitrite NitrogenTotal Suspended Solids (TSS)BenchmarkMonitoringConcentration100 mg/L30 mg/L120 mg/LReserved100 mg/L<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector U 81

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart V – Sector V – Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Products.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.V.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart V apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromTextile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Product manufacturing as identified by the SIC Codes specifiedunder Sector V in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.V.28.V.2.1Limitations on Coverage.Prohibition of Non-<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges. (See also Part 1.1.4) The following discharges arenot authorized by this permit: Wastewater (e.g., wastewater resulting from wet processing or from any processes relatingto the production process); Reused or recycled water; and Waters used in cooling towers.A facility with these types of discharges shall be covered under a separate AZPDES permit.8.V.3 Additional Control Measures.8.V.3.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part Storage Areas. Plainly label and store all containerized materials (e.g., fuels,petroleum products, solvents, and dyes) in a protected area, away from drains.Minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from such storage areas. Implementan inventory control plan to prevent excessive purchasing of potentially hazardoussubstances. If storing empty chemical drums or containers, ensure that the drumsand containers are clean and that there is no contact of residuals with precipitation orrunoff. Collect and dispose of washwater from these cleanings properly.Material Handling Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from materialhandling operations and areas. Implement one or more of the following (or otherequivalent measures): use spill and overflow protection; cover fueling areas; andcover or enclose areas where the transfer of material may occur. When applicable,replace or repair leaking connections, valves, transfer lines, and pipes that may carrychemicals, dyes, or wastewater.Fueling Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from fueling areas.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): cover thefueling area, use spill and overflow protection, minimize run-on of stormwater to thefueling areas, use dry cleanup methods, and dispose, treat and/or recyclingstormwater runoff collected from the fueling area.Above-Ground Storage Tank Area. Minimize contamination of the stormwater runofffrom above-ground storage tank areas, including the associated piping and valves.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): regularcleanup of these areas; including tanks, piping and valves; minimize runoff ofstormwater from adjacent areas; restrict access to the area; insert filters in adjacentcatch basins; provide absorbent booms in unbermed fueling areas; use dry cleanup<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector V 82

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitmethods; and permanently seal drains within critical areas that may discharge to astorm drain.8.V.3.28.V.48.V.4.18.V.4.2Employee Training. (See also Part Include the following (as applicable) in an employeetraining program: use of reused and recycled waters, solvents management, proper disposal ofdyes, proper disposal of petroleum products and spent lubricants, spill prevention and control,fueling procedures, and general good housekeeping practices.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the facility’s SWPPP thefollowing additional sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them:industry-specific significant materials and industrial activities (e.g., backwinding, beaming,bleaching, backing bonding, carbonizing, carding, cut and sew operations, desizing, drawing,dyeing locking, fulling, knitting, mercerizing, opening, packing, plying, scouring, slashing,spinning, synthetic-felt processing, textile waste processing, tufting, turning, weaving, webforming, winging, yarn spinning, and yarn texturing).Description of Good Housekeeping Measures for Material Storage Areas. Document in theSWPPP the facility’s containment area or enclosure for materials stored outdoors in connectionwith Part 8.V.3.1.1 above.8.V.5 Additional Inspection Requirements.(See also Part 4.1) Inspect, at least monthly, the following activities and areas: transfer and transmissionlines, spill prevention, good housekeeping practices, management of process waste products, and allstructural and nonstructural stormwater management practices.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector V 83

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart W – Sector W – Furniture and Fixtures.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.W.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart W apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromFurniture and Fixtures facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector W in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of the permit.8.W.2 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.W.2.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any ofthe following may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: material storage (includingtanks or other vessels used for liquid or waste storage) areas; outdoor material processingareas; areas where wastes are treated, stored, or disposed; access roads; and rail spurs.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector W 84

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart X – Sector X – Printing and Publishing.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.X.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart X apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromPrinting and Publishing facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector X in Table C-1 ofAppendix C of the permit.8.X.2 Additional Control Measures.8.X.2.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part Storage Areas. Plainly label and store all containerized materials (e.g., skids,pallets, solvents, bulk inks, hazardous waste, empty drums, portable and mobilecontainers of plant debris, wood crates, steel racks, and fuel oil) in a protected area,away from drains. Minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from such storageareas. Implement an inventory control plan to prevent excessive purchasing ofpotentially hazardous substances.Material Handling Area. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from materialhandling operations and areas (e.g., blanket wash, mixing solvents, loading andunloading materials). Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalentmeasures): using spill and overflow protection, cover fueling areas, and cover orenclose areas where the transfer of materials may occur. When applicable, replace orrepair leaking connections, valves, transfer lines, and pipes that may carry chemicalsor wastewater.Fueling Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from fueling areas.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): cover thefueling area, use spill and overflow protection, minimize runoff of stormwater to thefueling areas, use dry cleanup methods, and properly dispose, treat and/or recyclingstormwater runoff collected from the fueling area.Above Ground Storage Tank Area. Minimize contamination of the stormwater runofffrom above-ground storage tank areas, including the associated piping and valves.Implement one or more of the following (or other equivalent measures): regularlyclean these areas, explicitly address tanks, piping and valves in the facility’s SPCCprogram, minimize stormwater runoff from adjacent areas, restrict access to the area,insert filters in adjacent catch basins, provide absorbent booms in unbermed fuelingareas, use dry cleanup methods, and permanently seal drains within critical areasthat may discharge to a storm drain.8.X.2.28.X.38.X.3.1Employee Training. (See also Part Include the following (as applicable) in an employeetraining program: spent solvent management, spill prevention and control, used oilmanagement, fueling procedures, and general good housekeeping practices.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Description of Good Housekeeping Measures for Material Storage Areas. In connection withPart 8.X.2.1.1, describe in the SWPPP the containment area or enclosure for materials storedoutdoors.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector X 85

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart Y – Sector Y – Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous ManufacturingIndustries.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.Y.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart Y apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromRubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries facilities asidentified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector Y in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.Y.28.Y.2.1Additional Control Measures.Controls for Rubber Manufacturers. (See also Part 2.1.1) Minimize the discharge of zinc in thefacility’s stormwater discharges. Parts 8.Y.2.1.1 to 8.Y.2.1.5 give possible sources of zinc to bereviewed and list some specific control measures for implementation (or their equivalents).Other general control measure options to consider: using chemicals purchased in pre-weighed,sealed polyethylene bags; storing in-use materials in sealable containers, ensuring airspacebetween the container and the cover to minimize “puffing” losses when the container is opened,and using automatic dispensing and weighing equipment.8.Y.2.1.18.Y.2.1.28.Y.2.1.38.Y.2.1.48.Y.2.1.5Zinc Bags. Ensure proper handling and storage of zinc bags at the facility. Includethe following (as applicable) in an employee training program: the handling andstorage of zinc bags, indoor storage of zinc bags, and cleanup of zinc spills withoutwashing the zinc into the storm drain. Consider the use of 2,500-pound sacks of zincrather than 50- to 100-pound sacks.Dumpsters. Minimize discharges of zinc from dumpsters. Implement the followingcontrol measures: cover and line dumpsters containing zinc bags or residue or movethe dumpster indoors.Dust Collectors and Baghouses. Minimize contributions of zinc to stormwater fromdust collectors and baghouses. Replace or repair, as appropriate, improperlyoperating dust collectors and baghouses.Grinding Operations. Minimize contamination of stormwater as a result of dustgeneration from rubber grinding operations, such as installing a dust collectionsystem.Zinc Stearate Coating Operations. Minimize the potential for stormwatercontamination from drips and spills of zinc stearate slurry that may be released to thestorm drain, such as using alternative compounds to zinc stearate.8.Y.2.28.Y.38.Y.3.1Controls for Plastic Products Manufacturers. Minimize the discharge of plastic resin pellets inthe facility’s stormwater discharges. Implement the following control measures (or otherequivalent measures) minimize spills, clean up spills promptly and thoroughly, train employeeson proper handling, and recapture pellets when possible.Additional SWPPP Requirements.Potential Pollutant Sources for Rubber Manufacturers. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in theSWPPP the use of zinc at the facility and the possible pathways through which zinc may bedischarged in stormwater runoff.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Y 86

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.Y.4 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Table 8.Y-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)Subsector Y1. Rubber Products Manufacturing(SIC 3011, 3021, 3052, 3053, 3061, 3069)ParameterTotal Zinc 1Benchmark MonitoringConcentrationHardness Dependent1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “CalculatingHardness in Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordancewith Part, to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark valueapplicable to their facility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness DependentBenchmarks follow in the table below:Benchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness Range(mg/L)For dischargesto perennial andintermittentwaterbodiesZinc(mg/L)For discharges toephemeralwaterbodiesZinc(mg/L)0-25 0.0362 0.34425-50 0.0651 0.61850-75 0.0918 0.87175-100 0.1170 1.112100-125 0.1417 1.343125-150 0.1652 1.568150-175 0.1883 1.787175-200 0.2108 2.001200-225 0.2329 2.211225-250 0.2547 2.417250-275 0.2761 2.620275-300 0.2972 2.821300-325 0.3181 3.019325-350 0.3387 3.214350-375 0.3591 3.408375-400 0.3793 3.599<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Y 87

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart Z – Sector Z – Leather Tanning and Finishing.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.Z.1Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart Z apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromLeather Tanning and Finishing facilities as identified by the SIC Code specified under Sector Z in TableC-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.Z.2 Additional Control Measures.8.Z.2.3 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part Areas for Raw, Semi-processed, or Finished Tannery By-products. Minimizecontamination of stormwater runoff from pallets and bales of raw, semi-processed, orfinished tannery by-products (e.g., splits, trimmings, shavings). Consider indoorstorage or protect outdoor storage areas with polyethylene wrapping, tarpaulins,roofed storage, etc. When feasible place materials on an impermeable surface andenclose or install berms (or other equivalent measures) around the area to preventstormwater run-on and runoff.Material Storage Areas. Label storage containers of all materials (e.g., specificchemicals, hazardous materials, spent solvents, waste materials) and minimizecontact of such materials with stormwater.Buffing and Shaving Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff with leatherdust from buffing and shaving areas by implementing dust collection enclosures,preventive inspection and maintenance programs, or other appropriate preventivemeasures.Receiving, Unloading, and Storage Areas. Minimize contamination of stormwaterrunoff from receiving, unloading, and storage areas. If these areas are exposed,implement the following (or other equivalent measures): cover all hides and chemicalsupplies, divert drainage to the process sewer, or place berms or curbs around thearea to prevent stormwater runoff.Outdoor Storage of Contaminated Equipment. Minimize contact of stormwater withcontaminated equipment. Implement the following (or other equivalent measures):clean thoroughly prior to storage, or cover equipment, or divert drainage to theprocess sewer.Waste Management. Minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from waste storageareas. Implement the following (or other equivalent measures): cover dumpsters ormove waste management activities indoors, cover waste piles with temporarycovering material such as tarpaulins or polyethylene, and minimize stormwater runoffby enclosing the area or placing berms around the area.8.Z.38.Z.3.1Additional SWPPP Requirements.Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Identify in the facility’s SWPPP where any of thefollowing may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: processing and storage areas of thebeamhouse, tanyard, and re-tan wet finishing and dry finishing operations.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Z 88

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permit8.Z.3.2Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP the followingsources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them (as appropriate):temporary or permanent storage of fresh and brine-cured hides; extraneous hide substancesand hair; leather dust, scraps, trimmings, and shavings.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector Z 89

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart AA – Sector AA – Fabricated Metal ProductsThe permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.AA.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart AA apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromFabricated Metal Products facilities as identified by the SIC Codes specified under Sector AA in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.AA.2 Additional Control Measures.8.AA.2.1 Good Housekeeping Measures. (See also Part Raw Steel Handling Storage. Minimize the generation of and/or recover and properlymanage scrap metals, fines, and iron dust. Include measures for containing materialswithin storage handling areas.8.AA.2.1.2 Paints and Painting Equipment. Minimize exposure of paint and painting equipment tostormwater.8.AA.2.2 Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures. (See also Part The permittee shall ensurethat the necessary equipment to implement a cleanup is available to personnel. The followingareas shall be addressed:8.AA.2.2.1 Metal Fabricating Areas. Maintain clean, dry, orderly conditions in these areas. Usedry clean-up techniques where feasible.8.AA.2.2.2 Storage Areas for Raw Metal. Keep these areas free of conditions that could cause,or impede appropriate and timely response to, spills or leakage of materials. Maintainstorage areas so that there is easy access in the event of a spill, and label storedmaterials to aid in identifying spill contents.8.AA.2.2.3 Metal Working Fluid Storage Areas. Minimize the potential for stormwatercontamination from storage areas for metal working fluids.8.AA.2.2.4 Cleaners and Rinse Water. Control and clean up spills of solvents and other liquidcleaners, control sand buildup and disbursement from sand-blasting operations, andprevent exposure of recyclable wastes. Substitute environmentally benign cleanerswhen possible.8.AA.2.2.5 Lubricating Oil and Hydraulic Fluid Operations. Minimize the potential for stormwatercontamination from lubricating oil and hydraulic fluid operations. Use monitoringequipment or other devices to detect and control leaks and overflows. Installperimeter controls such as dikes, curbs, grass filter strips, or equivalent measures ifany operations occur outside.8.AA.2.2.6 Chemical Storage Areas. Minimize stormwater contamination and accidental spillagein chemical storage areas. Include a program to inspect containers and identifyproper disposal methods.8.AA.2.3 Spills and Leaks. (See also Part In the facility’s spill prevention and responseprocedures, required by Part, determine whether chromium, toluene, pickle liquor,sulfuric acid, zinc and other water priority chemicals, and hazardous chemicals and wastes are<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AA 90

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General Permitpresent. If present, ensure the spill prevention and response procedures specifically addressthese chemicals.8.AA.3 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.AA.3.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Document in the facility’s SWPPP where any ofthe following may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: raw metal storage areas;finished metal storage areas; scrap disposal collection sites; equipment storage areas; retentionand detention basins; temporary and permanent diversion dikes or berms; right-of-way orperimeter diversion devices; sediment traps and barriers; processing areas, including outsidepainting areas; wood preparation; recycling; and raw material storage.8.AA.3.2 Potential Pollutant Sources. (See also Part 5.1.3) Document in the SWPPP the followingadditional sources and activities that have potential pollutants associated with them: loadingand unloading operations for paints, chemicals, and raw materials; outdoor storage activities forraw materials, paints, empty containers, corn cobs, chemicals, and scrap metals; outdoormanufacturing or processing activities such as grinding, cutting, degreasing, buffing, andbrazing; onsite waste disposal practices for spent solvents, sludge, pickling baths, shavings,ingot pieces, and refuse and waste piles.8.AA.4 Additional Inspection Requirements8.AA.4.1 Inspections. (See also Part 4) At a minimum, include the following areas in all inspections: rawmetal storage areas, finished product storage areas, material and chemical storage areas,recycling areas, loading and unloading areas, equipment storage areas, paint areas, andvehicle fueling and maintenance areas.8.AA.4.2 Comprehensive Site Inspections. (See also Part 4.3) As part of the facility’s inspection, alsoinspect areas associated with the storage of raw metals, spent solvents and chemicals storageareas, outdoor paint areas, and drainage from roof. Potential pollutants include chromium, zinc,lubricating oil, solvents, aluminum, oil and grease, methyl ethyl ketone, steel, and relatedmaterials.8.AA.5 Sector-Specific Benchmarks. (See also Part 6.)Table 8.AA-1Subsector(Facility discharges may be subject torequirements for more than onesector/subsector)ParameterBenchmark MonitoringConcentrationTotal Aluminum0.75 mg/LSubsector AA1. Fabricated MetalTotal Iron1.0 mg/LProducts, except Coating(SIC 3411-3499; 3911-3915)Total Zinc 1Hardness DependentNitrate plus Nitrite NitrogenReservedSubsector AA2. Fabricated Metal CoatingTotal Zinc 1Hardness Dependentand Engraving (SIC 3479) Nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrogen Reserved1 The benchmark values of some metals are dependent on water hardness. For these parameters,permittees must determine the hardness of the receiving water (see Appendix D, “Calculating Hardnessin Receiving Waters for Hardness Dependent Metals,” for methodology), in accordance with Part,to identify the applicable ‘hardness range’ for determining their benchmark value applicable to theirfacility. The ranges occur in 25 mg/L increments. Hardness Dependent Benchmarks follow in the tablebelow:<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AA 91

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitBenchmark values based on hardness and receiving waterbodyWater Hardness Range(mg/L)For discharges toperennial andintermittentwaterbodiesZinc(mg/L)For dischargesto ephemeralwaterbodiesZinc(mg/L)0-25 0.0362 0.34425-50 0.0651 0.61850-75 0.0918 0.87175-100 0.1170 1.112100-125 0.1417 1.343125-150 0.1652 1.568150-175 0.1883 1.787175-200 0.2108 2.001200-225 0.2329 2.211225-250 0.2547 2.417250-275 0.2761 2.620275-300 0.2972 2.821300-325 0.3181 3.019325-350 0.3387 3.214350-375 0.3591 3.408375-400 0.3793 3.599<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AA 92

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart AB – Sector AB – Transportation Equipment, Industrial or Commercial MachineryFacilities.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.AB.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart AB apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromTransportation Equipment, Industrial or Commercial Machinery facilities as identified by the SIC Codesspecified under Sector AB in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.AB.2 Additional SWPPP Requirements.8.AB.2.1 Drainage Area Site Map. (See also Part 5.1.2) Identify in the facility’s SWPPP where any of thefollowing may be exposed to precipitation or surface runoff: vents and stacks from metalprocessing and similar operations.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AB 93

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart AC– Sector AC –Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, Photographic andOptical Goods.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.AC.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.The requirements in Subpart AC apply to stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity fromfacilities that manufacture Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, Photographic andOptical goods as identified by the SIC Codes specified in Table C-1 of Appendix C of the permit.8.AC.2 Additional Requirements.No additional sector-specific requirements apply.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AC 94

Non-mining MSGP 2010 General PermitPart 8 – Sector-Specific Requirements for Industrial ActivitySubpart AD – Sector AD – <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Designated by the Director as RequiringPermits.The permittee shall comply with Part 8 sector-specific requirements associated with the facility’s primaryindustrial activity and any co-located industrial activities, as defined in Appendix A. The sector-specificrequirements apply to those areas of the facility where those sector-specific activities occur. Thesesector-specific requirements are in addition to any requirements specified elsewhere in this permit.8.AD.1 Covered <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges.Sector AD is used to provide permit coverage for facilities designated by the Director as needing astormwater permit, and any discharges of stormwater associated with industrial activity that do not meetthe description of an industrial activity covered by Sectors A-AC.8.AD.1.1 Eligibility for Permit Coverage. Because this sector is primarily intended for use by dischargesdesignated by the Director as needing a stormwater permit (which is an atypical circumstance),and the facility may or may not normally be discharging stormwater associated with industrialactivity, the permittee shall obtain the Director’s written permission to use this permit prior tosubmitting an NOI. An operator, who is authorized to use this permit, shall also be required toensure that the facility’s discharges meet the basic eligibility provisions of this permit at Part 1.1.8.AD.2 Sector-Specific Benchmarks and Effluent Limits. (See also Part 6.)The Director shall establish any additional monitoring and reporting requirements for the facility prior toauthorizing an operator to be covered by this permit. Any additional monitoring requirements shall bebased on the nature of activities at the facility and its stormwater discharges.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – Sector AD 95

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix ADefinitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-1

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix A.Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms (for the purposes of this permit).Approved Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) –Approved TMDLs are those that are developed bythe Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and approved by EPA.Best Management Practices (BMPs) – schedules of activities, practices (and prohibitions of practices),structures, vegetation, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reducethe discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States. BMPs also include treatment requirements,operating procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or wastedisposal, or drainage from raw material storage. See 40 CFR 122.2.Co-located Industrial Activities – Any industrial activities, excluding primary industrial activity(ies),located on-site that are defined by the stormwater regulations at 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(ix) and (xi). An activityat a facility is not considered co-located if the activity, when considered separately, does not meet thedescription of a category of industrial activity covered by the stormwater regulations or identified by theSIC code list in Appendix D.Control Measure – refers to any BMP or other method (including effluent limitations) used to prevent orreduce the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States.Director – a means the Director of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality or an authorizedrepresentative.Discharge – when used without qualification, means the "discharge of a pollutant." See 40 CFR 122.2.Discharge of a pollutant – any addition of any “pollutant” or combination of pollutants to “waters of theUnited States” from any “point source,” or any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to thewaters of the “contiguous zone” or the ocean from any point source other than a vessel or other floatingcraft which is being used as a means of transportation. This includes additions of pollutants into waters ofthe United States from: surface runoff which is collected or channeled by man; discharges through pipes,sewers, or other conveyances, leading into privately owned treatment works. See 40 CFR 122.2.Existing Discharger – an operator applying for coverage under this permit for discharges authorizedpreviously under an AZPDES general or individual permit.Facility or Activity – any AZPDES “point source” (including land or appurtenances thereto) that issubject to regulation under the AZPDES program. See 40 CFR 122.2.Federal Facility – any buildings, installations, structures, land, public works, equipment, aircraft, vessels,and other vehicles and property, owned by, or constructed or manufactured for the purpose of leasing to,the federal government.Impaired water – waters that have been assessed by ADEQ, under the CWA, Section 303(d), as notattaining a water quality standard for at least one designated use, and are listed in Arizona’s 2006 – 2008§303(d) and Other Impaired Waters List.Indian Country – (a) all land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the UnitedStates Government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and including rights-of-way runningthrough the reservation; (b) all dependent Indian communities within the borders of the United States,whether within the original or subsequently acquired territory thereof, and whether within or without thelimits of a State, and (c) all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished,including rights-of-way running through the same. This definition includes all land held in trust for anIndian tribe. (18 U.S.C. 1151)Industrial Activity – the 10 categories of industrial activities included in the definition of “stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity” as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(ix) and (xi).<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-2

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitIndustrial <strong>Stormwater</strong> – stormwater runoff from industrial activity.Municipal Separate Storm Sewer – a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads withdrainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or stormdrains):(i) Owned or operated by a State, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or otherpublic body (created by or pursuant to State law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage,industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under State law suchas a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe oran authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agencyunder section 208 of the CWA that discharges to waters of the United States;(ii) Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater;(iii) Which is not a combined sewer; and(iv) Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined at 40CFR 122.2. See 40 CFR 122.26(b)(4) and (b)(7).New Discharger – a facility from which there is a discharge, that did not commence the discharge at aparticular site prior to August 13, 1979, which is not a new source, and which has never received a finallyeffective AZPDES permit for discharges at that site. See 40 CFR 122.2.New Source – any building, structure, facility, or installation from which there is or may be a “discharge ofpollutants,” the construction of which commenced:After promulgation of standards of performance under section 306 of the CWA which areapplicable to such source, orAfter proposal of standards of performance in accordance with section 306 of the CWA which areapplicable to such source, but only if the standards are promulgated in accordance with section306 within 120 days of their proposal. See 40 CFR 122.2.New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) – technology-based standards for facilities that qualify asnew sources under 40 CFR 122.2 and 40 CFR 122.29.No exposure – all industrial materials or activities are protected by a storm-resistant shelter to preventexposure to rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff. See 40 CFR 122.26(g).Operator – any entity with a stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity that meets either ofthe following two criteria:(i)(ii)The entity has operational control over industrial activities, including the ability to modifythose activities; orThe entity has day-to-day operational control of activities at a facility necessary to ensurecompliance with the permit (e.g., the entity is authorized to direct workers at a facility to carryout activities required by the permit).Outstanding Arizona Water – a surface water that has been designated by ADEQ as an outstandingstate resource under A.A.C. R18-11-112.Person – an individual, association, partnership, corporation, municipality, State or Federal agency, or anagent or employee thereof. See 40 CFR 122.2.Point source – any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe,ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feedingoperation, landfill leachate collection system, vessel, or other floating craft from which pollutants are or<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-3

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitmay be discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agriculturalstormwater runoff. See 40 CFR 122.2.Pollutant – dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewagesludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock,sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal and agricultural waste discharged into water. See 40 CFR122.2.Pollutant of concern – A pollutant which causes or contributes to a violation of a water quality standard,including a pollutant which is identified as causing an impairment in a state's 303(d) list.Primary industrial activity – includes any activities performed on-site which are (1) identified by thefacility’s primary SIC code; or (2) included in the narrative descriptions of 122.26(b)(14)(i), (iv), (v), or (vii),and (ix). [For co-located activities covered by multiple SIC codes, it is recommended that the primaryindustrial determination be based on the value of receipts or revenues or, if such information is notavailable for a particular facility, the number of employees or production rate for each process may becompared. The operation that generates the most revenue or employs the most personnel is theoperation in which the facility is primarily engaged. In situations where the vast majority of on-site activityfalls within one SIC code, that activity may be the primary industrial activity.] Narrative descriptions in 40CFR 122.26(b)(14) identified above include: (i) activities subject to stormwater effluent limitationsguidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards; (iv) hazardous wastetreatment storage, or disposal facilities including those that are operating under interim status or a permitunder subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); (v) landfills, land applicationsites and open dumps that receive or have received industrial wastes; (vii) steam electric powergenerating facilities; and (ix) sewage treatment works with a design flow of 1.0 mgd or more.Qualified Personnel – Qualified personnel are those (either the permittee’s employees or outsideconsultants) who possess the knowledge and skills to assess conditions and activities that could impactstormwater quality at the facility, and who can also evaluate the effectiveness of control measures.Reportable Quantity Release – a release of a hazardous substance at or above the established legalthreshold that requires emergency notification. Refer to 40 CFR Parts 110, 117, and 302 for completedefinitions and reportable quantities for which notification is required.Runoff coefficient – the fraction of total rainfall that will appear at the conveyance as runoff. See 40CFR 122.26(b)(11).Significant materials – includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents,detergents, and plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in foodprocessing or production; hazardous substances designated under section 101(14) of CERCLA; anychemical the facility is required to report pursuant to section 313 of Title III of SARA; fertilizers; pesticides;and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released withstormwater discharges. See 40 CFR 122.26(b)(12).<strong>Stormwater</strong> – stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. See 40 CFR122.26(b)(13).<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Construction Activity – a discharge of pollutants instormwater runoff from areas where soil disturbing activities (e.g., clearing, grading, or excavating),construction materials, or equipment storage or maintenance (e.g., fill piles, borrow areas, concrete truckwashout, fueling), or other industrial stormwater directly related to the construction process (e.g., concreteor asphalt batch plants) are located. See 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) and 40 CFR 122.26(b)(15).<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity – the discharge from any conveyance thatis used for collecting and conveying stormwater and that is directly related to manufacturing, processingor raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-4

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitor activities excluded from the AZPDES program under Part 122. For the categories of industriesidentified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, stormwater discharges from industrialplant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials,manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility; material handlingsites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at part401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sitesused for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings;storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and final products; and areaswhere industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed tostormwater. For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include storage, loading andunloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product, byproductor waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant'sindustrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage fromthe excluded areas is not mixed with stormwater drained from the above described areas. Industrialfacilities include those that are federally, State, or municipally owned or operated that meet thedescription of the facilities listed in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14). The term also includes those facilitiesdesignated under the provisions of 40 CFR 122.26(a)(1)(v). See 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14).Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) – A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutantthat a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount tothe pollutant's sources. A TMDL includes wasteload allocations (WLAs) for point source discharges; loadallocations for nonpoint sources and/or natural background, and must include a margin of safety (MOS)and account for seasonal variations. (See section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR 130.2 and130.7).Water Quality Standards – A water quality standard defines the water quality goals of a water body, orportion thereof, by designating the use or uses to be made of the water and by setting criteria necessaryto protect the uses. States and EPA adopt water quality standards to protect public health or welfare,enhance the quality of water and serve the purposes of the Clean Water Act (See CWA sections 101(a)2and 303(c)). Water quality standards also include an antidegradation policy. See P.U.D. o. 1 of JeffersonCounty et al v. Wash Dept of Ecology et al, 511 US 701, 705 (1994).A.2.ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSADHS – Arizona Department of Health ServiceBOD 5 – Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5-day test)BMP – Best Management PracticeCERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability ActCOD – Chemical Oxygen DemandCWA – Clean Water Act (or the Federal Water <strong>Pollution</strong> Control Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq)DMR – Discharge Monitoring ReportEPA – U. S. Environmental Protection AgencyMDMR – MSGP Discharge Monitoring ReportMGD – Million Gallons per DayMS4 – Municipal Separate Storm Sewer SystemMSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-5

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitMSGP – Multi-Sector General PermitNAICS – North American Industry Classification SystemNOI – Notice of IntentNOT – Notice of TerminationOAW – outstanding Arizona waterRCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery ActSIC – Standard Industrial ClassificationSPCC – Spill <strong>Prevention</strong>, Control, and CountermeasuresSSC – Suspended Sediment ConcentrationSWPPP – <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>TMDL – Total Maximum Daily LoadTSS – Total Suspended SolidsWLA – Wasteload AllocationWQS – Water Quality Standard<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix A A-6

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix BStandard Permit Conditions<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-1

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix B.Standard Permit Conditions.Standard permit conditions in Appendix B are consistent with the general permit provisions requiredunder 40 CFR 122.41 and A.A.C. R-18-9-A905(A)(3).1. Duty to Comply. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(a)(1) andA.R.S. §§ 49-261, 262, 263.01, and 263.02.]a. The permittee shall comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncomplianceconstitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act; A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 3.1; andA.A.C. Title 18, Chapter 9, Articles 9 and 10, and is grounds for enforcement action, permittermination, revocation and reissuance, or modification, or denial of a permit renewalapplication.b. The issuance of this permit does not waive any federal, state, county, or local regulationsor permit requirements with which a person discharging under this permit is required tocomply.2. Duty to Reapply / Continuation of the Expired General Permit. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905 whichincorporates 40 CFR 122.41(b)]a. Upon reissuance of the general permit, the permittee shall file an NOI, within thetimeframe specified in the new general permit, and shall obtain new written authorization todischarge from the Director.b. If the Director does not reissue the general permit before the expiration date, the currentgeneral permit will be administratively continued and remain in force and effect until thegeneral permit is reissued.c. Any permittee granted authorization to discharge under the general permit before theexpiration date automatically remains covered by the continued general permit until theearlier of:i. Reissuance or replacement of the general permit, at which time the permittee shallcomply with the NOI conditions of the new general permit to maintain authorization todischarge; orii. The date the permittee has submitted a Notice of Termination; oriii. The date the Director has issued an individual permit for the discharge; oriv. The date the Director has issued a formal permit decision not to reissue the generalpermit, at which time the permittee shall seek coverage under an alternative generalpermit or an individual permit, or cease discharge.3. Need To Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) whichincorporates 40 CFR 122.41(c)]It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have beennecessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with theconditions of this permit.4. Duty to Mitigate. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(d)]The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation ofthis permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or theenvironment.5. Proper Operation and Maintenance. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR122.41(e)]The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems oftreatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the permittee toachieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance alsoincludes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Thisprovision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems that are<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-2

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitinstalled by a permittee only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with theconditions of this permit.6. Permit Actions. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(f)]This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. Filing a request for apermit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of plannedchanges or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition.7. Property Rights. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(g)]This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privileges, nor doesit authorize any injury to private property or invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement offederal, state, Indian tribe, or local laws or regulations.8. Duty to Provide Information. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR122.41(h)]The permittee must furnish to ADEQ, within a reasonable time, any information which the Directormay request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, orterminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The permittee shall alsofurnish to ADEQ upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit.9. Signatory Requirements. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a), which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(k)and (l); A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(1)(c), which incorporates 40 CFR 122.22]All Notices of Intent (NOI) and Notices of Termination (NOT), must be signed as follows:a. NOIs and NOTs:i. For a corporation: By a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this section, aresponsible corporate officer means: a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-presidentof the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person whoperforms similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or the managerof one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manageris authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulatedfacility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investmentrecommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assurelong term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; themanager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken togather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and whereauthority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager inaccordance with corporate procedures;ii. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: By a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; oriii. For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: By either a principal executiveofficer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this section, a principal executive officerof a Federal (or state) agency includes: (1) The chief executive officer (or director) of theagency, or (2) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations ofa principal geographic unit of the agency.b. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by ADEQ as follows:i. A person described in Section 9.a or by a duly authorized representative of that person.A person is a duly authorized representative only if the authorization is made in writing bya person described in Section 9.a and contained in the SWPPP.ii. The authorization must specify either an individual or a position having responsibility forthe overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of manager,operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility or an individual orposition having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A dulyauthorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individualoccupying a named position).<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-3

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitc. All reports, including SWPPPs, inspection reports, annual reports, monitoring reports,reports on training and other information required by this permit must be signed by a persondescribed in Appendix B, Subsection 9.a above or by a duly authorized representative of thatperson. A person is a duly authorized representative only if:i. The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part 9.a;ii. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for theoverall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager,operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, oran individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for thecompany. (A duly authorized representative may be either a named individual or anyindividual occupying a named position); andiii. The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP. A copy must besubmitted to ADEQ, upon request.d. Changes to Authorization. If the information on the NOI filed for permit coverage is nolonger accurate because a different owner / operator has responsibility for the overalloperation of the facility, a new NOI satisfying the requirements of Part 1.3.1 must besubmitted to ADEQ prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to besigned in accordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9.c above. The change in authorizationmust be submitted within the time frame specified in Table A.3, and sent to the addressspecified in Part 7.6.e. Certification. Any person signing documents under the terms of this permit must makethe following certification:I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under mydirection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry ofthe person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge andbelief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties forsubmitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowingviolations.10. Inspection and Entry. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(i)]a. The permittee must allow ADEQ or an authorized representative to:i. Enter upon the permittee’s premises where a regulated facility or activity is located orconducted or where records are kept under the conditions of this permit;ii. Have access to and copy at reasonable times, any records that are kept under theconditions of this general permit; andiii. Inspect at reasonable times any facility or equipment (including monitoring and controlequipment), practices or operations regulated or required under this permit;iv. Sample or monitor at reasonable times any substances or parameters at any location, forthe purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by A.R.S. Title49, Chapter 2, Article 3.1, and 18 A.A.C. 9, Articles 9 and 10; andb. If the facility discharges to an MS4, the permittee must allow representatives of themunicipal operator or the separate storm sewer receiving the discharge to inspect the siteand obtain copy of records pertaining to the discharge or the conditions of this permit.11. Monitoring and Records.a. Representative Samples/Measurements. Samples and measurements taken for thepurpose of monitoring must be representative of the volume and nature of the monitoredactivity.b. Retention of Records. The permittee must retain records of all monitoring information,<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-4

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitincluding all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings forcontinuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this permit, andrecords of all data used to complete the application for this permit, for at least three (3) yearsfrom the date this permit expires This period may be extended by request of the Director atany time. Permittees must submit any such records to ADEQ upon request. The permitteemust retain the SWPPP developed in accordance with Part 5 of this permit, for at least three(3) years after the last modification or amendment is made to the plan.c. Records Contents. Records of monitoring information must include:i. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements;ii. The initials or name(s) of the individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;iii. The date(s) analyses were performed;iv. The time(s) analyses were initiated;v. The initials or name(s) of the individual(s) who performed the analyses;vi. References and written procedures, when available, for the analytical techniques ormethods used;vii. The analytical techniques or methods used; andviii. The results of such analyses.d. Approved Monitoring Methods. Monitoring must be conducted according to testprocedures approved under 40 CFR 136, unless specific test procedures have beenotherwise specified in this permit.e. Any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoringdevice or method required to be maintained in this permit is subject to the enforcementactions established under A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 4, which includes the possibilityof fines and/or imprisonment.12. Reporting Requirements. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(a) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.41(l)]a. <strong>Plan</strong>ned changes. The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible ofany planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility. Notice is required onlywhen:i. The alteration or addition to a permitted facility may meet one of the criteria fordetermining whether a facility is a new source in 40 CFR 122.29(b) (incorporated byreference at A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(1)(e)); orii. The alteration or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity ofpollutants discharged. This notification applies to pollutants which are subject neither toeffluent limitations in the permit, nor to notification requirements under 40 CFR122.42(a)(1) (incorporated by reference at A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(b)).b. Monitoring reports. Monitoring results must be reported at the intervals specifiedelsewhere in this permit.i. Monitoring results must be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) or forms(paper or electronic) provided or specified by ADEQ. Pursuant to Part 7.1, all monitoringdata collected pursuant to Part 6.2 and 6.3 must be submitted to the Department usingthe MSGP Discharge Monitoring Report (MDMR) form, available at .ii. If the permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by the permit usingtest procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 unless otherwise specified in 40 CFRPart 503, or as specified in the permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included inthe calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR.iii. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements must use anarithmetic mean and non-detected results must be incorporated in calculations as the<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-5

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitlimit of quantitation for the analysis.c. Anticipated noncompliance. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Director ofany planned changes in the permitted facility or activity that may result in noncompliance withpermit requirements.d. Twenty-four hour reporting.i. The permittee shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance with this permit which mayendanger human health or the environment. The permittee shall orally notify the officelisted below within 24 hours:Arizona Department of Environmental Quality – Water Quality Compliance1110 W. Washington Street, Mail Code 5515 B-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85007Office: 602-771 – 2330; Fax 602-771 – 4505ii. A written submission shall also be provided to the office identified above within five (5)days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The writtensubmission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause; the period ofnoncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not beencorrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned toreduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.iii. The following shall be included as information which must be reported within 24 hoursunder this paragraph.1) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit.2) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants listedby the Director in the permit to be reported within 24 hours. (See 40 CFR 122.44(g)which is incorporated by reference at A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(d)).iv. ADEQ may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis for reports under thissubsection if the oral report has been received within 24 hours.e. Other noncompliance. The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance nototherwise required to be reported under this subsection, at the time monitoring reports aresubmitted. The reports shall contain the information listed in subsection 12(d).f. Other information. When the permittee becomes aware that he or she failed to submitany relevant facts or submitted incorrect information in the Notice of Intent or in any otherreport to the Department, the permittee shall promptly submit the facts or information toADEQ at the address listed in Part 7.6.13. Reopener Clause. [A.A.C. R18-9-A905(A)(3)(d) which incorporates 40 CFR 122.44(c)] TheDepartment may elect to modify the permit prior to its expiration (rather than waiting for the newpermit cycle) to comply with any new statutory or regulatory requirements, such as for effluentlimitation guidelines, which may be promulgated in the course of the current permit cycle.14. Other Environmental Laws. No condition of this general permit releases the permittee from anyresponsibility or requirements under other environmental statutes or regulations. For example,this permit does not authorize the “taking” of endangered or threatened species as prohibited bySection 9 of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1538. Information regarding the location ofendangered and threatened species and guidance on what activities constitute a “taking” areavailable from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The permittee must also comply with applicableState and Federal laws, including Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> Control and Countermeasures (SPCC).15. State or Tribal Law. [Pursuant to A.A.C. R18-9-A904(C)] Nothing in this permit shall beconstrued to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from anyresponsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable State or Tribal lawor regulation under authority preserved by Section 510 of the Clean Water Act.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-6

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permit16. Severability. The provisions of this general permit are severable, and if any provision of thisgeneral permit, or the application of any provision of this general permit to any circumstance, isheld invalid, the application of the provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of thisgeneral permit shall not be affected.17. Requiring Coverage under an Individual Permit or an Alternative General Permit.a. The Director may require a person authorized by this permit to apply for and/or obtaineither an individual AZPDES permit or an alternative AZPDES general permit. Any interestedperson may petition the Department to take action under this section. The Department mayrequire a permittee authorized to discharge under this permit to apply for an individual permitin any of the following cases:i. A change occurs in the availability of demonstrated technology or practices for the controlor abatement of pollutants applicable to the point source;ii. Effluent limitation guidelines are promulgated for point sources covered by the generalpermit;iii. An Arizona Water Quality Management <strong>Plan</strong> containing requirements applicable to thepoint sources is approved;iv. Circumstances change after the time of the request to be covered so that the dischargeris no longer appropriately controlled under the general permit, or either a temporary orpermanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge is necessary;v. If the Director determines that the discharge is a significant contributor of pollutants.When making this determination, the Director shall consider:1) The location of the discharge with respect to waters of the United States,2) The size of the discharge,3) The quantity and nature of the pollutants discharged to waters of the U.S., and4) Any other relevant factor.b. If an individual permit is required, the Director shall notify the discharger in writing of thedecision. The notice shall include:i. A brief statement of the reasons for the decision;ii. An application form;iii. A statement setting a deadline to file the application;iv. A statement that on the effective date of issuance or denial of the individual permit,coverage under the general permit will automatically terminate;v. The applicant’s right to appeal the individual permit requirement with the Water QualityAppeals Board under A.R.S. § 49-323, the number of days the applicant has to file aprotest challenging the individual permit requirement, and the name and telephonenumber of the Department contact person who can answer questions regarding theappeals process; andvi. The applicant’s right to request an informal settlement conference under A.R.S. 41-1092.03(A) and 41-1092.06.c. The discharger shall apply for an individual permit within 90 days of receipt of the notice,unless the Director grants a later date. In no case shall the deadline be more than 180 daysafter the date of the notice.d. If the discharger fails to submit the individual permit application within the time periodestablished in Appendix B.17.c the applicability of the general permit to the discharger isautomatically terminated at the end of the day specified by the Director for applicationsubmittal.e. Coverage under the general permit shall continue until an individual permit is issued ordenied unless the general permit coverage is terminated under Appendix B. Subsection 17.d.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-7

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permit18. Request for an Individual Permit.a. A permittee may request an exclusion from coverage of a general permit by applying foran individual permit.i. The permittee shall submit an individual permit application under R18-9-B901(B) andinclude the reasons supporting the request no later than 90 days after publication of thegeneral permit.ii. The Director shall grant the request if the reasons cited by the permittee are adequate tosupport the request.b. If an individual permit is issued to a person otherwise subject to a general permit, theapplicability of the general permit to the discharge is automatically terminated on the effectivedate of the individual permit.19. Transfer of Coveragea. Transfer of coverage from one operator to a different operator (e.g., facility sold to a newcompany): the new owner/ operator must complete and file a Notice of Intent in accordancewith Part 1.3.1 at least 5 days prior to taking over operational control of the facility. The oldowner/ operator must file a Notice of Termination within thirty (30) days after the new owner/operator has assumed responsibility for the facility.b. Simple name changes of the permittee (e.g., Company “A” changes name to “ABC, Inc.”)may be done by filing an amended Notice of Intent referencing the facility’s assigned permitnumber and requesting a simple name change.20. Bypassa. Definitions.1 Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatmentfacility2 Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to thetreatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial andpermanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in theabsence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused bydelays in production.b. Bypass not exceeding limitations. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur that doesnot cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance toassure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions Appendix B,Subsections 20.c and 20.d.c. Notice1 Anticipated bypass. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, priornotice shall be submitted at least ten days before the date of the bypass.2 Unanticipated bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass asrequired in Appendix B, Subsection 12.d.d. Prohibition of bypass.1. Bypass is prohibited, and ADEQ may take enforcement action against the permittee forbypass, unless:i. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severeproperty damage;ii. There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliarytreatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normalperiods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-upequipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-8

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General Permitiii.judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipmentdowntime or preventive maintenance; andThe permittee submitted notices as required under Appendix B, Subsection 20.c.21. Upset2. ADEQ may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if theDepartment determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above in this AppendixB, Subsection 20.d.a. Definition. Upset means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional andtemporary noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations because offactors beyond your reasonable control. An upset does not include noncompliance to theextent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequatetreatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation.b. Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought fornoncompliance with such technology based permit effluent limitations if the requirements ofAppendix B, Subsection 21.c are met. No determination made during administrative review ofclaims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, isfinal administrative action subject to judicial review.c. Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. A permittee who wishes to establishthe affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through properly signed,contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:1 An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset;2 The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated;3 The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Appendix B, Subsection 12.d(iii); and4 The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under Appendix B,Subsection 4.d. Burden of proof. In any enforcement proceeding, the permittee, who is seeking toestablish the occurrence of an upset, has the burden of proof.G. Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions.Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation and is grounds for an enforcement action, permittermination, revocation and reissuance, modification, or denial of a permit renewal application.1. Civil Penalties. A.R.S. § 49-262 provides that any person who violates any provision of A.R.S.Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 2, 3 or 3.1 or a rule, permit, discharge limitation or order issued oradopted under A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 3.1 is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed$25,000 per day per violation.2. Criminal Penalties. Any a person who violates a condition of this general permit, or violates aprovision under A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 3.1, or A.A.C. Title 18, Chapter 2, Articles 9and 10 is subject to the enforcement actions established under A.R.S. Title 49, Chapter 2, Article4, which may include the possibility of fines and/or imprisonment.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix B B-9

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix CFacilities and Activities Covered<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-1

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix C.Facilities and Activities CoveredPermit eligibility is limited to discharges from facilities in the “sectors” of industrial activity summarized inTable C-1. These sector descriptions are based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes andIndustrial Activity Codes. References to “sectors” in this permit (e.g., sector-specific monitoringrequirements) refer to these groupings.Subsector(May be subject tomore than onesector/subsector)Table C-1. Non-Mining Sectors of Industrial Activity Covered by This PermitSIC Code orActivity Code 1SECTOR A: TIMBER PRODUCTSActivity RepresentedA1 2421 General Sawmills and <strong>Plan</strong>ing MillsA2 2491 Wood PreservingA3 2411 Log Storage and Handling2426 Hardwood Dimension and Flooring Mills2429 Special Product Sawmills, Not Elsewhere Classified2431-2439(except 2434)Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, and Structural Wood (see Sector W)A42448 Wood Pallets and Skids2449 Wood Containers, Not Elsewhere Classified2451, 2452 Wood Buildings and Mobile Homes2493 Reconstituted Wood Products2499 Wood Products, Not Elsewhere ClassifiedA5 2441 Nailed and Lock Corner Wood Boxes and ShookSECTOR B: PAPER AND ALLIED PRODUCTSB1 2631 Paperboard Mills2611 Pulp Mills2621 Paper MillsB22652-2657 Paperboard Containers and Boxes2671-2679Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, Except Containersand BoxesSECTOR C: CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTSC1 2873-2879 Agricultural ChemicalsC2 2812-2819 Industrial Inorganic ChemicalsC3 2841-2844Soaps, Detergents, and Cleaning Preparations; Perfumes,Cosmetics, and Other Toilet PreparationsC4 2821-2824Plastics Materials and Synthetic Resins, Synthetic Rubber,Cellulosic and Other Manmade Fibers Except GlassC52833-2836Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products; PharmaceuticalPreparations; in vitro and in vivo Diagnostic Substances; andBiological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances2851 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products2861-2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-2

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable C-1. Non-Mining Sectors of Industrial Activity Covered by This PermitSubsector(May be subject to SIC Code ormore than one Activity Code 1sector/subsector)Activity Represented2891-2899 Miscellaneous Chemical Products3952(limited to list ofinks and paints)Inks and Paints, Including China Painting Enamels, India Ink,Drawing Ink, Platinum Paints for Burnt Wood or Leather Work,Paints for China Painting, Artist’s Paints and Artist’s Watercolors2911 Petroleum RefiningSECTOR D: ASPHALT PAVING AND ROOFING MATERIALS AND LUBRICANTSD1 2951, 2952 Asphalt Paving and Roofing MaterialsD2 2992, 2999 Miscellaneous Products of Petroleum and CoalSECTOR E: GLASS, CLAY, CEMENT, CONCRETE, AND GYPSUM PRODUCTS3251-3259 Structural Clay ProductsE13261-3269 Pottery and Related ProductsE2 3271-3275 Concrete, Gypsum, and Plaster ProductsE33211 Flat Glass3221, 3229 Glass and Glassware, Pressed or Blown3231 Glass Products Made of Purchased Glass3241 Hydraulic Cement3281 Cut Stone and Stone Products3291-3299Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Non-metallic MineralProductsSECTOR F: PRIMARY METALSF1 3312-3317 Steel Works, Blast Furnaces, and Rolling and Finishing MillsF2 3321-3325 Iron and Steel FoundriesF3 3351-3357 Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous MetalsF4 3363-3369 Nonferrous Foundries (Castings)3331-3339 Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous MetalsF53341 Secondary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals3398, 3399 Miscellaneous Primary Metal ProductsSECTOR K: HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT, STORAGE, OR DISPOSAL FACILITIESHazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities,K1HZ including those that are operating under interim status or a permitunder subtitle C of RCRASECTOR L: LANDFILLS, LAND APPLICATION SITES, AND OPEN DUMPSL1 LF All Landfill, Land Application Sites and Open DumpsL2LFAll Landfill, Land Application Sites and Open Dumps, exceptMunicipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) Areas Closed inAccordance with 40 CFR 258.60SECTOR M: AUTOMOBILE SALVAGE YARDSM1 5015 Automobile Salvage Yards<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-3

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable C-1. Non-Mining Sectors of Industrial Activity Covered by This PermitSubsector(May be subject to SIC Code ormore than one Activity Code 1sector/subsector)N1 5093Activity RepresentedSECTOR N: SCRAP RECYCLING FACILITIESScrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities except Source-Separated RecyclingN2 5093 Source-separated Recycling FacilitySECTOR O: STEAM ELECTRIC GENERATING FACILITIESO1 SE Steam Electric Generating Facilities, including coal handling sitesP1SECTOR P: LAND TRANSPORTATION AND WAREHOUSING4011, 4013 Railroad Transportation4111-4173 Local and Highway Passenger Transportation4212-4231 Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing4311 United States Postal Service5171 Petroleum Bulk Stations and TerminalsSECTOR Q: WATER TRANSPORTATIONQ1 4412-4499 Water Transportation FacilitiesSECTOR R: SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING AND REPAIRING YARDSR1 3731, 3732 Ship and Boat Building or Repairing YardsSECTOR S: AIR TRANSPORTATION FACILITIESS1 4512-4581 Air Transportation FacilitiesT1SECTOR T: TREATMENT WORKSTreatment Works treating domestic sewage or any other sewagesludge or wastewater treatment device or system, used in thestorage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal ordomestic sewage, including land dedicated to the disposal ofsewage sludge that are located within the confines of the facility,TW with a design flow of 1.0 MGD or more, or required to have anapproved pretreatment program under 40 CFR Part 403. Notincluded are farm lands, domestic gardens or lands used forsludge management where sludge is beneficially reused andwhich are not physically located in the confines of the facility, orareas that are in compliance with section 405 of the CWA.SECTOR U: FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTSU1 2041-2048 Grain Mill ProductsU2 2074-2079 Fats and Oils ProductsU32011-2015 Meat Products2021-2026 Dairy Products2032-2038Canned, Frozen, and Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, and FoodSpecialties2051-2053 Bakery Products<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-4

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitTable C-1. Non-Mining Sectors of Industrial Activity Covered by This PermitSubsector(May be subject to SIC Code ormore than one Activity Code 1sector/subsector)Activity Represented2061-2068 Sugar and Confectionery Products2082-2087 Beverages2091-2099 Miscellaneous Food Preparations and Kindred Products2111-2141 Tobacco ProductsSECTOR V: TEXTILE MILLS, APPAREL, AND OTHER FABRIC PRODUCT MANUFACTURING;LEATHER AND LEATHER PRODUCTSV1W12211-2299 Textile Mill Products2311-23993131-3199Apparel and Other Finished Products Made from Fabrics andSimilar MaterialsLeather and Leather Products (note: see Sector Z1 for LeatherTanning and Finishing)SECTOR W: FURNITURE AND FIXTURES2434 Wood Kitchen Cabinets2511-2599 Furniture and FixturesSECTOR X: PRINTING AND PUBLISHINGX1 2711-2796 Printing, Publishing, and Allied IndustriesSECTOR Y: RUBBER, MISCELLANEOUS PLASTIC PRODUCTS, AND MISCELLANEOUSMANUFACTURING INDUSTRIESY1Y23011 Tires and Inner Tubes3021 Rubber and Plastics Footwear3052, 3053Gaskets, Packing and Sealing Devices, and Rubber and PlasticHoses and Belting3061, 3069 Fabricated Rubber Products, Not Elsewhere Classified3081-3089 Miscellaneous Plastics Products3931 Musical Instruments3942-3949 Dolls, Toys, Games, and Sporting and Athletic Goods3951-3955(except 3952 – Pens, Pencils, and Other Artists’ Materialssee Sector C)3961, 3965Costume Jewelry, Costume Novelties, Buttons, and MiscellaneousNotions, Except Precious Metal3991-3999 Miscellaneous Manufacturing IndustriesSECTOR Z: LEATHER TANNING AND FINISHINGZ1 3111 Leather Tanning and Finishing<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-5

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitSubsector(May be subject tomore than onesector/subsector)AA1Table C-1. Non-Mining Sectors of Industrial Activity Covered by This PermitSIC Code orActivity Code 1Activity RepresentedSECTOR AA: FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS3411-3499(except 3479)Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and TransportationEquipment, and Coating, Engraving, and Allied Services.3911-3915 Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated WareAA2 3479 Fabricated Metal Coating and EngravingSECTOR AB: TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT, INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL MACHINERY3511-3599Industrial and Commercial Machinery, Except Computer and(except 3571-Office Equipment (see Sector AC)3579)AB13711-3799(except 3731,3732)Transportation Equipment Except Ship and Boat Building andRepairing (see Sector R)SECTOR AC: ELECTRONIC, ELECTRICAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, AND OPTICAL GOODSAC1AD13571-3579 Computer and Office Equipment3812-38733612-3699Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling Instruments; Photographicand Optical Goods, Watches, and ClocksElectronic and Electrical Equipment and Components, ExceptComputer EquipmentSECTOR AD: NON-CLASSIFIED FACILITIESOther stormwater discharges designated by the Director as needing a permit (see 40CFR 122.26(a)(9)(i)(C) & (D)) or any facility discharging stormwater associated withindustrial activity not described by any of Sectors A-AC.NOTE: Facilities may not elect to be covered under Sector AD. Only the Director mayassign a facility to Sector AD.1 A complete list of SIC Codes (and conversions from the newer North American Industry ClassificationSystem” (NAICS) can be obtained from the Internet at orin paper form from various locations in the document titled Handbook of Standard IndustrialClassifications, Office of Management and Budget, 1987. Much of the information in the 1987 Handbookcan be obtained from the Internet at Conversions fromthe NAICS can be obtained from the Internet at<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix C C-6

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix DCalculating Hardness in Surface Waters Receiving <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges for HardnessDependent Metals<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix D D-1

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAppendix D. Calculating Hardness in Surface Waters Receiving <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges forHardness Dependent MetalsOverviewBenchmarks have been adjusted for six hardness-dependent metals (i.e., cadmium, copper, lead, nickel,silver, and zinc) to further ensure compliance with water quality standards and provide additionalprotection for endangered species and their critical habitat. For any sectors required to conductbenchmark samples for a hardness-dependent metal, ‘hardness ranges’ are included from whichbenchmark values are determined. To determine which hardness range to use, the permittee must collectdata on the hardness of the facility’s surface water(s) that receive discharges or the hardness of thedischarge itself based on the type of the receiving water body. Once the site-specific hardness data havebeen collected, the corresponding benchmark value for each metal is determined by comparing where thehardness data fall within 25 mg/L ranges, as shown in Table 1.Table 1. Hardness Ranges to Be Used to Determine Benchmark Values for Discharges toPerennial or Intermittent Waterbodies.All UnitsBenchmark Values (mg/L, total)mg/L Cadmium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc0-25 0.0020 0.0036 0.014 0.15 0.0007 0.036225-50 0.0040 0.0070 0.030 0.260 0.0007 0.065150-75 0.0060 0.0102 0.047 0.367 0.0017 0.091875-100 0.0079 0.0134 0.065 0.468 0.0030 0.1170100-125 0.0096 0.0170 0.082 0.566 0.0046 0.1417125-150 0.0117 0.0197 0.100 0.660 0.0065 0.1652150-175 0.0136 0.0221 0.118 0.752 0.0087 0.1883175-200 0.0154 0.0228 0.136 0.842 0.0112 0.2108200-225 0.0173 0.0289 0.154 0.930 0.0138 0.2329225-250 0.0192 0.0316 0.172 1.017 0.0168 0.2547250-275 0.0173 0.0349 0.190 1.102 0.0183 0.2761275-300 0.0210 0.0378 0.209 1.186 0.0213 0.2972300-325 0.0246 0.0408 0.227 1.269 0.0244 0.3181325-350 0.0266 0.0438 0.245 1.351 0.0278 0.3387350-375 0.0284 0.0467 0.263 1.433 0.0312 0.3591375-400 0.0302 0.0496 0.281 1.513 0.0349 0.3793Table 2. Hardness Ranges to Be Used to Determine Benchmark Values for Discharges toEphemeral Waterbodies.All UnitsBenchmark Values (mg/L, total)mg/L Cadmium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc0-25 0.0059 0.0063 0.0293 1.287 0.0003 0.34425-50 0.0116 0.0121 0.0636 2.313 0.0010 0.61850-75 0.0172 0.0177 0.0995 3.260 0.0020 0.87175-100 0.0228 0.0233 0.1363 4.158 0.0032 1.112100-125 0.0286 0.0283 0.1736 5.022 0.0047 1.343125-150 0.0338 0.0341 0.2113 5.860 0.0065 1.568150-175 0.0393 0.0394 0.2492 6.676 0.0084 1.787<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix D D-2

Non-Mining MSGP 2010 General PermitAll UnitsBenchmark Values (mg/L, total)mg/L Cadmium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Zinc175-200 0.0447 0.0447 0.2873 7.475 0.0106 2.001200-225 0.0501 0.0500 0.3255 8.258 0.0130 2.211225-250 0.0555 0.0552 0.3637 9.028 0.0156 2.417250-275 0.0609 0.0601 0.4020 9.786 0.0183 2.620275-300 0.0663 0.0655 0.4402 10.53 0.0213 2.821300-325 0.0714 0.0706 0.4784 11.27 0.0244 3.019325-350 0.0770 0.0757 0.5166 12.00 0.0278 3.214350-375 0.0823 0.0800 0.5547 12.72 0.0312 3.408375-400 0.0876 0.0859 0.5927 13.44 0.0349 3.599How to Determine Hardness for Hardness-Dependent Parameters.The permittee shall monitor stormwater discharges for parameters specified in Part 8 for the primaryindustrial activity, and any co-located industrial activities authorized under this permit. If any of theparameters are hardness-dependent, the permittee must also characterize for hardness. The results ofthe general analytical monitoring, including hardness, shall be submitted to ADEQ in accordance withPart 7. For discharges to:Perennial or intermittent waters, the hardness shall be of the surface water receiving thedischarge.Ephemeral waters, the hardness shall be of the discharge leaving the facility.Hardness characterization of the receiving water shall include analysis of samples from the surface waterreceiving the discharge or surface water data collected by a third party provided the data is credible,scientifically defensible and is representative of current conditions. The data and the methodology fordetermining the hardness values must be submitted to ADEQ in the first year of permit coverage to allowADEQ to compare monitoring results with applicable water quality standards. The permittee shall retain allreports and monitoring data in accordance with Part 7.5 of the permit.<strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity – Appendix D D-3

Attachment 2.0 – Notices of Intent

AZMSG2010-002 ● AZMSG2010-003NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI)for <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated withINDUSTRIAL ACTIVITYunder the AZPDES 2010 Multi-Sector PermitsFOR COVERAGE, A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE NOI MUST BE SUBMITTED TO:Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Surface Water Section/<strong>Stormwater</strong> Program1110 West Washington, 5415A-1; <strong>Phoenix</strong>, Arizona 85007FAX: (602) 771-4528Submitting this completed Notice of Intent (NOI) constitutes notice that the operator identified in Section B of this form requests authorization todischarge pollutants to waters of the United States from the facility identified in Section C under the AZPDES Multi-Sector General Permit(s) (MSGP)for industrial stormwater. Submitting this NOI constitutes your notice to ADEQ that the facility identified in Section C of this form meets the eligibilityconditions of Part 1.1 of the MSGP. Please read and make sure you comply with all eligibility requirements, including the requirement to prepare a<strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Refer to the instructions at the end of this form to complete your NOI.A. NOI REVISION (Follow instructions carefully.)► Is this NOI a revision for a facility previously filed under the AZPDES 2010 Multi-Sector General Permit?_____ YES _____ NO If “yes,” complete the following:1. Provide your current authorization #: AZMSG-_______________________2. Provide the name of the facility listed in Part C.1 and only the specific information being revised.3. Complete the certification section (Part F) and have this document signed by the authorized signatory.2010 Authorization #(ADEQ Use Only)B. FACILITY OPERATOR INFORMATIONContact Name: _______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Ext: __________E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________Operator Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________City: _________________________________________________________ State: |______| Zip Code: __________________________C. FACILITY INFORMATION1. Facility Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Facility physical location (include the address, if applicable, otherwise provide directions from the nearest municipality):Street: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City: ____________________________________________________ State: |________| Zip Code: ___________________________County: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Ext: __________3. Provide the latitude and longitude of the outfall (discharge location) of the facility in degrees/minutes/seconds:Latitude: |___ı___|º |___ı___|' |___ı___| . |_______|''(Degrees, minutes, seconds)Longitude: |___ı___ı___|º |___ı___|' |___ı___| . |_______|''(Degrees, minutes, seconds)4. Have stormwater discharges from the facility been covered previously under an EPA or AZPDES permit? _____ YES _____ NOIf yes, provide one of the following:► The EPA tracking number: AZR05OR► The AZPDES MSGP authorization number: AZMSG-OR► The AZPDES Individual Permit number: ______________________________________________5. Is the facility located on Indian Country land? _____ YES _____ NO► ► If you answered yes, DO NOT submit this NOI to ADEQ. The Department does not have permitting authority on Indian Country land.You must coordinate with the U.S. EPA for permit coverage on Indian Country Land within Arizona..AZPDES 2010 MSGP Notice of Intent (NOI)March 15, 2011-rev

NOI for Coverage under AZPDES Permits: AZMSG 2010-002 and AZMSG 2010-003 Page 26. PRIMARY INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY: Identify the sector, subsector, and 4-digit Standard industrial Classification (SIC) or Activity Code(AC) that best represents the products produced or services rendered for which your facility is primarily engaged, as defined in the MSGP.Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__|SIC or AC |__|__|__|__|► Area of industrial activity at the primary site that is exposed to stormwater: _______________ acres7. CO-LOCATED INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY: Identify the applicable sector(s), subsector(s) of co-located industrial activity, and 4-digit StandardIndustrial Classification (SIC) or Activity Code (AC) for which you are requesting permit coverage.Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)Sector |__|__| Subsector |__|__|__| SIC or AC |__|__|__|__| ► Area of industrial activity exposed to stormwater: ___________ acre(s)8. Is the facility expected to be inactive and unstaffed at any time during the permit term? _____ YES _____ NO► If yes, indicate the estimated starting and ending dates that you expect the facility to be inactive and unstaffed:From __________________________ to __________________________D. DISCHARGE INFORMATION1. Does the facility discharge stormwater into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)? _____ YES _____ NO► If yes, name the MS4 operator: _______________________________________________________________________________2. Receiving Waters.a. List the closest water that receivesstormwater directly and/or through anMS4 or other conveyance.b. Check, asappropriate, if thereare any of thedischarges within 2.5miles of any segmentof an impaired oroutstanding Arizonawater (OAW.)If the facility discharges within 2.5 miles of an impaired water, answer the followingthree questionsc.1. What pollutant(s) arecausing the impairment?c.2. Are thepollutant(s) causingthe impairment presentin the discharge?c.3. Has a TMDL beencompleted for thepollutant(s) causing theimpairment?_____ OAW_____ Impaired____Yes ____No____Yes ____No3. Water Quality Standards. (***Answer only if the facility has not been covered under the previous EPA or AZPDES permit.***)a. Are any of the new discharges into any portion of a receiving water designated by ADEQ as an impaired water?_____ YES _____ NOb. Has the receiving water(s) been designated as an outstanding Arizona water (OAW)? _____ YES _____ NO4. Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Sector-Specific Requirements.a. Are you requesting permit coverage for any stormwater discharges subject to effluent limitation guidelines? _____ YES _____ NO► If yes, which effluent limitation guidelines apply to the stormwater discharges? (see page 3)AZPDES 2010 MSGP Notice of Intent (NOI)March 15, 2011-rev

NOI for Coverage under AZPDES Permits: AZMSG 2010-002 and AZMSG 2010-003 Page 3Effluent LimitationGuidelines(40 CFR Part/Subpart)Eligible DischargesAffectedMSGPSectorCheck ifApplicablePart 429, Subpart IDischarges resulting from spray down or intentional wetting of logs at wet deckstorage areasAPart 418, Subpart ARunoff from phosphate fertilizer manufacturing facilities that comes into contactwith any raw materials, finished product, by-products or waste products (SIC2874)CPart 443, Subpart A Runoff from asphalt emulsion facilities DPart 411, Subpart C Runoff from material storage piles at cement manufacturing facilities EPart 436, Subpart B, C, or DMine dewatering discharges at crushed stone mines, construction sand andgravel mines, or industrial sand minesJPart 445, Subparts A & B Runoff from hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste landfills K, LPart 423 Coal pile runoff at steam electric generating facilities Ob If you are a Sector S (Air Transportation) facility, do you anticipate using more than 100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicing/anti-icingchemicals and/or 100 tons or more of urea on an average annual basis? _____ YES _____ NOE. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)1. I confirm that a SWPPP meeting the requirements of the general permit has been developed and will be implemented prior to dischargingstormwater from this facility. _____ YES _____ NO2. Name of the person to contact to view the SWPPP: _____________________________________________________________________3. Telephone number of the SWPPP contact: ___________________________ Ext: ___________ Fax: ___________________________4. E-mail: __________________________________________________________________5. If the facility is located within 2.5 miles of an OAW or impaired water, have you enclosed a copy of the SWPPP with this NOI?_____ YES _____ NO(The SWPPP will be reviewed and approved by ADEQ before permit authorization is issued.)F. CERTIFICATIONI certify under penalty of law that I have met the eligibility conditions of this permit and that this document and all attachments were prepared undermy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the informationsubmitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,I certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I certify that I am aware that there aresignificant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.Print Name: ___________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________City: ___________________________________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________________________E-Mail: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Ext: __________AZPDES 2010 MSGP Notice of Intent (NOI)March 15, 2011-rev

AZMSG2010-002 ●AZMSG2010-003NOTICE OF INTENT INSTRUCTIONSfor <strong>Stormwater</strong> Discharges Associated withINDUSTRIAL ACTIVITYunder the AZPDES 2010 Multi-Sector PermitsWho Must File A Notice Of Intent (NOI)Under section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and regulationsin 40 CFR 122, stormwater discharges associated with industrial activityare prohibited to waters of the United States unless covered under anauthorizing permit. In Arizona, such discharges are covered by ArizonaPollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) permits. Coveragemay be obtained under one, or both, Multi-Sector General Permits(MSGPs) by submitting a completed NOI if you operate a facility that:● Discharges stormwater associated with industrial activities,identified in Appendix C of the MSGP;● Meets the eligibility requirements in Part 1.1 of the permit;● Develops a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) inaccordance with Part 5 of the MSGP; and● Installs and implements control measures in accordance withParts 2 and 8 of the MSGP to meet numeric and non-numericeffluent limits.If you are unsure if you need an AZPDES stormwater permit fordischarges associated with industrial activity, contact ADEQ’s stormwaterpermitting program at (602) 771-4508.One NOI must be submitted for each facility for which you areseeking permit coverage. However, you do not need to submit aseparate NOI for each type of industrial activity present at your facility,provided your SWPPP covers all industrial activities.When to File the NOI FormDo not file your NOI until you have obtained and thoroughly read theAZPDES 2010 MSGPs, which are located at:Mining: MSGPs describe procedures to ensure your eligibility, prepareyour SWPPP, install and implement appropriate stormwater controlmeasures, and complete the NOI form questions – all of which must bedone before you sign the NOI certification statement attesting to theaccuracy and completeness of your NOI. You will also need a copy ofthe appropriate MSGP once you have obtained coverage so that you cancomply with the implementation requirements of the permit.Where to File the NOI FormNotice of Intent forms sent by regular or overnight/express mail:Arizona Department of Environmental QualitySurface Water Section / <strong>Stormwater</strong> Program1110 West Washington, 5415A-1<strong>Phoenix</strong>, Arizona 85007Notice of Intent forms sent by facsimile:(602) 771-4528The SWPPP does not need to be submitted to ADEQ for reviewunless the facility is within 2.5 miles of an impaired or outstandingArizona water (OAW) or ADEQ specifically requests a copy of theSWPPP.Completing the NOI FormBe certain that you complete all fields. Make a photocopy for yourrecords before you send or fax the completed form to the location listedabove.Section A. NOI RevisionThis section does not apply to a permit renewal.Complete this section ONLY if your facility is permitted under one, orboth, of the 2010 MSGPs and information has changed that requires youto update your NOI.Section B. Facility Operator InformationProvide the name of the person who will serve as the primarycontact for the facility.Provide the legal name of the firm, public organization or otherpublic entity that operates the facility described in this NOI. An operatoris a legal entity that controls the operation of the facility.Provide the operator’s mailing address, telephone number, faxnumber (optional), and email address. All correspondence will be sentto this address.Section C. Facility Information1. Provide the facility’s official or legal name. Unless the name of yourfacility has changed, please use the same name provided on priorNOIs.2. Provide the street address, city, state, zip code, and county of theactual physical location of the facility. If the facility does not havean address, provide driving directions from the nearestmunicipality. Do not use a PO Box number.3. Provide the latitude and longitude of the facility in degrees,minutes, and seconds. You can obtain these coordinates throughgeographic information system tools, topographic maps, orADEQ’s web-based GIS mapping system at: consistency, take the coordinates from the location ofyour facility’s stormwater outfall. Outfalls are locations where thestormwater exits the facility, including pipes, ditches, swales, andother structures that transport stormwater. If there is more thanone outfall present, provide the coordinates of the primary outfall(i.e., the outfall with the largest volume of stormwater dischargeassociated with industrial activity).4. Indicate if industrial stormwater discharges from your facility werepreviously covered by a NPDES or AZPDES permit.If the facility was covered by the 2000 MSGP, include the EPAtracking number or the ADEQ authorization number, whichever isapplicable. If the facility was covered under an AZPDES individualpermit, include that permit number.5. Indicate whether the facility is located on Indian Country Lands. Ifyou answered yes, DO NOT submit this NOI to ADEQ. TheDepartment does not have permitting authority on Indian CountyLands. You must coordinate with the U.S. EPA for permit coverageon Indian Country Land within Arizona.6. Provide the sector and subsector codes, and SIC or Activity Codesthat best describes the primary industrial activities performed byyour facility. Your primary industrial activity includes any activitiesperformed onsite that are (1) identified by the facility’s SIC code forwhich the facility is primarily engaged; and (2) included in thenarrative descriptions of 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i), (iv), (v), or (vii)and (ix). See Appendix C of the MSGP for a complete list of SICcodes and Activity Codes. See the footnote in Appendix C, orTable 1, for how to determine the SIC code.Enter the area (in acres) of industrial activity at your facilitythat is exposed to stormwater.7. If your facility has co-located industrial activities that are notidentified as your primary industrial activity, identify the sector andsubsector codes, SIC or Activity Codes, and area (in acres) thatdescribe these other industrial activities. For a complete list ofsector and subsector codes, see Appendix C of the MSGP.Enter the area of industrial activity (by SIC or AC code) ofall co-located sites exposed to stormwater.8. Indicate whether the facility is expected to be inactive andunstaffed at any time during the permit term. If yes, specify theAZPDES 2010 MSGP Notice of Intent Instructions Page 1 of 2 March 15, 2011-rev

term (with approximate dates) in which the facility will be inactiveand unstaffed.Section D. Discharge Information1. Indicate whether stormwater from your facility will be discharged intoa municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). An MS4 is aconveyance or system of conveyances, including roads withdrainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, storm drains,curbs and gutters, ditches and man-made channels, owned oroperated by a state, city, town, county, district, association or otherpublic body, used to collect or convey stormwater.If you checked “yes,” identify the name of the MS4 operator. Alist of MS4 operators can be found at: Receiving Water.a. Indicate the name(s) of the receiving water(s) into whichstormwater from your facility will discharge. The receiving watermay be a lake, stream, river, dry wash, wetland, or otherwaterbody, and may or may not be located adjacent to yourfacility.<strong>Stormwater</strong> from the facility may discharge directly to areceiving water or indirectly via a storm sewer system, an opendrain or ditch, or other conveyance structure. DO NOT list aman-made conveyance, such as a storm sewer system, as yourreceiving water. Indicate the first receiving water yourstormwater discharge enters. For example, if the dischargeenters a storm sewer system that empties into Trout Creek,which flows into Pine River, the receiving water is Trout Creekbecause it is the first waterbody the discharge will reach.Similarly, a discharge into a ditch that feeds Spring Creekshould be identified as “Spring Creek” since the ditch is amanmade conveyance.If the facility discharges into a municipal separate stormsewer system (MS4) you must identify the waterbody into whichthat portion of the storm sewer discharges. That informationshould be readily available from the operator of the MS4.b. Indicate whether the facility discharges within 2.5 miles of alake, river, stream segment, wash, etc. that is classified as animpaired or outstanding Arizona water (OAW) under the“2006/2008 303(d) List of Impaired and Not Attaining Waters”( Answer the following questions only if you answered “yes” toItem D.2.b.i. Provide the pollutants listed as causing the impairment inthe water identified in Item D.2.b.ii. Out of the pollutant(s) that you identified in Item D.2.c.1,indicate which pollutants you believe will be present in thedischarge. If you do not expect any of these pollutants tobe in the discharge, then enter “none.”iii. Indicate the pollutants that have a Total Maximum DailyLoad (TMDL) for the impaired stream segment that youidentified in Item D.2.c.2. (See the 2006/2008 list ofimpaired waters at: Water Quality StandardsIf you selected “yes” in Item C.4 you are considered an existingdischarger and may skip this question.If you selected “no” in Item C.4 indicating that stormwaterdischarges from your facility have not been previously coveredunder an NPDES or AZPDES permit, you are considered a newdischarger and must answer this question.a. If you are a new discharger, any discharge into an impairedwater is not automatically eligible for coverage under theMSGP. (See Part of the permit.)b. If you selected “yes” in Item D.3.b indicating that the receivingwater has been designated as an outstanding Arizona water(OAW) under A.A.C. R18-11-112 you are not eligible forcoverage under the MSGP. (See Part of the permit.)4. Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Sector-Specific Requirementsa. Depending on your industrial activities, your facility may besubject to effluent limitation guidelines that include additionaleffluent limits and monitoring requirements for your facility.Review the requirements, described in Part 2.2.1 of theMSGP, and check any appropriate boxes on the NOI form.b. For Sector S facilities (Air Transportation), indicate whetheryou anticipate that the entire airport facility will use more than100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicing/anti-icing chemicalsand/or 100 tons or more of urea on an average annual basis.If so, additional effluent limits and monitoring conditions applyto your discharge (See Part 8, Sector S of the MSGP).Section E. <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (SWPPP)Identify the name, telephone number and e-mail address of theperson who will serve as a contact for ADEQ on issues associated withstormwater management at your facility. This person should be able toanswer questions related to stormwater discharges, the SWPPP, andother matters related to stormwater permit coverage, or haveimmediate access to individuals with that knowledge. This person doesnot have to be the facility operator, but should have intimate knowledgeof stormwater management activities at the facility.You must keep a copy of your SWPPP onsite or otherwise make itavailable to facility personnel responsible for implementing provisionsof the permit.Section F. CertificationCertification statement and signature (See Appendix B.9 of theMSGP for more information). Enter the certifier’s (authorized signatory)printed name, title, and e-mail address.Sign and date the form. (CAUTION: An unsigned or undated NOIform will prevent the granting of permit coverage.) This NOI must besigned as follows:For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer, this means:1. President, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of thecorporation in charge of the principal business function, orany other person who performs similar policy or decisionmaking functions, or2. The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, oroperating facilities, provided the manager is authorized tomake management decisions which govern the operation ofthe regulated facility including having the explicit or implicitduty of making major capital investment recommendations,and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures toassure long term environmental compliance withenvironmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensurethat the necessary systems are established or actions takento gather complete and accurate information for permit NOIrequirements; and where authority to sign documents hasbeen assigned or delegated to the manager in accordancewith corporate procedures;For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or theproprietor; orFor a municipality state, federal, or other facility: by either a principalexecutive or ranking elected official.Notes: Operators cannot delegate the responsibility for signature on aNotice of Intent (NOI) form to a consultant, agent, or any other thirdparty.State statutes provide for severe penalties for submitting falseinformation on this NOI form.AZPDES 2010 MSGP Notice of Intent Instructions Page 2 of 2 March 15, 2011-rev

Attachment 3.0 – Control Measures

Targeted Activities:• General Facility OperationsCM 1.0 Facility‐Wide Control MeasuresKey Approaches:• Keep outside areas clean.• Conduct regular inspections.• Train employees.• Document stormwater pollution prevention activities.Minimize Exposure1.1 Keep all pollutant sources indoors or under cover.Targeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Solvents• Soaps/Detergents• Battery Acid• PaintGood Housekeeping1.2 Maintain exposed areas in a clean and orderly manner.1.3 Restrict site access.1.4 Substitute less hazardous/biodegradable materials where feasible.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures1.5 Post Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong>s in areas where spills are most likely to occur.1.6 Spill Kits1. Stock spill kits with adequate spill response equipment and materials.2. Locate spill kits in accessible locations and on vehicles where spills are likely to occur.3. Label spill kits.4. Spill kits should have lids.5. Keep spill kits free of debris.1.7 Spill Containment and Reporting1. Stop the spill at the source, if feasible and safe to do so.2. Prevent the spill from entering the storm drain by using drip pans, absorbent booms, mats, or other devices.3. Report spills by calling: (602) 273‐3311 for emergencies (602) 273‐3302 for non‐emergencies.1.8 Spill Response1. When feasible and safe, use spill response equipment to clean‐up spill.2. Dispose of used spill response materials promptly and appropriately.3. Use appropriate procedures for hazardous waste spill response.Management of Runoff1.9 Outdoor Water Supplies1. Limit availability of outdoor water supplies.2. Post signs at outdoor water sources identifying appropriate or inappropriate uses.Employee/Contractor Training1.10 Attend annual SWPPP training (tenant PPT members).1.11 Provide equivalent SWPPP training to employees who work in areas where industrial materials or activities areexposed to stormwater or have responsibilities under the SWPPP.1.12 Contractor/Subcontractor Education1. Provide construction and operational contractors and haulers with copies of relevant CMs.2. Require contractors to comply with all relevant CM requirements.CM 1 ‐ 1

CM 1.0 Facility‐Wide Control MeasuresRoutine Facility Inspections1.13 Perform inspections at regular intervals to identify and eliminate non‐stormwater discharges.Recordkeeping and Reporting1.14 Tenant generated documentation to be kept with the SWPPP:1. Employee stormwater training.2. Inspection findings.1.15 Retain copies of the following documents:• <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (SWPPP)• Annual Reports• Visual Assessment Reports• Inspection Forms• Notice of Intent, Authorization to Discharge or No Exposure Certificate, and• Corrective Action Reports, if applicable.CM 1 ‐ 2

CM 2.0 Aircraft, Vehicle and Equipment MaintenanceTargeted Activities:• Aircraft, Vehicle, and Equipment (AVE)MaintenanceKey Approaches:• Conduct maintenance indoors or under cover.• Collect and properly dispose of fluids.• Conduct preventative maintenance.Minimize Exposure2.1 When possible, perform maintenance indoors or under cover.Targeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Battery Acid• Paint• Solvents• Soaps/DetergentsGood Housekeeping2.2 Use solvents and other cleaning products indoors to the maximum extent practicable.2.3 Dispose of waste and hazardous waste properly per federal, state, county, and city regulatory requirements.See CM 8.0 waste handling key approaches.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures2.4 Minimize Pollutant Exposure when Performing Maintenance Activities1. Relocate maintenance materials and waste indoors.2. Perform maintenance away from storm drains.3. Provide controls in maintenance areas (such as storm drain inlet protection, oil/water separators,berms, and sumps).2.5 Maintain spill kits on maintenance vehicles.2.6 Perform preventative AVE maintenance.Routine Facility Inspections2.7 Inspect maintenance areas for compliance with CMs.Recordkeeping and Reporting2.8 Maintain inspection records.CM 2 ‐ 1

CM 3.0 Aircraft, Vehicle and Equipment CleaningTargeted Activities:• Aircraft, Vehicle, and Equipment (AVE) Washing• Equipment DegreasingKey Approaches:• Use designated wash areas.• Use dry washing techniques.• Recycle wash water or discharge appropriately.• Cover catch basins.Targeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Solvents• Vehicle Fluids• Soaps/DetergentsMinimize Exposure3.1 Use dry washing methods when possible.3.2 When practical, use off‐site commercial facilities for vehicles and equipment washing.3.3 Use designated areas for washing and steam cleaning.Good Housekeeping3.4 Soaps, Detergents, and Cleaning Agents1. Use water‐based cleaning agents or non‐chlorinated solvents.2. Use biodegradable, phosphate‐free detergents.3. Use non‐emulsifying cleaning agents in areas equipped with an oil/water separator (OWS).3.5 Wash Service Providers must prepare and follow approved wash plans.3.6 Wash Water and Material Disposal1. Collect wash water for proper disposal.2. Discharge wash water to the sanitary sewer through an OWS.3. Remove material (i.e. drippings and residue) using vacuum or sweeping and dispose of properly.4. Recycle wash water when practical.3.7 Cover, berm, or otherwise block nearby catch basins during washing.Maintenance3.8 Repair any cracks or breaches in berms or surfaces.Routine Facility Inspections3.9 Inspect wash areas for cracks or breaches in berms or surfaces.Recordkeeping and Reporting3.10 Document inspections and maintain records.CM 3 ‐ 1

CM 4.0 Aircraft, Vehicle and Equipment StorageTargeted Activities:• Aircraft, Vehicle, and Equipment (AVE) StorageKey Approaches:• Use designated storage areas away from storm drain inlets.• Store materials indoors or under cover.• Provide berming or secondary containment in storage areas.• Drain fluids before AVE storage.• Perform and document periodic inspections.Targeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Solvents• Hydraulic FluidMinimize Exposure4.1 Store AVE indoors or under cover and in areas designed to contain leaks.4.2 Store AVE away from storm drains.4.3 Provide berming or secondary containment in storage areas.4.4 Store tires off the ground and provide cover.Good Housekeeping4.5 Long Term Storage of AVE (>30 days)1. Drain all fluids and salvage batteries.2. Wipe down exterior surfaces to remove grease/oil prior to storage.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures4.6 Temporary storage of vehicles awaiting repair/removal1. Use drip pans or absorbent pads to contain releases.2. Expedite repair.3. Check drip pans on a regular basis.4. Maintain clean drip pans.5. Dispose of used absorbent materials.6. Provide cover for vehicles and equipment when possible.Routine Facility Inspections4.7 Perform periodic inspections of AVE storage areas.Recordkeeping and Reporting4.8 Document inspections and maintain records.CM 4 ‐ 1

Targeted Activities:• Cargo handling• Chemical and fuel storage• Equipment storage• Painting and strippingCM 5.0 Material Storage AreasCM 5 ‐1Targeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Misc. cargo• Solvents• Soaps/Detergents• Deicing chemicals• Battery Acid• Paint• PesticidesKey Approaches:• Conduct loading, unloading, and material transfer under cover, in paved areas, and away from storm drains.• Store materials indoors or under cover, store empty drums/containers in secondary containment.• Contain and absorb leaks/spills that occur during material transfer.• Provide berming.• Clean exterior surfaces by removing excessive oil and grease build‐up.• Perform and document periodic inspections.Minimize Exposure5.1 Clean Exterior Container Surfaces1. Clean exterior surfaces by removing excessive oil and grease build‐up.2. Use drum‐top absorbent pads to contain small spills and leaks.5.2 Material and Waste Storage1. Store material and waste in bermed areas, away from storm drain inlets and in a secure area.2. Designate enclosed central storage locations for material and waste.3. Reduce the amount of outdoor storage.4. Provide cover for material and waste storage areas.5. Protect materials from rainfall, run‐on, run‐off, and wind dispersal.5.3 Transfer materials in covered areas.5.4 Limit inventory of materials stored onsite.Good Housekeeping5.5 Transfer, use, and store liquid materials only in paved areas.5.6 Keep Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for chemicals with potential stormwater exposure immediately accessible either inhard copy or on mobile electronic devices.5.7 Dispensing Liquids1. Dispense liquids from upright drums equipped with hand pumps, when possible.2. Avoid dispensing from drums positioned horizontally or use self‐closing spigots with secondary containment.5.8 Secondary Containment for Stored Materials1. Materials stored outdoors, no matter how temporary, should be placed on secondary containment.2. Secondary containment should be free of liquid and debris.3. Secondary containment should be sized to contain the single largest item in/on the containment and sufficientfreeboard.5.9 Signage for Storage Locations1. Post visible signs at storage locations noting the materials stored.2. Post spill response plan near storage locations.5.10 Store materials in their original containers or in approved containers.5.11 Container Labeling1. Clearly label containers with its contents.2. Identify and properly dispose of unlabeled and unknown materials.5.12 Eliminate waste collection piles or “bone yards.”

CM 5.0 Material Storage AreasSpill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures5.13 Conduct material transfers in areas where spills can be contained and cleaned.5.14 Locate spill response materials in material transfer areas.Employee/Contractor Training5.15 Required facilities should develop and implement a Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) <strong>Plan</strong> andprovide appropriate training.Routine Facility Inspections5.16 Periodically inspect loading and transfer areas for damage/cracks.5.17 Periodically inspect material and waste storage areas (containers and tanks) for evidence of corrosion andstructural failure; spills, leaks and overfills; and piping system damage/deterioration.Recordkeeping and Reporting5.18 Document inspections and maintain records.5.19 Facilities with an SPCC <strong>Plan</strong>, should provide annual certification to COPAD confirming the SPCC <strong>Plan</strong> is up to date.CM 5 ‐2

CM 6.0 Airport Fuel Systems and Fueling AreasTargeted Activities:• Aircraft, Vehicle, and Equipment (AVE) fueling• Fuel storageTargeted Pollutants:• FuelKey Approaches:• Post ‘No Topping Off’ signs, provide cover and berming/secondary containment for fueling areas.• Install proper equipment for fuel dispensing and tank monitoring.• Perform and document periodic inspections.Minimize Exposure6.1 Designate paved and contained areas to park mobile refueling equipment and vehicles, if possible.Maintenance6.2 Maintain automatic shut‐off mechanisms on fuel tankers.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures6.3 Install Fuel Tank Monitoring and Release <strong>Prevention</strong> Systems1. Provide appropriate monitoring equipment for fuel tanks.2. Equip fuel dispensing equipment with “breakaway” hose connections.6.4 Post “Do Not Top Off” signs at vehicle fuel pumps.6.5 Prevent Pollutant Exposure When Fueling1. Cover or block nearby storm drains and outlets to surface drains.2. Fuel equipment in designated areas.3. Permanently cover fueling areas, if possible.6.6 Maintain spill kits on fueling tankers.6.7 Collection of Aircraft Fuel Samples1. Use GATS jars to take fuel samples.2. Dispose of samples at designated collection sites.Employee/Contractor Training6.8 Train employees performing fueling activities on the appropriate response procedures for fuel spills.Routine Facility Inspections6.9 Regularly inspect fueling areas, fueling vehicles and equipment, and storage tanks (underground fuel storage tanksshould be tested as required by federal, state, and county law).Recordkeeping and Reporting6.10 Document inspections and maintain records.CM 6 ‐ 1

Targeted Activities:• Building and grounds maintenanceCM 7.0 Building and Grounds MaintenanceKey Approaches:• Keep paved surfaces clean using dry methods.• Use native/low maintenance landscaping.• Clean catch basins regularly.• Manage the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.Minimize Exposure7.1 Use seals or door skirts to prevent material exposure to rainfall.7.2 Minimize Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Use1. Minimize use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.2. Apply according to directions.3. Apply in accordance with Arizona Office of Pest Management.4. Use integrated pest management.7.3 Landscape areas to prevent erosion.Targeted Pollutants:• Sediment• Landscape Waste• Fuel/Oil/Grease• Pesticides, Herbicides, and FertilizerGood Housekeeping7.4 Cleaning Interior Floors and Exterior Ground Surfaces1. Maintain clean, dry floors using dry methods (using brooms, vacuums, etc.).2. Do not hose down or use cleaning products on outside work areas unless nearby storm drain inlets are blockedand wash water is collected and properly disposed.7.5 Fire‐Fighting Foam Deluge System Testing Procedures1. Perform testing operations only in designated areas.2. Collect and properly dispose or recycle foam discharge.Maintenance7.6 Regularly maintain stormwater control devices and outfalls.7.7 Maintain Catch Basins1. Regularly maintain on‐site catch basins that receive site runoff.2. Install and maintain catch basin filter fabric inserts.7.8 Label Storm Drain Inlets .Litter, Garbage and Floatable Debris7.9 Properly dispose of landscape waste, wash water, sweepings, and sediment.Dust Generation and Tracking7.10 Consider paving or landscaping non‐landscaped areas.7.11 Regularly clean outdoor paved areas.Routine Facility Inspections7.12 Inspect sumps and catch basins.7.13 Inspect fire‐fighting foam system and collection sumps.Recordkeeping and Reporting7.14 Document inspections and maintain records.CM 7 ‐ 1

Targeted Activities:• Garbage• Debris• Recyclable handling and disposalCM 8.0 Waste Handling and DisposalTargeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Garbage• Floatable Debris• Battery Acid• Paint• SolventsKey Approaches:• Keep outside areas clean and free of litter, garbage, and floatable debris.• Dispose of materials in a timely fashion.• Keep dumpster and trash can lids closed.• Provide an adequate number of trash receptacles throughout the facility.• Comply with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements pertaining to the handling, storage, anddisposal of hazardous waste.Minimize Exposure8.1 Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle1. When possible, recycle, reclaim, and/or reuse materials.2. Potential recyclable materials include:• Used petroleum products (including used oil)• Grease and hydraulic fluid (including brake and transmission fluid)• Antifreeze and deicing fluid• Automotive and aircraft batteries• Wash water• Tires• Oil filters with steel casings• Used fuel3. Recycle materials in a timely fashion.8.2 Used Battery Management1. Recycle used batteries within 30 days of removal.2. Store used batteries on secondary containment and indoors or under cover.3. Label containers of used batteries as “Used Batteries”.8.3 Used Oil Containers and Filters1. Drain and crush oil filters and containers before recycling or disposing.2. Store used containers and filters on secondary containment and indoors or under cover.8.4 Clean dumpsters in designated wash locations that are connected to oil/water separators.Good Housekeeping8.5 Provide an adequate number of trash receptacles throughout the facility.8.6 Waste Generation1. Characterize and maintain accurate information on waste streams.2. Properly dispose of hazardous materials and liquids according to all federal, state, county, and cityregulatory requirements.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures8.7 Collection and Disposal of Spilled Fluids1. Collect fluids using dry methods (i.e. vacuum or sweep).2. Properly dispose of collected fluids according to all federal, state, county, and city regulatory requirements.3. Never discharge materials to a catch basin, storm drain, or dry well.CM 8 ‐ 1

CM 8.0 Waste Handling and DisposalLitter, Garbage and Floatable Debris8.8 Waste and Unusable Material Disposal1. Properly dispose of garbage, debris, and recyclable materials.2. Schedule waste pickup as frequently as needed.8.9 Garbage Collection Areas1. Provide cover, if possible.2. Use covered dumpsters or keep dumpster lids closed.3. Install dumpster plugs in drain holes.4. Do not dispose of liquids or hazardous materials in dumpsters.5. Keep the garbage collection areas clean and free of litter, garbage, and floatable debris.6. Provide lids for trash receptacles.Employee/Contractor Training8.10 Waste Management Training1. Train employees on the proper disposal procedures for operations‐derived wastes.Routine Facility Inspections8.11 Inspect waste storage areas for compliance with waste handling and disposal CMs.Recordkeeping and Reporting8.12 Document inspections and maintain recordsCM 8 ‐ 2

CM 9.0 Oil Water Separators and Lavatory and Potable Water ServiceTargeted Activities:• Oil/water separators• Lavatory operations & maintenance• Potable water system maintenanceKey Approaches:• Install and properly maintain oil/water separators (OWS).• Collect and properly dispose of lavatory waste.Targeted Pollutants• Lavatory Waste• Sediment• Fuels/Oils/GreaseMinimize Exposure9.1 Conduct lavatory and potable water activities away from stormwater inlets.9.2 Keep OWS drainage area free of spills, debris, sediment and other pollutants.9.3 Perform detergent/disinfectant mixing and transfers under cover if possible.Good Housekeeping9.4 Install OWS , where needed1. Install OWS in fuels, oils, grease, and sediment storage areas, where other CMs are not practical.2. Have OWS designed by qualified professionals.9.5 Procedures for Servicing Aircraft Lavatories1. Use only approved detergent and disinfectants.2. Properly secure hoses, valves and equipment when transporting transferring waste.3. Use buckets and/or drip pans to capture leaks from aircraft lavatory access fittings.4. Drain the aircraft connecting hose as completely as possible into the storage tank after servicing an aircraft.5. Immediately transfer the fluids into the bulk storage tank on the service cart or truck.6. Discharge lavatory and lavatory truck clean/back‐flush waste to approved location only.7. Cap discharge connection when not in use.9.6 Procedures for Servicing Aircraft Potable Water Systems1. Perform water truck flushing operations only in designated areas.2. Do not perform flushing near or discharge to storm drains.3. Collect potable water discharges, de‐chlorinate, and discharge to a sanitary sewer connection with an OWSor recycle.Maintenance9.7 Maintain Sumps and OWSs1. Clean and maintain sumps and OWS regularly.2. Keep effluent shutoff valve closed during cleaning operations.3. Maintain OWS in accordance with manufacturer requirements or as necessary for operations.4. Properly dispose of cleaning waste.5. Comply with all federal, state, county, and city regulatory requirements and obtain all required permits,especially the AZPDES Construction General Permit.9.8 Maintain Lavatory Service Equipment1. Keep the equipment in good working order. Replace worn equipment before leaks develop.2. Notify appropriate ground service personnel when aircraft lavatory fittings require maintenance.Spill <strong>Prevention</strong> and Response Procedures9.9 Maintain spill kits on lavatory service vehicles.9.10 Address spills promptly with proper materials. Do not hose down spills.CM 9 ‐ 1

CM 9.0 Oil Water Separators and Lavatory and Potable Water ServiceRoutine Facility Inspections9.11 OWS Inspection1. Regularly inspect OWS for needed maintenance.2. Inspect for oil, trash, debris, and oil accumulation at least monthly.9.12 Lavatory Service Equipment Inspections1. Inspect hoses and fittings used for transferring lavatory fluids.Recordkeeping and Reporting9.13 Maintain records of lavatory service equipment inspections.9.14 Maintain records of all OWS maintenance and cleaning.CM 9 ‐ 2

Targeted Activities:• Facility improvements• New construction• Significant renovationCM 10.0 Facility Structural ImprovementsTargeted Pollutants:• Fuels/Oils/Grease• Floatable debris• Soaps/Detergents• Paint• Solvents• SedimentKey Approaches:• Obtain project approval from Tenant Improvement (TI) program.• Comply with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements, especially the AZPDES Construction GeneralPermit.Minimize Exposure10.1 Conduct all facility improvements through the TI Program10.2 Design to Minimize <strong>Stormwater</strong> Exposure1. Move planned industrial activity areas indoors or under cover.2. Provide outdoor industrial activity areas with impervious surfaces.3. Design outdoor industrial activity areas to prevent run‐on and run‐off.4. Incorporate structural control measures such as oil/water separators or detention basins as needed.5. Include clear signage indicating outdoor industrial activity areas.10.3 Landscape to Prevent <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong>1. Incorporate pervious landscaped areas into design.2. Use native or low maintenance vegetation.10.4 Fire Deluge Systems1. Locate away from storm drain inlets, rivers and washes.2. Provide impervious surfaces.3. Design to prevent run‐on and run‐off.10.5 Comply with all federal, state, county, and city regulatory requirements and obtain all required permits,especially the AZPDES Construction General Permit.Maintenance10.6 Review plans at each design and construction milestone for illicit or cross connections.Dust Generation and Tracking of Industrial Materials10.7 Comply with Maricopa County dust control regulations and ADEQ Construction General Permit.Employee/Contractor Training10.8 Provide contractors and subcontractors with relevant CMs during specification and bidding phases.Routine Facility Inspections10.9 Confirm facility improvements were conducted under TI program.Recordkeeping and Reporting10.10 Maintain record copies for projects as required by City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department.CM 10 ‐ 1

Attachment 4.0 – Fuel Release and Releases ofOther Regulated Substances

nVTPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPBX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsBYIt PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT Number: R&R 01-01Authority:This Rule and regulation is promulgated pursuant to <strong>Phoenix</strong> City CodeChapter IV, Article V, Sections 4-116 and 4-117.Rule andRegulation: Fuel Release and Releases of Other Regulated SubstancesThis Rule establishes the procedures for internal reporting, response, clean up, documentation and subsequent notifications associated with fuel releases and releases of other regulated substances occurring at <strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International, <strong>Phoenix</strong> Deer Valley and <strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear Airports. Definitions Release: A release is defined as any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, placing, leaching, dumping, or disposing into or on any land in a manner that fuels and other regulated substances, pollutants, or stormwater may come to be located in a public storm drain system. Regulated Substances: Regulated substances include without limitation, any substance, materials or wastes that are or become regulated under, or that are classified as hazardous or toxic under any environmental law, including petroleum. Reporting Procedures When a release occurs, the responsible party will immediately notify airport authorities with the location, substance released, approximate size of the release and any other pertinent information, such as whether the release has been stopped, and the aircraft and/or equipment involved or if a release has flowed into a storm or sanitary drain or bare soils. The reporting party shall remain in a safe location near the release site and will report to Aviation and Fire Department representatives upon arrival. Page 1 of 7 R&R 01-01 Fuel Release Administration Personnel

nVTPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPBX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsllYN PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT If the release is threatening structures, storm or sanitary drains or bare soil, the reporting party will initiate diversion actions, such as diking the leading edge of the release with an approved absorbent material or device. Spill kits have been strategically placed around the airports to assist in diking a release. <strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International Airport A release will be reported to <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications at (602) 273-3311. Communications will follow established response procedures including notifying the Fire Department via the Fire Department Alarm Room phone. <strong>Phoenix</strong> Deer Valley Airport A release will be reported to Deer Valley Operations at (623) 869-0977 from 6:00 AM. Monday morning to 9:00 P.M. Friday night and from 6:00 AM to 9:00 P.M on Saturday and Sunday. On Friday and Saturday nights from 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 AM. a release will be reported to <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications at (602) 273-3311.Deer Valley Operations will call the <strong>Phoenix</strong> Fire Department via 911 if apotential fire hazard exists. <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications will call the On-CallDeer Valley Operations Supervisor and call 911 if appropriate.Deer Valley Operations will notify <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications at (602) 273-3311for additional City resources to assist in extreme emergencies or unusualcircumstances.<strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear AirportA release will be reported to Goodyear Operations at (623) 932-4550 from 6:00AM. to 9:00 P.M. From 9:00 P.M to 6:00 AM. a release will be reported to <strong>Sky</strong><strong>Harbor</strong> Communications at (602) 273-3311.Goodyear Operations will call the Goodyear Fire Department at(623) 932-3910 if a potential fire hazard exists. Goodyear Fire Department maynotify City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Fire Dispatch as may be appropriate.Page 2 of 7R&R 01·01 Fuel ReleaseAdministration Personnel

nVTPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPBX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsBYN PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT Goodyear Operations will notify <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications at (602) 273-3311for additional City resources to assist in extreme emergencies or unusualcircumstances.General Aviation Pilot Sump Fuel DisposalsPreflight sump fuel samples shall not be dumped on the apron, but shall beproperly disposed of in accordance with the Aircraft Fueling section of theGeneral Aviation Handbook. Enforcement options for improper sump fueldisposals are set forth in the Aviation Department Storm Water EnforcementRule and Regulation.Response Procedures<strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International AirportUpon notification of a release, <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications shall notify thefollowing:1. Fire Department (via Fire Department Alarm Room phone)2. Airside/Landside Operations Supervisor, depending on spill location (viaradio dispatch)3. Facilities and Services Landside Maintenance (via radio dispatch)4. <strong>Plan</strong>ning & Environmental via Emergency Notification System (ENS)Aviation and Fire Department units shall respond and establish "Command."Command will utilize established ICS and Unified Command Protocols and makethe determination on how the release, fire hazard and clean up will be handled.Airport Operations may at their discretion cancel the Fire Department responsefor minor spills.Command will liaison between the aircraft and/or equipment operator and cleanup crews during the response. Photographs should be taken of unusual or largereleases to supplement follow up with the responsible party.Upon approval of Command the fuel handler, airline or tenant responsible for arelease may be authorized to clean up the release. Liability for clean up and theproper disposal of generated release materials will be that party's. If, however,Page 3 of 7R&R 01-01 Fuel ReleaseAdministration Personnel

IIVYPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPIIX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsBYR PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT the responsible party does not take action or should the Fire Department direct,due to fire or safety hazards, Landside Maintenance will provide clean upservices and the responsible party will be billed the greater of actual costs or aminimum of $300 for labor and materials.After fire and safety hazards are under control, and upon authorization fromCommand, release clean up crews will be allowed into the area. The crew shallhave the necessary materials and/or equipment to restore the area to a statereasonably equivalent to its condition prior to the release.Only personnel that have completed their companies Fuel Spill Recovery andClean Up training will respond to the spill site.Do not start, stop or move equipment in the spill area without permission fromCommand.Personnel protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by Aviation Safety (Level Dprotection in accordance with 29CFR 1910.120), will be worn by all personnelinvolved in spill clean up. Level D PPE consists of a work uniform with longsleeve shirt and long pants or coveralls, gloves, chemical resistant shoes, safetyglasses or goggles.All personnel and units shall remain upwind to avoid vapors from spilled fuel.Radios and cellular telephones are not to be used within 25 feet of the fuel spill.Clean up personnel will observe all directions from Command and theresponding Fire Department personnel. Command and all Fire units shall havean uninterrupted view and access to the spill site.Aviation personnel shall provide clean up of spills only in areas that provideadequate open ventilation. Should a spill occur in a confined space or migrate toa confined space, clean up shall not proceed without first consulting with theAviation Department <strong>Plan</strong>ning & Environmental, Environmental Section, SafetyOfficer and Fire Department personnel.Page 4 of7R&R 01-01 Fuel ReleaseAdministration Personnel

IIVYPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPBX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsBYIt PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT Due to the extremely low flash point of Aviation Gasoline (less than -50F)Aviation Department staff are not to attempt the clean up of a large spill. Theresponding Fire Department shall determine the fire danger and contact theEnvironmental Section of the <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Environmental Division [via <strong>Sky</strong><strong>Harbor</strong> Communications, (602) 273-3311] immediately so that they may contactthe City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> hazardous waste contractor if necessary.In this event, Aviation will require the responsible party to hire an environmentalresponse contractor to mitigate the release, and to report the release to theNational Response Center at (800) 424-8802 and the Arizona Department ofEnvironmental Quality at (602) 771-2300.<strong>Phoenix</strong> Deer Valley Airport and <strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear AirportUpon notification of a release, Airport Operations crews will respond and directcleanup activities. The responsible party may choose to perform the work with anapproved absorbent material or Airport crews will have the materials andcapabilities to clean up release of fewer than 10 gallons. Larger releases maynecessitate contacting an environmental response contractor. This may be doneby the responsible party or the Airport by contacting the Environmental Section ofthe <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Environmental Division [via <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications, (602)273-3311].If a release has flowed into a storm or sanitary drain or bare soils, contact theEnvironmental Section of the <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Environmental Division [via <strong>Sky</strong><strong>Harbor</strong> Communications, (602) 273-3311] immediately. In this event, Aviation willrequire the responsible party to hire an environmental response contractor tomitigate the release, and to report the release to the National Response Centerat (800) 424-8802 and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality at (602)771-2300.Approved Clean Up MaterialsClean up crews will use approved absorbent materials and equipment best suitedand environmentally acceptable for the clean up of releases. Absorbent materialsgenerated by the Aviation Department will be containerized and theEnvironmental Section of the <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Environmental Division will beresponsible for arranging for appropriate disposal. The responsible party shallbear the cost of the clean up and proper disposal of these materials.Page 50f7R&R 01-01 Fuel ReleaseAdministration Personnel

IIVYPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPBXPHOENIX SKY HARBORINTERNATIONAL AIRPORTAmerica's Friendliest Airport'"City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsBYNPHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORTAdditional NotificationsIn addition to the regular emergency contacts, the following Aviation Departmentpersonnel may need to be contacted:Aviation Department <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Environmental Division(602) 273-8861, Notify if a release is of a material other than Jet A fuel, therelease area cannot be returned to its prior condition, or a release enters a stormor sanitary drain or bare soil.Aviation Department Safety Officer(602) 273-3414, Cellular (602) 821-4436. Notify Aviation Department SafetyOfficer for any personnel safety issues related to fuel releases and releases ofother regulated substances clean up procedures.Documentation and BillingsAirport Operations will initiate an investigation of the cause of a release, fill in thefirst part of a Release Billing Notice and forward the form to Facilities andServices for completion.Fuel releases and releases of other regulated substances will be subject to thegreater of actual costs or a minimum $300.00 response and investigation fee ifAviation personnel provide clean up services. The on site Aviation Supervisorshall document on a work order all labor, equipment and supplies utilized for arelease clean up.Pavement destruction suspected as a result of a release shall be documented bythe Aviation personnel on site who shall then notify the Airfield MaintenanceSupervisor.Discovery of a failure to report a release will result in the issuance of a StormWater Notice of Violation and possible monetary penalty to the responsible party.The Aviation Department shall recover all costs associated with a release,including clean up, generated materials disposal, regulatory and investigatorytime, waste testing and pavement repair costs from the responsible party.Page 6 of 7R&R 01"01 Fuel ReleaseAdministration Personnel

DVTPHOENIX DEER VALLEY AIRPORTPNX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT America's Friendliest Airport'" City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Rules & RegulationsllYN PHOENIX GOODYEAR AIRPORT The foregoing Rule and regulation is hereby amended this day of"~~l? ,2010.Dann~Aviation DirectorPage 7 of 7 R&R 01-01 Fuel Release Administration Personnel

Attachment 5.0 – List of Spills, Leaks andReleases

Spill ReportYear: 2011 Airport: <strong>Phoenix</strong> GoodyearPrimary TenantSpill DateSpillLocationLux Air 15-Feb-11 GYR Fuel 5 gallonsMaterial Est. Qty. Description ResponseA fuel spill (Jet A) occurred near the LuxAir fuel truckparking area. Approximately 5 gallons of Jet A wasspilled and contained on the concrete ramp. There wasno exposure to stormwater drains or soils. Theresponsible party was Northwest Pump & Equipmentwhile conducting annual meter calibrations for LuxAir’sfuel trucks.LuxAir personnel were vigilant in their responseand immediately deployed spill kit materials andcleaned up the spill. Environmental Dept. LisaFarinas was notified via email and voicemail ofthe spill details. JQAttachment 5 ‐ 1

Spill ReportYear: 2012 Airport: <strong>Phoenix</strong> GoodyearPrimary TenantLux AirSpill Date9-Feb-12SpillLocationOxfordFacilityMaterial Est. Qty. Description ResponseFuel5 Gallons Lux Air reported a fuel spill at Oxford.<strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility 10-Feb-12 Gate 2A Other N/A Report of "a diesel spill" was investigated at Gate 2A.Clement responded. Approximately 5 gallons ofAvgas from a Seneca was contained andcleaned up. 4 bags of absorbent were used.The fluid was water, presumably from AchenGardner motor broom.<strong>Phoenix</strong> PGA Facility 4-Apr-12 GYR Pesticides0.5GallonsDave reported and cleaned up minor spill of 0.5 gallonsof diluted 2% glyphosphate solution.The minor spill was contained in secondarycontainment for pesticides, contaminatedcartons, gloves, face shields, anddocumentation were disposed and replaced.AeroTurbine16-Apr-12AeroTurbine washrackFuel100GallonsCall received from Annemarie of AeroTurbine statingthat there was a fuel spill at the wash rack on theirlease-hold. Lux Air employee had been defueling A320N203FR. Employee did not follow proper procedures toensure that the defuel truck could hold the fuel. Trucktank overfilled and approximately 100 gallons of Jet-Afuel spilled into the contained wash rack.GYR personnel responded with a camera. Nofuel flowed into the sump pump of the washrack prior to being contained with kitty litter. Thespill response was quick and no fuel left thecontained area. Lisa Farinas of <strong>Plan</strong>ning &Environmental was called at 11:20am. Pictureswere taken and a report will be forwarded withpictures to Lisa Farinas.Attachment 5 ‐ 2

Spill ReportYear: 2013 Airport: <strong>Phoenix</strong> GoodyearPrimary TenantSpill DateSpillLocationAeroTurbine 30-Jan-13 AeroTurbineunpaved lotSWPPP - <strong>Phoenix</strong>Goodyear AirportMaterial Est. Qty. Description ResponseFuel30 gallons15-May-13 unknown Other unknownAeroTurbine 3-Nov-13 AeroTurbine Fuel 2 gallonsFuel from a GPU that they were preparing to transportwas spilled onto the dirt.Marty with EarthCare reporting spill of soil stabilizer atthe fire hydrant they are filling from. Spill is ontoconcrete. Marty is going to use water truck to dilute thespill.AeroTurbine was cross-feeding fuel for Airbus A-319and spilled a couple gallons of fuel.GYR Operations and Richard Wegenerresponded to the spill. Lisa Farinas wascontacted to survey the spill area. PSCExcavating contacted to dig out thecontaminated soil.The spill was diluted using water and LisaFarinas was contacted.AeroTurbine responded immediately andcleaned up the spill with absorbent.Lux Air 23-Dec-13 Goodyear Other 1 gallon Lux Air's tanker JR 7 had a hydraulic gasket failure.The spill was contained and the tankerrepaired.Attachment 5 ‐ 3

Spill ReportYear: 2014 Airport: <strong>Phoenix</strong> GoodyearPrimary Tenant Spill Date Spill Location Material Est. Qty. Description ResponseSWPPP - <strong>Phoenix</strong>Goodyear Airport7-Mar-14GroundwaterTreatmentFacilityOther5,000gallonsDue to a malfunction at the treatment facility,approximately 5000 gallons of water were spilled withinthe facility. 1,000 gallons were not contained within thefacility and spilled on to the ground north of the facility.Haley and Aldrich and Goodyear Tire and Rubber wereaware of the discharge. City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> will have thesoil where the spill occurred tested to ensure it was notcontaminated.Haley and Aldrich and Goodyear Tire andRubber were aware of the discharge. City of<strong>Phoenix</strong> will have the soil where the spilloccurred tested to ensure it was notcontaminated.SWPPP - <strong>Phoenix</strong>Goodyear Airport10-Mar-14GroundwaterExtraction WellNo. E-16OtherA coupling on Groundwater Extraction Well No. E-16malfunctioned. Discharged water flowed across the siteand entered a storm drain for a period of 35 minutesbefore the water could be stopped.Haley and Aldrich and Goodyear Tire andRubber were immediately notified of thedischarge. Testing of the extraction well waterfrom February 10, 2014 shows that the waterdid not exceed any reportable limits. The stormdrain connects to an irrigation ditch but did notreach Bullard Wash. The City of Goodyear andRoosevelt Irrigation District were notified.SWPPP - <strong>Phoenix</strong>Goodyear Airport11-Mar-14 Hangar 18 Other3900gallonsFirefighting foam system testing was performed atHangar 18 without covering the adjacent storm drains.The Contractor was informed that they neededto cover the nearby storm drains and have thefoam picked up after the testing. The NRC andADEQ were notified on March 13, 2014. NRCCase Number: 1076622. The storm drainconnects to an irrigation ditch owned byRoosevelt Irrigation District but did not reachBullard Wash. Roosevelt Irrigation District wasnotified of the incident.Attachment 5 ‐ 4

Attachment 6.0 – Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong>

Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong><strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear AirportTenant InformationName:Address:Spill Response ContactName:Office Phone:Cell Phone:Alternate ContactName:Office Phone:Cell Phone:When a spill occurs:1. Stop the source of the spill if it is safe to do so2. For all spills regardless of size, call the GoodyearOperations Center at (602) 932-1200 between 6am – 9pm orthe <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Communications Center at (602) 273-3311between 9pm – 6am to relay the following:a. Locationb. Material Spilledc. Whether the release has been stoppedd. Approximate size of the spille. Aircraft and/or equipment involvedf. Whether tenant personnel are capable of clean up3. Initiate diversion actions (such as diking the leading edge ofthe spill with absorbent materials)4. Remain on site and meet with City Fire Department,Emergency Services, or other Aviation Departmentrepresentatives5. Clean-up - for minor spills (less than 1 gal.) of non-hazardousmaterials, tenants may initiate clean up themselves, otherwisetenants are responsible for cleanup costs incurred by theAviation DepartmentLast updated 12/2007

Attachment 7.0 – Annual Training AttendanceForms

Attachment 8.0 – Quarterly Inspection Form(Blank)

CITY OF PHOENIX AVIATION DEPARTMENTQUARTERLY FACILITY INSPECTION FORMFACILITY INFORMATIONTenant Name: Airport: PHX DVT GYR Address:PPT Member(s): Phone Number: Email :PREVIOUS ISSUESINSPECTION INFORMATIONInspector: Site Visit Date Site Visit TimeInspector:WEATHER INFORMATION Clear Cloudy Raining Last Rain Event: w/in 24 hrs 24‐72 hrs 72 hrs +CM – GENERAL (1)Activity Specific CMsSpill(s) or staining observed (1.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials/Activities conducted under storm resistant cover (1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Exposed areas clean and orderly (1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Restricted/controlled site access (1.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable or less hazardous products used where possible (1.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong> posted (1.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits stocked with adequate materials for activities conducted in area (1.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response equipment accessible and located where spills are probable tooccur (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) properly labeled (1.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) are appropriately covered or have a lid (1.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits free of trash, debris or used sorbent (1.6.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response materials properly cleaned up and disposed (1.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Signs posted near outdoor hose bibs listing use restrictions (1.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Contractor/sub‐contractor adhered to CM specifications (10.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Copy of SWPPP (or can locate electronically) (1.15) Yes No N/A Comment:SDSs available for chemicals stored/used onsite (may be available by phone orelectronically) (5.6) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Quarterly Facility Inspection 1 rev. 3/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – AVE MAINTENANCE (2) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Vehicle and equipment maintenance performed indoors or under stormresistant cover (2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Parts cleaning and degreasing done indoors or under cover (2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dispose of waste materials regularly and properly (2.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Performed away from storm drains or drains covered (2.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Maintain spill kits on maintenance vehicles (2.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Vehicles and equipment properly maintained and not leaking (2.6) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE CLEANING (3) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Wash plan submitted and approved by COPAD (applicable only to wash serviceproviders) (3.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Dry washing techniques used (3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Off‐site commercial car washes used (3.2). Yes No N/A CommentDesignated wash area utilized (3.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water recycled (3.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water and/or other washing materials disposed of properly (3.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area is covered, paved and/or bermed (3.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area properly maintained (3.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Water based cleaning agents used (3.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable phosphate‐free detergents used (3.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Non‐ emulsifying agent used in area equipped with an OWS (3.4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE STORAGE (4) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Equipment has been awaiting repair for an extended period of time (4.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Stored vehicles are free of excess buildup of grease/oil (4.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area covered, paved, and properly maintained (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored away from storm drains (4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area is bermed (4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Cover provided for equipment and vehicles awaiting repair (4.6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Used tires stored outdoors are off the ground and properly covered (4.4) Yes No N/A Comment:No long‐term (>30 day) storage of vehicles and equipment (4.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Fluids and batteries removed from AVE stored long‐term (>30 day) (4.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans or absorbent pads used to contain leaks (4.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans regularly checked and emptied (4.6.3, 4.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Quarterly Facility Inspection 2 rev. 3/2014

CM – MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS ( 5)Activity Specific CMsExcessive amount of chemicals stored outdoors (5.2.3, 5.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak(s) and/or spill(s) observed in material storage area(s) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE and containers free of excessive oil/grease buildup (5.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drum‐top absorbent pads used to contain small leaks (5.1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage and transfer areas located away from storm drains, indoors, orunder storm‐resistant cover (5.2.1, 5.2.4, 5.3, 5.13) Yes No N/A Comment:Liquids stored and handled in paved areas (5.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Hazardous and/or flammable liquids properly stored in a flammable storagecabinet (5.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials protected from rainfall, run‐on, run‐off, and wind dispersal (5.2.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Liquids dispensed from upright drums with hand pump (5.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment and self‐closing spigots provided for horizontallypositioned drums (5.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials and liquids stored on secondary containment (5.8.1, ) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment is free of liquids and/or debris (5.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment adequately sized (5.8.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage area signs posted listing materials stored (5.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials stored in appropriate containers (5.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Clearly labeled and stored containers (5.11.1, 5.11.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Bone yards eliminated (5.12) Yes No N/A Comment:Material or liquid storage containers are in good condition (i.e., free of cracks,properly closes, etc.) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – FUEL SYSTEMS AND FUELING AREAS (6) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Designated areas for temporary tanker truck parking (6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Automatic shut‐off mechanisms in place on fuel tankers (6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fueling tanks fitted with monitoring and alarm equipment (6.3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Fueling tanks fitted with breakaway hose connections (6.3.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fuel pumps fitted with “Do Not Top Off” signs (6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Accidental releases blocked from reaching storm drains (6.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Equipment fueled in designated areas (6.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fuel loading/unloading area covered to reduce exposure (6.5.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits maintained on mobile refuelers (6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Aircraft fuel samples properly collected, stored and disposed of (6.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – OWS (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________OWS drainage area free of spills and debris (9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:OWS installed where needed (9.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:OWS maintained on a regular basis (9.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Properly dispose of cleaning waste. (9.7.4) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Quarterly Facility Inspection 3 rev. 3/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE (7) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Use of pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer minimized (7.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers applied properly (7.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Landscaping provided for erosion control (7.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Floors and ground surfaces cleaned using dry methods, i.e. broom or vacuum(7.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Interior floor cleaning water properly disposed (7.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Exterior ground surfaces cleaned and wash water collected and properlydisposed (7.4.2, 7.11) Yes No N/A Comment:Landscape waste, sweepings and sediments properly disposed of (7.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Catch basins regularly cleaned (7.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Filter fabric used in storm drains (7.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Storm drain inlets labeled (7.8) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL (8)Leak from trash cart(s), trash can(s), or dumpster(s) observed (8.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Oil, grease, solvents, batteries, etc. recycled in a timely fashion (8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Used batteries properly stored and recycled in 30 days (8.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Batteries stored on secondary containment and under cover (8.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Containers labeled "Used Batteries" (8.2.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Used oil containers and filters properly disposed of or recycled (8.3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpsters cleaned in designated areas (8.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Adequate number of trash receptacles provided throughout facility (8.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spilled fluids collected and properly disposed (8.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Waste and unusable material disposed of properly (8.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster not overloaded with material (8.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster lids closed (8.9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster drains equipped with plugs (8.9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Trash receptacles have lids (8.9.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection area properly maintained (8.9.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection areas covered (8.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – LAVATORY (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Waste spill and/or leak observed (9.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Lavatory activities performed away from storm drain inlets (9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Detergent/disinfectant mixing and transfer conducted under cover (9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Approved fluids used for servicing aircraft lavatories (9.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Proper procedures for servicing aircraft lavatories followed (9.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Lavatory waste properly disposed (9.5.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response supplies maintained on lavatory service vehicles (9.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Lavatory service equipment maintained (9.8) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – POTABLE WATER SERVICE (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Potable water flushing performed in designated area (9.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Proper procedures for servicing potable water systems followed (9.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Quarterly Facility Inspection 4 rev. 3/2014

INSPECTION SUMMARYCompliance Items/Notes Yes NoCM(s) CommentOutstanding Performance Yes NoCM(s) CommentINSPECTOR SIGNATURE TIME COMPLETE TENANT INITIALSI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction orsupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered andevaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, orthose persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of myknowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.Name:SignatureCOPAD Quarterly Facility Inspection 5 rev. 3/2014

CITY OF PHOENIX AVIATION DEPARTMENTWASH SERVICE PROVIDER QUARTERLY FACILITY INSPECTION FORMFACILITY INFORMATIONTenant Name: Airport: PHX DVT GYR Address:PPT Member(s): Phone Number: Email :PREVIOUS ISSUESINSPECTION INFORMATIONInspector: Site Visit Date Site Visit TimeInspector:WEATHER INFORMATION Clear Cloudy Raining Last Rain Event: w/in 24 hrs 24‐72 hrs 72 hrs +CM – GENERAL (1)Spill(s) or staining observed (1.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Exposed areas clean and orderly (1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Restricted/controlled site access (1.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable or less hazardous products used where possible (1.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong> posted (1.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits stocked with adequate materials for activities conducted in area(1.6.1)Spill response equipment accessible and located where spills are probable tooccur (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment: Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) properly labeled (1.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) are appropriately covered or have a lid (1.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits free of trash, debris or used sorbent (1.6.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response materials properly cleaned up and disposed (1.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Contractor/sub‐contractor adhered to CM specifications (10.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Copy of SWPPP (or can locate electronically) (1.15) Yes No N/A Comment:SDSs available for chemicals stored/used onsite (may be available by phone orelectronically) (5.6) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE STORAGE (4) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Equipment has been awaiting repair for an extended period of time (4.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Stored vehicles are free of excess buildup of grease/oil (4.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area covered, paved, and properly maintained (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored away from storm drains (4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area is bermed (4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Cover provided for equipment and vehicles awaiting repair (4.6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans or absorbent pads used to contain leaks (4.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans regularly checked and emptied (4.6.3, 4.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:WSP COPAD Quarterly Inspection 1 rev. 3/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – AVE CLEANING (3) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Wash plan submitted and approved by COPAD (applicable only to washservice providers) (3.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Dry washing techniques used (3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Designated wash area utilized (3.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water recycled (3.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water and/or other washing materials disposed of properly (3.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area is covered, paved and/or bermed (3.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area properly maintained (3.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Water based cleaning agents used (3.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable phosphate‐free detergents used (3.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Non‐emulsifying agent used in area equipped with an OWS (3.4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS ( 5)Excessive amount of chemicals stored outdoors (5.2.3, 5.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak(s) and/or spill(s) observed in material storage area(s) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE and containers free of excessive oil/grease buildup (5.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drum‐top absorbent pads used to contain small leaks (5.1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Liquids stored and handled in paved areas (5.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Hazardous and/or flammable liquids properly stored in a flammable storagecabinet (5.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials protected from rainfall, run‐on, run‐off, and wind dispersal (5.2.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials and liquids stored on secondary containment (5.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment is free of liquids and/or debris (5.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment adequately sized (5.8.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage area signs posted listing materials stored (5.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials stored in appropriate containers (5.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Clearly labeled and stored containers (5.11.1, 5.11.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Bone yards eliminated (5.12) Yes No N/A Comment:Material or liquid storage containers are in good condition (i.e., free of cracks,properly closes, etc.) (5.17)CM – WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL (8) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak from trash cart(s), trash can(s), or dumpster(s) observed (8.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Oil, grease, solvents, batteries, etc. recycled in a timely fashion (8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Adequate number of trash receptacles provided throughout facility (8.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spilled fluids collected and properly disposed (8.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Waste and unusable material disposed of properly (8.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster not overloaded with material (8.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster lids closed (8.9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster drains equipped with plugs (8.9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Trash receptacles have lids (8.9.6) Yes No N/A Comment:WSP COPAD Quarterly Inspection 2 rev. 3/2014

INSPECTION SUMMARYCompliance Items/Notes Yes NoCM(s) CommentOutstanding Performance Yes NoCM(s) CommentINSPECTOR SIGNATURE TIME COMPLETE TENANT INITIALSI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction orsupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered andevaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, orthose persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of myknowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.Name:SignatureWSP COPAD Quarterly Inspection 3 rev. 3/2014

Attachment 9.0 – Visual Assessment Form

Wet Season:Date:Time:Estimated Storm Start Time:Observer:GYR Visual Inspection FormWere you able to observe outfall(s) within 30 minutes from the start of the storm? If not, please provide explanation.YesNoOutfall LocationOutfall2A 2BStart of/Duration of Obs.Is Outfall Dry?N/AColorNoneLight TanOther (describe) _________________________N/ANoneMustySewageOdor SulfurSourPetroleum/GasSolventsOther (describe) ______________________N/AClearClaritySlightly CloudyCloudyOpaqueOther (describe) ______________________N/AFoam NoneOther (describe) ______________________N/ANoneFlecksSheen GobsSheenSlickOther (describe) ______________________N/AFloatingNoSolidsYes (describe) ______________________N/ASuspendedNoSolidsYes (describe) ______________________N/ASettledNoSolidsYes (describe) ______________________Summer 1 Summer 2Winter 1 Winter 2Runway/ TaxiwayTenantOperations Area(RID & LockheedLakes)Sampling not performed due to adverse conditions?NoYesSampling not performed due to no measurable stormevent occuring that resulted in a discharge during themonitoring period?NoYesWas follow up conducted? If so, provide explanation inComments section below.NoYes (explain in Comments section)Normal stormwater samples are generally yellowish tolight tan and slightly cloudy. Investigations will not beinitiated for such samplesCOMMENTS:Page 1 of 1

October 2011RE:Alternative Industrial <strong>Stormwater</strong> Visual Assessment Requirements forSector S (Air Transportation) FacilitiesDear Sector S Facility Owner/Operator:As airports have worked to implement Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP 2010) requirements, theArizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has become aware of the practical challenge someairports may have implementing visual assessment monitoring requirements where the airport authority isworking with multiple tentants/co-permittees to implement the permit. The department is providing thisoptional alternative approach to visual assessment monitoring to assist the airport and its tenants/copermitteesin meeting permitting requirements by providing flexibility to visual assessment monitoring.BackgroundAirports and tenants that are engaged in industrial activity that results in a stormwater discharge mustobtain AZPDES permit coverage by each submitting a separate Notice of Intent (NOI), regardless ofwhether the tenants are co-permittees (see Federal Register, Volume 60, Number 189, Friday,September 29, 1995, page 50998). Each NOI must include information specific to the facility beingpermitted, including the name and address of the facility, and the latitude and longitude of the facility (seeArizona Administrative Code R18-9-C901(D)).The MSGP 2010 requires permittees (including co-permittees) to conduct visual assessment monitoringfour times per year (twice each in the winter and summer wet seasons). The intended purpose of thevisual assessment monitoring is to provide a useful and inexpensive means for permittees to evaluate theeffectiveness of their stormwater pollution control measures. It is important to note that a co-permittee isa permittee to an AZPDES permit that is only responsible for AZPDES permit conditions relating to thedischarge for which it is an operator (40 CFR 122.26(b)(1)).Therefore, under the MSGP 2010, permittees/co-permittees are required to conduct visual assessment atthe outfalls from their permitted facility. U.S. EPA has provided clarification of outfall as follows:Q6A6What is the definition of “outfall”In general, an industrial outfall is the point where stormwater associated with industrialactivity discharges to waters of the U.S. or a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4). An outfall does not include conveyances, pipes, or tunnels connecting segmentsof the same system. Sometimes the actual receiving waterbody may be some distanceaway from the industrial site, (for example, when a facility’s stormwater flows offsite to anoutfall via a conveyance that is not part of the MS4, sometimes being commingled withdischarges from other facilities, roadways, etc. along the way). In such cases, thefacility’s outfall is considered to be the location where the discharges leave the industrialsite, and the conveyance is considered to be a tributary to a receiving water. (Questionsand Answers Regarding the Multi-Sector General Permit for <strong>Stormwater</strong>Southern Regional Office400 West Congress Street • Suite 433 • Tucson, AZ 85701(520) 628-6733Printed on recycled paper

Page 2 of 3Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, as updated August 14, 2009, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency)Conducting visual assessment precisely where the stormwater leaves a permitted facility provides theoperator the advantage of evaluating the stormwater before it commingles with stormwater from otherfacilities. Visual assessment conducted in this way also gives the operator an immediate opportunity tomitigate problems in the event pollutants are discovered, and is therefore an important component inmeeting the requirements and objectives of MSGP 2010.However, based on discussions between ADEQ and various airports located in Arizona, some airportsmay have real and practical considerations that prevent them from conducting visual assessments in thismanner. Specifically, hazards inherent to airport operations may preclude visual assessments of each“outfall” of multiple tenants/co-permittees during storm events.Optional Sector S Visual Assessment Alternative RequirementsThe department will allow, at the option of the airport, visual assessment monitoring to be conducted at“main outfalls” in lieu of visual assessment monitoring at each tenant facility. For the purpose of this visualassessment alternative at Sector S facilities, “main outfalls” are those outfalls that discharge industrialstormwater collected from two (2) or more regulated tenants and discharge directly to a receiving water ora municipal separate storm sewer system.The optional Sector S Visual Assessment Alternative has the following requirements:1) Visual assessment must be conducted two (2) times per wet season (see MSGP section 4.2) ateach of the “main outfall(s).” As each outfall discharges stormwater collected from an area of theairport occupied by a number of tenants, visual assessment at each of the “main outfalls” willprovide a nearly equivalent assessment of each tenant’s facility and stormwater quality – as isintended by the MSGP 2010.If this optional visual assessment approach is selected, the airport and its co-permittees cannotmake use of the substantially identical outfall provision of the MSGP 2010 permit for outfalls thatreceive industrial stormwater combined from two (2) or more permitted facilities. The airportretains the option to use of the substantially identical outfall provision for those outfalls that do notreceive combined industrial stormwater discharges from co-permittee facilities, provided permitrequirements are met (see permit section and fact sheet section IX.A.1)2) The stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must include a detailed process for identifyingpollutant sources. The process must take into consideration how the pollution prevention teamwill trace a pollutant discovered in a visual assessment sample from a “main outfall” back to aparticular tenant or source. The process must include, at a minimum, the following:a) Identification of personnel (by name and/or title) involved in visual assessmentmonitoring:b) Actions to be taken to identify pollutant source(s);c) Timeframes for actions to identify pollutants source(s), notifying tenant(s), andcorrecting control measure deficiencies; andd) Documentation of actions and outcome.3) For the first two years of the permit (and thereafter if requested by ADEQ), the airport authorityshall submit documentation of visual assessment activities to the department no later than June30 of each year. The documentation must include the information specified in section 4.2.2 of thepermit as well as the following:

Page 3 of 3a) Physical indicator parameters listed in section 4.2.1; andb) The action step(s), source(s), and outcome for each follow up investigation.While not required, the department encourages airport tenants to participate in visual assessmentmonitoring activities to help foster awareness and involvement in their stormwater program activities andresponsibilities.If information becomes available to the department that demonstrates this optional alternative approach isineffective at evaluating control measures, the department may withdraw this alternative approach eitherin whole or on a site by site basis.ConclusionBased on discussions with various Arizona airports and information currently available to the department,ADEQ believes that this optional visual assessment monitoring approach at “main outfalls” together withthe above requirements serve as an equivalent and protective measure to evaluate the effectiveness ofstormwater pollution control measures at airports.If you have any questions about visual assessment requirements, the alternative visual assessmentrequirements for Sector S facilities described in this letter, or other questions about the AZPDES programplease contact Christopher Henninger at or (602) 771-4508.

Attachment 10.0 – Comprehensive FacilityInspection Form (Blank)

CITY OF PHOENIX AVIATION DEPARTMENTCOMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION FORMFACILITY INFORMATIONTenant Name: Airport: PHX DVT GYR Address:PPT Member(s): Phone Number: Email :PREVIOUS ISSUESINSPECTION INFORMATIONInspector: Site Visit Date Site Visit TimeInspector:WEATHER INFORMATION Clear Cloudy Raining Last Rain Event: w/in 24 hrs 24‐72 hrs 72 hrs +FACILITY ACTIVITIESActivity Yes No Sub Notes Activity Yes No Sub NotesAVE MaintenanceFuel System and Fueling AreasAircraft MaintenanceAircraft FuelingAircraft Painting/StrippingVehicle FuelingEquipment MaintenanceFuel StorageVehicle MaintenanceTanks (UST/AST)Vehicle Painting/StrippingBuilding and Grounds MaintenanceAVE CleaningFloor Wash DownAircraft WashingLandscape MaintenanceVehicle WashingOWS/Lav/Potable WaterEquipment WashingOil/Water Separator(s)Equipment DegreasingAircraft Sanitary ServiceAVE StorageAircraft DeicingAircraft StorageAircraft DeicingVehicle StorageRunway/Taxiway DeicingEquipment StorageOtherMaterial Storage AreasConstructionHaz‐Mat/Waste GenerationAircraft Rental and SalesChemical StorageCargo Handling(1) Fuel/OilChemicals Storage Location Quantities(2) Solvents(3) Soaps/Detergents(4) Paint(5) Herbicides/Pesticides(6) OtherCOPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 1 rev. 1/2014

CM – DOCUMENTATION (1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9)FACILITY INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTATIONActivity Specific CMsCopy of SWPPP (or can locate electronically) (1.15) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Comply with record keeping & reporting requirements of MSGP.Copies: SWPPP, Annual Reports, VA Reports, Inspection Forms, NOI,Authorization to Discharge/NEC, and CA Reports (1.15) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Retain waste generation and disposal documentation (8.6.1) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:SDSs available for chemicals stored/used onsite (may be available byphone or electronically) (5.6) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Activities inspected for non‐stormwater discharges (1.13) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Maintenance area inspections (2.7, 2.8) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Wash areas inspected (3.9, 3.10) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:AVE storage areas inspected (4.7) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Material/waste storage and transfer areas inspected (5.16) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:<strong>Stormwater</strong> control devices and outfalls inspected (7.6) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Sumps and catch basins inspected (7.12) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Fueling areas and storage tanks inspected (6.8) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Fire fighting foam deluge system inspected (7.13) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Waste storage areas inspected (8.11) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:OWS and sumps inspected and maintained (9.11.1, 9.11.2, 9.14) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:TRAINING<strong>Stormwater</strong> training for employees (1.11) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Waste management training (8.10.1) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Fuel spill response training (6.8) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:SPCC PLANIf fueler or car rental facility, do you have a cumulative 1,320 AST or42,000 UST? Yes No Doc N/A Comment:If so, do you have a current SPCC <strong>Plan</strong> (5.15) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:If so, certified annual review letter (5.19) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:If so, SPCC training (5.15) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:CM – FACILITY STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS (10) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________TI program contacted about project (10.1, 10.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Contractor adhered to CM specifications (10.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Provided copies of pertinent CMs to contractor (10.8) Yes No N/A Comment:As‐built drawings maintained (10.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Pervious landscaping design taken into consideration (10.3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Native or low‐maintenance landscaping used (10.3.2) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 2 rev. 1/2014

CM – GENERAL (1)Activity Specific CMsMaterials/Activities conducted under storm resistant cover (1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Exposed areas clean and orderly (1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Restricted/controlled site access (1.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable or less hazardous products used where possible (1.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong> posted (1.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits stocked with adequate materials for activities conducted in area(1.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response equipment accessible (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits located where spills are probable to occur (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) properly labeled (1.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) are appropriately covered or have a lid (1.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits free of trash, debris or used sorbent (1.6.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill(s) or staining observed (1.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response materials properly cleaned up and disposed (1.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Signs posted near outdoor hose bibs listing use restrictions (1.9) Yes No N/A Comment:If not, is the building with the hose bib City‐owned? Location? (n/a) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE MAINTENANCE (2) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Vehicle and equipment maintenance performed indoors or under stormresistant cover (2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Parts cleaning and degreasing done indoors or under cover (2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dispose of waste materials regularly and properly (2.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Performed away from storm drains or drains covered (2.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Maintain spill kits on maintenance vehicles (2.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Vehicles and equipment properly maintained and not leaking (2.6) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE CLEANING (3) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Wash plan submitted and approved by COPAD (applicable only to washservice providers) (3.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Dry washing techniques used (3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Designated wash area utilized (3.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water recycled (3.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water and/or other washing materials disposed of properly (3.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area is covered, paved and/or bermed (3.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area properly maintained (3.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Water based cleaning agents used (3.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable phosphate‐free detergents used (3.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dawn or other emulsifying agent used in area equipped with an OWS (3.4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 3 rev. 1/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – AVE STORAGE (4) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Stored vehicles had excess buildup of grease/oil (4.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Equipment has been awaiting repair for an extended period of time (4.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area paved and properly maintained (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored away from storm drains (4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area is bermed (4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored in covered areas to reduce exposure (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Cover provided for equipment and vehicles awaiting repair (4.6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Tires stored outdoors are properly covered (4.4) Yes No N/A Comment:No long‐term (>30 day) storage of vehicles and equipment (4.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Fluids removed from AVE stored long‐term (>30 day) (4.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans or absorbent pads used to contain leaks (4.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans regularly checked and emptied (4.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS ( 5)Excessive amount of chemicals stored outdoors (5.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak(s) and/or spill(s) observed in material storage area(s) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE and containers free of excessive oil/grease buildup (5.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage and transfer areas away from storm drains (5.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage and transfer areas located indoors or under storm‐resistantcover (5.2.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemicals stored and handled in paved areas (5.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Hazardous and/or flammable liquids properly stored in a flammable storagecabinet (5.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Liquids dispensed from upright drums with hand pump (5.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment and self‐closing spigots provided for horizontallypositioned drums (5.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemicals stored on secondary containment (5.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment is free of liquids and/or debris (5.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment adequately sized (5.8.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage area signs posted listing materials stored (5.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials stored in appropriate containers (5.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Clearly labeled and stored containers (5.11.1, 5.11.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Bone yards eliminated (5.12) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemical storage containers are in good condition (i.e., free of cracks,properly closes, etc.) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 4 rev. 1/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – FUEL SYSTEMS AND FUELING AREAS (6) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Designated areas for temporary tanker truck parking (6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Automatic shut‐off mechanisms in place on fuel tankers (6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fueling tanks fitted with monitoring and alarm equipment (6.3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Fueling tanks fitted with breakaway hose connections (6.3.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Vehicle fueling station fitted with “Do Not Top Off” signs (6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Accidental releases blocked from reaching storm drains (6.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Equipment fueled in designated areas (6.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fuel loading/unloading area covered to reduce exposure (6.5.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits maintained on mobile refuelers (6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Aircraft fuel samples properly collected, stored and disposed of (6.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE (7) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Use of pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer minimized (7.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers applied properly (7.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Landscaping provided for erosion control (7.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Interior floor cleaning water properly disposed (7.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Exterior ground surfaces cleaned without hosing down work areas (7.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Fire fighting foam deluge system tested and maintained (7.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Foam discharge disposed of properly (7.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Landscape waste, sweepings and sediments properly disposed of (7.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Catch basins regularly cleaned (7.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Filter fabric used in storm drains (7.7.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Storm drains labeled (7.8) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL (8)Leak from trash cart(s), trash can(s), or dumpster(s) observed (8.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Oil, grease, solvents, batteries, etc. recycled in a timely fashion (8.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Used batteries properly stored and recycled in 30 days (8.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Batteries stored on secondary containment and under cover (8.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Containers labeled "Used Batteries" (8.2.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Used oil containers and filters properly disposed of or recycled (8.3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpsters cleaned in designated areas (8.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Adequate number of trash receptacles provided throughout facility (8.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Waste and unusable material disposed of properly (8.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster not overloaded with material (8.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster lids closed (8.9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster drains equipped with plugs (8.9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Trash receptacles have lids (8.9.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection area properly maintained (8.9.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection areas covered (8.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 5 rev. 1/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – OWS (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________OWS drainage area free of spills and debris (9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:OWS installed where needed (9.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:OWS maintained on a regular basis (9.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Properly dispose of cleaning waste. (9.7.4) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – LAVATORY (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Waste spill and/or leak observed (9.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Detergent/disinfectant mixing and transfer conducted under cover (9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Approved fluids used for servicing aircraft lavatories (9.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Proper procedures for servicing aircraft lavatories followed (9.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Lavatory waste properly disposed (9.5.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response equipment and supplies maintained on lavatory service vehicles(9.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Lavatory service equipment inspected and maintained (9.12.1, 9.13) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – POTABLE WATER SERVICE (9) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Potable water flushing performed in designated area (9.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Proper procedures for servicing potable water systems followed (9.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – DEICING (11) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Deicing done in designated areas (11.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Deicing materials collected and disposed of properly after use (11.5) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD sweeper called after deicing operations (11.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Alternative deicing/anti‐icing chemicals and/or practices considered (11.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Proper quantities of deicing fluid used (11.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Monthly quantities of deicing fluids tracked and reported (11.9) Yes No N/A Comment:Call made to <strong>Stormwater</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> Deicing Hotline (602‐8‐GLYCOL)for deicing event(s) (11.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Maintenance performed away from storm drains or drains covered (11.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response equipment and supplies maintained (11.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Note: COPAD is required to conduct monthly inspections during deicing season. In addition, tenants must provide monthly quantities of deicing fluid used during thedeicing season and send this information to Julia Chivington‐Buck at CDM Smith, Comprehensive Facility Inspection 6 rev. 1/2014

Activity Specific CMsINSPECTION SUMMARYCompliance Items/Notes Yes NoCM(s) CommentOutstanding Performance Yes NoCM(s) CommentINSPECTOR SIGNATURE TIME COMPLETE TENANT INITIALSI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction orsupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered andevaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, orthose persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of myknowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.Name:SignatureCOPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 7 rev. 1/2014

CITY OF PHOENIX AVIATION DEPARTMENTCOMPREHENSIVE FACILITY INSPECTION FORMWASH SERVICE PROVIDERFACILITY INFORMATIONTenant Name: Airport: PHX DVT GYR Address:PPT Member(s): Phone Number: Email :PREVIOUS ISSUESINSPECTION INFORMATIONInspector: Site Visit Date Site Visit TimeInspector:WEATHER INFORMATION Clear Cloudy Raining Last Rain Event: w/in 24 hrs 24-72 hrs 72 hrs +FACILITY ACTIVITIESActivity Yes No Sub Notes Activity Yes No Sub NotesAVE MaintenanceFuel System and Fueling AreasAircraft MaintenanceAircraft FuelingAircraft Painting/StrippingVehicle FuelingEquipment MaintenanceFuel StorageVehicle MaintenanceTanks (UST/AST)Vehicle Painting/StrippingBuilding and Grounds MaintenanceAVE CleaningFloor Wash DownAircraft WashingLandscape MaintenanceVehicle WashingOWS/Lav/Potable WaterEquipment WashingOil/Water Separator(s)Equipment DegreasingAircraft Sanitary ServiceAVE StorageAircraft DeicingAircraft StorageAircraft DeicingVehicle StorageRunway/Taxiway DeicingEquipment StorageOtherMaterial Storage AreasConstructionHaz-Mat/Waste GenerationAircraft Rental and SalesChemical StorageCargo Handling(1) Fuel/OilChemicals Storage Location Quantities(2) Solvents(3) Soaps/Detergents(4) Paint(5) Herbicides/Pesticides(6) OtherCOPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 1 rev. 1/2014

CM – DOCUMENTATION (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)FACILITY INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTATIONActivity Specific CMsCopy of SWPPP (or can locate electronically) (1.15) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Comply with record keeping & reporting requirements of MSGP.Copies: SWPPP, Annual Reports, VA Reports, Inspection Forms, NOI,Authorization to Discharge/NEC, and CA Reports (1.15)SDSs available for chemicals stored/used onsite (may be available byphone or electronically) (5.6) Yes No Doc N/A Comment: Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Activities inspected for non-stormwater discharges (1.13) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Wash areas inspected (3.9, 3.10) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:AVE storage areas inspected (4.7) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Material/waste storage and transfer areas inspected (5.16) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Sumps and catch basins inspected (7.12) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:Waste storage areas inspected (8.11) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:TRAINING<strong>Stormwater</strong> training for employees (1.11) Yes No Doc N/A Comment:CM – GENERAL (1)Exposed areas clean and orderly (1.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Restricted/controlled site access (1.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable or less hazardous products used where possible (1.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill Response <strong>Plan</strong> posted (1.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits stocked with adequate materials for activities conducted in area(1.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response equipment accessible (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits located where spills are probable to occur (1.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) properly labeled (1.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kit(s) are appropriately covered or have a lid (1.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill kits free of trash, debris or used sorbent (1.6.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill(s) or staining observed (1.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Spill response materials properly cleaned up and disposed (1.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – AVE CLEANING (3) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Wash plan submitted and approved by COPAD (applicable only to washservice providers) (3.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Dry washing techniques used (3.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Designated wash area utilized (3.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water recycled (3.6.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash water and/or other washing materials disposed of properly (3.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area is covered, paved and/or bermed (3.7) Yes No N/A Comment:Wash area properly maintained (3.8) Yes No N/A Comment:Water based cleaning agents used (3.4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Biodegradable phosphate-free detergents used (3.4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dawn or other emulsifying agent used in area equipped with an OWS (3.4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 2 rev. 1/2014

Activity Specific CMsCM – AVE STORAGE (4) Yes No Subcontractor: __________________________________Stored vehicles had excess buildup of grease/oil (4.5.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Equipment has been awaiting repair for an extended period of time (4.6.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area paved and properly maintained (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored away from storm drains (4.2) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE storage area is bermed (4.3) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE stored in covered areas to reduce exposure (4.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Cover provided for equipment and vehicles awaiting repair (4.6.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Tires stored outdoors are properly covered (4.4) Yes No N/A Comment:No long-term (>30 day) storage of vehicles and equipment (4.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Fluids removed from AVE stored long‐term (>30 day) (4.5.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans or absorbent pads used to contain leaks (4.6.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Drip pans regularly checked and emptied (4.6.3) Yes No N/A Comment:CM – MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS ( 5)Excessive amount of chemicals stored outdoors (5.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak(s) and/or spill(s) observed in material storage area(s) (5.17) Yes No N/A Comment:AVE and containers free of excessive oil/grease buildup (5.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage and transfer areas away from storm drains (5.2.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage and transfer areas located indoors or under storm‐resistantcover (5.2.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemicals stored and handled in paved areas (5.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Hazardous and/or flammable liquids properly stored in a flammable storagecabinet (5.2.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemicals stored on secondary containment (5.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment is free of liquids and/or debris (5.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Secondary containment adequately sized (5.8.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Material storage area signs posted listing materials stored (5.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Materials stored in appropriate containers (5.10) Yes No N/A Comment:Clearly labeled and stored containers (5.11.1, 5.11.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Bone yards eliminated (5.12) Yes No N/A Comment:Chemical storage containers are in good condition (i.e., free of cracks,properly closes, etc.) (5.17)CM – WASTE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL (8) Yes No N/A Comment:Leak from trash cart(s), trash can(s), or dumpster(s) observed (8.7.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Oil, grease, solvents, batteries, etc. recycled in a timely fashion (8.1.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpsters cleaned in designated areas (8.4) Yes No N/A Comment:Adequate number of trash receptacles provided throughout facility (8.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Waste and unusable material disposed of properly (8.8.1) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster not overloaded with material (8.8.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster lids closed (8.9.2) Yes No N/A Comment:Dumpster drains equipped with plugs (8.9.3) Yes No N/A Comment:Trash receptacles have lids (8.9.6) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection area properly maintained (8.9.5) Yes No N/A Comment:Garbage collection areas covered (8.9.1) Yes No N/A Comment:COPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 3 rev. 1/2014

INSPECTION SUMMARYActivity Specific CMsCompliance Items/Notes Yes NoCM(s) CommentOutstanding Performance Yes NoCM(s) CommentINSPECTOR SIGNATURE TIME COMPLETE TENANT INITIALSI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction orsupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered andevaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, orthose persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of myknowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.Name:SignatureCOPAD Comprehensive Facility Inspection 4 rev. 1/2014

Attachment 11.0 – <strong>Stormwater</strong> EnforcementProcedures and Civil Penalty Policy

NOTICE OF STORM WATER VIOLATION INSTRUCTIONSYour Company Is Required To:A. Immediately take measures to safely mitigate the impact of your release, or threatened release, to theenvironment. Obtain spill control equipment or perform measures to contain the release and clean the area.If so directed by Fire or Aviation Department personnel, an environmental emergency response contractorwill be hired by your company.B. Supervisor/manager must report the incident to the airport Environmental Section at 273-8861 within 24hours to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Violation. Weekend reporting can be left on the AviationDepartment answering machine at the same phone number.C. If your company was performing services for an airport tenant when the incident occurred, report theincident to your contracting company.D. Within 15 calendar days of the date of this Notice, submit a detailed report explaining why the incidentoccurred and the corrective action taken to prevent future occurrences. At a minimum, the report mustaddress the following:1) A summary of the names and positions of persons involved in the incident; equipment involved;how the incident occurred, including time, place, and materials and quantity released.2) A detailed description of the investigation and conclusions.3) How cleanup of released materials was performed, including equipment and materials used in theclean up, and how waste was disposed.4) Corrective action your company has taken or plans to take and the time in which all correctiveaction will be completed. If corrective action has not been completed within the 15 day period, acompliance schedule must be submitted for approval by the Aviation Department.5) Please detail what changes to training, equipment, practices (best management practices);procedures, or personnel have been implemented to prevent future incidents from occurring .6) The report must be signed by the supervisor/manager and shall contain the following certification:“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared undermy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnelproperly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Iam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including thepossibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.”This report is due in 15 calendar days from the date of this Notice and shall be sent to:City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentEnvironmental SectionAttention: Lisa Farinas3400 E. <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Boulevard #3300<strong>Phoenix</strong>, Arizona 85034cc: To the company for whom you were performing services, if applicable.Should you require additional time in order to complete the report, a request for an extension must besubmitted and approved prior to the due date.FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS NOTICE WILL SUBJECT YOUTO FURTHER ACTION AND MAY JEOPARDIZE YOUR COMPANY'S STATUS AS A NATIONALPOLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) CO-PERMITTEE AND/OR YOURAUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS ON AIRPORT PROPERTY. COMPLIANCE WITHTHIS NOTICE DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE CITY FROM TAKING ADDITIONALENFORCEMENT ACTION UNDER CHAPTER 32C OF THE PHOENIX CITY CODE.


CITY OF PHOENIXAVIATION DEPARTMENTSTORM WATER ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURESAND CIVIL PENALTY POLICYSECTION TITLE PAGE NUMBERINTRODUCTIONiiSection I – Storm Water Discharge Enforcement Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1B. Initial Self-Reporting Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C. Enforcement Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D. Levels of Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2E. Informal Enforcement Actions: Level 1 . . . . . . . . . .. 2F. Informal Enforcement: Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3G. Formal Enforcement Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Section II – Storm Water Discharge Civil Penalty Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5B. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5C. Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5D. Civil Penalty Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5E. Seeking Civil Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Exhibit “A” Storm Water Discharge Civil PenaltiesRevised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Enforcement Policy.doci

INTRODUCTIONIn 1972, Congress passed into law the Clean Water Act (CWA) amendments to remedyfederal water pollution on a national basis. The amended CWA absolutely prohibits thedischarge of any pollutant into waters of the United States via the public storm drainsystem unless the discharge is made in accordance with a National Pollutant DischargeElimination System (NPDES) Permit. In Arizona, NPDES Permits are made available bythe United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), setting forth conditions underwhich discharges may be made.The EPA has issued a NPDES Permit to the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>, as a whole, under theauthority of the CWA. In addition, the EPA has issued a NPDES Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit on a national basis to cover a wide variety of industrial activities.Included in the numerous industry-specific sections of the Multi-Sector NPDES Permit isAir Transportation, and associated activities, imposing obligations and responsibilitiesupon the City’s Aviation Department, its tenants and permittees.The <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Council has also authorized the City Manager or his designee toregulate the use of the public storm discharge system. <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code Ch. 32C wasadopted to reduce to the maximum extent practicable, the addition of pollutants to stormwater to prevent violations of the City’s NPDES permit or applicable water qualitystandards.In 1994, the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Department of Street Transportation adopted a policyentitled “Storm Water Monitoring Enforcement Action” in order to comply with theCity’s NPDES Permit and <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code Ch. 32C. Likewise, the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>Aviation Department has adopted the Aviation Department Storm Water EnforcementPolicy in order to save tenants the time and expense of applying for an individual NPDESPermit and to encourage the development of airport wide best management practices toprevent pollution of the airport’s storm water drainage system.Following is the Aviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Policy, which isapplicable to <strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International, <strong>Phoenix</strong> Goodyear Airport, and DeerValley Airport. It applies to all airport users whether or not they are co-permitteeson the airports’ NPDES Permit.Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Enforcement Policy.docii

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SECTION ICITY OF PHOENIX AVIATION DEPARTMENTSTORM WATER DISCHARGE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURESEffective Date: March 1, 1997A. PURPOSE – These procedures explain the possible actions that the City of<strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department may use to prevent pollution of the waters of theUnited States (more specifically the Salt River, Agua Fria tributaries, or CaveCreek drainage) through the municipal storm drain system for airport drainage.The Aviation Department believes that a policy specific for its airports will betterensure that all enforcement actions will be handled with fairness, and withconsideration for airport operations. While Sections I and II of this policycontemplate actions that will be taken in ascending order, emergency situations orserious violations may call for immediate sanctions and by passing one or more ofthe less stringent actions.B. INITIAL SELF-REPORTING POLICY/TENANT RESPONSIBILITY – Alltenants and permittees (collectively “Tenants”) shall report spills, releases anddischarges of pollutants, or releases threatening the storm drain systemimmediately to the Aviation Department. Airport Tenants who self reportdemonstrate good faith efforts to comply with this policy and such action will beconsidered as a mitigating factor in the penalty process. Generally, the AviationDepartment will not initiate formal enforcement action on a self-reported,unavoidable discharge under circumstances when it is unreasonable to preventsuch discharge, the discharge amount is minimal and poses no risk to humanhealth or the environment.Although <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code Section 4-109 requires any person who spills apollutant on airport property to immediately remove the pollutant, Section 4-12 confers ultimate responsibility for all damages to airport property uponan airport Tenant, whether caused by the Tenant’s employees or itscontractor.C. ENFORCEMENT CRITERIA – When a violation of the City Storm WaterOrdinance (Chapter 32C) or other applicable environmental regulation isidentified, enforcement actions can be taken. The enforcement action (includingthe amount of any monetary penalties) will depend upon several factors:1) Severity of the violation; the duration, quality and quantity of pollutants,and effect on public safety and the environment.2) The violator’s knowledge (either negligent or intentional) of the regulationbeing violated.3) Any history of violations, including enforcement actions involving thesite, business, or individual.-1-Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Enforcement Policy.doc

4) The effect of the enforcement action to act as a deterrent of similarviolations in the regulated community.D. LEVELS OF ENFORCEMENT – Several levels of enforcement actions areavailable to the City. The typical types of enforcement actions are listed below inincreasing order of severity.E. INFORMAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS – Each violation will bedocumented with a written Notice of Violation (NOV) issued by on-site airportpersonnel. The NOV will require the violating facility to report the incident to theAviation Environmental Section, 273-8861, within 24 hours of receipt of theNOV. Weekend reporting can be left on the Aviation Department answeringmachine at the same phone number.In addition, within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the NOV, the violatingfacility must submit a detailed written report to the Aviation EnvironmentalSection explaining how the incident took place and the corrective active taken toprevent future occurrences. If the violation was caused by a tenant’s contractor,the contractor shall send a copy of the report the tenant and the tenant is alsorequired to submit a detailed written report. At a minimum, this report mustaddress the following:1) A summary of the name and positions of persons involved in the incident;equipment involved; and how the incident occurred, including time, placeand materials and quantity released.2) A detailed description of the investigation and conclusions.3) How cleanup of released materials was performed, including equipmentand materials used in the cleanup, and how waste was disposed.4) Corrective action your company has taken or plans to take and the time inwhich all corrective action will be completed. If corrective action has notbeen completed within the fifteen (15) period, a compliance schedule mustbe submitted for approval by the Aviation Department.5) What changes to training, equipment, practice (best managementpractices), procedures, or personnel have been implemented to preventfuture incidents from occurring.6) The report must be signed by the supervisor/manager, and shall containthe following certification:“I certify under penalty of law that this document and allattachments were prepared under my direction or supervision inaccordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnelproperly gather an evaluate the information submitted. Based on myinquiry of the persons who manage the system, or those persons directlyresponsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, toRevised 4/22/99 -2-

the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I amaware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowingviolations.”Failure to comply with these requirements will subject the violator to futureenforcement actions. Compliance with this request does not preclude the Cityfrom taking additional enforcement action under its authority: Chapter 32C of the<strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code.If additional time is required in order to complete the written report, a writtenrequest for an extension must be submitted by the violating facility in time forCity approval prior to the due date.F. AIRPORT TENANT COMPLIANCE1) The Aviation Environmental Section shall notify the Deputy Director ofBusiness and Properties (the “Deputy”) for further enforcement action ifany of the following occurs:(a) An airport tenant or permittee (collectively “Tenant”) has receivedtwo NOV’s within a twenty-four (24) month period; or(b) The Tenant has failed to timely provide the detailed written reportas required under Section I of this policy; or(c) The Tenant fails to comply with the corrective actions that theTenant submitted under Section I.(d) The Tenant’s failure to follow the airport’s best managementpractices, or upon recommendation of the Aviation DepartmentEnvironmental Section.2) Tenant/NPDES Co-permittee - The Aviation Department allowed eligibleTenants to become co-permittees on the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Multi-SectorGeneral Permit for Industrial Activities (the “NPDES Permit”) as meansto save eligible Tenants substantial costs of obtaining individual NPDESpermits. Each Tenant who has joined the City as a Co-permittee (“ aNPDES Co-permittee”) has signed an agreement that sets forth the termsand conditions for being retained on the NPDES permit (the “NPDESAmendment”).In the event that Section I(F)(1)(a), (b) or (c) of this Policy applies to anNPDES Co-permittee, the Deputy shall notify the tenant/NPDES Copermittee’sChief Operating Officer or designee, and shall establish acorrective action plan pursuant to the procedures that have been agreed toby the parties to achieve compliance with the NPDES Permit and Chapter32C.Revised 4/22/99 -3-

If a NPDES Co-permittee fails to comply with a corrective action plan,including best management practices or other requirements, such noncompliancemay be deemed to be a material breach of the tenancyagreement or permit and may provide grounds to terminate the tenant’sNPDES Co-permittee status and/or its ability to do business on airportproperty.3) Tenant/Non-NPDES Co-Permittees - If a Tenant who has not signed aNPDES Agreement fails to comply with the NPDES Permit or Chapter32C, the Environmental Section may refer the Tenant to the appropriateDeputy for further enforcement action or termination of the Tenant’spermission to do business on airport property. All airport users should beaware that any industrial discharge or polluted runoff to the storm drain isa violation of federal law, unless it is specifically authorized by a NPDESpermit.4) The Provisions of this Subsection I(F) shall be in addition to such otherremedies as are provided by this Policy or otherwise provided by law.G. FORMAL ENFORCEMENT ACTIONSCompliance Status Review Meeting – In situations where prior enforcementactions have failed to produce compliance or a reasonable commitment to attaincompliance by an established deadline, a “Notice of Compliance Status ReviewMeeting” letter will be issued to the violator, and City representatives. Themeeting will be held to present evidence establishing the non-compliance andrequesting the violator to “show cause” why the City should not engage in moreserious enforcement actions. At the meeting, the City will review the violations,tenant’s responses to the violations, explain the City enforcement policies, andidentify any potential penalties for non-compliance. An attempt will be made toreach an agreement on the type of compliance activity required. The terms of thisAgreement will be contained in a Storm Water Settlement Agreement. Ifagreement cannot be reached, then the City may utilize all remedies available as itdeems appropriate.Revised 4/22/99 -4-

SECTION IISTORM WATER DISCHARGE CIVIL PENALTY POLICYA. INTRODUCTION – The City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> (City) has developed a Storm WaterCivil Penalty Policy (SCPP) for use City-wide that describes how the City willcalculate civil penalties for instances of noncompliance with Chapter 32C of the<strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code. The SCPP is supplementary to Section I of this Policy and isintended for the use of City personnel and does not create any rights orobligations nor should it be used or relied upon by non-City personnel for anypurpose. The City reserves the right to act at variance with the SCPP and tochange it at any time without public notice.B. PURPOSE - The purpose of the SCPP is to (1) deter potential violators of theCity Storm Water Ordinance (Chapter 32C); (2) provide fair and equitabletreatment to the community, (3) facilitate swift resolution of environmentalproblems; (4) deter future noncompliance by providing an incentive to remain incompliance; (5) remove the economic benefit a person or business gains overothers by not complying with the law; and (6) use in potential settlementdiscussions with violators.C. COSTS – Any costs associated with the violator(s) (such as sampling, analysis,investigation, surveillance) and any harm done to the environment or damage toCity property is not included in the amount of the calculated penalty. Rather,these costs are separate and distinct from civil penalties and can be recovered inadditional to any monetary penalty.D. CIVIL PENALTY AUTHORITY – Civil penalties are authorized under Section32C-106(e) of the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code. The maximum civil penalty amount thatcan be imposed if Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($25j00) per day for eachviolation. Each day of continuing violation is a separate civil offense.E. SEEKING CIVIL PENALTIES – While the City may seek civil penalties for asingle violation, generally, the City will seek penalties and damages in addition tocleanup costs under the following circumstances:1) Three or more written notices of violation issued within a two (2) yeartime period.2) Failure to discontinue a prohibited action after being made aware ofnoncompliance.3) Failure to comply with the written instructions of a Notice of Violation.4) Any personal injury or property damage caused by the prohibited activity.5) Any other situation in which the City believes civil penalties arenecessary.Revised 4/22/99 -5-

EXHIBIT “A”STORM WATER CIVIL PENALTIES(Effective March 1997)Dominant PollutantDischargeLess Than 500 GallonsPenalty Base AmountDischargeGreater Than 500 GallonsFood-related Oil & Grease $ 200.00 $ 500.00Septic/Sanitary Waste $ 400.00 $ 600.00Acids and bases, batteries, cleaning supplies 1 $ 600.00 $1,500.00Automotive-related or aircraft related products 2 $ 800.00 $1,500.00Gasoline and other fuels 3 $1,000.00 $1,500.00Dissolved metals waste (e.g. Chromium, leadfrom batteries, etc.)Paints, solvents, cleaners (halogen or otherorganic based type)$1,000.00 $2,500.00$1,500.00 $2,500.00Pesticides/Herbicides $1,500.00 $2,500.00Medical Wastes (any quantity) $2,500.00 $2,500.00Mercury (any quantity) $2,500.00 $2,500.00Any other hazardous waste (as listed in 40 CFRPart 261) not covered above$1,500.00 $2,500.00Construction, debris, concrete, asphalt, gravel,soil$ 300.00per incidentN/AHazardous substance, asbestos, etc. $1,500.00 $2,500.00Super-chlorinated water (ex: from aircraft$ 400.00 N/Abackflushes)The base amount of the civil penalty can be increased (not to exceed $2,500.00, per violation), decreased (but not less than $500.00, perviolation) or remain the same after consideration of the following:1. The seriousness of the violation;2. Any history of such violation;3. Any good faith efforts to comply with the applicable requirements;4. The economic impact of the penalty on the violator; and5. Such other factors as justice may require.123Acids include materials labeled as such (e.g., hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, etc.) or any materials with a pH of4.0 or less.Bases include materials labeled as such (e.g., sodium hydroxide, pH increaser, caustic soda, lye, etc.) or any materials with a pH of 10.0 orgreater.“Automotive-related products” include engine oil, lube oils, brake fluid, transmission fluid, gear oil, anti-freeze, cleaners (carburetor, brake,engine, etc.) and other products used for vehicles or aircraft but does not include solvents, gasoline and other fuels.“Other fuels” include gasoline, aviation gas, diesel, kerosene, jet fuels or other petroleum basedproducts used to run equipment or vehicles.Revised 4/22/99 -6-

NOTICE OF STORM WATER VIOLATION INSTRUCTIONSYour Company Is Required To:A. Immediately take measures to safely mitigate the impact of your release, or threatened release, to theenvironment. Obtain spill control equipment or perform measures to contain the release and clean the area.If so directed by Fire or Aviation Department personnel, an environmental emergency response contractorwill be hired by your company.B. Supervisor/manager must report the incident to the airport Environmental Section at 273-8861 within 24hours to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Violation. Weekend reporting can be left on the AviationDepartment answering machine at the same phone number.C. If your company was performing services for an airport tenant when the incident occurred, report theincident to your contracting company.D. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of this Notice, submit a detailed written report explaining whythe incident occurred and the corrective action taken a prevent future occurrences. At a minimum, thereport must address the following:1) A summary of the names and positions of persons involved in the incident; equipment involved;how the incident occurred, including time, place, and materials and quantity released.2) A detailed description of the investigation and conclusions.3) How cleanup of released materials was performed, including equipment and materials used in thecleanup, and how waste was disposed.4) Corrective action your company has taken or plans to take and the time in which all correctiveaction will be completed. If corrective action has not been completed within the fifteen (15) dayperiod, a compliance schedule must be submitted for approval by the Aviation Department.5) Please detail what changes to training, equipment, practices (best management practices),procedures, or personnel have been implemented to prevent future incidents from occurring.6) The report must be signed by the supervisor/manager and shall contain the following certification:“I certify under penalty of law that is document and all attachments were prepared undermy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of theperson or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering theinformation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.”This report is due in fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of this Notice and shall be sent to:City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentEnvironmental Section3400 <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Boulevard<strong>Phoenix</strong>, Arizona 85034cc: To the company for whom you were performing services, if applicable.Should you require additional time in order to complete the written report, a written request for anextension must be submitted and approved prior to the due date.FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS NOTICE WILL SUBJECT YOU TOFURTHER ACTION AND MAY JEOPARDIZE YOUR COMPANY’S STATUS AS A NATIONAL POLLUTANTDISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) CO-PERMITTEE AND/OR YOUR AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCTBUSINESS ON AIRPORT PROPERTY. COMPLIANCE WITH THIS NOTICE DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE CITYFROM TAKING ADDITIONAL ENFORCEMENT ACTION UNDER CHAPTER 32C OF THE PHOENIX CITY CODE.Revised 4/22/99 -7-



AVIATION DEPARTMENTSTORM WATER IMPLEMENTATION PLANSection 1:Informal Enforcement- (Level 1): Notice of Violation1.1 Notices of Violation (“NOVs”). Operations or General Aviation shalldistribute copies of NOVs to other divisions, Tenant, and Tenant’s Contractors ifapplicable. If Tenant’s contractor received an NOV, Operations and GA shall notifyTenant by sending Tenant a copy of the letter attached to this plan as Attachment “E”together with a copy of the NOV.1.2 Referral By Environmental Section. In the event that an airport Tenanta) receives two NOVs within a 24 month period, b) fails to comply with therequirements of Section I.E of the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Storm Water Enforcement Procedures(“Enforcement Procedures”), or upon recommendation of the Aviation DepartmentEnvironmental Section (“ES”) the ES shall refer the tenant to Business & Properties(“B&P”) Division for further enforcement action under Level 2 of the Aviation StormWater Policy.Section 2:Informal Enforcement-(Level 2): Face-to-Face Meeting2.1 Referral to Business Division. ES will complete a referral form (seeAttachment A) and attach all NOVs in the tenant’s file and Tenant’s corrective actionplan, if applicable. The referral packet will be sent to Business and Properties or GeneralAviation Division depending upon the violator’s tenancy agreement.2.2 Content of Referral. ES will indicate the reason(s) for referral andsuggest appropriate action.2.3 Face-to-Face Meeting with Tenant. B&P or GA will be responsible tonotify the tenant as follows:2.4 Tenant Information Packet. Send Tenant and Tenant’s Contractor, ifapplicable, the appropriate letter that requires the recipient(s) to appear to face-to-facemeeting. (See Attachment B or C). Attach the ES referral form with attachments, a copyof the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Policy andChapter 32C of the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code. The letter will be certified mail, return receiptrequested, or hand-delivered to the appropriated corporate officer and localrepresentative.2.5 Pre-Meeting. Prior to tenant face-to-face meeting, staff will meetinternally to prepare for the meeting. This will be scheduled by B&P.-2-Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Implement <strong>Plan</strong>.doc

2.6 Control of Meeting. The Deputy of Director of B&P, or designee, shallconduct the face-to-face meeting to discuss the NOVs, Tenant’s corrective action plan,and ES recommendations on an appropriate corrective action plan.2.7 Meeting Format. An appropriate corporate officer, a companyrepresentative having knowledge about the allegations, an ES representative and anyother individuals deemed appropriate by the Aviation Department shall attend themeeting to discuss Tenant’s environmental practices and to develop a complianceschedule to include a corrective action plan.2.8 Compliance Schedule to Include Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>.2.8.1 A compliance schedule and corrective action plan shall bedeveloped and at a minimum, shall include the following information as required by theCity of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Policy, Section 1: Employee environmental training plan. Equipment requirements. Changes in best management practices. Time schedule for corrective4 action to be completed.2.9 Termination of NPDES Co-Permittee Status. Depending upon theseverity of Tenant’s NPDES violation(s) and upon Tenant’s efforts to comply with theNPDES Policy, Aviation staff may recommend to the Director that Tenant’s NPDES copermitteestatus be terminated.Section 3:Formal Enforcement Action (Compliance Status Review MeetingLevel 3/Penalty Phase).3.1 Notice of Compliance Status Review Meeting. B&P will hand deliver toTenant or send by Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested, a “Notice of ComplianceStatus Review” letter if any of the following circumstances apply: 1) if three (3) or moreNOVs are issued to Tenant or Tenant’s contractors, if applicable, within 24 months; 2) ifprior enforcement actions have failed to produce compliance with the City’s NPDESPolicy; 3) if there has been no reasonable commitment to attain compliance by anestablished deadline.3.2 Information to Tenant. The “Notice of Compliance Status Review”letter shall include a copy of the NPDES Policy, Tenant’s previous NOVs, previouscorrective action plans, a copy of Chapter 32C of the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code and a generalstatement of the reason this action is being taken. Tenant shall be notified of the time andplace for the meeting. The form of the notice shall follow Attachment D.-3-Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Implement <strong>Plan</strong>.doc

3.3 Pre-Meeting. Aviation Department staff and a representative from theCity Attorney’s office shall meet before the meeting date to discuss the allegations andthe show cause meeting.3.4 Control of Meeting. The meeting shall be conducted by the Director ordesignee with assistance from the City Attorney’s office.3.5 Compliance Status Meeting Attendees. At the meeting, a tenantrepresentative who is knowledgeable about the allegations in the Notice, a companyrepresentative with decision making authority, an ES representative, other AviationDepartment staff as deemed necessary and a B&P representative shall attend. Inaddition, a representative from the City Attorney’s office shall attend. Tenant may beaccompanied by legal counsel if desired.3.6 Compliance Status Review Meeting Format. During the show causemeeting Tenant will be presented with the facts that the Aviation Department staffbelieves demonstrate noncompliance and asked to “Show Cause” why the City should notinitiate additional enforcement actions which may include civil penalties, termination ofthe tenant’s NPDES Co-permittee status and/or tenancy agreement.During the compliance status review, the follow events occur:3.6.1 Introduction of all persons present.3.6.2 Sign up sheet completed (names, titles, addresses, phone numbers)3.6.3 Discuss background and history of the City’s storm water programand federal and city requirements.3.6.4 Review the City’s prior enforcement efforts with the tenant.3.6.5 Explain the City’s authority and need for seeking penalties for theviolations.3.6.6 Review the tenant’s violations and the potential civil penaltiesassociated with them.3.6.7 Attempt to reach agreement on the penalty amount.3.6.8 Establish a compliance schedule for the tenant, if necessary.3.7 Additional/Remedies. Depending upon the severity of the violation(s),the ES may recommend that Tenant be removed as a co-permittee on the airport’sNPDES Permit and/or that the Tenant’s permission to use airport property for its businessoperations be terminated.-4-Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Implement <strong>Plan</strong>.doc

3.8 Settlement Agreement. If Agreement on the civil penalties andcompliance schedule is reached, a Settlement Agreement shall be entered into whichincorporates the action taken at the Show Cause Meeting.3.9 Post-Show Cause Meeting Activities. The following activities will occurafter the show cause meeting.3.9.1 Staff will work with the City Attorney’s office as appropriate toimplement the Settlement Agreement.3.9.2 ES will follow up at prescribed intervals of compliance milestonesas specified in the compliance schedule to verify conformance, andmust document this activity. ES will inform the B&P Division asappropriate, and the City Attorney’s office.3.9.3 During the term of the Settlement Agreement complianceschedule, ES will record all informal contacts, notices, andmeetings with tenant representatives.3.9.4 If Tenant fails to comply with the terms of the SettlementAgreement additional action will be taken by the City.-5-Revised 4/22/99C:\Documents and Settings\pucketthk\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OVKL36RZ\SW Implement <strong>Plan</strong>.doc

To:[David Cavazos]Deputy Aviation DirectorFrom:Cynthia ParkerEnvironmental Program CoordinatorRe:NPDES Referral/Tenant Name:Date:Attached to this referral are copies of Notice of Violation(s) [and a Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>]which pertain to the tenant/permittee’s failure to comply with applicable storm water dischargerequirements.As provided by the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Proceduresand Civil Penalty Policy, I am requesting that you schedule within the next thirty (30) days aface-to-face meeting with the violator in order that this situation may be remedied.A. Detailed description of the reasons for this referral:[Nature and extent of violation(s). Response of tenant to the NOVs and corrective taken.Explain what has failed and why the meeting is necessary. Include documentation of the phoneconversation, letter, meeting, etc., if any.]B. Detailed recommendation to correct the situation:1. Employee Training:2. Equipment Requirements:3. Changes in Management Practices:4. Other:5. Time schedule for corrective action to be R. Hughes, Assistant City AttorneyMatthew Palencia, Assistant City Attorney

[City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Letterhead][Date]CERTIFIED MAILRETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEDORVIA HAND-DELIVERYNameTitle [Corporate Official]CompanyAddressCity, State, ZipRe:NOTICE OF STORM WATER FACE-TO-FACE MEETING(NPDES CO-PERMITTEE)[Company] has been previously notified of Storm Water violations at [Airport]. Yourcompany has jointed the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> as a co-permittee on the airport’s NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water discharge permit. As acondition of this privilege, your tenancy agreement was amended to require that yourcompany comply with the airport’s NPDES permit requirements and Best ManagementPractices. Chapter 32C of the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code also prohibits discharges of pollutantsinto the City’s storm water system and subjects violators to civil penalties.Although the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> reserved the right in your NPDES Amendment to imposeon your Company any BMPs or other action necessary to insure the City’s ability tocomply with its NPDES permit, we would like to discuss the steps that must be taken toassure that violations of storm water laws do not occur in the future.Representatives from [Company] are required to attend this meeting to be held at theoffices of the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department at:Place:[Room]<strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International AirportTerminal 3, Third FloorDate:Time:Attachment “B”

During the meeting, you will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations statedbelow, and will be required to agree to a plan that will prevent future violations. Werequire that you have in attendance at this meeting persons knowledgeable about thematters alleged in this letter as well as persons having decision-making authority.During the time period of through , [Company]:received at least 2 NOVs within twenty-four (24) monthsfailed to respond to a Notice of Violation (NOV)failed to comply with its proposed Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>violated airport’s NPDES permitotherYour failure to attend the above scheduled meeting will mean the City will take allappropriate enforcement action it deems necessary, based on the facts as outlined in thisletter. In addition to seeking civil penalties, the City may also require that your NPDESco-permittee status [and its tenancy be terminated].Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the [Business andProperties] Division at (602) 273-4082. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Monday through Friday.Sincerely,[David Cavazos]Deputy Aviation DirectorEnclosures:Notice(s) of ViolationCompany Response to Notice of ViolationAviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Procedures and Civil PenaltyPolicy[NPDES Amendment]cc:bcc:Cynthia ParkerPhyllis HughesAttachment “B”B-2

[City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Letterhead][Date]CERTIFIED MAILRETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEDORVIA HAND-DELIVERYNameTitleCompanyAddressCity, State, ZipRe:NOTICE OF STORM WATER FACE-TO-FACE MEETING (NON-NPDES CO-PERMITTEE)[Company] has been previously notified of Storm Water violations at [Airport]. As an airportuser you must comply with the airport’s storm water permit (“NPDES”) requirements and BestManagement Practices. Chapter 32C of the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code also prohibits discharges ofpollutants into the City’s storm water system and subjects violators to civil penalties for suitaction.We would like to discuss with you the steps that must be taken to assure the violations of stormwater laws to not occur in the future.Representatives from [Company] are required to attend this compliance review to held at theoffices of the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department at:Place:[Room]<strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International AirportTerminal 3, Third FloorDate:Time:During the meeting, you will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations statedbelow, and will be required to agree to a plan that will prevent future violations. We requirethat you have in attendance at this meeting persons knowledgeable about the matters alleged inthis letter as well as persons having decision-making authority.Attachment “C”

During the time period of through , [Company]: discharged in violation of applicable limitation on at least occasions. failed to respond to a Notice of Violation (NOV) failed to comply with its proposed Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong> otherYour failure to attend the above scheduled meeting will mean the City will take all appropriateenforcement action it deems necessary, based on the facts as outlined in this letter. In additionto seeking civil penalties, the City may also terminate your airport use privileges accordancewith your lease.Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the [Business and Properties]Division at (602) 273-4082. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday throughFriday.Sincerely,[David Cavazos]Deputy Aviation DirectorEnclosures:Notice(s) of ViolationCompany Response to NOVAviation Department Storm Water Enforcement Procedures and Civil PenaltyPolicy[Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>][NPDES Amendment]Chapter 32C, <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Codecc:[Appropriate Company Officials]Cynthia Parkerbcc:Phyllis HughesAttachment “C”C-2

[City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Letterhead][Date]CERTIFIED MAILRETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEDORVIA HAND-DELIVERYNameTitleCompanyAddressCity, State, ZipRe:NOTICE OF STORM WATER COMPLIANCE STATUS REVIEW[Company] has been previously notified Storm Water (NPDES) violations. In light of theviolations identified in the attached Notices, and in this Notice, the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong>, herebynotifies [Company] of its intent to utilize all appropriate remedies to address these Storm Waterviolations. These remedies include seeking civil monetary penalties.Representatives from [Company] are required to attend a meeting to be held at the office of theAviation Department at:Place:[Room]<strong>Phoenix</strong> <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> International AirportTerminal 3, Third FloorDate:Time:During the meeting, [Company] will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegationsstated below, and will be asked to show cause why the City should not seek monetary and/orother penalties in response to the following:During the time period of [Date] through [Date], [Company]:received notices of violations of federal or local laws at least [ ] occasions.failed to respond to a Notice of Violation [NOV]failed to comply with its proposed Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>otherAttachment “D”

It is hereby requested that [Company] have in attendance at this meeting persons knowledgeableabout the matters alleged in this Notice, as well as persons having decision making authority.Your representatives may be accompanied by legal counsel, if you so desire. A representativefrom the City Attorney’s office will be present at the meeting.In order for us to consider any written response to this Notice, it must be received by the City of<strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Environmental Section on or before [Date].A copy of the latest edition of the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation Department Storm WaterEnforcement Procedures and Civil Penalty Policy [together with Civil Penalty CalculationWorksheet] is enclosed.Your failure to appear will mean that the City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> will take all appropriate enforcementaction is deem necessary, based on the facts as outlined in this Notice and attachments.Should you have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact the Environmental Sectionat (602) 273-2730. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.David KrietorActing Aviation DirectorEnclosures:Corrective Action <strong>Plan</strong>Civil Penalty PolicyNotice(s) of Violation [Dates]<strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code, Chapter 32Ccc:bcc:Appropriate Company OfficialJack Tevlin, Deputy City ManagerPat Manion, Deputy City ManagerPat LeFevre, Assistant Chief CounselJesse Sears, Assistant Chief CounselCynthia Parker, Environmental Programs ManagerDeputy Director, City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentPhyllis R. Hughes, Assistant City AttorneyMatthew Palencia, Assistant City AttorneyAttachment “D”D-2

Date:RE:NOTICE OF STORM WATER VIOLATION TO YOUR CONTRACTORDear Airport Tenant:The enclosed Notice of Violation (“NOV”) was issued to a company who was providingservices under contract to your company. Under the <strong>Phoenix</strong> City Code and the AviationDepartment Storm Water Enforcement and Civil Penalty Policy (the “Storm Water Policy”), asan airport tenant, your company is responsible for any damages that occur on airport property,including Storm Water Policy violations, whether caused by your employees or yourcontractors.You are required to submit a detailed written report within fifteen (15) days of receiving thisletter to the Aviation Department Environmental Section explaining why the incident occurredand the corrective action taken to prevent future occurrences. The company that received theNOV is also required to send a written report to the Aviation Department and a copy of itswritten report to you for your information.At a minimum, your report must address the following:1) A summary of the names and positions of persons involved in the incident, equipmentinvolved; how the incident occurred, including time, place and materials and quantity released.2) A detailed description of the investigation and conclusions.3) How cleanup of released materials was performed, including equipment and materialsused in the cleanup, and how waste was disposed.4) Corrective action your company has taken or plans to take and the time in which allcorrective action will be completed. If corrective action has not been completed within thefifteen (15) day period, a compliance schedule must be submitted for approval by the AviationDepartment.5) a) Please detail what changes to training, equipment, practices (best managementpractices), procedures or personnel have been implemented to prevent future incidents fromoccurring.Attachment “E”

) If this incident results in a change of contractors or you have required your contractorto change its procedures, please explain.6) The report must be signed by a supervisor/manager of your company and shall containthe following certification:“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments wereprepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to assurethat qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on myinquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsiblefor gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge andbelief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties forsubmitting false information, including the possibly of fine and imprisonment for knowingviolations.”The report is due in fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of this letter and shall be sent to:City of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentEnvironmental Section3400 <strong>Sky</strong> <strong>Harbor</strong> Boulevard<strong>Phoenix</strong>, AZ 85034Should you require additional time in order to complete the written report, a written request foran extension must be submitted and approved prior to the due date.FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS NOTICE WILLSUBJECT YOU TO FURTHER ACTION AND MAY JEOPARDIZE YOUR COMPANY’SSTATUS AS A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) CO-PERMITTEE AND/OR YOUR AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT BUSINESSON AIRPORT PROPERTY. COMPLIANCE WITH THIS NOTICE DOES NOT PRECLUDETHE CITY FROM TAKING ADDITIONAL ENFORCEMENT ACTION UNDER CHAPTER32C OF THE PHOENIX CITY CODE.Sincerely,[Operations Division]cc:Aviation Department Environmental SectionEnclosures:Notice of Storm Water ViolationAttachment “E”E-2

Attachment 12.0 – Corrective Action Reports

Corrective Action ReportAs required by MSGP-2010, Part 3.3, within 72 hours of discovery of any conditions listed inPart 3.1, the permittee shall identify the condition triggering the need for corrective actionreview, a description of the problem identified and the date the problem was identified, whichshall be maintained with this SWPPP. In addition, within 14 calendar days of discovery of anycondition listed in Part 3.1, the permittee shall summarize the corrective action taken or to betaken, whether SWPPP modifications are required as a result of this discovery or correctiveaction, the date the corrective action was initiated or will be initiated and the date the correctiveaction was completed or is expected to be completed, which shall be maintained with theSWPPP.Fill out the following information with 72 hours of discovering a problem triggering a corrective action.Date ProblemIdentified:TriggeredCondition(s)(check one):DescribeIdentifiedProblem: An unauthorized discharge (e.g., discharge of non-stormwater not authorized bythe permit) to a water of the U.S. or to a regulated MS4 occurs at the facility A discharge violates a numeric effluent limitation guideline Facility discharge causes or contributes to an exceedance of applicable water qualitystandard(s) or an adopted waste load allocation Modifications to the control measures are necessary to meet the permitrequirements in Part 2.2Fill out the following information within 14 calendar days of discovering a problem triggering acorrective action.Date Corrective ActionInitiated/Will Be Initiated:SummarizeCorrectiveAction:Date Corrective Action Completed/Expected to be Completed:

Attachment 13.0 – Annual Reports

Attachment 14.0 – Signatory AuthorizationForms

Signatory Authorization FormI certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under mydirection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry ofthe person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information , the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge andbelief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.Signature on FileDanny W. MurphyCity of <strong>Phoenix</strong> Aviation DepartmentDateIn accordance with Appendix B, Part 9, the individual listed above is empowered to make thiscertification. Any other individual making this certification must be designated as a signatory authority,based on written delegation of authority from the Aviation Director.

Attachment 15.0 – SWPPP Modification Log

SWPPP Modification LogAs required by MSGP-2010, Part 5.2, the SWPPP will be amended whenever there is a change in design,construction, operation or maintenance which as a significant effect on the discharge or potential fordischarge of pollutants from the facility, or when inspections, monitoring or other investigations revealthat the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants or achieving thegeneral objectives of controlling pollutants. Changes to the SWPPP to reflect corrective actions shall bemade in accordance with the corrective action deadlines in Part 3.2 and 3.3, and signed and dated inaccordance with Appendix B, Subsection 9. The SWPPP is updated each year by the consultant inconsultation with the Aviation Department. Generally, the changes are limited to updating.DateRevision2011 SWPPP update and revisions.2012 No updates were made to the SWPPP.2013 No updates were made to the SWPPP.2014 Control measures were reorganized into more categories to allow co‐permittees tofocus on the applicable categories. Additionally, control measure text was rewordedinto shorter, more direct measures to clarify requirements.

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