CA 150 MD -

CA 150 MD - CA 150 MD -

NEWPERFORMANCE CURVES4<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 100 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 125 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 1615<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>0Pa50ps [mmH2O]500Pa50ps [mmH2O]4004040040300303003020020200201001010010000 80 160 240 320 400q [m 3 /h]000 100 200 300 400 500q [m 3 /h]00 55110l/s00 35 70 105140l/s<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> Q <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16152<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16153500Pa50ps [mmH2O]600Pa60ps [mmH2O]4004048048300303603620020240241001012012000 120 240 360 480 600q [m 3 /h]000 160 320 480 640 800q [m 3 /h]00 33 66 99 132165l/s00 55110 165220l/s

NEWMINMAX5<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 160 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16154 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 200 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16155600Pa60ps [mmH2O]500Pa50ps [mmH2O]4804840040360363003024024200201201210010000 180 360 540 720 900q [m 3 /h]000 240 480 720 960 1200q [m 3 /h]00 50 100 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 200250l/s00 110 220330l/s<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 250 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16156 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 315 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> code 16157700Pa70ps [mmH2O]500Pa80ps [mmH2O]5605640064420423004828028200321401410016000 280 560 840 1120 1400q [m 3 /h]000 400 800 1200 1600 2000q [m 3 /h]00 130 260390l/s00 110 220 330 440550l/s

ACCESSORIES6P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelA[mm]B[mm]C[mm]Ø D[mm]E[mm]F[mm]Weight[kg]SizesDUCT HEATERS AHDescription- To be installed in the ventilationsystem, always after the fan, and/orthe noise attenuator/air fi lter.- Suitable for mono phase and threephase systems.- Galvanized steel box, stainless steelelectrical resistances carried bytubular duct in galvanized steel.- Automatic security thermostat set on60 °C (±15%) linked in a series witha second security thermostat withmanual reset (RESET) set on 120 °C± 15%.- Operative temperature f<strong>ro</strong>m –30 °Cto +50 °C (not suitable with powdersor chemical agents).- Minimum air volume is based on aminimum air speed of 2m/s.22796 AH 100 100 230 40 100 325 185 2,0122797 AH 125 125 230 40 125 325 225 2,5722759 AH <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 285 40 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 380 250 2,6022798 AH 160 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 285 40 160 380 260 2,9522790 AH 200 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 285 40 200 380 300 3,5022791 AH 250 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 285 40 250 380 350 3,8322792 AH 315 (1 kW) <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 245 60 315 380 415 5,1022779 H3 315 (3 kW) <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 240 60 315 380 415 5,27Frequency: 50[Hz] - P<strong>ro</strong>tection class: IP40Code Model V kW A N. Resist.DEA C B CFMin Air Flow[m 3 /h]22796 AH 100 230 0,4 1,7 1 x 0,4 2122797 AH 125 230 0,5 2,2 1 x 0,5 2722759 AH <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 230 1,2 5,2 1 x 1,2 6422798 AH 160 230 1,2 5,2 1 x 1,2 6422790 AH 200 230 2 8,7 1 x 2 10722791 AH 250 230 3 13 2 x 1,5 161Insul. CI. I22792 AH 315 230 1 4,3 1 x 1 5422779 H3 315 230 3 13 2 x 1,5 161PRESSURE LOSSES125120115110105100959085807570656055504540353025201510501234566 AH 315-H3 3155 AH 2504 AH 2003 AH <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-AH 1602 AH1251 AH 1000 10020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>01600170018001900200021002200230024002500q [m 3 /h]

P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelA[mm]B[mm]C[mm]Ø D[mm]E[mm]Weight[kg]Sizes8FILTER BOXDescription- To be installed in the ventilationsystem, always before the fan, and/orthe noise attenuator/duct heater.- Suitable to avoid impurities enteringinto the ventilation system.- Synthetic Fiber Filter (G3/89%Filtration Class).- Galvanized steel box, with coverfi xed by two adapters to simplifymaintenance.- Max working temperature: +60 °C. 22793 AF 100 210 170 125 100 227 2,122794 AF125 220 205 145 125 252 2,122799 AF <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 270 235 160 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 267 2,322795 AF 160 270 235 160 160 267 2,322787 AF 200 320 275 185 200 302 3,522788 AF 250 355 320 235 250 352 3,5Air flow/Speed diagram1 AF - 1002 AF - 1253 AF - <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>AF - 1604 AF - 2005 AF - 2506 AF - 315 ECFilter pressure loss diagram 1 AF - 1002 AF - 1253 AF - <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>AF - 1604 AF - 2005 AF - 2506 AF - 315 BADP<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelA[mm]Ø B[mm]D[mm]E[mm]L[mm]Weight[kg]SizesBACKDRAUGHTSHUTTERSDescription- To be directly mounted inventilation ducts or on fan outlet.- Composed by a cylinder in elect<strong>ro</strong> galvanizedsheet steel calendered and welded.- Closure and the seal are ensured by a to<strong>ro</strong>idalgasket in Neoprene closed cell.22551 IN-LINE 100 S 103 96 100 23 36,5 0,19622556 IN-LINE 125 S 128 122 110 23 36,5 0,27022562 IN-LINE <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> S 153 146 120 28 36,5 0,35322563 IN-LINE 160 S 163 156 125 28 36,5 0,39222566 IN-LINE 200 S 203 196 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 28 36,5 0,88722571 IN-LINE 250 S 253 247 180 28 36,5 1,32422576 IN-LINE 315 S 318 312 210 33 46,5 1,947EDLBA5047,54542,54037,53532,53027,52522,52017,51512,5107,552,500 100<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>/1601002003001254002000500600700800900PRESSURE LOSSES IN-LINE-S25010001100120013003151400<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>0160017001800190020002100220023002400315250200<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>/160125100q [m 3 /h]

P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelØ B[mm]C[mm]D[mm]E[mm]NrflapsWeight[kg]SizesGRAVITYSHUTTERS22332 GGR 100 99 140 28 8 4 -22333 GGR 120/125 119 160 28 8 4 -D9Description- To be installed at the duct outlet onvertical wall.- Useful to avoid air return f<strong>ro</strong>m theoutside and to p<strong>ro</strong>tect the fl uctuatingparts.- Totally manufactured f<strong>ro</strong>m shockp<strong>ro</strong>ofthermoplastic anti UV resina.- Flaps are shaped so in order to avoidtheir block.22334 GGR <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>/160 155 198 28 8 5 -22335 GGR 200 - 254 - 14 6 -22336 GGR 250 - 299 - 14 7 -22337 GGR 315 - 391 - 14 7 -CBEEP<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelØ B[mm]C[mm]D[mm]E[mm]Weight[kg]SizesFIXEDGRILLE22165 FG 100 99 140 28 8 -DDescription- To be mounted at the beginning or theend of a ventilation duct.- Totally manufactured f<strong>ro</strong>m shockp<strong>ro</strong>ofthermoplastic anti UV resin.22166 FG 125 119 160 28 8 -22167 FG <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 155 198 28 8 -CBEP<strong>ro</strong>duct Code Model A [mm] Ø C [mm] Ø D [mm] SizesAIR DIFFUSER CD22128 CD 160 47 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 260Description- To be applied toplafond, ceilings,ventilation ducts, double-ceilings etc.- Painted aluminium.- Suitable acoustical or decorative ceilingof normal height.- The detachable case offers free accessto the integral butterfly plastic volumedamper.- Bridge for ceiling mounting22127 CD 200 47 200 31022168 CD 250 47 250 36022169 CD 315 47 300 420D<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelA[mm]Ø D[mm]SizesALUMINIUM FLEXIBLE DUCT22175 AFD 100-4 4.000 10222176 AFD 125-4 4.000 12722177 AFD <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-4 4.000 15222178 AFD 160-10 10.000 160ADescription- Ideal for ventilation and air conditioning,low noise and for high pressure.- Totally manufactured f<strong>ro</strong>m aluminum.- Length f<strong>ro</strong>m 4 m Ø 100 mm- <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> mm up to 10 m (Ø 160 mm -315 mm).22179 AFD 200-10 10.000 20322180 AFD 250-10 10.000 25422181 AFD 315-10 10.000 315D

P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code Model A [mm] Ø C [mm] Ø D [mm] SizesAIR VALVE22189 AV 100 19 100 1381022190 AV 125 20 125 164DADescription- To be applied to plafond,ceilings, ventilation ducts,double-ceilings etc.- Allow fl ow rate regulation witha simple adjustment of the <strong>ro</strong>tating core.- White thermoplastic polystyrene.22191 AV <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 20 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 19222192 AV 160 20 160 19222193 AV 200 19 200 240CDAV 100AV 125(mm)200-5 -3 0 3 6 9(mm)200-3 0 3 6 9 12100100PaPa50504010 20 50 100 160[m 3 /h]RECIRCULATION VERSIONEXTRACTION VERSION4020 30 50 100 200[m 3 /h]RECIRCULATION VERSIONEXTRACTION VERSIONAV <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>/160(mm) -3 0 3 6 9 11200200AV 200(mm) -6 -3 0 3 6 9Pa100Pa100504030 50 100 200 300[m 3 /h]RECIRCULATION VERSIONEXTRACTION VERSION504050 100 200 300 400[m 3 /h]RECIRCULATION VERSIONEXTRACTION VERSION

5FP<strong>ro</strong>duct Code ModelA[mm]Ø D[mm]SizesINSULATED ALUMINIUMFLEXIBLE DUCT22182 AFD-I 100-4 4.000 10222183 AFD-I 125-4 4.000 1271122184 AFD-I <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-4 4.000 152Description- Ideal for ventilation and air conditioning,low heat dissipation, condensation, noiseand for high pressure.- Totally manufactured f<strong>ro</strong>m aluminum withinternal thermal insulation by standardfi berglass (25 mm 16 kg/m 3 ).- Length f<strong>ro</strong>m 4 m (Ø 100 mm - <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> mm)up to 10 m (Ø 160 mm - 315 mm).22185 AFD-I 160-10 10.000 16022186 AFD-I 200-10 10.000 20322187 AFD-I 250-10 10.000 25422188 AFD-I 315-10 10.000 315DAACCESSORIES INCLUDEDP<strong>ro</strong>duct <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> A B C D E F <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> A B C D E FGALVANISHEDSHEET-METALBRACKETS100-125-<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> Q 285 40 260 32 130 10 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-160-200-250-315 245 100 40 80 215 10AFEADC7,2DBR 2,5E101018BACx1x2ACCESSORIES OPTIONALP<strong>ro</strong>duct Code A B <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>C<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> - MUSpecial galvanizedsheet-metal brackets.22674 84 75 35Bx2P<strong>ro</strong>duct Code V W kg Insulation A B C DSCNR BCSCNR BC 1,5 - C 2,5Non reversiblevariable elect<strong>ro</strong>nicspeed cont<strong>ro</strong>ller.SCNR - C 1,5 - C 2,5SCNRB(flush fitting electr. speedcont<strong>ro</strong>ller) for all p<strong>ro</strong>ductsC 1,5for all p<strong>ro</strong>ducts up to 1,5 A Max12971* 220-240 200 0,2 cl. II 142 135 59,5 4,512966 220-240 1,5 A 0,2 cl. II 120 43 - -C 1,5 - C 2,5ABDC 2,5for all p<strong>ro</strong>ducts up to 2,5 A Max12967 220-240 2,5 A 0,2 cl. II 120 43 - -SCB Kit(to convert SCNR to flush)for SCNR22481AB

P<strong>ro</strong>duct Model Code Ø A B CPIPE CLAMPS<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 100 22667 103 138 3012<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 125 22668 128 163 30<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 22669 153 188 30<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 160 22666 163 189 30B<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 200 22671 203 198 30<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 250 22672 253 238 30<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-FU 315 22673 318 288 30Ø ACP<strong>ro</strong>duct Model Code P<strong>ro</strong>ducts Ø A Ø BN.fiss.PROTECTION GRILLEDescription- For use on the intake portwhen the unit is mountedwithin reach(EN 294 standards).<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 100 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22750 16002 82 99 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 125 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22755 16012 102 124 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22760 16022 142 149 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 160 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22762 16072 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 200 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22765 16042 142 183 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 250 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22770 16052 182 220 3X120°<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-G 315 (intake p<strong>ro</strong>tection grille) 22775 16062 222 260 3X120°∅ A∅ BSPEED CONTROLLERSDimensions (mm)DUO - code 22914- Two speeds switch- On/Off switch

ENVIRONMENTALSENSORS13Envi<strong>ro</strong>nmental sensors are designed to detect specifi c envi<strong>ro</strong>nmental conditions (humidity, temperature, presence of amoving body and air quality) and suitable for use with all Lineo models. For basic models only.Dimensions (mm)1445455,8• Supply power: 220-240 V• Frequency: 50/60Hz• Maximum load: 3 A• Operating temperature: 50 °C• P<strong>ro</strong>tection class: IP20C HCS-HUMIDITY - CODE 12994Measures ambient relative humidity. It starts the fan when the R.H. It incorporates anover-run timer (adjustable between 3 and 20 minutes).C TEMP-TEMPERATURE - CODE 12992Measures ambient <strong>ro</strong>om temperature, and starts the fan when the temperatureexceeds the preset value. Once the temperature d<strong>ro</strong>ps below the preset value, youcan adjust the overrun timer f<strong>ro</strong>m 3 to 20 minutes.C SMOKE - CODE 12993Measures the air quality, detecting the presence of cigarette smoke, odours and otherpollutants, and starts the fan when the concentration of pollutants exceeds the presetvalue. You can adjust the over-run timer f<strong>ro</strong>m 3 to 20 minutes.C PIR-MOVEMENT DETECTOR - CODE 12998Detects the presence of a moving body within its sensor range, and starts the fanautomatically.You can adjust the over-run timer f<strong>ro</strong>m 3 to 20 minutes.C TIMER - CODE 12999Adjustable over-run timer between 3 and 20 minutes.

ACCESSORIES SELECTION14<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> Code AHDuct heaterNANoise attenuatorAFFilter boxIN-LINE SBackdraughtshutter<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 100 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 16<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 22796 22780 22793 22551<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 125 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 16151 22797 22781 22794 22556<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> Q <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng><st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>150</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>161521615322759 22756 22799 22562<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 160 D 16154 22798 22783 22795 22563<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 200 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 16155 22790 22784 22787 22566<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 250 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 16156 22791 22785 22788 22571<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 315 <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>MD</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> 1615722792 (1 kW)22779 (3 kW)22786 – 22576

TABLE<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>-GP<strong>ro</strong>tection grilleGGRGravity shutterFGFixed grilleAVAir valveCDAir diffuserAFDAluminiumflexible ductAFD-IInsulated aluminiumflexible duct1522750 22332 22165 22189 – 22175 2218222755 22333 22166 22190 – 22176 2218322760 22334 22167 22191 – 22177 2218422762 22334 – 22192 22128 22178 2218522765 22335 – 22193 22127 22179 2218622770 22336 – – 22168 22180 2218722775 22337 – – 22169 22181 22188

CERTIFI<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>CA</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>TIONSCode 03/10Vortice Elett<strong>ro</strong>sociali S.p.AStrada Cerca, 2Frazione di Zoate20067 Tribiano (Milano)Tel. (+39) 02 906991Fax (+39) 02 90699314Italiawww.vortice.comexport@vortice-italy.comVortice France72, Rue Baratte-Cholet94106 Saint MaurCedexTél. (+33) (+33) LimitedBeeches House-Eastern AvenueBurton on TrentDE13 0BBTel. (+44) 1283-49.29.49Fax (+44) 1283-54.41.21United the basic characteristics of the models described and illustrated here shall remain unaltered, Vortice reserves the right to change its p<strong>ro</strong>ducts at any time and without notice to modify components, details or accessories toimp<strong>ro</strong>ve the performance of its p<strong>ro</strong>ducts or to meet specific manufacturing or commercial requirements.

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