Dateline - Hospice Buffalo

Dateline - Hospice Buffalo Dateline - Hospice Buffalo
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12 Dateline HOSPICE DONOR HONOR ROLL As Hospice celebrates its 30th Anniversary, we would like to recognize the generosity of the following individuals who have demonstrated tremendous support to Hospice year after year. The following individuals have given to Hospice for 15 or more consecutive years. Together, these thoughtful individuals have donated more than $3.4 million to the Hospice Foundation. We are honored for their past support and grateful for their continued dedication to advancing the mission of Hospice in our community. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Alberalla Joan Wendt Alford Mrs. Katherine M. Allen Mrs. Ruth E. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Altman American Legion Post 567 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Anderson Mrs. Phyllis Andre Mrs. Eleanor Anibaldi Mrs. Helen Azzi Ms. Audrey E. Babcock Mr. & Mrs. George T. Baltus Mrs. Irene E. Beitz Mrs. Helen K. Belinson Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bieron Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Birner Bill & Annette Blanchard Mr. Richard N. Blewett Mrs. Harriet M. Block Mrs. Marianne Boccabella Mr. Joseph A. Bonfante Ms. Helen P. Borowicz Mrs. Ann Marie Bowman Mrs. Rosemarie K. Breese Mrs. Joan E. Brown Mrs. Florence L. Bryan Buffalo Crushed Stone, Inc. Buffalo General Hospital Mr. Nelson J. Burkard Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cacciato Mr. & Mrs. Frederic R. Cadwell Ms. Ann M. Cain Ms. Barbara J. Campagna Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cardamone Ms. Phyllis B. Carlson Ms. Roberta Castlevetere Mrs. Carol S. Church Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Cipolla Clarence Central Schools Clarence Contemporary Club Mr. & Mrs. George Clement Mrs. Ann Holland Cohn Mrs. Betty E. Colella Ms. Marsha Collins Columbus McKinnon Corporation Mrs. E. Ruth Conniff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Allan Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel A. Coppola Mr. & Mrs. John P. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cutting Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Danforth Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dasey Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dash Ms. Carolyn M. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Davis Mrs. Betty Dean Ms. MaryAnne Dee Mr. & Mrs. Jim E. Degen Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Demmin Ms. Annette Denneville Mrs. Virginia Deuel Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Deveso Ms. Mina J. DiCarlo Ms. Viola Diebold Mr. Thomas E. Diemert Ms. Georgia Dietrich Ms. LouAnn Dingwall Mrs. Jacqueline Domon Mr. & Mrs. John B. Drenning Mrs. Sharon Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. John S. Duengfelder Mrs. Eleanor Dunn Ms. Ruth Irene Dwigans East Aurora Moose Lodge # 370 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Eberl Mrs. Mary E. Ermer Mrs. Helen C. Ernst Virginia Evans-Devereaux Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Farmelo Mr. & Mrs. Laverne F. Fassl Mrs. Marian S. Field Mr. & Mrs. William E. Finn First Niagara Risk Management Doctors Stuart & Jane Fischman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Flynn Ms. Marion G. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Furman Mr. David Fusani Galle Memorial Studio, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Garman Mrs. Virginia F. Garrison Mr. Stuart A. Gellman George F. Lamm Post No.622 Ms. Marie Gerardi Mrs. Lillian A. Gerstman Shirley M. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Gioia Ms. Phyllis Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Allen L. Goldfarb Ms. Catherine F. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Henry F. Goller Ms. Patricia A. Goodrow Helen B. Greene Ms. Lois M. Gregg Reverend James A. Grimmer Mr. Michael V. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Gurney, III Mrs. Gail Hager Ms. Mary Jane Hanavan Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Handzlik Frank C. & Judith L. Harding Mr. Fenton Harrison Mr. Edwin P. Hart Ms. Barbara R. Hayes Dr. & Mrs. W. Merrick Hayes, Jr. Mrs. Darlene A. Helming Mr. John Harry Hemperly Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick, Jr. Mr. John Hill & Dr. Doris Hill Ms. Kathleen B. Hilligas Dr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Hinds, III Mrs. Dorothy M. Hoffman Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Hoffman Mrs. Jane D. Hopkins Dr. & Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins, III Hanley M. Horwitz, M.D. HSBC Bank Mr. & Mrs. Werner A. Huber Mrs. Shirley P. Hudders Ms. Elizabeth S. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hund Jane H. Hunt Juanita K. Hunter, Ed.D. Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Ingrisano, Jr. Mr. Clinton F. Ivins, Jr. Mrs. Isabel James William I. James, M.D. Mr. George Jamesson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Janiga Mrs. Ann Janik Mr. & Mrs. David G. Jay Mrs. Margaret Jewett Miss Nancy A. Johnson Mr. Joseph Joller Honorable & Mrs. Norman E. Joslin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Juhasz Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kahn Mrs. Martin L. Kasbohm Mr. & Mrs. Neil Katz Mrs. Kathleen M. Kawalec Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keller Ms. Nancy King Mrs. Jane B. Kinkead Dr. & Mrs. Jacky Knopp, Jr. Ms. Anne G. Koberstein Mrs. Mary M. Koessler Ms. Dorothy A. Kondziela Mrs. Eileen M. Kowal Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Kowalski, Sr. Ms. Cheryl A. Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kreiner, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon L. Kurtzman Mr. Theodore W. Kury Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kushin Honorable & Mrs. John P. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Latona Ms. Carol Lederman Mr. & Mrs. Max Lefko Ms. Carol A. Leonard Mrs. Philomena Leone Ms. Mary Alice Leshoure Mrs. Ann Levendoski Mrs. Blossom Levy Mr. Maurice A. Levy Ms. Peggy J. Lopian Ms. Patricia A. Lord Ms. Denise M. Loretto Mrs. Evelyn Losardo Ms. Donna J. Lough Ms. Mary Ann Mache Mr. & Mrs. James L. Magavern Ms. Francine L. Maggio Mrs. Mary Joan Mahoney Ms. Alice E. Manley Mr. John H. Mansfield Ms. Linda M. Maraszek Ruth S. Marinsky Mrs. Rosemary Marlette Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martin Mr. & Mrs. William M. Martin Ms. Mary J. Martone Mrs. Alberta E. Matesick Ms. Rose M. McCandless Mr. & Mrs. E. Dennis McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Durham S. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. McClellan McGard, LLC Mr. William T. McMullen Ms. Myrna A. McNaboe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melchioris Ms. Joan Marie Mendola Dr. & Mrs. Albert D. Menno Rev. & Mrs. F. Victor Metivier Ms. Sarah G. Metzger Mr. George M. Meyerhofer Ms. Yetta Midda Dr. & Mrs. Enrico Mihich Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. H. Van Mollenberg Mrs. Florence S. Moore Ms. Mary A. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Erhard C. Moosmann Mr. James Morton Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Moses Mr. & Mrs. James B. Moxon Mrs. Margot R. Mugler Mrs. Eileen Mullaney Mr. Mark A. Mullen & Ms. Kathy O’Connor Mullen Mr. Robert Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Narins Mr. & Mrs. Angelo S. Nasca Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Needham Ms. Dawn M. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Nowak Mr. & Mrs. James W. Oppenheimer Miss Marion Osborn Ms. Janet J. Parco Ms. Barbara J. Parker Ms. Rose M. Parkhill Mrs. Lois E. Partridge Dr. Edwin V. Patricola Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Y. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Richard Penfold Mrs. Elaine R. Pepe Miss Anna Perhach Mrs. Anne M. Peters Mr. & Mrs. George F. Phillips, Jr. Ms. Shirley Pickard Mrs. Betty A. Piecki Mrs. Virginia Pingrey Dr. Julia C. Piquette Doctors Lance & Michele K. Pozarny Dr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Prentice Mr. & Mrs. Milton B. Punnett Mrs. Dawn Rappold Ms. Marcy Recktenwald-Eberl & Mr. Kenneth Eberl

Dateline HOSPICE DONOR HONOR ROLL Continued from page 12. Ms. Irene Recktenwalt Dr. & Mrs. John F. Reilly Ms. Barbara S. Robie Mrs. MaryLou Rondina Ms. Iris J Rosenberg & Mr. Jack Futerfas Mrs. Mary K. Rossberg Mrs. Mollie Milch Roth Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rozek Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Rutstein Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Sacks Ms. Gail L. Samacca Ms. Jean Sheila M. Sanders Ms. Mildred Spencer Sanes Mrs. Joan M. Sanford Mrs. Mary O. Schaab Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Schamber Mr. Earl A. Scheelar Dr. & Mrs. Ray G. Schiferle Mr. Richard Schlia Mrs. Doris Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. C. Jacob Schneider Mr. & Mrs. James D. Schultz, Jr. Deacon & Mrs. Thomas E. Schultz Mrs. June Schwab Ms. Irene Schwemmer Mrs. Roger R. Scott Mr. & Mrs. R. Buford Sears Ms. Janet Shapiro Ms. Ruth A. Shelley Mrs. Harry C. Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sitcov Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Skora, Jr. Ms. Judith A. Smereka Benjamin Smith Charitable Endowment Fund Mrs. Claire R. Smith Gary & Robin Smith Mr. Richard J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Splain St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Mr. Dennis Stefanski Ms. Gaynor S. Stewart Mrs. Ruth Kahn Stovroff Mrs. Sally M. Stubinger Mrs. Alice M. Suor Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Swift Mr. & Mrs. Frank Switalski Mr. & Mrs. Henry Szczepankiewicz Mr. Edward J. Szustak Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Szymanski Mrs. Ruth K. Taddeo Mrs. Gerd Tangeman Mrs. June P. Terranova Ms. Joann Thaesler Philip P. & Geraldine L. Thoin, Jr. Mr. Michael A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Toal Mr. Salvatore Torre The Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation Town of Hamburg Mr. Robert J. Tracey Ms. Marian G. Trippe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tritto Mr. David D. Twist United Methodist Women Bowmansville United United Way - State Employees (SEFA) Ms. Carmela Valente Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Vivacqua Mr. Max Wald Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weaver Mr. Raymond Ph. Weil Mr. & Mrs. Bernhard E. Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Werner West Seneca Teachers Association Mr. Warren White Mrs. Maria Widdowfield Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wilmers Mr. William E. Wilsman Ms. Deborah M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Wilson Mrs. Lorraine A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne D. Wisbaum Mr. & Mrs. James G. Wise Ms. Kathleen M. Wisniewski WMS Sales, Inc. Mrs. Joan A Wojcik & Family Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Irving Yenoff Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zehr Mr. & Mrs. William P. Zulawski Mrs. Margaret M. Zwirlein Camp Blue Skies Provides Fun While Helping Children Cope “From the moment your child arrives at Camp Blue Skies they are made to feel welcome,” said Jim Grande, LCSW, coordinator of Children’s Programs at Life Transitions Center, Inc. “They meet dedicated staff and other children who know exactly what it is like to experience the death of a loved one.” Camp Blue Skies is an annual camp for children between the ages of 7 and 16 which is run under the auspices of Hospice Buffalo. It is held each year at picturesque Cradle Beach Camp in Angola, New York. Camp Blue Skies is staffed by a team of professional grief counselors and trained volunteers. The children’s caregivers get a restful overnight break during which they can relax; knowing their child is having fun and is being well taken care of. If you are interested in Cradle Beach for your child or would like to volunteer for our 2009 overnight camp, please call Jim Grande at (716) 836-6460. Administration Move Jeopardizes Hospice Care, Continued from page 11. 13 CONGRESS SHOULD PRESERVE HOSPICE Congress has historically rejected Administration requests to reduce the level of hospice reimbursement, realizing the harmful impact such cuts would have on care at the bedside. To date, sentiment on Capitol Hill largely remains the same – a bicameral and bipartisan group of more than 90 members of Congress has sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary, Mike Leavitt, in opposition to the proposed rule.

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<strong>Dateline</strong><br />


As <strong>Hospice</strong> celebrates its 30th Anniversary, we would like to<br />

recognize the generosity of the following individuals who have<br />

demonstrated tremendous support to <strong>Hospice</strong> year after year. The<br />

following individuals have given to <strong>Hospice</strong> for 15 or more consecutive<br />

years. Together, these thoughtful individuals have donated more<br />

than $3.4 million to the <strong>Hospice</strong> Foundation. We are honored for<br />

their past support and grateful for their continued dedication to<br />

advancing the mission of <strong>Hospice</strong> in our community.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Alberalla<br />

Joan Wendt Alford<br />

Mrs. Katherine M. Allen<br />

Mrs. Ruth E. Allen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Altman<br />

American Legion Post 567<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ames<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Anderson<br />

Mrs. Phyllis Andre<br />

Mrs. Eleanor Anibaldi<br />

Mrs. Helen Azzi<br />

Ms. Audrey E. Babcock<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George T. Baltus<br />

Mrs. Irene E. Beitz<br />

Mrs. Helen K. Belinson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bieron<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Birner<br />

Bill & Annette Blanchard<br />

Mr. Richard N. Blewett<br />

Mrs. Harriet M. Block<br />

Mrs. Marianne Boccabella<br />

Mr. Joseph A. Bonfante<br />

Ms. Helen P. Borowicz<br />

Mrs. Ann Marie Bowman<br />

Mrs. Rosemarie K. Breese<br />

Mrs. Joan E. Brown<br />

Mrs. Florence L. Bryan<br />

<strong>Buffalo</strong> Crushed Stone, Inc.<br />

<strong>Buffalo</strong> General Hospital<br />

Mr. Nelson J. Burkard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cacciato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederic R. Cadwell<br />

Ms. Ann M. Cain<br />

Ms. Barbara J. Campagna<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cardamone<br />

Ms. Phyllis B. Carlson<br />

Ms. Roberta Castlevetere<br />

Mrs. Carol S. Church<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Cipolla<br />

Clarence Central Schools<br />

Clarence Contemporary Club<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Clement<br />

Mrs. Ann Holland Cohn<br />

Mrs. Betty E. Colella<br />

Ms. Marsha Collins<br />

Columbus McKinnon Corporation<br />

Mrs. E. Ruth Conniff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Cooke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Cooper<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel A. Coppola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Crawford<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cutting<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Danforth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dasey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dash<br />

Ms. Carolyn M. Davis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Davis<br />

Mrs. Betty Dean<br />

Ms. MaryAnne Dee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim E. Degen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Demmin<br />

Ms. Annette Denneville<br />

Mrs. Virginia Deuel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Deveso<br />

Ms. Mina J. DiCarlo<br />

Ms. Viola Diebold<br />

Mr. Thomas E. Diemert<br />

Ms. Georgia Dietrich<br />

Ms. LouAnn Dingwall<br />

Mrs. Jacqueline Domon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Drenning<br />

Mrs. Sharon Driscoll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Duengfelder<br />

Mrs. Eleanor Dunn<br />

Ms. Ruth Irene Dwigans<br />

East Aurora Moose Lodge # 370<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Eberl<br />

Mrs. Mary E. Ermer<br />

Mrs. Helen C. Ernst<br />

Virginia Evans-Devereaux<br />

Memorial Fund<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Farmelo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laverne F. Fassl<br />

Mrs. Marian S. Field<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Finn<br />

First Niagara Risk Management<br />

Doctors Stuart & Jane Fischman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Flynn<br />

Ms. Marion G. Fox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Frankel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Furman<br />

Mr. David Fusani<br />

Galle Memorial Studio, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Garman<br />

Mrs. Virginia F. Garrison<br />

Mr. Stuart A. Gellman<br />

George F. Lamm Post No.622<br />

Ms. Marie Gerardi<br />

Mrs. Lillian A. Gerstman<br />

Shirley M. Gibson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Gilbert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Gioia<br />

Ms. Phyllis Goldberg<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Allen L. Goldfarb<br />

Ms. Catherine F. Goldman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Goldstein<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Henry F. Goller<br />

Ms. Patricia A. Goodrow<br />

Helen B. Greene<br />

Ms. Lois M. Gregg<br />

Reverend James A. Grimmer<br />

Mr. Michael V. Gruber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Gurney, III<br />

Mrs. Gail Hager<br />

Ms. Mary Jane Hanavan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Handzlik<br />

Frank C. & Judith L. Harding<br />

Mr. Fenton Harrison<br />

Mr. Edwin P. Hart<br />

Ms. Barbara R. Hayes<br />

Dr. & Mrs. W. Merrick Hayes, Jr.<br />

Mrs. Darlene A. Helming<br />

Mr. John Harry Hemperly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Henry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sherlock A. Herrick, Jr.<br />

Mr. John Hill & Dr. Doris Hill<br />

Ms. Kathleen B. Hilligas<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Hinds, III<br />

Mrs. Dorothy M. Hoffman<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Hoffman<br />

Mrs. Jane D. Hopkins<br />

Dr. & Mrs. L. Nelson Hopkins, III<br />

Hanley M. Horwitz, M.D.<br />

HSBC Bank<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Werner A. Huber<br />

Mrs. Shirley P. Hudders<br />

Ms. Elizabeth S. Hughes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hund<br />

Jane H. Hunt<br />

Juanita K. Hunter, Ed.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael N.<br />

Ingrisano, Jr.<br />

Mr. Clinton F. Ivins, Jr.<br />

Mrs. Isabel James<br />

William I. James, M.D.<br />

Mr. George Jamesson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Janiga<br />

Mrs. Ann Janik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Jay<br />

Mrs. Margaret Jewett<br />

Miss Nancy A. Johnson<br />

Mr. Joseph Joller<br />

Honorable & Mrs. Norman<br />

E. Joslin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Juhasz<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kahn<br />

Mrs. Martin L. Kasbohm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Katz<br />

Mrs. Kathleen M. Kawalec<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keller<br />

Ms. Nancy King<br />

Mrs. Jane B. Kinkead<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jacky Knopp, Jr.<br />

Ms. Anne G. Koberstein<br />

Mrs. Mary M. Koessler<br />

Ms. Dorothy A. Kondziela<br />

Mrs. Eileen M. Kowal<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Kowalski, Sr.<br />

Ms. Cheryl A. Kozlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kreiner, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Kubiak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon L. Kurtzman<br />

Mr. Theodore W. Kury<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kushin<br />

Honorable & Mrs. John P. Lane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Latona<br />

Ms. Carol Lederman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Max Lefko<br />

Ms. Carol A. Leonard<br />

Mrs. Philomena Leone<br />

Ms. Mary Alice Leshoure<br />

Mrs. Ann Levendoski<br />

Mrs. Blossom Levy<br />

Mr. Maurice A. Levy<br />

Ms. Peggy J. Lopian<br />

Ms. Patricia A. Lord<br />

Ms. Denise M. Loretto<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Losardo<br />

Ms. Donna J. Lough<br />

Ms. Mary Ann Mache<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Magavern<br />

Ms. Francine L. Maggio<br />

Mrs. Mary Joan Mahoney<br />

Ms. Alice E. Manley<br />

Mr. John H. Mansfield<br />

Ms. Linda M. Maraszek<br />

Ruth S. Marinsky<br />

Mrs. Rosemary Marlette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Martin<br />

Ms. Mary J. Martone<br />

Mrs. Alberta E. Matesick<br />

Ms. Rose M. McCandless<br />

Mr. & Mrs. E. Dennis McCarthy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Durham S. McCauley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. McCauley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. McClellan<br />

McGard, LLC<br />

Mr. William T. McMullen<br />

Ms. Myrna A. McNaboe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melchioris<br />

Ms. Joan Marie Mendola<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Albert D. Menno<br />

Rev. & Mrs. F. Victor Metivier<br />

Ms. Sarah G. Metzger<br />

Mr. George M. Meyerhofer<br />

Ms. Yetta Midda<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Enrico Mihich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mitchell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. H. Van Mollenberg<br />

Mrs. Florence S. Moore<br />

Ms. Mary A. Moore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Erhard C. Moosmann<br />

Mr. James Morton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Moses<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Moxon<br />

Mrs. Margot R. Mugler<br />

Mrs. Eileen Mullaney<br />

Mr. Mark A. Mullen &<br />

Ms. Kathy O’Connor Mullen<br />

Mr. Robert Murphy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Narins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo S. Nasca<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Needham<br />

Ms. Dawn M. Nelson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Nowak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Oppenheimer<br />

Miss Marion Osborn<br />

Ms. Janet J. Parco<br />

Ms. Barbara J. Parker<br />

Ms. Rose M. Parkhill<br />

Mrs. Lois E. Partridge<br />

Dr. Edwin V. Patricola<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Patterson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Y. Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Penfold<br />

Mrs. Elaine R. Pepe<br />

Miss Anna Perhach<br />

Mrs. Anne M. Peters<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Phillips, Jr.<br />

Ms. Shirley Pickard<br />

Mrs. Betty A. Piecki<br />

Mrs. Virginia Pingrey<br />

Dr. Julia C. Piquette<br />

Doctors Lance &<br />

Michele K. Pozarny<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Prentice<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Milton B. Punnett<br />

Mrs. Dawn Rappold<br />

Ms. Marcy Recktenwald-Eberl<br />

& Mr. Kenneth Eberl

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