Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council


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<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> DevelopmentAgreement holders (AHRDA)1.Prior to attending this forum my AHRDA experienced manychallenges developing relationships with business.Comments:••Agree ........................................................ 21Disagree...................................................... 8No Indication............................................. 18Agree – 50 per centI don’t know!2. This <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex forum helped me to betterunderstand the issues and constraints that businessfaces to recruit and retain <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people.Comments:••Agree ........................................................ 30Disagree...................................................... 1No Indication............................................. 17Already aware of business challengesWe would benefit from this forum with AHRDAs in the Arctic.Testimonials from the Manitoba<strong>Workforce</strong> Connex forum“There were a lot of practical solutions developed to solvesome of the problems facing <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people today.”Norma Spence – <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Chamber of Commerce“It’s about time we work together andset all our (issues) in order”“Thanks Ken and committee for pulling this together –great job. I always learn something which I can takeback to my organizations.”Jenn Sager Hlady, HR Official, Recruitment, RHA-Central“This was a great experience-allowing individualsto honestly and openly speak about issues andlistening to employers views! It was good for all!!”Haven Stumpf – Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.“What better way to communicateand build relationships?”“Excellent! I’m so glad Partners for Careers wasinvolved. This is what we do in our program.”“Do local presentations (within community),workshops, local radio stations, newsletters.”Oliver Muskego – Norway House Cree Nation“Your understanding of the challenges involvedwith putting <strong>Aboriginal</strong> youth to work will be putto task although you will be provided with thetools and resources to meet them head on.”Tony Scribe“A lot of great idea sharing betweenemployers and AHRDA holders.”Wendi Parenteau, Manitoba Métis Federation Northwest Region“Looking forward to the session up north!”Heather Ayres – Arctic Co-ops“Report will be helpful to review.”Sherry Hennessey – Arctic Co-operatives Limited“This forum is an excellent opportunity to connectpeople (supply) with employers (demand).”Patti Clace – Manitoba Hydro“Would attend again. Great way to network. Gainedvaluable info on employers’ perspectives.”Flora Strong – Brandon Friendship Centre – Partners for Careers“DON’T MISS THIS EVENT. Participate-Participate-Participate.”Derek Ross – First Peoples Development Inc.“Empowering: so much work to still be done;but this was a great way to see what IShappening and out there already.”Michelle Bessette, <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Liaison Officer, ManitobaFood Processors Associations (204)982-6374“This was a critical and effective way to begin asweeping movement toward unification and thereforecreating a landscape for better understanding.”Kimberley Puhach, Manitoba Customer Contact Association“Lessons learned.”Lorraine Cook, Long Plain First Nation Employment and Training“I will continue to reach out to those who want to workand support them throughout their experience.”B. Wastesicoot, CETP“Good idea to bring employers and trainers of<strong>Aboriginal</strong> people together in one forum.”Scott Spence, Projects Coordinator, Manitoba Aerospace46<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Manitoba <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report

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