Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council


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••Connect people – jobs and outreach programs.Database of employers and employees.• Training organizations offering training now. Is it related toLabour Market? Many systems and network components.•••••••••••Need more information on what jobs will be needed to focus training dollars.Ensure accessability.Show a job as a good career opportunity.Too much paperwork.They need too much time off.Tried to employ <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people and it didn’t work.—— There is a cost of hiring and training (risk).Lack of resources to specialize.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> people not playing on level playing field.Lack of capacity to apply for resources.Different world view between <strong>Aboriginal</strong> and non-<strong>Aboriginal</strong> people.Digital divide – no access to internet to apply.• Know the social issues with hiring <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people and addressthem (i.e., housing, transportation, education, childcare).• Transition assistance, job readiness (i.e., peopleskills – coworkers, employer).••What is the community working on?—— how can we work together (need communication of this)?Relocation issues – how do we resolve them?• Organization and company to put supports in place (i.e., benefits,employee assistance programs, resources, respectfulness, child care.)••Holistic response to individuals.Education for employers, organization and managers—— Cultural components and clear policies.• Offer a continuum of training (basic careercounselling and mentorship- coaching).•Employers need mobility of people to access training and jobs.• Employers are missing the knowledge and understandingof what AHRDAs can deliver (there are resources in otherprovinces and regions about AHRDA’s resources).• Resume writing, cover letter, interview skills, career planning,assessments (to make candidates job ready).•••Presentations to schools (post secondary).Community consultations.Employer to give specific skills they are looking for.••••Communication between recruitment agencies and employers.Knowledge of contacts within employer organizations and AHRDAs.Inform employers of benefits (monetary).Wage subsidies.• Supports are offered to get employed, but the supportsstop once the candidate is in the position.•Small business engagement—— They don’t know how to get involved in career fairs and conferences—— Tapping into small business—— Target loaning institutions to target “small business”.• Improve communication between all stakehodlers - AHRDA’s,employers, resources, job seekers, agencies.••••••••••Must bridge the gap from rural and urban.Hiring process is not a barrier.Tokenism and fill quotas.Organization culture – policy and procedures.Lack of flexibility in organization.Need cultural sensitivity for all cultures.Managers and supervisors not willing and knowledgeable of policies.There is a lack of professional development.Need to overcome biases that are inside your organization.There is a lack of career advancement.• How to attract <strong>Aboriginal</strong> talent quickly – housing,advertise (newspaper, online), cultural training?••How can we be better to work for?Speaking in one voice but are we meeting each other’s expectation?• Bombarded by applications not relevant to position– job banks may not contain right skills.••••Maybe AHRDA’s don’t know what skills are not needed by industry.Don’t receive qualified applicants.Hire from within – face social issues – work ethics (lack).Supply doesn’t meet the demand of labour market.• Database not always accurate reflection of skillsand qualifications of applicant.• Are employers communicating in a way that meets theexpectations of the person applying for the job?•Require one-on-one training.• Could be leaving simply because of advancement opportunitiesand the fact that there is a small pool of specialized skills.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Manitoba <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report 13

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