308 CC - Peugeot

308 CC - Peugeot

308 CC - Peugeot


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L E T T E R SAs a kid I just wanted to relax and goon with the flow. Every hard situationwas camouflaged by my parents sothat I would not notice. As I grewolder I started seeing that life presents itselfwith opportunities and you have to decidewhether to grab or drop each one. I am 17this year but ever since I started dreamingbig and trying to be successful, life has been arollercoaster (I will elaborate later on how Iwas inspired by a <strong>Peugeot</strong>).I have plenty of dreams. One of them is tochange the mindset of typical teenagers andmotivate ordinary people to accomplishextraordinary goals.In 2005 I lost my mom, who was verysupportive, to cancer. Although it was theend of her life, it was also the beginning ofnew dreams. To be honest, her passing awaycaused an enormous back sliding in processesconcerning everything that I wanted toachieve. In 2007, two years after she passedaway, something was introduced to my familyby my father. I loved it and fell for it from theday it first arrived in the market.That thing was a car and that car was a<strong>Peugeot</strong> 407 (2.2 sport). In times of distressand confusion I used to hop in it. As I sat onits ‘comforting’ seats and glanced at its breathtakingdetails, giving up was not an option.When I sat in it all my problems seemed todissolve. What I love about that car is the factthat it reflects my personality. It is beautiful,exclusive and strong just like me!!As I write this, I am proud to say that I amconfident that I will prosper in what I am doing.Even though everything involving my dreamsconsumes both energy and time I will holdon to them. As long as my father, my threebrothers and our <strong>Peugeot</strong> are there I willalways have my three best friends at my side.By Hlumelo NyaluzaCustomer stories...Ijust want to start off by thanking you forbringing <strong>Peugeot</strong> to South Africa.I drove a **** 4X4 bakkie – V6 3.0 litre,blue in colour. The car gave me a lot oftrouble, especially when one of the rings onone of the pistons broke. I thought that thiswould be the end of my wife and I’s work,because we rely on transport to go to workand also fetch my family for church.I got a number of a good reliable secondhand car dealer and they told me that theycould help me with a nice BMW 316 (dolphinshape) but I could not afford it. The salesmanthen told me that they had a used <strong>Peugeot</strong>406, 2001, model but it was in an accident. Iwent to look at the car and thought to myselfthat never in my life would I take the car.I spoke to my wife and she told me that shedidn’t think it looked that bad. I must tell youthat the dash was a mess from the airbagsand all the electronics were indisarray. The body didn’t look toogood either…I didn’t have a choice but to take it.That choice I must say was thebest one my wife and I haveever made! I drove the car andcompleted a few minor repairs,replaced the brakes and I’m stilldriving the car!I was looking for a manual to fixup the car but could not findone anywhere. I think if thecops pull me over they aregoing to take the car and putit in the pound!! But the Lordis great and I know that it isnot going to happen!If someday I can afford anew car, I would only buya <strong>Peugeot</strong>. Thank you for agreat car and model.Keep up the good work!Regards,The De Beer family (RSA)In Februaury of this year I tGTi. I have a sickness and itsgrow up with stunning cars arfrom brute power to granny’s puco.) in May 2007 & got my 206 awith such SPIRIT. I was in loveI need to thank you for the excep<strong>Peugeot</strong> Polokwane while I had hDerrec and the owner Carel (staname). I never had problems withBut a special thanks for the mornto Tzaneen on Georges Valley abouyour Polokwane branch who arranwith a new 207 for me and took mYou don’t really get such stunningthe Polokwane team my day was thyou so much guys. You are the ultimNeedless to say my next car will be anice turbo slapped on! I have a lot of rWith best wishes to youYours FaithfullySuzette WilsonP.s Her name was Spirit.Please give the Polokwane something inyour side.2 3PEUGEOTCLUB

3 0 8 C CSTYLISH ANDELEGANTThe <strong>308</strong> <strong>CC</strong> isn’t merely elegant; it underscoresits good looks with a few special details thatbrighten its lines, adding a delicate touch ofFrench sophistication. The smooth glass frontlights look like jewels, while the rear lightsemphasise the double, oblique lines signatureof the <strong>308</strong>. Diodes set within the glass highlightthe entire, unlit surface, so that it looks thesame both day and night. A chrome rim goesround the cabin and then wraps elegantlyround its rear strut.INTERIOR REFINEMENTInside we find the slanting console, with aspecial dashboard with white-backgrounddials and slanting numbers, as well as a special,flat, low-hung steering wheel to make accesseasier. The central casing of the console hasa veneer, in gloss black, instead of the classicgrey. The door panels are also particular tothe <strong>CC</strong>. The front seats are wrap around,with built-in headrests, and are particularlyneat. The airbag to protect the head, pelvisand thorax has been installed in the edgeof the back squab. This gives the seat backa certain thickness and luxurious look, like aclub chair, turning the safety item into a stylefeature. The back seats share the same styleas the front ones, with crisscrossed stitching.They have side and central armrests andindependent window winders. The <strong>CC</strong> hasfour real places in four, individual armchairs.MORE CONVERTIBLETHAN EVERThe <strong>CC</strong> is meant to be a coupé or a convertibleas much as you want. It provides all the benefitsof a <strong>CC</strong>, with a large dash of convertiblethrown in, extending the pleasure of drivingin the open air beyond regular usage. Severalitems contribute to this, especially, automatictemperature control (individual left and right),with an automatic, predefined convertiblefunction. They all enhance that sense of comfort.THOSE LITTLE PLUSESFor your peace of mind a locking system locksthe glove compartment and the parcel tray ofthe central console at the same time as thecar. The size of the boot is slightly larger thanthat of the 307 <strong>CC</strong>. Do we need to remindyou that when the roof is closed, the loadcapacity of a <strong>CC</strong> is 60 litres larger than theequivalent saloon? And lastly, in addition tothe six, standard airbags (including the unique,side airbag fitted in the headrests), rearrollbars ensure your safety if the car rolls overwhile the top is down, giving the <strong>308</strong> <strong>CC</strong> aEuro NCAP 5-star rating. The <strong>308</strong> <strong>CC</strong> statesloud and clear, like every <strong>Peugeot</strong>, that a carmust always remain a pleasure. It adds to thisconcept of pleasure by being a convertible forall seasons. Who’s complaining?6 7 PEUGEOTCLUB

C OA S T TO C OA S TOne tank…H Y P E R M I L I N GIf you are going to drive 1 689.7 km on onetank of diesel over two-and-a-half days insummer with the windows firmly shut andthe air-conditioning off, you not only needremarkable driving skill, but a remarkablevehicle to match.Both requirements were met in full on the<strong>Peugeot</strong> Coast2Coast Challenge, believed tobe the first carbon-neutral hypermiling eventin sub-Saharan Africa.The drivers were rally devotees and TotalEconomy Run stalwarts Andrew Carter andSpotti Woodhead; the car, the super-efficient<strong>Peugeot</strong> <strong>308</strong> HDi.“Under driving conditions like this, drivercomfort and interior amenities are crucial,”says Andrew Carter. “Feather-footed drivingfor optimum efficiency means you are goingto spend a lot of time in the car.“With the <strong>308</strong> HDi, the more time at thewheel the more you learn to love this vehicle;not just for engine efficiency but the creaturecomforts and smooth ride.”In relation to its 307 predecessor, the <strong>308</strong> is73 mm longer, 58 mm wider and 12 mm lowerfor road-hugging comfort. There’s more elbowand ankle room, contributing to an expansivemood as you enjoy ‘the great indoors’.To further improve the driving comfort ofthis family-size hatchback, <strong>Peugeot</strong> optimisedrear-end assembly weights and rigidities,leading to insulation improvements and asense of quiet ease.Damping was adjusted to further reducevibration while interior aesthetics enhancethe feeling of effortless charm.All <strong>308</strong> instrument units display classicalelegance, set off by chrome-rimmed trim.A variable speed controller (VSC) and limiter(VSL) are available on all <strong>308</strong> engines. The VSCcontributes to well-defined ergonomics whileenabling the driver to travel at a stabilized speedwith no action on the accelerator on a level gradient.The result is relaxed and regular driving.one superb car to do it inOn a long run you could hardly ask for a morecongenial driving environment when you haveto stay fresh and concentrate all the way.“At home, we’re a <strong>Peugeot</strong> family,” notesAndrew Carter, “and for the family driver thisis a fantastic vehicle. It’s a joy to drive.”For the Coast2Coast Challenge in late 2008,he and driving colleague Spotti Woodheadhad the six-speed gearbox version of the 1.6<strong>308</strong> HDi.Its 60-litre tank was sealed at Kleinzee, nearPort Nolloth on the Atlantic seaboard andmade it to Umhlangaon the Indian Oceancoast with the seal intact– as attested by respectedTotal Economy Run pioneerand fuel efficiency auditorJan Hettema.This miser of a <strong>308</strong> sipped a piffling 3.4 litresper 100 km on a trip that took it from sealevel to an altitude of 1 800 m and back downagain to the KZN north coast. The car tookon city traffic in Bloemfontein and stronghead winds on several stretches of road, at alltimes carrying a driver and passenger.This was a stock standard vehicle in all respectsexcept for its nitrogen-filled, energy-savingtyres. In the heat of the African summer, itis hardly standard practice to drive with theair-con off and the windows up, but this wasessential to improve fuel efficiency.In our Coast2Coast Challenge, the <strong>Peugeot</strong><strong>308</strong> not only proved to be undeniably efficientin terms of fuel consumption, but also that itis currently one of the greenest vehicles onthe South African market due to it’s modestlylow carbon emissions. SMS ‘<strong>308</strong>’ to 37126and you could win a whopping R5000 in cold,hard cash! Standard SMS rates apply.Lean and clean performance was showcased bylinking the event’s hypermiling format to the questfor environmentally friendly exhaust emissions.The hypermiling trend took off in the USA in8 9PEUGEOTCLUB

mid-2008 as fuel prices spiked. In America,going hyper means getting the most miles tothe gallon and has become a new sport.<strong>Peugeot</strong> in partnership with TOTAL SouthAfrica has now brought this approach to fuelefficiency to South Africa’s attention. Totalprovided the fuel for the <strong>308</strong> on its epic run –ultra low-sulphur Ecodiesel Premium Plus.The event’s green credentials wereemphasised by additional partnerships withthe National Energy Efficiency Agency andFood and Trees for Africa. Every aspect of theevent was subject to carbon audit, includingflights to Durban by PR staff and guests towelcome the car and drivers.Carbon-neutral status was later assured when 18white karee trees were planted at an orphanagein Orange Farm south of Johannesburg toprovide shade for the children.It brings a new dimension to <strong>Peugeot</strong>’s practiceof showing a clean pair of heels to competitors.HYPERMILING… NEW WORD,OLD QUESTHypermiling is a new word, but it refers toan old-fashioned objective – saving fuel andsaving money.Though expert drivers performed wonderson our Coast2Coast Challenge, even theaverage motorist can achieve significantimprovements in fuel economy throughsensible driving techniques.On the challenge, just 56 litres of the <strong>308</strong>’s60-litre fuel capacity was used. But thisachievement was not attributable to specialmodifications.Driver Andrew Carter explains: “It’s not abouttweaking the car; it’s about tweaking YOU.“This is a reverse style of driving. For example,when coming to a hill, the average personnormally accelerates to maintain speed.Instead, try to use the momentum from yourvehicle to coast up the hill, only engaginglower gears when the power begins to wane.“Use gradients to your advantage, utilise yourcar’s optimal torque rating… do this longenough and it becomes a style of driving.”Reducing drag to optimise economy is notonly the function of the car designer, you canengage in a little drag reduction yourself.“Efficient packing and smart use of storagespace will reduce drag as you have less needfor a luggage rack or trailer,” Carter pointsout. “A car like the <strong>308</strong> facilitates storageefficiency. Multiple interior configurations arepossible while the total storage volume hasbeen increased to 348 litres.”Here are more fuel efficiency tips from oneof the Coast2Coast misers:Keep it smooth: hard braking and suddenacceleration can increase fuel consumptionby almost 40%; aim for controlled andgradual starts and stops.Flighty and lightly: Reduce drag; keepwindows up on the highway and take off anybicycle rack – the more aerodynamic youare, the less fuel you’ll consume. Removeunnecessary items from your vehicle to keepyour weight down. Don’t use a trailer or roofcarrier unless absolutely necessary. Use of anunladen trailer increases fuel consumptionby as much as 1.5 l/100km on an idealtravelling day; more when conditions are notfavourable. A laden trailer increases fuel useby as much as 3 l/100km.Stick to the limits: Driving at an average speedof 90 kph versus an average of 120 kph cansave up to 25% of your fuel consumption.It’s also better to keep speed at a constantlevel rather than constantly decelerating andaccelerating.Evaporation: Fuel can and does evaporate.Ensure you close your fuel cap properly andpark in shady areas if possible.Forewarned is forearmed: Check your manualfor the best fuel and oil for your car. Plan trips inadvance for the shortest route (some websitescan calculate the distance between locations).Walk/cycle when and where you can.Maintenance: Look after your vehicle toensure it operates at optimum efficiency anddoes not waste fuel.

www.peugeot.co.za/testdriveKLEINZEE TO UMHLANGA. 1 688 KM ON A SINGLE TANK.Okay, so we admit we used the cleanest burning commercially available fuel.We also used freely available Michelin energy saving tyres, and we didn’t drive thewhole route at 130 km/h. Other than that, our incredibly thrifty fuel consumptionrate of 3,4 l/100 km was achieved in a completely unmodified, sensibly driven car.Test-drive fuel economy that goes the distance.

P E U G E OT I N T E R N AT I O N A L M OTO R E V E N TH Y P E R M I L I N GSouth Africa’s place in the worldwide<strong>Peugeot</strong> family is increasingly showcasedby the participation of South Africansin international events staged by fellow<strong>Peugeot</strong> enthusiasts.Ours is a much-loved brand with an unsurpassedhistory that is celebrated at the <strong>Peugeot</strong> Museumof Adventure (Musée de L’ Aventure <strong>Peugeot</strong>) atSochaux, near Belfort.Its newsletter has a global readership, especiallyamong <strong>Peugeot</strong> clubs that are found all overthe world.A BIG FINNISHMAYBE …BUT THE LOVEAFFAIR NEVERSTOPSThe annual <strong>Peugeot</strong> International MotorEvent celebrates <strong>Peugeot</strong>’s rich internationalheritage and brings together an array ofindividuals with one thing in common – Lovefor the Lion! SMS ‘HERITAGE’ to 37126 andyou could win a whopping R5000 in cold,hard cash! Standard SMS rates apply.The glittering array of restored vehicles fromvarious eras just seems to bring out a feelingof kinship that transcends national borders.Ian Loubser, the Cape Town-based chairmanof Club <strong>Peugeot</strong> Afrique du Sud, was amongguests at the recent L’ Aventure <strong>Peugeot</strong>international event inFinland, marking the 20thanniversary of Finland’s<strong>Peugeot</strong> club.Ian says the three-dayevent in south-westernFinland in the towns ofNaantali and Turku wasunforgettable from themoment the celebrationgot under way at thewelcoming reception at The 2009 event (May 1 - 4) is beingNaantali city hall. hosted by the Belgium Club for Old<strong>Peugeot</strong>s in Blanckenberg, Belgium, toHe recalls: “There were celebrate the club’s 30th anniversary.120 participating <strong>Peugeot</strong>s SA participation is on the cards.and we had the privilegeof meeting two of the WRC drivers, MarcusGrönholm and Timo Salonen with their<strong>Peugeot</strong> 206 WRC and <strong>Peugeot</strong> 205 T16 cars.”One of the highlights was the chance to takepart in a rally along the western coast ofFinland and into the Turku archipelago. A vistaof woodland, shoreline and an island-dottedseascape provided the perfect backdrop fora parade of <strong>Peugeot</strong> thoroughbreds goingthrough their paces.Every day the organisers ensured there wasa lot to see and do. Those who didn’t wantto miss a thing were assisted by the 20 hoursof sunlight per day, especially laid on by theFinnish summer.Events culminated with a glittering gala dinner.It was a big finish to the Finnish adventureand the type of finale that brings <strong>Peugeot</strong>enthusiasts back for more year after year, nomatter what the country. Perhaps we’ll seemore South Africans next time…10 11 PEUGEOTCLUB

L E M A N S 2 4 H O U R SB LU E S P O R TDIARY OF AGREAT RACEOn its second appearance in the LeMans 24 Hours, <strong>Peugeot</strong> Sport’s908 HDi FAP enlivened the raceand annexed two of the top threepositions. Here we reflect on the highlights ofan intense week.SUNDAY JUNE 1, 14:33:warm-upThe test weekend gives teams their firstopportunity of the year to get a feel for theLe Mans circuit. It’s an important opportunityto evaluate and finalise the best set-up optionsfor a circuit with many unique traits. The three<strong>Peugeot</strong> 908 HDi FAPs continue the excellentform they have shown throughout this year’sLe Mans Series, in which they have scoredthree victories in as many races. Despiteunsettled weather, Stéphane Sarrazin recordsan encouraging 3m 22.222s lap that puts himwell ahead of the rival Audis.WEDNESDAY JUNE 11, 20:24:the 908 HDi FAPs set the pacePole position winner at Le Mans one yearbeforehand, Stéphane Sarrazin completes astunning lap in 3m 18.513s, an average speedof 247.16 kph (153.58 mph). That’s six secondsunder last season’s pole and the same marginfaster than the leading Audi. For a moment, youmight almost have believed we were back inthe days before the Hunaudières straight wasbisected by two chicanes. Sarrazin is overjoyed.“When I set my fastest lap,” he says, “thereweren’t many other cars around. I was able toexploit the car’s potential and I pushed reallyhard… It almost felt as though I was dreaming,but it gives me great confidence for the race.”The <strong>Peugeot</strong>s complete a clean sweep of thetop three grid positions.SATURDAY JUNE 14, 15:00:a perfect startThe field is unleashed and the three <strong>Peugeot</strong>seffortlessly pull away from the rest. PedroLamy leads, in car no. 8, from Franck Montagny(car no. 9) and Nicolas Minassian (car no. 7).SATURDAY JUNE 14, 17:14:trouble for peugeot 8With a comfortable lead of about 40 seconds,Sarrazin steers <strong>Peugeot</strong> no. 8 back into the pitsonly seven laps after its most recent scheduledstop. It takes the team 23 minutes to repair agear selection problem. The quickest <strong>Peugeot</strong>’svictory prospects have been compromisedonly 2h 15m into the race. <strong>Peugeot</strong> no. 9inherits the lead… but only for half an hour,after which <strong>Peugeot</strong> no. 7 moves ahead.SATURDAY JUNE 14, 18:40:Montagny’s fightbackHaving driven a double stint at the start of therace, Franck Montagny gets back behind thewheel of car no. 9. The former Formula One14 15 PEUGEOTCLUB

acer is issued with a very clear instruction –“Attack!” – and he takes up the challenge withconsiderable relish. He remains at the wheelfor the next four stints – and each of them isvery quick. “I felt good,” he says, “so I asked theteam if I could carry on driving and they agreed.It wasn’t easy because I could hardly seeanything. There was oil all over the windscreenand, with the sun setting so brightly, visibilitywas a bit marginal. When I took over we were90 seconds behind… and now here we are inthe lead. When somebody asks you to attackin a car as good as this, you push like hell.”SATURDAY JUNE 14, 21:20:the 908 HDi FAPs show their mettleFranck Montagny sets an impressive 3m20.668s lap… but Stéphane Sarrazin underlinesthe <strong>Peugeot</strong>s’ superior pace with a sensational3m 19.354s – less than a second from his poletime and an average speed of 246.11 kph(152.93 mph). Only one car has lapped thecircuit faster since the Le Mans 24 Hoursbegan in 1923… and that was in 1971, beforespeeds had been curbed by the installation ofany chicanes.Race result1 CAPELLO R./KRISTENSEN T./McNISHA. (Audi R10 TDI no. 2),381 laps in 24h 00m 24.085s(216.30 kph/134.40 mph)2 GENE M./MINASSIAN N. VILLENEUVE J.(<strong>Peugeot</strong> 908 HDi FAP no. 7), + 4m 31.094s3 MONTAGNY F./KLIEN C./ZONTA R.(<strong>Peugeot</strong> 908 HDi FAP no. 9), + 2 laps4 LUHR L./PREMAT A./ROCKENFELLER M.(Audi R10 TDI no. 3), + 7 laps5 LAMY P./SARRAZIN S./WURZ A.(<strong>Peugeot</strong> 908 HDi FAP no. 8), + 13 laps6 BIELA F./PIRRO E./WERNER M.(Audi R10 TDI no. 1), + 14 lapsSATURDAY JUNE 12, 22:10:car no. 7 retakes the leadChristian Klien, who covered only three nighttimelaps of the track during practice, runs offthe road at the Ford chicane. With the carstranded in the gravel, the Austrian has towait for recovery assistance before he is ableto continue. Car no. 9 consequently loses thelead, but one of its sisters – no. 7 – takes over.SUNDAY JUNE 15, 5:19:Audi takes the lead… for keepsIt has started to rain and Tom Kristensen revelsin the conditions at the wheel of his Audi R10TDI. When <strong>Peugeot</strong> no. 9 stops for fuel and adriver change, Kristensen comes in for fuel onlyand sweeps into the lead. Audi no. 2 will notbe headed again.SUNDAY JUNE 15, 13:57:final gambleAlthough rain is falling on one part of thecircuit, Nicolas Minassian (car no. 7) plumps tostay on slicks while running second, in a bid tomake up time. His decision causes him a fewanxious moments, but he claws back some ofhis deficit. It is not, however, enough.SUNDAY JUNE 15, 15:00:Audi by a whisker…Despite the best efforts of those in <strong>Peugeot</strong>no. 7, Audi no. 2 retains its lead to the end. It isan eighth Le Mans success for Audi… and alsofor Tom Kristensen, who extends his recordbreakingwin tally.<strong>Peugeot</strong> Sport’s managing director MichelBarge is satisfied, all the same, with a podiumfinish. “It’s a positive result,” he says. “We setourselves a very ambitious target and cameclose to achieving it. I think we performedsuperbly. We were involved in a stirring duelagainst a top-class opponent and finished hoton their heels. It was absolutely unforgettable.”

Big enough to fit your lifewww.peugeot.co.za/testdriveIntroducing the new <strong>Peugeot</strong> <strong>308</strong> SW. With zero compromise on styleand efficiency, this car successfully embodies what an active lifestyle is allabout. Pile in your camping or fishing gear along with the family and enjoythe comfort of a smooth journey. Visit your nearest dealership for moreinformation or www.peugeot.co.za/testdrive to book a test drive today.16 17 PEUGEOTCLUB

TO P B I L L I N GTORQUEABOUTPULLINGS P O N S O R S H I PPOWERCheck out Jo-Ann in her <strong>CC</strong>.Smart, chic, elegant, dynamic … that’spretty much your average descriptionof the <strong>Peugeot</strong> 207 coupé-cabriolet,but could easily sum up your knock-outfirst impressions when Jo-Ann Strauss glides intoview and stretches your store of superlatives.The twinning of the two ‘models’ is nowcomplete thanks to our sponsorship of theTop Billing presenter and her subsequentappearances in the 207 <strong>CC</strong>.Any technician will tell you the 207 <strong>CC</strong> has240 Nm in torque, but how do you even beginto measure the aspirational pull of such a carfor upwardly progressive professionals?Whatever the subjective pull, it’s in overdrivesince Jo-Ann took the wheel.Ad industry execs talk about ‘image transfer’when brand attributes created in one mediumgain special impact by transposition to a newsphere. Something similar occurs when Jo-Annmoves off camera and into her <strong>CC</strong>, says MikeWilson (GM: Marketing, <strong>Peugeot</strong> Motors SA).“Jo-Ann is not only a TV presenter, model andfilm-star in the making, she’s also an astutebusinesswoman,” says Mike. “She’s a directorof venture capital company PartnershipInvestments, Berry and Donaldson andSanlam’s Ubunto-Botho division as well as ahigh profile driver of numerous charity projects.“A law graduate with ambition, dynamism andan aspirational lifestyle – that’s a superb fitwith the psychographics of the <strong>Peugeot</strong> clientbase.It’s certainly a perfect match betweenJo-Ann and our 207 <strong>CC</strong>.”The dynamics of the link-up are showcased bya day in the life of Jo-Ann and her must-see <strong>CC</strong>.A typical day for Jo-Ann.8:00 Meet my co-directors of Berry andDonaldson (Shipping, Clearing and ForwardingAgents) at Walmer Estate Primary to chat tothe principal about their needs; want to donatefunds but need to find out what’s most urgent.9:00 Meet my stylist Duane at theWaterfront to decide on an outfit for TopBilling links – shoes, jewels, etc. We’re beingfollowed by a photographer. Those shots soonappear in a tabloid – me putting my shoppinginto my sexy 207 <strong>CC</strong>.10:00 Meet my director from the Germanmovie I am shooting and my German tutorMatthieus, to discuss my lines and theirdelivery.13:00 Lunch at the Mount Nelson withmy fellow MBA co-students to discuss anupcoming assignment on my investmentcompany, Partnership Investments.15:00 Coffee in Camp’s Bay with my mombefore I go into hair and make-up for TopBilling.17:00 Start getting ready at the locationfor Top Billing links with my stylist, hair andmake-up artist while the crew set up thelights, etc.19:00 At sunset, start the shoot with ashot of me getting out of my 207 <strong>CC</strong>.00:00 Finally, wrap the shoot! Bed time.That’s quite a day, quite a gal, and quite a car!16 17 PEUGEOTCLUB

F B LU U T E U S P R O E R T B LU EKONICA MINOLTA,DRIVEN BY PEUGEOT.Over the last ten years , the sport ofcycling has grown exponentially inSouth Africa; from what startedas a competitive sport that onlyhardened athletes could master, cycling hasdeveloped into one of the fastest growingsports in the country. Events within the sportare reaching new horizons and the sport is nowreadily accessible to the general public. Withtoday’s emphasis on healthy living and an activelifestyle, many sports have received a boost inparticipants, but none as swiftly as cycling.Cycling is one of few sports that the entirefamily is capable of taking part in, whilstthoroughly enjoying the health benefits itoffers. It is these benefits that are attractingcontinuously growing numbers at thecountless cycling events across the country.“With governing bodies such as Cycling SouthAfrica promoting growth at a grass roots level,it is anticipated that cycling will continue itsupward curve over the years, as it has done upuntil this point” stated Roger Bouton, Directorof CSA’s Development Board. When askedabout the current state of the sport.One of the pioneers behind the “Big Budget”pro teams which are actively racing on theprofessional circuit in South Africa, is theKonica Minolta Continental Cycling team.The team which was the brain child of JohnRober tson has grown from strength tostrength over a period of 12 years and in sodoing has shaped future professional careers ofmore of South Africa’s top professionals thanany other Pro Team in the history of SouthAfrican Cycling. The team is seen by many asan “institution” within the sport.With a strong emphasis on “ShapingChampions”, Konica Minolta has becomerenowned for producing world class cyclists.Such cyclists include John – Lee Augustyn andChris Froome who are both currently ridingfor the Barloworld Pro Continental Team;and the Velits brothers, Peter and Martintogether riding for theMilram Pro Tour Team.Peter Velits won the2007 World U23 roadrace championships andit comes as no surprise tomany to hear that theseand other world classriders were nurtured anddeveloped by the KonicaMinolta team.In 2009 along with theteams signing of newtalent, the team has beenproudly sponsored by<strong>Peugeot</strong> South Africawho will be providing theteam with their officialservice vehicle and teamtransport for the durationof the season. <strong>Peugeot</strong>will be supplying Konica Minolta with the new<strong>Peugeot</strong> <strong>308</strong> SW for the duration of the yearand the Expert for of South Africa’s premierinternational stage race, the Giro del Capo.The team will also be making use of the new<strong>Peugeot</strong> Expert.“It seems fitting for the Konica Minolta Team tobe partnered by an innovative company suchas <strong>Peugeot</strong>,” said team manager Robertson.“In 2006 & 2007 the team already made use ofa <strong>Peugeot</strong> 307 SW both in South Africa andabroad. We are very excited to have the fullbacking and support of <strong>Peugeot</strong> SA.”If the quality of riders produced by thisinstitution is anything to go by, it can only beassumed that Konica Minolta together withthe support of <strong>Peugeot</strong> will once again strivetowards another productive year in developingsome of the rising future stars.18 19 PEUGEOTCLUB

5 0 M I L L I O N P E U G E OT SB A C K I N B LU EA C E N T U R Y O FPEUGEOTSIt is 20 June 2008 and there’s a great deal of commotionin Sochaux. Under the impressive industrial vaulted roofof the factory they were celebrating the 50 millionth<strong>Peugeot</strong> to be produced. It was a <strong>308</strong> SW, which recentlyjoined the catalogue. Let’s review a legendary saga.The 50,000,000th <strong>Peugeot</strong>, a <strong>308</strong> SW decorated with the manufacturer’s most outstanding models, is now on show at the Musée de l’Aventure <strong>Peugeot</strong>, whichis celebrating its twentieth anniversary.20 21 PEUGEOTCLUB

On this historic day Christian <strong>Peugeot</strong>spoke before an audience ofemployees. For the occasionthe 50 millionth <strong>Peugeot</strong> wasdecorated with photographs of models thathave graced the history of the make. The<strong>308</strong> SW has a special place in the Musée del’Aventure <strong>Peugeot</strong>, which was then celebratingits twentieth anniversary.UNEQUALLED DYNAMISMWhat a road has been taken since four modelsof the <strong>Peugeot</strong>-Serpollet were built in 1889!This remarkable industrial saga would nothave existed were it not for the enthusiasmof Armand <strong>Peugeot</strong> (1849-1915), who, againstthe advice of his family, threw himself into themanufacture of “horseless carriages”, as theywere then known. The Type 3 quadricycle,powered by a V2 petrol engine assembledin 1891, marks the true beginning of the Lionbrand. We have progressed far from themodest workshop in Valentigney, and today thebrand manufactures at 24 production locations,throughout the world, and generates some160 models in 34 product families. Well beforeWWII <strong>Peugeot</strong> had tried every category of car,from the small, economical 6 CV Bébé TypeBP 1 of 1913, which let even those with themost limited means have a car, to the expensive22 CV Type 184 with a six cylinder valvelessmotor of 1928, aimed at the very rich. In theface of the dreadful Depression of the 1930s<strong>Peugeot</strong> had a secret weapon, the 201, whichallowed the brand to weather this very difficultperiod. It would also be the first productioncar in the world to have independent, frontwheelsuspension. The revolutionary 402range, unveiled in 1935, astonished even themost blasé with aerodynamics that were wellin advance of their time. Unfortunately, thecommercial success of the model was thwartedby the outbreak of war.INTERNATIONAL SU<strong>CC</strong>ESSESThe 203, introduced in October 1948 andthe first new post-war model would put thecompany back among the major players in thecar sector. Numbers took off. When productionended in 1960, 685 268 of this model had beenmanufactured. The 403, produced between1955 and 1966, let <strong>Peugeot</strong> for the first timego beyond the magic number of a million unitsbuilt, with exactly 1 214 100. Numbers tookoff again with saloons, coupés, convertiblesand vans of the 404 range, with 2 885 267 ofthese manufactured between 1960 and 1978.<strong>Peugeot</strong>’s move to front-wheel drive with thevery modern 204 in 1965 was overwhelminglysupported by consumers, who would buy1 604 290 of them by the time production washalted in 1976. Nearer to our own time, in 1996the millionth 306 left the Poissy production linejust 33 months after having been launched,thereby breaking the record set by the 205,which had taken 34 months to achieve this figure.The 206 was unveiled in September 1998 andfurther consolidated the success achieved bythe 205, with the 6 millionth one coming offthe assembly line in April 2007, with the modelcontinuing right up until today its highly successfulinternational career. It is now in production notjust at the Mulhouse and Poissy plants, but alsoin Argentina, Brazil, Iran and China.The world of speed1929, 201 Berline 1932-1942, 402 BlérgéreIn racing <strong>Peugeot</strong> has also demonstrated uncommon variety by distinguishing itself in a whole range of categories.Thus the brand won the 1913 Indy 500 and remains up until today the only French carmaker to have won this famousAmerican event. Ever since, <strong>Peugeot</strong> has distinguished itself in all disciplines and throughout the globe, in events in Africa,in world championship rallies, long-distance rallies, in the super-tourer class, the Le Mans 24 Hours and Formula 1.A policyof growth1955, 403 1971, 204 Berline 1983, 205 GRDuring the 1970s <strong>Peugeot</strong> fine-tuned a strategy of mergers by acquiring Citroën in 1974, and four years later theEuropean subsidiaries of Chrysler, America’s third-largest car manufacturer. This policy has placed the PSA <strong>Peugeot</strong>Citroën Group amongst the world’s largest car producers.

C O M P E T I T I O N SJOHANNESBURG INTERNATIONALMOTOR SHOW:MAKE YOUR MARK WINNERDuring the JHB International MotorShow, <strong>Peugeot</strong> hosted the MakeYour Mark competition on theirstand. The competition offeredvisitors to the stand an opportunity to submittheir “unique, green and world changing idea”by either writing it onto the actual car or whenspace no longer allowed, on one of our fullyrecycled green leaves. Lisa Parnell (picturedbelow) was the grand prize winner after amarathon voting contest on our website – shehas won herself an all expenses paid trip towatch the 24 hour Le Mans race in Paris laterthis year! Her winning idea: “Systems could beset up so that power generated at gyms, bytreadmills and various other exercise equipment,could be fed back into the power grid.”TEST-DRIVE AND WINTowards the end of 2008 <strong>Peugeot</strong>offered customers and prospects theopportunity to test-drive a vehicle ata dealership and win. The prize wasa whopping R20 000 and the ecstatic winnerwas Mr Johan Theron who test-drove at<strong>Peugeot</strong> Helderberg. Pictured are Johan andhis wife – see the response we received fromJohan shortly after we notified him of his prize:“Dear Tessa,Thank you for the wonderful news that yougave us today. As a pensioner you have broughtpeace to a concerned mind. May you andeveryone at <strong>Peugeot</strong> be blessed abundantly.”JJ TheronPuzzleM S B E A R T T C H I L D S E A T B YI E A R R A O R R O T A I D A R P I DR C T E E D S R A T S D I R F O R G OL A T L N I L U R N R E E R W O O N DE R E F O O N U S I S P A E B F O I CE R R F I T N A V P M M R T L A D T AH I Y U T K H E F U E W I E B L G I RW E L M I S L G B G I N E S E E T O BW R A T D I I A I N N H S I S R L N UN R N A N E I A D L W I H I V I B T RR A G E C N F O R G D S L H O R O N EE C I S C G W U N T D A O O A N A N TT K S R R I G I S N E O E K O X R E OS H N A I N R L I E D R E H L C L O RO C R C A E E W T F A H S E V I R D HR T U I E E C R U I S E C O N T R O LF U T T H G I L L I A T G A S T A N KE L S W G H C R A N K C A S E R I T TD C A L T E R N A T O R E G G O F E Dairbagair conditioneralternatorbatterybodybrakebumpercar seatcarburetorcarrier rackchild seatclutchcooling fancrankcasecruise controldefoggerdefrosterdoordrive linedriveshaftengineframefusegas tankheadlighthoodhornignitionmufflerpower windowradiatorradiorear view mirrorroofseat beltstartersteeringsuspensiontail lighttyrestransmissiontrunkturn signalwheel rimwheelswindshieldTerms and conditions of the SMS competition: 1. This competition is conducted by <strong>Peugeot</strong> and its advertising agency, hereafter to be referred toas the “Judges”. 2. Entry is open to anyone living in South Africa over 18 years of age that is in possession of a valid ID, except employees or familymembers of <strong>Peugeot</strong>, its dealers or promotional agencies. 3. Entry is limited to 1 entry per unique keyword. 4. SMSs are charged at standard rates,bundled SMSs do not apply. 5. The competition runs from 1 April to 30 June 2009. The winner will be chosen by random draw on 1 July 2009 andnotified telephonically. 6. One single cash prize of R5000 will be awarded to the overall winner, who will be determined by means of a lucky draw. 7.The Judge’s decision on all issues regarding this promotion is final.22 23 PEUGEOTCLUB

TRACETECH – FIND YOUR DREAM CARDuring the course of 2008, anyonewho took out a new contract withTracetech, was eligible to enter afabulous competition to win abrand new <strong>Peugeot</strong> <strong>308</strong> XT. Phil Minnaar ofPretoria was the man to draw the key thatturned the car’s engine – what an amazing wayto begin the festive season!GO RED FOR WOMAN WINNER<strong>Peugeot</strong> is proud to be associatedwith a campaign called Go Red ForWomen, an initiative of The Heart andStroke Foundation. The campaign aimsto create awareness and reduce the incidenceof heart disease and strokes amongst women.As part of the association PMSA loaned oneof the lucky ladies a red 407 Coupe to drivefor the whole month of October.Pictured is Phil in the hot seat of his new <strong>308</strong> XT!D C A L T E R N A T O R E G G O F E DE L S W G H C R A N K C A S E R I T TF U T T H G I L L I A T G A S T A N KR T U I E E C R U I S E C O N T R O LO C R C A E E W T F A H S E V I R D HS H N A I N R L I E D R E H L C L O RT K S R R I G I S N E O E K O X R E OE C I S C G W U N T D A O O A N A N TR A G E C N F O R G D S L H O R O N EN R N A N E I A D L W I H I V I B T RI E A R R A O R R O T A I D A R P I DR C T E E D S R A T S D I R F O R G OL A T L N I L U R N R E E R W O O N BW R A T D I T A I N N H S I S R L N UW E L M I S L G B G I N E S E E T O BH I Y U T K H E F U E W I E B L G I RE R R F I T N A V P M M R T L A D T AE R E F O O N U S I S P A E B F O I CStanding with her red hot number is Nomsa KulehileM S B E A R T T C H I L D S E A T B YPuzzle SolutionDo you enjoy entering our <strong>Peugeot</strong> competitions? Well here’san easy one for you… Simply SMS ‘COMPETITION’ to 37126and you could win a whopping R5000 in cold, hard cash!Standard SMS rates apply.

Gauteng<strong>Peugeot</strong> NorthcliffTel: 011 478 1777361 Beyers Naude Drive, NorthcliffLimpopo<strong>Peugeot</strong> PolokwaneTel: 015 291 970064 Hans van Rensberg Street, PolokwaneD E A L E R D E T A I L S<strong>Peugeot</strong> WoodmeadTel: 011 800 930014 Waterfall Crescent, Woodmead Extension 5<strong>Peugeot</strong> East RandTel: 011 841 3200Bentel Street Entrance No.3, Boksburg<strong>Peugeot</strong> SouthTel: 011 682 40005 Skukuza Road, Bassonia<strong>Peugeot</strong> FourwaysTel: 011 467 9340Currie Road, Monte Casino Boulevard, Fourways<strong>Peugeot</strong> MenlynTel: 012 369 9800Cnr. Gen Louis Botha Avenue & Garsfontein Road,Menlyn<strong>Peugeot</strong> Isando Commercial CentreTel: 0861 738 436Cnr. Director Road & Andre Greyvenstein Road,Kempton Park<strong>Peugeot</strong> VereenigingTel: 016 422 11151 Johannesburg Road, VereenigingKwazulu Natal<strong>Peugeot</strong> PietermaritzburgTel: 033 264 400088 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg<strong>Peugeot</strong> PinetownTel: 031 716 5000117 Old Main Road, PinetownNorthern Cape<strong>Peugeot</strong> KimberleyTel: 053 832 165475 Long Street, KimberleyWestern Cape<strong>Peugeot</strong> HelderbergTel: 021 841 8200Cnr. Mill Street & Langenegger Street,Helderberg, Strand<strong>Peugeot</strong> TygervalleyTel: 021 910 7272288 Durban Road, Tygervalley<strong>Peugeot</strong> Cape TownTel: 021 413 9888Corner Hertzog Boulevard and Oswald Pirow Road,Cape Town CentralEastern Cape<strong>Peugeot</strong> Eden GeorgeTel: 044 873 408024 C J Langenhoven Street, George<strong>Peugeot</strong> East LondonTel: 043 726 897642 Frere Road, Vincent<strong>Peugeot</strong> Port ElizabethTel: 041 365 2741333 Cape Road, Newton ParkNorthwest Province<strong>Peugeot</strong> KlerksdorpTel: 018 462 9963Cnr. Leask Street & Bram Fischer Street, Klerksdorp<strong>Peugeot</strong> Richards BayTel: 035 789 0787124 Dollar Drive, Richards Bay<strong>Peugeot</strong> Durban CentralTel: 031 335 120078 Brickhill Road, Durban Central<strong>Peugeot</strong> UmhlangaTel: 031 575 9000192 Ridge Road, Umhlanga Rocks<strong>Peugeot</strong> NewcastleTel: 034 315 578312 Murchison Street, NewcastleMpumalanga<strong>Peugeot</strong> NelspruitTel: 013 752 7332Cnr. Mnotweni Avenue & Cascades Close, NelspruitFreestate<strong>Peugeot</strong> BloemfonteinTel: 051 447 5332145 Church Street, Bloemfontein<strong>Peugeot</strong> WelkomTel: 057 355 6<strong>308</strong>206 Jan Hoffmeyer Street, WelkomSwaziland<strong>Peugeot</strong> MbabaneTel: 09 268 404 0555Sheffield Road, MbabaneNamibia<strong>Peugeot</strong> WindhoekTel: 00 264 292 4000444 Independence Avenue, WindhoekBotswana<strong>Peugeot</strong> GaboroneTel: 09 267 319 0221Plot 22147, Kgaleview, Gaborone West24 23 PEUGEOTCLUBPEUGEOTCLUB

When nothing else matters.When nothing else matters.TO BE SUPPLIEDwww.peugeot.co.za/TestDrivewww.peugeot.co.za/testdriveImagine for a moment forgetting about the simple routines in life. Forgetting to drive to workin the morning or picking up the groceries on the way home. Well, that’s what it feels like whenyou step inside any one of the <strong>Peugeot</strong> 207’s. With the same lean, stylish body that saw it becomeEurope’s best-selling car in 2007, the <strong>Peugeot</strong> 207 range is as appealing as ever. It’s no surprisethen that for a superior hatchback in its class it’s easy to lose yourself. For more informationvisit <strong>Peugeot</strong>.co.za/TestDrive.Imagine for a moment forgetting about the simple routines in life. Forgetting to driveto work in the morning or picking up the groceries on the way home. Well, that’swhat it feels like when you step inside any one of the <strong>Peugeot</strong> 207’s. With the samelean, stylish body that saw it become Europe’s best-selling car in 2007, the <strong>Peugeot</strong>207 range is as appealing as ever. It’s no surprise then that for a superior hatchback inits class it’s easy to lose yourself. For more information PEUGEOT. visit <strong>Peugeot</strong>.co.za/testdrive.ENGINEERED TO BE ENJOYED.

F U T U R E B L U EF 3 0 U 8 T R U C R Z E B LU EWhen the top drops, so do jaws.www.peugeot.co.za/testdriveOpen up to a more pleasurable driving experience this summer with a carthat is superior from the top down. With a choice of an 88 kW in the SportOne model or 110 kW in the Sport Two model, you’ll find a powerful engineto match the 207 <strong>CC</strong>’s powerful looks. What’s more, with the Sport Two’sfull leather interior, cruise control, directional headlights and alloy wheels,you’ll be able to enjoy the perfect summer lifestyle, in true style. Visit yournearest dealership for a test drive and say goodbye to the winter blues.4 5 PEUGEOTCLUB

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