DRAKE DAD860 - Solid Signal

DRAKE DAD860 - Solid Signal DRAKE DAD860 - Solid Signal

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<strong>DRAKE</strong> <strong>DAD860</strong>DIGITAL TO ANALOG DECODER<strong>DAD860</strong>LOCKLINKRS232PROGRAMDescription and Applications

Advantages of Digital to Analog Decoding•After February 2009, most off-air analog broadcasts will stop and onlyATSC digital transmitters will be used for broadcast TV. For non alldigital CATV systems, the <strong>DAD860</strong> provides an economical way toreceive the new digital transmissions and to output an analog NTSCvideo and audio signal for feeding an analog modulator at the headend.This solution would comply with the FCC requirement to support analogTVs until February 2012.• More channels could be made available to analog TV owners. Manyanalog TV stations are currently transmitting multiple program channelsin digital format, which are currently unavailable to analog set owners.•Picture quality will be improved. Digital transmission eliminates “snow”,“noise” and “ghosts”.•Less spectrum space is required for digital off-air and CATVbroadcasting since multiple digital programs can be transmitted in asingle 6 MHz wide channel, thus freeing spectrum space for use by otherservices.

Potential Applications•Hotels and Motels•Schools•ApartmentBuildings•Condominiums•Retirement& Other PlannedCommunities•Hospitals•Cable SystemsI wantmy MTV!•Restaurants &•Sports Bars•Prisons

Solutions for Decoding ATSC or Clear QAM Digital <strong>Signal</strong>s toAnalog for Re-distribution as NTSC Video with:•Mono Analog Audio.•Stereo Analog Audio.•Analog Stereo with SAP.

Stereo Analog Audio<strong>DAD860</strong>VMM860ASAgile Stereo ModulatorCombinerCableSystemATSC inClearQAMinRFin<strong>DAD860</strong>LOCKLINKRS232PROGRAMNTSC VideoAudio LStereoAudio RNTSC withStereo AudioOn selectedchannelFromothermodulatorsToDistribution•If stereo output is desired, a stereo modulator such as theDrake VMM860AS must be used as shown in the aboveillustration. Here, the left and right audio outputs from the<strong>DAD860</strong> are being fed into the L and R audio inputs of theVMM860AS. The modulator output is being fed into a combinerfor distribution along with other modulator outputs.

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