BPT Program Brochure - Gulf Medical University

BPT Program Brochure - Gulf Medical University

BPT Program Brochure - Gulf Medical University


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“If you save one life, you’ll save the life of the whole mankind”Approved by the Ministry of Higher Education andScientific Research - United Arab EmiratesListed in WHO World Directory of <strong>Medical</strong> SchoolsListed in IMED under the auspices of FaimerMember, Global Alliance for <strong>Medical</strong> EducationMember, International Association for Dental ResearchMember, International AssociationFor <strong>Medical</strong> EducationMember, Institute of International Education (IIE)• COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES - GMU

gulf medicaluniversityGMU VISIONThe Vision of <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong> is to be a leadingcontributor to the continuous improvement of thenation’s health care delivery system through the pursuitof excellence in medical education, biomedical researchand health care services. The <strong>University</strong> aspires toprovide a unique learning experience of high quality toour students and produce graduates whose competencewill help them to make a significant contribution to thehealth of the community through pursuit of academia,research and healthcare.The <strong>University</strong> aspires to attract the best of studentsby offering a variety of excellent programs supportedby quality administration and student support services.The <strong>University</strong> aspires to be known for excellence andimpact of its research on the educational milieu of thenation and the outcomes of clinical care. The <strong>University</strong>aspires to be an integral part of the community throughtransfer of knowledge, continuous dialogue with thecountry’s health care planners and enhanced communityservices.LICENSE & RECOGNITIONGMU MISSIONIt is the Mission of the <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong>to strengthen and promote excellence in medicaleducation, biomedical research and patient care.GMU is committed to prepare a highly skilled healthworkforce made up of health care professionals, healthmanagement and support workers and health scienceinvestigators in order to meet the health care needs ofthe nation and the region.GMU will strive to produce health care professionalswho will integrate the advances in research with thebest clinical practices.GMU will promote health services, which incorporatethe latest advances in scientific knowledge in a mannerthat supports education and research for the benefit ofthe community.<strong>BPT</strong> <strong>Program</strong> of the university has received initial accreditation by the U.A.E. Ministry of Higher Education and ScientificResearch. The curriculum for the courses is based on the general guidelines and norms laid down in the Standardspublished by the Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAE.UNIVERSITY DIVISIONS ANDACADEMIC PROGRAMSThe <strong>University</strong> has six academic divisions offeringfollowing degree & non degree programs:COLLEGE OF MEDICINE• MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of SurgeryCOLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES• <strong>BPT</strong> - Bachelor of Physical TherapyCOLLEGE OF PHARMACY• Pharm D - Doctor of PharmacyCOLLEGE OF DENTISTRY• DMD - Doctor of Dental MedicineCOLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIESMasters <strong>Program</strong> (2 years)• MS - Clinical Pathology• MS - Toxicology• MPH - Master of Public HealthPost Graduate Diploma <strong>Program</strong>s (1 year)• Diploma in ToxicologyCENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDCOMMUNITY OUTREACHCertificate Course (10 months)• Dental Assistant • <strong>Medical</strong> Assistant - Laboratory• <strong>Medical</strong> Assistant - Administration • Nurse Assistant• <strong>Medical</strong> Assistant - Clinical• Physical Therapy Assistant • Pharmacy AssistantCERTIFICATE COURSE (SHORT TERM)• Introduction to Health Careers • Certificate In<strong>Medical</strong> Terminology • Clinical Nutrition • <strong>Medical</strong>Billing and Coding • <strong>Medical</strong> Insurance Billing• Phlebotomy • Dental office Management• Nutrition for Sports and Human Performance • LegalFundamentals of Health Care and Public Health • ECGand Rhythm Interpretation • Infection Control forNon-clinical Healthcare Workers • Geriatrics HealthCare • Pharmacy Review • Pharmaceutical Sales andMarketing • ECG Monitor Technician • Basic SurgicalSkills • Basic Arabic for Health ProfessionalsWEEKEND WORKSHOPS on Basic Surgical Skills &Fundamentals of EKG


MESSAGE FROMPRESIDENTDear Students,Welcome to <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong>, one of thepremier universities in this region. We are here tohelp you to succeed in your chosen career under theexpert guidance of a team of well-experienced andhighly qualified faculty and staff.The facilities at the <strong>University</strong> have been designed toprovide a student friendly environment that promotesstudent participation as a major component in thedelivery of health care & to promote active learning.The Mission of the university is to fulfill ourcommitment to prepare skilled professionals whowill meet the health care needs of the nation and theregion by integrating the advances in research withthe best practices for the benefit of the communitythat they serve.Thumbay MoideenFounder PresidentBoard of Governors - GMUMESSAGE FROMPROVOSTDear Students,On behalf of the President, the faculty, administrationand the student body, I am delighted to welcome you tothe <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong> also known as GMU!The university learning community will now be made upof students working to become practicing physicians,pharmacists, dentists and physical therapists, a multiprofessionalgroup very much like the multi-professionalhealthcare delivery teams of the 21st Century. We hopeat GMU as you “Study together today to work togethertomorrow” you will share the large pool of knowledgeand experience that is available in the different healthrelated disciplines with each other and grow to respectthe contribution made by each health profession toprovide comprehensive health care to the communityyou will together serve in the future.Members of the faculty, as well as students and staffhave help build this institution that is attracting regional,national and international attention. With a facultycommitted to maintaining strong academic standardsfor our students and ourselves and the commitmentof the administration and staff in every aspect of ourmission and your contribution as a member of theuniversity community we will together realize the visionof GMU.The leadership of the faculty and staff at GMU is engagedin efforts to strengthen teaching, learning, research andcommunity engagement both at the undergraduate andgraduate levels. GMU’s mission is focused on assuringthe quality of its programs to the university studentbody.As you become familiar with the campus, your mentorsand your peers, you will surely be impressed with themultifaceted and rich academic environment. We areconfident that your contributions to the lives of fellowstudents, your chosen career field and the university willbe marked by excellence. Welcome.Prof. Gita Ashok RajProvost GMU


MESSAGE FROMASSOCIATE DEANDear Students,Welcome to the Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy)<strong>Program</strong> at College of Allied Health Sciences, GMU. <strong>Gulf</strong><strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong> is emerging as the leading centerin the Middle East for educating professionals in abroad array of healthcare fields. College of Allied HealthSciences (CoAHS) works under the broader umbrella ofGMU is committed to strive for moulding the PhysicalTherapists of tomorrow – who are knowledgeable,competent and ethical clinicians - sensitive to thecultural and social service needs of the society. Wehope to accomplish this goal by providing a dynamicand challenging curriculum, focusing on our studentsand blending the best of both traditional and modernpedagogical methods: large group lectures, small groupdiscussions, case-based learning and computerizedinstruction.The <strong>BPT</strong> curriculum has been revised to keep up to theexpanding knowledge base of Physical Therapy. We havealso given top priority for one-to-one clinical teaching atour clinical education facilities. To enhance the clinicalskills along with class room teaching students will beposted at various centers throughout the duration ofstudy. Various instructional strategies and technologieswill be used to teach you about career opportunitiesand their associated roles and new responsibilities,legal and ethical issues, patient diversity, anatomy andphysiology, injury mechanisms, disorders requiringphysical therapy, aspects of rehabilitation, safetyconcerns and patient documentation.As a physiotherapist you will be aiming at improvingthe ability of an individual to function successfullyregardless of the reason for disability: disease or trauma,developmental or acquired, acute or chronic. Theprofession of Physical Therapy has grown by leapsand bounds in a short span of time and you will betrained to keep abreast with these standards. Physicaltherapists are readily employed all over the world sincethey offer a variety of clinical knowledge and expertise,adding to the diversity of the professional community.Enormous academic workload is required to meet thecompetencies for Physical Therapy practice. You will beentering a competitive program and there may be timeswhen the academic climate becomes quite stressful. Ihope that you will take it as a challenge and soar ahead ofstumbling blocks to be a competent Physical Therapist.Throughout your academic period at CoAHS, GMU thefaculty members will be available to guide and assistyou in your preparation for a challenging future ahead.With profound warm wishes we inviteyou to become a part of our excitingand dynamic college.Praveen Kumar. KAssociate DeanCollege of Allied Health SciencesCollege of AlliedHealth Sciences


<strong>BPT</strong>PROGRAMIntroduction:The development of a need based educational systemwill transform the society and lead it into the fastdeveloping world. All developed nations of the worldhave reached their present level of growth only throughdevelopment of science and technology with properlyplanned educational systems of excellence.Duration of Course <strong>Program</strong>me:The total duration of the B.P.T. programme is four years.First and second <strong>BPT</strong> are each of one year duration.The third and final year <strong>BPT</strong> is one-and-a-half years induration. After the successful completion of the B.P.T.<strong>Program</strong>me, 6 months Compulsory Resident RotatingInternship (CRRI) training shall be organized for thegraduates. The B.P.T. degree shall be awarded onlyafter the satisfactory completion of the Internship. Themedium of instruction is English.GOALSa. The student should acquire knowledge andunderstanding of health and its promotion and ofdisease, injury and disability. Its prevention andmanagement in the context of the whole individualand his or her place in the family and in society.b. The student should acquire and become proficientin physiotherapy skills such as the ability to selectstrategies for cure and care: adopt restorative andrehabilitative measurers for maximum possibleindependence of a patient at home, work place andin the community.c. The student should acquire and demonstrateattitudes necessary for the achievement of highstandards of physiotherapy practice both in relationto the provision of care of individuals and populationsand to his or her own personal development.Eligibility of Admission :Candidates for admission to the first year of the degreecourses in B.P.T. should have passed the HigherSecondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Examination or AdvancedSupplementary (AS) level Examination after a period of12 years of study with Biology, Chemistry and Physics asthe main subjects or any other examinations consideredequivalent with proficiency in English. Candidateswho have passed the advanced supplementary (AS)level examination with two of the subjects (Physics,Chemistry and Biology) will be considered eligible foradmission provided they have completed all the threesubjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) in their Olevels.Age limit for Admission:A candidate seeking admission to these courses shouldhave completed the age of 17 years at the time ofadmission. The applicant should be proficient in spokenand written English and Science terminology. Theapplicant must produce documentary proof of havingpassed the TOEFL or equivalent examination in EnglishLanguage proficiency with a minimum TOEFL score of500 (written) or its equivalent.The Physical TherapistPhysical Therapists (PTs) are health care professionalswho diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, fromnewborns to the very oldest, who have medicalproblems or other health-related conditions that limittheir abilities to move and perform functional activitiesin their daily lives. PTs examine each individual anddevelop a plan using treatment techniques to promotethe ability to move, reduce pain, restore function andprevent disability. In addition, PTs work with individualsto prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs bydeveloping fitness and wellness oriented programs forhealthier and more active lifestyle. All PTs must receivea graduate degree from an accredited Physiotherapyprogram before taking the licensure evaluation thatallows them to practice.Where do Physical Therapists Practice?Although many Physical Therapists practice in hospitals,over 80 percent practice in:• Outpatient clinics• Inpatient rehabilitation facilities• Skilled nursing, extended care or sub-acute facilities• Rehabilitation homes• Old age homes• Educators or research centers• Schools• Hospitals• Industrial, workplace or other occupationalenvironments• Fitness centers and sports training facilities

offeringA WORLD OF LEARNINGAND clinical TRAINING OPPORTUNITIESSUMMER TRAININGPROGRAMThe Summer Training <strong>Program</strong> (STP) which is a specialfeature of our <strong>University</strong>, is a unique concept introducedby the <strong>University</strong> to enable students to get internationalexposure and experience in clinical settings. Every yearthe <strong>University</strong> sends students to participate in STP,which helps students understand the methodologiesin healthcare and research and expose them to variousnuances of medical advances, which helps in carvingout their own future. Training is conducted in leadinghospitals in several countries, including USA, UK,Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Sweden, Switzerland,India, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain,Qatar and Jordan.It is of paramount importance that students must beexposed to some of the common as well as rare clinicalconditions in different countries so that they get a widerclinical exposure.STUDENTS HAVE GOT EXPOSURE TO HEALTH CARE SETTINGS IN: l GERMANY l U.S.A l UK l SINGAPORE ll MALAYSIA l SAUDI ARABIA l IRAN l OMAN l PAKISTAN l INDIA lINFORMATION AND LEARNINGCENTREThe Information and Learning Centre provides yearroundreference and information services and assistsstudents in the development of effective searchstrategies. Staff members at the learning centre assiststudents in identifying new and additional resources,confirming citations and providing instructions on howto use online databases and search engines.ResearchDivisionGMU Research Division reaches out to universitystudents, general practitioners and specialists engagedin research in biomedical sciences and epidemiology,besides school children doing research in biomedicalsciences.The aim is to promote close, short and long-termcooperation between several outstanding scientistsfrom within the country and abroad in specific researchprojects.GMU Research Division welcomes and invites scientistsand doctors from other institutions to utilize thelaboratory and computing facilities and conduct jointresearch projects.


CLINICALTEACHING SITESClinical training for the <strong>BPT</strong> <strong>Program</strong> hasbeen arranged in multiple sites‭:‬GMC Hospital and Research Center‭- ‬This is a250‭ ‬bed teaching hospital in Ajman‭.‬Old People’s home, SharjahElderly nursing home, AjmanAjman Rehabilitation Centre for thedisabled, Ajman“Healing through knowledge and wisdom”PROPOSED TeachingHOSPITALSLayoutGMC2400mm------2400mmDubai1372mm2200mm2060mm00107/09/201115000mm15000mmAMIRImranImran---GMC Hospital JurfJobs2011/GMC/DUBAI/Option 21 : 200GMC Hospital dubaiTel. : 04 - 3390055, Fax. : 04 - 3391007E-mail. : goldneon@emirates.net.aewww.goldenneon.com

THE CAMPUSThe <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong> (GMU) Pre-clinical campusis located in the Al Jurf Area of Ajman, just behind theSheikh Khalifa Hospital. The G.M.C. Hospital & ResearchCentre (GMCHRC) is located on the RAs Al KhaimahMain Road in the New Industrial Area of Ajman.The GMU and GMCHRC are about 12 Kms fromSharjah and about 40 kms from Dubai. The GMU andGMCHRC are linked to the metropolitan cities of AbuDhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain and Ras AlKhaimah with roads and highways that make travelingeasy. The GMU campus includes modern facilities withclassrooms, laboratories and learning center that areappropriately equipped with up-to-date instructionaland educational aids. GMU encourages social, culturaland other extra-curricular activities and sports toenhance a comprehensive personality development.The spacious campus spotted with greenery containsstudent rest rooms, prayer halls, indoor and outdoorsports facilities, first aid clinic and student car park. Thefacilities are well connected with each other making iteasy for students to move from one area to another.Body and Soul Health Club & Spa, Ajman. The Clubis first of its kind in Ajman offering extensive sports,recreation, fitness, health, social and youth programs.The Club is located on the grounds of the <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong><strong>University</strong> with very easy access from Ajman and withample parking. Our facilities will include a luxury familypool and deck, an extensive fitness suite with a view,dance and yoga studios, a 3 court tennis center withour very own Pro, badminton, squash, volleyball andbasketball courts, a soccer/cricket pitch and a ladies onlysection with a gym and private access to the ladies pool.Driven by an inspired team of coffee specialists, webelieve in values, innovation and customer satisfaction.Every cup of coffee is brewed with a lot of passion andlove to get rewarded by the satisfying smile of our valuedcustomers.THERESTAURANTA Multi-Cuisine Restaurant Chain, which belongs toLeisure & Hospitality Division of Thumbay Group. Thenewly opened restaurant located in the first floor ofBody & Soul Health Club & Spa next to <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong><strong>University</strong> campus, Ajman with tennis view loungehas a spacious seating capacity of 90 covers. Boastingof specialized chefs, personalized service and set in acontemporary and delightful ambience of soft colorsTHE TERRACE besides catering signature multicuisinesis also specialized in catering mouth wateringMangalorean dishes. THE TERRACE products andmenus are screened by a team of nutrionists and chefsto cater healthy and delicious food especially to thehealth conscious individuals.

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong>Alumni SocietyThe <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>University</strong> Alumni Society exists tosupport the advancement of the College of Medicine(CoM), College of Dentistry (CoD), College of Pharmacy(CoP), College of Allied Health Sciences (CoAHS) andCollege of Graduate Studies (CoGS) its faculty, alumni,and student body to actively pursue the philosophyof “Excellence in education of health professionals,biomedical research and health care services”.Alumni Council’s ObjectivesGMU realizes the importance of involving Alumni inits planning for all programs and activities which aretargeted at GMU alumni. In view of this fact, an alumnicouncil was formed with the following objectives:• To maintain active and interested health professionalalumni, promoting fellowship and professionalrelationships among members of the Society.• To act as advocates for medical, dentistry, pharmacy,physical therapy and other allied health professionstudents.• To act as advocates for physicians, dentists,pharmacists, physical therapists and other alliedhealth professionals in post doctoral medical andallied health education programs.• To assist in recruiting qualified applicants to CoM,CoD, CoP and CoAHS.• To assist in development activities for CoM, CoD,CoP and CoAHS.• To promote and facilitate research in the clinicaldepartment of CoM, CoD, CoP and CoAHS.• To provide counsel as requested by the leaders ofCoP, CoD, CoP and CoAHS on matters related to theCollege’s advancementCOURSE:BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPYDEGREE AWARDEDB.P.T. • ANNUAL INTAKE – 25DURATION OF COURSE4 YEARSFor more information please contact:Admission DepartmentP. O. Box: 4184, Ajman,United Arab EmiratesTel.: +971 6 7431333Fax: +971 6 7431222E-mail: admissions@gmu.ac.aeWebsite: www.gmu.ac.aewww.gmchospital.com

THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES OF ASIA AND THE PACIFICFOLLOW US ON www.facebook.com/gulfmedicaluniversity www.youtube.com/thumbaytvAvailable on the iphoneApp StoreLearn from the worldP. O. Box: 4184, Ajman, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +9716- 7431333, Fax: +9716 -7431222E-mail: admissions@gmu.ac.ae, Web: www.gmu.ac.ae

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