March - Senior Connector

March - Senior Connector

March - Senior Connector

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FreeTake one ~ and please rememberto support our advertisers!The Award Winning Voice of <strong>Senior</strong>s throughout the Thompson/Nicola/Shuswap Districts • Over 35,000 distributed monthly<strong>Senior</strong>Volume 21, Number 9, <strong>March</strong> 2013<strong>Connector</strong>The <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Own NewspaperTo inform, serve and entertain those 45 and better • Locally owned and operated • Visit us on the web at www.seniorconnector.comDecision timeis at handMike’sMusingsMike Keetch, publisherBritish Columbia’s eligiblevoters will get the chanceto cast their ballots on May14 th . We can have our sayregarding who will run theprovince for the next fouryears. In my mind, this isnot only a right in our freesociety but a very seriousdecision. On May 15 thwe will wake up to one ofthree results, the devil weknow, the devil we knowfrom past performance orpossibly the devil we knowalmost nothing about at thismoment in time. There isactually one more possibilityand that is some kind of aminority government whichwill need the support ofone of the other parties tosurvive.Any way you look at itour decision will have farreaching effects on all of us.The current government(Liberal) recently laid outtheir budget. That is a goodstarting point to start beginour research into who isbest equipped to lead usforward into the future.The wannabe government(NDP) has not at yet laidout their platform in anykind of detail. This in mymind, makes it difficult tomake an informed decisionon whether they should bethe one we choose to leadus. The BC Conservativeson the other hand, are prettyslow off the mark and seemto be having trouble gettingtheir own house in order, letalone being able to convinceus that they are the bestchoice to run the province.I’m sure as we get closerto Election Day many ofthese things will becomemuch clearer from allparties.See “Decision”...page 18Blazers flip for Mardi Gras funMike Keetch photoKamloops Blazers Joel Edmundson, Marek Hrbas, Joe Kornelsen, and Kale Kessy served up a bighelping of pancakes and smiles at Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Village to help celebrate Mardi Gras.By Mike KeetchMike Keetch photoMarek Hrbas and Joe Kornelsen of the Kamloops Blazers talk to super fan, Colin Frederick and hismom Doreen Frederick at the Mardi Gras pancake breakfast.On Tuesday, February12th residents of Kamloops<strong>Senior</strong>s Village were treatedto a surprise pancakebreakfast served by some ofour local Kamloops Blazershockey team.The morning startedoff with Marek Hrbas, JoeKornelsen, Joel Edmundsonand Kale Kessy cookingand serving pancakes toresidents. The Blazersenjoyed chatting with theresidents as well as posingfor their share of photoswith the delighted seniors.All indications are thatresidents, staff and theBlazers enjoyed the event.The day culminated withan afternoon of music leadby local musician GrantPorter.Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Villageprovides entertainmentalmost daily for theirresidents. There areafternoon performancesand the weekly Wednesdaynight “Pub Night” . Tofind out how you canenjoy independent living atKamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Village,call Brandan at 250-571-1804.Don’t let hearing lossstand in the wayof your life.DowntownNicola Street250-372-2683Northills Mall700 Tranquille Road250-376-4188Convenientlylocated downtown for over25 years.When you lose your hearing, you lose yourconnection to your world. Conversation withloved ones, social well-being and even yourindependence can all be altered.At Canadian Hearing Care we understandwhat you‘re going through. Our team oflocal experts has over 55 years combinedexperience. We can help find a solution to fityour lifestyle and your budget, allowing youto hear more naturally with less effort in allkinds of environments.Call to book your appointment today.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 3DENTURIST ASSOCATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIAWith tax seasonapproaching I want to sharewith everyone the changesthat have been made to theway that Canadians can filetheir taxes and the benefitsand credits available to those65 or older.Revenue Canada is nowencouraging Canadiansto file their taxes online,and a growing numberof Canadians are takingadvantage of that safe andsecure option. Taxpayerscan still file on paper, and taxforms remain available onRevenue Canada encouragesCanadian to file taxes onlineYour Voicein OttawaCathy McLeod, MPrequest or at your local post office or Service Canada office.Last year roughly 1.3 million packages that were mailed outwere never used. I think that everyone can appreciate thiscost saving measures.For those who are 65 or older there are several benefitsand credits designed for seniors to note while preparing yourtaxes:• Age AmountYou can claim this amount if you were 65 years of age orolder on December 31, 2012, and your net income is lessthan $78,684. The maximum amount you can claim is$6,720.• Pension income amountYou may be able to claim up to $2,000 if you reportedeligible pension, superannuation, or annuity payments onyour return.• Pension income splittingIf you’re receiving a pension, you may be eligible to splitup to 50% of your eligible pension income with yourspouse or common-law partner.• Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)Deductible RRSP contributions can reduce your tax bill.You have until December 31 of the year you turn 71 tocontribute to your RRSP.• Registered disability savings planA registered disability savings plan (RDSP) is a savingsplan to help families save for the financial security of aperson who is eligible for the disability tax credit.• Goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax(GST/HST) creditYou may be eligible for the GST/HST credit, a tax-freequarterly payment that helps individuals and familieswith modest incomes offset all or part of the GST orHST that they pay.• Working income tax benefit (WITB)Working individuals and families with low income maybe able to claim this refundable tax credit. The WITBincludes a supplement for individuals who qualify for thedisability amount. Eligible individuals and families mayalso apply for advance payments.• Disability amountIf you have a severe and prolonged impairment in physicalor mental functions, and meet certain conditions, youmay be eligible to claim the disability amount.• Public transit amountYou can claim the cost of public transit passes, such as amonthly or annual pass, for travel within Canada on publictransit in 2012.• Medical expensesYou may be able to claim a non-refundable tax creditbased on the cost of previously unclaimed medicalexpenses for any 12-month period ending in 2012.For those requiring assistance in preparing your taxes, Iwould encourage you to check with your local senior servicesproviders. I know that their volunteers are more than happyto help.Event Services WorkerAre you retired or semi-retired?Looking to earn extra money?North Shore Community Centre in Kamloops requiresa part time employee to work afternoons, evenings andweekends at NSCCS to provide security, set up and takedown of events and light janitorial work. The successfulapplicant will be physically fit, able to move tables andchairs, be neat in presentation and have the ability to workwith little supervision. Starting wage$11.50/h. Please email resumes tonsccs@shaw.ca or fax to 250-376-4792 attn: Doug Dickson or drop off atNorth Shore Community Centre, 730Cottonwood Ave.GoessmanDenture ClinicA Proud Tradition of Denture CraftsAllen E. GoessmanRobbie JaroudiProfessionalPersonalized DentureServicesars •et •scientiaTwo great locations to serve you better!603 St. Paul St., Kamloops • 250.374.9443#10 - 2025 Granite Ave, MerrittToll Free 1.888.374.9443bathtub medicSpecializing in Bathroom SafetyConverts Your Existing Tub• The Safeway Step ® & Safeway TubDoor ® offer safer alternatives tobathtub and shower accessibility.So nice to come home to.Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s Villageoffers a full range of servicesand care levels for <strong>Senior</strong>s,giving them the care andcomforts of home.Affordable Options• Cost to install products is a fractionof the cost compared to expensivebathroom remodeling job.Quick Installations• Average professional installation timeis 2-4 hours.Peace of Mind• Provides easier access into bath/shower area and reduces thepossibilities of falls.For more information on products and professional installation callcameron JohnsonOwner/Installer 778-257-3739For more information callBrandan at 250.571.18041220 Hugh Allan DriveKamloops<strong>Senior</strong>sVillage.com

Page 4<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Submitted by Lillian DunbarCheck out the many activities taking place at theNorth Shore Community CentreWelcome to <strong>March</strong> andto the North Shore CommunityCenter with itsmany community activities.We would love you totake the time to look at our<strong>March</strong> calendar, as we aresure that we have somethingyou will be interested in tryingout. We are very proudof our facility, the staff andthe many volunteers whowork here. It is worth a visitif you haven’t already beenhere.Our biggest fundraisingevent is coming up shortly.It is the annual springAntique and CollectibleSale. If you are a collector ofLoyal order of Moose • women of the Moose • Moose LegionTHE FAMILY FRATERNITYOpen everyday 11 amMeat Draws Friday at 7 pm & Saturdays at 3 p.m.NEw MEMbERs ALwAYs wELcoME!Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #1552730 Cottonwood Avenue • 250-376-8022North Shore CoMMuNity CeNtreAnnual General MeetingSuites Now Available!One-bedroom unitsstarting at $190,000are now available for purchase(life-lease).Two-bedroom units(wait list)Call 250-376-4777to make an appointment for moreinformation or to view.#307-730 Cottonwood Ave.Kamloops, BC V2B 8M6nkshca@shaw.cawww.nkshca.webs.comApril 10, 2012 • 10 amNorth Shore Community Centre730 Cottonwood Avenue250-376-4777 • nsccs@shaw.caAll North Shore Community Centre members are encouragedto attend, review the past year’s financial report, hear about newdevelopments,and cast their vote for the 2012 Board of Directors.Must be a member to attend.• Independent living• Beautiful gardens• Walking distanceto Northills Mall• One block fromMcArthur Island• Within the samecomplex as theNorth ShoreCommunity Centre& the Moose Lodge• Suites for purchase(life-lease)• SAfer (wait list)anything with a little historybehind it this is the place foryou. Everyone likes to reminiscenow and again and thisis the place to do it. We canalmost guarantee that therewill be something you willwant to take away with you,if only to help spark some ofthose wonderful memoriesof the good old days when…This spring’s Antique andCollectible Sale takes placeSaturday <strong>March</strong> 9, 9am to4pm and Sunday <strong>March</strong> 10,9am to 3pm. Admission is$4, with all door proceedsgoing to support the NorthShore Community Center,enabling the center to continuethe numerous activitiesthat it offers back toyou and the community. Wehope you will take the timeto come and join us we lookforward to welcoming you atthis event.Must be getting neartax time as those Tax slipshave started to roll in. Weare happy to say that we areagain hosting the VolunteerCommunity Income TaxProgram, which providesincome tax preparation freefor those individuals who arein the low-income bracket(max income levels: single- $25,000, couple $35,000,one adult with child$30,000, each additionaldependant 2,000). This servicewill be available Tuesdaymornings, 9 to noon from<strong>March</strong> 5 – April? Donationsto the North Shore CommunityCenter are appreciated.No sign up necessary.Call 250-376-4777 if yourequire further information.A new and we thinkexciting addition to theNorth Shore CommunityCenters activities is KALS(Kamloops Adult LearnersSociety). They are offeringa number of interestingclasses. If you are not familiarwith KALS they do havea website www.kals.ca andif you don’t have a computerthey offer information at the<strong>Senior</strong>s Information Centerin the North Hills mall.Kamloops Adult LearnersSociety, P.O. Box 2403870-700 Tranquille Road,Kamloops, B.C.,V2B 8R3.Call 250-819-5153 oe email:info@kals.ca. Office location:<strong>Senior</strong> InformationCentre, North Hills Mall,700 Tranquille Road (Mondays9:30am - 12:30pm,Thursdays 1pm nto 4 pm).Other special events forthe month of <strong>March</strong> worthyof your attention:<strong>March</strong> 3, 2:30pm, OldTime Fiddlers Concert.Tickets $15 purchasedthrough Florence 376-2330or Clark 376-6209.<strong>March</strong> 9 & 10, Antique andCollectibles Sale. Admission$4.<strong>March</strong> 16, 3pm Saskia &Darrel in Concert. TheGreat Plains. Tickets areon sale for $12 or $10 forseniors. Tickets can be purchasedat the front desk ofthe Community Center.Flea Markets every Sunday8am to 1pm EXCEPT<strong>March</strong> 10 & 31. Admissionby donation. Table rentals$10.Purdy’s Fundraiser - Chocolatelovers here is an opportunityto purchase and enjoythe best of the best and helpout a worthy cause too. Thisis a new venture for the centerso we are looking forwardto it being a success.Penny Drive: It is in fullswing; if you have any penniesyou would like todonate we will gladly takethem off your hands. Allproceeds go towards keepingthe center open and active.We thank you in advance foryour generosity.Community Dinners: Sunday<strong>March</strong> 17 & Tuesday 26.These community dinnersare open to you the communityand we hope thatyou will mark these dates onyour calendars’ and come outand join us for an eveningof good food and entertainment.Pie Night is on Tuesday<strong>March</strong> 19.Origami Demonstrationand Class with guestsfrom Japan: <strong>March</strong> 26, 2-3:30pm. No charge to participate.Supplies will besupplied. Green Tea will beserved. Everyone is welcome.And at the same time…Garden Seed Exchange,both vegetable and flowerseeds. Everyone is invitedto come and bring the extraseeds that they have andexchange them with othersthat are doing the same. Nocharge to participate.As you can see we have somany things for you to comeand enjoy or participate aseither part of the event oras a volunteer. All of theseactivities enjoy the assistanceof our many volunteers andof course like many facilitieswe are always in need ofmore people who are willingto help out so please consideradding your name to our listof volunteers. They are manydifferent areas that you canhelp out in. If you are interestedplease give the centera call 250-376-4777 we lookforward to hearing from you.Whether taking in an eventor helping out as a volunteerit is a great way to get outand meet new people and toshare with us our great NorthShore community spirit.1.888.374.3161 250.374.3161 info@mjblaw.com<strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong>The <strong>Senior</strong>s’Own Newspaperwww.seniorconnector.com439 Tranquille RoadKamloops, B.C. V2B 3G9Telephone: 250-376-8883Fax: 250-376-8806Office Hours:Monday – Thursday8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Please address allcorrespondence to:<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>P.O. Box 729,Kamloops, B.C.V2C 5M4E-mail:editor@seniorconnector.comPublisher: Mike KeetchEditor: Lori KeetchDesign & Production:Leigh-Ann HooleySales: Sharon BrookerIT Specialist: Greg Keetch<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a monthlynewspaper dedicated toinform, serve and entertainseniors 45 and over.Deadline for advertising andeditorial copy is the 18th ofthe month for publicationon or about the 25th of themonth.It is published by locallyowned PrintMark PublishingInc.Letters to the Editormust be signed and have aphone number (your phonenumber will not be printedunless so requested). Othersubmissions are gratefullyreceived but <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>reserves the right to edit allmaterial and to refuse anymaterial deemed unsuitablefor this publication. Articleswill run in the newspaper astime and space permit.No portion of thispublication may bereproduced without writtenpermission from thepublisher.The opinions expressedin this publication are notnecessarily those of thepublisher, <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>,PrintMark Publishing Inc.,or the staff thereof.Subscriptions are $25 peryear in Canada.Any error which appearsin an advertisement willbe adjusted as to only theamount of space in which theerror occurred. The contentof each advertisement isthe responsibility of theadvertiser.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>recommends prudentconsumer discretion.<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a memberof the Kamloops Chamberof Commerce.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 5ON NOW!Reservations Appreciated250-372-1522 • 1502 River StreetFREE DESSERT on you birthday!Comfortable, Affordable, FriendlyRoom & board for low income seniors in abright, new, active seniors community.• Home cookedmeals• Weekly housekeeping• Laundry roomon every floor• Exercise program• Planned activitiesM a n o rCall today for your opportunity to join us.250-376-6536www.rivercityseniors.ca% River City <strong>Senior</strong>s Society• Library/computer room• Media room• On city bus route• Walk to Brockshopping mall• Friendly caringstafflaw • n. 1 the principles and regulations established in a communityby some authority and applicable to its people, whetherin the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized andenforced by judicial decision. A Partnership 2 any written of or positive Law Corporationsrule collectionof rules prescribed under the authority of the state or nation,as by the people in its constitution. Compare bylaw, statute law.3.the controlling influence of such rules; the condition of societybrought about by their•observance:Personalmaintaining law and order. 4 asystem or collection of such Injury rules. 5. the Claims department of knowledgeconcerned with these rules; jurisprudence: to study law.CHAHAL PRIDDLE LLP• ICBC Claims• Corporate Law• Wills & EstatesWe’Ve MoVeD!Stop in and visit usin our new location!102-635 Victoria St., Kamloops250-372-32331-877-372-3233102 – 2840 Voght St., Merritt250-378-4966Hardeep S. ChahalKerri D. PriddleNorth Shore Community CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©452 – 730 Cottonwood Ave. Kamloops V2B 8M6Phone: 250-376-4777 • Fax: 250-376-4792E-mail: nsccs@shaw.ca8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to FridaySUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYAntiques & Collectibles Sale<strong>March</strong> 9 & 10Saturday 9-4/Sunday 9-3$4 AdmissionTables available at $40Flea Market 8 am - 1 pmEntry by DonationOld Time FiddlersGordon Stobbe &JJ GuyTickets $15call 250-376-6209Antiques &CollectiblesSale9 am - 4 pmAdmission $4St. Patrick’s DayFlea Market 8 am - 1 pmEntry by DonationCommunity Dinner 5 pmFlea Market 8 am - 1 pmEntry by DonationMoose ReunionEaster SundayClosed1 210 11 12 13 14 15 16Income Tax Assist 9-1217 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031Income Tax Assist 9-12Tuesday Bridge 9 amOut of Eden 9 amTai Chi Breathing 1 pmScrabble 2:30 pmKnitting 6 pmYoga 6:30 pmWood Carving 6:30 pmTai Chi Breathing 10:15 amSing-A-Long 10:15 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing 1 pmYoga for <strong>Senior</strong>s6:30 pmWeight Watchers 8 amWeight Watchers 8 am3 4 5 6 Diabetic Clinic 9 am 7 8 9Art Classes 9 amGolfers Bridge 9 amAntiques &Out of Eden 9 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmYoga 10 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmCollectiblesBeginners Zumba 4:40 pmCribbage 1 pm Tai Chi Breathing 10:15 amBeginners Aerobics 4:10 pmDance Aerobics 5:45 pmGerman Choir 1:30 pm Sing-A-Long 10:15 am SaleWeight Watchers 5 pmGentle Nia 6:30 pmLine Dancing 1:30 pm <strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing 1 pmZumba 6:30 pm9 am - 4 pmDance With Me 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pm Duplicate Bridge 7 pmAdmission $4Art Classes 9 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmBeginners Zumba 4:40 pmDance Aerobics 5:45 pmArt Classes 9 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmBeginners Zumba 4:40 pmWomen of the Moose5:30 pmDance Aerobics 5:45 pmGentle Nia 6:30 pmArt Classes 9 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmBeginners Zumba 4:40 pmDance Aerobics 5:45 pmGentle Nia 6:30 pmMovie Night 7 pmUpcoming: Spring 2013Community Dinner<strong>March</strong> 17, 5 pmBuffet Dinner • Live Entertainment. • 50/50Everyone Welcome $15 pp(Tickets must be purchased in advance)Income Tax Assist 9-12Out of Eden 9 amTuesday Bridge 9 amTai Chi Breathing 1 pmScrabble 2:30 pmKnitting 6 pmYoga 6:30 pmTuesday Bridge 9 amOut of Eden 9 amTai Chi Breathing 1 pmScrabble 2:30 pmKnitting 6 pmYoga 6:30 pmPie Night 6:30 pm($4 members/$5 non-members)Income Tax Assist 9-12Tuesday Bridge 9 amTai Chi Breathing 1 pmSeed Exchange & Origami2 - 3:30 pm (Fun for all)Scrabble 2:30 pmCommunity Dinner 5 pmKnitting 6 pmYoga 6:30 pmCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmCotton Pickers 1 pmBeginners Aerobics 4:10 pmWeight Watchers 5 pmZumba 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmOut of Eden 9 amCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmBeginners Aerobics 4:10 pmWeight Watchers 5 pmZumba 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmCarpet Bowling 12:30 pmCotton Pickers 1 pmBeginners Aerobics 4:10 pmWeight Watchers 5 pmZumba 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmSaskia & DarrelGreat Plains Concert<strong>March</strong> 16, 3 pm$12/$10 <strong>Senior</strong>sTickets at NSCCS front deskGolfers Bridge 9 amDiabetic Clinic 9 amYoga 10 amCribbage 1 pmLine Dancing 1:30 pmDance With Me 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmGolfers Bridge 9 amYoga 10 amDiabetic Clinic 9 amCribbage 1 pmGerman Choir 1:30 pmLine Dancing 1:30 pmDance with me 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmGolfers Bridge 9 amYoga 10 amDiabetic Clinic 9 amCribbage 1 pmLine Dancing 1:30 pmDance with me 6:30 pmDuplicate Bridge 7 pmSnowmobile Assoc 7 pmTai Chi Breathing 10:15 amSing-A-Long 10:15 amBCGREA 12 pm<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing 1 pmTai Chi Breathing 10:15 amSing-A-Long 10:15 amBCRTA 12 pm<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing 1 pmMoose ReunionGood FridayClosedWeight Watchers 8 amGreat Plains Concert3 pmTickets $12/$10 SrsWeight Watchers 8 amMoose ReunionWeight Watchers 8 am

Page 6<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Fond memories of playing hookyDo you ever look backat your life and have fondmemories of playing hooky?I’ll bet each of us canremember the feeling ofplanning our unexpectedescape from our dailyroutine to do something thatwe were passionate about.Helen Waters, LPNAdvanced Foot Carehelenandcarl@shaw.cawww.happyfeetfootcare.ca250-573-3999The thrill of going beyondwhat was expected of us;just to get off the map lifeif only for a few hours. Thiswas not an easy task as wewere also trying desperatelynot to get caught by ourparents!I believe that we all needCariboo Manor831 Serle Road, KamloopsAffordable supported living home in friendly WestsydeWholesome home-cooked mealsWeekly housekeeping servicesCapable, caring live-in staffCompanionship and security provide peace of mind.Call 250-828-0600for more information.• Assess Feet• Bathe & Disinfect Feet• Trim & Reduce Nails• Help PreventIngrown Toe Nails• Reduce Corns &Calluses• Massage Feet &Apply Lotion• Client teachingRRSP, RRIF, GIC & TFSA30 Day Cashable 1.20%3 YRBEST INTEREST RATESDAILY INTEREST1.65 %PROTECTED BY:$100,000 CDIC Insured$100,000 Assuris InsuredUnlimited Credit Union Insured1 YR2.20 %Rates as of February 19, 2013WE WILL MEETOR BEAT ANY BANK RATE*774 Seymour St.Kamloops, BC250.828.67671.800.599.8274info@bradfordfinancial.org2 YR2.20 %4 YR 5 YR2.30 % 2.35 % 2.50 %*Some terms and conditions may apply.Rates subject to change without notice.THE BRADFORD FINANCIAL TEAMRetirement Income SpecialistsBradford Financial Services Inc.Todd PetersVanessa Cullento play hooky every once inawhile when things get toohectic and we act more likeautomatons than humanbeings. I think I’ve heardit called a Mental HealthDay, a day in which weneed to get off the grid oflife and do what we love toregenerate our soul.That’s what happenedto me last month and thatis why I didn’t contributean article in January’spublication. No excuses.Just so incredibly busy thatsomething had to give...surely one article isn’t theend of the world?And I think that is whatwe all fear. We fear thatSubmitted by Heather CannellWe have another fullmonth planned for theCentre, with lots of activitiesin preparation of Spring!Yes, Spring is just aroundthe corner and with thatthe times will change.Remember to change youclocks on <strong>March</strong> 10 “Springahead” move them forward.In <strong>March</strong> we are host tothe <strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach Societylaunch of their new program‘Better At Home’.There will be many dignitariesfrom our local, provincialSimpleOrganizationKim Watt-Sennerothers will be let down, theywill think poorly of us, wewill be judged. Nonsense.We need to live our lives forourselves because when wedo things that are sometimesjust a wee bit more fun,Getting ready for Springour outlook becomes morepositive, we feel youngerand have more energy forthe mundane. Now, I’m notsaying go out and live aselfish lifestyle...not at all,quite the contrary. Be anupstanding citizen in yourcommunity, follow the rulesand laws by which we allneed to live, but every oncein awhile put yourself first ifyou need to.In my educational journeythe Baby Boomer Cohorthas been taught that othersalways come first, but thosethat are 65+ also deserve tohave a break every now andthen. Chicken Little hadit all wrong. I missed myand federal governments.Make sure to read the paperto learn more informationregarding this programdesigned to aid seniors tolive in their homes longer.This is very exciting newsfor our Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s, sokeep your eyes on the paperfor more information, thefirst week in <strong>March</strong>.<strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach in partnershipwith Desert Gardenswill once again offer freeincome tax to seniors. If youare a <strong>Senior</strong> (55+) who is inneed of assistance with taxreturns this may be the programfor you. This is a freeservice for seniors who meetthe following criteria: Singleadult with an income lessthat $30,000 per year, singleadult parent with a incomeless than $35,000 per yearcouples with an income ofless than $40,000 per year.This program will take placeon Mondays only 9:30 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. starting February25th, (no programon April 1st due to EasterMonday) until April 29. Formore information call SOSat 250-828-0600.<strong>March</strong> 3rd we will hostIncome Tax ServIce for SenIorSSponsored by <strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach SocietyFree to low income adults 55 years and olderDesert GardensCommunity Centre540 Seymour St.Mondays:February 25,<strong>March</strong> 4, 11, 18, 25April 8, 15, 22, 299:30 am – 11:30 amSenIorS ouTreach SocIeTy#127 – 540 Seymour StreetKamloops, B.C. V2B 2G9info@kamseniorsoutreach.caFor more info., call250-828-0600Office Hours:Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pmarticle to prove a point...andthe sky didn’t fall in.Kim Watt-Senner is thefounder of Canada’s largestProfessional OrganizingCcompany. The corporate headoffice is located in Kamloops,BC with additional offices inthe Okanagan and GreaterVancouver. She specializesin Downsizing, <strong>Senior</strong>Transition, Estate Liquidation& Preparation. Kim istrained to deal with hoardingand chronic disorganizationrelated issues as well. Youcan visit her website ateverythingorganized.net. Forfranchise information pleaserefer to our website.our 2nd Annual SpringTea in the Oasis café withour beautiful young MissKamloops Candidatesserving tea & goodies. Thisis open to everyone at nocharge, just wear your springbonnet and you get in forfree! So mark your calendarget your spring bonnet outand come and see us Sunday<strong>March</strong> 3 at 2 p.m. for tea!Our Blazers Booster clubhave an exciting dinnercoming up at the Centreon <strong>March</strong> 20th, they willbe featured on NL radio,so turn your radios on tocatch up on the latest newsregarding our famous younghockey players and how theClub Boosts them.Saturday <strong>March</strong> 23 bringsNicole Godard back with aSpring Craft Fair from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. For moreinformation please contactNicole at 250-682-0424. Forall our Kamloops folks feelfree to drop by for a fun dayand support our local artistsand home based businesses.<strong>March</strong> 27th we welcomeback the Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>Men’s Hockey Awards Dinnerat Desert Gardens CommunityCentre. Congratulationto all you winners andenjoy a fabulous meal withFrick & Frack serving uptheir finest!Well Easter is just aroundthe corner and with that wewill be closed Friday <strong>March</strong>29 reopening on MondayApril 1.Wishing all of our readersand families a Happy Easter.See you in April.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 7Lansdowne VillagePhone 250-374-4187Fax 250-374-5178200 – 450 Lansdowne StreetEnter to Win a Cooper’s Foods*$25 Gift Certificate!Drop off this entry form in the store for your chance to win!Hours: Mon.–Fri. 8 am to 9 pmSat.–Sun. & Holidays 9 am to 8 pmLicensed to OperateLocally Owned & OperatedEspecially for <strong>Senior</strong>s: FREE DELIVERY in the downtown area Wed. & Fri.Congratulations toD. RUDDELLof Kamloops, BCour February winner!Prize drawn monthly. Gift certificate valid for in-store purchases, excluding tobacco & lottery.*Offer available at Lansdowne Village location only. *Original entry form only — no facsimiles accepted.*One entry per address per month. Must agree to photo and name being used in the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> Newspaper.Name: ______________________________ Phone: __________________Address: _____________________________________________________Wills ON WheelsIs your Willup-to-date?• Wills • Probate• Powers of Attorney• Representation Agreements250-374-3737Bruce SwanSonLawyerGibraltar law Group102-418 St. Paul St., Kamloops V2C 2J6Desert Gardens Community CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©540 Seymour Street, Kamloops V2C 2G9Phone: 250-372-5110 • Fax: 250-372-3429Email: desertgardens@hotmail.comCall Heather to book your eventSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2Oasis CafeWeight Watchers 9 amCentre HoursCarpet Bowling 9.30 amOpen Mon-Fri: 8:30 am until 1 pmCoffee Club 10 amMon – Fri: 9 am – 4 pmDinners on Tues & Thurs 5 pm<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amWeddings & private functions: Anytime!Mahjong 1 pm$10 ppCrib 1 pmSpiritual Living 10 amSpiritual Living 10 amSt. Patrick’s DaySpiritual Living 10 amSpiritual Living 10 amCoffee Club 10 am3 4 5 6 Sun Morning 7 8 910 11 12 13 Sun Morning 14 15 1617 18 Coffee Club 10 am19 Coffee Club 10 am20 Sun Morning 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031Easter SundaySpiritual Living 10 amCoffee Club 10 amFootcare by Mardi 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amWeight Watchers 5:30 pmBlazers Booster Club 6 pmFly Fishers Mtg 7 pmCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amWeight Watchers 5:30 pmCoffee Club 10 amFootcare by Mardi 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amWeight Watchers 5:30 pmCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amWeight Watchers 5:30 pmWeight Watchers 11:30 amKiwanis 12 pmGrape Vine 12 pmBridge 1 pmKaraoke 2:15 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmTable Tennis 7 pmKamloops & Labour CouncilMtg. 7 pmCoffee Club 10 amWeight Watchers 11:30 amGrape Vine 12 pmKiwanis 12 pmStamp Club 1 pmBridge 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmTable Tennis 7 pmWeight Watchers 11:30 amGrape Vine 12 pmKiwanis 12 pmBridge 1 pmKaraoke 2:15 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmFly Fishers Dinner 5:30 pmTable Tennis 7 pmCoffee Club 10 amWeight Watchers 11:30 amGrape Vine 12 pmKiwanis 12 pmBridge 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmTable Tennis 7 pmCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing11:30 amFree Mahjong Lessons 1 pmAxis Family Resources 6 pmAxis Family Resources 9 amCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing11:30 amFree Mahjong Lessons 1 pm<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing11:30 amParkinsons 1 pmFree Mahjong Lessons 1 pmAxis Family Resources 6 pmBlazers Booster Club &NL Radio 6 pmCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Line Dancing11:30 amFree Mahjong Lessons 1 pmToast Masters 7 amCoffee Club 10 amGamblers Anon 10 amGrape Vine 12 pmTable Tennis 12:30 pmEuchre 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmHigh Country Achievers ToastMasters 7 pmToast Masters 7 amCoffee Club 10 amGamblers Anon 10 amGrape Vine 12 pmTable Tennis 12:30 pmEuchre 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmHigh Country Achievers ToastMasters 7 pmToast Masters 7 amCoffee Club 10 amGamblers Anon 10 amTable Tennis 12:30 pmEuchre 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmHigh Country AchieversToast Masters 7 pmSun MorningToast Masters 7 amCoffee Club 10 amGamblers Anon 10 amTable Tennis 12:30 pmEuchre 1 pmDG Dinner Party 5 pmHigh Country AchieversToast Masters 7 pmWeight Watchers 9 amCarpet Bowling 9:30 amCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amMahjong 1 pmCrib 1 pmWeight Watchers 9 amCarpet Bowling 9:30 amCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amMahjong 1 pmCrib 1 pmWeight Watchers 9 amCarpet Bowling 9:30 amCoffee Club 10 am<strong>Senior</strong>s Chair Yoga 11 amCrib 1 pmMahjong 1 pmGood FridayClosed

Page 8<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Using my ehealth to keep on trackIn my last article Idiscussed the importanceof knowing and reachingvarious targets set foryour blood pressure, A1C,and cholesterol in orderto decrease your risk ofcardiovascular complicationsassociated with diabetes.There are actually severalother targets that areimportant to keep trackof such as measuring yourkidney function, havingregular eye examinations,and testing for peripheralnerve damage in your feet atevery diabetes checkup withyour physician. As trackingall of these various targetscan seem overwhelming,in this article I wanted tounder the direction of Norris Berg presentsIt’s Tax Time Again!Precise • Accurate • GuaranteedConveniently located atSahali Centre Mall145 – 945 W. Columbia St. Kamloops250-851-9917lts04_febWestern TributeWith Special GuestsJane & SylviaHugh McLennan& The WesternSpirit Band7 pm, Sat. <strong>March</strong> 2, 2013Calvary Community Church1205 Rogers WayAdmission at the door:Adults $10 Children $5Family: $25<strong>Senior</strong>s 25%Off TaxPreparationFor theMonth of <strong>March</strong>(With this ad)Tax Questions?Drop By and See Usintroduce you to some toolsavailable to you to help keepit simple.The first option availableto you is called My Ehealth.My ehealth is a computerservice available to help youkeep track of your lab testsonline. It is safe and secureand allows you to track yourlab values after subsequentvisits once you haveregistered. Additionally, youcan print your lab recordsin order to share them withmembers of your diabetescare team, such as yourpharmacist or the diabeteseducation center at thehospital. Registering is easyand only requires that youhave your BC Care Cardnumber and have had labwork within the last 30 daysat either Lifelabs or BCBiomedical Laboratories.For those who need a littleextra assistance navigatingtheir webpage, there is ademo available to help walkDear Editor,On a very serious note and regardingthe “Idle No More” movement, I offerthe following:Over the years we have all listenedand watched as successive Canadiangovernments have tried to deal withthe residue of our colonial past. On theevidence, a wide range of policies, anda huge amount of our money, has failedto solve a seemingly insolvable problemof abortive aboriginal treaties, perceivedentitlements, and social disasters. Manygood people on both sides of the fencehave spent lives of frustration usingdifferent administrative models to nolasting effect.The only consistent result of over100 years of wasted time, money andlives is the fact that, for many, beinga treaty aboriginal has become abusiness in and of itself; AboriginalIncorporated has become a way of life,a leadership management philosophy,a negotiating tool, a public spectacle,and a very lucrative business model, atleast for a few. The latest public displayof Chief Spence and her AboriginalInc. handlers has backfired and withMissagh ManshadiB.Sc. PharmPharmacist/OwnerHealth MattersLaura Burgess, B.Sc. Pharmyou through the registrationprocess and review your labresults. This is a free serviceand is available in fourdifferent languages. Nowof course, it is importantto consult a healthcareprofessional in order tointerpret the results for youand help you determine howclose you are to reachingyour targets. To access myehealth, visit their website atwww.myehealth.ca.The next resource Iwanted to highlight is anInterior Health initiativecalled the DiabetesNetwork. This network isdesigned to do is to assistdiabetic patients who arehospitalized and helpeducate them as to theirtargets and how to reachand maintain them. This is acollaborative project betweenhospital and communitypharmacists. Once thesepatients are identified thehospital pharmacist passesthis information onto theircommunity pharmacistwho will follow up with thepatient every three monthsto review their targets.Currently, they are workingon developing a passwordprotected electronic flowsheet of your hospital labvalues that your communitypharmacist can add to atyour follow-ups. If youhave access to the my ehealthservice, this will greatlyassist your pharmacist bymaking it easy to accessOne old age pensioner’s opinionthe release of the audit report on herfinancial management of millions of taxdollars, we see what really is the issue:The criminal misappropriation of fundsintended to help the social ills of animportant but socially failing segmentof the Canadian population.This has to stop. The definition ofinsanity is doing the same thing over,and over, while expecting a differentresult. A failed policy approach is afailed policy approach and over 100years should be sufficient evidence thatenough is enough. We need to startfrom first principles:1) No one in Canada is above the lawof the land.2) Your economic well being isyour responsibility. It is not thegovernment’s job to pay you to fishand hunt.3) Employment rules apply toeveryone. If you can’t get a job whereyou live: Move Idle No More at ourexpense!4) If you receive public funds, you areaccountable. Penalties apply.5) Theft is theft, (see 1) above.6) If the funds are badly spent orthe recipients do not care for theMANSHADI PHARMACYPrescriptions • Medication Compounding •Medical Supplies • Diabetes SpecialistComing Soon - Second locationat 376 Tranquille Rd. to serve you better.* Free Prescription Delivery in Kamloops *Complete Medication Review by AppointmentTrusted Advice, Wholesome Care477 St. Paul Street, Kamloops • 250-372-2223Laura BurgessB.Sc. PharmPharmacistCertified Diabetes Educatoryour target lab values. Thisinformation can then beadded to your flow sheetand with your permissioncan be accessed by othermembers of your healthcareteam to track your progress.This, of course, is of greatservice to these patientsas by offering them moresupport and education in thecommunity, we hope to helpprevent any future diabetesrelated hospitalizations.I hope this article hashelped to educate you onsome easy ways to monitoryour diabetic targets.Remember, these targetshave been specifically setin order to minimize theimpact of diabetes on youroverall health and qualityof life. If you ever need anyassistance reviewing thesetargets and discussing waysto reach and maintain them,please feel free to book anappointment with me and Iwould be happy to help you.infrastructure and benefits provided;the funds will not be replaced.7) Treaties will be respected in thecontext of the date of the treaty andthe standards of the day.8) Your administrative costs and thepay of your local leadership willbe set by the people that fund youoperation.9) As our municipalities are governedby provincial rules, so the reserveswill be governed by federal rules.I believe this list is a good start butis clearly a work in progress. I furtherbelieve that a valid counter to the IdleNo More movement needs to be astrong Enough is Enough movement.Plainly said: we have had enough!I truly hope the government getsthe picture and puts its foot down onceand for all.If enough Canadians repeat thismessage then perhaps the abusivepower of Aboriginal Inc. will belessened and the real needs of thethousands of aboriginal Canadians inneed can be met.Enough is Enough!Mike Collings, Old Age PensionerHere’s to a long lifeand a merry one.A quick death and an easy oneA pretty girl and an honest oneA cold beer -- and another one!

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 9Spring maintenanceIt is time for springmaintenance around thehouse and yard, but whatare the priorities? TheCanada Mortgage andHousing Corporation havebeen researching Canadianhousing since 1946. Thefollowing list is based onwhat they recommend forthe coming season.Replace the furnacefilter each month duringthe heating season. If yourhome has a heat recoveryventilator, its filter should bechecked every 2 months.Once the heating seasonis over, switch furnacehumidifiers off and drainand clean. The humidifiershould be bypassed ifyour home has central airconditioning.Get the air conditionerready. With the power off,carefully clean any debrisfrom the fan and coil.This appliance should beprofessionally serviced everytwo or three years.Check that all vent capsand air intake hoods areclear of debris and havenot been damaged. Don’tforget the bathroom fan,range hood and dryer ventsand also the heat recoveryventilator caps.Clean the range hoodHomeMaintenanceTipsLyle Killough,Homewell Services Co.filter in the kitchen.Check that the sumppump is operational andthat the discharge pipe isnot blocked or damaged.Inspect the foundationfor cracks and evidence ofmoisture penetration.Ensure that eaves troughsand downspouts are clearand secure. Be certain thatroof drainage is not beingdumped onto the groundnear the house.After all chances of frosthave passed, turn on outsidetaps and connect hoses.Check that the hot watertank temperature is setcorrectly. This contentioustopic includes concernsabout the danger of scaldsversus the possibilityof bacterial growth inthe hot water tank, plusenergy efficiency. Therecommended range isbetween 49 º C and 60 º C with55 º C being a reasonablecompromise.Check for loose, damagedor out-of-level sidewalks,decks, or exterior steps.Watch for rotting wood andbe sure that all railings aresecure.Inspect fences andretaining walls for damage.Clean the windows andscreens. Damaged screensshould be repaired beforemosquito season arrives.Look for openings alongthe soffits, under decksand exterior stairways andin the house’s claddingand trim where skunks,squirrels, raccoons, birds,bats, wasps and other pestscan find their way in. Theseopenings should be blockedonce we are sure there areno uninvited guests inside.Speaking of squirrels, Ihave watched one in myback yard all winter. We say“as busy as a beaver” but itwould take an incrediblebeaver to beat this very busysquirrel.Overlander Women’s InstituteSubmitted by Sara WilliamsThe Overlander Women’s Institute madetheir annual donations in February to thefollowing organizations: BC Children’sHospital, Royal Inland Hospital Foundation,Basic Formula for Babies (part of theKamloops Food Bank), Salvation ArmyGood Food Boxes, The Provincial WinterFair 4-H Lamb project and ChristmasCheer Food Bank.We also support three scholarshipsprovided by the BCWI, as well as twooverseas projects: ‘Pennies for Friendship’and ‘The Area Canada Project’, whichassists women and families in rural areas.BC Children’s Hospital needed pillowcases for children to take home with them.Four sewing machines came alive onFebruary 15 th as members of the BCWIomewellHServices Co.omewellmade colourful fleece pillowcases from apattern provided by the hospital. As thesewere being made another group madefabric bags and filled them with toiletries:shampoo, soaps and such, plus brushes anda teddy bear. These were handed to thecommunity group working with women andchildren involved in violence.Our thanks to Donna Bellefeville andMonica Fraese, from the community, whoassisted us on both these projects. Afterreading about us in the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>Monica decided to help out. As theWomen’s Institute originated in Ontario,Monica believes her grandmother and greatgrandmother probable belonged to it.Members are asked to bring cookiesto the <strong>March</strong> 1 st meeting for “Meals OnWheels”. Anyone wanting information or tohelp out, call Cathy Inskip 250-578-7906.Liam had left Dublin to go up to Belfast for a bit of skydiving. Late Sunday eveninghe was found in tree by a farmer.“What happened?” Asked the farmer. Liam replied that his parachute failed to open.“Well,” said the farmer, “if you had of asked the locals before you jumped, theywould have told you nothing opens here on a Sunday.”Home Maintenance Specialists250-579-9309 • www.homewell-services.comLooking to buy or sell?For Real Estate Results in Kamloops, callEd BarkerOffice/Pager: 250-374-3331Toll Free: 1-877-374-3331Fax: 250-828-9544E-mail: edbarker@remax.netEd BarkEr258 Seymour St.Independently Owned and OperatedFor caring, friendly real estate servicecall ED at RE/MAX 250-374-3331www.edbarker.comTF$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Abed09_julyHServices Co.omewell• Maintenance • Repairs • Handyhelp• Renovations • EmergenciesH We can be part of your plan to keep livingServicesindependently Co.in your own home.Zone 8 of the BC <strong>Senior</strong>s GamesPrepares for the Games in Kamloops Aug. 20-24Compete in your favourite sport/activity, learn a newone, and socialize with others who commit to anactive lifestyle for better mental and physical health.For info on meetings and playoffs, go towww.bcseniorsgames.org or contact RegistrarRuss Reid 250-374-8140; cell 250-299-7805;russreid1000@hotmail.comDeadline for registration: June 5, 2013.CHOOSE FROM:• Archery• Badminton• Bridge• Carpet bowling• Cribbage• Cycling• Darts• Dragon boat• Equestrian• Five-pinbowling• Floor curling• Golf• Horseshoes• Ice curling• Ice hockey• Lawn bowling• Mountainbiking• Pickleball• Slo-pitch• Soccer• Swimming• Table tennis• Tennis• Track & field(athletics)• Whist2.55 %Earn more, plus more.Get the rate that gets you more.Open a Tax-Free Savings Account and earn interest income that’s all yours. Visit theKamloops branch today to build a flexible investment portfolio that suits your needs.1211 Summit DriveKamloops, BCPh: 250.828.1070cwbank.comVisit a branch today to build a flexible investment portfolio that suits your needs.* Rate subject to change without notice. WestEarner ® TFSA Account only.Interest calculated daily, paid monthly. Available in-branch only.Member of CDIC

Page 10<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Submitted by Helen Waters, LPNReflexology is an alternativetherapy, also known asacupressure, where the practioneruses pressure on thebody, hands or feet to releaseenergy blocks and stimulatethe body’s nerves, glands andorgans. Feet are generallyused the most.Reflexology is one of theoldest healing systems; it wasknown in Asia by 4000 BCand in Egypt by 2330 BC.What is reflexology?ConSignmEnTS WElComETrailers • Coaches • Campers • 5th Wheels • motor HomesSave the difficulty & inconvenienceof trying to sell your RV by yourself!Are you concerned about:• Strangers comingto your home• Length of time tosell your unit• The right price to askWe’ll eliminate all the problems for you!“On the Auto Mile”Indian, Babylonian, Incanand American Indian culturesalso recognized the relationshipbetween hands and feetto internal organs.The Reflexology Associationof Canada definesReflexology as: “A naturalhealing art based on the principlethat there are reflexesin the feet, hand and ears...which correspond to everypart, gland and organ of thebody. Through applicationSun Valley EstatesVery affordable housing for active seniors50+ who enjoy a smoke free social life.Now taking applications.250-679-8358 250-679-8196217 Sheperd Rd, Chase, BCPersonalized Care PackagesCompanionship Services | WellbeingAssessments | Welfare ChecksCall now for your free 1/2 hour consultationP: (250) 851-0088TF: 1-855-851-0088F: (250) 851-0081E: info@psiloveyouseniors.netW: www.psiloveyouseniors.netWe provide quality, non-medical care services with a heart,for Kamloops <strong>Senior</strong>s and their Families. Licensed & Insuredof pressure on these reflexeswithout the use of tools,creams or lotions, the feetbeing the primary application,reflexology relieves tension,improves circulation and helppromote the natural functionof the related areas of thebody.”Reflexologists believe thatapplying pressure to certainpoints will reduce stress andpromote relaxation. Approximately75% of today’s diseasescan be attributed tostress and tension, when tensionis released, the body canfunction more efficiently andsmoothly.Other reported benefitscan include: improved circulation,restoring mental alertnessby calming the mind,reducing pain and efficientlyeliminating waste.Reflexology is one of themost popular alternative therapiesin Denmark. A nationalsurvey from 2005 showedthat 21.4% of the populationhad used reflexology at somepoint in life. There are somestudies available online thatshows the benefits of reflexologywhen used in the workplacein Denmark.Caution should be usedfor pregnant women havingreflexology treatments. Also,debilitated people, elderlypeople and diabetics shoulduse caution.• Legalities of selling• Wasting your free time• Clean-up & detail costs• Etc., etc., etc.Tel: 250-374-4949Toll Free: 1-800-555-83732449 Trans Canada Hwy E, Kamloops, BC V2C 4A9www.SouthThompsonRV.comBook reviewBy Marilyn BrownThe Night ShiftReal Life in the Heart of the E.R.Dr. Brian GoldmanHarper Perennial 2010ISBN 978-1-55468-392-5263 pagesAvailable from the TNRD library system, bookstores, and ine-book formatIn the last year were you one of the many visitors to the emergency department of a hospital?Perhaps you were supporting a loved one, or were ill yourself. What were your impressionsof the experience?Dr. Brian Goldman writes this book based on his career as an emergency room doctor, primarilyin a teaching hospital in Toronto. His aim is to “de-mystify his profession”. He succeeds.He describes the organization of a hospital’s emergency ward, outlining the weaknessesand strengths. Funding challenges, the frenetic pace, “corridor medicine”, the effect on staffof shift work and sleep deprivation and hospital errors that complicate patients’ health aredescribed openly. The power struggles with doctors who are “God wannabes” magnify thestress. Simultaneously the author highlights the value of the teamwork of the E.R. staff, thewell-being of the patient being the first priority.The job of E.R. doctor is complex, dealing with patients “presenting” symptoms that aresometimes straightforward and sometimes subtle. A man in his sixties believes he has foodpoisoning but the doctor’s “sixth sense” leads him to discover an aneurism about to burst.A middle-aged woman from out of town loses her prescription for OxyContin. The doctordecides to verify her story and discovers a trail of prescription fraud. The E.R. team energizesto help a sick child, but the child dies. The emergency room staff deal with multiple andsimultaneous crises. Many of these and other stories touch the heart, the compilations basedon real events.Goldman gives us “the straight goods”, and some of the descriptions are graphic. Hemakes it clear that the jobs of the E.R. medical staff are anything but glamorous: if this gooddoctor is to be believed, staff members do not make passionate love on gurneys in the cleaningsupplies closet, as in the television shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and some readers maybe a little woozy in a negative way from the descriptions of body fluids gone wrong. Realismhas its drawbacks!The author is very open about his own fallibility. He makes mistakes. When he hears thewords, “Do you remember?” from another doctor, it usually means there was something thatwas missed when a patient was diagnosed, to the detriment of the patient. “What I do knowis that when that little voice in my head says something is wrong, I go into red alert. I err onthe side of caution… The truth is, I’d do just about anything not to hear those three awfulwords ever again.”Directly and indirectly the author illuminates the commitment to patient care, the skilland expertise of staff and the determination to make a difference.The Night Shift allows the reader to see behind the curtains of an emergency room, butthe book is not intended to be medical advice. It is a snapshot, a book that is conversationalin tone, fast-paced, and “agood read”.Dr. Brian Goldman (1956 -),as well as being a respected emergencyroom physician, is a medicaljournalist known for his CBCRadio show “White Coat, BlackArt”. He lives in Toronto with hisfamily.Luck of theIrishO’Malley was driving downthe street thoroughly workedup because he had an importantmeeting and he couldn’t finda parking place. Looking up toheaven he said, ‘Lord take pityon me. If you find me a parkingplace I will go to Mass everySunday for the rest of me lifeand give up me Irish Whiskey.’Miraculously, a parking placeappeared.O’Malley looked up again andsaid, ‘Never mind, Lord, I foundone.’

Page 12<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Submitted by Linda HaasExcitement mounts aswould-be participants signup for play-down actionprior to entry deadlineof June 5 for the August20-24, 2013 BC <strong>Senior</strong>sGames in Kamloops.Where space is limitedin some sports/recreationactivities at the Games, onlya certain number of individualsor teams may take part.Therefore, a zone playdowncompetition is heldif interested persons/teamsexceed the Games limit. Tofind out if the sport eventactivity requires a playdown,contact the sport eventHome Support Services• Respite Care • Personal & Home CareHouse CleaningWeekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one timeCall for a free in-home assessment250.852.3212Zone 8 on the way to play in Kamloopscoordinator, found in the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> Januaryissue and on Zone 8 websiteaccessed through www.bcseniorsgames.orgor contactthe Registrar, Russ Reidrussreid1000@hotmail.comor 250-374-8140. You maytry out for more than one,but you may only enter onesport or recreational activityat the Games. If youare not sure what a particularevent is all about, wehave descriptions for eachone, available to read at themonthly meetings. Many ofthe sport event coordinatorsalso attend these meetingsand will cheerfully fillyou in.BradwinsThese playdowns havebeen set, and you must preregisterat least 2 weeksbefore date: Bridge April28 at Kamloops HeritageHouse: contact Bill Skakun250-573-4327 ewskakuns@shaw.ca; Cribbage April 13at the Chase Legion: contactSnuffy Clarke 250-679-3168; Floor curling May2 at Kamloops HeritageHouse: contact Wilf Schneider250-374-7201.Note one change, ifyou have already enquiredabout equestrian events,in addition to dressage,driving, and reining, therewill be a trail class division.This is open to western andEnglish competitors. Allevents will be held at theCircle Creek Ranch.Remember, exercise isthe first defense to stayingwell and keeping your mindsharp. It is as important asgood nutrition. Dr. CarolynAnderson wrote an articleon 6 common obstaclesto exercise and how toovercome them. First, shesays exercise does have tolast hours to be effective.In you only have 10-20minutes free you can stilluse it to exercise. Just don’tfall in the all-or-nothingtrap. Even if you don’t havePhone and place your grocery & prescription orders.Grocery ShoppingAssistance<strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach Services Society, inconjunction with Canada Safewaywill help you do your shopping.Two options available: phone-in or in-store.FREE DELIVERY(with minimum $35 order)Service available to seniors in need ofassistance, shut-ins and disabled only.Available every Thursday 9 am to 12 pmFor more information please call250.828.0600Sahali Safeway 250-374-2811 945 W ColumbiaNorth Shore Safeway 250-376-8439 750 Fortune Drtime for an ideal workoutit is better to do somethingrather nothing. Her favoriteway of exercising is witha Tabata exercise. In thisprogram you can adapt anycardio workout or exercise.You go hard for 20 secondsand slow or rest for 10seconds and then go hardfor 20 seconds and slow orrest for 10 seconds. Thismakes up one minute ofexercise. Repeat 4 times,and each Tabata takesjust 4 minutes. With 3-4exercises you can have avery productive workout in12-16 minutes. This veryeffective interval trainingkeeps your metabolismkicked up for the day, andis as effective as traditionalendurance training at amoderate pace.Charlie Bruce, Presidentof the Kamloops 2013Games, predicts: “WithNews and Views: Do you follow currentnews issues? Would you enjoy learning morein a stimulating social setting? VolunteerRetired TRU Political Science Professor RayPillar offers eight sessions, beginning <strong>March</strong>1st: Friday afternoons, 1 to 3 pm, Brock<strong>Senior</strong>s’ Centre. Topics will range from localto international concerns, from downtownparking, homelessness and the Ajax Mine toworld issues and global warming.Beyond Basic Computers: Long-timeKALS Webmaster and Volunteer InstructorDel Turner will offer a follow-up coursefor those who have taken the Overview forBeginners and want to continue learningmore about Windows. Many varied programswill be explored. Four Fridays 12:30to 2:30 pm, starting April 5 at the HenryGrube Centre Computer Lab.Our VacuumsSUCK!and that’s agoodthing!V a c u u m S250-372-3825Toll Free: 1-800-990-8088918 Victoria St., Kamloopswww.hitechvacuum.comKamloops having one of thehighest seniors’ populationsin the province, the Gamesof 2013 have the potentialto be among the largestsporting events ever held inthe City.”Don’t miss out on theopportunity to take part—represent Zone 8 withpride!The next meeting is<strong>March</strong> 21, 10am at theChief Louis Centre,Tk’emlups Indian Band, onShuswap Road. We welcomeall to get involved asa participant, supporter, orvolunteer.Many an opportunityare lost because a manis out looking forfour-leaf clovers.~ UnknownJust before the funeralservices, the undertakercame up to the very elderlywidow and asked, “How oldwas your husband?”“98,” she replied. “Twoyears older than me””“So you’re 96,” theundertaker commented.She responded, “Hardlyworth going home, is it?”Kamloops Adult Learners (KALS)~ Three intriguing new courses<strong>March</strong> and April 2013Submitted by Wendy PatricWalking into the pub,Patrick said to the bartender,“Pour me a stiff one, Sean. Ijust had another tiff withthe little woman.”“Oh yeah,” said Sean.“And how did this one end?”“Well I’ll tell ya now whenit was over,” Patrick replied,“herself came to me on herhands and knees, she did.”“You don’t say? Nowthat`s a switch! What didshe say?” She said, “Comeout from under that bed,you gutless weasel!Coloured Pencil Artwork: Would you enjoyexploring the possibilities of a new art medium,perfect for the needs of seniors? Clean,compact and convenient, “Coloured Pencil”can be right at hand wherever you liveor travel. Volunteer Retired Teacher WendyPatrick will have a full range of supplies foryou to try. Four Wednesday afternoons, 1to 3 pm, beginning <strong>March</strong> 27, North ShoreCommunity Centre, Willow Room.REGISTER for any of the above coursesin person, by e-mail, or by regular mail. Formore information or course costs, contactKamloops Adult Learners website: www.kals.com or call KALS office, Mondays (9:30-12:30) or Thursdays (1-4), Northills Mall.Please note that registration includesbecoming a 2013 member of KALS, a nonprofitsociety.Your LOcaLManufacturer & Sellerof canister &Built-In Vacuum SystemsServing Kamloops & Areafor over 20 years.Free estimates!• CenTral VaCS • UprighTS • CaniSTerSAll Makes and Models • Trades Accepted• All reconditioned Vacs come w/ Written Warranty• Sales • Service • Bags • Belts• Vac rough-ins (New & Existing Homes)

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 13Marie’s KitchenBy Marie SladeHere are a couple of healthy spring recipes to get us on the right track. Lots of calcium!Bananas Foster ParfaitsWhen making this recipe for adults, you cansubstitute an equal amount of gold rum for theapplejuice.Yield: Serves 4 (serving size: 1 parfait)2 large ripe bananas6 tablespoons dark brown sugar2 tablespoons unsweetened apple juice1 tablespoon unsalted butter1/4 teaspoon salt2 cups plain 2% reduced-fat Greek yogurt1/4 cup chopped pecans, toastedPeel bananas, and cut each banana in halflengthwise. Cut each half into 3 pieces.Combine sugar and next 3 ingredients in a nonstickskillet. Cook over medium-low heat 3 minutes oruntil sugar mixture begins to bubble. Add bananasto pan; cook 2 minutes or until bananas begin tosoften.Spoon 1/2 cup yogurt into the bottom of each of 4parfait glasses. Divide banana mixture evenly amongglasses. Top each serving with 1 tablespoon pecans.Nutritional information per serving: Calcium:102mg; Calories: 290; Fat: 10.3g; Saturated fat:3.8g; Monounsaturated fat: 3.6g; Polyunsaturatedfat: 1.6g; Protein: 10.9g; Carbohydrate: 42.2g; Fiber:2.4g; Cholesterol: 15mg; Iron: 0.5mg;Sodium: 192mgSource: Cooking Light November 2011Stone & CompanyCertified General AccountantsBob Lawrie, BA, CGASilvia Scheibenpflug, CGAKaren Abbott, HBComm, CGAStephanie Chatelard, CA443 Tranquille Road, Kamloops 250-554-253332 E. Old North Thompson Hwy, Clearwater 250-674-2532Salmon CakesDiscover a new favourite with these easy salmon cakes!Spiced with coriander and served with fresh lemon aioli, thissalmon cake recipe is a must-try. Portion size: 41 lb (454 g) (2 large) potatoes3 green onions, chopped1/4 cup (60 mL) chopped fresh coriander*1 tbsp (15 mL) Dijon mustard1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt1/4 tsp (1 mL) grated lemon rind1/4 tsp (1 mL) pepper1/4 tsp (1 mL) hot pepper sauce1 egg, beaten2 cans (7.5oz/213g) salmon, drained and flaked2 tbsp (30 mL) vegetable oil4 lemon wedgesPeel and cut potatoes in half crosswise. In 6-cup (1.5 L)microwaveable dish, cover and microwave potatoes with 1cup(250 mL) water at High for 10 minutes or until tender. (Orcover and cook in saucepan of boiling salted water for 15 to20 minutes or until tender.) Drain.In large bowl, mash potatoes until smooth; stir in onions,coriander, mustard, salt, lemon rind, pepper and hot peppersauce. Blend in egg. Fold in salmon. Let cool for 5 minutes.Using hands, shape into eight 3/4-inch (2 cm) thick patties.In large nonstick skillet, heat half of the oil over mediumheat; cook 4 of the patties for about 5 minutes per side oruntil golden. Repeat with remaining patties.Serve with lemon wedges, and Lemon Aioli.Tip: Mash canned salmon bones into the fish for a calciumboost of more than 30%.Nutritional Info PerServing: about, cal 280; pro21g; total fat14g; sat.fat;2g; carb; 18g; fibre 2g; chol78 mg; sodium 709; mg%RDI:Source: Best Recipes Ever, ByThe Canadian Living TestKitchen* (I sometimes substitute 1/4parsley for coriander)Lemon AioliMakes 8 servings.Extra-virgin olive oil adds a glossy sheen to thisdipping sauce. It’s also tasty with fried shrimp andgrilled chicken.1/2 cup (125 mL) light mayonnaise1 clove garlic, minced1 tbsp (15 mL) extra-virgin olive oil1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt1 dash hot pepper sauceIn bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, garlic, oil, lemonjuice, salt and hot pepper sauce. (Make-ahead: Coverand refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)Source : Canadian Living Magazine: October 2005TheLateBloomersSinging DuoEasy listening songsyou remember.For booking informationJudy:250-319-9138

Page 14<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013ProvidingPreventative,Restorative,Cosmetic andFamily DentistryDr. BarryDextrazeGeneral PractitionerWhite Cane Club celebrates 20 yearsAsk us about:Dental ImplantsZOO M ! Whitening SystemNewPatientsWelcome!Free Parking#21 Fortune Shopping Centre • 376-5354email: drdex@kamloops.net • www.drdextraze.comShuswapLodgeRetirement ResidenceSupportive / Assisted Living at its Best• Care aide on site 24/7• Scheduled foot care• 3 Nutritional meals daily• Guest entertainers• Community outingsin our bus• Studio suites, 1 & 2 bedrooms• Spacious roomswith scenic views• Friday Happy Hour• Daily social &recreational activitiesBCSLASeal of Approval200 TCH SW Box 1480 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P6 • 250-832-7081• www.shuswaplodge.com • admin@shuswaplodge.comBy Mike KeetchThe first week in Februarysaw the KamloopsWhite Cane Club celebratetheir 20 year anniversary.The Kamloops branchhas a regular membership ofbetween 35 and 42 members.The club focuses onsocial and peer support forthose with vision loss andblindness.ATTENTION REVELSTOKECHASE ANDCHASE AND & AREAAREAATTENTION: Thompson-Nicola-Shuswap DistrictsLOWEST PRICED HEARING AIDLOWEST PRICED HEARING AIDDELIVERED ATTENTION CHASE TO YOUR AND AREA DOOR!!Now DELIVERED you can have your hearing TO tested YOUR and your new DOOR!!LOWEST PRICED HEARING AIDDELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR!!hearing Now you aids can fitted have your in the hearing comfort tested of your and home! your newhearing aids fitted in the comfort of your home!ONLY$998Now you can have your Why hearing go anywhere tested and your else? newhearing aids fitted in the Why comfort go anywhere of your home! else?· World-wide recognized· World-wide Unitron Latitude recognized4 hearing aidWhy Unitron go anywhere Quantum Latitude else? 4 E hearing aid· Bluetooth compatible· World-wide Bluetooth recognized compatibleUnitron · Hearing Latitude test, 4 hearing demonstrationaid· Hearing test, demonstration &· Bluetooth & fitting compatible performed by Jeff Stephen,& fitting a licensed performed technician by Jeff by with Jeff Stephen,over 30 years experience· Hearing a licensed test, demonstrationtechnician with over 30 30 years experience&· fitting High performed quality, low by Jeff price, Stephen, delivered to your door!a · licensed High quality, technician low with price, over delivered 30 years to experience to your door!· Unlike some offers, this is current digital technology with· High · Unlike quality, some low price, offers, delivered this is is current to your door! digital technology withmany premium digital features offered only with morewith· Unlike many some premium offers, this digital is current features digital offered technology only only with withmore moreadvanced, advanced, expensive expensive hearing hearing aids. aids.many premium digital features offered only with moreJeff Stephen • Registered underthe College of Speech andHearing Health Professionalsof BCOver30 yearsexperience!Over30 yearsexperience!Over30 yearsexperience!advanced, expensive hearing aids.ONLY$998each...anystyleeach...anystyleAny AnyStyle! Style!· Digital ·· DigitalHearing HearingAids! Aids! Aids!Never Never before before offeredofferedfor for such such a low a price! low price!Call today to book your appointmentCall today to book your appointmentCHASE HEARING CENTREONLY$998each...anystyleTOLL FREECHASE HEARING CENTRE250-679-8118 642 Shuswap Ave., Chase, BC 1-855-679-8118 TOLL TOLL FREE FREE250-679-8118 642 Shuswap Ave., Chase, BC BC 1-855-679-8118Mike Keetch photoCity Councillors Ken Christian (left) and Arjun Singh (far right)join White Cane Club members Rose Bourdin and Vern Short forthe bowling experience during White Cane week.Although the Kamloopsclub has only been in existencefor 20 years, the WhiteCane movement has beenaround since 1946, underthe banner of the CanadianCouncil of the Blind.The origin behind theWhite Cane comes fromEngland where a photographernamed James Biggswas blinded in an accidentand following his releasefrom hospital he came upwith the idea of paintinghis cane white so it couldbe easily seen at night. Theadvantages of the whitecane soon became apparentas people alerted to Biggs’blindness assisted his movementswith guidance and bySubmitted by Ann PiperAnother year, anotherAntiques AppraisalWeekend at the Little FortCommunity Hall, staged bythe North Thompson ValleyHospice House Society.Organizers for the thirdannual Antiques AppraisalWeekend are starting2013 with an early call toNorth Thompson Valleyresidents and those innearby communities: Markthat new calendar now,they advise, to be part of apopular spring event.Antiques AppraisalWeekend is one of twoyearly events sponsored bythe North Thompson ValleyHospice House Society inthat group’s continuing driveto establish a hospice housefacility for the valley as awarning him of obstacles.On the local level thisyear the club started offWhite Cane Week witha bowling challenge. AtBowlertime, the WhiteCane bowlers took on localdignitaries on the lanes,with the likes of CouncillorsArjun Singh and KenChristian having the optionof bowling with simulatedvision loss. Over 50 peopleattended the event and by allreports a good time was hadby all and guests learned athing or two about the challengesthat those with visionproblems deal with on a dailybasis.The White Cane Clubheld a celebration lunch atNew year, new plansfor antique weekendwhole. The second annualevent the group sponsorsis an annual bike challengein which competitorscycle between Barriereand Clearwater on a mid-September Sunday.“Save these dates,” advisesvolunteer appraisal weekendorganizer Pat Paula. Thisyear’s appraisal weekend willbe held from 10 a.m. until 5p.m., Saturday and Sunday,April 13 and 14, at theLittle Fort Community Hall.Vernon-based accreditedantique appraiser Peter S.Blundell will be back tomeet with valley residents,examining family treasuresand collectibles. For a fee,a person may submit upto three items for Blundellto consider during a15-minute consultation.Mike Keetch photo<strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach Society staff were the guest speakers at theWhite Cane week lunch at Desert Gardens. Chris Juricki is anOutreach worker and Cindy Linton is the Housing Coordinator.The two presented the programs that are available through<strong>Senior</strong>s Outreach Society.Desert Gardens where oversixty attendees listened to apresentation by Cindy Linton,Housing Coordinatorand Outreach worker ChrisJuricki from <strong>Senior</strong>s OutreachSociety who explainedthe many programs availablethrough SOS.There are over 700 CNIBclients in the local area thatcovers not only Kamloopsbut includes Ashcroft andSalmon Arm. AlthoughWhite Cane week startedout many years ago focusedon helping those with visionproblems and blindness tomore recently emphasizingthe equal capabilitiesand talents of those who areblind and vision impaired.Those interested may callPat Paula, 250-672-5560or Elsie Karl, 250-677-4287 and leave a messageincluding name, phonenumber and the day thecaller hopes to attendthe event. The time fortheir consultation will bedetermined by return phonecall, Paula says.Again, audience membersare invited to share theexperience via video feed,and organizers promise newfeatures for the weekend, yetto be announced. This year’sevent will include a selfserveconcession offeringcoffee, tea and water, butnot food, given the readyavailability of good foodwithin easy walking distancein downtown Little Fort.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 15TNRD libraries most used servicesKamloops is one of 11communities and 10 electoralareas in the Thompson NicolaRegional District (TNRD).Your Kamloops’ property taxbill includes an additional taxlevied by the regional districtfor services the TNRDprovides.One of the TNRD servicesmost used by Kamloopsseniors is the NorthKamloops and Kamloopslibraries. Between these twolibraries there are over 140,000 books andother items (e.g. CDs, magazines).Both the North Kamloops and downtownKamloops libraries run book clubs, which arewell attended by seniors. The next SundayBook club at the downtown Kamloopsbranch is discussing ‘The Tiger’s Wife’ byTea Obreht on Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 3 at 2:00pm. The next Wednesday Evening Bookclub discusses “The Glass Palace” by AmitavGhosh on <strong>March</strong> 6 at 7:00 pm at thedowntown Kamloops branch.In addition, for each book club book, a setof that book is aside at the library, includingone Audio book copy. Patrons can take outthe set of books to form their own bookclubs.As well as regular print books, thelibraries have a Large Print collection inall of TNRD libraries as well as books onCD and MP3 that all patrons can access.One area that is becoming more and morepopular with seniors is eBooks, and theTNRD libraries try to stockas many titles as possible inthis format.Computer classes,including classes on how touse eBook readers are wellattended by seniors. Some ofthe computer classes offeredby the libraries include BasicCity Talk Computer Skills, MicrosoftWord, Excel and the WorldNancy Bepple, City Councillor Wide Web (internet) classes.One-on-one help teachinghow to use your eReader,tablet or laptop is also available. You canalso learn how to find and borrow eBooksfrom the TNRD “Library to Go” service andtransfer them to your device.There are frequent author talks and<strong>Senior</strong>s Teas are also very popular.If you’re traveling out of town, then youcan also find TNRD libraries in Ashcroft,Barriere, Blue River, Cache Creek, Chase,Clearwater, Clinton, Logan Lake, Lytton,Merritt, and Savona. A Bookmobile servesother areas too.Finally, there are services for shut-ins. Askat the library information desk for details.For more information on upcoming eventsand library services drop by the downtownor North Kamloops branch or go to www.tnrdlib.ca or call the downtown Kamloopsbranch at 250-372-5145 or the NorthKamloops branch at 250-554-1124.Nancy Bepple is one of your city councillors.She can be reached at 250-372-1925 ornbepple@kamloops.caTRU Actors Workshop Theatre presentsCurse of the Starving ClassBy Sam Shepard • February 28, <strong>March</strong> 2 & <strong>March</strong> 7, 7 – 9 pmat the Black Box (Old Main, TRU Campus)“A family isn’t just a social thing, it’s an animal thing. It’s a reason of nature that we are alltogether under the same roof.”~ Weston, Curse of the Starving ClassThe setting is a farmhouse in the American West, inhabited by a family who has enoughto eat but not enough to satisfy the other hungers that bedevil them. As the family decidesto sell the house to raise money, the other talks of running off to Europe, the father sobersup and tries to take control, the daughter is arrested for shooting up a bar and the son is leftbrutalized and bloodied. In the end the characters become a metaphor for the underside ofAmerican life—benighted innocents pursuing a dream that remains beyond their reach.Tickets are $12 each and can be reserved through the AWT Box Office at 250.377.6100,through Kamloops Live! Box Office at 250.374.5483 or online at www.kamloopslive.caProfessional Nursingand Home Support24 hour service • 7 days a week• Homemaking and cleaning• Personal care • Meal preparation• Drug and Alcohol Testing • Companion care• Foot care services • Flu Immunization ClinicsCall Us For A Free In-Home AssessmentKAMLOOPS • 250-851-2911 • #101-635 Victoria St.Helping you. Live your life. www.wecare.caNorth Shore Community CentreAntiques NORTH SHORE & Collectibles COMMUNITY CENTRESale730 Cottonwood Ave, KamloopsAdmission $4 (under 12 free)<strong>March</strong> 10-11Over 30 vendors from across theSatInterior, 9:00~4:00including andKelowna, Sun 9:00~3:00Sorrento,100 Mile House, Salmon Arm,730 Vernon, Cottonwood and Kamloops. ave, KamloopsAdmission Come and discover $4 (under precious 12- riches. free)Over From 30 the vendors very new to fromvintageacross treasures the from Interior, times gone includingby.Kelowna, There is something Sorrento,for everyone!100 For more Mile info. House,please contactKeremeos, our office staff Salmon at: Arm,Vernon and KamloopsTel: 250-376-4777Come and Fax: discover250-376-4792precious Email: riches.nsccs@shaw.caFrom the very newto vintage treasuresTables Availablefrom times gone by.There is somethingfor everyone!<strong>March</strong> 9-10Sat 9 am - 4 pmSun 9 am - 3 pmFor more info please contact our office staff atComfort &Securityin aBeautifulSettingAC S ServicesActive Care <strong>Senior</strong> ServicesOnly 2roomsleftin ournewlyexpanded21 roomresidence!We also offer aDay Programopen to all seniorsin the Kamloops area.Call for more info -limited space available.For more informationon our unique, home-styleassisted living residence,call or email Darlene!250•554-9244 • acss@shaw.ca

Page 16<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 17Family loansFrom the HeartBy Douglas DawsFor some reason, loansto children and grandchildrenfrequently start out asa symbol of the love andaffection between the partiesbut end up deterioratingto become a bone of contentionand a real sore spot forboth sides of the transaction.All too often the dissensionarises because no one reallyknows what, if any, are theterms of the loan.Maybe Timmy is hopingthat his parents will eventuallyforget about the debtand his parents on the otherhand are wondering whetherTimmy, who seems to enjoyhis fancy sports car and hisall-inclusive vacations, isever going to pay them back.Here are a few matters youmay wish to consider beforeyou dig into your wallet tobail out one of your children.Firstly, if the monies areto repaid as loan, then saythat in writing at the timeyou advance the proceeds.Further, why not stipulateexactly what interest rateapplies and how the moniesare to be repaid. Please donot state that the moniesare to be repaid whenconvenient for Timmy, asthat term is uncertain anddifficult to enforce. Makesure that the written loanagreement is dated andsigned by the recipient. Bydealing with these issuesup front, you are going toavoid a lot of unnecessaryconfusion and turmoil downthe road.If a loan is going to bemade to an adult child tobe used with his or herspouse, consider makingthat spouse a party to theLegal EaseBy Kerri Priddleloan agreement as well.In the event of divorce orseparation, the estrangedspouse may very well denythat any loan obligationexists if it is not in writing.Further, that person mayotherwise allege that it isyour child’s sole debt.Be mindful that in manycases, according to ourBritish Columbia LimitationAct, a six-year limitationperiod will apply to the debt.In other words, unless anacknowledgement of thedebt or payment is made,which postpones or extendsthe running of the limitationperiod, you and your estatecould be statue barred fromcommencing an action tocollect the debt after sixyears, leaving you or yourestate with nothing but abroken promise.You should consider howthe debt applies in relationto your Will. For example,do you wish the debt to betaken into account beforethe recipient takes any shareof your estate pursuant toyour Will or do you wishthe debt to be forgiven uponyour death? The choice, ofcourse, is yours to make.Whenever your decision,you should make it clearso no one has to secondguess what your intentionsare. Further, you shouldremember that you mayhave other children thatyou will have to consider indetermining how any unpaiddebt is to be handled uponyour death.Finally, do not be afraidto say “NO!” In the courseof my practice, I have seenmany senior couples whoseretirement monies took alifetime of hard work toacquire being left virtuallydesolate as a result of thesquandering of their moniesby one or more of theirchildren. You should reallyconsider whether you canafford to take the risk ofloaning monies, whichcomprise your requiredretirement savings, toanyone.Money is always a difficultsubject to discuss withfamily and children alike.However, when the timecomes in which you wantto help out one of yourchildren or grandchildrenby making a repayable loan,you are far better to getover your shyness on thesubject and make sure thateveryone knows exactlywhat the terms of your loanarrangement are. If you dothat, your relationship withyour child or grandchild asthe case may be, is far lesslikely to be tarnished bythose financial arrangements.A lawyer can help you tounderstand the wide rangeof issues that arise withthe preparation of loandocumentation and theeffect a loan will have onyour estate plans.A smile is a facial expression ofwhat’s in the heart,Certain indication of joy andhappiness it can portray,As a smile on your face brings toothers who see it,Hope in life, where sadness orsorrow, have no play.But with your smile they have beenpleasantly viewing,After believing the age of miracleswas all through,They found a chance to beoptimistic, and smile again,As it will for anyone who is reallytroubled or blue.In this cure, that needs no medicaldoctor’s prescription,Which is to show those around youa face with a grin,Having discarded all thoughts of aworrisome nature,Ready now, with a smile, for thegood mood you’re in,So continue to smile when you arefacing real troubles,And believe that tomorrow ahappier day there will be,When your life will be filled withthe sounds of laughter,Whom your grinning friends will bemost happy to see.KAMLOOPS DENTURE andIMPLANT CENTRE LTD.GARY SALLAWAY, RD • DENTURIST903 BaTTLE STREET(DoWNToWN)250-372-80452 - 685 TRANqUILLE RD.(NoRTh ShoRE)250-376-8045TwO gREATLOCATIONS TOSERvE ALL yOURDENTURE NEEDS.

Page 18<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Speed WatchVolunteerSWantedWelcome to Our FamilyMacAndrews was visitinghis Irish cousin, O'Bannon.While there he decided todo a bit of fishing. As hesat there on afternoon, hiscousin walked by."What are ye doing?" askedO'Bannon."Fishin'," said MacAndrews."Caught anything?""Ach, nae a bite,""What are ye usin' fer bait?""Worms""Let me see it," saidO'Bannon.MacAndrews lifted theline from the water andhanded it to his cousin.O'Bannon took out his flaskMike Keetch photoof potcheen and dipped theAssistant Manager Taylor Bertoncini presents Doug Ruddellworm in it. He handed itwith his $25.00 Gift Card as February’s winner. Cooper’s Foods inback to MacAndrews, whoLansdowne Village hold a draw for the gift card each month. Thecast his line once more. Asentry form is found in the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>.soon as the worm hit thewater, his rod bent overdouble, the linescreaming out."Have ye got a bite?"asked O'Bannon."No!" shoutedMacAndrews, fighting withthe rod. "The worm's got aA Community Where Health & Happiness salmon are a by Way of LifeAThHWydyukwdthe• Hhy d y d whh ud bk, throat!" uh, d, dkhughuhdy.• Audu-d,ghu,fiug,bd/gwhbwg,ukh,h,hdfi.• Get Txwhydddhvhwyg,kghinVolVed With your community. Volunteer with the.City and the RCMP to reduce speeding & raise driver awareness.• Hvgu“g ”,udguwhbyghThH,vhdvdudhgddff.For more information call 828-3818 or visit our website• Ou www.kamloops.ca/communitysafetyT ud gd u, hyh, hbA,D,Wk,dCfidCh,d.January 27th - Larry Bertoncini, Owner/Manager of Lansdowne Coopers, makes a generousdonation of $1,000 to Marg Rogers of the Alzheimer’s Society.<strong>Senior</strong>s Healthy Living ExpoSubmitted photoLunch is on us when you call and book a tour.250-579-9061@hhwyd.www.thehamletsatwestsyde.com3255OvdDv,K,BCWelcome to Our FamilyAt The Hamlets at Westsyde you can look forward to:• Healthy and tasty meals prepared onsite which includes breakfast, lunch,dinner, and snacks throughout the day.• Amenities include a multi-mediacenter, greenhouse, fireplace lounge,billiards/games room with carpetbowling, tuck shop, chapel, hair salonand fitness room.• Time to relax with family and friendsand not have the worry of cleaning,cooking or home maintenance.• Having support to “age in place”,including couples who are able to staytogether at The Hamlets, even if theirindividual care needs change and aredifferent.• Our on-site Team Professionals includeRegistered Nurses, Physiotherapist,Rehabilitation Assistant, Dietician,Social Worker, Red Seal Certified Chef,and more.Welcome to Our FamilyContinued from page 1Mike Keetch photoTwenty-three local business came together at Berwick on the Park to take part in their 3rd annual<strong>Senior</strong>s Healthy Living Expo. One of the exhibitors was Bruce and Connie Swanson (above left)of Gibraltar Law Group. Bruce is well known for his Wills on Wheels program. Rosemary SaintMichaels (above right) manned the table for Canadian Hearing Care at this year’s expo. This is justone of the many events that Berwick sponsors to help seniors be as well informed as possibleregarding their health and well being.Our job then is to become as informedas we can about what they are offering, asopposed to what the majority of the electorswant.I feel it is incumbent upon us to be asinvolved as we can by asking relevant questionsat every opportunity, be it at all candidatesforums or smaller gatherings as theyhappen. I hope that we all make our decisionbased on facts and put very little importanceon whom the leader is. The leadership ofeach party is important but in the final analysis,your all important vote should not beDecision timeMike Keetch photoused to further a popularity contest. Whoeverwins, the next four years will not beeasy and our prosperity and well being willdepend on how well they manage the provinceand our finances.My final wish is for a large turnout onElection Day as I believe that is how we willachieve the fairest result for us all.I make this wish each time we have anelection and I am always disappointed in thenumber of people who take the time to helpdecide our future. Maybe this time I’ll bepleasantly surprised!

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 19Kamloops Classic Swim Teambring home medalsThe Kamloops Classic placed 27thoverall at the 100 Team Western CanadianSwimming Championships in Saskatoonover the weekend of February 14 – 17.The Classic’s had seven of the nineswimmers make second swims at theMeet over the weekend. Outstandingperformances included:Colin Gilbert placed 6 th in the 800Freestyle narrowly missing the Qualifyingstandard for the World SwimmingChampionship Trials in Victoria this spring.Gilbert’s time set a new club record and justmissed the Provincial record by 1 second.Colin also placed 5th in the 200 Butterfly,7 th in the 400 Freestyle and 11 th in the 1500Freestyle while setting a new club record forthe 14 & Under Boys.Megan Dalke set three new club recordson the weekend on her way to placingplaced 5 th in the 400 IM with a time of4:57.51, 2nd in the 200 Butterfly, 6th in the400 Freestyle and 9th in the 800 Freestyle.Shaina Kloska placed 5 th in theConsolation Final of the 50 Freestyle with atime of 27.23, 5 th in the 50 Breaststroke and7 th in the 100 Breaststroke.Sky Camile was 7 th in the 400 FreestyleConsolation Final. Carel Ackermann was10th in the 50 Breaststroke ConsolationFinal and Dylana Milobar was 9 th in the 50Breaststroke.Submitted by Lianne MilobarOn Ferruary 8 to 10 the KamloopsClassic Swim Team had seven swimmersattended the BC AA ProvincialChampionships in Surrey. The Classic teambrought home a total of seven medals forthe weekend.Outstanding performances over theweekend included: Tanner Douglas in the 12Yr Old Boys winning Gold in the 400 and200 Freestyles while qualifying for the AAAProvincial Championships in Victoria, Feb28 to <strong>March</strong> 3 rd , 2013.Tanner also placed8 th in the 50 Free, 7 th in the 100 Back and5 th in the 100 free and 200 Back. JagdeeshUppal in the 15 & Over Boys also qualifiedfor the AAA Provincials while winning aSilver Medal in the 200 Breaststroke. Inaddition to this medal Uppal also placed 6 thin the 100 Breaststroke. Sadie Keim in the15 and Over Girls won a Silver medal inthe 400 Free and a Bronze in the 800 Free.Ally Sandulescu in the 14 Yr Old Girls wonSilver in the 800 Free and a Bronze in the200 Free in addition to placing 6 th in the 50Free and 8 th in the 100 Breast. MichaelaJyrkkanen in the 15 & Over Girls place 8 thin the 200 IM. The 15 & Over Girls 200Free Relay consisting of Lauren Carlson,Michaela Jyrkkanen, Sadie Keim and AllySandulescu placed 7 th . The same relay teamplace 8 th in the 200 Medley Relay. TheClassic next Competition sees 9 of theirmembers traveling to Saskatoon to competein the 2013 Western Canadian SwimmingChampionships.JDRF 2013The local chapter of theJuvenile Diabetes ResearchFoundation held it’s annualcorporate breakfast at theRenaissance RetirementResidence with over 80people in attendance. Thisbreakfast is considered thekickoff for the year and isused as a way to bring thepeople up to date on thegreat advances being made tohelp those dealing with type1 Diabetes. The campaignlast year raised a total of$110,000. This years goalis $125,000. The run willtake place on June 9th. Toregister for this worthwhileevent go to www.jdrf.ca/walk.For more information callShianne Carswell at250-374-0599.Sara Schreiner, activist andmother of a daughter withJuvenile Diabetes, speaks ata JDRF breakfast.• Personal care• Companion care• Housekeeping• Meal preparation• Transportation• Respite care24 hours,7 days a weekServing Kamloopsfor 18 yearsIn-Home Care Inc.Home Support Services250-851-0078314-141 Victoria Street, Kamloopswww.inhomecarehomesupport.caMike Keetch photoSt. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time- a day to begin transforming winter’s dreams into summer’s magic.~ Adrienne CookLiz and Frank nevermissed a beat…And now they’re readyfor the next step.They took their first whirl around thedance floor in 1948 and have beenkicking up their heels ever since. Whenthey started looking for retirement livingoptions, they were pleased to find outthat Chartwell Retirement Residencesoffers active lifestyle programs liketheir signature Rhythm n’ Moves class.And while they are enjoying a busylifestyle today, they appreciate thepeace of mind in knowing thatChartwell offers flexibility and choiceto help with changing care needs inthe future. Until that time, they’llcontinue to follow where the musicleads in their new Chartwell home.KAMLOOPS PAINT & WINDOW COVERINGS105-805 Notre Dame DrKamloops BC V2C 5N8250-828-1800628 Tranquille Rd. Kamloops, BCCall 250-376-5363www.chartwell.comCome in for yourmost rewardingPersonal Visit yet!Call to arrange your personal visit beforeJanuary 15th for your chance to win 2tickets for the Blazers taking on theKelowna Rockets on January 28th!*Some conditions apply.

Page 20<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Even though O’Malley his friend Murphy, ‘Whywas a licensed scuba diver, do Scuba divers always fallhe finally got an answer backwards off their boats?’to a question that had To which Murphyannoyed him for decades. replies, ‘If they fell forwardsHere it is. Harold, anthey’d still be in theAmerican tourist, asked flippin’ boat.’3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt!IIICCC rrraaattteeesss::: CCChhheeeccckkk uuusss ooouuuttt...!iimm YYoouunngg!iiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll AAAdddvvviiisssooorrr...111555777999 CCCooolllllliiinnngggwwwooooooddd DDDrrriiivvveeeKKKaaammmllloooooopppsss,,, BBBCCC VVV222BBB 666CCC333222555000---333777666---333999333666jim.young@edwardjones.comwww.edwardjones.comMember – Canadian Investor Protection FundAssisted Living at its bestJOHN HOWARD SOCIETY • THOMPSON REGION529 Seymour St.Kamloops V2C 0A1T: 250-434-1700F: 250-34-1701Become familiar with wealth transfer strategiesTo retire comfortably,you need to save and investregularly using an effectivesavings and investmentstrategy. MaximizingRRSPs or other retirementaccounts will likely beessential to realizing yourretirement goals. Once youretire, you’ll need to “switchgears” somewhat and beginconsidering wealth transferstrategies.An effective wealthtransfer strategy can helpyou accomplish a variety ofgoals, such as distributingyour assets the way youchoose, avoiding probatefees and reducing estatetaxes. You can explore avariety of wealth transfertools, including thefollowing:• Gifting — Giftingyour assets to your adultchildren can help minimizethe size of your estate,reducing the tax burdenat death. This could alsopotentially lower probate,executor and legal fees.Be careful when giftingproperty (including cashand securities) to a spouseor minor child, as incomeattribution rules may apply,causing income earnedFinancialFocusLili Seery of Edward Joneson the gifted property tobe taxed in your hands.If you donate securitieswith a capital gain toa registered Canadiancharity then there is notax payable on the capitalgain, and you get full creditfor the donation, up tothe standard charitablededuction limit.• Will — A will is simplya plan for distributing yourassets to family membersand other beneficiaries. Ifyou were to die intestate(without a will), provinciallaws would determinehow your assets should bedistributed — and there’sno guarantee that the endresult would be what youwould have chosen. • Beneficiary designations— Many of your financialassets — including lifeinsurance policies, RRSPsand TFSAs — allow you toname a beneficiary. Uponyour death, your beneficiarywill automatically receivethese assets, avoidingthe sometimes timeconsuming,expensive (andpublic) process of probate.It is essential that youperiodically review thesedesignations to make surethey reflect your currentwishes and that they donot conflict with the termsof your will.• Trusts — Differenttrusts can help youaccomplish a varietyof wealth transfer andestate planning goals. Forexample, an inter vivostrust can help you leaveassets to your heirs withoutgoing through probate.You can also structure thetrust to stagger paymentsover a number of years,rather than all at once, orinclude other restrictions orincentives. A testamentarytrust, created in your will,can allow your heirs toeffectively income splitwith the trust, potentiallydecreasing overall taxation.As you can see, trusts areversatile instruments —but they are also complex.Consequently, you’ll needto consult with your taxand legal advisors regardingyour particular situation.• Permanent LifeInsurance — Whenbuilding an estate foryour heirs, you havetypically considered bothregistered and unregisteredinvestment accounts asyour principal sourcesof accumulating wealth.Permanent life insurancecan be used to effectivelyaccumulate wealth andpass it along to children orgrandchildren, typically ina very tax-efficient manner.All the wealth transfertechniques we’ve looked atwill require some carefulthought and preparation onyour part — so don’t waittoo long before gettingstarted. Time has a way ofsneaking up on all of us —but it’s especially sneakywhen we’re unprepared.Member – CanadianInvestor Protection FundMARCH 7-16,2013KAMLOOPSFILMFESTIVALa t t h e P a r a m o u n t T h e a t r eRobot and Frank> > w w w . k a m l o o p s f i l m f e s t . c a

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 21Meals ProvidedAt North ShoreCommunity CentreChoices for retirement livingFacility Location Monthly CostNo. of UnitsFacility location Monthlycostno. of UnitsActive Care <strong>Senior</strong>Services Ltd.1607 Greenfield Ave.Kamloops, B.C.V2B 4N4250-554-9244Kamloops$2,400/mo & upFacility Location Monthly21 assisted living unitscostno. of UnitsIndependent Independent Living LivingAssisted Assisted Living LivingHousekeeping HousekeepingTransportation TransportationUtilities Utilities Included IncludedPlanned Planned Activities ActivitiesSmall Pets Small Allowed Pets Allowedno yes yes yes yes yes noIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedSee ad page 15AmenitiesAmenitiesProviding custom care in a unique, homestyleassisted living facility. Spacious,Amenitiesprivate bed-sitting rooms and largecommon areas. Theatre room, full salon,craft room, games room.Bedford Manor529 Seymour St.Kamloops, B.C.V2C 1B3434-170070% of net incomewith minimum/maximumplus cable, phone andhydrocostsurcharge.no. of Units76 one-bedroomsuitesWaiting ListFacility location MonthlyBerwickon the ParkFacility location Monthly60 Whiteshield Cresent SKamloops B.C. V2E 2S9250-377-7275Cariboo ManorFacility Location Monthlycostno. of Units831 Serle RoadKamloops, B.C.V2B 6L8250-828-0600no yes yes no yes yes noIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedSee ad page 20$2,245-$2,260/studio yes yes yes yes yes yes no$2,450-$2,895/1 bed$3,050-$3,1001 bedroomcost& denno. $2,860-$3,390/2 of Units bed$665/mo-2nd occupantSee ad page 2120 Independent suites32 Licensed careCosts vary accordingto room size9 roomsIndependent LivingAssisted LivingIndependent LivingSupported Assisted Living LivingHousekeepingHousekeepingTransportationTransportationUtilities IncludedUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedyes no yes no yes yes noSee adpage 6EntertainmentPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedResidents are referred by Interior Health.Affordable living in an active assisted livingretirement community. Homelike atmo-Amenitiessphere with in-house community centre,common TV area, meeting rooms.Close to all downtown amenities. Near busroute, shopping and medical facilities.Affordable living in an active independentretirement community on Peterson CreekPark, just five minutes from downtown.Amenities24-hour staff on duty. Coffee bar, billiards,hair salon, exercise room, library-den withcomputer, conservatory, movie theatre,private dining room, chapel/meeting room,guest suite, cards & crafts room, groundsfeaturing patios, recreation areas, walkingpaths and water gardens.Affordable room & board living in a comfortablehomelike setting. Near bus route, shopping,aquatic/recreation Amenitiesfacility. HandyDART available.Three nutritious home cooked meals provideddaily. Snacks and refreshments in residents’tea room. Monitored emergency responsesystem. Common TV area, recreation/activityroom. Residents may be eligible for SAFERsubsidy.CottonwoodManor730 Cottonwood Ave.Kamloops, B.C.V2B 8M6250-376-4777nkshca@shaw.caLife Lease120 units1 & 2 bdrm suitesFacility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsThe Hamletsat Westsyde3255 Overlander DriveKamloops, B.C.250-579-906119 SAFER programsuites5 rental suitesCosts varydepending on need& choice of unit.174 unitsconsisting of112 complex careunits &62 assisted living unitsyes no no no no yes noIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationSee ad page 4Utilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedno yes yes yes yes yes yesSee adpage 18Scheduled AvailableSafe and secure, affordable independentliving in the heart of the North Shore.Access to events Amenitiesand activities at the NorthShore Community Centre (located in thesame building). Beautifully landscapedwith award-winning gardens. Undergroundparking. Within walking distance to allamenities, including McArthur Island andNorthills Mall.A community where health and happinessare truly a way of life, close to shopping,pub, public transit, away from the hustleand bustle of the city of Kamloops, with atheatre, greenhouse for gardening, lounges,dining rooms, tuck shop and exercise area.Utilities included. Telephone not included.Indoor and outdoor walking trails. Access toscheduled outings.

Page 22<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com*Supported Living<strong>March</strong> 2013Choices for retirement livingFacility Location Monthly CostNo. of UnitsFacility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsKamloopsIndependent Independent Living LivingAssisted Assisted Living LivingHousekeeping HousekeepingTransportation TransportationUtilities Utilities Included IncludedPlanned Planned Activities ActivitiesSmall Pets Small Allowed Pets AllowedAmenitiesAssisted living and residential care inKamloops <strong>Senior</strong> $2,110-$2,165/studio yes yes yes yes yes yes yes beautiful Aberdeen overlooking a stunningVillage$2,525-$2,850/1 bedview of the valley, river and mountains.1220 Hugh Allan Dr. $3,150-$3,550/2 bedDelicious home-cooked Amenities meals served inKamloops, B.C. $650/mo-2ndcostoccupantthe dining room and all-day snacks in theno. of Unitsbistro. Private dining room, large libraryV1S 1B3101 independent/with two fireplaces and two computers,250-571-1800assisted living suitesSee ad page 3exercise room, spa room and two multipurposerooms in an all-inclusivewww.kamloops<strong>Senior</strong>sVillage.com 114 residential care suites14 private pay suitesretirement residence.Facility Location MonthlyMayfair -Part of RiverBend<strong>Senior</strong>s Community755 Mayfair StreetKamloops, BC250-682-4378info@themayfair.cawww.themayfair.ca1 and 2-bdrm suitesnow offered forfee-simple ownershipFacility Location MonthlycostChartwell SelectRenaissanceRetirementResidence628 Tranquille RdKamloops B.C. V2B 3H6250-376-5363www.chartwellreit.caOn-siteno. of UnitsStrata ManagementStarting at$139,900Costs vary accordingto suite style and size.Facility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsRidgepointeat pineview97 suitesFacility Location Monthly$1980/monthcostPrice Freezeno. of Units1789 Primrose CourtKamloops, B.C. V1S 0B7250-851-88001-877-841-8999www.ridgepointe.caRiverBend<strong>Senior</strong>s Community760 Mayfair StreetKamloops, BC250-682-4378info@theriverbend.cawww.theriverbend.caAll-inclusive rentstarting atuntil June 2014109 suites1 bed, 1 bed/den, 2 bedFacility Location MonthlyIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedyes no yes yes* no yes yesIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedSee ad page 31Planned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedyes yes yes yes yes yes yesIndependent LivingIndependent LivingAssisted LivingSee ad page 19HousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedAffordable ownership opportunity in seniorscommunity. Flexibility in use and cost of agein-placesupport services w/optional meals,cleaning & laundry Amenitiesservices. Lrg suites w/2bathrooms, in-suite laundry & private patio.Private dining rm, fitness ctr, workshop, theatrerm, community gardens & guest suite forvisiting family/friends. Natural riverside settingwith level parking, sidewalks & easy access toshops & services. On-site mgmt. * Shuttle busoutings. Occupancy planned for Fall 2014.Renaissance offers truly gracious retirementliving with many well appointmentamenities, and Amenitiesclose proximity to shoppingand parks. With our on-site fundedhome care, we are able to offer residentsa continuum of care that meets theirindividual needs. Choose from a host ofservices and activities, and let our trainedstaff take care of the rest.Affordable rental in pet-friendly 4 storey facilitydesigned for seniors. Only senior’s facility inKamloops providing flexibility in use and cost1 and 2-bedroom suites yes no yes yes* no yes yesnow available for rentstarting atof age-in-place Amenitiessupport options (meals &costhousekeeping). Large 1 & 2 bd (931 sq. ft.)$1,400 / monthno. of Unitssuites with in-suite laundry centre. Commonfacilities for all: dining room, media and theatre,See ad page 31exercise room, in-house spa/hair salon. Walkingdistance to shopping and services with *shuttlebus outings. Easy vehicle/scooter access.Independent LivingAssisted LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingHousekeepingTransportationTransportationUtilities IncludedUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedyes no yes yes yes yes yesSee ad page 17Small Pets AllowedAmenitiesAffordable luxury in Pineview Valley. Allinclusiveindependent living, no hiddenfees, no extra charges, no long termcommitments. AmenitiesThree meals per day (chefprepared), weekly housekeeping/linenservice, on-site amenities and recreationalprograms, parking, scheduled shuttleservice, emergency monitoring system. Callfor more details or to book your personaltour. We can even pick you up.RiverBend Manor760 Mayfair StreetKamloops, B.C. V2B 0E5250-376-6536Supportive housing forlow income seniorsrivercityseniors@shaw.caAffordable RentIncome Based66 units(60 studio &6 – 1 bedroom units)yes no yes no yes yes yesSee ad page 5Located very near Brock Mall,RiverBend Manor is a modern &affordable retirement residenceavailable to lower income seniors.We promote independent livingwhile offering support such asrecreational activities, diningservices, entertainment, socialevents and housekeeping.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 23Choices for retirement livingFacility Location Monthly CostNo. of UnitsFacility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsPrimeTime Living atThe ShoresRetirement Residence870 Westminister Ave.Kamloops, B.C. V2B 1N9250-376-0315Info.tsr@primetimeliving.caKamloopsStarting at $1800/monthand based onnumber of occupantsand suite typeFacility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsParkside EstateRetirementResidence743 Okanagan Ave.Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0250-679-1512gm@parksideestate.com66 unitsSuites availableChaseCosts vary according tosuite, style, & size.Starting at $1,850Facility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsShuswap LodgeRetirement Residence200 Trans Canada HighwaySalmon Arm, B.C.250-832-7081www.shuswaplodge.com47 SuitesRespite Suitenow availableSalmon ArmCompetitive PricingSeveral sizes of units forindividual needs.Facility Location Monthlycostno. of UnitsWilliams Lake<strong>Senior</strong>s Village1455 Western Ave.Williams Lake, BCV2G 5N1250-305-1131 or250-305-3318williamslakesenirosvillage.com62 unitsWilliams Lake$1,836-$1,938/studio$2,040 – $2,754/1 bed$3,264/2 bed$600/2nd occupant80 assisted living suites17 independent suites- 1 bed $1,125113 residential care suitesIndependent Independent Living LivingAssisted Assisted Living LivingHousekeeping HousekeepingTransportation TransportationUtilities Utilities Included IncludedPlanned Planned Activities ActivitiesSmall Pets Small Allowed Pets Allowedyes no yes no yes yes yesIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedSee ad page 11AmenitiesAmenitiesLarge suites with full kitchens andbalconies. Active, vital and fun communityof independent living seniors. Professionalstaff and resident focused services. Greatfood and healthy Amenitieshome cooked meals,private dining room, walking distance toshopping and external services. A greatreputation that is only getting better.no yes yes no yes yes yes Bright, comfortable & secure. Wheelchairaccessible. Monthly fee incl. heat, hydro, water,2 meals daily by in-house chef, linens, recreation& social activities; Registered care aide on site24/7; Professional Amenitiesover-site provided by LPNMgr. Amenities incl. salon, tuck shop, laundrySee ad page 30facilities. F/P lounge/library, billiards, arts/crafts. Short walk to DT shopping & medical.Independent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets Allowedyes yes yes yes yes yes noIndependent LivingAssisted LivingHousekeepingTransportationUtilities IncludedPlanned ActivitiesSmall Pets AllowedSee ad page 14yes yes yes yes yes yes yesSee ad page 3Supportive and assisted living in the heartof downtown Salmon Arm. Three nutritiousmeals and snacks a day. Heated outdoorpool in the interior courtyard, games roomand crafts room. Medical clinic on location.AmenitiesProfessional care aides available 24/7.Only five minutes from downtownamenities. BC <strong>Senior</strong>s Living AssociationSeal of Approval.Williams Lake <strong>Senior</strong>s Village offers acomplete range of accommodations,allowing residents to choose their lifestyles& is ideal for couples who want to staytogether even though their needs may bedifferent. We encourage residents to pursuelife’s many pleasures - socializing, activities,outings, or simply taking advantage of ourlounges, gardens, library, store or bistro.The Kamloops Travel Club is aninformal group who get togetherregularly to talk about travel. TravelSocials take place at least once a monthat someone’s home, a coffee shop, pubor other venue. These casual meet-upsare a great opportunity to get to knowother travellers, share travel experiences,photos, trip ideas and advice. You maybe interested in joining a group trip orsetting up a group of your own. If youKamloops Travel Clubare planning a trip, you can chat withothers who have been, hear feedbackon places to stay and things to do.Talk to experienced travellers whocan offer tips on puttingtogether customized trips, finding themost convenient flight options and thebest deals. Visit www.TalkAboutTravel.ca/KamloopsTravelClub or call Jamesat 250-879-0873 if you’re interested ingetting together.Desert Gardens AuxiliarySubmitted by Shirley LunanHello everyone hope you’re having a greatday. We are busy knitting those ruffles roundscarves, all different colours, come down andhave a look. We also are making them forlittle girls as well, just right for their size, justlike moms.We are having another quilt raffle. Firstprize is the Quilt (fits a double bed) withtwo pillows to match. Second prize is a set ofRoyal Albert lunch and tea set. Third prizewill be body care items. The tickets will goone sell about Feb. 25th. Tickets are three for$5or $2 each. The draw will take place onMay 17th.If you haven’t been in the Centre for awhile you will see a nice change in the decor.Hope you had great Valentine’s Day, and aremaking plans for St. Patrick’s Day as well.Our hours in the gift shop are Monday toFriday is 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. So come ondown and visit us.

Page 24<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Supporting<strong>Senior</strong>sLiving ChoicesCathy McLeod, MPKamloops-Thompson-Cariboo979 Victoria StreetKamloops, BC V2C 2C1250-851-4991PS McLeod’s reminder to users of public transitCathy McLeod, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministerof National Revenue wanted to remind everyone in Kamloopsto take advantage of the Public Transit Tax Credit.“As we get closer to tax season, the Public Transit TaxCredit continues to be a great way to help Canadians coverthe cost of public transit in their community,” said McLeod.The Public Transit Tax Credit is a non-refundable creditthat allows Canadians to claim the full amount they spendon eligible transit passes for the year. The amount claimed isthen multiplied by the lowest personal tax rate for the year(15 per cent for 2011 and 2012). For example, if a transituser spends $100 each month on eligible transit passes, theclaim for the public transit amount of $1,200 could result ina reduction in the federal tax payable for that year of up to$180.“Our Government knows that many Canadians rely onpublic transit to get to work and support their families. ThePublic Transit Tax Credit provides important tax relief tothe families who use our transit system every day,” said MPMcLeod.Canadians can claim a public transit amount for monthlyor longer duration public transit passes that allow unlimitedtravel within Canada on local buses, streetcars, subways,commuter trains and buses, and local ferries. In addition, thecost of shorter duration passes or electronic payment cardscan be claimed if certain requirements are met. Canadianscan claim the full amount of any combination of passes, andcan also claim the amount for their spouse or common-lawpartner, and any children under the age of 19.For more information on claiming the public transitamount, and to see if you are eligible, go to www.cra.gc.ca/transitpassOther <strong>Senior</strong>s Living Retirement Choices:KamloopsDesert Gardens 540 Seymour St 250-372-5110Eden Manor 1097 Singh St. 250-376-1594Edgewater Terrace 150 Kitchener Cres. See managerErin Valley Lodge 2070 Pratt Rd. 250-573-5931Gaglardi <strong>Senior</strong> Centre 174 St. Paul St. 250-374-1616Glenfair Apartments 1100 Glenfair 250-554-3134Golden Vista 375 Cherry Ave. 250-819-0101Greenfield Place 1835 Greenfield Ave. 250-376-9596Le Jeune Manor 289 Maple St. 250-376-3653Library Square 689 Tranquille Rd. 250-372-5550Manor House 360 Battle St. See managerNicola Towers 525 Nicola St. See managerNorthland Properties 885 Westminster Ave. 250-376-1427Overlander Residential Care 953 Southill St. 250-554-2323Parkview Gardens 233 Sherwood Dr. 250-554-1903Parnell Apartments 125 Tranquille Rd. 250-376-2208Pine Grove Care Centre 313 McGowan Ave. 250-376-5701Ponderosa Place 421 Columbia St. 250-372-0651Rosewood Court 815 Southill St. 250-376-3375Thiessen Care Centre 617 Lilac Ave. 250-554-5459The Willows 120 Vernon Ave. See managerSalmon ArmArbor House 250-833-3528Lakeside Manor 681 Harbourfront Dr. NE 250-832-0653Oakside Manor 250-832-6779Piccadilly Terrace 810-10th St. SW 250-803-0060Schaffer Residence at Oakside 250-832-6777MerrittFlorentine 4100 Belshaw. St. 250-378-5300Nicola Meadows 2670 Garcia St. 250-378-4254ChaseSerenity Acres 6188 VLA Rd. Chase 250-679-3530“SAFER”programThe SAFER programprovides direct cash assistanceto eligible residents ofBritish Columbia who areage 60 or over and who payrent for their homes. Theprogram is administered byBC Housing.You may be eligible forSAFER if you are over60, have lived in BritishColumbia for 12 monthsbefore the application date,are NOT receiving incomeassistance from the Ministryof Social Development(welfare) and are a CanadianCitizen or authorized totake up permanent residencein Canada.SAFER is for thoseindividuals who have anincome below a certainamount and are payingmore than 30% of theirgross income for rent - thisincludes pad rental for amanufactured home that youown and occupy.For more informationvisit SAFER on BCHousing’s website (www.bchousing.org) or call 604-433-2218 or 1-800-257-7756.Crime Victim Assistance ProgramThe following is part of a series of informational articlesaimed at increasing public awareness about the services providedby the Kamloops Victim Services Unit.The Unit offers a variety of information and services, atno cost, to any victim or witness of crime or trauma. All Unitmembers have received specialized, comprehensive training invictims’ issues, the criminal justice system and crisis interventiontechniques. The Unit is located at the main Police Detachmentat 560 Battle Street. Victim Services operates 24 hours a day,seven days a week and may be accessed by calling 250-828-3223.The Government of BC ensures the needs ofvictims of crime are considered in the development andimplementation of legislation, policies and proceduresthroughout the criminal justice system. One method ofmeeting the needs is through the Crime Victim AssistanceProgram in accordance with the Crime Victim AssistanceAct and regulations.To be eligible for assistance, an individual must havebeen physically or psychologically injured by a criminal actin British Columbia. In addition to the victim, immediatefamily members or witnesses to a life-threatening or fatalcrime may also be eligible for financial help.To be considered eligible for assistance, the crime musthave occurred in BC, been reported to the police and theapplication must be made within one year of the crime.As well, the victim must be cooperative with the policeinvestigation.Victims of crime could receive a wide range of assistancedepending on their individual situation. Benefits mayinclude compensation for medical, dental and prescriptiondrug expenses, counseling, replacement of damaged glasses,clothing, or disability aids, income support, childcare andhomemaker services.Benefits for immediate family members - spouse, parents,siblings and children- may include prescription drugs,counseling and transportation. If the crime involved adeath, there may also be some assistance to support spouses,children and other financially dependent members of thedeceased.A person who is not necessarily related to a victim butwho has a strong emotional attachment and who witnesses alife-threatening or fatal crime may be eligible for counseling,and prescription drug costs.The purpose of the program is to provide compensationfor actual costs arising from the crime but not to cover painand suffering or for loss of property. If a victim is eligible forcompensation from another source such as Work Safe BC orthe Insurance Corporation of BC, the victim should applyto those agencies for compensation.For more information about the Crime Victim AssistanceProgram, contact the Kamloops RCMP Victim ServicesUnit at 250-828-3223 or visit the RCMP office at 560Battle Street.

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 25“Do you want me”…For devotions one night, my wife and Icame across a story written by a man namedPark York. It is called “Do You Want Me”…I rise early on this Friday, as I do everyday, to prepare coffee and mix a proteinshake. The TV news plays quietly in thecorner. Flossie, my wife, is still asleep.Sometime after eight, she begins floatingout of slumber. I bring the shake to herbedside, put the straw in her mouth, andgive her cheek a little pat as she begins todrink. Slowly, the liquid recedes.I sit there holding the glass, thinkingabout the past eight years. At first, she askedonly an occasional incoherent or irrelevantquestion; otherwise she was normal.I tried for two years to find out whatwas wrong. She grew agitated, restless, anddefensive; she was constantly tired andunable to hold a conversation.At last, a neurologist diagnosedAlzheimer’s disease. He said he wasn’t sure– a firm diagnosis could come only fromexamining brain tissue after death. Thereis no known cause for this disease and noknown cure.I enrolled Flossie in a daycare centre for adults, butshe kept wandering off theproperty. We medicated herto keep her calm. Perhapsfrom receiving too muchof one drug, she suffereda violent seizure that lefther immeasurably worse:lethargic, incontinent, andunable to speak clearly orcare for herself.My anguish graduallybecame resignation. I gave upall plans of retirement travel,recreation, and visits to thegrandchildren – the goldenera older people dream about.The years have passed and my days havebecome routine, demanding, and lonely,seemingly without accomplishment tomeasure.Flossie has gradually dropped in strengthand weight, from 125 pounds to 86.I take some time to work with a supportgroup and to attend church, but the dailySpiritualThoughtRev. David Schumacherneeds keep me feeding,bathing, diapering, changingbeds, cleaning house,fixing meals, dressing andundressing her, and doingwhatever else a nurse andhomemaker does, morning tonight.Occasionally a wordbubbles up from the muddledprocesses of Flossie’s diseasedbrain. Sometimes relevant,sometimes the name of afamily member, or the nameof an object. Just a singleword.On this Friday morning,after she finishes her shake, I give her someapple juice, then massage her arms andcaress her forehead and cheeks.Most of the time her eyes are closed, buttoday she looks up at me, and suddenly hermouth forms four words in a row.“Do you want me?”Perfectly enunciated, softly spoken. Iwant to jump for joy. “Of course I want you,Flossie!” I say, hugging and kissing her.And so, after months of total silence, shehas put together the most sincere question ahuman being can ask.She speaks, in a way, for peopleeverywhere: those shackled by sin,addiction, hunger, thirst, mental illness,physical pain – frightened, tired peopleafraid of the answer, but desperate enoughto frame the question any way.Flossie, I can answer you even morespecifically. It may be difficult for you tounderstand what’s happening. That’s whyI’m here, to minister God’s love to you, tobring you wholeness, comfort and release.Mine are the hands God uses to doHis work, just as He uses other hands inother places. In spite of our shortcomings,we strive to make people free, well, andcontented, blessing them with hope for thefuture while bringing protein shakes everymorning.Church DirectorySat & Sun LiturgiesSaturday 7 pmSunday 8:30 am11:30 am, 6 pmConfession TimesSaturday 4-5 pmSunday 5:30-6 pmWed 5:15-5:35 pm1st Friday of themonth 5-6 pmSacred HeartCathedralWeekday MassesMon-Fri at 7:15 am9:30 am &Saturday at 7:15 amFirst Fridays Massat 6 pm followed bypresentation.First Saturday –Rosary at 9 am andMass at 9:30 am255 Nicola Street • 250-372-2581CommunityChurCh344 PoplarA Caring Community ofBelievers invite you to:• Sunday School - 9:45 am• Worship Service - 11:00 am• Women’s CelebrateFreedom - Tues 6:30 pm• Adult Bible Study - Wed 6:30 pmCall for information regarding250-554-1611www.salvationarmy.ca/kamloopsUnited ChUrChes of CanadaKamloops United Churchwww.kamloopsunited.ca421 St. Paul St. • Sundays 10 amRev. Teri Meyer • Rev. Bruce ComrieMt. Paul United Churchwww.mtpauluc.ca140 Laburnum St. • Sundays 10:30 amRev. LeAnn BlackertPlura Hills United Churchwww.plurahillsunited.com2090 Pacific Way • Sundays 10 amRev. Carolyn Ronald• Bible based, Christ centredand family oriented.• Sunday Worship 10:30 am• Sunday School during the service815 Renfrew St. • 250-376-8323Rev. David Schumacher<strong>Senior</strong>s ServicesBrenda Bepple,250-374-3022Email: brendabepple@royallepage.cawww.brendabepple.ca322 Seymour StreetKamloops, BC V2C 2G2KAMLOOPS REALTYINDEPENDENTLY OWNED& OPERATEDHelping you is what we do. Realtor ®B.S.W.• ProfessionalOrganizing • Hoarding/Chronic• Downsizing&MovingDisorganizationSpecialists• <strong>Senior</strong>HomeSafetyService• EstateLiquidation(AginginPlace)Canadian Franchises Available | *A division of Everything Organized Ventures Inc.Plumbing & HeatingBonded, bonded, Journeyman Plumber, 12years experience, no overtime chargesVery Reasonable RatesRod BaRclay • Tel: 250-571-6371Yard Care<strong>Senior</strong>s DiscountCall for a FREE quote250-574-3145• Lawn Maintenance • Power Raking• Edging • Rototilling • Hedge Trimming• Pruning • Spring/Fall Clean-up• Aerating • Handyman ServicesEst. 1998INTERIORHOMEHANDYMANFree Estimates • <strong>Senior</strong>s DiscountRodney H. White250-376-72301015 Schreiner Street, Kamloops• Plumbing • Shelving • Vents • Drywall • Painting• Installations • Moulding • Tub Surrounds • Doors• Bathrooms • Basements • Garages • Fencing• Storage Areas • Basic Electrical • Yard WorkYour Foot Doctor is in ...The Podiatrist is able to treat foot problemssuch as ingrown toenails, calluses, heel spursand other painful conditions.Dr. Stephen DeWitt, DPMPodiatrist, Foot Specialist#380 – 546 St. Paul Street, Kamloops250-374-7495A member of the

Page 26<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Ashcroft-Cache Creek <strong>Senior</strong> SocietyMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2ClosedClosedSt. Patrick’s DayClosedClosedEaster Sunday 31ClosedSorrento Drop-In SocietyMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©St. Patrick’s Day<strong>Senior</strong>s Fifth AvenueActivity CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©170 – 5th Ave.Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4P2Phone 250-832-1065Office Hours Mon- Fri: 9 am – 4 pmSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2Duplicate Bridge12.45 pmJammers Dance7 pmPancake Breakfast8:30 - 11:30 amDuplicate Bridge12.45 pmSt. Patrick’s DayDuplicate Bridge12.45 pmJammers Dance7 pmFor Rent - 200 Seat AuditoriumWeddings, Anniversaries, Celebration Of Life, Meetings, Fundraising EventsA Stage For Concerts & Dances, Full Kitchen Facilities3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031Table Tennis 8:30 amKeep Fit 10:45 amShuffleboard 1 pmCrib 1:30 pmSocial Bridge 7 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amKeep Fit 10:45 amShuffleboard 1 pmCrib 1:30 pmSocial Bridge 7 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amKeep Fit 10:45 amShuffleboard 1 pmCrib 1:30 pmSocial Bridge 7 pmDuplicate Bridge12.45 pm Table Tennis 8:30 amKeep Fit 10:45 amDuplicate Bridge12.45 pmEaster SundayA friend is one who believes in youwhen you have ceased to believe in yourself.~ Anonymous3 4 5 6 7 8 9Bridge12:30 - 4 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30Shuffleboard 1 pmCrib 1:30 pmSocial Bridge 7 pmCarpet Bowling,Cards & Pool12:30 - 4 pmWeight Watchers 8:30 amScrabble 9:30 amFloor Curling 11 amLadies Pool 1 pmDarts 1 pmLine Dancing 3 pmWeight Watchers 5:30 pmWeight Watchers 8:30 amScrabble 9:30 amFloor Curling 11 amLadies Pool 1 pmDarts 1 pmLine Dancing 3 pmWeight Watchers 5:30 pmWeight Watchers 8:30 amScrabble 9:30 amFloor Curling 11 amLadies Pool 1 pmDarts 1 pmLine Dancing 3 pmWeight Watchers 5:30 pmWeight Watchers 8:30 amScrabble 9:30 amFloor Curling 11 amLadies Pool 1 pmDarts 1 pmLine Dancing 3 pmWeight Watchers 5:30 pmClosedPool Room openMonday to Friday 9 am - 4 pmRainbow CafeMonday to Friday 11:30 am to 1 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amCanasta 10 amKeep Fit 10:45 amLine Dancing 3 pmChess 6 pmSquare Dancers6:30 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amCanasta 10 amKeep Fit 10:45 amLine Dancing 3 pmChess 6 pmSquare Dancers6:30 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amCanasta 10 amKeep Fit 10:45 amLine Dancing 3 pmChess 6 pmSquare Dancers6:30 pmTable Tennis 8:30 amCanasta 10 amKeep Fit 10:45 amLine Dancing 3 pmChess 6 pmSquare Dancers6:30 pmPasschendaele Road, Sorrento, B.C.Phone: 250-675-5358President: Jennie Wiebe 250-679-8282Hall Bookings: J. Chisholm 250-675-3835SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYMay your neighbors respect you,Troubles neglect you,The angels protect you,And Heaven accept you.OPENYour Choice12:30 - 4Brain Fitness 9 amBridge Lessons 10 amSocial Bridge 1 pmTable Tennis 2 pmCrib 7 pmBrain Fitness 9 amBridge Lessons 10 amSocial Bridge 1 pmTable Tennis 2 pmCrib 7 pmBrain Fitness 9 amBridge Lessons 10 amSocial Bridge 1 pmTable Tennis 2 pmCrib 7 pmBrain Fitness 9 amBridge Lessons 10 amSocial Bridge 1 pmTable Tennis 2 pmCrib 7 pm601 BANCROFTAshcroft, B.C. 250-453-9828Carpet Bowling,Cards & Pool12:30 - 4 pmCarpet Bowling,Cards & Pool12:30 - 4 pmMother Goose9 - 10 amLadies Snooker2-5 pmSing-A-Long 9:45 amBirthday Lunch 12 pmBridge Lessons1:30 pmSing-A-Long 9:45 amBridge Lessons1:30 pmSing-A-Long 9:45 amBridge Lessons1:30 pmSing-A-Long 9:45 amBridge Lessons1:30 pmSing-A-Long 9:45 amBridge Lessons1:30 pmGood FridayPat Kirby, PresidentBingo12:30 - 4 pmBingo12:30 - 4 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16OPENCarpet Bowling,Carpet Bowling,BridgeYour ChoiceBingoCards & Pool ClosedCards & Pool12:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 412:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 4 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23OPENCarpet Bowling,Carpet Bowling,BridgeYour ChoiceBingoCards & Pool ClosedCards & Pool12:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 412:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 4 pm12:30 - 4 pmRegular Mtg. 1 pmBridge12:30 - 4 pmCarpet Bowling,Cards & Pool12:30 - 4 pmClosedOPENYour Choice12:30 - 4Good FridayClosedClosed1 2Scottish Dancing10 am - noon3 Glee Club 4 5 6Footcare7 Mother Goose 8 99:30 amPool 1 pmQuilting 10 am 9 - 10 amChurch Group Girl GuidesTOPS 8:15 amCrib 1:30 pmPool 1 pm Ladies Snooker Scottish Dancing9 am2 - 4 pmPool 6 pmYouth Group 2-5 pm 10 am - noonAA & AlAnon6:30 - 9 pm8 pmBingo 6:30 pm10 Glee Club11 12 13Footcare14 15 169:30 amTOPS 8:15 amMother GoosePool 1 pmQuilting 10 amChurch Group Girl GuidesExec Mtg 10 am9 - 10 am Scottish DancingCrib 1:30 pmPool 1 pm9 am2 - 4 pmPool 6 pmLadies Snooker 10 am - noonMeals to WheelsYouth GroupAA & AlAnon2-5 pm6:30 - 9 pm8 pm17 Glee Club18 19 20Footcare21 Mother Goose 22 239:30 amPool 1 pmQuilting 10 am 9 - 10 amChurch Group Girl GuidesTOPS 8:15 amCrib 1:30 pmPool 1 pm Ladies Snooker Scottish Dancing9 am2 - 4 pmPool 6 pmYouth Group 2-5 pm 10 am - noonAA & AlAnon6:30 - 9 pm8 pmBingo 6:30 pm24 Glee Club 25 26 27 28 29 30Footcare Mother Goose9:30 amPool 1 pmQuilting 10 am 9 - 10 amChurch Group Girl GuidesCrib 1:30 pm TOPS 8:15 am Pool 1 pm Ladies Snooker Scottish Dancing9 am 31 2 - 4 pmMeals to Wheels Pool 6 pm Youth Group 2-5 pm 10 am - noonAA & AlAnon6:30 - 9 pm8 pmBingo 6:30 pmRevelstoke <strong>Senior</strong>sMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2<strong>Senior</strong> Exercise10 amGenealogyWorkshop1 - 4 pmGenealogyWorkshop1 - 4 pmSt. Patrick’s DayGenealogyWorkshop1 - 4 pmLakeview Community Centre SocietyMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYPig and WhistleMatinees:April 18, 19, 21, 24 & 25Evenings: April 20, 26 & 27Call Lorrie at 250-955-0835St. Patrick’s DayCommunity GroupsFreedom from nicotine – a support groupto assist you in stopping the use of tobacco,meets Wednesdays 7-8 pm, at the KamloopsUnited Church, 421 St. Paul Street.The CSI <strong>Senior</strong>s Activity Centre offersfloor curling at 1:30 pm on Mondays.Players needed. Address: 9a-1800 TranquilleRd. in the Brock Shopping Centre. Call778-470-6000.C.N. Pensioners Crib Night at ParkviewActivity Centre, 500 McDonald Ave.,happens every 1 st & 3rd Thursday at 7 p.m.Everyone welcome. Call Pat 250-376-5862.St. Patrick’s Day is an enchanted time,a day to begin transforming winter’s dreams into summer’s magic.~ Adrienne CookCall Dolores250-679-2613Re: “DropIn Crafts”Gardening for a happy and healthier life.Join us for tips. Kamloops Garden Clubmeets at 7 pm at the Heritage House on thefourth Wednesday of every month. Contact,Jeanne, 250-573-3160.Kamloops Elks Lodge #44 meets at 7:30pm every 2nd Thursday of each monthat 784-B Victoria St. We have served thecommunity since 1920. You are invited tocome and meet the members. New membersare welcomed. The hall is also available forgatherings, meetings, etc. Inquiries: 250-372-2737 or 250-573-4632.Continued on page 29Call Blair250-955-0032Re: “ CarpetBowling”Duplicate Bridge12:45 - 5 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9Billiards 9 am Carpet Bowling <strong>Senior</strong> ExerciseCarpet BowlingBingo 1 pm<strong>Senior</strong> Exercise 9 am10 am9 am10 am Coffee Drop InDarts 7 pmDuplicate BridgeChoir 1:30 pm 9:30-11 am 12:45 - 5 pmWhist 7:30 pm Darts 7 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16Billiards 9 am Carpet Bowling <strong>Senior</strong> ExerciseCarpet Bowling<strong>Senior</strong> Exercise 9 am10 amBingo 1 pm9 am10 am Coffee Drop InDarts 7 pmDuplicate BridgeChoir 1:30 pm 9:30-11 am 12:45 - 5 pmWhist 7:30 pm Darts 7 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23Billiards 9 am Carpet Bowling <strong>Senior</strong> ExerciseCarpet Bowling<strong>Senior</strong> Exercise 9 am10 amBingo 1 pm9 am10 am Coffee Drop InDarts 7 pmDuplicate BridgeChoir 1:30 pm 9:30-11 am 12:45 - 5 pmWhist 7:30 pm Darts 7 pm24 25 26 27 28 <strong>Senior</strong> Exercise 29 30Billiards 9 am Carpet BowlingGenealogyBingo 1 pmCarpet Bowling10 am<strong>Senior</strong> Exercise 9 amWorkshop9 am1 - 4 pm 3110 am Coffee Drop In Duplicate BridgeDarts 7 pmChoir 1:30 pm 9:30-11 am 12:45 - 5 pmWhist 7:30 pm Darts 7 pm Good FridayLakeview CentreSquilax/AnglemontDrop-in Centre Open: Mon-Fri 1–4 PMCoffee is on and hostess on dutyTable Tennis 1 pmDrop In Pool;Coffee & Hostess1 – 4 pmPhone:250-837-94561 23 Leaque Carpet 4 Drop in Crafts5 6 7 8 9Bowling 10 am 10 am - 2 pm Line Dancing Leaque CarpetDrop In Pool; (Bring a lunchBeginners 10 amTable Tennis 1 pmBowling 10 amRise &advanced 10:30 amDrop In Pool;Coffee & Hostess and a project)Drop In Pool;ShineAnglebay EntainersCoffee & Hostess1 – 4 pm Drop In Pool;1 - 3 pm Coffee & HostessBreakfast1 – 4 pmSurprise Movie Coffee & Hostess Social Bridge 7 pm 1 – 4 pmNight 7pm1 – 4 pm10 Leaque Carpet 11 Drop in Crafts 12 Line Dancing 13 Leaque Carpet 14 15 16Bowling 10 am 10 am - 2 pm Beginners 10 am Bowling 10 amDrop In Pool; (Bring a lunchadvanced 10:30 amTable Tennis 1 pmDrop In Pool;Anglebay EntainersDrop In Pool;Coffee & Hostess and a project)Coffee & Hostess1 - 3 pmCoffee & Hostess1 – 4 pm Drop In Pool;Social Bridge 7 pm 1 – 4 pm1 – 4 pmSurprise Movie Coffee & Hostess Country Gardeners Community PrayerNight 7pm1 – 4 pmClub 7 pm7 pm17 Drop In Pool; 18 19 20 21 22 23Leaque Carpet Drop in Crafts Line Dancing Leaque CarpetBowling 10 am 10 am - 2 pmBeginners 10 amTable Tennis 1 pm IrishBowling 10 amadvanced 10:30 amDrop In Pool;Coffee & Hostess Drop In Pool;Drop In Pool;St. Patrick’sAnglebay EntainersCoffee & Hostess1 – 4 pm Coffee & Hostess1 - 3 pm Coffee & Hostess1 – 4 pm DinnerSurprise Movie 1 – 4 pm Social Bridge 7 pm 1 – 4 pmNight 7pmParty24 Drop In Pool; 25 Drop in Crafts 26 27 28 29 30Leaque Carpet 10 am - 2 pm Line Dancing Leaque CarpetBowling 10 am (Bring a lunchBeginners 10 amTable Tennis 1 pmBowling 10 amadvanced 10:30 amDrop In Pool;Coffee & Hostess and a project)Drop In Pool;31Anglebay EntainersCoffee & Hostess1 – 4 pm Drop In Pool;1 - 3 pm Coffee & Hostess1 – 4 pmSurprise Movie Coffee & Hostess Social Bridge 7 pm 1 – 4 pmNight 7pm1 – 4 pm

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 27Chase <strong>Senior</strong>s CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©St. Patrick’s DayBarriere & District <strong>Senior</strong>s SocietyMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2St. Patrick’s DayHappy “24th” Birthday to theBarriere <strong>Senior</strong>s Society4431 Barriere Town RoadBox 791 Barriere V0E 1E03 4 5 6 7 8 9Exec Mtg 2 pmCarpet BowlingFun Cards General Mtg 3 pmWhist 7 pm10 am1 pmPot Luck withCrafts 1 pmBirthday Cake10 11 12 13 14 15 16Whist 7 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23Whist 7 pmCarpet Bowling10 amCrafts 1 pmCarpet Bowling10 amCrafts 1 pmFun Cards1 pmFun Cards1 pmChase Creekside <strong>Senior</strong>s542 Shuswap Avenue • 250-679-8522Carpet Bowling10 amCarpet Bowling10 amOpen 8:30 to 11:30 am, 1:00 to 4:30 pmSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2A Texan rancher comes to Ireland and meets a Kerry farmer.The Texan says : “Takes me a whole day to drive from one side of my ranch to the other.” Exercise 9 amThe Kerry farmer says: “Ah sure, I know, sir. We have tractors like that over here too.” Crib 1 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9Carpet BowlingBelles & BeausExercise 9 am10 amExercise 9 am Carpet Bowling10:30 amMini CribSnooker 1 pmSnooker 1 pm 10 amBingo 1 pm10:30 amJam Session 7 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16Exercise 9 amCarpet BowlingCarpet BowlingBelles & BeausCrib 1 pm10 amExercise 9 am 10 am10:30 amDinner 5 pmSnooker 1 pmSnooker 1 pm General MtgBingo 1 pmHappy Hour 4 pmJam Session 7 pm1 pm$10 pp17 18 19 20 21 22 23Carpet BowlingBelles & Beaus10 amExercise 9 am Carpet Bowling Exercise 9 am10:30 amSnooker 1 pmSnooker 1 pm 10 amCrib 1 pmBingo 1 pmJam Session 7 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30Carpet BowlingBelles & Beaus10 amExercise 9 am Carpet Bowling Exercise 9 am10:30 am31 Snooker 1 pmSnooker 1 pm 10 amCrib 1 pmBingo 1 pmJam Session 7 pm<strong>Senior</strong>s Activity CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY* We are a drop-off location for the volunteer income tax programCarpet 1 2at the Northills & Brock locations.All support groups by donation (except Prostate Cancer)Join us for a monthly Potluck Lunch <strong>March</strong> 15, Sign up at front desk.St. Patrick’s DayLetter to the editorDear EditorWe are in full agreement with AshalaHarvie’s letter entitled “Ageism for <strong>Senior</strong>s”in the February 2013 edition of the <strong>Senior</strong><strong>Connector</strong>.The baby boomers would be wise to takethe time to stand up and be the voice for24 25 Wood Carving 26 Lunch 27 28 29 30Lunch10 amBridge 12:30 pmWe are looking forGood Friday11:30 am – 1:30 pm Arthritis/Whist 1 - 3 pmvolunteers for the31 Floor Curling FibromyalgiaGrief Support-Coopers ShoppingClosedEaster Sunday 1 - 3 pmWorkshopGeneral 3:30 - 5 pmProgram.1- 3 pmCall 778-470-6000#38 - 1800 Tranquille Road, Brocklehurst,Kamloops, BC V2B 3L9Bowling 10 amLunch11:30 am – 1:30 pmBingo 1-3 pm$1 per card3 4 Wood Carving 5 Lunch 6 7 Carpet 8 9Lunch10 am 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Bridge 12:30 pmBowling 10 am11:30 am – 1:30 pm Arthritis/ Caregiver’s support Whist 1 - 3 pmLunch1 - 2:30 pm Medical Fitness forFloor Curling Fibromyalgia11:30 am – 1:30 pmGrief Support- <strong>Senior</strong> Drivers 1 pm1 - 3 pmWorkshop Spouses 2:30 pmBingo 1-3 pmGrief Support-1- 3 pmCrib 1-3 pm$1 per cardGeneral 3:30 - 5 pm10 Family Day11 Wood Carving 1012 am Lunch 13 14 15 16Crafts with Ruby 11:30 am – 1:30 pm1 - 3 pmProstate CancerLunchCaregiver’s support Bridge 12:30 pm(Sign up at front desk) 1 - 2:30 pm Whist 1 - 3 pm PotLuck LunchMtg.11:30 am – 1:30 pm Arthritis/Fibromyalgia Grief Support- Grief Support- 12 pm10 am - 12 pmFloor CurlingWorkshop Spouses 2:30 pm(Free)General 3:30 - 5 pm1 - 3 pm1- 3 pmCrib 1-3 pm17 18 Wood Carving 19 Lunch 20 21 Carpet 22 23Lunch10 am 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Bridge 12:30 pm Bowling 10 am11:30 am – 1:30 pm Arthritis/ Caregiver’s support Whist 1 - 3 pm Lunch1 - 2:30 pmFloor Curling FibromyalgiaGrief Support- 11:30 am – 1:30 pmGrief Support-1 - 3 pmWorkshop Spouses 2:30 pmGeneral 3:30 - 5 pm AGM 1 pm1- 3 pmCrib 1-3 pmAll Members welcome11:30 am – 1:30 pmCaregiver’s support1 - 2:30 pmGrief Support-Spouses 2:30 pmCrib 1-3 pmtheir aging parents and loved ones as theyare fast approaching the same discrimination.Our sincere appreciation to Ms. Harviefor doing just that.The Dohm family, Kamloops9A - 1800 Tranquille RoadKamloops, B.C. V2B 3L9778-470-6000Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4 pm250-376-5757coopersfoods.comNeed help shopping?Call or see us in-store for details.31Easter SundayClearwater Friendly ClubMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©Hymn Sing7:30 pmSt. Patrick’s Day31Easter Sunday24 25 26 27 28 29 30Whist 7 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9Carpet Bowling10 am – 12 pm1 – 4 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16Carpet Bowling10 am – 12 pm1 – 4 pmSafety Mart AG Foods HoursM-Th.........9.am.-.6.pmBrookfield.Shopping.CentreClearwater.•.(250)674-2213Friendly SocialClub 1 - 3 pmFriendly SocialClub 1 - 3 pmCarpet Bowling1 – 4 pmCarpet Bowling1 – 4 pmProud to sponsor the ClearwaterFriendly Club calendar of eventsEvergreen AcresPhone: 250-674-3365SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYChrist the Lord is risen to-day,”1 2Sons of men and angels say.Coffee &Raise your joys and triumphs high;Crafts 10 amSing, ye heavens, and earth reply.Coffee &Crafts 10 amCoffee &Crafts 10 am17 18 19 20 21 22 23Music &Carpet BowlingRefreshments Carpet Bowling Coffee &10 am – 12 pm1 pm1 – 4 pm Crafts 10 am1 – 4 pmMeeting 1 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30Carpet Bowling1 – 4 pmHymn Sing7:30 pm Carpet Bowling10 am – 12 pm1 – 4 pmCarpet Bowling10 amCrafts 1 pmFun Cards1 pmFriendly SocialClub 1 - 3 pmCarpet Bowling10 amGood FridayGood FridayCoffee &Crafts 10 amFri..............9.am.-.8.pmSat.............9.am.-.6.pmSun............9.am.-.5.pmRoyal Canadian Legion Br. #52MARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©425 Lansdowne St.Kamloops, B.C. V2C 1Y2Phone: 250-374-1742 Fax: 250-374-1708SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYBar open 1 212 – 11:30 pmBar openCome in and have a beerDance to12 – 7 pmor just come in for coffee and a visit.Sleepless NightsMeat Draw$8 pp2:30 pm7:30 – 11:30 pmMixed Darts 7 pmBar open12 – 7 pmMeat Draw2:30 pm3 4 5 6 7 Bar open 8 9Bar open 12 – 11:30 pm Bar openBar openBar openBar open12 – 11 pm Dance to12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pmCrib 7 pm Charisma Meat DrawDarts 7:30 pmDarts 7:30 pm $8 pp2:30 pm7:30 – 11:30 pm10 11 12 13 14 Bar open 15 16Bar openBar open 12 – 11:30 pm Bar openBar open12 – 7 pmBar openBar open12 – 11 pm Dance to12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pmMeat Draw 12 – 7 pm 12 – 7 pmCrib 7 pm Fender Bender Meat DrawDarts 7:30 pm2:30 pmDarts 7:30 pm $8 pp2:30 pm7:30 – 11:30 pmSt. Patrick’s DayBar open 17 18 19 20 Bar open 21 Bar open 22 2312 – 7 pm12 – 11 pm 12 – 11:30 pm Bar openBar openGiant CribBar openBar openExecutive Mtg Dance to12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pmRegistration 9 am 12 – 7 pm 12 – 7 pm1:30 pm Sleepless Nights Meat DrawDarts 7:30 pmMeat DrawCrib 7 pm$8 pp2:30 pm2:30 pmDarts 7:30 pm 7:30 – 11:30 pmBar open12 – 7 pmMeat Draw2:30 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30Bar openBar openBar openBar openGood Friday 12 – 7 pm12 – 7 pmBar open12 – 11 pm12 – 7 pmMeat Draw31 Branch Mtg 12 – 7 pmCrib 7 pmDarts 7:30 pmLegion Closed 2:30 pm7:30 pmDarts 7:30 pmMixed Darts 7 pm100 – 1055 Hillside Dr.Phone: 250-374-1591Proud to Sponsor the Royal CanadianLegion Branch #52 Calendar

Page 28<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Fletcher Park <strong>Senior</strong>’s Resource CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©320A Second Ave. NESalmon Arm, B.C. V1E 1H1Phone 250-832-7000 Fax 250-833-0550Office Hours: 9 am - 3 pmSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYCommunity Volunteer Income Tax Programbegins <strong>March</strong> 1stDay Away1 2Logan Lake <strong>Senior</strong>s 50+march calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYOpen9 am – 3 pmBingo1 – 3 pmDrop-in centre80 – 150 OpalVillage centre mall1 2Drop in Bowling6:30 pmSt. Patrick’s Day3 4 Foot Care 5 6 7 8 9(MMM)(by appt. only)Foot CareMonday Morning (LWF)(by appt. only)MarketLunch withDay Away Day AwayFriends10 (MMM) 11 Foot Care 12 13 14 15 16Monday Morning (by appt. only)MarketFoot Care Day AwayCaregivers(LWF)Day Away(by appt. only)Support Group Lunch with10 amFriends17 18 Foot Care 19 20 21 22 23(MMM)(by appt. only)Foot CareMonday MorningDay Away(by appt. only)Market(LWF)Lunch withFriendsDay AwayBoard Meeting10 amGood Food BoxPickup24 (MMM) 25 26 27 28 29 30Monday Morning Foot CareGood FridayMarket(by appt. only) Foot CareDay Away31 Caregivers(LWF)(by appt. only)Office ClosedEaster Sunday Support Group Lunch with10 amFriendsCRIBReg. 12 PMSTART 1 PMSt. Patrick’s DayCRIBReg. 12 PMSTART 1 PMPot Luck5 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9OpenOpenOpenOpen9 am – 12 pm 9 am – 3 pm9 am – 12 pmCarpet Bowling9 am – 12 pmEuchre LessonsGames 1 - 3 pm10 am - 3 pmBingo1-31 – 3 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16OpenOpen9 am – 12 pmOpenOpen9 am – 3 pmGames 1 - 3 pmCarpet Bowling 9 - 12 pmDrop in Bowling9 am – 12 pmWhy Bingo10 am - 3 pm Euchre Lessons Bingo6:30 pm7 pm1-31 – 3 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23OpenOpenOpen9 am – 12 pmOpen9 am – 3 pmCarpet Bowling 9 am – 12 pmGames 1 - 3 pm 9 am – 12 pm10 am - 3 pm Gen Mtg 1 pmBingo1 – 3 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30OpenOpen9 am – 12 pmOpen9 am – 12 pmGames 1 - 3 pmCarpet Bowling319 am – 12 pmEuchre LessonsWhy Bingo10 am - 3 pm1-37 pmLittle Fort Community CentrePO Box 140Little Fort, BCMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©St. Patrick’s DaySavona and Area 50+O.A.P.O Branch #1296605 Buie Road/Savona Access RdMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©St. Patrick’s Day31Jennifer Coburn 250-373-0081SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYFor a holiday, Mulvaney decided to go to Switzerland to fulfill a lifelong dream and climb theMatterhorn. He hired a guide and just as they neared the top, the men were caught in a snowslide. Three hours later, a Saint Bernard plowed through to them, a keg of brandy tied underhis chin.“Hooray!” shouted the guide. “Here comes man’s best friend!”“Yeah,” said Mulvaney. “An’ look at the size of the dog that’s bringin’ it!”V0E 2C0SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYDrop-in coffee break:April 10, May 8, June 12,then September 11, October 9, November 13 & December 11 2Coffee HouseCarpet Bowling9:30 am3 4 5 6 7 8 9Carpet BowlingCoffee House9:30 am Badminton 7 pmCarpet BowlingRec. Society Mtg9:30 am7 pmLFVFD Prac. 7 pmCarpet Bowling9:30 am10 11 12 13 14 15 16Carpet BowlingCoffee House9:30 am Badminton 7 pmCarpet Bowling9:30 amLFVFD Prac. 7 pmCarpet Bowling9:30 am17 18 19 20 21 22 23Carpet BowlingCoffee House9:30 amNTHHS Mtg11 am - 2 pmBookmobile6 - 7:30 pmBadminton 7 pmCarpet Bowling(teams of 4)9:30 amLFVFD Prac. 7 pmCarpet Bowling9:30 am24 25 26 27 28 29 30Carpet BowlingCoffee House9:30 am Badminton 7 pmCarpet BowlingPlayoffs(teams of 2)9:30 amLFVFD Prac. 7 pmCarpet Bowling9:30 am1 2Exercise 8:45 amCoffee 9:30 amCrib 7 pm3 4 5 6 7 8 9Savona WeightExercise 8:45 amExercise 8:45 amLoss Club 8:15 amCarpet BowlingCoffee 9:30 amCoffee 9:30 amExercise 9:30 am7 pmUPS 7 PMCrib 7 pmCarpet Bowling7 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16Savona WeightPotluck 6 pm Exercise 8:45 amExercise 8:45 amLoss Club 8:15 amCarpet BowlingGeneral Mtg Coffee 9:30 amCoffee 9:30 amExercise 9:30 am7 pm7 pmUPS 7 PMCrib 7 pmCarpet Bowling7 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23Savona WeightExercise 8:45 amExercise 8:45 amLoss Club 8:15 amCarpet BowlingCoffee 9:30 amCoffee 9:30 amExercise 9:30 am7 pmUPS 7 PMCrib 7 pmCarpet Bowling7 pm24 25 26 27 28 29 30Exercise 8:45 amSavona WeightExercise 8:45 amCoffee 9:30 amLoss Club 8:15 amCarpet BowlingCoffee 9:30 amCrib 7 pm31 Exercise 9:30 am7 pmUPS 7 PMCarpet BowlingGood Friday7 pmMerritt <strong>Senior</strong> CentreMARCH Calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©St. Patrick’s Day31Easter SundayShuswap Lake <strong>Senior</strong> Citizens’ Societymarch calendar of Events - <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> ©Shuswap Lake <strong>Senior</strong>citizens SocietyBox 1552 — 31 hudson St. NESalmon arm, V1E 4P6 250-832-3015SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYSpiritualist Church -Norm Russell 250-832-6959Mount Ida Painters - Al Gates 250-832-5149Photo Club - Ian Clay 250-832-2350Art Club - Margaret Wilbur 250-832-7108Art Group - Iris Dodow 250-833-0902Elder Services - Sheila or Dave 250-833-41361 2BingoDoors open 4 pmWalk-in 6 pmRegular 7 pm3 4Painters 9 am5 6 7 8 9Art GroupBingoSpiritualist Mt. Ida Painters Art Group 9 am9 am - 12 pmDoors open 4 pmChurch 11 am 9 am - 2 pm Art Club 10 - 12Elder ServicesWalk-in 6 pmDoors Open 10 am Photo Club 7 pm Church Study12:30 - 2:30 pmRegular 7 pmGroup 7 pmSpiritualist10 11Painters 9 am12 13 14 15 16Art GroupBingoChurch 11 am Mt. Ida Painters Art Group 9 am9 am - 12 pmDoors open 4 pmDoors Open 10 am 9 am - 2 pm Art Club 10 - 12Elder ServicesWalk-in 6 pmSingles Club Photo Club 7 pm Church Study12:30 - 2:30 pmRegular 7 pm2 - 5 pmGroup 7 pmSt. Patrick’s Day17 18 19 Art GroupPainters 9 am20 21 22 239 am - 12 pmBingoSpiritualist Mt. Ida Painters Art Group 9 amDirectors MeetingDoors open 4 pmChurch 11 am 9 am - 2 pm Art Club 10 - 1210 amWalk-in 6 pmDoors Open 10 am Photo Club 7 pm Church StudyElder ServicesRegular 7 pmGroup 7 pm12:30 - 2:30 pmSpiritualistChurch 11 amDoors Open10 amTHE MERRITT SENIORS ASSOC.and O.A.P.O. Br. #1681675 Tutill Court • Phyllis Riley, PresidentSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYTai Chi 6:30 pmTai Chi 6:30 pmTai Chi 6:30 pmAnyone interested in Court Whist, please call Loretta 250-378-2776Crafts 1:30 pmCrib & Whist 7 pmBingo 1 pmBridge 7 pmCarpet Bowling1:30 pmCourt Whist 7 pmFloor Curling1 pmRummoli & Pool7 pm1 2Floor Curling1 pm3 4 5 6 7 8<strong>Senior</strong>s Mtg91:30 pmRummoli & Pool7 pmFloor Curling1 pm10 11 12 13 14 15 16Crafts 1:30 pmCrib & Whist 7 pmBingo 1 pmBridge 7 pmCarpet Bowling1:30 pmCourt Whist 7 pmFloor Curling1 pmRummoli & Pool7 pmFloor Curling1 pm17 18 19 20 21 22 23Crafts 1:30 pmCrib & Whist 7 pmBingo 1 pmBridge 7 pmCarpet Bowling1:30 pm Shut-In LuncheonCourt Whist 7 pm 12 pmRummoli & Pool7 pmFloor Curling1 pm24 25 26 27 28 Pot Luck Supper 29 30Tai Chi 6:30 pmCarpet BowlingCrafts 1:30 pm Bingo 1 pmFloor CurlingFloor Curling1:30 pmCrib & Whist 7 pm Bridge 7 pm1 pm1 pmCourt Whist 7 pm5:30 pmRummoli & Pool7 pmGood Friday24 25 26 Art Group 27 28 29 30Painters 9 am 9 am - 12 pmMt. Ida PaintersArt Group 9 am Directors Meeting9 am - 2 pm31Art Club 10 - 1210 amPhoto Club 7 pmChurch Study Elder ServicesGroup 7 pm 12:30 - 2:30 pm

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 29Upcoming EventsTatting teacher wanted. I am looking for someone to teachme tatting. I have recently acquired supplies for needle,shuttle, hairpin and crochet tatting. I have completed fewprojects by way of needle tatting as I can’t seem to get thehang of the shuttle. I would dearly love to get together withyou and have you share your knowledge of this art form.I look forward to hearing from you! I can be reached byphone at 250-819-2762 or by email at scotlandroots62@gmail.comWorld Day of Prayer service takes place on Friday, <strong>March</strong> 1,7 p.m. at St. George’s Church, 308 Royal Avenue.“I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me” written by theWomen of France. FMI contact O’Della 250-376-9422.Everyone welcome.“Pocket Art”, <strong>March</strong> 1 to 31 at the old CourthouseGallery, 7 West Seymour Street, Kamloops. Art cards, twoand a half inches by three and a half inches, one of a kindworks created with artistic flair in a variety of mediums byCourthouse Gallery artists. Weaving, clay, paper, textile,glass, and don’t forget to check the “Judge’s Trunk” forspecial discounted items. Artists on site. No HST, freeparking, handicap accessible. Open Tuesday to Friday, 10 to5, Saturday, 10 to 4.If you enjoy Waltzes, Fox Trots, Two-Steps, Polkas, andmore come Dance to the music of the Kamloops Old TimeFiddlers, Saturday: <strong>March</strong> 2nd, and 16th, April 6th and 20 thfrom 7:30 to 10:30 pm at Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street.Members $6: Non-members $7. Everyone is welcome. Hopeto see you there! FMI 250-376-2330.The Kamloops Branch of the British Columbia Old TimeFiddlers Association will host fiddlers Gordon Stobbe ofHalifax & J.J. Guy of Saskatchewan for an afternoon concertat 2:30 pm, <strong>March</strong> 3rd at the North Shore CommunityCentre, 730 Cottonwood Avenue. Tickets $15 each – call250-376-2330 or 250-376-6209.North Shore Community Centre Antiques & CollectiblesSale takes place Saturday <strong>March</strong> 9 from 10 am to 4 pm andSunday <strong>March</strong> 10 from 9 am to 3 pm. $4 Admission. Tablesavailable at $40, call 250-376-4777.Brock and North Kamloops Diabetes support/self helpgroups meet on the LAST Tuesday each month at thefollowing locations: February 26, <strong>March</strong> 26, April 30, 10 amat the Renaissance Retirement Residence, 628 Tranquille Rdand 3 pm at the Riverbend <strong>Senior</strong>s Community, May TBA.Call Marg 778-470-8316.On <strong>March</strong> 9th, The Can-Ital Ladies Society and ColomboLodge along with the Kamloops Players present “TheQueen of BINGO”, ( Jeanne Michaels & Phyllis Murphy).Doors open: 6 pm; Dinner Theatre: 7 pm. The play youplay along with! The audience joins in the fun during the“Middle Bird Special” - a real BINGO game where somelucky audience member wins a free 10lb frozen turkey!Tickets: $50.00. For tickets or more information pleasecontact: Colombo Lodge, 814 Lorne Street, 250-374-4914,United Church, 421 St. Paul Street, Monday-Thursday,8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Modesta Luca 250-682-7110, LindaCampbell 250-320-5582 or find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/461798837212878/?fref=tsWorld Kidney Day is <strong>March</strong> 14th. Join us at Sahali Mallfrom 11 am to 3 pm. Find out more about kidney health.Free testing. Ribbon cutting by Mayor Milobar at 12 noon.Let’s Dance! Sponsored by the Thompson Valley Activityand Social Club at Ukrainian Hall in Kamloops - 725 YorkSt. on <strong>March</strong> 16, 8 pm to midnight. Music by: CopperCreek. Admission is $10. This dance will be a westerntheme, so feel free to dress western. There will be a doorprize, 50/50 draw & spot dance. For tickets call: Francoise,250-372-3782, Zonia, 250-372-0091 or Ed, 250-374-2774.The Westsyde Community Development Society is proudto present Steak Dinner/Comedy/ Magic Show Nightwith Clinton W. Gray, Canada’s Comedy Conjourer, Sunday<strong>March</strong> 17th at the Westsyder Pub, Westsyde Road. Steak orChicken for dinner starting at 5 pm show at 7pm. Ticketsare $25 for dinner and show. Tickets available by phoning579-7605 or 579-2383. We will deliver your tickets.EASTER Bread & Bake Sale sponsored by UkrainianCatholic Women’s League will take place Saturday,<strong>March</strong> 23, 2013 from 10 am to 12 pm at the Holy TrinityUkrainian Catholic Church, 109 Tranquille Road. Onsale will be Paska’s & Babka’s (Easter Breads), fresh bakedCabbage Rolls, Potato & Cheddar Cheese Perogies andhomemade Baking. Bitaemo!! Everyone welcomed!!The Ukrainian Women’s Association’s Annual EasterBake Sale will be held Friday, <strong>March</strong> 29, at the UkrainianOrthodox Center, 725 York Avenue, Kamloops, BC from10 am to 12 pm. Easter Breads, Perogies, Cabbage Rolls,Community GroupsThe Kamloops Antiques, Collectibles and Heritage Clubmeet on the second Thursday of every month September –June at Heritage House on Lorne Street, Riverside Park at7 pm. New members and guests always welcome. For moreinformation call: Karen, 250-573-3670 or Bernice, 250-372-0468.Sausage, Ukrainian Ceramics, Ukrainian Easter Eggs. FMIcall Bella 250-376-9680 or Donna 250-376-0581. Note:Easter Egg Writing Kits available now.Royal Inland Hospital Retirees, Spring CoffeeConnections, Tuesday, April 23, 10 am to 12 Noon at theNorth Shore Community Center, 730 Cottonwood Ave.Admission is $5pp. For more information: call 250-374-2209 or visit our website www.rihretirees.com.Kamloops Stamp Club - Stamp Show, April 27 th from 10am - 3 pm at the Calvary Community Church 1205 RogersWay, south of the freeway off 5A hwy. Level entry and lotsof parking. Free event includes displays, dealers, $0.05 table,(a very popular area), auction at 2 pm. Info: 250-314-1021;phone at the show 250-320-2450.Kamloops Crime Stoppers Annual Car RaffleKamloops and District Crime Stoppers are looking forvolunteers to join our team selling tickets on our FordMustang Convertible. This involves sitting at a table indifferent location throughout the city for 4 hours shiftsanytime you have the time from the beginning of Junethrough to the end of August.For more information please call Betty at 250-579-2426.BIG Little Science Centre is open with public visitinghours Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm, all yearround. With three Exploration Rooms and showsthroughout the day, there is always something new to tryat BIG Little Science Centre. The centre is located at 985Holt Street in George Hilliard School. Please join us todiscover and enjoy fun science. Call 250-554-2572 or visit usat www.blscs.org.Kamloops Stroke Recovery Group, a support group forpeople who have suffered a stroke and their caregivers, meetthe second, third and fourth Thursday of the month from10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for activities and field trips such asbowling, guest speakers, etc. The group also offers a speechsoftware program to help those with speech recovery. Toconfirm dates of meetings, location and other information,call Shona at 250-320-1348.Hub City Singers are a 4-part harmony, a cappela singinggroup, which meets every Monday at 7 pm at Plura HillsUnited Church on Pacific Way. The chorus is under thedirection of Chuck Harmon and we would LOVE to seeYOU there! New members welcome. For info please contactPenny, 250-579-1887 or Helen, 250-573-5362.The Kamloops Family History Society meetings take placethe 4th Thursday of each month (Sept-May) 7-9 pm atHeritage House Riverside Park. All are welcome. For moreinfo call 250-372-5679.Dance to the country music of Vern Cave the FenderBender every Sunday night from 8 – 11:30 pm at theBarnhartvale Community Hall. Admission $8.Kamloops Celiac Chapter meetings take place the secondTuesday of each month ( Jan. to Nov.) from 7 to 8:30 pmabove Living Kitchens at 1361 McGill Road (side entrance).All are welcome. FMI call: 250-314-1404.Nicely Updated TownhouseThree bedrooms, 1½ baths, 1650 sq. ft. Privacy, mature trees & landscaping, 2 decks& only 5 minutes walking distance to all amenities, including TRU, TCC, shopping& entertainment. Nice extras are the 9’ glass patio door in the main living space,hardwood floors, closet organizers, low e windows & secured outside storage. Lowstrata fees. To view call 250-372-5972.Reduced $244,900Kamloops Family History Society meets the fourthThursday of each month at Heritage House, 100 Lorne St.,from 7 to 9 p.m. (Sept. to May). All are welcome. For moreinformation call 250-372-5679.Interested in the Canadian Air Force? 886 Wing of the AirForce Assoc. of Canada meet the third Wednesday of themonth for lunch at the ABCrestaurant, 1835 Rogers Place.New members are alwayswelcome. Call Mike 250-318-5777.Kamloops Happy Choristers invites new members age 55and over to join us for fun, singing, harmony and a varietyof songs under the direction of the talented Mary Jackson.Join us on Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 am at theHeritage House. For more information call Sharon at 250-579-9505.BeautifulRiver View$1700/mo. 2 Bdrm Suitein 55+ RiverBend <strong>Senior</strong>s Community,Kamloops, Welcoming. Wheelchairfriendly. Avail. immediately.250-377-3686 (Kamloops)catherine_steele@hotmail.com1-604-408-1023 (Vancouver)PAWS-N-TAILSDOG & CAT GROOMINGFor appointmentplease call:Clipper bladesharpening availableThree groomersavailable864C-8thStreetKamloops376-6533

Page 30<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013McArthur IslandMixed Curling BonspielSubmitted by Kathy Arnold,Bonspiel committee memberMcArthur IslandCurling Club hosted theirannual mixed curlingbonspiel on the weekend ofFebruary 2 nd with sixteenteams taking part.The winners were:“A” event winner was theBrad Thompson Team -Second place - Al Leakefoursome“B” event winner wasthe Lori Olsen Team -Second place - AndrewBarnes team“C” event winner wasthe Ron Douglas Team- Second place - ShawnWoitas teamTopping the standingsin the “A” division mixedcurling bonspiel heldat McArthur IslandCurling Club was TeamThompson.The AnnualLadies Bonspielresults from thepast week-end:Ladies bonspiel resultsA event winners:Deb Bland,Cristal Odenbach,Shelley Hassenen,Donna CroftB event winners:Barb Hodder,Janet Quesnel,Danette Hartt,Patti QuesnelSubmitted photoC Event winners:Helen Samila,Mary Strandt,Maureen Thorkelson,Penny CodySteve Gittus, the currentGuiness World Recordholder: Oldest Curler,turned 103 on Feb. 17.The Kamloops CurlingClub Junior Curlingprogram hosted abirthday party for Steveon Feb. 16.Steve received anhonorary Junior statusand was presented witha jacket and wall banner.Happy birthday Steve.You rock!• Celebrating 9 Years as a retirement lifestyle. •Offering assisted living services andamenities to seniors in our community.Submitted photoWayne Saboe-skip; John Pisarczyk-vice; Vince Hunter-second;John Cox-lead.Vivian MacDonald-skip’ Susan Shaw-vice; Liz Saboe-second;Pam Jones-lead.Island boundTwo Kamloops curling teams are heading to Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island to participate in the 2013 BC MastersCurling Championship to be held from February 28 to <strong>March</strong> 3. The Vivian MacDonald team will represent Region 7 andcurl out of both the Kamloops Curling Club and the McArthur Island Curling Club. The Wayne Saboe team will be representingRegion 7 as well, and curl out of the Kamloops Curling Club. Eight ladies teams and eight men’s teams will competefor a chance to go to the 2013 Canadian Masters Curling event which will be held in Thunder Bay, ON April 7-14.Submitted photo•Studio, one and two bedroomapartments available.50 %Anniversary SpecialOFF *Full Rental RateCall and book atour and lunch is on us.743 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BCPhone: 1-866-930-3572Cell: 250-517-9667*Limited time offerwww.parksideestate.com• homemakers • care aides • nurses

<strong>March</strong> 2013 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 31Western Spirit comes to TVCOFather Murphywalks into a pub inDonegal, and saysto the first manhe meets, “Doyou want to go toheaven?”The man said, “Ido Father.”The priest said,“Then stand overthere against thewall.” Then thepriest asked thesecond man, “Doyou want to got toheaven?”“Certainly, Father,”was the man’sreply. “Then stand over thereagainst the wall,” saidthe priest.Then Father Murphywalked up to O’Tooleand said, “Doyou want to go toheaven?”O’Toole said, “No, Idon’t Father.”The priest said, “Idon’t believe this. Youmean to tell me thatwhen you die youdon’t want to go toheaven?”O’Toole said, “Oh,when I die, yes. Ithought you weregetting a grouptogether to go right now.”(Left) Hugh McLennan sits atop “Lucky” the wonderhorse, who has learned to stay completely still whileher rider is performing.Thompson Valley Community Orchestra and guests Hugh McLennan and his country music trio Western Spirit willpresent a variety of western-themed music pieces at their next concert, Western Tribute, Sat. <strong>March</strong> 2. The orchestra bringsthe feel of the west to life with sweeping music that portrays the majesty of open prairie and rangeland, the lively gallop ofhorses, as well as soundtracks from classic Western films. Cowboy broadcaster Hugh McLennan, host of the popular radioshow “Spirit of the West”, adds to the mix his blend of cowboy stories, poems and songs as well as great guitar playing byhis Western Spirit group, with brother Jim McLennan on lead guitar and Mike Dygert on bass guitar. Come join TVCOand guests for a wonderful concert full of the Western Spirit. 7 pm Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 2, 2013 at Calvary Community Church,1205 Rogers Way. Admission at the door: Adults $10, Children $5, Family $25.Burt got himselfa new hip, and a hipnew two bedroom.For Burt, this move is all about independence and choice — now and in his future.He likes being part of a seniors community. He knows he has options when it comes tothe number of meals he orders or housekeeping help he needs. For now, Burt’s focusedon a new level of flexibility in his lifestyle.Own at Mayfair from $139,900or rent at RiverBend from $1,400 a monthOne and two bedroom suites with support services specifically for seniors.Call Kate at 250-682-4378Or visit our show suite at 760 Mayfair St. in Kamloops, BCRent atOwn atinfo@theriverbend.cawww.theriverbend.cainfo@themayfair.cawww.themayfair.ca

Page 32<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>March</strong> 2013Do you or a loveD one suffer from'ITD'(In the drawer) synDrome?These hearing aids don'tdo a thing for me...How about you?Do your hearing aids live up to your expectations?Are your hearing aids performing like they used to?What can you do to help a loved onewith hearing loss?Don'T suffer In sIlence!Kamloops HearIng aID cenTre HasTHe soluTIonsAsk us if our "3 week Cure" is right for you?FREEHEaRing TEsTWe want to ensure that your existinghearing aids are programmed for yourcurrent hearing lossFREE2nd OpiniOns EvERydayCall now for an appointmentFREEHEaRing aid ClEaningIs your hearing aid not workingbecause of wax?Drop in and find out.DVA Taps CardsAccepted

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