White Lick Wisdom - Brownsburg Community School Corporation

White Lick Wisdom - Brownsburg Community School Corporation

White Lick Wisdom - Brownsburg Community School Corporation


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August 3, 2012Higher Achievement—Together<strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> <strong>Wisdom</strong><strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary 1400 S. Odell Street <strong>Brownsburg</strong>, IN 46112Telephone: 317-852-3126www.brownsburg.k12.in.us#3 Attendance, #4 Nurse, #8 Bully HotlineIMPORTANT DATES8/13 PSG Meeting 6:00pm9/21 Step-a-Thon9/21 BHS Homecoming9/25, 27 & 28 Donuts w/DadsMrs. WiseMrs. LarkeyOFFICE STAFFMrs. CopelandMr. RaymondMrs. HofmannMrs. BrightMrs. JacoPrincipalCounselorInstructionalCoach<strong>School</strong>PsychologistTreasurer/Admin. Asst.Admin. Asst.<strong>School</strong> NurseFrom the Desk of Mrs. Wise:Welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. I appreciateall the students and parents who were able to attend our Meet the Teacherevents this week. It is so helpful to start the school year off on a positive noteand understanding the classroom expectations and routines. We had a great firsttwo days of school and I know this is going to be a great school year.As we begin the school year, it is important to take a moment to celebrate oursuccesses from last year. <strong>Brownsburg</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong>s moved from beingranked 19 th in the state for our ISTEP+ scores to being ranked 5 th ! We are soproud of our students’ growth and academic successes. The success of our studentsis attributed to the hard work and dedication last year from students, parents,and <strong>Brownsburg</strong> staff. It is definitely a team effort in educating our children.I wanted to share with you some specific data from <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> for the 2011-2012 school year. Our students did an amazing job and I am so proud of them.ISTEP+ Data English/Lang. Arts – Math –Passing RatePassing RateGrade Level 3 rd 97% 95%Grade Level 4 th 92% 87%Grade Level 5 th 88% 91%Also, at the end of the school year, we had 93% of our students reading at “core”or on grade-level according to our end of the year DIBELS assessment. In additionto academics, our students entertained us with some amazing musical performances,designed some incredible art work, and demonstrated compassion forothers by helping raise over $11,000 for Race for the Cure and Riley Caring andSharing.I know this year is going to prove to be even better than last year. Thank you,parents, for partnering with us to help your child learn and grow each and everyday.Our PSG or Parent Support Group is an integral part of <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary.Our PSG helps support many programs and resources that benefit our studentsand staff. On September 21 st we will be having our annual <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Step-athon.This is our main fundraiser which allows our PSG to provide so much forour students and staff. Please join me in supporting this fundraiser. Informationwill be sent home with students as we get closer to the event. If you are willingto help or sponsor this event, please contact Michelle Campbell atMichelle.wlpsg@att.net.

WHITE LICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL1400 South Odell Street, <strong>Brownsburg</strong>, IN 46112TEL#: 317-852-3126 FAX#: 317-858-4120Susan Wise, Principal2012-2013 Step-a-Thon Sponsor FormMay 1, 2012What is the Step-a-Thon?The Step-a-Thon is <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary <strong>School</strong>’s most important fundraising event of the year.Students will participate in different activities while wearing a pedometer, and will ask friends and relatives tosponsor them for the number of steps that they take during a specific period of time. PSG Supporters alsoask local businesses to donate to become sponsors of our event and our school.Why is the Step-a-Thon so important?The Step-a-Thon is the primary fundraiser that sets the budget for the entire school year. If the eventis successful, the PSG is able to supply every student with a class t-shirt, pay all students’ field trip expenses,provide updated technology for each class room, give support to our teachers financially, and offer studentrecognition programs, reinforcement, & entertainment throughout the year. Each year, the PSG has a budgetof expenses totaling over $20,000 in support.How can you help our school?We are asking local businesses to donate $100. In turn, your business information will be printed onour t-shirts as a valued sponsor and be recognized in several of our <strong>Wisdom</strong> <strong>School</strong> Newsletters as“advertisement”. We have approximately 600 students – that’s a lot of homes your information will be goingto.When is the Step-a-Thon?The donation you provide will be for support of the 2012-2013 school year. The Step-a-Thon will takeplace September 21, 2012. T-shirts with your business information on them will be distributed to each studentwithin the first month of the 2012-2013 school year.When do we need Sponsorship donations?We would like to have the final list of Sponsors by the end of this school year (May 18th, 2012), so we canwork on getting the t-shirts over summer break. Please make your checks payable to: <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> ElementaryPSG. You can give your donation to any of our PSG Volunteers, call to have them picked up by ourPSG President (Michelle @ 317-702-4404) or mail them to the school at the address above.WE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL AND OUR STUDENTS!Please complete the following:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______ I would like to donate $100 or more and have the name of my business on the <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> t-shirtsPlease write exact name of business* you would like on t-shirt:_______________________________________________________________________________________* We can put just your business name, OR your business name and phone number OR your website address.______I would like to make a monetary donation of ______________to help with the Step-a-thonBusinessName:___________________________________________________________________________________Contact Name:______________________________________ Contact phone #:_________________________

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary Parent Support Group (PSG) Volunteer Form 2012-2013Welcome everyone! We are all excited to begin a new school year and the PSG has already begun planning this year’sevents for the teachers, students, & families of <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong>. Many different committees are available for you to get involvedwith. Please take a moment to look over the following committees and let us know how you would like to help.EVEN IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR A COMMITTEE IN THE PAST, PLEASE COMPLETE A NEW FORMFOR THIS YEAR SO WE CAN UPDATE OUR RECORDS. THANK YOU.(Dates below are tentative – if committee is “monthly” or “throughout the year”, you do not have to commit for every date.)___Art Show…April, date TBD …CHAIRPERSON: Victoria RussellThis is a proud event for students and parents. Volunteers are needed to hang artwork in the hallways during theschool day the week before the show.___Art to Remember…November 5,6,7 and December 13,14 (tentative)…CHAIRPERSON: Michelle CampbellVolunteers needed to help sort orders and pass out the completed orders during the school day.___Book Fair...November 5 th - 8 th and an evening in the Spring TBD…CHAIRPERSONS: Wanda Frame and Emily GoreVolunteers are needed during the school day and/or an evening for these Scholastic Book Fairs.___Box Tops for Education…throughout school year…CHAIRPERSON: Lexie EstesBox Tops are turned in, and <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> receives a check in return. Volunteers are needed to clip box tops, count, andsort them into correct-sized groupings. This can be done at your convenience at home!___Campbell’s Soup Labels…throughout school year…CHAIRPERSON: DeAnne BachtoldEvery classroom collects Campbell’s Labels for Education, and we turn the labels in for educational items forour school. Volunteers clip them regularly and count them into correct-sized bundles. This can be done at home!___Decorations….throughout school year…CHAIRPERSON: Melissa DeaterHelping with the front lobby seasonal decorations and for special events throughout the school year, when you can.___Dine to Donate…monthly…CHAIRPERSON: Maria FranklinOnce a month a local restaurant will give us a percentage of their sales from WL patrons. Help would be needed toadvertise before and possibly during the event. (You would not be required to help every month – just when you can)___Donuts with Dads, Muffins with Moms…September/Dads, April/Moms…CHAIRPERSN: Ria SteffeyParents and students are invited to have breakfast together before school. Volunteers are needed to help set up,serve, and clean up afterwards.___First Week Help – FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL! CHAIRPERSON: Pam LarkeyVolunteers may still be needed to help younger students get to their classrooms at the beginning of theday and during lunchtime. Please contact Pam ASAP if you can help out! PLarkey@brownsburg.k12.in.us___Flower Sale…throughout April and the first week of May…CHAIRPERSON: Christine BivensPSG offers high quality annuals, perennials and vegetables. Volunteers are needed in March to market andcoordinate orders, then again in May when the flowers are delivered.___Garment Sales…Various Dates - CHAIRPERSON: CHAIRPERSON IS NEEDED FOR THIS COMMITTEEWe work with Team Sports to sell <strong>Brownsburg</strong> spirit wear. They make great holiday gifts! Volunteers will be neededto help select items and take orders. Date for the Extravaganza is TBD, but will be on a Saturday.___Holiday Shop…November 17 th …CHAIRPERSON: Mary OlsenVolunteers are needed to help set up, pack up, and assist children with shopping. This will be on a Saturday!___Market Day…once a month, when you can…CHAIRPERSON: Tina JinesThis important fundraising event occurs every month. Parents are given an opportunity to order high quality, easy toprepare food products that are delivered to the school for pick-up in the evening throughout the school year.Volunteers needed to help with tracking, placing, and passing out orders.___Media Center Volunteers…as needed…CHAIRPERSON: Coordinated through Mrs. JohnsonThe media center needs help on a regular basis to help reshelf books and/or for special projects from time to time.___Movie Night… November 30 th and April 19 th . …CHAIRPERSONS: Gail Ambrose and Lisa PetersonMovies are shown at the school in the evenings and the kids and parents have a blast! Volunteers are neededto chaperone the events and help pass out popcorn and drinks.

___<strong>School</strong> Sign…usually only once or twice a month…CHAIRPERSON NEEDED FOR THIS COMMITTEEVolunteers are needed to occasionally update the sign in front of <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong>.___Skating Parties…September 7 th and February 20 th …CHAIRPERSON: Melissa BeauprePSG hosts skating parties at Rock-n-Rollers in Avon in the evening. Volunteers are needed to sell ticketsin the morning before school starts and to chaperone the events.___Spring Supper…Date TBD in April…CHAIRPERSON: Melissa BeauprePizza dinners are offered during this busy evening. Volunteers are needed to assist taking food orders andserving. This is the same night as the Art Fair, BOGO Book Fair, and Portfolio Night.___Step-a-thon…September 7 th …CHAIRPERSON: Michelle CampbellThis event is the primary fundraiser for the PSG. During each of its first four years, the Step-A-Thon raisedenough money to fully fund all field trips for all classes! Volunteers are needed to help solicit donations andsponsorships prior to the event, help with t-shirt ordering, and to help the day of the event.___Teacher/Staff Appreciation..Various days throughout school year… CHAIRPERSON NEEDED!!!Volunteers provide homemade snacks or meals for the staff at various times throughout the year.___Test Snacks…during ISTEP testing days…CHAIRPERSON: Sharon RossDuring ISTEP weeks, the PSG provides healthy snacks to the students. Volunteers are needed to coordinateand distribute snacks to the classrooms.___Tyson Labels...throughout the year/can be done at home…CHAIRPERSON: Christine LouckThis is a fundraising program that is ongoing throughout the school year. Labels are turned in, and <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong>receives a check in return. Volunteers are needed to clip labels and count them into correct-sized groupings.___Vendor Fair…November 17 …CHAIRPERSON: Michelle CampbellThis fundraising program invites various vendors to the school for a day to showcase and sell their products. Thecommunity is invited to attend and shop. Door prizes are awarded. Volunteers needed to help with set up, tear down,and to man a raffle table. This will be a Saturday event. (Also, contact Michelle if you’d like to participate as a Vendor)___Winter Extravaganza…Saturday, November 17…CHAIRPERSONS: Gail AmbroseThis is held on a Saturday. There will be a Holiday Shop for the kids, Vendor Fair for everyone, Craft Stations, andmore! It is also open to the public! Volunteers will be needed to help with set up, tear down, decorations, the craftstations, holiday shop, and more!___Work Room…throughout the year per your schedule… CHAIRPERSON: Taryn MasonVolunteers will help teachers in the work room by making copies and other various projects needed.___CALL ME...This is a catch-all category for when we might need volunteers for a special event, spur of themoment, or a committee that needs extra help.IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COMMITTEES, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHAIRPERSON OR THE PSGPRESIDENT. CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON THE WHITE LICK WEBSITE UNDER THE PSG LINK!Return this form to the office or to your child’s teacher as soon as possible and we will be in touch!Thank you!Name: E-mail: ______Phone: (home)____________________________(cell)___________________________Child’s name:________________________________ Teacher:______________________________I am available: _______days _____evenings _____flexibleComments:YOU’RE INVITED!!! to our Parent Support Group (PSG) Meetings!!!***Mark your calendars…PSG meets every 2 nd Monday from 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.***1 st meeting this year will be Monday, August 13 th at 6:00 p.m.

What is the PSG?The “PSG” is <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong>’s “Parent Support Group”. Our primary goal is to enhance theeducation of our children by offering support to <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Teachers & Staff Members and to<strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Students & their Families. As well as supplying classrooms with many educationalresources, the PSG also helps with or is responsible for many of the fun activities throughoutthe year, such as: roller skating parties, movie nights, the perfect attendance swim party, andstudent recognition programs. One thing that we are very proud to say is that for the past 4years, we have been able to pay for every student’s field trip expenses, which includes a <strong>White</strong><strong>Lick</strong> T-Shirt in a coordinating class color. Nothing we do can be done without the help of ourwonderful <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> families.Of course, it is necessary to have fundraisers throughout the year so we can continue to offerthe support that <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> families have come to expect. Our biggest fundraiser of the year isthe Step-a-Thon. The success of the Step-a-Thon is what the yearly budget revolves around.Below is a break down how the PSG supported our <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary Family last year.Category Cost/Budget Specific ExamplesField Trips for every student 7,800 Field Trips and T-ShirtsClassroom Assistance 15,000Teacher Reimbursements, ClassroomChristmas Gifts, Art, Library, Music,and PE funds, Technology Purchases,New Teacher Welcome, etc.Student Reinforcement 1,450ISTEP Snacks, Reading Program,Battle of the Books, Sr. ScholarshipStudent Recognition 1,000 Student Award Tokens, Swim PartyTeacher Appreciation 850<strong>Brownsburg</strong> Education FoundationDonation, Staff LuncheonsStudent Entertainment 800 5 th Grade Party, Track & Field Day.650 Landscaping, Office Supplies,Misc. FundingVolunteer Recognition, etc.$27,550 !!!!There is no cost to be a member of the PSG! As a matter of fact, just being a family member ofa <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> student means you belong! We hope that you will get involved with your studentsscholastic and extracurricular activities. Helping out with various committees, participating inthe fundraisers, and supporting the staff of <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> is not only fun, but can be very rewarding.There is much more information about the PSG and its Committees and Fundraisers by clickingon the Parent Support Group link on the <strong>White</strong> <strong>Lick</strong> Elementary Website. If you have anyquestions, you may contact any of the PSG Board Members. You are also welcome andencouraged to attend our PSG Meetings which are held the Second Monday of every Month at6:00 p.m. in our library. It’s a great way to stay informed and we always welcome your opinionsand suggestions! Please note: It’s OK to bring your kids! We will have someone from theYMCA there to entertain them during the meetings! Thank you.Michelle Campbell, President 317-702-4404 Michelle.wlpsg@att.netMelissa Beaupre, Vice President 317-968-8171 beaupre.melissa@yahoo.comChristine Louck, Treasurer 317-431-3503 wl_psgtreasurer@yahoo.comKrissi Miller, Secretary 219-713-1169 KLMiller@avon-schools.org

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