2009 Annual Report/Directory pdf - Port Canaveral

2009 Annual Report/Directory pdf - Port Canaveral

2009 Annual Report/Directory pdf - Port Canaveral

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ROLE OFTHE CANAVERALPORT AUTHORITY:To Attract and SupportNew-Era OpportunitiesThe <strong>Canaveral</strong> port Authority is theindependent government agencythat manages the port. As a nonoperatingport, port <strong>Canaveral</strong>’sdirect port functions — the basicbusiness of maritime transportation— are handled by privateindependent companies (tenants)at the port rather than by portemployees. This frees up the policymakingbody of the port Authority— the five elected members of theBoard of Commissioners — and theport administrative and operationalstaff to focus on the business ofcreating economic and lifestyleopportunities for the people ofBrevard County and Central Florida.In addition to attractingopportunities, the port Authoritymanages the resources of the port —man-made and natural — that arenecessary to support business andrecreation opportunities here. Weoversee the critical infrastructure ofroads, utilities and public facilities.We safeguard the goods and peoplewho enter the port. And we protectthe delicately balanced physicalenvironment of the port andits neighbors.

The Build-UpTO a New EraDuring the years since 1953, when the man-made inlet at<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> was opened and the <strong>Port</strong> was established toserve its country and its community, there have been manystages of growth for this vital seaport.From quiet fishing center to bustling cargo hub to one ofthe world’s busiest cruise ports…from an expense of localtaxpayers to an economic engine for the community…from virgin land to influential landlord…<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> hasundergone a continual process of strategic re-invention.Today, that process has reached a new stage. Even as a steadypattern of growth led to new records in business and revenuein 2007, the <strong>Port</strong> Authority’s eye was on planning a new kindof future, on fostering a quantum leap in the <strong>Port</strong>’s role inCentral Florida. Idea by idea, a new vision emerged.“[We want to] create a <strong>Port</strong> like no other — one which notonly achieves success but also surpasses expectations. Wewant to provide opportunities to our community that raisethe quality of life. We want to offer our visitors an experiencethey’ll dream of repeating. We want to be a <strong>Port</strong> that expandsthe definition of what a port is and can be.…We want to be the <strong>Port</strong> that sets the mark.”— <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> 2008 <strong>Report</strong>That’s what we said at the beginning of 2008. Now, at thebeginning of <strong>2009</strong>, we’re watching this compelling vision ofthe future take visible form in the steel and concrete that risefrom our ground, the computer-operated dredges that workbeneath our waters and the ink that spells out the details ofpartnerships that are bringing more and more opportunitiesinto our <strong>Port</strong> in the coming years.At a time of uncertainty in the national economy andpullbacks in investments, resources and activity, we are evenmore excited to be able to offer our community these visibleindicators of hope and prosperity, and to put more people towork now in building the economic generators that will putmore people to work in the future.This is the beginning of a new era. We’re busy building it oneopportunity, one cubic yard at a time.Construction to widen theWest Turning Basin entranceto accommodate the new,larger cruise ships.6P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

’11, ’12 disney’snext-generationships arrive‘09 <strong>Port</strong>-of-callcruise ship visitsset new record’09 carnival’s firstever dream-classvessel arrives’09 royal caribbeanmega-ship Freedomof the Seas arrives‘08-‘09 two majormarina projects open’08 royal caribbeancommits to fivemore years’08 disney contractsto sail for at least15 more years’08 construction ofseaport canaveraltank farm starts’98 norwegianstarts first 7-daycruise service’08 new projectcargos added’98 disney cruise linebegins sailing’07 nation’s largestaggregate produceropens <strong>Port</strong> office‘97 Partial-daygaming cruises begin’06 regularlyscheduled cargoservice to thecaribbean starts’89 foreign tradeZone is activated’97 cove ProjectPhase i opens’06 carnival adds5-day cruises’86 cruise terminal4 opens’96 cruise terminal9/10 opens’06 cargo tonnagesets record high of4.55 million’84 Multi-day cruiseservice begins’93 Carnival Fantasy is<strong>Port</strong>’s first mega-ship’02 first Westerncaribbean cruisesare offered‘66 cargotonnage reachesone million‘76 three northsidecargo pierscompleted‘83 cruise terminals2 & 3 are completed’91 first mega-shipterminal 5 opens’00 south intermodalgate completed‘58 orange juiceexports begin‘65 canaverallock opens’75 scrap steel andfresh citrus addedas exports‘82 first homeportedcruise ship sails’90 solar saltprocessing plantopens’00 new cargocontainerterminalopens‘55 first cargo calls —newsprint, petroleum‘63 first cruise shipsails from <strong>Port</strong>’73 <strong>Port</strong>-of-call shipsstart coming forflorida attractions’81 solar salt,Brazilian citrusconcentrateimports begin’90 cargo pierat tanker Berth 2completed’00 royal caribbeanSovereign of the Seasarrives1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

The Build-Upto InnovationHomeport of Cruising’s Future<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> is one of the world’s busiest cruise ports. Wepride ourselves on transporting our guests effortlessly fromworkday grind to vacation attitude with easy fly or driveaccess, low-stress parking and boarding, and now a wholenew level of cruising excitement, as four of the newest andmost innovative cruise ships in the world have announced theywill be joining <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>’s homeported fleet.Freedom — Another Word for ExhilarationFreedom-class vessels are some of the largest in the industry.The 3,634-passenger Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Freedom ofthe Seas arrives in May <strong>2009</strong>. Guests will enjoy an unhurriedseven-day sail and re-learn the meaning of play with her surfsimulator, boxing ring, ice-skating rink and more. It is estimatedthis ship will bring 50,000 additional revenue passengers peryear to the <strong>Port</strong>.Carnival Dream — First in its ClassThere’s no ship like it on the high seas today. The 3,652-passenger Carnival Dream arrives in December of <strong>2009</strong>, freshfrom the shipyard, the first vessel ever to feature the sleekDream hull design, distinctive two-story spa with oceanfrontwhirlpools, and unique dining and recreation options.Disney’s Newest EnchantmentsDisney is famed for reaching beyond today’s creative limits toinvent the world of tomorrow. The latest Disney vision will beunveiled to the public when Disney Cruise Line’s two brandnewnext-generation ships arrive at <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> in 2011and 2012. It is estimated that these new ships will generateat least $200 million in added revenue for the <strong>Port</strong> in the next15 years.These new ships join an already popular line-up of homeportedvessels from Carnival Cruise Lines, Disney Cruise Line and RoyalCaribbean International in offering excursions that range fromthree schedule-friendly days to seven luxuriously escapist daysof travel to the Bahamas and destinations both well-knownand newly developed in the eastern and western Caribbean.Guaranteed to TransportIn the face of stiff competition for these next-generationvessels, the <strong>Port</strong> Authority was able to not only bring them toCentral Florida but also to negotiate historic contracts in a timeof economic uncertainty.continued8P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

The Build-Upto expansionRecord-Smashing Cargo InvestmentSeaport <strong>Canaveral</strong>, our newest cargo facility and the largestprivate investment in <strong>Port</strong> history, broke ground in the northcargo area in 2008.Two years of intense planning and development led to thehistoric groundbreaking of the $100 million project. Whencomplete, this state-of-the-art fuel terminal and tank farm willhave a capacity of 2.8 million barrels.Florida is one of the largest consumer markets for petroleumin the entire country and must import its entire supply, makingthis product a leading income-producer for the state’s ports.Seaport <strong>Canaveral</strong> will enable us to be a bigger player in thecompetition for fuel imports and increase the supplies ofthis critical commodity available to our neighbors in times ofemergency.Seaport <strong>Canaveral</strong> joins existing investments on the busy northside by tenants Cemex, Hanson Slag Cement and Morton Salt,as well as a future expansion project by Ambassador ServicesInc. The new tank farm project, which anchors a recordbreaking$200 million year for construction at the <strong>Port</strong>, hasbeen a substantial boom to a local building industry hit byeconomy-related slowdowns.Diversity Key to VitalityOur longtime emphasis on pursuing diversity in our cargobusiness has proven its worth as an intelligent long-termstrategy. Despite a slowdown in construction-related cargobusiness that persisted throughout 2008, our diverse line-uphas kept cargo flowing and generated a promising beginningfor FY <strong>2009</strong>: 218,351 tons of cargo were handled in the firstmonth of the fiscal year, a nearly 80 percent increase over thesame month a year earlier. Revenues for cargo were up 30percent, with the near future looking equally strong. Graniteand petroleum led the increases.Our past and future success in pursing a variety of cargoesis based on what we have to offer. Cargo shippers go wheretheir needs are met, and they keep coming to <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>for service that’s fast, conscientious and good to their bottomline. What else do they find here that keeps them coming back?A central and strategic location; efficient land transportationlinks; deep water for deep draft ships; easy accessibility bysea; a cost-saving Foreign Trade Zone and available space fordevelopment.A number of new and returning customers and cargoes madenews at the <strong>Port</strong> in 2008.continued12P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

The Build-Upto expansionAccessibility and Facilities:Helping Improve Global TradeIn March 2008, we welcomed the newest member of the85-ship fleet of one of the world’s largest car-carriercompanies, Eukor Car Carriers, Inc., as she sailed into<strong>Canaveral</strong> Harbor on her maiden voyage. Eukor ships stop at<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> one or two times per month to pick up newand used vehicles bound for Central America.The state-of-the-art Morning Caroline is an impressivevessel, 637 feet long with cargo space for more than 6,000vehicles that took full advantage of the <strong>Port</strong>’s deepwater andnavigational capacities. She stopped here to show off herpaces and take on a freight load that included constructionequipment to be used in the momentous widening of thePanama Canal.Location and Great Service:The Circle of Satisfaction<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> occupies a strategic location in Central Floridathat’s closer to more major markets in the state than any otherFlorida port. With this and a commitment to business-friendly,responsive service, we‘re able to attract satisfied customerswho reward our <strong>Port</strong> with long-term business.Seasonal weekly deliveries of Guatemalan cantaloupes andhoneydews have been brought into <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> for manyyears by wholesaler Central American Produce. Fresh citrusfruit and juice, cargoes that have made good use of the <strong>Port</strong>since the early days, continue to move through in quantitytoday. From 1983 through 2004, more than 1.3 million shorttons of fresh citrus were exported through <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>, withno interruption in service. Although three major hurricanesdisrupted grower’s production, today business is back. GreatAmerican Lines, for example, makes several visits per seasonto collect grapefruit for the discriminating Japanese market.Everybody…Yes, Everybody…WinsWhen we satisfy our cargo customers, they win and we win.And the commercial cargo companies/tenants who invest inthe <strong>Port</strong> and provide the equipment, facilities and manpowerto service these customers…they win, too. But the benefitsalso spread well beyond the <strong>Port</strong> team to impact all of BrevardCounty and Central Florida. Along with more jobs and incomeand a way for local businesses to distribute their goods worldwide,our cargo service provides efficient cost-effective accessto products that help local residents run their cars, turn ontheir lights, build new homes, read the news and enjoy theirbreakfast. Each gain in cargo business for us is truly a gain inquality of life for the residents of our community.P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 15

The Build-UpTO EXHILARATIONRecreational Magnetism<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> occupies a prime location on CentralFlorida’s famed Atlantic coastline, blessed with an enviableclimate, the soft-breaking waves of one of the world’s greatoceans, a plentitude of native species, and a tradition ofFlorida hospitality — all in a restful corner of the state thathas embraced recreational variety while avoiding urbancongestion.We’re very lucky. And we believe strongly in sharing.To provide our neighbors and visitors with unique leisureopportunities, we’ve set aside land and funded thedevelopment of more recreational facilities than all of Florida’sother deepwater seaports combined. Plus we’ve reserved primeharborside property for the kind of commercial developmentthat can put even more fun into Central Florida days…andnights. That’s because, even though we already have morerecreation and entertainment facilities than any other Floridaport, our vision is fixed on a goal well beyond this.With the partnership of private enterprise, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> ison a course to become a notable leisure destination, a magnetfor both local residents and long-distance vacationers lookingfor fun, relaxation and entertainment.Marina District Takes a High Polish<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> offers an ideal location for boat owners fromnear and far to pursue their love of the sea. Boaters who wantto use their watercraft or vessels on the ocean enjoy the raregift of quick, direct ocean access from a well-maintained andprotected harborage. To this benefit, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> adds astrategic location close to land routes and attractions andboating destinations like the Bahamas and Caribbean pluseasy access to the alternate pleasures of the IntracoastalWaterway.Our <strong>Port</strong> always has been a boat owner’s haven. Two of ourpublic parks, Freddie Patrick Park and newly renamed RodneyS. Ketcham Park, have boat-launch ramps that are open tothe public and free of charge, and five marinas were locatedin our harbor and Barge Canal, as of 2007. In 2008, twonew developments added fresh amenities and a new level ofservice within the <strong>Port</strong>’s freshly designated “Marina District”on the south side of the harbor.The 7,200-square-foot clubhouse of the new Ocean Club at<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> opened for business in the late fall of 2008.The project also features a swimming pool, tiki bar and73 boat slips to accommodate vessels up to 110 feet long.Ocean Club’s floating concrete berths have full utilitiesincluding cable TV and high-speed internet.continued16P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

The Build-UpTO EXHILARATIONBluepoints, a tenant on Scallop Drive for 35 years, beganconstruction of Phase 1 of a new three-phase marina projectin 2008. The first $14-15 million phase includes a dry, fullyenclosed storage facility for 580 boats up to 42 feet long. Thebuilding is being constructed to withstand winds up to 150miles per hour and is expected to open early in <strong>2009</strong>. This firstphase also incorporates 26 rental wet slips, staging docks for30-35 boats, a ship’s store and a service center. More boatstorage and a restaurant are planned for later phases.New Dimensions of HospitalityWhether visitors come to <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> for the partial-daygaming cruises, the multi-day cruises, the fishing, the boatcharters, the camping or the waterfront parks, they findthemselves drawn to the array of restaurants located withinthe <strong>Port</strong>.Many are located within the Cove, a popular waterfrontmarketplace on the south side of our harbor adjacent to theburgeoning Marina District. The Cove continues to attractnew businesses every year to serve our visitors and expandthe variety of offerings.In 2008, a newly built restaurant opened here. The yellowclapboard, deep green shutters and rooftops and lushtropical foliage of the new Milliken’s Reef Restaurant bringreminiscences of old Florida and a welcoming air to the <strong>Port</strong>’s18P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

newest dining option. But the most dramatic element of thedécor reveals itself in the dining area, where surrounding Frenchdoors offer a panoramic view of the <strong>Port</strong> and its most impressiveoccupants — the glamorous cruise ships that majestically sailour channel.Building the Perfect NetworkBecoming a magnet leisure destination is a complex goal thatrequires both planning and flexibility. We’re committed tomaintaining an elasticity in business initiatives that will enableus to respond nimbly to economic and business changes. Thepossibilities in developing the Cove are exciting. For example,allocations of space potentially could expand the Cove to thesame acreage as Downtown Disney, more than enough spaceto create magic.We believe the Cove’s greatest potential is as part of a networkof visitor “attractors” that also could include a maritimemuseum and landmark hotel/destination development of ascenic <strong>Port</strong>-owned 26-acre site on the Banana River. Currently,our master planning includes exploration and evaluation of avariety of options and development partners to help us bring anew world-class level of visitor attractions to this valuable andstrategic region of Central Florida.P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 19

The Build-UpTO SAFEGUARDPEOPLE ANDPROPERTYSafety and security always is our number one priority, andthis year has seen the start-up of a number of new initiativesdesigned to further enhance the security of workers, visitorsand property at <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>.In addition to state credentials, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> badge holdersalso were required to obtain the new mandatory federalTransportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC)in 2008. The regulation affected longshoremen, securefacilityemployees, truckers, surveyors, agents, chandlers,port chaplains, vendors, contractors and other maritimeprofessionals. The TWIC is a biometric card that ensures onlycarefully vetted workers are eligible to enter secure areas of aport facility or vessel without escort. It brings the highest levelof quality and reliability to the badging process nationwide.<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> was among the first group of ports in thecountry to begin issuing TWIC badges.The <strong>Port</strong> also became one of the first seaports in Florida toreceive coverage in the Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA)VIPR or Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response project.TSA, the lead screening agency in the nation’s airports,currently is expanding it from rail and airport hubs to thenation’s waterways. The program gives the <strong>Port</strong> access to highlytrained experts and equipment that add layers of protectionunder normal circumstances and serve as additional criticalresources that can be accessed quickly in an emergency.In addition, two new <strong>Port</strong>-owned security boats have addedto the existing fleet for the patrol protection for the busycommercial bulkheads on the south side of the channel.The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission operates the boats.Intelligence Center Protects <strong>Port</strong> and TenantsExpected increases in cruise and cargo traffic, includingfour larger cruise vessels, a new fuel tank farm and tenantexpansion, have created a need for additional critical responsecapabilities near the focal point of growth, on the <strong>Port</strong>’s northside. A new $7 million Joint <strong>Port</strong> Operations Intelligence Center(JPOIC) is in the initial concept phase and will be funded by the<strong>Port</strong> Authority and a grant from the Department of HomelandSecurity. The JPOIC also will enable and support cooperativeefforts among the local, state and federal agencies that assistin protecting the <strong>Port</strong> and its interests.continued20P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

The Build-UpTO SAFEGUARDPEOPLE ANDPROPERTYSand Trap Sustains Vital ShippingAn invaluable layer of protection has been added for thecontinuation of cruise and cargo operations during theannual storm season experienced in Central Florida. After twooffspring of the active 2004 hurricane season — HurricanesFrances and Jeanne — forced temporary closures of theshipping channel, the <strong>Port</strong> Authority took action to lessen theshoaling power of future storms. We developed a project toremove approximately 370,000 cubic yards of material from anarea just to the east of the South Jetty, in order to create asediment trap.This $2 million trap, the only one in Florida specifically designedto catch storm-related sand that could compromise channelviability, survived its first test this year by keeping shippinglanes open under the double impact of tropical storms Fay andHanna. The top capacity of the trap is estimated by engineersto be between 240,000 and 270,000 cubic yards, enough tocontain shoaling from several storm events more powerfulthan Fay.Stormwater Project Facilitates GrowthAs part of our work to safely and effectively support thebusiness growth within our <strong>Port</strong>, a $5.6 million Cove AreaRegional Stormwater Pond project was completed in 2008.The system collects stormwater from a 133-acre watershed ofmixed uses that includes the Marina District, commercial parkand portions of the Cove. New conveyance pipes route runoffto a wet detention pond within a loop of State Road 401.In this two-phase wet detention pond system, most ofthe collected stormwater is held and absorbed into thegroundwater aquifer. Suspended solids, heavy metals andnutrients settle out, filter out or are naturally treated throughdecomposition and plant uptake, and the total amount oftreated stormwater entering the Banana River is reduceddramatically.For safety in very large storm events, the project includesan overflow system to divert potential flood waters intothe harbor.22P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

Green Options PreserveNatural ResourcesIn recent years, wastewater andwater use management has becomeone of the most critical elements ofmarine operations and the port is inthe forefront of the ‘greening’ of thisprocess. Federal regulations allowvessels to discharge untreatedwastewater beyond three nauticalmiles from shore. However the portAuthority moved forward to protectthese valuable resources by buildinga pump-out station to collect andprocess wastewater from vessels thatuse the port.The new station is locatedconveniently at Cruise Terminal 2 onthe south side of the port for shipspassing through the harbor entrance.It offers a larger capacity than typicalmarina pump-out stations to handlethe needs of vessels such as gamingships, party boats and oceangoingyachts and is available for use by anymid-sized ship entering or exitingthe port. (larger ships have advancedwastewater systems on board.)

The Build-UpTO PROSPERITYA Four-Cornered FoundationAround the world, ports are essential links in the lifeline ofcommerce and critical catalysts for economic growth. Asone of America’s seaports, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> is a resource forits country, its state and, above all else, for the people andbusinesses of its local and regional community.To build up to a new level of sustainable prosperity for BrevardCounty and Central Florida, we strive to strengthen each ofthe four corners of a sound foundation for local commerce:location, opportunity, linkage and support.Location: Gateway to a Thriving RegionA strategic location is an undeniable contributor to businesssuccess, and <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> occupies an enviable position asa gateway to the Florida markets. Within this opportunityrichstate, we serve one of the most vital markets — greaterOrlando. This enhances our value as a landlord port, andenables us to pass on the benefits of a market-favorablebusiness location to our long-term tenant companies.Channel to a World of OpportunityWith a thriving market, a favorable location and easy sea-andlandaccess, <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> is able to attract revenue-producingcruise, cargo and recreation business, each of which createsopportunities for companies to supply products and servicesneeded by these industries or their customers. When thesedirect-response local companies thrive, their needs in turncreate more opportunities for other businesses. The ripplesflow outward to touch nearly every segment of the economy.Linked to the UniverseOne of the advantages of location at <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> iseasy access to major markets through a comprehensivetransportation network. Products and customers smoothlymove along this network which includes, in addition to ourdeep-water seaport, major rail lines; convenient highway routes;three international airports and a corporate/commercial airportwithin an hour’s drive; and, uniquely, Kennedy Space Center,where our nation’s space launch program is evolving fromresearch and exploration into commercial transportation.continuedInside view of petroleum storagetank under construction in the$100 million Seaport <strong>Canaveral</strong>tank farm.24P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

The Build-UpTO PROSPERITYTrade SupportThe <strong>Port</strong>’s Foreign Trade Zone 136 is one major supportinitiative that helps attract new businesses and jobs to thearea and, through substantial savings on import and exportduties, makes local businesses more competitive in the worldmarket. Companies reap FTZ benefits by developing theirown facilities within its boundaries or by taking advantageof the general-purpose warehousing and distribution centersalready operating within the zone to process, warehouse anddistribute goods.New Era BreaksBut for us, this entire chapter of progressive expansion isan initiative in support of our community. Keeping our <strong>Port</strong>in the forefront of the global cruise industry, expanding itshorizons as a cargo center, developing it into a world-classvisitor destination... All of this growth is intended to bring anew level of economic opportunity to our region.In the short-term, the <strong>Port</strong>’s new projects are providing muchneededrelief for workers affected by the building slowdown.Nearly 3,000 construction-related jobs are involved, generating$311 million.In the long-term, these initiatives in cruise, cargo and recreationare expected to generate 3,500 new permanent jobs in CentralFlorida, contributing $260 million annually to the economy.It is no wonder that we feel these are historic times. The steelreinforcing and concrete forms that are sprouting from theground around our harbor are the visible embodiment of aspirit of anticipation and excitement that we’re eager to sharewith our neighbors and the world.Concrete pilings formthe foundation for newpetroleum tank farm.26P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

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At Disney Cruise Line®, we are proudto be a part of the <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> family.As the second busiest port for cruise passengers in the world,<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> offers a wonderful setting and great service forour Guests.There's no better place to host the Disney Cruise Line®unique family vacation experience.With separate areas, activitiesand entertainment for kids, teens, adults and families, a Disneycruise provides a magical experience for the entire family.We're proud to call <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> home.www.disneycruise.comShips’ Registry: The Bahamas©Disney

<strong>2009</strong> PORTLEADERSHIP and CONTACTSCommissionersTom Goodson, ChairmanTom Goodson begins his fifth year in office, representingDistrict 3 since 2002. The Rockledge businessman ownsGoodson Paving and Seminole Curbs.RALPH J. KENNEDY, Vice-ChairmanMerritt Island resident Ralph Kennedy has servedon the Board since November 1990 and is electedfrom District 4. Kennedy owns a construction business,R.J. Kennedy Construction.Malcolm “Mac” McLouth, Secretary/TreasurerMalcolm “Mac” McLouth, the former Executive Directorof the <strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> Authority, was elected to the <strong>Port</strong>Authority Board in November 2008 to represent District 5.The Cocoa Beach resident’s involvement with the <strong>Port</strong>Authority spans 38 years before his retirement in 2004.JOE D. MATHENYJoe Matheny was elected to the Commissionin 1997 from District 2. He is a resident of Titusville, wherehe has practiced law since 1963.RAYMOND P. SHARKEYRaymond Sharkey was elected from District 1in 1995. The Titusville resident is a retired Lockheed-Martin aerospace manager and served 23 years inthe U.S. Air Force.StaffJ. STANLEY “STAN” PAYNEChief Executive OfficerROBERT GIANGRISOSTOMIDeputy Executive Director/Business Developmentjon o. brazee, p.e.Deputy Executive Director/Chief EngineerMargaret t. starkeyDeputy Executive Director/Chief Financial OfficerDiane L. conaDirector of AdministrationTracy curryDirector of OperationsRANDY GUMKEDirector of ConstructionRosalind P. harveyDirector of CommunicationsJ.R. KLAMANDirector of Public Safetywade MorefieldDirector of PlanningRobert e. musser, jr.Director of EnvironmentalPlans and ProgramsDavid PostonDirector of Cruise, Tourismand HospitalityPatricia G. PostonDirector of FinanceDepartmentsCruise Development783-7831 ext. 253Communications783-7831 ext. 248Executive Office783-7831 ext. 232Financial & AdministrativeServices783-7831Finance ext. 239Human Resources ext. 238Information Technology ext. 265Purchasing ext. 262Operations783-7831 ext. 226<strong>Port</strong> Development783-7831 ext. 218ConstructionEngineeringEnvironmental Plans & ProgramsFTZ 136PlanningTrade DevelopmentTenant Relations ext. 244Public Safety783-7831Maritime Center ext. 250Badging ext. 472<strong>Port</strong> Control ext. 281Seabulk Towing: Providing Service Excellence Through SafetySeabulk Towing is recognized by the industry as an establishedleader for fifty years in harbor ship assist operations and offshoretowing services. Seabulk Towing assists petroleum and chemicalproduct tankers, barges, container ships, and other cargo vessels inShip Assist & Towing Operationswww.seabulktowing.com | (954) 523-2200docking and undocking and provides LNG terminal support servicesalong the Gulf Coast and the Southeastern Seaboard.SBLK Towing <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> r122007SBLK Tow <strong>Port</strong> Can hp ad 3.indd 1P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 2912/20/07 4:19:06 PM

30P O R T C A N A v E R A L 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

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32P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

DIRECTORY OFtenants,subtenantsAND MARITIME SERVICESThe <strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> Authority owns nearly 3,300 acres of land,including 780 acres in the uplands adjacent to the deepwaterharbor and land along the Barge Canal, which crosses MerrittIsland, connects the Indian and Banana Rivers, and is a part of theIntracoastal waterway system.The <strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> Authority grants long-term leases to tenants,who are responsible for developing and operating their ownfacilities. Existing facilities may be available for sublease.AerospaceAnalex Corporation720 Mullet Road Ste LCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-3715F: (321) 868-3718ATK Launch Systems101 George King Blvd.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 328-2400F: (321) 328-2441www.atk.comLockheed MartinMetrology Services730 Mullet Road Ste A & DCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 328-2017F: (321) 868-2543Lockheed Martin MissionServices710, 720 Mullet Road Ste H & JCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-7500F: (321) 783-4633SPACEHAB620 Magellan RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-7400F: (321) 868-7421www.spacehab.comArt StudioBelow Sea Level Studio739 Scallop Drive Unit 66Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 684-9035Crawdaddy Graphics739 Scallop Drive Unit 56,57Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 480-8639Poly FX739 Scallop Drive Unit 70Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-0932F: (321) 799-0932polyfx@earthlink.netWilliam Tyler739 Scallop Drive Unit 11Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 292-9420tikitylerart@cs.comAttorneysPatricia K. Olney, P.A.FL Bar Cert. Admiralty &Maritime Law677 Dave Nisbet DriveSte 110,204Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2575F: (321) 799-1733www.vessellaw.comAuto/Truck Repairs<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>Auto Repair780 Mullet Road Unit 148Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-5058F: (321) 866-0176pcar@fdn.comScott at the <strong>Port</strong>Auto Service780 Mullet Road Unit 143, 144Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-3011F: (321) 783-3011BankWachovia Bank111 George King Blvd.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 639-5293F: (321) 639-5243www.wachovial.comCargoAmbassador Services, Inc.9025 North Atlantic Ave.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-9623F: (321) 783-5513info@asiterminals.bizwww.asiterminals.biz<strong>Canaveral</strong> BulkTerminal, Inc.8970, 8980, 8960Discovery RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (865) 219-7357F: (865) 219-7366Car-Go ShippingInternational9011 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-0570F: (321) 783-9891info@go-car-go.netwww.go-car-go.netCemex - North Side550 Dolphin RoadWest Palm Beach, FL 33406T: (321) 783-1261F: (321) 783-2039www.cemexusa.comCemex - South Side209 George King Blvd.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-4180F: (321) 783-3481www.cemexusa.comContinental FloridaMaterials, Inc.9012 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-9074F: (321) 783-2354esmith@lehighcement.comG & G Island Logistics, Inc.1300 Eller Dr.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316T: (954) 920-9292F: (954) 761-8763jhampel@gandgshipping.comwww.gandgshipping.comHanson Slag Cement575 (571/573 Trailers)Cargo RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-0373 x208F: (321) 783-0388www.civilandmarine.co.ukMorton Salt Division450 Cargo RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-7136 ext.11F: (321) 868-2583Charter BoatsA Art’s Adventures800 Scallop Drive Slip A-3Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 543-5879artnancy@earthlink.netwww.artsadventures.comABC SportfishingCharters, Inc.665 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 453-6764F: (321) 453-7783portsportfishing@aol.comwww.grandmastercharters.comAdventurousFishing Charters505 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 454-9193adventurous@cfl.rr.comAqua Mist Charters, Inc.960 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (407) 376-1397captainernie@aol.comwww.aquamist.usBig Game Fishing Charter505 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 452-8398yellowdog7@cfl.rr.comwww.fishingbiggame.comBlack Sheep Charters800 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (407) 808-0580rlland@worldnet.att.netwww.blacksheepcharters.comBottom DollarCharter Fishing505 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 452-1800bottomdollar@cfl.rr.comwww.bottomdollarcharterfishing.comCenterfold800 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 452-8392timsheridan@bellsouth.netcenterfoldfishing.comCocoa Beach Parasail628 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (386) 566-9069 ReservationsF: (386) 761-4877cocoabeachparasail@cfl.rr.comwww.cocoabeachparasail.comCool Runnings650 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-6300F: (321) 783-3474captainc97@aol.comwww.orlandoprincess.comFish Finder Charters505 Glen Cheek DriveCocoa Beach, FL 32931T: (321) 543-0561www.fishfindersportfishing.comGetting’ There IICharters, Inc.800 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 631-5055captain@gettinthere.comwww.gettinthere.comLinda Joe Fishing Charters505 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (407) 249-0472captlinda@cfl.rr.comMarine MammalTours, Inc.660 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-6300F: (321) 783-3474captainC97@aol.comwww.orlandoprincess.comMiss Cape Excursions, LLC670 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-5274F: (321) 783-2580miss_cape@hotmail.comwww.misscape.comMixin’ Work with PlayFishing Charters, LLC290 Marine Harbor DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 212-8484F: (321) 639-4289captkeith@mixinworkwithplay.comwww.mixinworkwithplay.comObsession Charters505 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 453-3474F: (321) 799-4815robinroark@sunrisemarina.comwww.fishobsession.comOrlando PrincessCharter Boats650 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-6300F: (321) 783-3474orlandoprincess@aol.comwww.orlandoprincess.comSouthern Dream Charters2700 Harbortown Drive D-7Merritt Island, FL 32952T: (321) 449-0727F: (321) 449-0729tricia@sheridangroupllc.comwww.southerndreamcharters.comTicket Charters LLC660 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 631-3321F: (321) 631-3351ticketfish@aol.comwww.ticketfish.comP o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 33

Warehousing& DistributionCommercialat <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>IDS features:• 60,000 sq. feet Climate ControlledCommercial Warehousing• F.T.Z. & C.F.S. Customs Broker Service• International Freight Forwarder• Local & Statewide Transportation• FTZ/Domestic Indoor-Outdoor StorageCall us today for moreinformation, 321.799.91009001 Marlin Street • Cape Canveral, Florida 32920 • 321.799.9100 • www.ftz-ids.comGET YOUR CARGOWHEREVER YOU WANT IT —WHENEVER YOU NEED IT!FREIGHT FORWARDING SERVICES• Serving the Cruise Line Industry• Plus, any other freight forwarding requirementsyou may have both domestic & international• On call 24/7 with experienced freight forwardingprofessionals• Inventory control system • EDI system105 N. Banana River Drive, Merritt Island, FL 32952PLUS• On-site Coordinationfor New Builds &Dry Dock• Dockside Services• Air Charter• Hand Carriage• Cold Storage• AMOS – MP Update• Bonded & Non BondedWarehouse Service• Purchase OrderFollow-UpPh: 321 784 8120 Fax: 321 784 8160www.cruise-aid.com / jm@cruise-aid.com9008 Marlin Street, Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 3292034P O R T C A N A v E R A L 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

creW servicesApostleship of the Sea720 Mullet Road Ste NCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 866-0202F: (321) 868-7369aosusaportcanaveral@ c fl . r r. c o mGilligan Services, Inc.720 Mullet Road Ste NCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-1110F: (321) 784-1869gilliganservices@yahoo.comITL Center780 Mullet Road Unit 126Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-1434F: (321) 784-1865rfernando@bellsouth.netSpace CoastSeafarer’s Ministry8907 North Atlantic AvenueCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-0007F: (321) 784-4468portministry1@aol.comcruise linesCarnival Cruise Lines3655 NW 87th AvenueMiami, FL 33178T: 1-888-CARNIvALwww.carnival.comDisney Cruise LineChuck Rowland DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (407) 566-7000www.disneycruise.comNorwegian Cruise Line7665 Corporate Center Dr.Miami, FL 33126T: 1-800-327-7030www.ncl.comLas Vegas Casino Lines240 Christopher Columbus Dr.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-1097F: (321) 868-7490info@lasvegascasinolines.comwww.lasvegascasinolines.comRoyal CaribbeanInternational1050 Caribbean Way, 6th FloorMiami, FL 33132T: (305) 536-0140www.royalcaribbean.comSunCruz Casinos610 Glen Cheek Dr.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-2770F: (321) 783-7520clindsey@suncruzcasino.comwww.suncruz.comcustoM Brokers/freight forWArderAmerican Cruise-AidLogistics, Inc.9008 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-8120F: (321) 784-8160jm@cruise-aid.comwww.cruise-aid.comC. Martin Taylor405 Atlantis Road Ste F122Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-7499F: (321) 783-6901cmtpc@aol.comwww.cmartintaylor.comFreightCo. Logistics720 Mullet Road Ste KCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-2230F: (321) 868-2234coi@freightcologistics.comwww.freightcologistics.comJohn VarndellCustoms Broker720 Mullet Road Ste KCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 243-5148F: (321) 868-2234varndellcustoms@cfl.rr.comdistriButionservicesAmbassador Services, Inc.625 Cargo RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-4661F: (321) 868-5262bhubert@asiterminals.bizwww.ambassadorterminals.comIDS9001 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-9100F: (321) 799-9169idsftz@aol.comwww.ftz-ids.comJ.R. Gale, Inc.405 Atlantis Road Ste F119Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-2700F: (321) 783-1244www.ftzg.comJames GlobalLogistics, Inc.405 Atlantis Road Ste A107Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-4050F: (321) 784-4070jimh@jamesglobal.uswww.jamesglobal.useMergency,environMentAl,& sAfety services/WAste oil disPosAlAtlantic IndustrialServices, Inc.8985 Columbia Road BFt. Lauderdale, FL 33309-1147T: (800) 256-9900F: (866) 429-8206www.usedoil.comCliff Berry, Inc.5855 Industrial Dr.Cocoa, FL 32927T: (321) 639-4199F: (321) 639-4164www.cliffberryinc.comHigh Seas Trading Co.357 Imperial Blvd., Unit A 6Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-9155F: (321) 784-4007hstcapec@aol.comwww.highseasusa.com<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>Maritime Academy8970 Columbia RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-4251F: (321) 783-4887dsargeant@ccvfd.orgwww.ccvfd.orgengineeringservicesCH2MHILL445 Challenger Road Ste 130Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-1236F: (321) 799-1183cmckay@ch2m.comwww.ch2m.comGerlach Engineering739 Scallop Drive Unit 71Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5595F: (321) 866-0147gerlachengineering@yahoo.comHalcrow, Inc.707 Mullet Road Suite 105Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5817F: (321) 784-5462ledfordgd@halcrow.comMonterey Boats/Seabring Marine9008 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (352) 528-2628F: (352) 529-2628www.montereyboats.comfishing, BAit &tAckleFisherman’s World LLC750 Mullet Road Ste ACape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5285F: (321) 784-5284joe@bitemesports.comfuel iM<strong>Port</strong>ers/utilitiesAble Oil Company, Inc.99 Dover AvenueMerritt Island, FL 32952T: (321) 952-7072F: (321) 454-3350sean62965@aol.comCoastal Terminals LLC8952 North Atlantic AvenueCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-3393 x14F: (321) 783-3496rthompson@transmontaigne.comwww.transmontaigne.comFlorida Power & Light9035 Flounder StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 726-4946F: (321) 799-2279tom.c.kunz@fpl.comReliant Energy Florida9040 Flounder StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 267-2155F: (321) 385-4685dshaulis@reliant.comTranstate IndustrialPipeline Systems, Inc.9035 Flounder StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2279F: (321) 799-2279richard_wilks@fpl.comwww.transtate.usAMERICAN GUARD SERVICES, INC.SERVINGCruise Ships<strong>Port</strong> FacilitiesCargo DepotsHotelsG. S. A.V. A.Food ChainsHome Supply ChainsRetail ChainsPaper MillsSERVICES INCLUDEPassenger ScreeningX-Ray ScreeningMetal Detection<strong>Port</strong> SecurityCanine SupportArmed/Unarmed OfficersPier/Terminal AccessParking/Traffic ControlFacility AssessmentsTelephone: (310) 645-6200E-mail: sherif@americanguardservices.comWeb site: www.americanguardservices.comOFFICES LOCATED INHonolulu, HILong Beach, CALos Angeles, CASan Diego, CAMiami, FLFt. Lauderdale, FLPuerto RicoAnchorage, AKCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL17 Other StatesThroughout the Countrygift shoPsKyle’s Sea Krafts, Inc.772 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5953F: (321) 784-5953www.seashelltoiletseats.comgovernMentDefense Suppliers ofElectronic Components677 Dave Nisbet DriveSte 106-109Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-1477F: (321) 783-8490ticiaa@defsup.comwww.defsup.comFWC749 Snapper RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 383-2740F: (321) 383-2744www.myfwc.comU.S. Customs &Border Protection120 George King Blvd.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-2069 x223F: (321) 799-1415joseph.lawrence@dhs.govwww.cbp.govU.S. Navy740 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-2800F: (321) 784-6197MEMBER OF THE CRUISE LINES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONMEMBER OF THE MARITIME SECURITY COUNCILMEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL SOCIETYMEMBER OF THE FLORIDA CARIBBEAN CRUISE ASSOCIATIONMEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL CARGO SECURITY COUNCILP O R T C A N A v E R A L 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 35

HotelsMilrose Hotel LLC681 Dave Nisbet DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-8485F: (321) 783-6313Import/ExportAdvanced TechnologiesWorldwide, Inc.520,530,40 Challenger RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-5626F: (321) 783-0103atwfeedscrews@bellsouth.netwww.atwfeedscrews.comAir Suspensions by Arnott397 & 399 Challenger Road #3Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-3016F: (321) 868-3703lisa@arnottindustries.comwww.arnottindustries.comCartainer Ocean Line402 Dolphin RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-0707F: (321) 799-0788marcosg.cartainer@earthlink.netwww.shippingmycar.com<strong>Port</strong>er World Trade, Inc.405 Atlantis Road Ste E115Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-1649F: (321) 783-8817rogerw@porterworldtrade.comVintage Selections405 Atlantis Road Ste F118Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-2700F: (321) 783-1244jim@ftzg.comwww.vintageselections.comMarina/BoatStorageBluepoints InternationalFisheries, Inc.677 Dave Nisbet DriveSte 201-203Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2860F: (321) 784-9277bpoint2@aol.comCape Marina820 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-8410F: (321) 799-3271capemar@aol.comwww.capemarina.comHarbor Square Marina, Inc.290 Marine Harbor DriveMerritt Island, FL 32953T: (321) 453-2464F: (321) 453-2464dkmackenzie@msn.comHarbor Town Marina1000 Sea Ray Drive #101Merritt Island, FL 32953T: (321) 453-0160F: (321) 453-1512harbortownmarina@earthlink.netwww.harbortownmarina.comOcean Clubat <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>930,950,960,990 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-0664F: (321) 784-2393cstraw@professional-marine.comwww.oceanclub-pc.com<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>Yacht Club, Inc.910 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-2292F: (321) 784-5902office@pcyc-fl.orgwww.pcyc-fl.orgScorpion’sNew <strong>Port</strong> Marina930, 950, 960, 990Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5788F: (321) 784-0309info@scorpionmarine.comwww.scorpionmarine.comMarine RelatedSales & ServicesA&E Machine, Inc.555 Challenger RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-6793F: (321) 783-6836aeeast@aemaservices.comAccurate Marine, Inc.757 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 866-0018F: (321) 866-0021taccurate@bellsouth.netAmerican Marine YachtBrokers Inc.707 Mullet Road Ste 204Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-0007F: (321) 868-0008americanmarine01@aol.comwww.americanmarineyachts.comAtlas Yacht Service790 Mullet Road Bldg A, Ste35 & 50Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 431-1022F: (321) 459-27283DDD@bellsouth.netwww.atlasyachtservice.comBambi’s Boatworks& Canvas739 Scallop Drive Unit 43,44Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-4876bambiboatworks@hotmail.comBeach Marine Service505A Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-1457F: (321) 783-1480jlar505@aol.comBoat Tree950 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-9444F: (321) 799-9404joepozo@boattree.comwww.boattree.comC.J.’s Reel Parts& Service, Inc.780 Mullet Road Unit 124ACape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-7733F: (321) 868-7733cjsreelparts@aol.com<strong>Canaveral</strong> Boatwerks, Inc.790 Mullet Road Bldg A,Unit 47, A48Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-1677F: (321) 454-4665<strong>Canaveral</strong>Custom Boats, Inc.774 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-3536F: (321) 784-6407sales@deltaboats.comwww.deltaboats.com<strong>Canaveral</strong> Propellers Inc.750 Mullet Road Bldg BCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-2890F: (321) 784-2891canprops@bellsouth.netCape Yacht Brokerage, Inc.810 Scallop Drive Ste BCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-4724F: (321) 799-0096cyacht@bellsouth.netCaptain LawrenceFeldheim Marine, Inc.780 Mullet Road Unit 130Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-0497captlarryF@bellsouth.netDuays Marine790 Mullet Road Bldg C,Unit 74Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 639-0665F: (321) 639-0665ted@duaymarine.comwww.duaymarine.comWe’ve beentied with<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>for more than20 years.Our years of seaport experience providinggeotechnical engineering and materials testingcan make for smooth sailing.Ardaman& Associates,Inc.Satisfying the demand of any project, anywhere.Headquarters: 407-855-3860www.ardaman.comGeotechnical Engineering • Materials Engineering and Testing • Real Estate Environmental Audits • Hydrogeology and Water Resources • Contamination Evaluation and RemediationThe Way To Go For Great Service.In <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>, you can count on the outstanding service quality of Ceres Marine Terminals. Ceres providesStevedoring, Marine Terminal & Cruise Terminal Operations for the world’s premier ocean and cruise ship lines.7011 North Atlantic Ave., Ste. 207, Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, Florida 32920 • 321-799-9035 • www.ceresglobal.com36P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

Duys MarineElectronic, Co.790 Mullet Road Bldg A,Unit 42-44Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2340F: (321) 799-0175duysmarine@bellsouth.netEast Coast MarineBrokers, Inc.677 Dave Nisbet Drive Ste 115Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5982F: (321) 784-6902john@shipsusa.comwww.shipsusa.comFlounder Pounder Marine750 Mullet Road Bldg CCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-1688F: (321) 868-1680sales@fpmarine.comwww.fpmarine.comInternational Power &Propulsion, LLC739 Scallop Drive Unit 67Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 480-9555F: (321) 745-2093internationalpnp@aol.comIslander’s Canvas Shop790 Mullet Road Bldg B,Unit 26 & 27Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2552Leader Canvas770 Mullet Road Ste ACape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-4191F: (321) 799-4192gevans23@cfl.rr.comMarina Properties, LLC954 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 848-4242F: (321) 821-0416tlhartsook@yahoo.comwww.marinaproperties-llc.comMarine Growth Ventures405 Atlantis Road Ste A110Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-1744F: (321) 783-4100moetme@aol.comwww.marinegrowthventures.comMarine One Services, Inc.780 Mullet Road Unit 122ACape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-8117F: (321) 735-0359marineone0603@yahoo.comwww.marineoneservicesinc.comMisener MarineConstruction, Inc.9070 Herring StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-9442F: (321) 783-9443jward@misenermarine.comwww.misenermarine.comRJJ Marine, Inc.780 Mullet Road Unit 122Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 866-0306F: (321) 866-0305bmerrell@cfl.rr.comwww.boatmasusa.comSea Ray Boats1200 Sea Ray DriveMerritt Island, FL 32953T: (321) 455-6061F: (321) 453-5609tweingartner@searay.comwww.searay.comShip Shape Inc9008 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-8120F: (321) 784-8160ladena@cruise-aid.comSunshine Welding760 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-4838F: (321) 799-0855batech_evie@bellsouth.netwww.sunshinewelding.comVTJ Services, LLC9020 North Atlantic AvenueCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-0086F: (321) 783-3428vtjservices@aol.comMARKETINGWolf Jessee PaquinCommunications1970 Michigan Ave.,Bldg I, Suite I0Cocoa, FL 32922T: (321) 633-7576F: (321) 633-8281info@wjpcommunications.comwww.wjpcommunications.comMedicalComprehensiveHealth Services, Inc.677 Dave Nisbet DriveSte 101-105Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-3949F: (321) 868-5520mross@chsmedical.comwww.ohcportcanaveral.chsmedical.comMD & AT Services, Inc.707 Mullet Road Ste111,112,114Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-0922F: (866) 583-7151mdatsvc@hotmail.comMini WarehousesCape Marine Mini-Storage790 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-2490F: (321) 799-3271capemarstorage@aol.comwww.capemarina.com<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> Leasingand Storage, Inc.739 Scallop DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5279F: (321) 784-5891portstorage@aol.comMiscellaneousBusinessesA-1 Moving andDistribution, Inc.9008 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-8120F: (321) 784-8160jm@cruise-aid.comApe Wax & Detail770 Mullet Road Ste CCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32930T: (321) 784-5678Arctic Pipe and Material707 Mullet Road Ste 109Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-2772F: (321) 784-2756AWC Plumbing, L.L.C.739 Scallop Drive Unit 8Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 613-2141BISI750 Mullet Road BCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-2890F: (321) 784-2891bisi@bellsouth.netC.A.F. Global, LLC780 Mullet Road Ste 130Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-6233F: (321) 783-6273tim@cafglobal.comcafglobal.comCherokee Chain Link &Construction, Inc.707 Mullet Road Ste 108Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-7471F: (321) 784-7475Entec MechanicalServices, Inc.790 Mullet Road Unit 58MISENER MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC.ORION CONSTRUCTION LP | KING FISHER MARINE SERVICE LPF. MILLER CONSTRUCTION, LLC | SUBAQUEOUS SERVICES, LLCP o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 37

Jason Shipping Co.,WSI of SE,LLCT: (843) 527-1743Las Vegas Casino LinesT: (321) 868-1097Magical Cruise CompanyDBA Disney Cruise LineT: (407) 566-3631Moran Gulf ShippingAgencies, Inc.T: (954) 763-7793Morton SaltT: (321) 868-7136N. American GeneralAgents Inc./SeatradeT: (813) 253-3122Norton Lilly InternationalT: (904) 721-9180Penn MaritimeT: (203) 964-0009Rice, Unruh, Reynolds Co.T: (954) 761-1723Terminal ShippingCompany, Inc.T: (410) 276-3490TransMontaigne/CoastalTerminalsT: (321) 783-3393USA Maritime EnterprisesT: (954) 764-8360Valls Shipping CompanyT: (813) 639-4300Ship ChandlerAtlantic CoastBonded SalesT: (321) 783-2700Brevard MedicalEquipment, Inc.T: (321) 453-3370Care Vacations/Caribbean Medical, Inc.T: (954) 463-3304City Seafood, Inc.T: (305) 652-7685Colorado Boxed BeefCompanyT: (863) 967-0636Downtown DiscountProduceT: (321) 254-4048Ecolab, Inc.T: (954) 745-5460Excel Food Dist Co./Cargill/RyderT: (305) 884-7018Freedom Fresh LLCT: (305) 715-5700Global SupplyCompany, Inc.T: (321) 784-3414Hellenic Ship Supply Inc.T: (813) 229-1507High Seas Trading, Inc.T: (321) 784-9155Liberty MarineServices, Inc.T: (904) 634-0056Oceanwide InternationalTrading, Inc.T: (813) 223-6969Rentokil, Inc.T: (407) 297-8828Ship Supply of Florida, Inc.T: (305) 681-7447Stericycle, Inc.T: (800) 853-5653T.G. Lee DairyT: (407) 210-3316Unitor Ships Service, Inc.T: (813) 247-2312Velda FarmsT: (863) 298-9742Ship LinesEUKOR Car Carriers Inc.Y.H. Noh, 5201 Blue LagoonDr., 8th Floor & PHMiami, FL 33126T: (305) 898-9985yhnoh@eukor.comwww.eukor.comG & G Island Logistics, Inc.1300 Eller Dr.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316T: (954) 920-9292F: (954) 761-8763jhampel@gandgshipping.comwww.gandgshipping.comGorthon LinesKenny PetterssonHelsingborg, SwedenT: 46 42 172 700kenny.pettersson@rabt.sewww.rabt.seGreat American LineGunther Keitel,6 Becker Farm Rd.Roseland, NY 07068-1779T: (973) 740-0740gkeitel@galinj.comwww.galinj.comGreen ReefersGilda van Brenkelen,P.O. Box 273823Tampa, FL 33688-3823T: (813) 887-4929gvb@greenreefers.comwww.greenreefers.comK-Line AmericaGlenn RogersHouston, TX 77058T: (713) 721-0131glenn.rogers@us.kline.comwww.kline.comSaga Forest CarriersRhoda Voth Pavlo,38 East Bay StreetSavannah, GA 31401T: (912) 447-0270rvp@sagafc.comwww.sagafc.comSeatrade ReeferCharteringHoward Posner, 442 W.Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 290Tampa, FL 33606T: (813) 253-3122mailbox@seatradeusa.comwww.seatrade.comShip Repair& Marine ServicesELX Marine Division17901 NW Miami CourtMiami, FL 33169T: (305) 653-1149F: (305) 650-1217KMD Ship Repair/Kurt. E. Ronstrom8708 Commerce St.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 258-1608F: (321) 784-5865Miami Divers, Inc.2994 N. Miami Ave.Miami, FL 33127T: (305) 571-9700F: (305) 571-5005Radio-Holland USA, Inc.3007 Greene St.Hollywood, FL 33020T: (954) 920-8400F: (954) 920-8455Ram Turbos, Inc.192 Center Street #300Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-2920F: (321) 868-2921ramturbo@bellsouth.netScandinavian BoilerService, Inc.512 S.E. 32nd St.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316T: (954) 763-7375F: (954) 766-2624Secure Safe, Lock & Key241 N. Courtenay Pkwy.Merritt Island, FL 32953T: (321) 453-5397F: (321) 453-4403Standard Marine& Ship Repair, Inc.4120 N. Courtenay Pkwy.Merritt Island, FL 32953T: (321) 449-1123F: (321) 449-1145Sunshine Welding760 Mullet RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-4838F: (321) 799-0855batech_evie@bellsouth.netwww.sunshinewelding.comSuperior Marine andBoatyard, Inc./BeyelBrothers Inc.99 Dover AvenueMerritt Island, FL 32952T: (321) 449-9060F: (321) 449-0709superiormarine@bellsouth.netSmall BusinessRepairsAAA Masonry, Inc.707 Mullet Road Ste 115Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 610-7017F: (321) 610-7017Kris Grass739 Scallop Drive Unit 39,40Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920ShockwaveEnterprises, Inc.790 Mullet Road Bldg A, Unit52 & 53Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 302-6537F: (321) 449-7346Boatshockwave@cfl.rr.comSpace Coast Painting, Inc.780 Mullet Road Unit 132Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920gvilliotis@yahoo.comStevedoresAmbassador Services, Inc.9025 North Atlantic Ave.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-9623F: (321) 783-5513info@asiterminals.bizwww.asiterminals.bizCeres Marine Terminals7011 North Atlantic Ave.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-9035F: (321) 799-9037ttouzet@ceresglobal.comwww.ceresglobal.comContinental FloridaMaterials, Inc.9012 Marlin St.Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-9074F: (321) 783-2354Eller & Company230 ChristopherColumbus DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-5093F: (321) 784-6667ellercocavl@aol.comFlorida TransportationServices, Inc.405 Atlantis Road Ste A101Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-4426F: (321) 783-4928FTSportcanaveral@aol.comG & G Island Logistics, Inc.1300 Eller DriveFt. Lauderdale, FL 33316T: (954) 920-9292F: (954) 761-8763jhampel@gandgshipping.comwww.gandgshipping.comHallmark StevedoringCompany300 South Pine Island Dr.Plantation, FL 33324T: (954) 472-1927F: (954) 385-9521Morton Salt450 Cargo RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-7136F: (321) 868-2583P & O <strong>Port</strong>s Florida, Inc./<strong>Port</strong>s America Inc.1007 North American Way,Suite 310Miami, FL 33132-2081T: (305) 381-9624F: (305) 381-9741www.portsamerica.comStevedoring Servicesof America3001 Talleyrand Ave., Box 3097Jacksonville, FL 32206T: (904) 665-0400F: (904) 366-6922WSI of the Southeast,LLC(formerly Apollo)Box 1498Georgetown, SC 29442T: (843) 527-1743F: (843) 527-1179olsenassociates, inc.coastal engineeringSpecializing inStudies & Planning, Engineering Design,Permitting, Construction Review, andExpert Witness TestimonyRelated toBEACH RESTORATIONCOASTAL STRUCTURESSHORE STABILIZATIONINLET MANAGEMENTNAVIGATION PROJECTS4438 Herschel StreetJacksonville, Florida 32210 U.S.A.(904) 387-6114 : (FAX) 384-7368www.olsen-associates.comENGINEERING • SURVEYINGCivil, Sanitary, Development,Municipal Consulting106 Dixie Lane, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931(321) 783-7443 Fax: (321) 783-5902Email: info@alleneng.netwww.alleneng.netSITE/CIVIL & SURVEY SERVICES SINCE 1963P o r t C a n a v e r a l 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T 39

tAxiderMyBrown’s Taxidermy, Inc.525 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-6677F: (321) 784-6677brownstaxidermyi@bellsouth.netwww.browntaxidermy.comFish Mount Store525 Glen Cheek DriveCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-5557ken@fishmountstore.comwww.fishmountstore.comtoWing,sAlvAge & tugsBeyel Brothers733, 735 Snapper RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-0161F: (321) 868-0169tammy.ollis@beyel.comwww.beyel.comInternationalTowing &Salvage, Inc.9185 Grouper RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-8697F: (321) 453-7783itstowing@aol.comPetchem747 Snapper RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-7147F: (321) 452-7821bluetugz@cs.comwww.petchemtugs.comSea Tow<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>707 Mullet Road Ste 107Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-4900F: (321) 868-6389seatowpc@hotmail.comwww.seatow.comSeabulk Towing737 Snapper RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 799-2827F: (321) 784-0878bob.turpin@sbulk.comwww.seabulkinternational.comTow Boat US<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>780 Mullet Road Ste 128,130Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-5600F: (321) 783-5603captbilly@cafglobal.comtrAns<strong>Port</strong>AtionservicesCommercalCarrier Corp.9010 Marlin StreetCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-8404F: (321) 783-0824jskaggs@ccc.comcar.comuPholsteryBianca’s Upholstery510 Challenger RoadCape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 784-4960WoodWork<strong>Canaveral</strong> CustomWoodworking, Inc.790 Mullet Road Ste 7Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 302-8191chuck7503@cfl.rr.comJ & D Marine Products790 Mullet Road Bldg C,Unit C78 &79Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 783-3677<strong>Port</strong> Side Cabinetry739 Scallop DriveUnit 65-68Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920T: (321) 868-190040P O R T C A N A v E R A L 2 0 0 9 R E P O R T

BULK • BREAK BULK • CONTAINER • RO/RO • SPECIAL PROJECTFRESH FRUIT • FOREST PRODUCTS • PERISHABLES • JUICE PRODUCTS • NEWSPRINTYour Connection To QualityMarine Terminal OperationsPowered by ExperienceServing commercial, military, aerospace and cruiseline customers with more than 75 years of combinedexperience.Ship to Shore Care• Experienced stevedores dedicated to providingquick turnarounds• Specialized equipment to reduce loading andunloading times• Onsite U.S. Customs, Department of Agriculture, shipagency, freight forwarding, container refurbishmentAbundant Storage• More than 100 acres of open-air storage• More than 300,000 square feet of secure, enclosed drywarehouse space• More than 9 million cubic feet of dockside freezer, chillstorage with controlled climate from –10°F to 55°F withup to 95% humidity• 47,000 square feet of railside warehouse spaceThorough Tracking• Computerized real-time inventory management• Capability to track cargo from origin to end user• Online customer ordering and trackingSmooth Distribution• Our own fleet of trucks for seamless, as-needed delivery• Rail terminal operations — Cocoa facility• Combinations of truck, barge and rail transportServing All Florida <strong>Port</strong>sP.O. Box 654Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920Phone: (321) 784-4661Fax: (321) 783-5513www.asiterminals.bizEmail: info@asiterminals.biz

F u t u r e H o m e o F S e a p o r t C a n a v e r a lReady to Help Fuel theGrowth of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>and Central FloridaWe’re proud and excitedabout becoming part ofthe Florida communityand partnering with <strong>Port</strong><strong>Canaveral</strong> to meet thefuture energy needs ofthe burgeoning CentralFlorida region with a2.8 million barrel fuelstorage terminal.<strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> AuthorityP.O. Box 267Cape <strong>Canaveral</strong>, FL 32920

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