gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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The Government has also decided to empower and enable 12 major ports to attain world-class standards. To this end, eachport is preparing a perspective plan for 20 years and an action plan for seven years. International experts have been engagedfor assisting the ports in this exercise, which is likely to be completed by November, 2006. Recognising that the shippingindustry is moving towards large vessels, a plan for capital dredging of channels in major ports has also been formulated.The National Maritime Development Programme is expected to bring a total investment of over Rs. 50,000 crore in the portinfrastructure. Such improvement in the scale and quality of Indian port infrastructure will significantly improve India’scompetitive advantage in an increasingly globalized world. (Source: http://infrastructure.gov.in/port.htm ).The aggregate capacity in major ports as on March 31, 2004 was 389.50 MT per annum. During 2004-05, the aggregatecapacity increased by 8 MTPA to 397.50 MTPA. The aggregate capacity is expected to go upto 405.50 MTPA by March,2006. By the end of Tenth Plan Period, the capacity of major ports is projected to be 470 MT per annum. The overall investmentrequired in the ports sector in the Tenth Plan is estimated to be Rs. 80,000 crores of which nearly 70% is proposed to beattracted from the private sector. Initially, 51% FDI was allowed in the Sector. In 1999, FDI limit was increased to 100%.(Source: www.pidb.nic.in)Cargo handling at the major ports is projected to grow at 7.7% p.a. (CAGR) till 2011-12. Traffic is also estimated to reach 877million tonnes by 2011-12. Further the containerised cargo is also expected to grow at 15.5% (CAGR) over the next 7 years.The New Foreign Trade Policy envisages doubling of India’s share in global exports in next five years to $150 billion(Rs.675000 crores). A large portion of the foreign trade to be through the maritime route: 95% by volume and 70% by value.Further growth in merchandise exports projected at over 13% p.a. underlines the need for large investments in portinfrastructure. There is an investment need of $13.5 billion (Rs.60,750 crores) in the major ports under National MaritimeDevelopment Program (NMDP) to boost infrastructure at these ports in the next 7 years. Under NMDP, 276 <strong>projects</strong> havebeen identified for the development of major ports. Public–Private partnership is seen by the government as the key toimprove major and minor ports and 64% of the proposed investment in major ports envisaged from private players. The planproposes an additional port handling capacity of 530 MMTA in major ports through:- Projects related to port development (construction of jetties, berths etc.)- Procurement, replacement and/or up-gradation of port equipment- Deepening of channels to improve draft- Projects related to port connectivity(Source: http://infrastructure.gov.in/port.htm )Irrigation SectorThe FY 05-06 budget has outlined the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme for promotion micro irrigation technology,comprising drip and sprinkler irrigation, on a large scale.The investment requirement in the irrigation sector includes substantial investments in water infrastructure such as multipurposedams, barrages, irrigation canals, check dams, rain water harvesting structures, tubewells and rural electrification. To harnessriver waters and to irrigate the parched lands the State governments have since agreed for river linking <strong>projects</strong>. The agreementbetween Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Governments in August 2005 is set to trigger similar <strong>projects</strong> amongst variousother states.Several State Governments have announced various irrigation <strong>projects</strong> like dams, canals, reservoirs, etc. The State Governmentof Andhra Pradesh has announced a total of Rs.50000.00 crores irrigation <strong>projects</strong>, which will be executed in the span of 7years in three phases. Phase I works are already commenced. In the same way other State Governments such as Orissa,Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra have announced ambitious plans in irrigation sector. GPL having executedmany irrigation <strong>projects</strong> in the past and having experience in construction of dams and canals is going to benefit from thisspecial emphasis in improving the irrigation facilities across the length and breadth of the country.43

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