gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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BASIS FOR OFFER PRICEThe Offer Price will be determined by the Company and Selling Shareholder in consultation with the BRLMs, on the basisof Assessment of market demand for the offered Equity Shares by the Book Builing Process. The face value of the EquityShares is Rs. 10 and the Offer Price is 29.5 times the face value.Investors should read the following summary with the risk factors beginning from page nos. iii and the details about thecompany and its financial statements included in this Prospectus. The trading price of the Equity shares of the Companycould decline due to these risk factors and you may loose all or part of your investmentsQualitative Factors We have over 16 years of experience in the existing line of business. We have been carrying on business of civil works for road, irrigation, ports, industrial and other <strong>projects</strong> and havecompleted <strong>projects</strong> amounting to over Rs. 1,36,405 lakhs.We have been accredited with ISO 9001-2000 and Q9001-2000 for quality management system which is valid tillMay 2008We undertake contracts in different sectors of infrastructure development viz. roads, site leveling, irrigation andports.We are currently executing <strong>projects</strong> amounting to more than Rs. 1,04,654 lakhs relating to highways, irrigation andindustrial <strong>projects</strong>. In addition, we are also having/executing <strong>projects</strong> in our various joint ventures/ SPV in which ourshare of contract value to be executed, works out to around Rs. 1,35,335 lakhs. We have our own fleet of Construction EquipmentsQuantitative Factors1. Adjusted Earning Per Equity SharePeriod Earning per Equity Share (Rs.) WeightFY 2005-06 19.65* 3FY 2004-05 17.90 2FY 2003-04 10.47 1Weighted Average 17.54*Diluted Earning Per Equity Share after considering bonus issue made in November, 2005.2. Price / Earning (P/E) ratio in relation to the Offer Price of Rs. 295.Based on the Adjusted EPS for the year ended March 31, 2006: Rs. 15.01Based on the weighted average EPS: Rs. 16.82Industry P/E*i) Highest 100.40ii) Lowest 3.50iii) Average 25.90*(Source: Capital Market July 17 - July 30, 2006. Cagtegory – Construction Sector)33

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