gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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Service by postMember resident abroad noticeof meeting by advertise-mentin news paperNotice to joint holdersNotice to person entitled bytransmissionNotice of general meetingWhen notice may be given byadvertisementTransfers etc. bound by prior noticeNotice valid though memberdeceasedHow notice to be signedWhere a document is sent by post service of notice shall be deemed to be effectedby properly addressing, prepaying and posting a letter containing the documentsprovided that where a member has intimated to the company in advance that thedocuments should be sent to him under certificate of posting or by registered postwith or without acknowledgement due and has deposited with the company a sumsufficient to defray the expenses of doing so, service of the document shall not bedeemed to be effected unless it is sent in the manner intimated by the member,and such service shall be deemed to have been effected(a) In the case of a notice of a meeting at the expiration of forty eight hours afterthe same is posted and(b) In any other case at the time at which the letter would be delivered in theordinary course of post.If a member has no registered address in India and has not supplied to the companyan address with in India for the giving of notice to him a document or notice ofmeeting advertised in a newspaper circulating in the neighbourhood of theRegistered Office of the Company shall be deemed to be duly given to him on theday on which the advertisement appears.A document may be served by the company on the joint holders of a share byserving it on the joint holder named first in the Register in respect of the share.A document may be given by the company to the persons entitled to a share inconsequence of the death or insolvency of a member by sending it through thepost in prepaid letter addressed to them by name, or by the title of representativesof the deceased or assignee of the insolvent or by any like description at theaddress (if any) in India supplied for the purpose by the person, claiming to be soentitled of until such an address has been so supplied by giving notice in anymanner in which the same might have been given if the death or insolvency hadnot occurred.Notice of every meeting shall be given to every member of the company in anymanner authorised by Articles 149 to 151 hereof and also to every person entitledto a share in consequence of the death, or insolvency of a member who but forhis death or insolvency would be entitled to receive notice of the meeting.Any notice required to be given by the company to the members or any of themand not expressly provided for by the Act or by these presents shall be sufficientlygiven if given by advertisement.Every person who by operation of law, transfer or other means whatsoever shallbecome entitled to any share shall previous to his name and address being enteredin the register a notice in writing shall be duly given to the person from whom hederives his title to such share.Any notice or document delivered or sent by post or left at the registered addressof any member in pursuance of these presents shall notwithstanding such memberbe then deceased and whether or not the company have notice of his death bedeemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whetherheld solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other personbe registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such serviceshall for the purpose of these presents, be deemed a sufficient service of suchnotice or document on his or her heirs, executors, or administrators and all persons,if any, jointly interested with him or her in any such shares.The accidental omission to give notice to or non-receipt of notice by any memberor other person to whom it should be given shall not invalidate the proceedings atthe meeting.The signature on any notice to be given by the company may be written or printed.223

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