gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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6. Each Bid cum Application Form will give the Bidder the choice to bid for up to three optional prices (for details referto the paragraph entitled “Bids at Different Price Levels” on page no. 181 of this Prospectus) within the Price Bandand specify the demand (i.e., the number of Equity Shares bid for) in each option. The price and demand optionssubmitted by the Bidder in the Bid cum Application Form will be treated as optional demands from the Bidder andwill not be cumulated. After determination of the Offer Price, the maximum number of Equity Shares bid for by aBidder at or above the Offer Price will be considered for allocation and the rest of the Bid(s), irrespective of the Bidamount, will become automatically invalid.7. The Bidder cannot bid on another Bid cum Application Form after Bids on one Bid cum Application Form havebeen submitted to any member of the Syndicate. Submission of a second Bid cum Application Form to either thesame or to another member of the Syndicate will be treated as multiple bids and is liable to be rejected eitherbefore entering the Bid into the electronic bidding system, or at any point of time prior to the allocation/allotment ofEquity Shares in this Offer. However, the Bidder can revise the Bid through the Revision Form, the procedure forwhich is detailed in the paragraph “Build up of the Book and Revision of Bids” on page no. 184 of this Prospectus.8. The members of the Syndicate will enter each Bid option into the electronic bidding system as a separate Bid andgenerate a Transaction Registration Slip, (“TRS”), for each price and demand option and give the same to theBidder. Therefore, a Bidder can receive up to three TRSs for each Bid cum application Form.9. Along with the Bid cum Application Form, all Bidders will make payment in the manner described under theparagraph “Terms of Payment and Payment into the Escrow Account” on page no. 182 of the Prospectus.Bids at Different Price Levels1. The Price Band has been fixed at Rs. 275 to Rs. 295 per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each, Rs 275 being the lower endof the Price Band and Rs. 295 being the higher end of the Price Band. The Bidders can bid at any price within thePrice Band, in multiples of 20 Equity Shares.2. We and the Selling Shareholder, in consultation with the BRLMs, reserves the right to revise the Price Band duringthe Bidding Period, in which case the Bidding Period shall be extended further for a period of three working days,subject to the total Bidding Period not exceeding ten working days. The higher end on the Price Band should notbe more than 20% of the lower end of the Price-band. Subject to compliance with the immediately precedingsentence, the floor of Price Band can move up or down to the extent of 20% of the Floor Price disclosed in thisProspectus.3. In case of revision in the Price Band and the Bid/ Offer Period will be extended for 3 (three) additional working daysafter revision of Price Band subject to maximum of 10 working days. Any revision in the Price Band and the revisedBidding /Offer Period, if applicable, will be widely disseminated by informing the stock exchanges, by issuing apublic notice in two national newspapers (one each in English and Hindi), and one regional newspaper (Marathi)and also indicating the change on the relevant websites of the BRLMs, Company and the terminals of the membersof the Syndicate and the Bidding Period shall be extended for a further period of 3(three) working days, subject tothe total Bidding Period not exceeding 10 working days.4. We and the Selling Shareholder, in consultation with the BRLMs, can finalise the Offer Price within the Price Bandin accordance with this clause, without the prior approval of, or intimation to, the Bidders.5. The Bidder can bid at any price within the Price Band. The Bidder has to bid for the desired number of EquityShares at a specific price. Retail Individual Bidders applying for a maximum Bid in any of the bidding optionsnot exceeding Rs. 1,00,000 may bid at “Cut-off” price. However, bidding at “Cut-off” price is prohibited for QIBor Non Institutional Bidders and such Bids from QIBs and Non Institutional Bidders shall be rejected.6. Retail Individual Bidders who bid at the Cut-off price agree that they shall purchase the Equity Shares at offer priceas finally determined, which will be a price within the Price Band. Retail Individual Bidders bidding at Cut-off priceshall deposit the Bid Amount based on the Cap of the Price Band in the Escrow Account. In the event the BidAmount is higher than the allocation amount payable by the Retail Individual Bidders (i.e. the total number of EquityShares allocated in the Offer multiplied by the Offer Price), who bid at Cut off Price, shall receive the refund of theexcess amounts from the Escrow Account.181

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