gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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whether the claimant is a small scale industry or not. The Respondent prayed for dismissal of the subject case on theaforementioned and other grounds. The Hon’ble Tribunal after hearing the arguments and adjourned the matter till 02.09.2006.Latesh Carbons vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (dated 26.02.2005) at Civil Judge Sr. Division, Hoshiarpur.The Plaintiff Claimed that, they supplied activated carbons to the Defendants and Defendants failed and ignored to pay theconsideration of Rs.2.56 lakhs towards principal amount and Plaintiff also prayed for interest of Rs.1.34 lakhs @ 12 %. Forappearance.Rama Petro Chemicals Ltd. vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (Suit No. 3711/1997) at High Court of BombayThe Plaintiff alleged that, they supplied machinery on lease to the Defendant and further alleged that, the Defendant Companyis attempting to transfer/assign the same to third parties. By making the aforesaid allegation the plaintiff filed the present suit,wherein praying to the Hon’ble Court for injunction to restrain the Defendant from selling, transferring and/or assigning themachinery to third parties. Upon receipt of the summons the Defendant appeared before the Hon’ble court and filed itswritten statement, wherein it specifically pleaded that, since there is no Lease Agreement between the Plaintiff and Defendantand that they bought the machinery in question from different companies by obtaining term loans. The Defendant categoricallystated the present suit frivolous and mis-conceived and accordingly prayed for the dismissal of the suit with costs. Matter ispending for trial.Ray Constructions Limited vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (Summary Suit No. 453 of 2001) at High Court of Bombay.The Plaintiff alleged that, they were awarded a Civil Construction work to the tune of Rs.130.23 lakhs by the Defendant. ThePlaintiff further stated that, they could not complete the said construction work because the Defendant failed to issue thedrawings in time and also failed to handover the work site, apart from delay in payments and of the same the Plaintiff vacatedthe site. However, the Plaintiff raised the final bill for an amount of Rs.91.65 lakhs (Against a contract value of Rs.130.23lakhs) for the work done and for compensation towards losses suffered by them. The Defendant disputed the said bill andconsequently, the Plaintiff invoked the arbitration clause and appointed arbitrator. However, in the mean time the partiesamicably settled the dispute, whereby the defendant agreed to pay Rs. 25.00 Lakhs towards full and final settlement. Asagainst the settlement the Defendant paid Rs.10.50 lakhs only and failed to pay the balance amount of Rs.14.5 Lakhs becauseof financial constraints since the Company had been referred to BIFR. Now the Plaintiff filed summary suit for recovery ofprincipal amount of Rs.14.50 Lakhs and interest of Rs.7.81 lakhs and also prayed for future interest of 19% per annum. Thesaid suit was decreed by the Hon’ble Court for an amount of Rs.23.60 lakhs and also decreed interest of 19% on principalamount from the date of filing of the suit till the date of realization.Polycab Industries Vs. M/s Gayatri Starchkem Limited (OS No. 583/2002) at City Civil Court, Secunderabad. – File atIII Sr.Civil Judge, Hyderabad.Polycab Industries have supplied cables to the company. Due to financial constraints the company could not pay the suppliers.Therefore, Polycab Industries filed Summary suit for recovery of Rs.4.57 lakhs. Filed petition for dismissal for suit in view ofBIFR orders.Samratmal K. Doshi vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (Suit No. 2639 of 2000) at High Court, Bombay.The petitioner alleged that they have not received the final payment for the supply of steel pipes to the company and prayedfor judgment decree of principle amount of Rs.61.43 lakhs and interest @ 21% P.A. on 21.40 lakhs. The defendant filed itsreturn statement, wherein stated-counter submitted that the material supplied were inferior and defective in quality and alsothe suit is barred by limitation. Now the matter is pending for adjudication.Starch Sales Corporation vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (OS No. 85/2003) at City Civil Court, Hyderabad.It was alleged by the Plaintiff that they had supplied Topioca Starch to the Defendant, for which the payment was not receivedby them. The defendant appeared before the Court and filed petition for dismissal of the suite stating that the defendantcompany was referred to BIFR. Petition for dismissal of the suit is filed in view of BIFR order. The same is pending foradjudication. Amount involved is Rs. 45.51 lakhs.Efficient Roadlines vs. Gayatri Starchkem Limited (OS No. 5976 of 2005) at City Civil Court, HyderabadThe Defendant Company engaged the services of Plaintiff for transporting its product to various places. However, the Plaintiffalleged that the Defendant failed to pay the transportation charges. Posted for written statement. Amount involved is Rs 0.40lakhs.Compromised on 14-03-2006 and the company has paid disputed amount.157

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