gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss

gayatri projects limited - Edelweiss


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GAYATRI PROJECTS LIMITEDSCHEDULE-XIVSUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS RESTATED(Rs. In Lacs)PARTICULARS 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02A Cash flows from operating activitiesNet profit before taxation, and extraordinary 2,759.48 1,325.13 914.34 1,073.84 1,273.67itemsAdjustments for:Depreciation 1,039.79 985.25 857.26 827.02 761.78Loss / (Profit) on Sale of Fixed Assets (8.91) - - - -Interest expense 2,854.96 2,589.75 1,986.89 2,092.53 1,300.18Operating profit before working capital 6,645.32 4,900.13 3,758.49 3,993.39 3,335.63changes(Increase) / Decrease in sundry debtors (1,581.13) (3,287.81) (7,080.60) (2,171.10) (2,185.38)(Increase) / Decrease in Inventories (156.16) (465.16) 2,142.48 178.78 (1,268.07)Increase / (Decrease) in Current Liabilities 735.64 531.21 1,047.98 (193.69) 249.13Cash generated from operations 5,643.67 1,678.37 (131.65) 1,807.38 131.31Direct Tax Paid (535.66) (402.48) (251.56) (218.88) (395.74)Prior Period (Expenses) / Incomes (39.13) (57.89) (148.64) (217.07)Cash flow before extraordinary items 5,068.88 1,218.00 (383.21) 1,439.86 (481.50)Provision For Contingencies - - - -Net cash from operating activities 5,068.88 1,218.00 (383.21) 1,439.86 (481.50)B Cash flows from investing activitiesPurchase of fixed assets (2,710.56) (1,626.29) (838.92) (612.66) (1,501.81)Sale of fixed assets 16.27 - 59.43 218.55 108.82Purchase of Investments (30.86) - - - -Sale of Investments - 25.81 - 50.00Net cash from investing activities (2,725.15) (1,626.29) (753.68) (394.11) (1,342.99)C Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from issuance of share capital - - - - -(Repayment) / Proceeds of long-term 2,551.57 (56.80) 1,195.53 5,803.04 3,070.69borrowings(Repayment) / Proceeds of short-term (992.31) 3,821.83 2,057.82 (4,723.29) 637.82borrowingsInterest paid (2,854.96) (2,589.75) (1,986.89) (2,092.53) (1,300.18)Dividend Paid - - -Net cash used in financing activities (1,295.70) 1,175.28 1,266.46 (1,012.78) 2,408.33Net increase in cash and cash 1,048.03 766.99 129.57 32.97 583.84equivalentsCash and cash equivalents at beginning 3,565.84 2,798.85 2,669.28 2,636.31 2,052.47of periodCash and cash equivalents at end of period 4,613.87 3,565.84 2,798.85 2,669.28 2,636.31Note:1 Cash and Cash Equivalents consist of Cash on hand and balances with Banks that includes Margin MoneyDeposits for Bank Guarantees.2 The Cash flow statement is prepared in accordance with the indirect method stated in Accounting Standard 3issued by ICAI on Cash flow statements and presents Cash flows by Operating, Investing and Financing activities.3 Figures in brackets represent cash outflows.4 Notes on Accounts stated form an integral part of the Cash flow statement.136

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