November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

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Page 8<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com<strong>November</strong> 2011Ladies Auxiliary enjoytime spent withforeign studentsDesert GardensLadies AuxiliaryGloria MartinI can’t believe a month haspassed by since I sat down towrite my little article aboutthe activities of the auxiliaryladies. This morning as I sithere its three degrees on mydeck and bright sunshine,makes a person glad to bealive.Our Thanksgiving bakesale and raffle went well.The winner of the basketwas Iris Watcher, who livesupstairs at the Gardens.Our thanks to all of you,who supported us. As I havesaid before all money raisedgoes back into the centre forneeded items.Things are well withthe Gift Shoppe, but likeeveryone else we could usemore volunteers and somenew ideas.Our Tuesday get togethersand meetings will now startat 11 a.m instead of 10 a.m.,but craft Fridays will be thesame 1 to 3 p.m., these arealways fun times with muchconversation and laughter.Foreign students from TRUcome as part of their studies,to volunteer their time inthe community. This year wehave two young women fromSaudi Arabia join us, Fatimaand Amnah (this gal waswith us two years ago). It issuch a learning experiencefor all of us and for me itis such a privilege to havemet these women—makesa person realize that mostwomen in the world wantthe same things.Enough of my ramblings,Happy Halloween. Soontime to start thinking aboutChristmas.The language of friendship is not words but meanings.~Henry David ThoreauComfort & Securityin a Beautiful SettingWe have a vacancy in our nine-bed facility!Introducing a day program - limited spaces.New expansion opening in January!- 11 more beds and exciting amenities.Book early for chance to win free month’s rent.For more information on our unique,homestyleassisted living residence,call Darlene at554-9244or email acss@shaw.caMaking Diabetes Prevention a family affairI was recently inspiredby local author CherylChristian of the nationallybest selling cookbook, “LowGI Meals in Minutes”,to revisit this topic andencourage families to makehealthy living a priority inour busy lives. Many peoplehave the misconception thatchoosing to eat low glycemicindex foods and portioncontrol is only for diabeticsand don’t realize that thisis how everyone should beeating in order to preventdiabetes and other healthcomplications in the future.With the incidence ofchildhood obesity and type2 diabetes on the rise, now isthe time to embrace healthyhabits as a family in order toensure many long and happyyears together.Type 2 diabetes is a diseasethat used to be almostexclusively diagnosed inadults, as it develops overtimedue to our naturalmechanisms for managingTalk To your family,Then Talk To usWills • Powers of attorney • living WillsEnjoy peace of mind; ensure your wishes aremet. Contact our estate planning team today.Visit our website at mjblaw.comBusy <strong>November</strong> atDesert Gardens Community CentreWhat beautiful fall weather we havebeen experiencing; hope all of you haveenjoyed the warm sunshine and thefruits from the gardens.First of all I would like to thankeveryone for all their support forour Oct 1, fundraiser, it was agreat success. Special thanks to ourextremely talented performers, SherryLenchewski, Chuck Harmon, CarlMcLaughlin & the spectacular bellydancers from Corrie Tuckers troupe,you were awesome! Without your helpwe could not have had such a fantasticnight. To all our volunteers a big handof applause, you all worked so hardbehind the scenes and pulled off abeautiful venue! Thanks everyone!For <strong>November</strong> we have a lot ofHealth MattersLaura Burgess, B.Sc. PharmCertified Diabetes EducatorSubmitted by Heather Cannellgreat events happenings. To startoff the month on Nov. 5, we havethe Thompson Valley Potters Guildback with their annual Fall sale.Doors open at 10 a.m. and close at4 p.m., the Oasis Café will be openfor breakfast and lunch as well. Inthe evening we have the KamloopsStock Association Dinner and Dancewith Ed Peekeekoot, to serenade you.Tickets can be purchased at our frontdesk or you can call, Shirley 250-320-3549 or Kari Lynn 250-374-6151 formore information. Tickets are $35 perperson.On Nov. 14 at 11:30 a.m. therewill be a Civic Election Forum withthe candidates running in this yearsKamloops elections. This is openour blood sugars becomingfatigued after years ofbeing overloaded by poordiet, overeating, and inactivity.Unfortunately, it isbecoming more common inteenagers and even childrenwith a 10-30-fold increasein American children beingdiagnosed in the last 10-15years. It is estimated thatevery 1 in 3 children bornin the States in 2000 willbe diagnosed with diabetesin their lifetime and similarrates are expected in Canada.Canadian First Nationchildren, which belong toa high-risk ethnic groupfor developing diabetes, arebeing diagnosed as young as8 years old. As 95 percentof children diagnosed withtype 2 diabetes are overweight,and the number ofCanadian children who areoverweight has tripled inthe last 30 years, we need totake an active role in protectingour children fromdeveloping this disease.Remember, developinghealthy living habits doesn’thave to be complicated oroverwhelming. Start bychoosing one thing thatyou could do differently asa family such as eating offof smaller dinner plates toencourage portion control,switching to sprouted grainbread, or no longer havingpop in the house. Don’tforget to try and have somefun with it too! For example,get out there and be moreactive together as a family,by choosing an extra familyouting, such as a hike orafternoon at the park everyweek. Have a contest tosee which family membercan eat the most servingsof vegetables and fruit ina day or the most varietyof different colored fruitsand vegetables. Try to limitthe amount of time yourchild spends watching TV,playing video games, or onthe Internet and encourageMANSHADI PHARMACYPrescriptions, MedicationCompounding, MedicalSupplies, Diabetes Specialistto everyone, so come and meet thecandidates running this year and feelfree to put your questions to them.Nov. 18 & 19 brings the 10,000Villages annual sale to Desert Gardens.Nov. 18, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 19, 10a.m. to 4 p.m.Nov. 30 Hub Insurance will againserve up their fabulous seniors dinner,feel free to call the Insurance office formore information.That about wraps up our activitiesfor <strong>November</strong>, check out the Calendarand if you have any questions give us acall at 250-372-5110Have a great <strong>November</strong> everyoneand we will see you in December.Free Flu ShotsAvailablethem to be active byenrolling them in a healthyactivity of their choice. Ifyour child seems to haveissues surrounding eatingor tends to use food forcomfort, make sure you sitdown with them and discussthis to try to support thememotionally and spirituallyas well to develop healthierhabits.I hope that this reviewof the measures to preventdiabetes as a family hasinspired you to make thatone change that you coulddo differently this week andwill lead to many more inthe future that will nurtureyour family. If you have anysuggestions you would liketo share to support othersin their quest towardsachieving a healthy lifestyleas a family, I would be happyto hear them so that I maypass them on.Manshadi Pharmacyhas taken a great interestin diabetes care and wouldbe happy to answer anyquestions that you may haveregarding the diagnosis,treatment, and managementof diabetes and its relatedcomplications.mair Jensen Blair llP – lawyers700-275 Lansdowne St, Kamloops, BC V2C 6H6Ph: 250-374-3161 • TF: 1-888-374-3161mjb_ad#3Missagh ManshadiB.Sc. PharmPharmacist/Owner* Free Prescription Delivery in Kamloops *Free Daily A1C Blood Glucose Lab Result ($20 value)Trusted Advice, Wholesome Care477 St. Paul Street, Kamloops • 250-372-2223Laura BurgessB.Sc. PharmPharmacistCertified Diabetes Educator

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