November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

November (26.0 MB) - Senior Connector

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<strong>November</strong> 2011 <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> www.seniorconnector.com Page 5Smoking cessation helpfrom the BC GovernmentThose who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good:‘Tis but one-step more to think one vote will do no harm.~ Ralph Waldo EmersonAs of Oct 2, 2011, the BCgovernment will now covercertain forms of smokingcessation aids. Whilethis is a big step forwardin helping people quitone of the most addictivedrugs known, it is not assimple as walking in to apharmacy and getting freemedications. This month,I will try to explain theguidelines and how you ora loved one or friend canbenefit from it.There are two arms of thenew BC Smoking CessationProgram. The first is thepublicized arm that coversthe nicotine patches andgum (collectively knownas nicotine replacementtherapy or NRT). Thesecond is the prescriptioncoverage program that willcover the two prescriptionmedications used forsmoking cessation, Zyban®(Bupropion) and Champix®(Varenicline). They bothhave very specific guidelinesand requirements.In order to take part inthe Nicotine Replacement(NRT) arm of the program,you MUST call HealthlinkBC (the BC Health Line)at 8-1-1 to register with theprogram. Without this call,you CANNOT get NRTfor free. Once you haveregistered, you have twooptions: You may have theBC government mail onemonth of Habitrol® nicotinepatches or Thrive® nicotinegum to you or you can goPharmacist ReflectionsAdam Sawula, pharmacistto a pharmacy and pick-upone month of either product(gum or patch). If youchoose to go to a pharmacy,the person you are on thephone with at HealthlinkBC will give you a referencenumber. You MUST givethe pharmacy the referencenumber when you go in torequest the products. Theprogram allows you to pickup one month at a timeand you may only receivethree months of productin each calendar year. Youmust call 811 each month torequest a refill or get a newreference number for yourpharmacy. As a note, boththe patches and gum havebeen in short supply lately,so some pharmacies may nothave the stock you need. Itwould be wise to call aheadand check!The prescription coverageprogram is relativelystraightforward. You needto see your doctor for aprescription for eitherZyban® or Champix®. Thisprescription is brought intoyour pharmacy as normal.A officer noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. Thesoldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frownand say, “That’s not it” and put it down again. This went onfor some time, until the officer arranged to have the soldierpsychologically tested. The psychologist concluded that thesoldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from thearmy. The soldier picked it up, smiled and said, “That’s it.”Cariboo Manor831 Serle Road, Kamloopswww.cariboomanor.caBefore the program, neitherof these medications werecovered by the BC FairPharmacare program(meaning that unless youhave private insurance,you would always pay fullprice). Under the newprogram, these medicationswill be covered under theBC Pharmacare programsfor 3 months of eachcalendar year. If you havenot met your Pharmacaredeductible for the year, youwill still have to pay for themedications, however theywill now count toward yourtotal for the year. If you aregetting a prescription forZyban® or Champix®, youDO NOT need to call 811.Although the coverageof these medications willbenefit many people, it isimportant to note that themedications are not a magicbullet. The key to smokingcessation is being mentallycommitted to stopping forgood. It is a big challenge. Ifyou need other information,support or assistance, talkto your doctor, pharmacist,local Lung Association(www.quitnow.ca) or 811.Remember, you are notalone in your task!City of KamloopsARJUN SINGH FOR CITY COUNCILI humbly present to you a balanced platform which brings together manydifferent community concerns:• Responsible, Accountable Governance• A Strong, Vibrant Business Climate• A Healthy, Social Responsible Community• A Healthy, Green CommunityI have always been happiest being very involved in community and engaging inlife long learning. I served as a city councillor from 2005-2008. Since I was laston council, I have obtained an Master of Arts in Professional Communication anda Certificate in Dialogue, Deliberation, and Public Engagement. My educationhelps me more effectively bring people together to make the best decisions forthe community as a whole.All the very best,Arjun SinghCandidate for City Council250 377 1797 • www.yourkamloops.com • www.facebook.com/arjunforcouncilPHOTO: The above photo features members of my amazing campaign committee. Pictured above are GiselaRuckert, Norm Moss, Cam Rauschenberger, Bryan Strome, Pyara Lotay, Manju Singh, Gur Singh, and TerryRogers. Not pictured committee members are Gail Cameron, Peter Cameron-Inglis, Pat DiFrancesco, Jim Gural,Bonnie Klohn, Bob MacIntosh, Dennis Piva, Marlowe Tahara, and Tania Vidovic.- SMART THINKING, COMMUNITY LINKING -37th Annual <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Christmas Light TourAll <strong>Senior</strong>s Welcome! Free!*Food Bank Donations are gratefully accepted.Wednesday, December 14th - 6:00 to 10:00 pmRegistration Deadline - December 6thJoin us on a tour around town and see the best lights of the City. There will be atea service and sing-a-long at the Interior Savings Centre. A bus will pick you upand return you to your pick up location. Pick up locations will be advertised in theDecember issue of the <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>.To register call 250-828-3500 ~ Program #184699Affordable supported living home in friendly WestsydeWholesome home-cooked mealsWeekly housekeeping servicesCapable, caring live-in staffCompanionship and security provide peace of mind.Get your name on our wait listCall Janet at 250-579-5262car09_marVolunteer Hosts Needed - Call 250-828-3582

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