The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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:4~6 Ihc Golden Aga fur May XI, I~SI :.$....-- - .>mems of the enlightening action of the holyrpirit, have been able to discern the true Mesdab.(Matthew 16 : 13-17) We are rejoiced toknow that the time is not now far distant whenthe deceived world will have its eyes openedmd recognize its true Redeemer, <strong>and</strong> whenthe people will shout: "Lo, THIS is our God : we .have waited for him, <strong>and</strong> He will save us".-Laiah 25 : 9.Satax1 has taken advantage of the rcli,' ~lOU8dement in man, ar?d by his blindi~ig lies hasdirected the \\-orld's xvorship to hi~:iaelf, bccornkgin vci-y rleerl the "god of this worltl". (2 Corinthians4 : 4) He had said in his Iienrt :"I sliallbe like the Most Hi;rIi": <strong>and</strong> he songl~to fu110~out this desire in e~-ery possihle way. But herhall be "cut clown to tlie ground" in the Lord'sdue time (Isaiah 14 : 12-17) ; <strong>and</strong> Jesus Christ,who did not seek to bc equal wit11 God, bnt 1:iadeHimself of no reputation arid aas ohedient untodeath, shall be highly exalted <strong>and</strong> give11 a namewhich is abore every ilnme, that at the xianle ofJesw every knee shall 1;ow i11 adorrition <strong>and</strong>worship. (Philippians 3 : 6-11, Dirrglott) "Exahim that is Ion.. <strong>and</strong> abase 11iin that is high," isthe principle on which God \~oiks.<strong>The</strong> patriarchs, a??tl the anciei~t \\-orlll in general,'were acquainted with the story of thetemptation in Eden ; <strong>and</strong> they hem that the seedof the woman \vna ultimately to destroy thetempter. Because of this, <strong>and</strong> because of thebate wickedness of the hearts of men (Jeremiah17: 9), Satall \\-as able to foist his counterfeit"seed of the \\-oinrin" upon tlie \\-orld. Wehtc. that this is so: for there is liar(lly a peopleon earth whose n~ytliological religio~i does notoontain reference to the "seetl" I)ruieing the headof the serpent. Referring to this pl~nse of thereligions of the heathen couiitries, \\-ilkinson(Vol. IV, p. 395) says : "<strong>The</strong> evil genius of tlieadversaries of the Eqyptian god IIorus [Osirisin another form] is frequently figured under theform of a snake, whose head he is setln piercingdth a spear. <strong>The</strong> same fable occurs in thereligid sf India, x\ here the nialig~aiit serpentCalyia is slain by Vishnu, in liis avatar [iricnrnation]of Criehna. <strong>The</strong> Sc<strong>and</strong>ii~avian deityTkor U-as said to have bruised the head of tliepat aernerlt .with his mace. <strong>The</strong> origin of thismay be rea$il\>raced to the Bible." <strong>The</strong> Greeks,dm, repredented tlieir god Spollo as ria? ii~g theserpent Pytho; arid Ilumnboltlt shons that theMexirans bad the same belief concerni~lg theirgod Teotl; "<strong>The</strong> serpent amehed by tho great ."-spirit Teotl, when he taker the form of the sub-%altern deities, io the geninr of ad-a real --Kakodtemon". (Mexican Researahes, VoL I, 1.p. 228) When examination is made of themvarious mythm, it ir found that in almost every s,case the serpent-destroying god dies aa the 2result of the injnribr received in the aombat,thus showing that the pagans knew that it waa..I;by dying that the promiaed Seed wrs to destroy; i:the adversary. - %:In the above quotation irom Wllkimon, it will .-be noticed that he nttributer to the Bible the .knowledge which the pegans had of destroyingthe serpent aa the.ino8rnation of evil; but he nodoubt means that this knowledge may be tracedto the accot~nt of the temptation in Eden, whichafterwards appeared in the Bible. <strong>The</strong> Bible curwe have it, of course, did not begin to b writtentill after the Exodus of the Israelites fromEgypt, 1615 B. C. Long before this date (theExodus was 857 years after the flood) the falsereligiorls of Babylonia, Egypt, <strong>and</strong> the othercountries were fully set up, originating, as wehave said, with Semiramis <strong>and</strong> her followexSIn the midst of all this idolatry, however, theLord always had his faithful few-Noah, Shem,Abraham, <strong>and</strong> others being specially mentioned.It m-as because the worship of the false Messiahwas in full operation in Egypt <strong>and</strong> in the sother countries, that Jehovah repeatedly warnedhis people, the Jewish nation, against followingthem. Bowing down to "sticka <strong>and</strong> stones" waain reality the worship of the dead. <strong>The</strong>se imamenslaved the minds of those who served them,giving a seeming actuality to beinga who didnot exist; for the "gods" whom they representedwere in their graves, <strong>and</strong> are still waiting forthe resurrection in the Millennial reign ofChrist.<strong>The</strong> "Imags of JsaloYsy"We have already mentioned the faat that thepopular subjects of worship in every nationhave been the 'Wother <strong>and</strong> Son", images of .whom were everywhere aet up. Even the Jewishnation was for a time guilty of worshiping theBabylonian goddess with the false seed in herarms ; for one of her images i8 evidently referredto by Ezekiel (8: 3) when he says: "Andthe spirit lifted me up between the earth <strong>and</strong> theheaven, <strong>and</strong> brought me in visions of God toJerusalem, to the door of the inner gate thatlooketh toward the north; where was the seat* -

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