The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


heaven " (2 Kings t3:5, margin). Tl11s identincationof their gods and goddesses with the stars by theBabylonbns is a cwnterfeit of the true " deifiedmortals," Jesus Christ and the glorified Church ; for weread in 1 Cor. 15:4l, 4'SUThere is one glory of thesun, and another glory of the moon, and another gloryof the stars : for one star differeth from another starin glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead."Origln of the Fish-Cod Dagon.The Lord's warning to his people not to make aninlage of anythillg ill the likeness of a fish, wouldimply that such was possible. Professor Layard inhis excavations at Nir~eveh discovered sculpturedfigures of a fish-god, which he identified with Dagon,the flsh-god of the Philistines, who borrowed it fromtlle Babylonians (A'ineveh and Babylon, pp. 343, 350).In 1 Sam. 5:l-5, we read that the Philistines placedthe captured arlc of God in the house of their godDagon. The next morning they found Dagon fallenupon of his face to the earth before the ark of theLord. They set Dagon up in his place again; but :"when they arose early on the morrow morning,behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the groundbefore the ark of the Lord ; and the head of Dagonand both the palms of his hands were cut off upon thethreshold ; only the fishy part of Dagon was left to him.Therefore neither the priest of Dagon, nor any thatcome into Dagon's house, tread ,pn the threshold of1)agon in Ashdod unto this day (see margin). Inpassing we draw attention to Zeph. 19--" In the sameday also will I punish all those that leap over the threshold" (R.v.) . The Philistines leaped over the thresholdon which their god Dagon had lost his head and hands ;asd it appear6 from Zephaniah that mom@ among tho

heaven " (2 Kings t3:5, margin). Tl11s identincationof their gods <strong>and</strong> goddesses with the stars by theBabylonbns is a cwnterfeit of the true " deifiedmortals," Jesus Christ <strong>and</strong> the glorified Church ; for weread in 1 Cor. 15:4l, 4'SU<strong>The</strong>re is one glory of thesun, <strong>and</strong> another glory of the moon, <strong>and</strong> another gloryof the stars : for one star differeth from another starin glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead."Origln of the Fish-Cod Dagon.<strong>The</strong> Lord's warning to his people not to make aninlage of anythillg ill the likeness of a fish, wouldimply that such was possible. Professor Layard inhis excavations at Nir~eveh discovered sculpturedfigures of a fish-god, which he identified with Dagon,the flsh-god of the Philistines, who borrowed it fromtlle Babylonians (A'ineveh <strong>and</strong> Babylon, pp. 343, 350).In 1 Sam. 5:l-5, we read that the Philistines placedthe captured arlc of God in the house of their godDagon. <strong>The</strong> next morning they found Dagon fallenupon of his face to the earth before the ark of theLord. <strong>The</strong>y set Dagon up in his place again; but :"when they arose early on the morrow morning,behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the groundbefore the ark of the Lord ; <strong>and</strong> the head of Dagon<strong>and</strong> both the palms of his h<strong>and</strong>s were cut off upon thethreshold ; only the fishy part of Dagon was left to him.<strong>The</strong>refore neither the priest of Dagon, nor any thatcome into Dagon's house, tread ,pn the threshold of1)agon in Ashdod unto this day (see margin). Inpassing we draw attention to Zeph. 19--" In the sameday also will I punish all those that leap over the threshold" (R.v.) . <strong>The</strong> Philistines leaped over the thresholdon which their god Dagon had lost his head <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s ;asd it appear6 from Zephaniah that mom@ among tho

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