The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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Any person of ordinary abiliv can write a record ofput tlenta, if he baa correct data from which to cornpibit. That is history. But to write that aune sc-mt wrd thou<strong>and</strong> years in advance in quite anatherthing. Thrt b prophecy. This God ha^^ done in bothHh Bfbh Many of the prophecies have now becamehhbry. Many historians hove not bear believm in theBible; roms have never heard of it; yet their historiesM witnewa to the truth of ib predictiom <strong>The</strong> acumcywith which prophesied mats ahead7 due hawbean falillled ia good evidence that all the m e dw will bs u accurately ful.6Ued when dua<strong>The</strong> physical fact that these prophecies hare been maccurately W e d demonstrates dearly that Jehovaht cuqing out Hin p h deibitely decided upon agesago, He has not interfered with any one's freedom ofwill, though He has often restmined the freedom ofrdion of some. Hia schedule is on time <strong>and</strong> has notbeen interfered with. 44. .w<strong>The</strong> Wstten Bible ".HAT avidences .re them that the Bible h ofdivine origin? Let us nota a few. It is acompilation from thirty or more miters during a periodof approximately 1,700 y-from hfoea to <strong>John</strong>the Berelator. <strong>The</strong>se writers were from various wdkaof life; amen, physiciane, herdsmen, lawyers,mi priests, princeq cdora, <strong>and</strong> evm kin@Pervading all their writings ia one principal t h iNo book has exerted such an uplifting influence uponindividuals or nationa It appeals to the henrt <strong>and</strong> mindof man, <strong>and</strong> preaenta to him a Cod of love, juatice, Kibdom <strong>and</strong> power, who will punish iniquity <strong>and</strong> rewardrighteolLQle%aNo book has been so roved by its friends or so hated byita enemi~~~. At times the Blble has been outlawed ; <strong>and</strong>any one found in possession of one, or even a part of one,has been sent to prison or to the stake. Shortly afterthe death of the apostlea a great persecution amsergainrt Christians <strong>and</strong> the Bibla Whole natious wentunder a dense cloud of prejudice <strong>and</strong> cruelb, <strong>and</strong> droppedinto ignorance <strong>and</strong> superstition from which theyhaw not yet fully recovered. Some of the persecutorsacted like demons. That period wsa well named thoUdark ages".<strong>The</strong> ~iitten Bible docs not pretend to be a treatiseupon the sciences. It is a sta&ent of God's plan, ofHia law; it is a treatise upon righteouaneaa <strong>and</strong> mods,<strong>and</strong> on appeal to the better nature of moa It recordaGod'r dealinq with the children of Israel, eth whomHe had made a covenant, <strong>and</strong> of whom He made manytypes It recards their failures without coloring, <strong>and</strong>f &out excrtsea shows up many individuals in the& truelight.Pioturea of future kingdoms <strong>and</strong> men wers t!~rownupon the prophetic screen. Babylon, Medo-Persia,Oreerr, <strong>and</strong> Rome were shown as four pat world pow-GOLDEN AGEn+ to be followed by the kingdom d God. To ~ebuchadnezzarthene mighQ kagdoum appeared aa a greatman, wonderful to behold, md the Gfth kingdom M a Icalamity which hocked hia big man all to p k ToDaniel the same four powera appeared u four ridom

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