The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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mWATCH TOWERold world; but not so, for the commcnccment of the closing 1~1th A. D. 1799, marked by Napoleon's EgyptlanTiwc of the End of thc old order of things was postcampaign,senled <strong>and</strong> defined the limit of Papal dotllinionover the nations. <strong>The</strong>re, the time appointed (12GO yenrs ofyonccl ten jears, until 1799 A. D.; <strong>and</strong> then began power) having espird, tile predicted judgment against thatthe 'l'imc of the End of thc world which came to its systcn~ began, wl~icll must fin:ilIy 'consumc <strong>and</strong> tlcstroyend 115 years later, in 1914.it unto tlie end.'--Dnn. '5 : 2G.'I'hose ten years, however, did an important work. "Tlrls clnte nlso clearly nl:~rks the lwginning of tl~c newDuring the Ecs-olutiot~ thc utmost hatred was mani- ern of 15be1-ty of thougl~t, <strong>and</strong> tire re:~lieatio~i of ir~ilividunlrights iu~d privilcgcs :ind 11:rs :~lrc:~cly bee11 clisti~~g~lisl~edfested for tl~e Christimi rclig~on as exemplified in thebx its 1':1pli1 stricles or progress toward tile ft111 ireco~~~l~lisliapostateRon~nnist nazd ~1.otcstant cl~nrches, but 111cnt of tlie work ~r~:~lq>ed out for tl~is Tiu~c: of tlic End.especially thc f onncr. l'rude~it pricsts <strong>and</strong> ecclesiastics, As a single illestr:~tiolr, ~~otice the rise, <strong>and</strong> work ol' theforeseeing the cull, hit1 thcmsclvcs ( Proverbs 22 : 3) by 1-arious Ril~lc Socic.1 irs-'pestiferous Bible Societies' Itolueflcclng the oouiltry thoaa thnt rc~li;lu~~erl were tortured, c;~lls tlrc:111, tl~ougl~ it c:1111lot now Ili~idcr tlicul. And tl~es:lcrecl \-olllrtie \\?ricll once. S~IC co~fi~lcil in cl~:~ins, kt:pt<strong>and</strong> slaugl~tcred wl~crcc\rcr foimrd Thcj wcrc tied back corewd in dead Inng~:~gcs, <strong>and</strong> fort):~dt! hcr dcludctl subtob ~ la11d i thro\\-n alive into rivers ; they \\.ere tried- jects to re:~B, is now sc;~ttcrcd by tllc niillion in c~c!r.$ niltionin many cascs, very ~)o.ssihly, cqnitably enough as con- <strong>and</strong> Inn+u:~gc. <strong>The</strong> Rritislr ru~rl Forc.i:;r~ Bihlc. Sociasly \\-itsccrns their attitnrle to\\-nrd the new government-for estnblisl~cd in 1S03; the New Tol'li I:il)lc Socii:ly ill ISM;ser1itionJ spying ant1 trcnson, <strong>and</strong> csccut&. It is writtentllc U6:rlin-l'russiz~r~ Bibll? Socictg ill 1SO.i: tllc I'l~il;~tl(:iphinI3ihlc Socicty in 1SOS; :111tl tile tlt~iericir~> Uil,l~: Socichty illoP the clergy thnt prior to the bloody outburst "they IS1 7."had attcn~l~tcd to rdoim France without first reforming Bow lolig \+-as thc timc of the e11d destnlerl to be?themsclvcsJJ-as may be said of the American clergy"<strong>The</strong> Timc of thc End," wys l'ustor Itusscll, "is atoday. In just retribution for their iniquities, divinepcriocl of onc hiindrril a:!d fifteen Fears from A. D. 1799ve~lgcallce opcmted against them through the instruto21. TI. 1314." (T"? I

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