The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


There are many passages of Scripture which prophesythat after the kingdoms of this Dispensation are overthrown,Christ will reign with an autocratic rule upon theearth. T shall briefly refer to a few of these prophecies.Daniel (XII, I) says that "at that time [the time of theend] Michael shall stand up." The word Michael means"One like unto God"; and can only refer to Jesus Christ,the one who is the express image of the Father. He isthe great Prince which stands for Daniel's people, theIsraelites; and Daniel was told that when He manifests. His power on their behalf, " at that time thy people shallbe delivered." The Jews have been persecuted all throughthis Gospel Age, but they will soon cease to be "troddendown of the Gentiles," and God will return His favour tothem, and they shall be His chosen people. We see thisbeginning even now. Palestine is being opened up, andthe Jews are fast returning to their native land; they arealso now opening their ears to the comforting words ofIsaiah XL, verses I and 2; but it is not the due time fortheir complete return of favour.The prophecy continues: "And many of them that -sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlastinglife, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." ,When Christ's Kingdom is set up on the ruins of thepresent kingdoms after the time of trouble, and the Jewsreturn to their own land and to God's favour, the generalresurrection of the dead will take place. T$ is alsoshown in Revelation XI, 18, which reads: And thenations were angry, and thy wrath is comen-there is tobe world-wide trouble among the nations, due to thewrath of God,-"and the time of the dead, that theyshould be judged,"-the awakening of the dead is to takeplace at the same time,-"and that thou shouldest givereward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints,and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldestdestroy them that destroy the earth."During that lone ~eriod known as the "times of therOh

<strong>The</strong>re are many passages of Scripture which prophesythat after the kingdoms of this Dispensation are overthrown,Christ will reign with an autocratic rule upon theearth. T shall briefly refer to a few of these prophecies.Daniel (XII, I) says that "at that time [the time of theend] Michael shall st<strong>and</strong> up." <strong>The</strong> word Michael means"One like unto God"; <strong>and</strong> can only refer to Jesus Christ,the one who is the express image of the Father. He isthe great Prince which st<strong>and</strong>s for Daniel's people, theIsraelites; <strong>and</strong> Daniel was told that when He manifests. His power on their behalf, " at that time thy people shallbe delivered." <strong>The</strong> Jews have been persecuted all throughthis Gospel Age, but they will soon cease to be "troddendown of the Gentiles," <strong>and</strong> God will return His favour tothem, <strong>and</strong> they shall be His chosen people. We see thisbeginning even now. Palestine is being opened up, <strong>and</strong>the Jews are fast returning to their native l<strong>and</strong>; they arealso now opening their ears to the comforting words ofIsaiah XL, verses I <strong>and</strong> 2; but it is not the due time fortheir complete return of favour.<strong>The</strong> prophecy continues: "And many of them that -sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlastinglife, <strong>and</strong> some to shame <strong>and</strong> everlasting contempt." ,When Christ's Kingdom is set up on the ruins of thepresent kingdoms after the time of trouble, <strong>and</strong> the Jewsreturn to their own l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> to God's favour, the generalresurrection of the dead will take place. T$ is alsoshown in Revelation XI, 18, which reads: And thenations were angry, <strong>and</strong> thy wrath is comen-there is tobe world-wide trouble among the nations, due to thewrath of God,-"<strong>and</strong> the time of the dead, that theyshould be judged,"-the awakening of the dead is to takeplace at the same time,-"<strong>and</strong> that thou shouldest givereward unto thy servants the prophets, <strong>and</strong> to the saints,<strong>and</strong> them that fear thy name, small <strong>and</strong> great; <strong>and</strong> shouldestdestroy them that destroy the earth."During that lone ~eriod known as the "times of therOh

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