The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


people. The Lord goes on to say why He hasTurn next to the 12th chapter of Daniel. Tin the 4th verse regarding "the time of the endof the end of the present kingdoms, the time ofthe present reign of evil-that "many shall run to and fro,and knowledge shall be increased." We know from historythat this prophecy never was fulfilled in the past; butwhen we look around us and consider our modern locomotives,steamships and motor cars, our schools, technicalcolleges and free libraries, etc., we cannot doubt that weare witnessing the fulfilment of the prophecy.It is evident that we are now living in "the time of the end."In the first and second verses of the chapter, we read:"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great princewhich standeth for the children of thy people;.and thereshall be a time of trouble such as never was since therewas a nation even to that same time." Our Lord inquoting these words in the 24th chapter of Matthew, 21stverse, says: "For then shall be great tribulation such aswas not since the beginning of the world to this time, no,nor ever shaube [again]." The coming trouble is to begreater than was even the French Revolution, though thatwas very terrible. It will be the greatest time of troublethat has ever taken place, or ever will take place, in thehistory of the world.Why will the Lord require to bring the world thrdughsuch severe trouble? In the book of Proverbs (XVIII, 14)we are told: " The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity,but a wounded spirit who can bear ?" So long as a mancan keep up his spirit, it does not matter how weak he maybe, he is more or less self-reliant; but once his spirit :s

people. <strong>The</strong> Lord goes on to say why He hasTurn next to the 12th chapter of Daniel. Tin the 4th verse regarding "the time of the endof the end of the present kingdoms, the time ofthe present reign of evil-that "many shall run to <strong>and</strong> fro,<strong>and</strong> knowledge shall be increased." We know from historythat this prophecy never was fulfilled in the past; butwhen we look around us <strong>and</strong> consider our modern locomotives,steamships <strong>and</strong> motor cars, our schools, technicalcolleges <strong>and</strong> free libraries, etc., we cannot doubt that weare witnessing the fulfilment of the prophecy.It is evident that we are now living in "the time of the end."In the first <strong>and</strong> second verses of the chapter, we read:"And at that time shall Michael st<strong>and</strong> up, the great princewhich st<strong>and</strong>eth for the children of thy people;.<strong>and</strong> thereshall be a time of trouble such as never was since therewas a nation even to that same time." Our Lord inquoting these words in the 24th chapter of Matthew, 21stverse, says: "For then shall be great tribulation such aswas not since the beginning of the world to this time, no,nor ever shaube [again]." <strong>The</strong> coming trouble is to begreater than was even the French Revolution, though thatwas very terrible. It will be the greatest time of troublethat has ever taken place, or ever will take place, in thehistory of the world.Why will the Lord require to bring the world thrdughsuch severe trouble? In the book of Proverbs (XVIII, 14)we are told: " <strong>The</strong> spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity,but a wounded spirit who can bear ?" So long as a mancan keep up his spirit, it does not matter how weak he maybe, he is more or less self-reliant; but once his spirit :s

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