The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


Em=;was a nation. f?he present worid-war, which broke outin August 1914, is making possible privileges for theSocial-democrates, which were scarcely hoped for inGreat Britain.]The people have been likened to a great giant who,while aslumbering in ignorance and superstition, allowedhimself to be put into bondage. For some time he hasbeen slowly wakening, and has already broken several ofhis fetters. Soon he will be fully roused. When herealises his mighty strength, he will burst the remainingbonds in anger, and, rising to his feet, will crush thepowers that bound him.1 Having considered the two chief dllSculties in the wayof the establishment of Socialism, and having seen whatwill occur if the desires of the people are not granted, letus now consider what will result should Socialism beestablished.(11) If Socialism is established, whether by peacefulmeans or by force, will it work? With human nature asit is will the desire of all nations be realised throughSocialism?. In order to consider this matter fully andclearly, let us see what Socialism is in its main features.In 1906, Mr. Robert Blatchford, the well-known Editor of"The Clarion," a Socialist paper, printed and circulated aleaflet setting forth first what Socialism is, and then whatSocialisln is not. The contents are as follows:What Socialism Is.Great Britain is ruled by the wealthy in the interests of the wealthy.We propose that it should be ruled by the people in the interests of thepeople for class rule brings conflict of mterests which bring hatred,while Gommunity of interests breeds fellowship anb fellowship is life.All the means of existence in Great Britain 'are owned by individuals.We submit that things whlch are needful to make a nation and maintaina nation should be owned by the nation.The nation owns the navy, the government factories, the public build-ings, the arsenals the forte and the barracks We sug est that thenation should OWTI'ALL the ;hips ALL the raiiways AL~, the factorbs,ALL the buildings, ALL thesland, ALL the reqbisites of nationallife and defence.8'I

Em=;was a nation. f?he present worid-war, which broke outin August 1914, is making possible privileges for theSocial-democrates, which were scarcely hoped for inGreat Britain.]<strong>The</strong> people have been likened to a great giant who,while aslumbering in ignorance <strong>and</strong> superstition, allowedhimself to be put into bondage. For some time he hasbeen slowly wakening, <strong>and</strong> has already broken several ofhis fetters. Soon he will be fully roused. When herealises his mighty strength, he will burst the remainingbonds in anger, <strong>and</strong>, rising to his feet, will crush thepowers that bound him.1 Having considered the two chief dllSculties in the wayof the establishment of Socialism, <strong>and</strong> having seen whatwill occur if the desires of the people are not granted, letus now consider what will result should Socialism beestablished.(11) If Socialism is established, whether by peacefulmeans or by force, will it work? With human nature asit is will the desire of all nations be realised throughSocialism?. In order to consider this matter fully <strong>and</strong>clearly, let us see what Socialism is in its main features.In 1906, Mr. Robert Blatchford, the well-known Editor of"<strong>The</strong> Clarion," a Socialist paper, printed <strong>and</strong> circulated aleaflet setting forth first what Socialism is, <strong>and</strong> then whatSocialisln is not. <strong>The</strong> contents are as follows:What Socialism Is.Great Britain is ruled by the wealthy in the interests of the wealthy.We propose that it should be ruled by the people in the interests of thepeople for class rule brings conflict of mterests which bring hatred,while Gommunity of interests breeds fellowship anb fellowship is life.All the means of existence in Great Britain 'are owned by individuals.We submit that things whlch are needful to make a nation <strong>and</strong> maintaina nation should be owned by the nation.<strong>The</strong> nation owns the navy, the government factories, the public build-ings, the arsenals the forte <strong>and</strong> the barracks We sug est that thenation should OWTI'ALL the ;hips ALL the raiiways AL~, the factorbs,ALL the buildings, ALL thesl<strong>and</strong>, ALL the reqbisites of nationallife <strong>and</strong> defence.8'I

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