The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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- WATCE TOWERLord's return. <strong>The</strong>y have been pleased to think of sittingat the Lolrl's table, <strong>and</strong> of the Master's coming forth tosene then] even according to his promise (Luke 12: 37) ;also that the Lord has given the truth that the church maypurlfy itself <strong>and</strong> keep itself unspotted from the world, <strong>and</strong>that by this means the Lord is preparing the last membersof his bride for the marriage feast.<strong>The</strong>se are true tho~gl~t~ <strong>and</strong> very necessary to keep Inmlud; but ~t must by no means he f<strong>org</strong>otten that-the Lordhas sent out his trut11 to gather his people together (Psalm147: 2), <strong>and</strong> in order that they may do a work for him.(Isai.lh 41 - 10,12) This latter fact has had to be broughtthe mind ; <strong>and</strong> when the fear has been taken away, tl~emind is ready to accept the work as the Lord's. Fearmust have no place with us, if our work is the Lord's. Letus say as Nehemiah did : "Our God shall fight for us "Whenever a work such as thls accomplished by Nehemiahis to be done, or its corresponding wwk, now iri theh<strong>and</strong>s of the church, the work must be uncler d~rect~on.Such work as our lesson presents cannot be done if tltosewho offer to labor want each to do his work in his o~ruway. If amoug the forty-hvo parties labonng under Ncllemiahsome had wanted to do the~r work ~vithout particularrelat~on to each other, saying that they agreed to the needhome to soale by forcef~~l means; for some hare been like <strong>and</strong> des~mblllty of repalring the walls, but would only cothe.~CH-S 111 Jerusalem before Neliem~ah came, content to operate as inclegenderlts, tlie work woulcl certnlnly not harelet tlie Ilonor of the Lonl remain drnirnd ~f thej- could be been Aorre so well, nor so qniclily. Sollle of the Lord's dearhappy in the trntii. <strong>The</strong>y have not spec~ally conce~ned them- people st the present trine ha\-e fmled to talie into accountselves about his honor, <strong>and</strong> have ftllled to see that God is the fact that the church's worlc is under tlie Lord's guidance,secliing his o\xrn t~o~ioi-, is rindlcating 11:s own character in <strong>and</strong> hnve cons~ilered the~uselres ns justifled in critfciznnggl\ing truth to 11;s pcogle-truth which is concerned \wth every move that has bee11 liiade; <strong>and</strong> some liave consenteddoctrines truly, but \\111ch also 15 cancerlled \\'~tti the facts to It~bor only according to their own ideas None of thesethat present <strong>org</strong>anizations are ppl~rt of Satan's kingdom; persist in the work; something comes along to turn themul~d tl~at God i.: estnblish~ng the killgcloln of righteous~~ess away.<strong>and</strong> tilltl~ 111 tile cart11, Ir~t SUC~ see that in tlie work now Onlj cmuparati\-ely recently the Lord's harvest wTork <strong>and</strong>set hefo1.c. the rhu~rl~ there is n l*eest:ibl~sl~nlcnt of truth, witllessir~g was done chiefly by colporteurs, <strong>and</strong> by meansor a re1>111Idi11g of Jeri~sal~rn; <strong>and</strong> let each my: "Let us rise of public lectures; but now there are other means of serviceup <strong>and</strong> build "open before his serv:lnts. Work is found for all. Each classUNDER THE LORD'S GUIDANCEmny be as one of the colupanies of 1:1borers In the rebuildingSoille of tlie I'ortl's people llare beell nfrdltl of unto~r:lrd of .Terus:llem, Building I-ound about his own house. <strong>The</strong>circnrltst;~rlces. Tlteg fe.~(+orning in conflict n~th autl~or~ties classes cnnnot deleqate their responsibil~ty to others. Eachof tllis plrsrnt e\ 11 ~\orltl. 811~11 hare not the spirit of the nirlst \vorli with his ow11 h<strong>and</strong>s even though it may be, asearly t~l~obtles, \f7i10, f:\cing the rulers of Jerusnlem, snrd: it were, ~\~lth a sworcl gtrded by 111s side. Let the enthusiasm"\lrl~ctl~c.~- it he right In tl~c s~ght of God to hearken unto of tbe bu~lderr;, <strong>and</strong> their earnestness be ours; let us takeyou nlore than unto (:otl. jndgr! ye." (Acts 4: 19,20) We tlie fire of their zeal. Tlie work is great; the time is shortliave lalonr~ sorne cnscs trhele ol,jwlions to tlie present Soon the great Feast of Tabernacles is due. Let us hastework haye been raised \\rl~ere qu~te plainly fear dominated as to the 1,ord. LTnppy is he who seizes his opportunity.MISTAKES OF PTOLEMY, THE PAGAN RISTORI-4N[A pr~vote letter from Brother illorton <strong>Edgar</strong> addressedto a slsrer in Clil~zt h.14 bee11 11:tnded to 11s \\it11 requestto publis11; <strong>and</strong> bince it deals with subject-m:~tter of pnrt~cullla~.i~lteresto the church nt this time, we tirlie pleasurein yul)l is11111g it, as folio\\ s :]man SI STIER '1 an1 renl glad that my nrttcq 1vh1c11 I setit you ha\-e provedhelpful. I found the tl~o~lgl~ts helpful myself, anrl so be-I~ered I al~oulcl ~)~IF.s tllcm on. Is lt {lot st~ange thnt theHclnItE hl'ethren slicul~l Iinv be tll~*o\\lng cloubt upon thecorrectness of tile "t~nies an11 seasotls"?Tlie IIc~nlrZ qllotes E~otl~er Russell as snylng (at the beginain~ of 1014, or 'i months before the great war brokeout) that if everything \rent on mudl as nqual, <strong>and</strong> notinbe of irorrble \\-a* In si:l~l, tl~t is, no troullle happenedin 1914 at all, tlccrb ne woultl letlulre to loilk ~nto the prophcc~esonce mole mlrl ser ~f \rc harl made :iny error inour 1cclio11111g; fur it ~nlgiit be that we lincl bee11 tookin::for "ttlc \I7rong tl1111g at the rrgAt irrice"'. Brotiler Rus-sellue\er tloubten the irnre. But the%@ IIcrulcl brethren haveprpceeded to change ~IIP tame, <strong>and</strong> nut to change the tliing\vh~ch was esl)ecled to happen. <strong>The</strong>y say that all our espectntionregur(li11g 1014 "utterly fs~led''. I wonder if tliepeople in Russia, in Austria, in Germany, etc., etc., thinkthat nothi~rq happened in 1914.<strong>The</strong> Heruld brethren are anxious to throw doubt on thechronology for some reason, <strong>and</strong> they make some strangechanges in the "times" to suit their vlews. $-'or instance,they say tbnt there were ao Jubilee years at all; that eachINTERESTING LETTERS49 years \vns ~mnied~ntely folio\\-ed by another 49 years:cult1 so 01,. This rloes awny with the specinl 50th year ofJnbllee, pronon~lced IJ~Jehovah to Be both "hallo\ved" <strong>and</strong>"holy". <strong>The</strong>n thc?g cny that the l<strong>and</strong> had its "snbbnths ofrest" even wlleu the people \x7ere in the Innd for about 16or 17 yenrs, f~nm the first of Cyrus till the second ofUarlus. How could the l<strong>and</strong> rest when the peopie tilled itdul'lng nbout 16 or 17 gears?Nbte how they niisunde~.stood Brother RusseIl's statement,t113t 11 notli~ng trnnspircd by the end of 1914, thenwe might consider thnt me had been expecting "the wrongt7tlrrg nt tlr-e ttg7b.t trnre". That is, the ttme was right, butthe especte~l erelit nilgtlt have pi-osed wrong. Why, then,do they ~nimedlately proceed to change the t~me, seeingtlint the t~me 1s rlght? It seelns strange. Of course, aseveryone no\\? knot\ s, expected tll~rlgs did indeed hngpen in1914 os plretllcted. <strong>The</strong> great time of trouble broke out<strong>and</strong> is st111 raging. Tlie nations {Ire ellileavoring tlleir utmostto regain rlieii' lost pover, lrut hnve not succeederl.Too much of the poor old world i~es prostrate to say tlvtllfullythnt t111ngs contlnne much as they were Before 1924.To snF tlitlt gentile tunes endecl in 1914 is also to say thntthe Lord ll~n~self is no\?: reigning (according to the Scripturaldeclarat~on). <strong>The</strong>refore, the Lord now reigns, tliegentile times h:iving ended, ns foretold in 1914 It may besome yems get before the last member of the body isglorified but the relgn of Christ has now begun, <strong>and</strong> themenibers on tI11s side of the vail are doing kingdom workwith him TIie feet members are in contact with the earth,\r.hlle the llead <strong>and</strong> the body in general are now "in the

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